Mann Wins 100th , ' .' page 23^ Tuesday September 2249811 ALBANY P£k§>sENT October 6,1981 Danes Thwart Owl Comeback; Hold On 13-12 State University of at Albany copyright © 1981 by the ALBANY STUDENT PRBSS CORPORATE Volume L*VIJI Number 28 . by Larry Kahn fy for a 25-yard pass play and a first Albany did dominate SCSC N>Tv NEW HAVEN, Conn. — down on the Albany 21. Jeff statistically, although they did Sometimes when a team gets hot Caronc deflected a pass, and then squander many opportunities to they can't even give a game away. teamed up with Canfield on a break,the game open. The Danes quarterback sack. A six yard pass had 91 offensive plays for 271 yards 2000 Protest South Africa-ERU Rugby Game For 55 minutes the Albany Stale football team statistically completion brought up a pivotal and collected 20 first downs. The dominated Southern Connecticut fourth-and-twelve play for SCSC Owls only ran 48 plays from scrim­ State College, but barely squeaked with 1:40 lt-rt. , mage for 135 yards and six first by the Owls, 13-12, on Saturday. Albany shifted into a prevent downs. Still, the Danes almost gave No Violence Albany led 13-0 late in the fourth defense, but Nolan found halfback the game away. CAA Activist quarter, but SCSC scored two quick Kerry Taylor with an 18-yard strike In contrast to last weekend's touchdowns after two critical at Ihe Dane 5 yard line. Cornerback game against Ithaca, Albany had Occurred Albany turnovers. Gerry Wierzbecki had him tightly great field position all afternoon. Arrested hy Susan Milllgan The Danes were driving and had covered, but Taylor came up with But they could not capitalize Although there was no violence by Lisa Mirabeila a first down on the Owl 15 yard line the ball. against a lough SCSC defense. The Albany Coalition Against with Just over five minutes remain­ "We had been playing great pass Three limes the Dane offense ai ihe demonstration against the Apartheid (CAA) will set up a legal ing in Ihe game. Albany Mead defense all day," noted Ford. "We look possession of the ball inside rugby game between the South defense fund for Vera Michelson, Coach Bob Ford sent in the play to were in a /one coverage and hail a the Owl. 40 yard line and did. not African Springboks and ihe Eastern an active member of the group, who second-string quarterback Dave pro (an exlra defensive back) in the score. Six times tile Dane offense Rugby Union (ERU), police had Napp — a little swing pass to the ballgame. He just rifled that thing drove inside Ihe Owl 30 yard line certainly prepared for ii. was arrested on the morning of ihe side. A .langcrnus call, but Ford ill there." and still came up empty. As promised by Albany Mayoi controversial rugby game bctweei the South African Springboks and hoped lo catch Ihe Owl defense off On Ihe next play Nolan hit Jeff Albany opened Ihe scoring on a Erastus Corning, the city's police guard. Dolan in the left corner of the end 30-yard field goal by foui Lincoln force ol 4tx> was on hand, sup. tile liasiern Rugby Union on September 22. "As soon as we Inokc out of ihe /one wilh a 5-yard scoring pass with wilh 1:50 gone ill ihe second plemenicd by officers of ihe Albany Michelson was charged wilh huddle and I hey lined up, I knew only 1:23 on the game clock. The quarter. Steve Compitcllo fumbled County Sheriffs department. Fur- violations of possession of mari­ they weren't going lo bite," said score siood ai 13-12 Albany, and Ihe ensuing kickoff and Scolt iher, slate police in Loudonvllle were on standby. phntii: Mure Urn, juana and firecrackers, and was Ford. Owl Head Coack Kevin Gllbrlde Michaels recovered for Albany on" I), m II, I, had a very big decision lo make. llic Owl 24. Three plays netted eight SUNYA students rallied on cam­ Police guard Bleeker Stadium while demonstrators march against upulheld held without bail until Friday, They didn't. Napp threw ihe pass The Dunes bent Southern Connecticut on Saturday, 13-12, despite two yards, bin John Dunham losl a yard pus, ihen marched ihe two miles to Many safety precautions were taken,; no violence wax reported September 25 when she was released and strong safely Mike Marshall lie could try Ihe one-point kick fourth quarter Owl touchdowns. (Photo: UPS) for a tie and then attempt an ou- on a Tounh-und-two piichoul. Bleeker Stadium, the site of the cheers Iron, ibe crowd, in her own custody. was wailing in ihe wing. Marshall break out — and that it would be nunistrators. A ear bearing the in­ sides kick lo possibly set up a ganic- some offense. Neither offense had match, where ihe approximately According to CAA press release, intercepted the pass on the 12 yard Minutes later Hardy intercepted a end another Albany drive at the En route to the stadium, the caused by the protesters. signia of ihe National Guard on its willnillg field goal. Or he could try scored a louelidown In their last iwo 300 demonstrators joined a larger al the time of Ihe arrest the police line and raced down the sideline Nolan [lass and relumed il 27 yards Owl 21 yard line, but hit a 35-yarder .students yelled "Springboks go Raymond said 25 police witli side idled past the marchers. for a riskier two-point conversion bailies. Two years ago Albany won, crowd which had marched from the confiscated two personal address unscathed for an 88-yard lo ihe Owl 28. Two plays netted two lo close the Dane scoring wilh 11 home," as they passed Ihe Thruway bullet-proof vests occupied ihe lob­ At Bleeker Stadium, a crowd of on llic ground or in the air. Ollbridc 20,-0, witli Ihe defense and special Stale Capitol. books, a recent phone bill, a list of touchdown return. yards, but Pratl threw the first of minutes remaining in the game. House, where ihe Springboks had by of the Thruway House. approximately 2000 listened to the elected to tiy for lite iwo-poinler. Ai SUNYA. ASUUA Chair the Coalition membership and a list "It wasn't a great call," Ford ad­ Marshall's iwo Interceptions, Strangely, Albany went Into a no teams supplying all the firepower. been staying. Marching down Washington music of Pele Seeger and the words Howard Slraker's comment that of community organizations, mitted. "We probably should have Willi ihe hull spotted on the 3 The defense held SCSC again, huddle offense with a 13-0 lead and Last year SCSC won, 6-2, with Ken Raymond, co-owner of ihe Ave. in pouring rain, the students of Albany NAACP President Claru a lot of time left in the fourth neither learn putting together a sus­ "students can now vole on this Michelson said she was arrested left il on the groin..!." yard line Nolan dropped back to and the Danes look possession on Thruway House was clearly angered were accompanied by the quid Salter field. al 3 a.m. in her apartment, and was Place-kicker Dale Uoodknighi pass. Albany anticipated the pass their own 48 yard line. They drove quarter. tained drive. campus . . . and thai man at the demonstrators, and lemurked presence of Slutc Police ears, local SallcrUold said she WUH not allowed lo make u phunc call missed tile crucial exira point, and blitzed their linebackers. Nolan 48 yards in 11 plays lo give them a "They used a multiplicity of (Coming) has got to go" brought that he thought violence would police ears, und several SUNYA tld- continued on page eleven continued on page eleven however, and the Danes led, 13-6. saw Taylor in the front, left corner firsl-and-goal on ihe Owl 4. Three defensive schemes," explained "We moved the ball a link- bit Southern Connecticut attempted of the end /one and threw quickly, pluy.s netted three yards, but Ford. "The reason was to gel them belter this year," said Ford. an on.sides kick,, hut Dane quarter­ but Bruce Collins and Dave I lardy Dunham rumbled on I'ourih-and- in a base defense if we could. We "Defensively, I don't think there back Tom Pratt covered the ball for were there to break up ihe play. goal on the I yard line wilh 0:22 left had a choice to go with no huddle was much difference between the U. Senate Changes S/U Grading Rules Albany on their own 37 yard line. Southern Connecticut once again in llic half. Marshall recovered the or get us into a huddle and face a two teams." Two plays netted four yards for the tried an onsides kick, but touched fumble. multitude of different looks." As in llic pnsi meeting both by Jttdie Kiseuherg thai "in actual fact, very few satisfy both students' desire to ex­ were old enough 10 decide on their Danes, but with 3:37 on the clock Ihe ball before il had rolled 10 Southern Connclicul fumbled on The strategy backfired, though, defenses were superb. SCSC fields A new policy reducing the max­ students opt for 30 credits of S/U periment with different courses and own whether 10 lake S/U credits in fullback Marly Parker fumbled, yards. Albany look possession on llic second play of the second half when Marshall returned the in­ one of the lop squads in Division II, imum amount of optional pass-fail grading," although no specific faculty's preference for A-F their major requirements. and ihe Owls recovered. llic Owl 49 yard line and ran out ihe and Mike Scully recovered on Ihe terception for a touchdown and and the hard-hitting Marshall bad a (S/U) credits which can be taken figures weie cited. grading. Chair of ihe Senate's Student Af­ Jim Cutlficld, who had his second clock. Owl 14. This time Albany look ad­ SCSC still had time to drive down spectacular day for lliein wilh two below the 500 level from 30 to 15,10 UAC member Helen Dcsfosses fairs Council, Neil Gelfand, said Ihe field for another score. interceptions and a fumble great game at defensive tackle, "It feels kind of good that we're" vantage, as fullback Chuck Priore become effective for all students A major point of controversy supported ibis proposal by ciiing as the proposal was unfair to lliose recovery. sacked quarterback Tom Nolan for 2-0," said Ford. I would have been dove in from the 1 lo give litem a Saturday's game deviated from graduating in May 1986 and after, concerned a pan of ihe proposal an example six seniors who saved students in Fields such as Political 10-0 lead. a loss of five yards, hut Nolan very disappointed if we were 1-1. the last Iwo meetings of these two "Thai's a great defense," praised was passed in the University Senate which originally requested thai of their most difficult upper-level ma­ Science and History which do not hooked up with split end Peter Duf­ We deserve lo be 2-0." Lincoln missed one field goal lo learns in that both squads generated continued on page fifteen yesterday. the maximum of six optional S/U jor requirements lo be taken S/U offer majors many lower level The proposal, brought before die credits applicable towards major their last semester, and courses, and proposed an amend­ Senate by its Undergraduate and/01 minor requirements, none failed—subsequently poslponing ment which would allow students Academic Council (UAC), staled could be taken above the 300 level. (licit graduation. Dcsfosses said the one optional S/U grade In an upper Women Booters Win With Pleasant Problem proposal would save other students lliat "students have been finding On litis matter, the proposal level uiujoi or minor requirement. by Mure Huspel level. The Danes have played varsity athletics, iliis team is look­ Meanwhile, Dane goal-keeper They certainly have. On Thurs­ that S/U grading works 10 their slated that while faculty members. from such disaster. She also pointed Coach Amy Kidder has a very several seasons priur to this one on ing like one with many yeai s of vai­ Laurie lliiggs, though not tested day, Ihe Danes opened ihe season ai disadvantage when applying to surveyed felt il was Inappropriate out that upper-level elective courses After more debate, this amend­ pleasant problem. A problem she the club level, bill now ihey have siiy experience already behind it. much, made several nice saves lo Siena by winning 7-0. graduate school, professional for students to opt for S/U grading are not included in Ibis propositi, ment passed by a vole of 28 to 17, doesn't mind having at all. It seems been elevated to varsity status. Simply, Albany Stale's newest preserve the shut out. "It was a good game lo start wilh school, lot jobs, etc." and that of in their majors, UAC fell students allowing students to experiment allowing members of the Class of dial the way het team is playing, the Ami they're not responding ac­ varsity squad is playing an excellent The Danes added another goal in because il gave people an oppor­ "faculty surveyed almost all felt should be able to experiment in outside their major requirements. '86 to opt lo take one upper- and women booters do hoi realize thai cordingly. Rather Ihttii playing like brand oi soccer. Moieoser, they ihe second half as freshman Cathy tunity lo play without ihe pressure fields in which they might later Several Senate members pnulo: Kin Chin that ihe 30 credits presently allowed one lower-level course in their ma­ Senator Helen Dysfosses . they have iust entered the varsity a team just entering ibe realm of have Ihe results to show for it. Kusso scored on another unassisted ^i a high calibre game," explained aie loo many." decide to major. Consequently, disagreed, saying that students old jor and/or minor requirements Saturday, Skidniore came lo Supported S/U proposal effort from Ihe left side of the Skid- Kidder. The proposal went on 10 lead UAC felt this proposal would enough to take upper-level courses pass-fail. Albany only lo be turned away by more net, Artistically, It was hardly a the women booters 3-0. And Iwo "Karen Hart/, Cathy Russo superb game—Siena look only days before then,the Danes handed. (one goal a piece) and Ciina Soldo three shols-on-goal during the en- Siena a 7-0 shut out, kicking off ihe did a wonderful job," praised Kid­ lire 90 minutes of playt season wilh an impressive 2-0 der. Sue Stem opened the scoring & SUNY Press, Government Clash record, Soldo did a super job and against followed by player- of- thc-gamc Skidniore Kidder described Ihe On a wet Held, Saturday morn- .limine Vosscler, who was assisted by Unite Levy would make them less paranoid and Legislature...and The New York veteran as having "probably the by Sue Slugel to give Albany a 2-0 Ing, Skidinoie visited Albany and S U N Y -1) 111 f a I o' s campus it wouldn't give us the opportunity Times, but one of cooperation and strongest offensive and defensive lead. was veiy outplayed by ihe Danes. newspaper, the Spectrum is still lo do anything to them if we got less antagonism. He added that, "1 Albany did have some defensive performances.we've seen from her alive despite an ongoing battle bet­ mad." don't think we should interfere; problems with balance in the first in a long lime." The Danes made it 4-0 as Court­ ween the paper and SUNY- One such incident did arise iwo we're all students und we're ull on half, bin those weie adjusted before Kidder felt a primary difference ney netted tvyo consecutive goals. Huffalo's Student Association years ago, according to Fechs the some side." any damage was done. Otherwise, between ihe iwo clubs was stamina, During the second half, Vossclei (SA). Buffalo, however, is not lite "when SASU planned a student At SUC-Fredonin's Leader, as Kidder commented, the Danes "Sliunina-wise, we far outweighed added another mid Courtney scored only SUNY campus newspaper to strike to protest tuition increases Spoils editor Ken Niedzicla said "played real well. I'm very pleas­ I hem and it made a difference in the Iwo more lo close Ihe game ai 7-0. experience conflicts with the gover­ and we wrote an editorial the night their SA tries to influence their ed." game. We had very capable people The Danes aie undefeated with a ning hotly. before siaiing we would not support material "all ihe time,,, just yester­ \lbany opened ihe scoring wilh a filling ihe spots," she said. 2-0 record. The team is playing very Editor-in-Chief of Binghamton's it," She said "the Student day we requested a police monitor goal by Knien Bail/ ai ihe 10:09 In the second half, [he Dalles well and ilutl is being reflected in Pipedreum Joann Feehs said the Assembly bail a meeting that night to cover local incidents, but they mark. She was unassisied on Ihe were constantly threatening, apply­ ihe learn morale. paper, which receives $29,000 from and they came within otic vote of turned it down.,.they culled il goal, and used some nifly moves to ing great pressure lluoughoui. In "We're going to Ihe Slates, This freeing our fluids for that trivial and they didn't want us to penetrate the Skidmoic end. fact, hud it not been for some line SA and $89,000 in revenue "Hied to is step iwo (ihe Skidniore win), we go Independent lust year and SA issue...and when we came to press, :over that kind of thing." The Danes' second goal came jusl play by opposing keeper Rachel all the papers were stolen." only have twelve more games lo tried to freeze our we're He also recalled that "last year over foitl minutes Intel as Anna Fenn, the Danes would have had go," said co-captain Ihiggs. Zlotnick maintained he docs not some things were stirred up...and Courtney lipped in Kalhy Cioll'vy,- more goals, not going to try now." "We're a together leant. We have However, iiiughumton's SA see the relationship between SA and they were thinking of freezing our ly's crossing pass in front of the "Their goal-keeper was good," Saturday's victory against Skidmnrt' left the women's soccer team wilh an a lot of new players and the old Pipedream "as one like the govern­ funds. I don't think they unders- goal moiilh, to increase Albany's agreed Kidder. "Skidniore has im­ President Davis Zlotnick said he'd iiiiuYIVuU'tl 2-0 record. (I'holo: Will Viirmuii) ones are really great, We're work­ "love them to be independent; il ment in Albany's State conlinued on pane seven lead to 2-0. proved and so have we," ing together," said Russo, "watY •w'* ... I'll iMfl.i October 6, 1981 Soviet Union in 1959. Eddowes, who wrote "The ed the plan a "vast strengthening" of U.S. military __ Albany Student Press Oswald Files," said Sunday he was "surprised, but in no might, while his predecessor at the Pentagon, Harold way disappointed" at the findings. Oswald's widow, Brown, dismissed if as "better than nothing." Sen. Marina Oswald Porter, said she was relieved and 'John'Tower, chairman of the Armed Services Commit­ Would CApsuUs "pleased with the results of the autopsy." She said she tee, appearing on the NBC program "Meet the Press," Students Unite to Lobby hoped to resume a "normal life" as Marine Porter. derided Reagan's MX plan Sunday as "silo suffering." • Oswald was shot to death two days after the Kennedy The Texas Republican said it faces an "uncertain" late by Judle Elsenberg interests. Instead, Tierney said, the tionalize the lobbying effort here in shooting by nightclub owner Jack Ruby. Since then in Congress. Weinberger said the Reagan plan "isn't a In an effort the strengthen the Committee of 100 hopes to achclvc order to more effectively battle weakening, it's a vast strengthening." He said the Titan there have been several books propounding the idea that Impact of student views at the State results by utilizing "our most long-term and recurring problems. IRA Protest Continues silos would be reinforced to' withstand up to 5,000 more than one person was involved in the assassination Legislature, SUNYA students and powerful resource — our numbers. In the past, .Weincr explained, BELFAST, Northern Ireland (AP) jailed Irish na­ and several theories about Oswald, including Eddowes'. pounds per square inch or blast pressure, almosl 10 the Student Assembly of the State tionalist guerrillas still refused to wear prison uniforms "At Save SUNY Day two years students lobbied the legislature in Years of court battles and bitter family quarreling ended times what Carter proposed for new shelters in Nevada University (SASU) officials have yesterday continuing a protest demanding special status ago, approximately 2,500 students spurts and In small numbers. He Sunday morning at 7 a.m., as gravediggers worked and Utah. joined to form a student lobbying despite the collapse of the IRA hunger strike. Sinn Fein, lobbied the legislature," Tierney hopes a large group of dedicated quickly to exhume Oswald's body at Mrs. Porter's in­ group, the