The Daily Register

VOL. 99 NO. 234 SHREWSBURY, N.J. MONDAY, APRIL 11, 1977 15 CENTS Attorneys consider ads to make their case By HENRV GOTTLIEB navigating life's legal waters without an attorney at the would increase dues by between 920 and $00—loose change time. helm. for a wealthy attorney but a hefty sum for a struggling It also would guarantee a New Jersey audience. NEWARK (AP) - New Jersey lawyers are dis- For example, ads could say. "Don't sign anything neophyte. Television stations servicing New Jersey reach mostly cussing a proposal to drum up business by spending without consulting a lawyer," and could discuss the im- The lawyers also would have to decide on a cam- New York and Philadelphia residents. 1500,000 a year on advertising campaigns. portance of wills, lawyers' assistance in real estate trans- paign zippy enough to attract the public's attention but For now the proponents of the plan are sitting back The ads — more tasteful than come-ons (or soap- actions and the danger of qulcky divorces. dignified enough to reflect the refined self-image of most and waiting for reactions. Hakes and sandwich bags - would educate the public The association's current program is low-key. It dis- lawyers. "Paid advertising is one obvious way for the bar to about the need for professional legal assistance. tributes press releases, runs a speakers bureau and dis- The association would have to decide which aspects carry its message to the public." says bar association "It's still very much in the discussion stage," says a seminates educational materials. of legal work needed the most publicity. president Donald R. Conway. "Many trustees believe spokesman (or the New Jersey State Bar Association. Within the next three weeks bar association members An ad agency consulted by the bar association said that paid advertising could expand our impact on the "What we're doing now Is getting reaction to the pro- will be receiving questionnaires soliciting their views on $500,000 is the minimum necessary to make the cam- public beyond current activities." posal." the desirability of an ad program. Members also will be paign effective. But this figure Is believed to be too little "But trusteees are. naturally, reluctant to double the Present rules bar individual attorneys from advertis- asked if they want to foot the bill. for a campaign that would include television spots dues of all association members to pay for this single ing their specialities and prices. The campaign under Dues for each of the association's 12.000 members are The preliminary proposal is to buy newspaper and project unless there is some ground swell of support from consideration would inform the public of the dangers of currently 150 a year. Officials estimate an ad campaign radio advertisements, which are cheaper tha.n television a great many individual attorneys." Boardwalk showcase for latest in fashions By ROBIN GOLDSTEIN neyed here to participate In yesterday's pageant. But for many more, the promenade was a pleasant excuse to ASBURY PARK - Fred Astaire wouldn't have felt dress up. be seen, and enjoy yesterday's glorious blue overdressed had he been among the estimated 50.000 skies and warm breezes. Easter promenaders strutting down the boardwalk here yesterday afternoon. Strollers In the 42nd annual Orchid Promenade tra- But unless he exchanged his top hat for a straw boa- versed the boards for more than an hour while a motor- ter, and his cutaway for a pastel three-piece suit, he cade of open sports cars carried the pageant judges wouldn't have made the best-dressed men's finals. through their midst. Ten men, 10 children, 10 of the most As for Easter bonnets: If you bought one. fine, but a outstanding bonnet-wearers, and 30 of the most impec- homemade one was best. cably coutoured women received invitations to the final- Glnny Hillenbrand's towering, flowery, winner, for ists judging Inside Convention Hall. example, consisted of 100 multi-colored garbage bags, put "We just brought the children down for a ride on the together lovingly In her Lincoln Park classroom for yes- boardwalk," Mrs. Janice McCollough, mother of the terday's competition. prize winning children's trio, said. "We had no idea that The best-dressed women were wearing suits, Including all this would happened." the best of the best-dressed. Irma Hujer of North Debonair Peter Bruno of Asbury Park, who was Brunswick. named best-dressed of a number .of extremely well- If one child was cute, three children were cuter, and dressed male promenaders. said he had no Idea he would the promenade judges deemed the McCollough's — Erin, win the competition. His white pine-striped suit, he ad- 6, Patrick, 4, and Kerry, 3, of Ocean Township — the cut- mitted, was left over from a school prom. But his while est. straw hat was a special Easter addition. Winning the traditional Easter promenade fashion Although Mr. Bruno appeared casual about his sue- competitions was important for many of those who jour- (See Boardwalk, page I) Spring like temperatures ALL IN THE FAMILY - The young McCotloughs McColloughs were chosen as the Dest-aressed chil- of Ocean Township — Erin, 6, Patrick, 4, and Ker- dren In the pageant, out of 10 finalists and coun- ry, 3, steal the ludges' hearts at the 42nd Annual tless other contestants out toddling on the board- Easter Promenade In Asbury Park yesterday. The walk. bring throngs to the shore By JIM OSTROFF shore communities. noting that a "larger than joy of togetherness with rela- "People were anxious to get Leading the pack, of usual number of people" had tives, many of whom jour- into spring, and this was the course, were an estimated flocked to precarious perches neyed many miles to be with Line is drawn by Carter day to do it," observed John 50,000 people who donned on rocks along the Shrews- sons, daughters, grand- S. Akin, Sea Bright's beach their holiday finery to join in bury River, yesterday. parents, nieces and nephews. Asbury Park's annual pag- Streets as bare as their see- (AP) - A Soviet of them," President Carter The Taras Shevchenko was cent of the catch - aboard commissioner, as droves of For Peter Clifford of 29 Bay eant. Ave., Leonardo, the day mingly