Fabulous Fabrics FURNITURE

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Fabulous Fabrics FURNITURE PAGE TWENTY Jlanrljpatpr lEimttng TUESDAY, AUGUST 6, 1969 AvBEBgc Daily N et Press Run About Town Coventry Andover Voe !^he Week Ended Bartle'Hodet Voter Session Jime SS, it m The Weathep Gilbert B. Hunt of 66 Camp­ Fair, cooler tonight with lows GOP To Endorse A e to 8 p.m. voter-mak­ bell Ave., Vernon, English de­ Winners Named near 60. Tomorrow mostly sun­ ing session will be conduct­ partment chairman at Man­ th ei B I ny, hot. High about 90. Shosi^er Candidates At / ed tomorrow in the town 15,459 chester High School, has been In Bridge Game probability near zero through clerk’s office, in the Msn- / appointed re^on^l Judge for the Parley Tonight Manchester— 4 City of ViUige Charm / ’Thursday. , National Council of Teachers of Chester Municipal Building. Winners of Fri(fay night’s chicken VOL. LXXXVm, NO. 261 // English Achievement Awards Eligible applicants must be bridge game at the Cong;nega- (THIRTY-SIX p a 6 :ES—TWO SECTIONS) The Republican Town Com­ MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 6, 1969 Program for 1969. at least 21 years of age, tional Church are as follows: (CiMrifled Advertising on Fisge 88) PRICE TEN CENTS mittee will meet at 7:80 p.m. residents of Manchester for checks F h ^ place, William Radzie- Manchester WATES will have today at the Town Hall to en­ at least six months, and a re c o m in g a business meeting tonight at dorse four candidates for the must be U.S. citizens. wiefc and Burton Smythe; sec­ the Itallan-Amerlcsm Club, El- Town Council, two candidates Similar sessions are held ond, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Costly Failure drldge St. Weighing in will be on the first Wednesday of Graboff, and third, Mrs. Archi­ for the Board of Education and Inquest Called from 7 to 8. each month. New voters bald Ramage and Mrs. Burton ROCHESTER, Minn. (AP) candidates for the Zoning Board may sign up also on any Smythe. — City building inspector Mr. and Mrs. Leroy M. Rob­ of Appeals. weekday, during regular of­ Bride games will resume Carl Hutchins has been sus­ erts of Talcott Hill Rd., Coven­ HAVE YOU AN pended for three weeks with­ ABM Backers Confident Republicans wishing to be­ fice hours, with the town Aug. 22, after a two-week re­ try, have a grandson, Russell clerk or the registrar of vot­ cess. Supetti EVENT SCHEDULED In Kennedy Case out pay. come candidates should attend t • ' Roberts of 540 Spring St., whose ers. Softball Game City Council took the action the meeting to file their inten­ THAT CALLS FOR name was omitted in the ac­ BOSTON (AP) — Dist. under a state law which gives at a meeting Monday night. count of the couple’s anniver­ tion to run for office. ’The Andover Women’s Soft­ cArmm FO O D ? , 1 .. r ^ power to “require” an Republican Town Committee ball Team will play a game Atty. Edmund Dinis said Hutchins was accused of sary In yesterday’s Herald. end). Democrat, Ruth E. Be­ ‘ ohalrman Leonard Benjamin against Hebron tomorrow at It may be a wedding, a bos­ today he will hold an in- failing to obtain a building noit; Republican, Margaret E. SE R I/m urges all non-voters to register 6:30 p.m. at the. Andover Ele­ quet or Just on iafonnal get- quest into Sen. Edward M. permit for a house he was Manchester Grange will meet Jacobson, or Second District, together of a aodety, lodge or building. to vote on Aug. 18 so they may mentary School. Kennedy’s July 18 auto ac- attorney general or the Showdown Vote Nears tomorrow at 8 p.m. in the (north end). Democrat, Frances some friendly group. Orange Hall. After the business participate In the November Aho, or Republican Gertrude A. Manchester Evening Herald meeting, there will be a card elections. Independent voters of any death supposed to have ^yASHlNGTON (A P )—Supjxirters of the Safeguard Haven. Andover correspondent Sarah We Are Prepared to quest for acMltlonal infor- party. Members are asked to (unatflliated with a party) mation on Dinis’ original been caused by external antiballistic missile (ABM) system appeared increas­ should consider registering with Palmer, tel. 742-9247 or 742-7176. Serve You to Your bring prizes. Refreshments will request for the proceeding, means.” a party so they can participate Complete Satisfaction White House ingly coitrident today as the ^ n ate headed toward an be served. Dies in Vietnam A iqxHcesman for the dlstrlot The same law says Dinis may unexjiMted photo finish on the long and often heated In the party caucuses which aitomey indicated he would act ask for the inquest. will be held Aug. 19 at the