Legislative Committee the outlawed Irish. Republican Army's political wing, said. "It really shocked them. We and trained student lobbyists will sistence. The final hurdle was removed when Oswald's of 100, according to SUNYA SASU won back $22.3 million (in propos­ have a greater impact in creating said the "blanket protest" by 400 Maze Prison inmates brother, Robert, removed his legal opposition to the ex­ Education Approach Cited would continue until the British government granted the Delegate Jim Tierney. ed budget cuts) that year." sympathy towards student views humation. A temporary restraining order issued by a WASHINGTON, D.C. (AP) The Reagan administra­ The idea to form an organized Tierney pointed out that the within the legislature. demands that spawned the death fast. The blanket pro­ federal judge at Robert Oswald's request expired at mid­ tion is considering suits against some school boards for test, which began in March 1976, got its name because sludcnl lobbying group is new to Committee won't be limited to 100 Weincr projects that the Commit­ night Sunday, prompting negotiations between at­ providing inferior education to minorities and is close lo the prisoners wrap themselves in blankets instead of SUNY schools. SASU hopes to people. "Wc don't want this to be tee of 100 could also be effective in torneys for Mrs. Porter and her brother-in-law. joining some other school systems in an effort to lifl prison clothes. The hunger strikers called off their fast eventually expand the idea lo cam­ an elitist-type thing," he said. "It's organizing letter-writing campaigns mandatory busing orders. The dual thrust was disclosed Saturday "for the moment" after the families of five of puses stalcwidc, but the first group open to everyone — wc would never and call-ins. in an interview Sunday night by lite administrations' the six men refusing food said they would authorize is being formed here in Albany. I anyone from lobbying." A call-in lo Slate Comptroller MX Missile Hearings Open chief civil rights enforcer, William Bradford Reynolds, Tierney got the idea to create u medical intervention to save their lives. But the jailed Additionally, the Committee is Edward Regan Is planned for Oc­ phnln: Kirl Chan guerrillas said they would continue pressing their WASHINGTON, D.C. (AP) Facing stirf questioning in the assistant attorney general in charge or the Justice Committee comprised of a core of not restricted to lobbying solely on tober 14 lo protest the recently SASU Delegate Jim Tierney demands "by whatever means wc believe necessary and Congress, the Reagan administration says its plan to Department's civil rights division. Reynolds provided student volunteers Iraincd in issues of higher education, Tierney established prc-audit system. This Expects the group's power lo be In numbers the greatest detail thus far of how the new administra­ expedient. We rule nothing out." They are demanding deploy MX missiles in stronger silos and build a new organizing and lobbying techniques said. Voter registration, working system requires all university checks Students interested in joining the effectively. tion will approach school desegregation now that it has to be allowed to wear their own clothes, do no prison bomber is essential to counter a "considerable danger" from a similar group organized by for or againsl a candidate, and to be cleared through Ihc Slate Committee of 100 arc urged to at­ ruled out mandatory busing as a remedy. He said the Additionally, an interest meeting work, associate freely with each other, get more mail of nuclear attack in the next few years. The Senate Arm­ the New York Stale United oilier local issues can all be natural Comptroller's office before they tend the Ray Glass Organizer's Justice Department will apply two tests lo determine will be held Tuesday, October 13, at and visitors and get back ail parole time lost due to their ed Services Committee was opening hearings yesterday Teachers union. Unlike the union outgrowths of the Committee's can be distributed. The system Training Conference to be held al whether a school district is In compliance with the Con­ 7 p.m. in CC 361. At this meeting, protest activities. As 10 prisoners starved themselves to on President Reagan's proposal to deploy 100 MX lobbying group, however, students work, he said. causes up to 10-day delays for SUNYA October 9-11. Here, issues will be reviewed and plans death during the seven-month fast, Prime Minister stitution: whether il supplies equal education lo all missiles, reinforce vacant Titan silos for at least 36 or do not have large amounts of SUNYA Committee of 100 Chair siudenls receiving items such as Wciner said, students will learn the made for the Regan call-in, said Margaret Thatcher firmly rejected the demands. The students and whether it has achieved the maximum them and build 100 B-l bombers while working on a money lo direct towards lobbying Alan Weincr hopes lo Institu­ loan checks. basics of organizing and lobbying Weincr. government claimed to grant them would legitimize the plane with "Stealth" equipment to foil Soviet radar. possible desegregation without mandatory busing. "We IRA's guerrilla war to end British rule in the Protestant- Sen. John Warner, R-Va., chairman of the subcommit­ already have a couple of places we're looking at" for majority province and reunite it with the mainly Roman tee on nuclear forces and a former Navy secretary, said allegedly providing inferior education for minorities, Catholic Irish Republic after 60 years of partition. he would press Defense Secretary Caspar W. Reagan said. "Any suit would optimistically be at Icasl Weinberger to justify the use of fixed silos and explain several weeks off. And of course wc would try to Press Braves the Rugby Game "whether we can afford two new bomber programs at negotiate before we sued." He declined lo Identify the particular localities involved. Buffalo Trial to Begin the same time." In interviews Sunday, Weinberger call- by Dean Belz the fence of the stadium tried lo and he couldn't focus ihe lens. f I =^== News reporters stood in the cold strike up conversation with a group The reporters shared as much In­ BUFFALO, New York (AP) The ".22-caIibcr" triple- rain between the Bleeker Sladlum of Albany County ShcnilT's formation as Ihcy could. A woman murder trial of white Army Pvt. Joseph Christopher Dial for Tax Help admissions gale and the ranks of deputies, bid they weren't talkative. came oul of the stadium with a tape begins here Wednesday—but defense lawyers warn they hclmeled police, waiting and shiver­ may ask it to be moved if they decide they cannot get an A new, toll-free number, 800-343-9000, will now gel The demonstrators quieted down recorder and told a group of CAMPUS ing as the game wound lo nn end. unprejudiced jury in Erie County. Mark J. Mahoney Briefs you federal lax help throughout Northeastern New and the news people began lo talk reporters she had an interview with said he and fellow defense attorney Kevin M. Dillon York, according lo Internal Revenue Service District The chums of the anii-apnrlhcid among themselves. Talking was a Tom Scll'ridge, head of the Eastern would seek the change if the jury selection process Director John B. Langcr. rally in adjacent Swinehnrnc Park good way to fight off the cold rain Rugby Union. People crowded her, reveals "problems with the jury panel such that we are "This one number replaces three others that have were mixed with cheers of rugby until the game ended. scribbling in their wet notebooks as not likely to get a fair jury." Workers erected a protec­ Become a Leader been used in various parts of our district," langcr ex­ fans. Two British-accented news she played back the interview. tive screen across an iron fence in the Eric County Cour- plained. "Since it will take a while for directories to be After ti lew tense moments early writers stood under an umbrella, Filially ihe game ended. The trtou&e last week to prevent any possible attack on The Ray Glass Organizer's Training conference, updated, you may want to jol the number into your in die demonstration when police discussing the rugby lour. When Eastern Rugby Union team limped designed to assist students with developing leadership Christopher, who is charged with the shooting deaths of phone book." and angry protesters t'iist 1'iieed one reporter mentioned inc lock of oil .live Held . muil-cnltcd ««*l and organizational abilities, will be held at SUNYA Oc­ each oilier, liie police relaxed a lit­ three black males in Erie County last fall. "It's not that The IRS information lines are open Monday through phnlii: limn lltlf violence between the police and bloody. Tlic reporters, tober 9-11. tle. Occasionally, a cop smoked a photographers and television crews we don't want the press, the public, or the television Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. To avoid the busiest Albany NAACP President Clara Snllcrfield protesters a local television cameras to see him," Sheriff Kenneth J. Uraun said. Featuring former New York Congrcsswomnn Bella cigarette, while others dialled waited for nn important official to periods, call later in the week or in the first or last hours She spoke from a makeshift platform in the rain newsman teased her, saying she "We just don't want anybody to get a shot at him." Abzug, NARAL Field Coordinator Diane Piche, UUP quietly. Sonic demonstrators near sounded disappointed. She ignored walk out of the stadium lo answer of the day. (To insure courteous and accurate answers, SUNYA Chapter President Tim Rcilly and others, the him, Other reporters passed the theit questions, but only other about 1 percent of the calls are monitored by a second Conference will include workshops, discussions and lime talking aboul past assignments reporters walked oul of the gate. IRS employee.) Hinckley Offers Insights practical application sessions. ir Irying lo figure oul Ihc rules of The media slowly walked away to For IRS forms or publications, a second loll-free line View of the Rally From a Roof rugby by watching ihe game Registration will be held between 6 and 8 p.m. Friday their ears on route to newsrooms or between 8 and 9:30 a.m. Saturday in the Campus is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week: 800-225-0717. through Ihe lull iron fence. NEW YORK, New York (AP) John Hinckley Jr., accus­ where Ihcy would write their Center Lobby. Fees are $4 for students and $7 for all p.m. Tile threat turned out lo be u As one photographer walked ed of shooting President Reagan, says Reagan is "the hy Bruce Levy "One, two, three, four—We stories; the demonstrators drifted others. hoax. around, taking pictures and writing best president we've had this century" and says he and Play Ball for Easter Seals From the roof of the •Richland don't want Ihc rugby lour." The home hoping their point had been For more information on the conference, call SASU voices echoed through the streets "Five, six, seven, eight—don't holes, another complained about actress Jodie Foster arc a "historical couple, like Softball teams from SUNYA will be competing In a Tire Building, across the street from made, and the police were left in the at 465-2406. stipporl the racist stale." the wel and cold, saying his Napoleon and Josephine, a romantic couple like Romeo Bleeker Stadium, the crowd al the Willi the heavy falling rain, each rain guarding an empty stadium. Softball Tournament lor Easter Seals to be held October The marchers arrived in front of camera's viewfinder had logged up and Juliet." The statements were contained in separate 17-18 at Charlie Young Field, Terminal Street, Albany. anli-apartlieid rally seemed as small growing over Ihc other's intensity. the stadium, just as the players look letters to Time and Newsweek. Both magazines said Prizes will be awarded to teams and individuals rais­ and as numerous as the drops of The game was supposed lo start Focus on Yugoslavia the field. The demonstrators were Hinckley had written to them several weeks ago, offer­ ing the most money for the Easter Seal Society. Each rain falling upon them. at 7 p.m., but suddenly tit 6:45, joined by nearly 1,000 more, not ing to answer any 20 questions the magazines posed. Yugoslavia's unusual labor management system will participating team must raise a minimum of $100 from Off In the distance, the chants of behind a highly guarded fence, the only from Albany and Schenectady, Time, In its current edition, said it submitted the ques­ be the focus of a joint U.S.-Yugoslavia Fulbright Con­ sponsors as an entry fee, This entitles lite team to play over 1,(X)0 marchers could be match began. Officials feared V but llinglinmplon and New York tions, asking Hinckley about his past and his travels ference to be held at SUNYA's Alumni House October 6 lime and two cases of Genesee beer. heard. Approximately 700 who demonstrators attempting to crasli before the shooting of Reagan and three others March City as well. Some hud been pro­ and 7. Prizes include dinner lor two at the Ramndn Inn, a cume from a rally at the Capitol the gales and threats of a bomb In 30 in Washington. Hinckley chose instead to fill his testing since early in the afternoon. Officials from the eastern European country, in­ year's subscription lo Sports Illustrated and a team din­ were joined by 300 others who had the stadium. A bomb threat was return letter—atop of which he scrawled "The Lovesick "Freedom Yes, Apartheid No." cluding several who played key roles in developing ner from Taco Pronto. Teams raising $200 or more will marched two miles from Ihe phoned In to radio station WWWD Assassin"—only with his feelings for and obsession with A group of demonstrators pulled Yugoslavia's self-management system after World War receive "We Did II Pot Easier Seals" T-shirts. SUNYA campus. in Schenectady shortly before 6 Miss Foster, now a student at Yale University. Miss II, will spend the two days in Albany Fulbright with away from the main group and at­ Foster has acknowledged receiving letters signed by Hin­ For more Information on the tournament, or to American specialists in business, labor manugciuent and tempted lo enter the field through ckley but said she never replied to them or met him. register lo play, call Dave Pencil al 457-5203 between 11 organizational systems. the locker room entrance shortly "The most important thing in my life is Jodie Foster's a.m. and I p.m. daily. The State Looks at Dorms Installed in 1950 as an alternative to both slate control after 7 p.m. Police immediately love and admiration," Hinckley wrote. "From head to locked the gates and blocked the and private enterprise, Yugoslavia's labor management any inspections can be made," he toe, every square Inch of Jodie is what attracts me. She by Marc Schwarz demonstrators from moving any system leaturcs worker-elected councils in each NesUe's Halloween Treat explained. He -added that the reached her peak when she was 12 and then she reached Vandalism litis become an In­ further. a second peak following March 30, '81." business, making basic policy decisions. Infant Formula Action Commlllee (INFACT) will creasingly serious problem in Authority was also looking into the rally against Neslle's on Halloween Day at the Nestle's SUNY dormitories, according lo an possibility of inadequate From four stories up, the scene headquarters In While Plains, New York. Marchers will audit of the Dormitory Authority maintenance and its effect on the began lo look like a circus. To the Death -^ 60 Maudes Visits Hang protest Nestle's continued marketing of Infant formula. of the Slate of New York by the problem. left, most of Ihe 2,000 Oswald's Identity Solved In addition, they hope lo gel Nestle to the Stale Comptrollers office. Sharkey was unsure whether or. demonstrators had gathered around V^artheidft I The season premier of "60 Minutes" this Sunday, "bargaining table" where u solution may be reached in Oil-sight Inspections of five not Inventory had been taken ut the a makeshift platform lo hear DALLAS, Texas (AP) Two decades of theories about at October II, will feature NYP1RG staff scientist Walter SUNYA campus yet. In June, the various anti-aparlheid speakers. least one aspect of the assassination of President John the quest to cure what INFACT supporters label, "The SUNY campuses, including Hang speaking on toxic contamination. Authority look photos of the dorms Folk-singer Pete Seegcr led them in P. Kennedy apparently have been disproved with a fin­ Baby Bottle Disease." SUNYA, revealed serious hazards Hang will discuss NYPlRG's past efforts in disclosing and compared them with pholos of singing "If 1 Had a Hammer," and ding "beyond a doubt" that Lee Harvey Oswald was Rally Coordinator Scott Sornmer encourages mar­ created by vandalized fire and life ' toxic contamination and its suggestions for new public the previous year. He staled thai "The Lion Sleeps Tonight." buried in the grave marked with his name. "There is no chers to dress in costumes resembling Nestle products. safely systems. The report, issued in policies, as well as his recent study of chemical con­ there was material Improvement in According to 77te New York 1 uhnlu: Marc llcnschrl reason to ever disturb that body again. Ever," said Dr. The word "Boycott" should be attached lo the costume May of this year, recommended tamination in New York State. Times, approximately 300 spec­ A T-shlfl expresses apartheid sentiments. Linda Norton, the head of a pathology team that an­ to symbolize the four year boycott against Nestle. linn the Dormitory Authority con­ the conditions. tators were in lite stadium when the ilthl — don't support the racist state" nounced Sunday that the exhumed body was indeed In 1977, INFACT launched a world boycott of Nestle duct formal Inspections of the cam' The vandalism found in recent in­ "Five, six, seven, e products which continues today. The boycott litis reduc­ puses and that separate accounts be spections, according to Ihe report, game began. Oswald, identified by the Warren Commission as the' Telethon Names Charity and cameramen with their heavy Alter the players were escorted to ed Nestle's net profits by 16.9 percent and litis also gain­ kepi oi expenditures to repnii .van­ included ripped out fire alurms and with aboiii 100 demonstrritors man who killed Kennedy on November 22, 1963. "We Telethon '82 has announced the recipients of this equipment on their shoulders scur­ ttitle.-.awaiting! buses by a heavy both individually and as a team have concluded beyond ed INFACT the support of 1,250 coalitions. dalized property, in order that the exit signs, dangling and exposed standing lace to luce wiilt a wall ot year's 24-hour student fund-raiser. ried up und down the four story lad­ police: guard and.- the spectators any doubt, and I mean beyond any doubt, that the In­ This rally is an act against Nestle and other companies extent of Ihe problem be wires, and ripped out junction licit police at the locket loom steps, The majority of the funds will go towards Children der OUUide the building, creating ushered out ft side exit, Ihc approx­ dividual buried under the name Lee Harvey Oswald in who arc putting "profit before people," said Sornmer. .documented. boxes. Records also indicated that ii appeared thai trouble might Have All Rights: Legal, Educational, Emotional another'side show for the people imately 1,000 remaining Row Hill cemetery is Lee Harvey Oswald," she said. Buses for the rally will be leaving both the SUNYA ' William Sharkey of 'ihc Dor- al one campus, $3(X),IXK) was spent bteuk out. However, a confronta­ (CHARLEE), a nationwide network of family care watching from Ihe slreels below, demonstrators heckled those leav­ British author and assassination theorist Michael Ed- Academic Circle anil Draper Hall at 8:30 a.m. October jmltory Authority said that the pro­ to repair vandalized propel ly. tion was avoided us the group even­ homes for neglected, abused, abandoned, predelinquent One cameraman remarked, ing the sladlum, heard a few more dowes, who afreed to pay for the exhumation, had con­ 31, and will return by 6 p.m. the same duy. Tickets cost gram was started in the summer, Three months later, the same pro­ tually dispersed. children through 18 years of age. "This Is the biggest thing lo hit speeches, and left; Ihe streets tended the body in Oswald's grave was that of a Russian j$t0 roundtrip and can be obtained by calling 489-6272, "One first needs to lake Inventory perly was found to be in worse con­ Reporters with notebooks, brief­ Also, some of the money raised will go towards Pro­ Albany in forty or fifty years." became quiet again. impotter who replaced Oswald when he defected to the I For more Information, contact Scott Sommw al •and find out what is there, before dition than before ihe repairs, cases and umbrellas in their hands ject Equinox, a shelter for runaway children. 