Mann Wins 100th , ' .' page 23^ Tuesday September 2249811 ALBANY P£k§>sENT October 6,1981 Danes Thwart Owl Comeback; Hold On 13-12 State University of New York at Albany copyright © 1981 by the ALBANY STUDENT PRBSS CORPORATE Volume L*VIJI Number 28 . by Larry Kahn fy for a 25-yard pass play and a first Albany did dominate SCSC N>Tv NEW HAVEN, Conn. — down on the Albany 21. Jeff statistically, although they did Sometimes when a team gets hot Caronc deflected a pass, and then squander many opportunities to they can't even give a game away. teamed up with Canfield on a break,the game open. The Danes quarterback sack. A six yard pass had 91 offensive plays for 271 yards 2000 Protest South Africa-ERU Rugby Game For 55 minutes the Albany Stale football team statistically completion brought up a pivotal and collected 20 first downs. The dominated Southern Connecticut fourth-and-twelve play for SCSC Owls only ran 48 plays from scrim­ State College, but barely squeaked with 1:40 lt-rt. , mage for 135 yards and six first by the Owls, 13-12, on Saturday. Albany shifted into a prevent downs. Still, the Danes almost gave No Violence Albany led 13-0 late in the fourth defense, but Nolan found halfback the game away. CAA Activist quarter, but SCSC scored two quick Kerry Taylor with an 18-yard strike In contrast to last weekend's touchdowns after two critical at Ihe Dane 5 yard line. Cornerback game against Ithaca, Albany had Occurred Albany turnovers. Gerry Wierzbecki had him tightly great field position all afternoon. Arrested hy Susan Milllgan The Danes were driving and had covered, but Taylor came up with But they could not capitalize Although there was no violence by Lisa Mirabeila a first down on the Owl 15 yard line the ball. against a lough SCSC defense. The Albany Coalition Against with Just over five minutes remain­ "We had been playing great pass Three limes the Dane offense ai ihe demonstration against the Apartheid (CAA) will set up a legal ing in Ihe game. Albany Mead defense all day," noted Ford. "We look possession of the ball inside rugby game between the South defense fund for Vera Michelson, Coach Bob Ford sent in the play to were in a /one coverage and hail a the Owl. 40 yard line and did. not African Springboks and ihe Eastern an active member of the group, who second-string quarterback Dave pro (an exlra defensive back) in the score. Six times tile Dane offense Rugby Union (ERU), police had Napp — a little swing pass to the ballgame. He just rifled that thing drove inside Ihe Owl 30 yard line certainly prepared for ii. was arrested on the morning of ihe side. A .langcrnus call, but Ford ill there." and still came up empty. As promised by Albany Mayoi controversial rugby game bctweei the South African Springboks and hoped lo catch Ihe Owl defense off On Ihe next play Nolan hit Jeff Albany opened Ihe scoring on a Erastus Corning, the city's police guard. Dolan in the left corner of the end 30-yard field goal by foui Lincoln force ol 4tx> was on hand, sup. tile liasiern Rugby Union on September 22. "As soon as we Inokc out of ihe /one wilh a 5-yard scoring pass with wilh 1:50 gone ill ihe second plemenicd by officers of ihe Albany Michelson was charged wilh huddle and I hey lined up, I knew only 1:23 on the game clock. The quarter. Steve Compitcllo fumbled County Sheriffs department. Fur- violations of possession of mari­ they weren't going lo bite," said score siood ai 13-12 Albany, and Ihe ensuing kickoff and Scolt iher, slate police in Loudonvllle were on standby. phntii: Mure Urn, juana and firecrackers, and was Ford. Owl Head Coack Kevin Gllbrlde Michaels recovered for Albany on lili.il" I), m II, I, had a very big decision lo make. llic Owl 24. Three plays netted eight SUNYA students rallied on cam­ Police guard Bleeker Stadium while demonstrators march against upulheld held without bail until Friday, They didn't. Napp threw ihe pass The Dunes bent Southern Connecticut on Saturday, 13-12, despite two yards, bin John Dunham losl a yard pus, ihen marched ihe two miles to Many safety precautions were taken,; no violence wax reported September 25 when she was released and strong safely Mike Marshall lie could try Ihe one-point kick fourth quarter Owl touchdowns. (Photo: UPS) for a tie and then attempt an ou- on a Tounh-und-two piichoul. Bleeker Stadium, the site of the cheers Iron, ibe crowd, in her own custody. was wailing in ihe wing. Marshall break out — and that it would be nunistrators. A ear bearing the in­ sides kick lo possibly set up a ganic- some