Capt. Asbestos Find Made Our catering service Is set up controversy. Sen. Henry M. Jackson. D-Wash., and First Church of Christ, Sclen-., WASHINGTON (AP) — Ma­ Dinis sought the inquest In a Nathan Hale School. Non-voters to be flexible enougfa to ac­ Asks Law On Johli G. Tower, R-Tex.. said they are sure a key amend­ tist, will have its regular mid­ rine Pfc. Relnaldo Carrasqulllo MENLO PARK, Calif. — As­ commodate any size gatbering. letter sent to Edgartown Dis­ week testimony meeting tomor­ and unaffiliated voters do not Soltero of Bridgeport has died bestos deposits have been found Why not call ns and talk over trict Court Judge James A. ment to block Safeguard deployment will lie defeated row at 8 p.m. at the church. have the opportunity to partici­ in Vietnam, the Defeiuie Depart­ In a remote mountainous area the details? Boyle last week. /51 to 49. While they used similar totals earlier, they pate in the party caucuses and J ob S a fe ty The meeting is open to the pub­ ment said Monday. His death In the Yukon-Tanana Upland Boyle replied today that the were less (xisitive then. primaries which determine who Baby Born lic. was listed as not a result of hos­ near Eagle, Alaska. Dr. Helen letter was “ xmclear.” He asked WASING’rON (AP) _____ Jackson also speculated that will be on the November ballot. Presl- tile action. L. Poster, geologist at the U.S. Dinis to declare flatly whether dent Nixon proposed legislation Sen. Margaret Chose Smith, R- Persons wishing to affiliate He was the son of Mr. and Geological Survey Field Cen­ In Darkness he was requiring an inquest or today to establish a federal- Drama Today Maine, who cast a note of femi­ should contact a registrar of Mrs. Fellp Soltero of 867 GARDEN GROVE nine mystery Into the final day ter, Menlo Park, says the dis­ rimply asking for one, state program for setting up na- voters: First District (south Nichols St,, Bridgeport. covery is important. TELEPHONE 649-5313— 649-5314 Dlnis met with newsmen here tlonal health and safety stand- of the ABM debate, would line After Blast and said he wlU call “ all wit- ards to protect most Americans Big Contrast up against the key amendment, nesses” who have anything to In their Jobe. by Sens. John Sherman Cooper, "■I, R-Ky., and Philip A Hart, D- MIAMI (AP) - A baby was 1^, ; ' f 4 ushered Into the world by flash- would In- some 14,000 deaths can be at- T o R o u tin e Mlch., becaiue It would permit a cxmUnuatlon of ABM research. Ught and exiles In Miami’s "Lit- ^ trlbuted to work-related injuries Ue Havana” Joked about a Cu- planned to or ilnesses," Nixon said in pro- By JOHEPH E. MUHBAT Mrs. Smith, who has Intro­ ban Invasion 'Tuesday night as a with Boyle shortly to set a posing his Occupational Safety Aosoclated Preee Writer duced an amendment barring m % A power plant exploalon left two „ Inquest and estab- and Health Act. WASHINGTON (API The furthep research, testing and procurement of the ABM and Us million South Floridians In pm ind rules. "Because of accidents or dls- historic chamber of the U.S. BEZZINI BROS. ANNUAL components, remained client on darkness. Asked when he expected the eases sustained on the Job, some Senate can change at the touch It was hot and stormy at 9:08 m'!"*®*; to be, Dinis would say 260 million man-days of labor her Cooper-Hart amendment In­ of a button from a torpid sea of tentions. p.m. when lights from Miami to are lost annually,” ten Umes the boredom to a tidal wave of ten- north of Fort Lauderdale—with inquest will deal speclfi- cost of strikes, Nixon said Hton. Senate tlemocratlc Leader a solid strip of beach resorts In “ “ <leath of Mias ..^hg ^ lmnnrti.nt It undergoes that swift and Mike Mansfield, of Montsns, de­ between—flickered and went Kopechne, the 28-year quence of these l o ^ ^ Is hti rare troneformatlon toihiy. clined to predict the outcome Hm M pfkoto out. old secretary from Washington. when: but said the vote on the Cooper- MRS. ROBERT GEORGE BARTLE AUGUST Hart amendment would mark The blackout covered Dade - who was a passenger In ^j,en an^^nO^e— This closeup of two of the three U.S. servicemen Darrell SI. Clatre, a man and Broward counties for two Kennedy’s car. “ a known but to his friends and "tile high water point” of the Mias Nancy Mae Hodet of mony. Bouquets of gladioli, car­ hours and spotty failures hop- The auto plunged off a nar- Aram in naauinn reaching Vientiane, Laos, after lieing freetl by lamlly, leans over to a rnnall move to block the ARM. the economy Manchester became the bride nations and murns were on the notched along a 200-mlle strip ~ w .
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