1463-4411. r\W. ''•I'!tl|t,0 > UU'lr. October 6, 1981 Page Five •m'»a>.->fiiiiM"Bnraf groups will he required to pay the Student Programming Steve Gross Supreme Court, initial opposition Though most polls indicate strong government leaders lo lake a stand costs of transportation (40 make people aware of what their student activity dollars are going Tonight at 8 pm for." Discovery Open to all students, faculty, and employees of the University LIFE is also trying to establish Thursday, October 8 (No Classes) "maternal aid funds" for female Mink DeVille-Coup de Grace Tee-off 9:30am sharp at students who opt to carry their Tall Timbers Golf Course pregnancies to term rather than gel abortions. ' Wednesday at 8 pm $16/player Includes 18 holes of golf. Buffet Dinner- Planned Parenthood's Davidoff Trophies, prizes, beer and soda feels "we're still in a state of inac­ Front Row Center- Sign-up by Wednesday 10/7 at 3pm (No Refunds) tivity and passivity" that is allowing Right to Life groups to gain un­ Live Deep Purple Rain or Shine * checked momentum on campuses. Contact D. Elkin PE 134, 7-4514 or Dick Northrup at 7-7999 She hopes to "sec a resurgence of after 3pm campus-related activities If young Thursday at 8 pm people feci lltcil right to free choice is being threatened." Interview Partially SA Funded One of the most active pio- ubmium rtutu* wouptt pn wHnuu«* with Mick J agger is probably tile Harvard Scientists L MnswfRsninmsiBiBuguaunzi for Reproductive Freedom (HSRF), iuuuBoeopooooBBacBooooceoooooooooooooBeoQoeauooaaoornnrrji which tins launched petition drives to discredit unscientific contentions that life begins at conception. Telethon '82 Sponsors Political Science Newspapers continued from jroni page land freedom of the press." A Trip To Boston Association The student government at SUC- Brockport "think they arc our publishers"aceording to the Brockporl Siylm F.ditor Mike Chif- Announces Its 1st filo. Chiffilo said "all clubs are sponsored by the Hrockporl Stu­ dent Government (BSG)." According to Chiffilo, GHARTgR Meeting Brockport's paper is receiving "$16,760.22l'rom BSG and our advertising revenue is $1,034." He JA said that the paper hopes to come Tonight 7:=SO pm „„trv and western, out with 26 issues at a cost of ap­ proximately $26,884. , 7 & 7UB. And so ^'^"Zderation. Chiffilo said "last year wc had oy u problems with abuse for a lot of the Saturday October 17th LLC 21 •th the exciting ^W «»«* 7 & 7- ™ — # . % thngs we printed. We get a lor of Hack from BSG. They say they arc our publishers, but we are a student press and they don't dictate what Buses leave circle at 9:00 am goes Into the paper." Student representatives at Fredonia and Brockporl could not Buses leave Boston at 10:00pm be reached for comment. Two other editors, Eric Aronin of the Oneonta Stale Times and Tom Davis of the New Pallz Oracle Price: $12 said their papers, although funded by SA, have not experienced any problems with student government censorship or influence. Tickets will be sold in the Topics: Aronin said "we're not worried National Honor Society about opposing them...nothing has CC lobby and on dinner lines: Seagram* escalated to them putting their foot Mock Legislature down...they have had some minor Mon., Tues., Wed., and Fri. omplaints but nothing that hasn't Journal iecn justified." October 5, 6, 7 and 9 Parties Rememher the neediest! Proceeds to Telethon '82 All Freshmen Welcome iniinnp"ii,rnHrir"-,"'[NOaopR°ofOfii StvEVUt' ' WD'IUP *HETmDCM*RtvSQFTHE5EvEN UP COMPLY O H6| PaOCKIOimKKKWW>«WXX>CO^ wooooooooooooo 0000000= fl/Prtqfeet g, IggL.,,, SPECK , "B 42» m*&m& Verlaine: Poetry and Motion Sebastian Sells Out Hunter), Todd Rundgren, and Mick Jones fter changing his name to that of a of The Clash, who co-produced the album ells' out Indeed! 19th century French poet, Tom with guitarist Ronson. Jones seem lo haw If your yearly Income happens to /erialne emerged as one of the A had a positive Influence on the record. be In the seventy percent bracket, great songwriter/guitarists of the 70's as the S Short Back n' Sides contains some high- you look for clever ways to squirrel your leader of the New York based group, Televi­ spirited rock n' roll in "Central Park and money away Into things which are seemingly sion. In 1977, Television released Marquee West" and gritty lyrical ballads In "Rain." financial boondoggles. A man does not stay Moon, which Is now regarded as one of the Even some reggae is mixed In on "Gun Con­ rich by being honest. It Is for this reason that I best and most Influential records of that trol," an Ironically rendered violent decade^ have decided lo announce my latest financial tale—"We don't man! no gun control." coup. Wiggle over, Calvin, Gloria, Sergio Hunter wrote "Lisa Likes Rock n' Roll" lor and Bon — and make way for Sebby. as In Ray Caligiure four-year-old Lisa Ronson. This song is what the "Sebastian Caldwell Jeans" collection of brought Lisa and her father to Hunler's sold- designer clothing The band broke up In 1978 after the se out gig at J.B. Scott's Tuesday night. Ron­ cona LP, Adventure. Verlalne released his son and Hunter had recently parted com­ Sebastian Caldwell first solo album In 1979 and followed It with pany, but Mick, who lives only 30 miles Irom Spalding III a brief tour. Now, Verlalne has a new Albany, decided to Join Ian for a few songs, record, Dreamllme, on which he continues and to let little Lisa see her song performed Morton Kopplowltz. long-time lamlly his high standards of excellence. live. financial advisor and trusled employee, ad­ vised me that perhaps the best way to Verlalne's passionate, whining vocals are* Hunter dressed In a black top hat, jacket perfect for his haunting, thought-provoking worthwhile reading. These are the words of tioned. "apparenlly" lose my shirt was by making and pants, a white ruffled shir! and a yellow lyrics- and brilliant guitar playing, making a poet, and they are significant outside the Verlalne has demonstrated that he Is an pants — more specifically, designer jeans. and pink polka dot scarf around his neck Dreamllme one of the best albums of the realm of a song. They may seem vague at original artist. His sinewy, fluid guitar style As he pul II. the entire Disco/Designer trend With dark sunglasses banded around his year. first, but repeated readings will reap an abun­ overwhelmed the crowd on the opening has waned In the pasl few years: one would date of his tour. And, his carefre charismatic long blond curls, Hunter look the slage and One of the best songs from Dreamllme Is dance of Insight Into the man and his have lo be foolish lo pul out yel another new dldn'l give It back for two hours. "Fragile," a song about depression and the message. stage presence added to the power of his label eithaltlng the dead social trend of disco. Hunter and his modest four-piece band comtemplatlon over ending It all: "Fragile, Verlalne's hypnotic rock-guitar leads are performance. •V foolish as a fox. Tom Verlalne's Inspired performance may played seven songs from the new LP as well handle with care/ Vue got to face what's great for listening and dancing. The latter Mori had gotten together a consortium, of be the highlight of any club show In the as some classic Mott the Hoople material neuer there/ . . .1 guess It Is my late/ To was proven last Thursday night at J.B. sorts, o( eager textile and fashion merchants, Albany area for the rest of the year, or such as "Once Bitten, Twice Shy" and "All live, a life I can't communicate." Scott's, where Verlalne and his professional all anxious to take a very long and wet bath maybe longer, or. . .until the next lime he the Way From Memphis." "Penetration" explores a relatlonshlp-gone- three piece back-up band featuring ex- In a new clothing/tax shelter venture. graces an Albany stage. The band played well, and Hunter'i sour: "You say O.K. please get me what I Televlslon bassist Fred Smith, guitarist Jim All Ihey required was a certain someone with need/ Well, I'm sorry, I can't find It, please Rlpps and drummer Jay Dee Daugherty, en­ likeable stage presence was mora than class, sophistication, and panache; In short, This, then, was our ultimate marketing don't hate me." tranced the 300 or so fans attending the Since Ian Hunter left Mott the Hoople enough to satisfy the appreciative crowd us lis seal of approval right down the line. Designer Baby Bottles for F.aslern and Cen­ a certifiable bon vivanl. In return for posing strategy. . .Third World Disco. show. One of the highlights was the gutsy perfor­ After all. we are promoting a Capitalist tradi­ "A Future In Noise" deals with the Issue of seven years ago to pursue a solo career, he for some promotional photographs, snap­ tal African Mothers. . .Caldwell Neutron Right now, the pictures you see here are tion, selling the beautiful American way of political conspirators who have no emotions has been on the outer edge of commercial' mance of "Bastard." which turned Into a Radiation Detectors for all those poor Wearing a blue sweatshirt and jeans cling­ ped by none other than Avedon protege An­ being scanned by every repugnant, dirty little whatsoever. All they want Is to seize power: success. Hunter's 1979 LP entitled You're showcase for Hunter's excellent keyhoaul life lo these Ignorant peasants. The Russians Swedish and West German pro­ ing loosely to his tall, thin frame. Verlalne dre J'Paul. I would receive a sizable share In rice eater the far side of the International "Your kindness to strangers, "you cruelty to Neuer Alone With A Schizophrenic, brought player, Tom Mandel and gullarisl Ronson. can't offer anything as slyllsh as Ihe testers . . . Sebastian rugby shirts. . . Sebas­ •Drojected his lyrics to the crowd as he sang the cartel. Dale Line. Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia: you friends/ A new ciar In the nothing creating a most dramatic and memorable "Sebastian Look." And besides, by retailing tian Illegal Alien Work Wear for all our through various strained facial expressions, him critical praise to spare and many good Now, you may ask, Hour project is doom­ these are the points of distribution for our regime." Here, Verlalne doesn't merely pre­ moment. Ihe jeans at $100 a pair prlcu lag, out scruffy, little neighbors to the south. The smiling strangely and rolling his eyeballs as sales, but he's never achieved the stardom ed to failure, why do we want lo invest so jeans. Millions of those hungry little buggers, sent a situation, he paints It, with images that The concert ended with "All the Young balance of trade looks prelty good (until they posslbihiles are endless. he fiercely played his guitar. Verlalne's guitar which many critics and fans feel Is long over­ much money In II? The answer Is simple. eager lo jump on the Western band wagon, linger In the mind to be seen and are marked down substantially when they hit leads danced above the relentless powerful due. Dudes," the classic anthem Irom the first While most of the people In this country will sell their very souls just to be able lo felt—"Twenty miles of hallways o/ burning the foreign markets). rhythms, as did the crowd. He performed Hunter is back again with his new album. Mott album, which was sung along with In­ have evolved oul of the era of "Boogie squeeze Into a pair of Caldwells. There is no So remember what's gol them buzzing. glass. . ." Tom VeilaVne \s obviously a man seven songs from Dreamtlme, Including "Mr. Short Back n' Sides, featuring guest talents most of the crowd. No one went home The first month's profits have been si, torn Madagascar to Madison Avenue-. Fever," other emerging Disco nations have way that tills little venture will fall. obscenely encouraging thai we wo tiauu till SebftsUun's gr>1 Uiu lit IhaCm rlgtil. .* . tne with deep perception. Blur," a superb "Down on the Farm" (love Mick Ronson (who previously played with disappointed—a good accomplishment con­ only just begun their downward social trend. And why should It? The U.S. ol A. gives upon a few other ideas In the Sebastian Line: Caldwell Look, the Caldwell loooookl The lyric sheet Included with the album is those power chords!), and those aforemen­ David Bowie and Bob Dylan as well as sidering tickets went (or $10.50 at the eta The Story Body Hot, Momfnie Not ody Heat more or less proves thai understand why it fails so miserably, originality can take a back seal When Christina Crawlord's hook about without downgrading the film hei movie stai molhei came out three veais BItiis of James M Cain will recognize the ago, il,e ,,,culi-iits ol torture she described hoy-meets-yirl-atui-tnunlets giri's-husband wen- so bizarre thai Ihey Immediately plot, the plot twists thai make the storyline became Ihe bull ol every comedian's |okes less recognizable become genre conventions Ihe tale ol child abuse was probably taken s< - in then own right. lightly because il was written dlreclly altei Christina was cut out ol he, mother's will Jim Dixon Most people saw Christina's motives as greed and revenge, not an attempt to But 1 could care less. I doubt that loo "enlighten the world to the pressures of star­ many movie-goers will elthet. dom." Body Heat, which at limes reminds one of Having been the target ol merciless satire, The Postman Always Rings Twice and at notably from a brilliant Saturday Night Liue others Chinatown, Is the brainchild of sketch, Mommie Dearest must have been Lawrence Kasdan, who is making his direc­ enormously difficult to adapt. People feel no torial debut, now lhat the recent George sunlight cascades In through store windows Kasdan's dialogue Is sculpted for effect. sympathy for Christina while flrstgolnglo the Lucas epics he's scripted have given him in the afternoon, and at night, It's just hot. He's less interested in what real people say movie, and that feeling Isn't helped by Mara some clout in Hollywood. Kasdan proves a The colors are deep and rich. And people than In what creatures ol sinful fantasy Hobel's bratty, obnoxious performance. The surprising slick director In his first film. Body sweat. might. The result is unflagging entertain­ audience not only walls for her to get Heat, to put It mildly. Is gorgeously ment. While it's easy to begrudge Kasdan's "tortured" but feels she deserves it. After all As the plot becomes progressively more photographed. And it is hot. ever-increasing fortune and power, It's im­ the jokes that were made when the book complicated, the movie cools down. This possible not to envy his talent. And his came out, it's almost Impossible to watch this will undoubtedly seem a loss to many William Hurt, fresh from Altered States movies are fun. movie with a straight face. and Eyewitness, plays an unambitious and viewers. The movie is admittedly at Its peak Stucturally, the movie also has a lot of photographs by Mitchell Nochlin only mildly talented lawyer named Ned when tensions rise to the point that William problems. Joan just keeps getting older, but / Racine, who like many denizens of southern Hurt throws a chair through a window to get had more fun at Mommie Dearest little Christina never seems to age. EVENTS Florida, finds the summer too hot. On a at Kathleen Turner, who just stands there than at almost any other movie this Christopher, her adopted son, is barely ami waits for him. year. The problem, of course, is visible, and a set of twins she later adopted weekend at the 3rd Street Theater In night out, looking for something to do, he I Bunch of Slave But the movie goes on its own. The plot that Mommie Dearest isn't supposed to be aren't even metloned. As a child, Christina is Renssalaer. Winner of the New York Film and Yugoslavian Governmental Agencli meets Kathleen Turner, who makes his pulse "The Soloists from Yugoslavia" will ap- fun; It's meant lo be harrowing and shock­ full of defiant spunk, but when she grows up On On A Lark Critic's Award for Best ' Foreign Film. speed up, as well as lhat ol most of Ihe male complications are nifty, and when finally the pear in a free, public concert set fo, the Main ing; , Diana Scarwld plays her as if she'd been The civic minded folks along Lark Street Resnals' witty and thought provoking film members of the audience. They embark on a end becomes inevitable, for the first time in downtown are proud of their new face—new Theater of the PACa. Bp.,,,., Saturday, Oc- the movie there's a real sense of suspense. lobotonilzed at boarding school. Not only is will be shown Friday. Saturday and Sunday Orchestral Maneuvers heated affair, and end up plotting to remove shops, new restaurants, new galleries—and tobcr 10. The advertising is misleading, however. It's Mark Rossier the spunk gone, so is anything resembling aw at 7 and 9:30. The first rehearsal of the Albany Syn Ms. Turner's wealthy husband (played by will celebrate all day Saturday. "Larkfest" Featured artists will4>e pianist Vladimi, not when the temperature rises that the adult mind. phony Orchestra's 51st season will be npi Richard Cretins) horn the picture. will feature the food and crafts of all the K.pan violinist J Kolundllja and con- suspense increases - It's when It cools This would be a great midnight mo\ ,e In But enough of this negative attitude. Cast Call ovan lo the public on Monday, Octobot 1-. sla At first,Body Heal makes it on pure emo Larkltcs, along with music by lecal bands, In­ rabassist Ljupco Samardziskl. T|,ey will ac­ the Rocky Horror tradition; the audience Mommie Dearest, despite its failures as a The Performing Arts Center Is holding ling at 7:30 p.m. The open rehearsal w lion. The plot is thin, simple, and predlc cluding The Units and The Morons. There's tually lorn, such an unusual trio („ | v\ could show up in bathrobes carrying Comet, serious film, Is too much lu,, to be dismissed. auditions for Its December production of The t W lake place in the Main Theatre of the Mus table. Hut Kasdan puis teal passion in the a whole world out there in Albany, and It't Summer Afternoon," scored lo, pj Kasdan. as evidenced In his already well- raw meat, and wire hangers. We could yell And on any level, l-'aye Dunaway gives a tru­ House o/ Bernardo Alba, a play by Spanish an0 Department, The rehearsal will last -" love scenes so much so lhat the fact that I only a bus ride away. violin and contrabass. known triumphs, The Empire Strikes Back warnings to little Christina when Moniuile's ly extraordinary performance — at times she dramatist Fredertco Garcia Lcea, but it's on- hours and admission Is free there's little explicit sex ot nudity nevei ,u\d Raiders of the Lost Ark. has an enor­ about to get mad and we could tell Joan to ,s almost able to glee the film some much 'y for pie ladles. Open auditions for the all- This free concert is part of a month-long Maestro Julius Hegyl, Music Directoi c seems to nuitlei I he sl.ns an' both appeal mous fondness lo, genre pieces and forties- smack the kid when she misbehaves This needed dignity. Aside from Dunaway's per­ Man From Oncle iemale cast will be held on Monday and on called "Days of Yugoslav the ASO, will conduct the rehearsal Worl nut, and the se* scenes aie directed with so style movies n, gene,.,I. I lere he's gone lion, movie is so campy it's almost impossible to formance, however, there ,s one thing to be French Director Alain Resnals' 1980 film Tuesday of next week, from 7:30 to 10:00 at culture at |ha Albany campus of th.SWe scheduled to be rehearsed are Beethoven mud, pure animal eneigv thai only neuleis University of New York sp'onswe by l believe ii wasn't done deliberately. It wasn't grateful lor: that at a time when mosl bad Mon Oncle D-Amerlque, will be showing this the Lab Theatre. Symphony No. 5, BUet's Symphony I" will be bored, thirties ami forties style se,i,,ls (othe/llm noli though, and before we banish it tou-eei lo movies are eitlwi boring o, stupid, Mommie College of Humanities and Fine Arts. US and Gall Kublk's Symphony Concertmtle ol the Unties. Body Heat is not realistic, but Dearest manages lo prove that high camp Early In the movie. Kasdan accentuates I.,,lie, than life in a why thai most modem sarcastic and sadlstlt late nigh, showings, we should -at - lw*wl- n,.,k*J SOUK:- attempt • lo can be lun and lhat bud CAlt bli f.oat , . the theme ol heat at eWry turn White i,mvics almost never aie. October 6,1981 Page Eleven WWS ,* 'wOrt.h«0i Albany Student Press «gt&& Bw&sffe «B»»/IIA ?2!