offense. Neither offense had match, where ihe approximately According to CAA press release, intercepted the pass on the 12 yard Minutes later Hardy intercepted a end another Albany drive at the En route to the stadium, the caused by the protesters. signia of ihe National Guard on its willnillg field goal. Or he could try scored a louelidown In their last iwo 300 demonstrators joined a larger al the time of Ihe arrest the police line and raced down the sideline Nolan [lass and relumed il 27 yards Owl 21 yard line, but hit a 35-yarder .students yelled "Springboks go Raymond said 25 police witli side idled past the marchers. for a riskier two-point conversion bailies. Two years ago Albany won, crowd which had marched from the confiscated two personal address unscathed for an 88-yard lo ihe Owl 28. Two plays netted two lo close the Dane scoring wilh 11 home," as they passed Ihe Thruway bullet-proof vests occupied ihe lob­ At Bleeker Stadium, a crowd of on llic ground or in the air. Ollbridc 20,-0, witli Ihe defense and special Stale Capitol. books, a recent phone bill, a list of touchdown return. yards, but Pratl threw the first of minutes remaining in the game. House, where ihe Springboks had by of the Thruway House. approximately 2000 listened to the elected to tiy for lite iwo-poinler. Ai SUNYA. ASUUA Chair the Coalition membership and a list "It wasn't a great call," Ford ad­ Marshall's iwo Interceptions, Strangely, Albany went Into a no teams supplying all the firepower. been staying. Marching down Washington music of Pele Seeger and the words Howard Slraker's comment that of community organizations, mitted. "We probably should have Willi ihe hull spotted on the 3 The defense held SCSC again, huddle offense with a 13-0 lead and Last year SCSC won, 6-2, with Ken Raymond, co-owner of ihe Ave. in pouring rain, the students of Albany NAACP President Claru a lot of time left in the fourth neither learn putting together a sus­ "students can now vole on this Michelson said she was arrested left il on the groin..!." yard line Nolan dropped back to and the Danes look possession on Thruway House was clearly angered were accompanied by the quid Salter field. al 3 a.m. in her apartment, and was Place-kicker Dale Uoodknighi pass. Albany anticipated the pass their own 48 yard line. They drove quarter. tained drive. campus . and thai man at the demonstrators, and lemurked presence of Slutc Police ears, local SallcrUold said she WUH not allowed lo make u phunc call missed tile crucial exira point, and blitzed their linebackers. Nolan 48 yards in 11 plays lo give them a "They used a multiplicity of (Coming) has got to go" brought that he thought violence would police ears, und several SUNYA tld- continued on page eleven continued on page eleven however, and the Danes led, 13-6. saw Taylor in the front, left corner firsl-and-goal on ihe Owl 4. Three defensive schemes," explained "We moved the ball a link- bit Southern Connecticut attempted of the end /one and threw quickly, pluy.s netted three yards, but Ford. "The reason was to gel them belter this year," said Ford. an on.sides kick,, hut Dane quarter­ but Bruce Collins and Dave I lardy Dunham rumbled on I'ourih-and- in a base defense if we could. We "Defensively, I don't think there back Tom Pratt covered the ball for were there to break up ihe play. goal on the I yard line wilh 0:22 left had a choice to go with no huddle was much difference between the U. Senate Changes S/U Grading Rules Albany on their own 37 yard line. Southern Connecticut once again in llic half. Marshall recovered the or get us into a huddle and face a two teams." Two plays netted four yards for the tried an onsides kick, but touched fumble. multitude of different looks." As in llic pnsi meeting both by Jttdie Kiseuherg thai "in actual fact, very few satisfy both students' desire to ex­ were old enough 10 decide on their Danes, but with 3:37 on the clock Ihe ball before il had rolled 10 Southern Connclicul fumbled on The strategy backfired, though, defenses were superb. SCSC fields A new policy reducing the max­ students opt for 30 credits of S/U periment with different courses and own whether 10 lake S/U credits in fullback Marly Parker fumbled, yards. Albany look possession on llic second play of the second half when Marshall returned the in­ one of the lop squads in Division II, imum amount of optional pass-fail grading," although no specific faculty's preference for A-F their major requirements.
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