££2LSSJ2L ^ if " SUNYEstablishes Honors Program by Barbara Schindlcr ticipating SUNY campuses, in­ merit and observed I hat "highly studies, and will be given special Free luilion and housing arc cluding Albany, granling full talented students arc immensely im- assistance in seeking graduate Attention Freshmen-Transfers ww among the many advantages lo be scholorship benefits. portani lo colleges and universities awards or fellowships. awarded to 42 lucky recipients of According lo Dr. Kenneth - especially the Slate University of A similar program was quile sttc- I Mtf? the Honors Scholars Award, begin­ MacKcn/ic, Assistant Vice New York. ccssful at Michigan Stale ning in the Fall of 1982. Chancellor for Academic Plann­ These students will receive special University, according lo MacKcn- Interested in Sports The selection of Honors Scholars ing. "The purpose of the program at tent ion and advice of facility /ic, who added lhal he hopes thai il Interested in Sports * ff^ ( will follow a compelllIon among is lo attract students with outstan­ members individually assigned lo will be equally successful al SUNY. ' gifted New York State High School ding acendenilc ability' 10 SUNY I hem. and Intramurals maraf 0 seniors. campuses." The Honors Scholars will also be . phoiu: Rnannr KulikiiU I- The winners will be entitled lo SUNY Chaneclloi Cllflon R. eligible for special resentch giniiis, AtfBStS Chancellor Clifton Wharton complete the entire undergraduate Whniion, Jr. expressed his "very entitled lo preference in ctoss. "Deep satisfaction" with program continued from front page program at one of the sixteen par­ deep satisfaction'' on iis establish- campus enrollment and overseas until seven hours later, after her ar­ 0.00 raignment. JoinUS-WIRA Her attorney, Anita Thayei, said The Give us a call and let police failed lo read Michelson her us show you what we SPRING IN ISRAEL! rights al the lime of the arrest. - .Villa can do for your hair. "The Coalition believes the We offer a 10 per WORK ON KIBBUTZ refusal of the judge to grant her bail cent discount with was so she could hot attend the rally STUDY AT HAIFA UNIVERSITY againsi Apniheid lhal look place SUNYAID. 1 Women's Intromurol b EARN 16-23 SUNY CREDITS on the nigl of her arrest," said I F...I. .loscy. a member of the Meet­ A Put' Service Salon fop .npn and woi ing commHtcc for the group. Information and Applications: Recreation Association Mlchelsoti said she does noi 1210 Western Avenue SUNY I laifa Program know why police searched her i 9teve7-80ffil Albany, New York 12203 Office of Overseas Academic Programs apaiimenl and confiscated the 438-6409 Adm. Bldg.. Room 141 items. Hours: Tues.-Fri. 9-6 REDKEIST SUNY-Blnglwmton Thiiyet has filed foi a Discovery Special Interest Meeting Thurs. Eve 'til 9 We use and recommend Binghamton. New York 13901 Kepntl, which gives the District At­ Jsi Sat. 8-5 Redken products l Tel: (607) 798-2336 1 torney's office 2t) days in tender a IIIIM- lot the search warrant thai allowed ih,' police lo raid Michclson's apartment, She hoped Mon - Oct 12 - 830 pm l111- repoii would be prepared for tin mommc'- courl hearing, llinyci plans to deal wilh the Campus Center 361 pcndini' chain's hcloie considering a ( oil I Ibciik". soil against the Albany police or call 457-8362 Othci members nl tin CAA ar­ retted writ' Anion lispis, 22. of Massachusetts; Michael Ycvung, 2K, GrfE ol lliiioklyn, a Icadei ol ilie C'om- munisl Workers Pally; and John .Hps'ttinum. 31. or N«--w Yo.u CUV. who was ai-tested Monday evening. ~" ** "•""" i"""1" Sep'i nihei 21 on the SUNY Albany, nm campit' .Ids.! •.,'iiil GAV\ will noi assume legal i sponslbllliy for the three men be .iiise Ilie coalition has been told tin men aie reclving assistance The SUNYA Pre-Law Association I'toin ot •ci groups. However, .loscy said. ( A A will piovldc aid If il is re­ presents quested. Rally The Third Annual continued front front page "Disappointed lhal the game was allowed IO go on . . . bin we're go­ ing lo have our rally." SUOT/AI,BAOT Some of the protesters broke may from the rally lo demonstrate n police lines guarding the stadium. While the demonstrators screamed LAW SCHOOL FAIR nnil-npartbeid slogans, the police siood quietly, walling, armed with clubs, shotguns, and leat gas guns. Periodically another row of police would reinforce the already gum ded barricade. Behind the Featuring Admissions Counselors lines, over a diven dogs wailed foi orders to attack. Tension mounted, from Cornell, Loyola, Boston IL, hut whether due 10 the extensive Syracuse, Antfoch, SVNY-Buffalo, New weaponry displayed oi the peace­ keeping efforts of tally organizer^, York haw School, American, Temple, I he gnus, clubs, and dogs were mil used. Albany, Catholic, New England Law The demonstrators stayed through the rain unlil the end of ilie School, Southwestern and Many More match — which ihc Springboks won, 41-11. flic rugby players would not comment; ERU prcsidenl Tom Sclfiidgc remarked thai he "didu'i Saturday, October 10, 1981 make ii to the demonstration," 10:00-12:30 and 1:30-4:00 Advertise in the SUNYA Campus Center ASP. Ballroom It Pays!!! For Further information Call Herb Lurie 457-4011 Page Thlrteep October 6, 1981 Albany Student Press COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY teachers lament centsamailing Attention Freshmen-Transfers A teacher's union says we're see­ If you're a letter-writing person, ing the beginning or a brain drain at ZODIAC NEW you're better off in Russia than American college, and low pay is register for the draft. The govern­ kicked the habit. The $1.75 a pack They pinpoint the quake's center at Sweden. A survey of worljj. postal the reason wliy. The American GRADUATE PROGRAM ment spent $20,000 for more than a price apparently scared smokers the tiny village of Yakataga, but the rates by GEO magazine shows Association of University Pio- million names, from a company Interested in Sports more than cigarette related disease. shock waves could cover 30,000 Americans are pretty lucky paying fessors says lop t'eaehers are fleeing that specializes in ad mailings to just 18 cents for a letter: Swedes university Classrooms' because square miles, putting Anchorage, young people. Selective Service of­ pay a minimum of 31 cents for a they're fed rip wiih pay scales thai ficials say the names, purchased dent-u-stress Fairbanks and Juneau in Ihc danger and Intramurols IN PUBLIC POLICY don't keep pace wiih inflation. The from the American Student lists /one. They say a big shake could set one-ounce letter, and the average union says the average piofcssoi Company, will be used for the one­ off tidal waves like those from the West European pays a quarter. In makes aiound $23,tXX) a year — but time mailing only, and won't wind Being a dentist is more stressful big Alaska quake of 196*, which China and the Soviet Union, a for the last decade their pay In- up in lire government's permanent ihuu you might think. That's accor­ destroyed coastal property along stamp costs just 3 cents. ding lo a German study which AND ADMINISTRATION ci eases have been about 21) percent files. Apparently the government Ihc Gulf of Alaska and as far south reports demists have the highest less 11 ui 11 lire inflation rale. thinks gentle persuasion is worth as California. one more try: an estimated half a suicide fate of any profession. In Join US - WIRA million eligible young men have fuel, Ihe average Wcsi European failed in register, bin only aboui man has a life expectancy of 68 join the ciub This two-year master's degree program 13(1 have been targeted I'oi piosccti ycais, compared lo only 52 for u lion. •lie demist. One of Ihe things Ihey I'lie weird world of inflation blame is Ihe electric drill — Its con­ rakes you today to Israel, where Ihe trains men and women for public service tinual whine eventually gels on lire government .has now tied bail dentists' nerves. money lo Isiact's galloping infla­ Women's Intramural & patients'. tion rate — now 133 percent a year. careers at the local, state, and national Salaries, reals and* even clothing prices have long been lied lo Ihe in­ Recreation Association dex. Now, Ihey are joined by the levels of government, stressing the dual price of gelling out of jail. skills of public administration and £Specia l interest Meeting policy analysis. sound off The next lime you feel uptight, don't reach for the tranquilizers: ,Mon - Oct 12 - 8:30 pm For further information, write to: reach for "The Retreat." An Akron, Ohio company ... a firm called ihe Omnitronics Dr. Demetrios Caraley, Director Research Corporation . . . claims Campus Center 361 in have developed an electronic Graduate Program in Public Policy and device whose sounds will calm you down. or call 457-8362 Administration The gadget is called "The Helical" . . . and according lo the Columbia University people at Omnitronics, all you have in do is, pm in (he car plugs and 420 West 118th Street listen to the bumming noises flic Reheat reportedly "mellows New York, N.Y. 10027 out" the user by giving off about 10 mtmitut. worth of alieumtlnij "white" anil "pink" electronic L««t»ti.»mmminMimimJl | noise. Ihc noise that results, the niukcis claim, is so effective thai even (tie Food and Dtui: Acl- tnjnisliatlon permits "The K real" in he advertised with the claim thai it "produces a mellow mood." SA PRESENTS: Ihe company recommends that users lime in about 10 minutes of mellow noise befee stressful ap- liiiiuiineiiis. . . such as visits lo ihc dentist, Ihey say Hie Retreat will sunn be available in many depart­ ment stoics across life country . . . The CET - A - W A Y B»S I'm about $140 per machine. ^V.llU»-.»HUHH»Ult»V.».i»»l-»lLtili| »mmv.nm»»LL.L. . •. ..rTT. ...,.^i.^-^'L^-L^'i.'Z'r

pla SUNYA — Port Authority SUNYA Carfe <--e LI *| Off New York Marshall's Shopping Center I'"1 mtmm-.mmimtwiumirrj WITH THIS COUPON ON A 5.00 OR MORE PURCHASE When: JP5 Fri Oct 9th When: Fri Oct 9th STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK AT ALBANY students can take Where: Depart Circle where: Depart Circle JERRY'S 1:00 l:OD ArmyROTC Restaurant THROUGH: RENSSELAER POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE and Caterers Return: Sun. Oct llth If you're interested in DM MADISON AVE . ALBANY Return: Sun Oct llth llioiwMti, Quail S .Ontario) Financial Benefits 4:lo i:DO Leadership/Management Experience Job Opportunities Adventure Training open 24 hrs. daily Then you're interested in PHONE 485-m'J Price: Price: .BREAKFAST - LLJNCH - DINNER 19.59 11.5D NIQHTOWL MEALS Army ROTC.@) Learn what it takes to lead. Explres|10,,31/8I

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^©fifinlV C®uffiuffl(§HHitf

the issues affecting them. noticed a slight yellowing or reddening apartheid. The march on Tuesday evening all. A trip to one of the local student bars, around this time of year, I don't think it is Sanford Levlne, Vice Chancellor for which drew thousands to Bleecker Stadium i.e. W.T.'s, O'Heancy's, will substantiate fair to call them out and out trees. Reagan Budget Cuts Legal Affairs, responding for Chancellor was a clear message that apartheid salesmen our argument. The topics of the conversa­ Mr. Lobell's comments, by the way, were Conditions Normal Clifton Wharton or. the issue of discrimina­ were not welcome. tions there rarely range beyond sex and written by a person who has no listing in the tion based on sexual or affectional A Call For Action —Name Withheld Upon Request drugs. Trying to strike up an Intelligent student directory, either last year or this Enola Gay, you shoulda stayed at home yesterday. preference, recommended "strongly that conversation with a stranger in O's is like present. Just what, I ask, is Mr. Lobcll try­ Dave Pologe Maybe you shoulda never left at all, but that was debated many years ago. •Incidents of alleged .unfair treatment be trying to make love to a wall. Both lead to ing to hide? But somehow, in 1981, the first dropping of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima 340,000 students statewide. A release from Help For Gays reported directly to the administration of Roaganomics is quickly coming to unfulfilling experiences. To go into one of —Sebastian C. Spalding, III the Department of Education (which is cer­ the particular campus" which "provide takes on a symbolic meaning. On August 6, 1981, nearly 36 years to the day SUNY, and if students and faculty are not To the Editor: these bars on a Saturday night and become tain to be eliminated) states "it Is likelv no established mechanisms for ensuring equal after the Enola Gay dropped the bomb (compliments of the U.S.), President prepared, education In the state of New We are all races—black, Hispanic, Orien­ lost in the pushing and shoving of the Thanks NYPIRG " new loans will be issued in 1982." This' access and opportunity'MJuly 18, 1980 let­ Reagan announced his plans to start the production of the neutron bomb. York will take a quantum leap backwards. tal, and white to name a few. We arc female mindless masses is truly an experience. represents a cut of $300 million In the ter) There arc places to go if you have ex- Wc do not mean to say that students To the Editor: This action might seem ironic enough, but an even greater irony lies in trie During the past few years SUNY students and male, old an-•-d- young, ,•-,,poor „ anhde perienced or witnessed discrimination. The Guaranteed Direct Student Loan (ODSL) shouldn't go out and enjoy themselves. Next Sunday at 7:00 P.M., Mike Wallace capabilities of the bomb itself. The bomb very neatly causes sometimes quick, have fought tuition hikes and budget cuts wealthy, in fact, at least one of us can be pere Academic program. vc College should be a learning experience and the C.B.S. 60 Minutes News Team will sometimes painfully slow death, while leaving structures intact. regularly. There is every reason to believe found on the average in just about any £f™ and Dorm Councils a, yLr Social Security student benefits will not socially as well as academically. But certain­ feature NYPIRG staff scientist Walter After our droppings on Japan we had to help rebuild the entire country that such a Tight will be needed this year. In group of ten or more-somet.mes more of ™™ft , are empowered toieal be available for 19,000 students that an­ ly, there is room for a great deal more Hang, and Ihe work of dozens of student addition,-this year there are huge federal us, sometimes less. Despite this broad based school,^P' on onc,s scxua, ' before we could take advantage of it again. The great thing about the neutron nually receive them in New York. Over $34 political awareness and discussion. Students researchers in an explosive report on toxic budget cuts that will decimate higher educa­ representation of our group we have b en wh^*nm unreccplive, con- bomb is that we wouldn't have to waste our time rebuilding industry. All we million dollars will be eliminated from the of previous generations have traditionally chemical contamination of the Niagara tion unless they are fought. If we let the ex­ referred to as the invisible mnor,*.. sub- °~"^ ^ and gay organiza- would have to do is send in "a few good men." program. An additional 57,000 students in a ou taken a more active role in political affairs River. To the best of our knowledge, this is pected cuts go through unchallenged, we culture and even a "man.resta ion o a y ' , sidcnl, „ Michael Happy Anniversary Hiroshima. the State will have their benefits reduced by than they do now. the first lime a student research project has will Tind fewer Pell Grants (BEOO) offered, bourgeois capitalist society," (ironically, lionMcPartli, younr atschoo (518)l 465-2406pr . And now, two months later, we hear the latest from the State Department. $26 million dollars. With this letter, we aim to promote some been covered by 60 Minutes. It is a first for drastically reduced Social Security benefits some of us are socialists too) NYPIRG and a firsl for the nation's most Could it be we say? Yes they say. Russia is leading in the military arms race. The cuts are disastrous for lower and .'onlrovcrsy. This seems to us to be the only ' to students, and possibly no National Who arc we? We constitute approximate­ —Michael McPartlin watched news show. Heck Ronnie, they say, you better do something about that. Well, says Ron­ middle Income students. Furthermore they method available to encourage students to Direct Student Loans. In other words our ly 10-15 percent of the population and have nie, it just so happens that I recently had a revelation. Let's take some money exemplify a National administration with been blamed for breaking up the family take the lime and effort to evaluate their Of course, national television coverage education is being attacked on two fronts. Apathy Abounding"" out of the kitty and build some 13-1 bombers and put some of those MX- frightening attitudes and simplistic notions. (indeed we come from families ourselves) own positions and become more informed. by itself is no guarantee of a project's Reagan is clearly saying he wants to limit If no one reads this letter, it will unfor­ worth. But, it docs indicate thai when missiles out there in some of those Dakotas. Let's start with the State. and corrupting the young (many of us arc the opportunities to the lower and middle To the Editor: tunately only add further evidence suppor-. NYPIRG targets an abuse, publishes a Isn't is funny that the State Department report and the President's revela­ has never been kind to SUNY. Two years still "the young," all of us were once classes. The foolishness behind his attitude As students who consider ourselves to be ting our view. report, or files a lawsuit, it receives serious tion seem to have occurred in the same day. Gee whiz. ago he tried to slash the SUN Y budget, only young). is just as frightening as the scorn. Reagan politically aware and intellectually well- —John Bridget attention. This increases students' power And in other news, Congress is in fierce debate over President Reagan's student and faculty outrage and action got Where do we come from? So it seems, the docs not realize that the minds he wastes arc- rounded, we would like to express our —Jose Mongkce and aids their ability to further the en­ these cuts restored. Last year there were tui­ same place as everyone else. We are desire to sell AWACS planes over to Saudi Arabia. Isn't it great that we live in sorely needed. dismay at the general level of apathy on this vironmental, consumer and student rights tion hikes', room rent increases and utility everywhere. How have we been treated? We goals of New York Stale students. a country whose leader is so very concerned with making sure that each coun­ The waste of so much of the nation's in­ campus; fees. This year there will likely be more of have been ridiculed in class, beaten up in Forgotten Quad" try has an equal opportunity to bomb its neighbor? tellectual resources is dangerous. It must be First of all, we would venture lo say thai So this Sunday, October llth at 7 P.M. the same. With lax cuts and supply side dorms and conveniently ignored by ad­ Thank you Mr. President for your concern. Let's keep those dollars coming fought. We must realize, however, that we To the Editor: when Mike Wallace berates Niagara River economics ruling the day, and the Governor ministrators. less than one-half of the students here arc and those weapons going. cannot fight these acts as we have in the registered to vote in this community and Let me just say that once again Alumni chemical polluters based on Walter Hang's running for re-election next November, we What arc we? Angry, hurt, And for someone who's so against a peacetime registration you're sure tak­ past. Student action is necessary, but not Quad has been sadly forgotten by the study, wc hope you share our pride in the can be fairly sure that SUNY will not be frustrated—but most of all strong. We arc that an even smaller percentage have any -sufficient. We must coordinate with other school newspaper. 'work of NYPIRG. ing your sweet time in ending it. I'll bet you probably didn't even know that getting any more money. 1 would guess that the 47,000 lesbian and gay students who knowledge of or interest in the issues affec­ groups that arc threatened. A couple of issues ago the ASP ran an ad — Lisa Schwartz you gave Selective Service a raise. budget cuts will mean cuts in enrollment contribute to the State University of New ting their lives. Often we find people ex­ Special interest lobbying is much more letting students know where to pick up their Chair, Board of Directors Aw gec, did 1 do that, he says. Yeah, I guess I did. Sorry. But please unders­ and progress in addition to room rent and 1 York. We are your classmates, roommates pressing extreme political beliefs who effective for Mobil than for students. We tax cards. Alumni Quad was pointedly — Kulliy Franks tand I was much too busy cutting education. tuition increases. The State does not intend and friends. themselves* are inactive in the political pro­ have to join with other groups of similar in­ missing. It's bad enough that once again Local Board Chair at SUNYA We got your message on the radio. Conditions normal and you 're comin' to back up its own commitment |o low cost, Homophobia and the resulting cess. terest and with similar problems. Faculty Alumni Quad was overlooked by the rest of high quality higher education. discrimination affects all of our lives. The This group, however, does not represent home. unions should certainly join an effort the campus, but what makes the ASP look The State will not provide for high quali­ against the cuts. So will other unions and best way to stop it is to talk about it, and the majority of SUNYA students. This ma­ Why The Saudis Wc got your message Mr. President. However we seem to have a tttrte ty, accessible public education, and the learn from each olher. The education we jority is made up of students who do not so bad is that none of the staff during the disagreement over how normal the conditions are. civil riuhts groups. proofreading stage even noticed the error. To the Editor: FcUeial Government wants lo ueswoy it. Students have to begin action against the receive and the degrees we get mean little if even cure to invest the necessary time or in­ =WESj=a«i-ii--u-u--i)-ra»J= It is a poor reflection on a supposedly train­ • Why isn't il enough for the Saudis that Two weeks ago Reagan went on television cuts. Letters to Congressmen and Slate they do not attempt lo end the ignorance terest to become informed. Most students we've already sold them $35 billion worth to announce additional Federal Budget cuts ed staff, Legislators are very necessary. All these and superstitious myths iliul surround us are too wrapped up in their own academic of military aid? Now they want to buy our in all areas (except, of course, the MX Adding insult to injury was their correc­ methods are effective, bin they are much and social pursuits to have any interest in latest, most technologically advanced missile system). The administration will more effcclive if they are not done alone. A Solution To Used Book Problem" tion in the September 22 issue, where they seek an additional 12 percent cut in educa­ once more committed a faux pas. They in­ equipment, the AWACS-arms we don't SASU and SA must make sure that students First of all, students are not organized. even offer to our NATO allies. tion programs. To the Editor: advertently told Alumni Quad students to work with other similar Interest groups, On­ Some carry 60 lbs. of books lo Barnes and As an ally, the best that can be said about The impact these cuts will have on This article is addressed to those students pick up their lax cards September 6 & 71 ly then do we have signficanl numbers lo Noble for sell-back, others put up signs. the Saudis is that their ourtageously high' students is massive. The cuts in financial who are concerned about the high cost and Notice anything wrong? It's bad enough ami ill cualiut maqaii'it ASPECTS fight the Reagan attack. The main point in common is that everyone crude- ftilprice s are moderate in comparison aids alone will rule out higher education for deficiencies involved in purchasing used that the school can't even provide a bus for wants to get rid of some books. The design to those of other OPEC nations. On Ihe (AZAN1A). books. If you've noticed, every semester Alumni RA's to President O'Leary's an­ The three gentlemen who wrote the letter that 1 have construed is very basic and is minus side, they gladly fund the terrorist ac­ Apartheid Stance people list their books for sale, make 20 or nual RA picnic (even though all uptown obviously do not fully understand the aimed at pleasing everybody (almost). tivities of'the PLO, lead a boycott against EaiabMehed In »»t« w . so copies of them, and place the signs all RA's were provided buses) but now with nature of this inhumane* system of apar­ If students were to take all their signs, Egypt because President Sadat signed the Robot! E. Qnibmin, Editor In Chief To the Editor: over campus only to be torn down by the ASP apparently joining In on the Steven A.QfMnbotQ, Dsan Bate, Managing Editors theid. The Springboks did not come here Camp David accord, and declare that it is The letter 'Carey Backer' that appeared maintenance. I sec this to be highly ineffec­ staple them together, make enough of them popular attitude of not recognizing Alumni Rob Edeliteln, Sonlor Editor 'to promote the sport of rugby and inter­ time to lead a 'holy war' against another in last Tuesday's ASP was very provocative tive and have sketched a design to avoid tills for everyone, and pass them out during the Quad as a vital part of SUNYA, it just national competition' as the letter claims. first week of the new semester, then U.S. Mideast ally—Israel. Finally, Ihe News Editor Susan Million and insulting lo people concerned about confusion. makes one lealize even more why Associate Nowi Editors , Judle Elssnberg, Wayne Pouiobootn human rights violations in South Africa They are here as international salesmen of coniusiun. everyone could find the books thai they Saudi government refutes the Reagan ad­ ,, Andrew Carroll, Joanna Welner( Downtowners arc so disillusioned. ASPecta Editors Michael Brandaa , atatar-wwwwt^—^- need. That is the-total concept but it's not —Chris Wilson ministration's assertion thai the Soviet Associate ASPtcIs Editor RayCallglure Union is Ihe greatest threat to Mideast Sound Editor MaritRoealw as easy as that as you will sec. RA, Alumni Quad peace by claiming that Israel is the major viilon Editor Larry Kahn To make this concept materialize wc firsl The ads were printed as submitted and Spoils Editor '.Marc Maapel, Mlchaol Carman threat. Associate Sports Editor* FranKJ.OU.Jr. need organization. At the end of a payed far by the Student Association. We semester, students usually know what What is wrong with the present system or Editorial Pages Editor BruceJ.Ueber regret any inconvience the incorrect ads Copy Editor books they want to sell. All they would allowing Americans to fly and control the may have caused. — Ed. Stall writers: Bob Bellallora, Anne Dora, Ken Cantor, Hubert-Kenneth Dlokey, Michael DlnowlU, Jim Dixon, Mark have to do is: AWACS reconnaissance missions? Hasn't Plschettl, Debbie Judge, Kathy Klseene, Erlo Koll, Jill Langella, Bruce J. Levy, Barbara Schldler, Bath Sexar, Susan 1. make an itemized list of what hooks Cook's Reply il worked so far? Smith, Zodiac and Preview Editor: Marie Qarbarlno they want to sell; I'd like to urge everyone to write or call j Bonnie Stevens, Buslnaaa Manager 2. include course no., author's name, in­ To the Editor: his/her Congrcssperson and Senator, ask­ * Janet DreHuea, Adyartltlng Managar structor's name, and phone no.; First of all, I would like to address myself ing them to "shoot down" the proposed Billing Aecountanta Hedy Broder, Judy B. Santo, Karen Bardoff 3. pay a small fee to have It listed in the to a certain Mr. Michael Lobcll and his Saudi arms package. , Payroll Supervisor Allena Kallowltz I "book exchange;" commentary in Tuesday, Sept. 22 ASP —Mirk W. Frledland Classified Manager September Klein 4. hold the books for the break between [ Composition Manager David Bock (Volume 63, No. 27). Rest assured, Mr. Sales; Bonnie Stevens, Janet Drelluaa, David Nelll Yapko Advertising Production Managers: Sue Kaplan, Dienne semesters; Lobcll, that the recipe you read last Tues­ Woman^sOpinjon_ Qlacola Advertising Production: Michelle Norowlti, Mara Mendelsohn, Mallaaa Wesaerman Otjlo* staff: Jennifer 5. and then just wait for the phone culls day was perfectly legitimate although its Bloch, Ellen Epstein, Anne Fried, Jessica Traohtar when the semester begins. verisimilitude was somewhat dubious. The Dav* Thsnhauear, Production Manager i To Ihe Editor: The major problem, as forenienlioncd, is entree offered was tested in the Sebastian David Bock, Associate Production Manager As a new student here, I refrained from the problem of getting organized. We need Kitchen of excellence, the grand cms, so to making too-early judgments about SUNY. VBIileal Camera Bllaaa Beck people who will lend to the paper work (i.e. speak of culinary arts, Paete-up: Edan Levlne, Carina Shlpalolaky, Typists: Judy Amedel, Lynda Benvenuto, Mary Burke, Cerol Bury, Mario Now a couple of weeks have passed, and 1 collect submissions), people to design and Now, I also would like to personally Qarbarlno, September Klein, Cathie Ryan, .'ail 8tahl ChaulteuK Martha Halnar distribute the paper, and.most importantly, have some opinions. thank Michael for his compliment, of sorts, Phologrephy, Suppllad principally by University Photo Sarvlca we need everyone lo make their submissions concerning my newest innovation in Ihe I hale to make generalizations but most of the mules that 1 have met on campus arc Chlel Photographer: Mara Hanachal 2-3 weeks before the semester's end. Sebastian Papers. My next recipe shall be UPS Stall: Dave Ashor, Alan Calem, Carl Chan, Sherry Cohen, Mike Puller, BUI Krausa, Dav* Maehson, Lola Mat- male chauvinists or just plain sex fiends! As labonl, Sue Mlndlch, Mark Nadler, Mark Nelson, Suns Slslnkamp, Will Yurman This way of buying and selling books is so llrandicd Duck with walnut and mushroom a woman, I take great offense in being simple, so economical) and so efficient that dressing. It is quite simple to make, and 1 The Albany Student Press la published every Tuesday and Friday dutlng the school year by Ih* Albany Student Healed as just a sexual object. Women have Press Corporation, an Independent not-lor-protlt oorporatlon. Edltorlala are written by In* Editor In Chlel with we must make this concept a reality. The think a lot of people could benefit from members ol the Editorial Board; policy la aub|eol to review by the Editorial Board. Advertlalng policy does not n«o> I only way lo do that is lo participate, to join together for protection from all following my instructions. cessatlly redact editorial policy. I have been in touch with SASU on the these guys who thrust their collective penis Now, the third and perhaps most serious at us, I am glud to find such a strong Mailing sddreaa: mailer and they too will do as much as lliev point raised by Mr, Lobcll, specifically the Albany Student Press, CC 329 women's comu,.mity here in Albany, but il 1400 Washington Ave, can. If you feel like you could participate libelous comments concerning the constitu­ should gel even stronger! It Is lime for Albany, NY 12223 in any respect, please contact Jim Teirniey (SIB) 407-8802/3322/3389 tion Of ASP editors, While it may be true I women lo fully achieve their rightful role in of SASU and find out what you can do lo have seen a few of the subordinate members society. get this tiling off the ground. 4Uc3P3«gp^O^^ g | - of the ASP staff pul suspicious doses of —Vera II, Neebpulc Donald Unfit' plant food in iheir beverages and l have &Eaua-uav.a=8=3«)=aMMi.JEa«p^^ Page Seventeen October 6, 1981 Albany Student Press October 6. 1981 The Knckln Dakota*, who debuted to an enthusiastic audience Vattnw?? •••-V last month at linearis, will make a return appearance there on Eagles Soar _ Albany Student Press _ Thursday. October 8th. All SDNYA students FREEH For fur­ Dear Tammy, You're such a strange girl and Its ther information call Dave Durochcr at 465-4153. continued from page, twenty-one Pafie Sixteen really sad 'cause you can't help for a 3-0 lead with 6:11 left in the Thanks for making the start of this yourself, you're lust that way. Poor semester so much lunl Happy 19th Telethon '82 will hold a general interest meeting for Children's quarter. Birthday. Lee. Love, Monica, Sharon, Lisa, Debbie Hour and publicity committee on-Tues. 10/6 at 8:00 and 9:00 After the kickoff, moved ^Personals J) and Amy Interest Meeting (or Chlldrens Hour Committee of Telethon '82. Tues­ in LC 19. to a first down at the Falcons 35, day, October '6, 8 p.m., LC 19. but two plays netted six yards and Indian Quad Interest Meeting For FredT Publicity meeting, Tuesday, Oc­ Chapel House — The schedule of services given by Chapel We love your nails! S.A. Used Book Exchange — Pick up books and/or money on Bartkowski was then intercepted by Classified) Telethon. Tuesday, October 8, 8 Joe, Sam and Butch tober 6,9 p.m., LC 19. If you want to House arc as follows: Masses — Sat. at 6:30 p.m., Sun. at get Involved In Telethon '82, now's Wed. 10/7 from 9-12 in CC 356. Reggie Wilkes, who returned the p.m., 4th floor lounge, Indian Tower. 12:30 p.m.(In Chapel House), Sun. ai 6:30 p.m. (In the Cam­ Oneida 205, The Super Freak Suite, SU8 your chance. Take It! ball seven yards to the Falcons 38. • Happy Hall Birthday SM(t pus Center) and Daily al 11:15 a.m. (in CC 361). Lutheran Telethon '82 will be sponsoring a trip to Boston on Saturday Professional Typing Service. IBM Give It to ua, baby. Come dance with us! 4 plus 2 spon­ Campus Minlstry/Proicstant community — Holy Commu­ ' Again it took Philadelphia just five Seleotrlo Typewriter. Call 273-7218 sors Its second annual Rafters trip 10/17. Buses will leave circle at 9:00 a.m., and leave Boston at The Gwangl Is Coming nion, Sun. ai 11:00 a.m. (in Chapel House). plays to notch another Franklin CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING evenings, week-ends. -IscliinBlTR^TieTsT^o^LJil on Saturday, October 10. Informa- 10:00 p.m. Tickets on sale on dinner lines and CC lobby on field coal. The barefoot kicker Local Moving Service. No lob too Dear Stephanie, Sister Laurie, tlon, 7-8362. See ya there. 10/5, 10/6, 10/7 and 10/9. Pr.icc is $12.00 round trip. Happy, happy, happy 19th blrthdayl small. CaNPaul, 438-4154. Black book and Its messages, the Collegiate Entrepreneurs! 25 Ideas Community Service students who did not uttend on campus from Texas A&M split the uprights Deadlines: Love, All Of Your Beverwyck Call Gary, ritual, wearing green, pledge review, lor creating your own student orientation must come lo ULB 66. For more info, call with a 34-yarder for a 6-0 lead. Zippers Repaired. Friends Pre-lleallh Applicants lor Sept. 1982 — Come and learn about Tuesdays at 3:30 p.m. for Fri­ H.B. evaluated, are no secrets. Get- business. Send $2.75 to Campus 457-8347. 463-6497. Sparky, ting signatures Is no big deal. financial aid possibilities for health profession schools on Oct. The Eagles boosted the lead to day Issues; Rock Guitar Lessons. Learn .Rocky Hope you en|oyed Vermont. I miss­ Happy Birthday Bennyl Cash, P.O. Box 985, Lawrence, KS., 6 at 4:30 p.m. in LC 19. Armed Forces Scholarships wilt also be 13-0 on a six-play, 72-yard drive, 660440132. Fridays at 3:30 p.m. for Tues­ Jazz, and Fusion styles. 7 years ex­ ed you. I love you. Love, Michelle, Llesa, Bebop and Political Awareness for the Disabled and Elderly Tuesday Oc­ discussed. For more info,, call 457-8331. capped by Jaworski's 30-yard TD perience. Call Brad after 4 p.m. at Hubltchlkokov Community Service Students who tober 6, 7:30 p.m. ai the Albuny Association for Retarded day Issues. Bucwheat pass to Charlie Smith in the end 458-B9B2. Ski Club Meeting Tonight at 8 p.m. did not attend on campus orlenta- Children (155 Washington Ave). Purpose — to help disabled tlon must come to ULB 66. 7-8347. Dance Council will hold a meeting on Tucs., Oct. 6 at 7:30 zone. Smith outran Johnson for the Rates: Typing. Fast, accurate service In­ In LC1, Think Snow! I Sue, and elderly citi/ens in Albany County become more famiiiur Dating guys lor money, huh?! But Blind student seeking readers. Of- p.m. in room 242. score. 10 cents per regular word; cludes pick-up anfj delivery at Red Baroness, with political and legislative processes. All arc welcome to at­ Social Sciences. Call Sally, seriously, I'll bet you can't spell lerlng $3/hour, Call Bonlts, 20 cents per bold word. What words, can show how I feel tend. Refreshments will be served.An interpreter for the hear­ The Eagles survived Atlanta's 399-2704. DRUGS with your alpha bits. 455-6653. SUNYA C'amiTii Club will hold a meeting on Oct.6 at 8:00 In Minimum charge $1.00 When I see you, what tears can tell Kev ing impaired will be availubic. For transportation or furlhcr in­ ball-control game as the Falcons how I hurt CC 357. All people interested in photography at all levels are Haircuts by Darlln' Deb now at P.S. So when are we going dancing David, ran 76 plays to just 52 for Class ads are acepted at the Ramada Inn Shop. By appointment. When I don't, what hug can show Happy anniversary wishes to my fo, call Trislta Sagcr at 445-7701. welcome. For nunc info, contact Steve Nigro al 436-9573. Contact Office, (CC Lobby our closeness (with ourselves!) handsome honey. Philadelphia. 899-4309. Ski Club Meeting Tonight at 8 p.m. under the stairs) from 9 a.m. to 4 What kiss can I bring, so you know. Love, Andl I riiiliiiniiul Yarn Kipptir Services ut Shabbos House (67 Fuller Jaworski completed 17-of-26 Improve your grades! Research I love you. Happy Birthday. In LC 1. Think Snowll p.m. weekdays. catalog — 306 pages — 10,278 Wolf Bitch, Rd.) on Wed. Ocl.7 at 6 p.m., and Tlturs. Oct.8 at 9 a.m. passes for 161 yards, while Oliver topics — Rush $1. Box 25097C, Los Red's Baron What's 21? 21 Is neither the "oh No ads will be printed without Happy 18th Birthday. (Please don't Everyone welcome. ran lor 68 and Wilbcrt Monlgomcry Angeles, 90025. (213) 477-8226. Sept., remember whens"; or the scrap- wear that stupid mask!) Best name, address or phone number Zlng-A-Gram. Albany's finest sing­ I'm all choked up now. (I only made books or yearbooks of yesterday; or for 44 to lead a weak running game. ing telegrams. Tuxedo, Gorilla, Bel­ It to Good Housekeeping, this guy wishes. the "times when we" photos han­ .ISC/Millet — General Board'mealing on Sun. Oel.ll, 8-10 on the Advertising Form. Credit ding on the paneled walls; or the Bartkowski connected on ly, Clown, Slnger-lmpresslonlst, any is going to go all the wayl) Sharon and Steve p.m. in CC 375. Also, Sukkuh lliiildina on Sun. Oel.ll at 3 may be extended but NO threadbare Halloween costumes 23-i)l'-46 passes for 232 yards, while attire. Any occasion, time, location. Marie Dear Dlna, Kim, Linda, Lorraine, p.m. behind Dutch cafeteria, For more info, call JSC ut refunds will be given. Editorial Martha, sitting In the attic. Andrews bore the brunt of Ihe run- Call 518-462.1703. Kim; 21 Is more like the NY Times dally 457-7508 oi Val at 457-7835. Thank you so much for making my I ning with 84 yards on 21 carries. policy will not permit ads to be For fast, accurate typing service, I've missed you so much. It's great crossword puzzle; a chilled glass of to have you back. birthday so special! Thanks for printed which contain blatant call Vivian Jones at 869-5745. Price everything — expeclally for caring. O.J.; or the creation of an Infamous ski Club meeting tonIghl . Membership, ski-weeks, night pro- Jenkins caught eight passes for 81 is 80 cents a double-sp'aced page. Love, S.B. Yang story. Here's to lots more good times, uiuius .mil much more. K:tKt ill LC I. For info, call Sieve yards for lite losers, while Smith profanity. Alan, But most of all 21 Is you — crazy, laughs and more drinks! oi Skin al 482-3482. grabbed live for 59 yards. It you have any questions or pro­ Happy, happy birthday kid! I You're Love ya, Barbara spontaneous, unpredictable you. So have a good one. And, remember«v.1-.-.v.l»»V.Hm til'. iTTTfl blems concerning classified the Best and you deserve the bestl Dear Randl, '""" (^ j) You're an Incredible friend, whether Paco, we're a team. advertising, please contact It's next door or across campus. Hope you had a great birthday Your Sister, Amy weekend! Happy Nineteenth! iieptember at 7-3322 or stop by Remember I'm here when you need JSC Hlllel, Ralters this Saturday STUDENT SERVICES COMMITTEE Rooms, $100-135 plus utilities. On me. (Make the "Journey!") I do ap­ Love, your roomie, Jill night. Tickets sold at CC Lobby and ihi' ASP Office In CC 332. busline. Call Jasmine, 459-6245. preciate and love you .., JSC 'Hlllel, Ralters Night October dinner lines. Interest Meeting Female student wanted to share 3 Always, Glna 10, Tickets, Sold at CC Lobby and bedroom furnished apartment. Wrestlers! Freshmen, transfers, or Dinner Lines. The First Annual, International, Fighting Gator Candid Microphone Rent, $120 Incl. H and HW. Non- lust Interested people should slop (^ Jobs j) Dearest Bear, Contestll __ Branch of Student Association dealing with smoker preferred, very clean, by the gym any day this week at Happy Birthday, lovel And here's to carpeted, freshly painted. Call Paul All are eligible. Hide your tape 5:00 p.m. many, many more, each better than Oversea; Jobs — Summer/year or Scott after 6 p.m. at 465-1926. recorder on your person, In your £TS?> special projects to benefit the student body, Interest Meeting for Chlldrens Hour the last. I love you. locker, behind the couch, (under the round. Europe, S. Amer., Australia, Committee of Telethon '82. Tues­ Asia. All fields. S500-S12G0 monthly. Pookle pillow) at work, anywhere. Then day, Oct. 6,8 p.m. In LC 19. Publicity Community Service Students who secretly record, for eternity, a great contact if interested: Slghts.oing. Free Into. /Vrlle IJC, Meeting, TUBS. Oct. 6, 9 p.m. LC 19. box 5:-NY-1, Corona Del Mar, CA did not attend on campus orienta­ moment In time. Send us that tape (f Rldesj~^) If you want to gel Involved In tion must come to ULB 66. 7-8347. and enter It In our contestll All en­ Mary Francis Cotch 283-1079 ' 92625. Telethon '82 now's your chance. trants will receive a T-shirt, and Bartei der wanted part-time. Apply Take It! Woo-Woo, cash prizes of up to $100 will be r In pt' son. Izzy's Pub, 62 North Lake Rochester riders to share gas. , Monster mounts tor Stove, I'll always remember you love me, awarded to the best tape In these | Jeff tromm 457'-797 l otf V< JBhtnQton Ave. Leave SUNVA October 9, return Oc­ 7-5197. and It will be alright. I love you now categories; girl talk, guy talk, Writers! ' lnYarested'~Tn "sports" 01 tober 12. Call Judl, 7-4638 trom 8 and always. smoothest line, funniest', meanest, puDlicity? An athletic loam will pay a.m.-5:30 p.m. i.J., HBP most educational/Inspirational, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 6 7:00 a small stipend to someorio as Pickle Demo. Friday. Oct. 9 at 10 goodbye, trash, and misc. Selected publicity director. If Interested con­ Kevin, p.m. All loklng aside, you're a special tapes from the U.S., Australia, SA OFFICE CC 116 tact Coach DeMeo at 374-4717 ut".w|. - "-—— - Lost: Gold "C" chain bracelet. Rare Beatles and Billy Joel Tapes. Saturday, October 10. Information, Attention thle guy s making a withdrawal Reward otleredl Call Caryn, 7-4712. More Info. Call Gary, 7-7937. call 7-8362. See ya there. -Including my Pilot pan." Coat, sheepskin, superb quality, "It's almost criminal how people go lor my Pilot Flnellner. Why? Its Lost pair of glasses In black case Suites 206 and~30a Bieecker, c/fi-fi C£ai.i.ifieA c^fda will no lonaex Grayish frames made In West Ger­ new, men's size, average. $250 or Lunch with you Is always a culinary line point writes through carbons. And Pilot charges only 79° (or It. many. Brand name Playboy. Please best oiler. 458-2852. delight. The PLD Is always a relief. People get than hands on II and fotget It's my pen. ' s£ call John, 434-4141. Room 947 Well­ Desk lamp on stand, orange and Drop by anytime. Mets. Dolphins, fce accented in the cHaji Office.. PARAMOUNT PICTURES PRESENTS BURT REYNOLDS in A G0RD0N/M00NJEAN/T0K0FSKY PRODUCTION I QOI no pen. And no tospecl! ^^•••B ington. If not there leave message black.J$20. 458-2852. __ Albany and Ohio State are all "PATERNITY" BEVERLY D'ANGELO NORMAN FELL PAUL D001EY ELIZABETH ASHLEY LAUREN HUTT0N People go nuls over my Pilot Razor Thank-you. Of sentimental value. SteraoTsony Amp and Tuner, mint number 1. Executive Producer JERRY TOKOFSKY Written by CHARLIE PETERS Produced by LAWRENCE GORDON and Point loo. II writes with an extra condition, $300 or best offer. Other Your extra suitemate, Scotty HANK MO0NJEAN Directed by DAVID STEINBERG »«.«,«„ A PARAMOUNT PICTURE line line, lis melol collar helps (TEOFA lives) keep the point from components available. Call John, P.S, How do you make eggplant axe nous accented at the contact going squish. 475-5452 days or 456-0177 nights. Jubal? For only 89° they TPILOT] (TServicesJ) Electronic earring and pin. Hot rod should buy their . Love Lite comeB complete with a Tammy, EXCLUSIVE own pen-and show fine point matter pens mini-battery. Guaranteed to lite up Happy 19th birthday to the best office in the Cam/iui. Centex SHOWING some respect lor my properly People lokeloa Pilotllkeirs their own. For accurate typing from an ex­ roommate and my special friend. your nlte life. Send $8 for one or $10 Love, Amy perienced typist call Pleba, (or 2 to: Trading, Box 1007-A, War­ NOW! 482-5885. wick, R.I. 02888. EdTK^ Passport/Application Photos. $5 for • Here's the personal you've waited 3 fxom gam to qhm 2, $1 lor each 2 thereafter. years for. I was going to wait until 9 i-3 p.m. No appolntmtnt REMEMBER THE the Giants won the World Series, but that would take a lifetime. i. University Photo Sor- •3KB ; 305. Any questions? Call NEEDIEST Phyllis Will or Kiirl, 7-8867 . xrxrxr-r.'ttr Page Nineteen Albany Student Press

Lark St. at Madison "PREPARE FOR Sports rVICAT-LSAT^GMAT October 6, 1981 Welcomes Back THE 81 SUNYA CLASS SAT-DAT-GRE • Ptrmmrit cinitrt tm days. • opportunity to mint up mitsta Serving: evenlnti and witkanoi. lesions. Record Year ' Low hourly coat. Dedlcattd full- • Volumlnoui homa-atudy malarial. Lunch • 11:30 to S tlma itaff. constantly updated by rawarch- continued from page twenty-five Complilt T£STnTAPE»fKll lilts tra axpart In their field. for rtvlaw ol class laisons and • Opportunity to transfer to and Carolina 42-28 behind Dan Dinner • 5 to 11; Late night menu till closlny turnlemtntary mitarlatt, contlnur study at any ot our Marino's six touchdown passes, • Small classes taught by tad ovar 80 cantors. MADISON AVE * ONTARIO SK . ALBANY, September SUNYA Special lutructora. . No. 6 North Carolina downed 409 Draft Friday, Saturday, & Sunday OTHER COURSES AVAILABLE 28-7, eighth-ranked " - GRE BIO • MAT • PCAT • OCAT - VAT Michigan heat Indiana 38-17 and "B - VQE • ECFMG • FLEX - NDB • NLE No. 10 Brigham Young held off CiUOiyi, IvtiiWMkwtdi Utah Slate 32-26 Friday night Albany Center despite the absence of record- NOW OPEN AT 4:00 163 Delaware Ave., Delmarf breaking quarterback Jim 439-8146 McMahon with a knee injury. EDUCATIONAL CENTER Foi IMormitlofl About OMi Ctnltfi TEST PflEMRATION Oi«tti*( NT lltlt In the Second* Ten, No. II Colonial Cleaners ' SPECIALISTS SINCE 1038 CALL TOLL f REE: B00-223-1 782 Alabama drubbed Mississippi 38-7, and No. 14 Clemsori turned back Ken- Enjoy a burger and Draft or soda for Tailors lucky 21-3, No. 16 UCLA beat Col­ orado 27-7, No. 17 Miami crushed ^JM featuring $2.00 while watching our giant T.v. 177 No. Allen St. Vandcrbili 48-16 and No. 18 Iowa ALASKAN KING CRAB BMLH..I-«W—<-»««-**»»> Albany, N.Y. Phone: 482-7647 swamped Northwestern 64-0. iimiMJfflnT'* SPECIAL Established 1920 Third-ranked Texas, No. 13 Professional Dry Cleaning Georgia and No. 15 Southern MEATBALL Methodist were oi'f. PEPPERONI Wednesdays and Fridays CLAM Curt WariK'i, the nation's No. 2 10% Off to all SUNY Students with Student ROAST KEF TUNA special $1.95 dozen I itishci, gained 117 yards and scored ftASTRAMI Identification liom 3 and 19 yards out to lend GENOA I'cnn State past Temple. "They can TURKEY BOLOGNA also lay claim to No. I just as well as CENTURY TWO MALL anybody until somebody heats HAM CHEESE WEDNESDAY: Funky Jazz with 900 CENTRAL AVE., ALBANY Zippers Replaced them." said Temple Coach Wayne TRIMUNE^sok-f««. »m INSIDE THE MALL SAUSAGE Hardin, "They have the hest offen­ Downtown Suede and Leather Cleaners A (Exit S Oil 1-90] Swved «tth you choke ol • Amwkon Ow«e • Onions • Lettuce • Dal hehlot • Tonwtoei Shirt Launders i ' Phone 459-J871 sive line I've seen on one field." I THURSDAY: College Night Expert Mens and Ladies Alterations OPEN I Fast and Efficient Service MUST SEE Read ASPECTS'. Eight | $!Off \TO BELIEVE pages every Friday! LATE 11BI Wctlem Ave. swseMPMlBSJfjTel I (otmu Imm Shopillol fay foot-IOng I Free admission with I.D. 7 DAYS 48M1 324 Cifntrol" Ave . sub or salad_ Ontario SI. Market ALL 323 Ontario St. A WEEK I LwnHor I 50's rock with the Rockin Dakotas I OOmtt z3 Alun I SHOES Qn i We'v^GotMoreTngtc^ mmiwmwitwwmiiimn » ..... nmmnHtm* College Graduates: Cold Beer, Hunthtea J Open Till lO pm DISCOVER YOUR INFLATION FIGHTER PRICE AND A» Domino's p/zza we POTENTIAL AS A VALUES TO promise a hot, nutritious socoo UP WfigKEfv.DS ONLY meal delivered in 30 LAWYER'S ASSISTANT WW A PAIR Domino's EACH ADDITIONAL WE ARE minutes or less. Your Actresses pizza idmaddwHh 100% PAIR NEVER real dairy cheese, our ... at Adelphi! UNDERSOLD! Wanted own special sauce, and More and more law firms and corporations are hiring lawyer's IIWUIMM Pizza 0PEN your choice of items. assistants for challenging and rewarding careers. Salaries at all V Al R AMY DAILY AND SATURDAY 10-9, SUNDAY I J-J $250 Per Then we deliver it levels have increased with the extraordinary growth of this pro­ ^£5lOC THREE DOORS DOWN FROM GRAND UNION last—gt no extra charge. fession, and top iawyer*s assistants earn as much as $32,000. Across from Wcstaalc Stropping Center Day Give us a call., .we' The Lawyer's Assistant Program at Adelphi University is the SCHENECTADY Delivers largest and oldest ABA-approved program of its kind in New OPEN DAILY 10-5:30, Thurs. TIL » deliver! fast STORE NL experlein e necessary. York State, with more than 3,000 graduates. 3 Star In X-iv.l. d Pninnvlslon At Adelphi, it takes just three months of concentrated daytime study (or six months in the evening) to prepare for a career as a (vide" tapes). Filmed In Fast... Free lawyer's assistant. Courses offered in: GARDEN CITY, L.I., NYC. S. .d plvit< I'.: Delivery HUNTINGTON, LI. and MANHATTAN . AVWA. 3H3 W. '12 SI Could This Be The Career You've Been Looking For? miCHflLRIVS Suite 507 NYC. 1003b You owe it to yourself to find out! And you can—easily, and 212-307^1013 KCall us. without cost or obligation. INN-side-OUT Meet with our recruiter who will be at the 234 WPiSHINGTON fW€NU£ • RlSflNY, NY 12205 463-9066 Downtown placerrjent office on campus ..;/,.,—.-and find INTERNATIONAL 571 New Scotland. CAREER? DOMINO'S ., Why 85% of our graduates who seek para­ 45M331690 Western3 Ave . legal employment have found tt ..Why hundreds ot lawyers and other Uptown PIZZA employers send us their requests for our Any pizza' Hours: graduates 4:30-1:00 Sun.-Thurs. . .Why Wejphl graduates have been hired 4:30-2:00 Fri. & Sat. . "Jby48 of the 50 largest law Srms In Hew A representative *1.00 Ono coupon per pizza LOCATED ON SUNYA BUS! INt will be on the campus /• Friday Night OFF Expires Oct. 20, 1981 FRIDAY MAIL THIS COUPON Or, telephone right now: LiAehcs. Served IZkl OCTOBER 9, 1981 Fast, tree delivery TODAY! [ (516) 663-1004 to discuss qualifications for Approved for VA. and N.Y.S. Higher Education Loans. advanced study at 571 Now Scotland /'Tllilrs. 9-11 Phone 4824611 75* vodkn-tjln-rum AMERICAN The Lawyer's Assistant Program Please send me a copy of S2.0O (Bud. 4 Gen.), GRADUATE SCHOOL 1690 Western Ave AdelphiUnlverslty the Adelphi University and job opportunities ^^^^^^^ Phone 4S&3333 '_ Garden City. Ul„ NX 11530 LawyersAssis tantPro- in the field of In cooperation wtth The gram catalog for 1981 /B2. INTERNATIONAL MANAGEMENT free National Center for Paralegal Training. Inc. Name Interviews may be scheduled at Address PLA CEMENT CENTER City , State Zip Home Phone School Phone

ADELPHI mfqpojBQE THURSDAY: LADIES NIGHT AMERICAN GRADUATE SCHOOL UNIVERSITY 1 FREE DRINK WITH THIS AD OF INTERNATIONAL MANAGEMENT delivery Adelphi Unlvenlly Admit* Sl« Or/W- Glendelo, Arlions 85306 Page Twenty-one Albany Student Press Sports October 6, 1981 • Baseball's Best Teams Nixed From Playoffs (AP) Forget about the records, the Dodgers in the National League The Royals, who finished the cident while allcmpting to bum in a .500 at 25-26, will send Ron Guidry, split season, the strike and the fact West. season with an overall record of game at Los Angeles. 11-5, against the Brewers' Moose that two of baseball's best teams The scries in the East start 49-53, will start right-hander Dennis Philadelphia will send three-time Haas, 11-7, In the opener of the AL won't even be there. It's Unto for Wednesday with the Philadelphia Leonard, 13-11, against the A's Cy Young award winner Steve East scries. Sponsored by JSC-Hillel the game to get interesting Phillies traveling Montreal to play Mike Norris, 12-9. Carlton, 13-4, against Steve Rogers, New York's Lou Piniclla said the again—the playoffs arc here. the Expos and the New York 12-8, in the NL East opener as the second season was tough on the The bes't-of-five divisional Yankees meeting the Brewers al The best opening game pitching Phillies go after a second straight Yankees. playoffs open today in the home ci- Milwaukee. matchup will probably be In world championship. The Expos, The Brewers will be making their iKolNidre Oct 7 6:30pm ly of the second-half winners. The The final Hires games of each Houston, where the Dodgers will who lost thcNLEast title on the last first appearance in the playoffs in Kansas City Royals host the series will be played in the cities of send out rookie sensation Fernando weekend in each of the last two their 13-ycar history. Oct 8 9:30am Oakland A's in the American the first-half division winners with Valenxucla, 13-7, against Nolan years, say they're ready. The Cincinnati Reds, who had League West, while the Houston the possible exception of the Ryan, 11-5, who no-hll the Dodgers the best record in baseball this Astros entertain the Los Angeles Oakland-Kansas City scries. nine days ago. Valcuzuela, the port­ The biggest problem boih the season at 66-42, and Si. Louis Car­ Traditional Services ly Mexican left-hander who drop­ Phillies and Expos may face is I he dinals, who had the best overall ped his last three decisions, said he weather in Montreal, where record in the NL East al 59-43, did CC Ballroom PLANTS. wasn't nervous about the game. lemperalurcs reached a high in the not qualify for the playoffs. Both The Astros suffered a serious loss low 50s Sunday. .cams failed to win cither half of tlii; Folliage plants Friday night when pitcher Don Sut­ The Yankees, who finished lite icason, split by the players 58-day Liberal Services ton broke his kneecap in a freak ac­ second half of the season under walkout that began in June. for more info call 457-7508 Flowering plants CC Assembly Hall Hanging baskets ...immuiiLimt«tnm«Hwtmtwwn«wui Pots, potting soil all accesories MEET THE DANES NIGHT Largest selec tion in Capitol District. Eagles Soar Past Falcons, 16-13 JOtN THE bring the Falcons within 13-10 with AT THE PHILADELPHIA (AP) Two pass The Eagles, however, had lo COLLEGE SCHULTZ garden center Interceptions and a fumble set up withstand a furious Atlanta second- 4:05 left in the third period. *-¥--¥• RATHSKELLER PUB three Tony Franklin field goals and half rally in which English import The Eagles, who arc 5-0 and own REPUBLICANS 136 Wolf Road, Colonic Quarterback Ron Jaworski threw a Mick Luckhursl kicked a 35-yard the 's only 1 mi north of Colonic Center, 3 mi, north of campus. 30-yard touchdown pass as the field goal and, 12 seconds later, cor- unblemished record, now lead the Helping us welcome the Danes: Open daily 9-9, Sal. 9-5:30, Sun 10-5. 45K-7957 unbeaten beat nerback Kenny Johnson returned a Dallas Cowboys by one game in the Meet: the 16-13 Monday fumbled kickoff return 20 yards lo National Conference East. It was Head Coach Robert Ford The Official SUNYA Pep Band night. the second straight loss for Atlanta, His Coaching Staff Film shorts of the first three games 3-2 and they are now in a Ihree-way fit tic for the lead with the Los Angeles Plus some N.F.L. clips The Captains Ranis and San Francisco 49crs in The Great Danes I he NFC Wesi. GENERAL MEETING Philadelphia's actual winning Date: October 7, "V&eds strength points came willi 11:46 left in the AII Backed Up With Those Fine Cheerleaders fourth quarter on Franklin's third Wednesday field goal and 10th In 12 allcmpts litis season. Ailanla siiM refused to Time: 8:30 pm quit, driving from its own 22 to a Tonight, Tuesday, October 6 wuz a real cotnfrrt first down at the Eagle's 18 with the Place: LC 21 help of a 13-yard completion from 6 p.m. — 11 p.m. qunrlervmek Sieve ftnuVowsk\ to _J Hntmi.niil.KnumuMtmMtwyim^inm.Mi.uMmm.' Alfred Jenkins and 26 yards to to us the ni^ht the fullback William Andrews. Hai ikowskl then threw to Jenkins in the end zone for a touchdown thai would have given the Falcons THE GET-A-WA Y BUS!!! the lead, bin the play was wiped out when rookie tackle Eric Sanders izzan dmif' was caught holding on the play. The Pappy McCoy, Railroad Surveyor, Chicago & Ouray Railroad. Falcons almost picked up the Holiday Service Holiday Service touchdown again on a pass from Bartkowskl to wide recelvei Wallace Francis, lull the pass was Until you needed it, knocked away ai the last moment Jeremiah's strength wasn't by corncrback Royncll Young. SUNYA Fort Authority SUNYA - Carle Place, LU. that obvious. But his spirit Thai brought on Luckhursl, who in I he second quarter had missed on and might were always a 19-yard chip shot. He appealed lo Marshall's Shopping there, ready to help dig a he the victim of a had snap that friend out of whatever trou­ bounced into the hands of holder Center Old Country Road ble he was in. Just woe John James. This lime, however, Luckhursl, who was signed as a free betide the body who took agent, connected with a 43-yarder him lightly. —***~~ to make it 16-13 with 6:45 left in ihc WHEN: Wednesday WHEN: Wednesday Jeremiah Weed is more game. than a legacy. It's a tribute The Falcons had one more ctober 7th chance to gel the ball with less than TIME: 12:00 October 7th to a 100 proof maverick. three minutes to go but James TIME: 12:00 ° Mayherry ran Into Eagles punier Max Runagci and Philadelphia ran out the clock. DEPART: Circle DEPART: Circle The Eagles attained u 5-0 record for the first lime in the history of the NFL franchise. RETURN: Thursday RETURN: Thursday Atlanta look the opening kickoff and drove from ils 20 lo the Eagles ctober 8th 16 on 10 plays. Bartkowski com­ TIME: 8:30 October 8th TIME: 8:30 ° pleted five passes, one for 17 lo Alfred Jackson for a firsl down at the Eagles 33, and one for 13 lo Jenkins for another first down al the 20. But after Andrews carried to the Philadelphia 16, linebacker Al PRICE: $19,50 PRICE: $22.50 Cheslcy Intercepted, for the Eagles al his 8 and returned it 31 yards. Ii took the Eagles just five plays lo gain a 3-0 lead. Jaworski connected villi Harold Caimichacl on a )8-yurd puss play to the Falcons 23. After three plays netted four yards, Tix now on sale at contact office ilOOProoJ Jemnuu Franklin kicked a 36-yard Held goal CC Lobby Jeremiah Weed* Bourbon Liqueur, c 1981 Heublein, Inc., Hartlord, Conn. continued on IXKC siwnievn %i »n»ii%ii%<•%"%"%"* ,f%">'" s.w-SV^j.^Sw' Page Twenty-three , ,|^|^,^^^^^^^^^>^^^^ Page Twenty-two m —. Albany Student Press Sports October 6, 1981. l^jl

IMMEDIATE OPENINGS AVAILABLE IN I For more information, call: FOREIGN MEDICAL SCHOOL. NO FOREIGN by Larry Kahn Danes here in a game that has the team up. 9. Union 2*1 EAST The results of the next NCAA Alfred, Ithaca 13 Cheryl 7-7731 LANGUAGE REQUIRED. FULLY AC­ DtmesJotied potential to boost Albany back into But there is another reason to go. 10.Albany St. 3-1 Division III footballl poll will be an­ the national rankings. Should Albany qualify for an Tufts 1-0-1 Broekport 35, Lowell 21 Melinda 7-4660 CREDITED. SOME OPENINGS ALSO continued from back page nounced later today and Albany Buffalo 27, Wayne, Mich. 14 JSC Office 7-7803 But that game is a long way off. NCAA playoff spot at the end of AVAILABLE FOR DENTAL AND VERTINARY ' right. State is sure to drop out of Ihe lop Union proved on Saturday that the season one factor in whether NCAA Division III Poll Coast Guard 20, Norwich 14 SCHOOLS. LOANS AVAILABLE. INTER­ ' Hardy intercepted a Roger Harris ten. the Danes cannot afford to take any Albany will host a game may be September 29, 1981 Dayton 21, Slippery Rock 17 ' pass on the Albany 40 yard line and The latest Lambert Bowl rank­ team lightly. The first team they home attendance. The NCAA has Dayton (now 5-0) Franklin & Marshall 35, I VIEWS BEGINNING IMMEDIATELY. FOR ings, announced after this have lo deal with is Buffalo. The lo finance the road trip and might Widcner (4-0) Moravian 14 > the Danes had good Held position FURTHER DETAILS AND% OR APPOINT­ i with just over nine minutes to play. weekend's games, has the Danes in Bulls are led by junior quarterback choose the locale most likely to Baldwin-Wallace (4-0) Gettysburg 28, W. Maryland 22 a tenth place tic in the East after Hofstra 19, Cortland 10 MENT CALL: \\ They began to drive as Ennis bang- Marty Barren, whose NCAA pass­ cover those expenses. Albany State (3-1) their 10-7 upset loss to Union on ing efficiency rating of 214.1 makes Montclair 21, Ramapo 7 y cd out runs of six, six and Tour But so far Albany doesn't Wabash (4-0) ADELPHI UNIVERSITTS DR. MANLEY (716) 882-2803 Saturday. him the Division 111 leader. Albany New Haven 19, N.Y. Tech 19, tie " yards, but the game turned once measure up. Carthage (3-1) But all is not lost. leads ihe series 3-1, bul Buffalo's Thicl 22, Bethany 21 more. Attendance for the Danes' lone Montclair (4-0) The Danes have a long way to go lone victory knocked the Danes out Union 10, Albany 7 Fullback Chuck Priore, who home game was a meager 621. Lawrence (4-0) American University to get back on lop, bul their dif­ of contention for the playoffs in Wldener 17, Muhlenberg 3 gained 144 yards against Broekport Okay, il was n holiday weekend — San Diego (4-0) ficult schedule can work in their 1978. a week earlier but had been held to but it si ill counts. We have to gel Adrian (4-0) favor if they return to top form. out in droves on Saturday — every MIDWEST 42 yards by the Dutchmen, coughed Albany musi be able lo shake off Bethany (3-1) Two of Albany's wins were over Saturday — and show our support. Adrian 14, Mount Union 13 up the ball on the Union 43. their loss to Union and pul every very tough teams — National Augustana 35, Carthage 7 LSAT Washington A screen pass went for a 5-yard ounce of energy Into beating Buf­ There's no more bin's aboul it. Also receiving voles: finalist in 1980 Ithaca and Division Baldwin-Wallace 47, Marietta 0 loss, but on the next play Hardy falo and every other team they face Allied Lawrence 41, Coe 6 PREPARATION COURSE was cited for pass interference on a II Southern Connecticut. this year. LAMBERT BOWL Augustana • 40 hr. course—live lectures Monmouth 13, Carlcton 0 25-yard bomb on a questionable But the best is yel to come, Bin ihey need our help. I.Alfred 4-0 Buffalo • in-class practice exams Semester On Saturday, Buffalo, the flftli- flic Danes are lucky 10 have loin 2. Gettysburg 4-0 Carlton Ripon 20, Lake Forest 7 call. Safety Bruce Collins had Wabash 35, Kalamazoo 7 • audio tape library already deflected the ball before ranked leant In the East, Invades or ihe ncxl five games on Unlversllj 3. Widcner 4-0 Hlmhursl Wis.-Oshkosh 21, Wis.-Sloul 14 Hardy made the hit, University Field boasting a 4-0 Field, bin only Ihe fans can make 4. Franklin*Marshall 3-0 Franklin & Mai shall • GUARANTEE: If you don't score Wittenberg 42, Muskingum 14 "It was a bad call," said Ford, record and lite lop ranked Division thai a home field advantage. All 5. Buffalo 4-0 Gettysburg III quarterback in the nation. On teams play harder and heller heroic 600, take the next course FREE "Bui it didn't cost us the 6. Monlelalr 4-0 Rlpon [October 31 Allied, the lop leant in a partisan crowd — the yelling and Wisconsin-Stout FAR WEST ballgame." 7. Westminister 3-0 NOW offered in ALBANY 11 lie Easl litis week, will lake on the cheering can't help bin pump a 8. Woostei Poly 3-0 Wiltenburg San Diego St. 17, New Mexico 1 CLASSES START NOVEMBER 3 Five plays later Milliner ") scampered into the end /one from at The Best Western-Thruway House three yards onl with 5:42 on the i Question & Answer session concerning the LSAT clock. Booters Win I I and the law school admission process to be held at The Iwo learns exchanged punts, 1 I the Best Western-Thruway Mouse, 1375 Washington and Albany began their final drive continued from page twenty-seven I I Ave., Albany at 6:30 P.M. on October 22. from their own 15 yard line with Division I school and provides the' Programi Include ^B I I For further Information, to attend a Q & A session Separate programi in 1:54 left. A Frail keeper, un in­ best of competition for Albany. • American Politics • Seminan with decision milkers Successful Careers 1 I or to enroll in the next course, • Criminal Justice • Internships on Capitol Hill, in government complete pass, and an 8-yard com­ Last season, Hartwick came lo agencies and with public interesi groups • Urban Affairs pletion lo F.nnis Icfl the Danes with Albany and defeated the Danes al I I Call COLLECT: (212) 679-2773 • Eciinmnic Policy • Research with guidance by University professors • Specialised cnunci in a wide variety of disciplines fourth down and a fool to go. Splii 1 I or write: LSAT Preparation Course, Adelphi Urban • Arts and Humanities Bleeker Stadium, 4-1. This year's I. • Center, 22 East 28th St. New York, N.V. 10016. •Foreign Policy • Campus housing if desired end Bob Bricn goi the call on a game was very different; Albany •Journalism Fur further information, contact: reverse and raced 2d yards 10 I he 50 lost 8-0. I I Contact locally: Stuart Schwartz (518) 489-5660 The American University Dr. David C Brown, Kxccutivc Director Don't Just Happen yard line at I:IS, ^^L In cooperation with The National Center lor Educational Testing, Inc. is an equal opportunity/ Washington Semester Programs But even that lopsided score Vs a affirmative action Tlir American University Two plays netted three ynrds, but btl CccuVvtnu because Cor ehe open­ university- Washington, D.C. 20016 on third-nnd-scven Pratt made a ing 35 minutes the Danes played bad pilch and Union recovered. At the Institute for Paralegal Training we have prepared Hanwiek very close. In fact it was * • * not until late in the half when Hart­ — -"-"—" m Last week, in their home opener, over 4,000 college graduates for careers in law, business and wick scored its first goal on a con­ L Albany crushed Broekport 36-7. finance. After just three months of intensive training, we will troversial call. Then after the next . The Dane defense held the Golden place you in a stimulating and challenging position that offers goals were netted, a little team W Fagles to bul one yard rushing ami demoralization set in on the Danes, W ran back two interceptions for professional growth and expanding career opportunities. As according to Schieffclin, and JSC HILLEL • touchdowns. a Legal Assistant you will do work traditionally performed by without the services of three I Albany totally dominated the starters, Albany went on lo lose I first half, bu! then substituted attorneys and other professionals in law firms, corporations, convincingly. heavily in the second half. They banks, government agencies and insurance companies. llui now with the most recent win HAS MOVED! picked up 286 yards of total offense over Broekport, things are definite­ in the first half, including all of ly beginning lo look up again for TLHI 1 Furthermore, you will earn graduate credit towards a Master muni wiwuM Priore's 144 yards, while limiting Albany. According to Schieffclin, I Broekport lo 97 yards of offense. of Arts in Legal Studies through Antioch School of Law for all those last few games comprised the I The Danes opened up a 29-0 course work completed at The Institute. hardest pari of an already difficult New Office CC 320 I halflime advantage behind schedule "We've gol eight games louchdown runs of 70 and 23 yards We are regarded as the nation's finest and most prestig­ lo go and we have to take them one Stop By And Say Hello by Priore, a 43-yard Interception ,ii a time," commented the Dane 1 return by Mall Brancnlo and a ious program for training legal specialists for law firms, loaclt. I 40-yard split end reverse by Bricn, business and finance. But, as important as our academic Bul Albany goal keeper Billy I Linebacker Bob Cohen capped the Slcffcn seemed a little more f I Albany scoring with a 37-yard in- quality is our placement result. The Institute's placement positive. "I think we can win every more into call JSC Office 457-7508 lerccption return at the end of the service will find you a job in the city of your choice. If not, you will one of the next games. We just have third quarter- lo slay playing alright. If we can be eligible for a substantial tuition refund. jusl keep il together, we'll be I^«»W»»W»«»WW^W^^WWW^WW«P^«P^»W'»»»WM okay." AltiMi) Union If you are a senior in high academic standing and looking

Union—McKclv for the most practical way to begin your career, contact your Mb -Mtqulic ! Union.-Ilullnci Placement Office for an interview with our representative.

llrtl ilnwns It Rights of Kinhtviinh 5»-l»» We will visit your campus on: October 14 l'i,„lni: ,unl, .*« I'.,,,, MM) use tumble, l,i,l 1 Finable*-) iru, 7-V1 2. Penn St. Soviet Jewry Ref useniks 3. Pittsburgh Individual Lu.lci. 14. North Caroli Kushlna—Albany, EmiK 1A-II0, Pllotii Union, tluniu-i 28-UM, Hatn, 7-47. The 5. Clemsou I'a,,lnu--Albans. Trail A- 12-0-3B. Union, 235 South 17th Street 6. Iowa SPONSORED by JSC-Hillel Worid Jewry Committee n-n-IOK, Mollis 3-7.1.IH. Institute Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19103 Texas Rcvclvlnu—Albany. MvQitlre ).}}, Unlo |8. Michigan bon, 2-7.V for (215) 732-6600 [). Miami, Fla. ••MkffU 8-80:30 CC170 Paralegal 10, Florida St. All Football , (Operated by Parti-Legal, Inc.) Training Points awarded j-on Vr awn Info, call Howard 7-FSOS 0.9,8,7.6,5,4,3,2,1 basis. ASP Top Games Are Approved by The American Bar Association Tin compiled by Bob Bellafiore, JSC Offie* 7-7SOI Programs Earn Full Credit Toward M.A. In Legal Studies through Antioch School of Law. Make Carmen, Biff Fischer. "«d\ Broadcast On Larry Kahn, WCDB 91FM r^.-Jwrf Page Twenty-five CHAUURAH - Liberal Service •Albany Student Press SpOltS October 6,1981. Interest Meeting dEAN PAUL tha only GmmUM French BASS October 6, 1981 7 am OOTFURES Salon In ALBANY PLAYER - JSC Office Rm CC320 tEANPAUL J.C. and Paul worked for 8 Dane Harriers Tripped by Colgate, Pittsburgh Sponsored by JSC-Hillel years In Manhattan - we under;-" Chauurah Committee land the problems students Wanted for by Ken Cantor Lant today we could have won the All those who plan a musical Instrument are have in -finding the same ex­ Tri-city Area On Saturday afternoon the meet," commented Albany men's encouraged to attend M jl BEAN PAUL cellence In Hair Styling they are Albany State men's cross country cross country coach Bob Munsey. 00,FrURK> used to In N.V.C. Our staff Is Polka Band. t-ot more Information call: team lost to Colgate 33-24. "It's been a hard luck year for us CJp_ Efoerbly trained and our service" Easy money and Albany's Scott James finished first so far," Munsey continued. "We're Sharon Wohlberg - 482-6261 the best nossihle. JSC - 457-7803 lots of fun. on the 5.05 mile course with a time 2-7 right now. However, I think if DEwrrrcuNtoM we get our team healthy within the Call John at of 26:25. However, Colgate cap­ 142 STATE STREET. ALBANY. MY. 12207 tured the next three positions. next few weeks we can pull our (518) 463-6*91 S. 272-7147 Colgate's Jon Hodnctt came in at record up to .500." 15 per cent discount with student ID till 26:42, Jim McCoy finished at "It's important that we get . New Year's Eve except with Jean C.Paul 27:01, and Jim O'Connor finished healthy soon. We have some tough feagiBlBlBlirtrlBMBIBlSflJrnmmirnBl^ or Marsha Blenvenue at 27:11. Bruce Shapiro captured meets coming up soon like Siena fifth place for Albany with a time Then at the end of the month we of 27:15. Jim Roth came in sixth for have the Albany regionals," noted Eat. Drink & Be Merry. the Danes at 27:23. Nick Sullivan James, the team captain. and Winston Johnson also had The Danes have not fared well There's something for everyone at lately. In addition to Saturday's Enjoy delicious dinner* in the the Americana, from family dlnnan good days in Albany's defeat. The Patroon Room, Happy Hour and - to intimate cocktails for two, from loss evened the scries with Colgate defeat the Danes came in third in a evening entertainment in the banquets to brunch, When you at 7-7. meet with Williams, Mlddlebury, Patroon Tavern, special luncheons want to eat, drink and be merry, Once again the Danes were crip­ and Vermont. The Danes were and buffets in the gardens come to Americana Inn. of the Village Square. pled with injuries. Todd Silva, who dominated by Vermont and has been out for four weeks, sat out Williams and barely squeaked out a the meet. In addition, Chris Lain win over Middlebury. Once again - * Meanwhile, runner-up Penn 302 Swann Avenue, Alexandria, Virginia 22301 State blanked Temple 30-0, fourth- OPENING SOON AT A THEATRE NEAR YOU ranked Pitt whipped South continued on [/wge nineteen Page Twenty-seven "tftiMi- fVii'i/('< .'til*" ,. Albany Student Press Sports October 6, 1981. pgfc TwMty-afi ^Albany Student Press SpOllS October 6,1981 Winning Is Not Boring for Spikers Slumping Booters Get Back on Winning Track

by Madeline Fascuccl by Marc Haspcl The Albany State women's Already if seems like ages ago volleyball team threatens to become Great Dane thai the Albany Slate men's soccer boring — if winning could be con­ learn lost its first game of Ihc season sidered boring. Sports This Week to division I Onconla, 3-1. Actually The Danes have won their last il was just over two weeks ago and lor a good pari of thai mosi of us five games but the victories have Men's varsity baseball vs. Siena (2) been varied. Whether winning from here ni Albany went on vacation. Tuesday, 10/6 on field behind Indian, Unfortunately, even (hough the a tied score, or coming from Women's varsity soccer vs, LcMoyne behind, you know they arc going to booters had three games scheduled, Tuesday, 10/6 on field behind Dutch, so did their offense. Albany was win — the question is only how and Women's varsity cross_ ^^^^^ when. shut out in ibree consecutive _ I Cortland, outings against Plaitsburgh, Cor­ In the first of three games played Women's varsity vi at home last Saturday afternoon, tland and Hartwick. The booters hud no where else to go bin up. the spikers beat Clarkson in a 2-0 Men's varsity lenni match. The team was not quite up Saturday afternoon in very windy conditions at University Field, Ihc to par in the first game, only winn­ Men's varsity soeci ing 13-10, but they came around to Danes look on the Broekport soundly beat Clarkson in the next Eagles, li was an important game Women's varsity t game 15-6. not because the Danes were afraid Despite the victory, Albany The spikers look three matches on Saturday with wins against Clarkson. of Ihe Eagles themselves, bin Men's varsity hasel volleyball coach Pat Dwycr was Williams and Russell Sage, (photo: UPS) because Albany badly needed lo gel back on Irack, and restore sonic of disappointed in the first match, say­ "They played ureal. [ thought the first game, 15-11, to win the 2-1 Women's varsity s> thai losi confidence shaken by the ing the team made "dumb they would," said Dwycr ahout the match in a 15-3 lie-breaker game. mistakes." suing of four defeats. Simply, Ihe For the match against Russell second team. Women's varsity cros! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The next team, Williams, was a booters had lo win ibis one and they Sage, Dwycr put in "the whole se­ Saturday's games and two wins Saturday, 10/10 away, much stronger team according to did by the score of 2-0. cond team that is able to play" plus last week against Saint Rose and Women's varsity volleyball vs. Plaitsburgh Dwycr. Lasl year was the first time "We played well against a good one starter. This squad beal Russell Skidmorc give the team a 9-2 Saturday, 10/10 at Plallshurgh, Albany had defeated Williams' Broekport learn," said Albany Sage 2-0, with Theresa Simon serv­ record. Men's varsity football vs. Ilul'falo Gerry Isaacs scored the Dunes' second goal of the game ugalnsl llroekpnrt volleyball team — this year was the Stale men's soccer head coach Bill Adding the most recent wins to the splker's successful record gives them an ing the first seven points in the firsl The team was also very successful Saturday, 10/10 on University Field, us the booters won. (photo: Mure llensehcl) second. SchiclTelin. "It's nice lo gel back Impressive 9-2 mark, (photo: Alan Calem) game. lasl week in the Great Dane Invita­ Men's varsity soccer vs. Potsdam The team came back from losing on Hack." tional Tournament. Dwycr had Saturday, 10/10 at Potsdam, defense again and shul out very deep in Hayle territory laic in -...••• BBB3 i»«in The firsl half of Ihc game hoped the team would make il lo Men's varsity cross country vs. Monlclulr/Trenlon/Qucens resembled very much the kind Mini Broekport, which had the benefit of Ihc half, Ihc quarter finals, but the team GtiNtuAl Foods Saturday, 10/10 away, Ihe boaters had become accustom­ Ihc wind. Yd even wilh Ihc windy Then, aflci intermission, il hap­ went all Ihe way to the semis and Men's varsity tennis—SUNYAC championships ed lo playing. Willi a strong wind disadvantage, the Danes came very pened. ATlet seven halves of regula­ hitUNATJOINAI CofftES won the consolation round against Saturday, 10/10 at Plullsburgh, blowing against them, Albany wns close lo ciuling Iheli scoring tion play, Ihe booleis finally ended Rutgcrs-Ncwark, a Dlvlson I team, S unable lo score bill played lough drought with some excellent passing Ihe famine on an A Trim Ncvnj goal 15-0,10 come in third in Ihc tourna­ wilh only 5:54 gone by. Ncvaj, who Free ment. has been playing "outstanding One Sample Pack with five dellclously Albany played and heal several swceperbacl" of laic, according IO different one-cup servings. Division I and II teams in the lour- SchiclTclin, was assisted by John nament. In their round robin pool Maikcs am! used some nifty move­ they lost only lo Cornell, who went CHAPEL HOUSE Services ment lo penetrate the Eagle on to win ihc tournament. defense, QapjpUcchio Dwycr has high hopes for Ihe Nearly \3 minutes IIUCT, li hap­ leant. "1 anticipate we will do well. pened again. Ihe Danes scored ITAIIAN «mt W6TANI COFFtt UtVtnAQS If we continue lo do as well as we (Liberal and Traditional) Ihelr .second goal of the gome, com­ Gratis did in Ihc tournament, we will go to ing off the fooi of Ocrry Isaacs. Hut Creamy rich, with an orange twist. Ihc Stales and the Eastern this lime the goal, a long bias! dial Rcglonals." used full advantage of the .wind, ( II Ml KAl 11 KllK was surrounded by controversy. lMIHV\lic>N-\l( OllltS Please Comet Seemingly, ihc Brockpori Allen Heading Friday 6:30 pm defenders hail thought linn Isaacs CAfE FRAINCAis had laken Ihe hall offsides. Bui thai ' FMMCH *TYLI INSTANT came wveruoi_ Saturday morning 9:30 am call was nevci made by the referee For Record Year JSC-Hitlel and ihe alcrl Isaacs lei go wilh a Gratuit powerful bool that sailed into ihe Oneg Shabbat - Friday night For more info call; Arthur 7-7806 Smooth and light, French style. Eagle nel. (AP) Marcus Allen has brought Van Ren 204 - 7:30 pm JSC 7-7508 The game itself began lo gel a bit (MM ml I ooils some new numbers to college foot­ out of hand as both teams engaged IMIKIMAIIOIVMV ollns ball, and they continue to add up to Luncheon - Saturday, 12:30 pm in very chippy play. A lew players what is becoming a record-setting drew ted cards and were losscd oui season. Southern California's of Ihe game. But Albany successful­ AUSTRIAN CTYUt INSTANT COFFEE MVERAQC rambling man became the first run­ ly held on and won by ihc iwo goal Kostenfrei ner ever to record four consecutive margin. 200-yard games when he rushed for "We played much mote for each Viennese style, with a touch of cinnamon. 233 yards and three touchdowns olhei in this game. Guys were Saturday in leading the No. covering up for each oilier." said 1-ranked Trojans to a 56-22 rout of Nczaj of the Dane win. "Il was a Oregon State. Ski Club Meeting Tonight! super cffprl. Everyone knew what il 3rish!M)cha!Mmt Allen, a 202-pound senior, car­ meant. If wc would have lost this IHSH StYli WSBNT COFFEE BEVERAOE ried 35 limes for 233 yards and game il would have been the scored on runs of 30, 8 and 13 yards All Welcome! season." Saor before silling out the fourth And thai season was beginning lo Delicious. Like a chocolate after-dinner mint. quarter. With 925 yards in four look very black prior to ibis uplif­ games, he broke the mark of 905 set ting victory. The Danes suffered C It M l(\l I (Kills through a very lough dry spell. Firsl lMIIIN\li(l\\K llllllS by Oklahoma's Greg Pruilt in 1971. At 8:00 in LC1 The next target is the 1971 record i was the Plaitsburgh loss on Suisse Mocl^a of live 200-yard games by Cornell's September 23 al Plaitsburgh, The Ed Marinaro. And since there ap­ Danes dropped that one by the slim SWISS STYLI INSTANT COFFEE BEVERAOE Discussion Of: pears to be no stopping Allen, the margin of 1-0. That game was played in such a heavy downpour Gratis single-season rushing mark of 1,948 that Schieffelin felt Ihe game could yards by Pitt's Tony Dorset I in 1976 Membership Signups Sugarbush Skiweek Rich and chocolateySwIss^ have been cancelled. would seem to be in serious jeopar­ Barnes & Noble Bookstore dy. Night Skiing Program Utah Skiweek The Danes next loss occurred in "He deserves il because he's one Cortland against a good Red HAS YOUR FREE SAMPLE PACK OF GENERAL FOODS* INTERNATIONAL of the most popular leaders I've Weekend And Day Trips Dragon team. Albany played tough COFFEES. CUP THIS COUPON AND HAVE A TASTE ON US. ever been around," said USC limiting the Dragons to just one Coach John Robinson. "He's on And Much, Much More.... goal that went in on an intended Llmlt-or|e request per customer. Sample packs are available at your pass rather than a shot, but the 'college Bookstore while supplies last, This otter expires December 15, Kit? his way to becoming one of the 1982. greatest runners in college foot­ booters were unable to score II sample pack is not available at your college bookstore, ball." Collection of deposits for all trips as welli^^^^^^^^^ themselves and lost the game 1-0. send coupon, along with your name and address, printed on a tUNIfUUKlOM Finally, the Danes visited Hart­ 3" x 5" card, to General Foods' International Coffees Sample The Trojans roared to it 42-17 Pack Offer, P.O. Box 4051, Kankakee, III. 60902. hall'limc lend. Besides Allen's three wick on September 30 in a game touchdowns, John Ma/ur passed 8 that not many could realistically ex- wt M8> 1 FR yurds lo Jeff Simmons and 14 lo peet them to win. Hartwick is a top FREE "C General Foods Corporation 1981 For mor* information call Siovo or Skip at " 2.J Malcolm Moore and Bob Mc- continued on page twenty-three imw !•*"«*•• «««««n '*••«• ""^uumtiwiitmn^uuuAM contlnued on page twenty-five Help Danes page 23 Tuesday ALBANY October 6, 1981 STUDENT PRESS October 13,1981 Union Jolts Nationally-Ranked Danes, 10-7 State University of New York at Albany copyright © 1981 by the ALBANY STUDENT PRESS CORPORATION Volume LXVIII Number 29 ner's 47-yard dash down the right by Larry Kahn sideline again gave Union great field The Albany State football team position with only 55 seconds re­ was 3-0, the fourth-ranked Division maining in the half. Quarterback III team in the nation, second in the Dan Stewart took to the air, but the Search Warrant Challenged East, and fresh olf a 36-7 victory ball was deflected into the arms of over Brockporl. Union, at 1-0-1, linebacker Ed Eastman to end the by Lisa Mirahellu information In the search warrant, her defense of Vera Mlchclson. was young and untested. They also threat. A controversy has arisen concer­ and ihat some ol die information in At the time of Michelson's arrest, haven't had a winning season in ten Early In the second half Albany ning the validity of the search war­ the search warrant was perjured. police confiscated IWO personal years. was given a golden opportunity rant that allowed Albany police to Clara Sailerficld, President of phone books, a recent telephone On Saturday, in their first when ihey recovered a fumbled raid the apartment of Albany Coali­ Ihe Albany NAACP and a leader of bill, community mailing lists, and a meeting In over 50 years, Union punt on the Union 36 yard line. The tion Againsi Apartheid (CAA) ac­ the Albany Coalition Againsi Apar- lisi of members of Ihe CAA. gave the Danes u tremendous jolt, Danes couldn't capitalize Im­ tivist Vera Mlchclson on the morn­ ihcid said last week that the siale- Last week, Captain John Dale, upsetting them, 10-7. mediately, but Hardy's punt pinn­ ing of the South Africa-ERU rugby menl attributed to her in Ihe search spokesperson for Ihe Albany police, warrant is an "absolute lie." The ."This loss is probably the most ed the Dutchmen on their own 2. game. admined some of the items seized will rani claimed she phoned Albany devastating we have had," said Union couldn't gel anything go­ Two of the sources quoted in ihe were not included in Ihe sworn In­ police on Ihe night before the rugby ventory filed wilh Ihe search war- Albany head coach Hob Ford. "I ing and John Dunham returned search warrant have publicly slated game because she fell her life had ram aflei il bad been executed. juess I'd say they whipped us in just McKclvey's punt to ihe Union 33. that ihe Information attributed lo been' threatened by Communist Dale could not he reached Ihis week ulioui every phase of the game." Halfback .lay Ennis, who rushed them Is false. Other Information Workers Parly (CWP) members, for further comment on the search rite most one-sided phase of the . I'or 110 yards, carried lor gains of was credited lo a confidential Infor­ Michael Young and William Robin­ utne was intensity. An emotionally mant. Michelson's attorney, Anita warrant, seven, live and three yards, which son, who were working wilh CAA. lUpcr-chargcd Union defense led along with a 15-yard fnccmiisking Thayer, noted thai ihe search war­ Other members of the Coalition :he Dutchmen to what may be ihcii violation, brought the Danes to the rant docs not say if ihe Information Sailerficld said she called the arrested will) Michelson arc yi'catcsl iiiumph ever. is firsl hand or not. police to alert Ihcm lo possible Michael Young, a leader of ihe 3 yard line, Quarterback Tom Pratt CAA Activist Vera Michelson "This was our biggest win," said violence at the Rally, bin not CWP from Brooklyn, and Aaron then delivered a seining pass lo Mlchclson and iwo olhcrs were Her attorney plans to dispute the warranl\al a pre-trial hearing because she fell her life was Espis from Massachusetts. Both Union defensive end and co-captain Mike McGulrc waiting ill the lefl arrested following Ihe raid at 3 a.m. threatened. were charged wilh possession of Albany campus for possession of an William Kunsllcr, a leading civil Urucc Mclcna. "Ii was lanlaslic. side of Hie end /one midway on September 22. Mlchclson was marijuana and firecrackers. Young unauthorized handgun. Charges rights lawyer. Kunsllcr is knownfor Wc knew we had to gel up. We Ihioiigh I he third quarter. charged with possession of mari­ Robinson said he is not a member I. new the defense was going lo have of ihe CWP, and never carried a also faces the felony charge of againsi him for possession of a his defense in the Chicago Seven The momentum seemed lo swing juana and firecrackers. She was ..i do a job Ihis game." handgun or thrcQjcncd lo he possession of a handgun. stolen car were dropped when it was ease of 1970. Also aiding Spear­ lo Albany as Union Immediately held without bail until Friday, violent. John Spearman of New Yolk Ci­ learned I lull I he eat belonged lo man's defense will be Vernon t_)n the uihi'l side of Ihe field, began in make mistakes. A penally September 25. nnwever, the defense was un- The Union College Dutchmen stunned the fourth nationally ranked Albany Stale Great Dunes Saturday by Thayer said she hopes lo gel an ty was arrested on Monday Young. Mason, a leader of the National cost five yards, a Stewart fumble Thayer plans lo make pre-trial mo- .•haracleiislically Hal. Although affidavit from Sailerficld to use in September 21, on Ihe SUNY Spearman will be represented by Conference of Block Lawyers. a'score of 10-7. It wus the first meeting of those teams in over 50 years, (photo: Mare lleuseliel) another nine and Jeff Caroitc slop­ lions slating there was Insufficient ihey did not have a bad game, the ped Milliner outside for a 1-yard Albany defense lacked the luslcr it iliiailei, pulling Albany in a very Ihe scoreboard. ple split end reverse, bill as Ihe loss. had In then first three contests, The uiifuinlliui situation and giving Ihe .A 28-yard pass Interference Dane defense converged on Ihe ball­ "I thought ai thai point thai Ihe Dutchmen rushed for 193 yards, Dutchmen a big psychological lifl. penally againsi Dane defensive carrier he lossed an option pass into ball woud sunt rolling," noted 104 of lliein by halfback Hill Hull- Ihe three points were Ihe firsl given back lid Rugtile nullified a Dave the end /one for an apparent Pre-Audit May Cause Delay in Refund Checks Ford. "1 thought that would be the luir, against a squad that had only up by the Danes in the first half of •Hardy Interception and left Union touchdown. Offsetting penalties allowed 7K yaids lushing all ycur. play i his season and h was also the wilb (be hall on ihe Albany 42 yard brought Hie ball back, however, turning point." are going lo crash, and sludenls arc Wysncwski. troller's office has not hired more Irolleis' office, bill lasi spring the I"isi lime Ihey have trailed this Hue. Milliner picked up 12 more and the down was replayed. Albany did put together their by Judic IClscnhcrg going to net hurt," Despile the Danes' nilll- At the participating eollegcs, staff members to work on (lie pre- SUNY .sysiein was linnlly forced to season. yards outside for another first The second chance brought longest drive of the day after thai and Ken fiordnn To siudeiii.s whose checks doniinntfun ihey were in the game Wysncwski said, Ihe comptroller's audil nnd Is not expected lo once comply. According lo Wysnewski. Union slil'Icd ihe Albany offense down. Albany's defense back lo life and marching 4H yards in six plays, most As of November I, sludenls' are currently caught up In (lie until die final minute and, in fact, office is checking Ihe arithmetic of ihe audil program goes Info cl'lcci. a simulated program was firsl in ihe first half, allowing only three Union bad ihe momentum going Union stalled on Ihe Albany 32. of ii a 35-yard sprint by Ennis, to financial aid and refund cheeks may .simulation, Ihe Officer of Student were leading 7-3 lulu in the fourth approximately nine percent of the "They would have lo audil loans established in examine Ihe feasibili­ lit si downs. Offensively the Dutch­ I'm lliein and only a penalty kept Mark McKclvey's 49-yard field goal the Union 12. lint Lincoln's 30-yard be delayed weeks in processing Accounts is handing otil a letter ex­ matter. lisi of total disbursements, chosen from 26 campuses in a one oi Iwo ty of the audit. SUNYA was chosen men! IUII together Iwo more drives them out of the end /one on ihe attempt wus short. field goal attempt was wide to the because of a pro-audit program plaining Ihe procedure and express­ Union opened the sailing with a ai random. In Ihe meantime, the day period," Wysncwski said. "I because it was a huge university in ill ihe half, bill came up empty on next play, flic play slatted as a sim­ On their next possession Milli­ continued on page iwenty-lwo recently instated wilh the New York ing Ihcii concern. Also included in 14-yaid Held goal in ihe liisi bursar's offices at these schools arc don'l care what anyone says - Albany, the location of Ihe comp­ Slate Department of Audii and ihis let lei is a statement encourag­ presently living lo calculate Ihe there arc going lo be delays." trollers olflccuiid Biiffluo State Control, according lo SUNYA's ing sludenls lo pul in willing "any delay lite audit program would Wysncwski explained thai ap­ was chosen because il is a long Director of Student Accounts personal problems or olhei negative create. proximately II ycaisago Ihcllighci distance away. Harvey Huth. implications which a delay in State Audil and Control Officials Education Service Corporation Wysncwski said he feels Ihe com­ Currcnlly, both SUNYA and delivery of aid money by Iwo or RPI Falls as Women Booters Remain Unbeaten have given assurances thai thcie made a ruling making ihe inslilu- ptroller's view lhul loan money is SUNY College at Buffalo are par­ stale money is India oils, He more weeks would cause." would be no more than a three day lion a cosignaioi on items such as ticipating in a simulated pre-audil pointed out thai the money is loan­ Additionally, Ihe Albany Student byMurk (icsner Currently placed seventh in the Division 111 are wary of this winn­ delay in Ihe processing of those loan cheeks. Since Ihat lime, Ihe program, but the stale wauls to State Comptroller viewed the ed lo a siudeni, in eventually be Union in conjunction with SASU is "Undefeated." Mid-Atlantic Women's Inter­ ing team, which now is only in its loans selected lo be pre-.attdilcd. begin actual pre-auditing on till 26 money as slate money. Undet New paid back, and Ihat during lhal planning a phone-in lo Ihe comp­ It is a label thai can only be ap­ collegiate Soccer rankings, the first year with varsity status. "However," said lluili, "we are slide operated four-year campuses York Slide law, all slate money lime, Ihe stale has no claim In il. troller's office October 14 in protest plied lo one varsity team ai Albany. Danes have put on an impressive The squad's latest success came already seeing a four day delay, and on November I. musl be audited by the comp­ The SUNY administration also of the audit program. An organiza­ Ihe women's soccer team, witli a display in both the physical and in a 6-0 win over RPI. Although the Ihat is only with Iwo of the SUNY Actual pre-audil would consist of troller, Wysncwski said. "hales Ihe whole idea of the audil," tional meeting will be held by the emotional aspects of Ihe game. One Danes dominated play throughout campuses participating. I don'l record of 5-0, has earned that having all disbursements approved Wysncwski said. Then complaints sludcnl union til 7 p.m. tonight In can be positive that opponents in The SUNY system was die only distinctive honor the contest, most of Ihe real damage think Ihey realize the work load of Campus Center 361. by the stale before ihey arc for­ slale agency writing ils own checks include the creation of a lol of put forth did not appear until the ihe entire SUNY system.'' warded to sludenls. However, with without auditing by Ihe comp­ papa woik, and Ihe complication The comptroller could nol be second half, when four of Ihe six Huth predicted that there could the simulated process the checks troller. Vice Chanceljoi of Business of Ihe whole loan process by adding reached I'or comment. golds were scored. This was due to be a possible three week delay I'm aren't actually senl to Ihe state lot and Management Harry Spindjet a scries of checks and balances. RPI's superb goallcudcr, who was sludenls expecting checks when ihis approval, according to Student had been lighting this mallei I'm I hull said once Ihe audil program Hayes Dansky also contributed able lo withstand most of Albany's process lakes effect. Association of ihe Slate University over 10 years wilh the C'omp- goes Into clfccl, "I'm afraid filings to Ihis report, pressure In Ihe first half. Wysncwski added thai the comp­ (SASU) President Dave

It wusn'l until after half-lime thai —• . m J" Ihe women learned ihey had lo chip their shots in, rather lhen trying to Credit Union at SUNYA Folds di ivc the ball past lite skilled goalie. SUNYA STUDENTS Sue Sadel, Anna Courtney anc dent Amy Kushnick, the matter of by Debbie Judge worked wilh the SUNYA union Ihis Kaihy Oollogly apparently all knew refunding members is now the Al'let three years of offering pasi spring. He also pointed out Ihe secrets to penetrating, as they CRFDIHJMN, responsibility of the National sludenls greater banking benefits thai il was nol properly promoted scored three, Iwo, and one goal, Credit Union Administration, and convenience, the Albany Slale as a credit union — a feeling echoed respectively. Albany coach Amy which insures deposits up lo Credit Union has folded. by Credit Union Prcsldenl Amy Kidder could only be happy with joAII CrdittfpQi $100,000. Much of the money has This pasi August, the credit Kushnick, SA Vice President the outing and claimed thai "ihe Vjrf August BrW.Hre^ already been refunded to the anion board of directors voted lo Woody Popper, and several olhcrs. game allowed us to mow people f.bwn fonto*?!- ;.VjWij union's approximate 600 members voluntarily liquidate Ihcstudenl run The Credit Uniun offered interest around and showed us Ihe gleill still owning shares at the time of the organization. The vote came in ihe which wus somewhat higher than amount of depth we have in unions HatwalfjnWVWji B liquidation. wake of negative results from a banks — from 6 lo 6 3/4%, depen­ positions." mill ntxt(;*>» * Tills number dropped from a Mai eh 1981 audil aide federal ex­ ding on the size of the account, as .Vfurirbi^ owJito , peak of about 1,000 members, ac­ amination. well as time-deposit certificates, Prior to ibis victory the squad cording to Kusnick, m the end of According to credit union free check cashing, loans, and con­ liiiiniphed over opponents from the school year. The dwindling of treasurer Jim Slap, ii would have venience 111 the days before Syracuse and Colgate. In a 2-0 win accounts over the course of the year taken an estimated $20,000 lo gel Money'malic. Also, Poppet pointed against Syracuse, the players placed was n major problem, leaving the ilie organization buck on iis reel. out, students in the credit union much of Ihe responsibility in the union short for investments and in­ "The problem was the way the had control over their money, hands of goallcudcr Laurie Driggs, curring extra costs in keeping small lihiitt,-. l.iils \1n1lHt>i,iil credit union was being used," said through election of a board of and in tlie feel of Courtney, o accounts open. Vucunl Credit Union window in the pmm» C«nler_ Federal Credit Union Association directors. I he women I \en ure currently seventh In the Mid-Atlantic Women's In- freshman. Coach Amy Kidder's Albany Slate Women's Soccer team remained continued on page five The student service'^ the victim of financial woes According to Credit Union Presi­ lemilleulule Soccer Rankings, (photo: Will Yiiriiiim) The booters lake on I cMoync to­ undefeated with u 6-0 victory over KIM. (photu; Will Yunnan) Examiner Edward Albright, who day at 3:30 at home.