dormant trees sprang trawler steamed toward Bos- said of the Soviet ships as he between 80 and 100 miles in- the vessel. shore visitors streamed along to life in Fair Haven, Middle- ton harbor under Coast Guard left Easter services in side the limti when it was HI 36 yesterday, Easter Sun- In Long Branch too, how- proved to be one he'd "never "We have a gross violation ever, concessionaire Ken forget," as he landed a 27- town, Marlboro and Manala- escort today, the first foreign Georgia yesterday. "But we boarded about noon Saturday day, the "first real day of pan, as people ambled along, here, and we may find more spring." Henker reported a "great pound, 12-ounce striped bass fishing vessel to be seized for just had to draw the line by a party from the cutter. as we go through the ship." smiling and chatting at their somewhere. We Informed the Decisive, the Coast Guard Buoyed by mild 50s tem- crowd for spring, and cer- while casting off the Standard violating the United States' Nunes said after the seizure. tainly the best turnout since first peek at spring. new 200-mile fishing limit. Soviet embassy this past said. The vessel was officially peratures and gentle breezes, Oil pier in Leonardo. week we couldn't continue to seized about 10 hours for Under the Fishery Manage- people didn't just drive, they last fall." And George Sites, a super- Later, as the streets were The 175-foot Taras Shev stopped— along beaches, Further north, Monmouth visory park ranger at Ga- laid bare of people again, the release them, that we had to allegedly catching and keep- ment and Conservation Act of roads, especially the Garden chenko, carrying a crew of (3, enforce the law." ing about 3,500 pounds more 1976, foreign vessels can piers, boardwalks, in amuse- Beach Borough Commissioner teway National Recreational was seized southeast of her Harold W. Peterson observed State Parkway, were reported Authority over the im- than its quota of river her- catch and keep only specific ment areas and under trees Area, Sandy Hook, reported Saturday and ordered to port about to burst into bloom af- "many strollers on the he "knew spring was finally heavy with northbound traf- pounded ship passes to the ring, which, under licensing amounts and types of fish fic. in an apparent crackdown on provisions, may account for ter a long winter. beach." at hand" by the many anglers ships violating the fishing re- U.S. Attorney In Boston once from certain areas within the But no auto accidents were the ship docks at the Coast only 1 per cent of the total 200-mile limit for which they "Our beach doesn't open "No, I don't think they who cast their lines off the striction until June, but I noticed quite were out there to swim, but beach's warm sand, yes- reported on this thoroughfare. Guard station and Is searched processed fish aboard, the have been issued permits. And, as the afternoon shad- Coast Guard said. The maximum penalty upon a few cars parked in the to gawk at our new seawall terday. The Coast Guard has issued by customs officials. The that's going up now," Mr. Pe- ows grew long, a solitary more than «0 citations and crew will remain on board, Lt. Cmdr Thomas Nunes, conviction of criminal charge parking lot there," said Mr. But for many, too, celebra- Akin, also a borough coun- terson noted. ting the conclusion of another young couple was strolling . warnings to Soviet fishing with the gangway guarded chief of the Coast Guard's is forfeiture of the ship, its hand-in-hand along Sunset vessels since the 200 mile lim- Maritime Law Enforcement equipment and catch. Civil cilman. Fishermen and fish- Easter or Passover, the day and small craft prevented erwomen were in evidence on Lake in Asbury Park, their it went into effect March 1. from approaching the Im- branch, said there were four charges carrry a fine of up to Up and down Rt. 36, the was one of reverence and joy dozens of piers. and reveling in the com- forms framed by a dying "We've released several pounded trawler. tons of the fish — or 1.2 per 125.000 on each violation. main coastal artery, police golden sun and their thoughts reported heavier than normal "In fact, the fish didn't araderie of friends. have a chance," joked the In homes too numerous to apparently turned to the sum- traffic in Asbury Park, Long mer yet to come. Students are seen unable Branch, Sandy Hook and Bay- Highlands police dispatcher, mention, families shared the to use their skills properly (Editor's Note: Tib is the ded project designed to mea- to be focused on whether well as technically literate. first of ttree articles M tkt sure children's knowledge in Johnny could read, has The U.S. Office of Educa- qaallty of Americas edaca- a variety of fields. shifted to worry over whether tion estimates that there are Uoa. It deals wlta kow well Educators generally agree Johnny understands the 23 million adults—more than May's tMeate ru us* what that the concern which used words and Is functionally as 10 per cent of the popu- tkey lean li BCBOO! la every- latlon-who are functionally day Me.) illiterate, unable to perform such basic skills as reading a By LOUISE COOK train schedule. Recent court Associated Press Writer The Inside Story cases in California and New York have raised the question Today's students have THE WEATHER of whether schools, like doc- learned the traditional skills Sunny today after some-morning rloudl tors, can be charged with of reading, writing and arith- •ess. Sunny and a little warmer tomorrow. malpractice for falling to pre- metic, but they often do not Complete weather story, page 2. pare students for adult life. • 7^jui"are designed tp mea- ties In everyday life. Fashion seeae on Fifth Ave sure how well students can That's the general con- Hallckl stalls Dodgers If take information they are giv- clusion of a series of studies Spring bridals are announced 12 en and use it to answer com- by the National Assessment Bridge Advice....:: IS DAILY REGISTER See StadeaU, page I of Educational Prog Baslaess S PHONE NUMBERS ress-NAEP-a federally fun- Classified 14,11 ** dike '..HUM Red Baak Ltqaors Tae Latetermaa Camlet ~...U T»U Free .I7I-MM Open now. 9 West Street. Early Bird Specials! Mon. Crossword Puzle 13 Totl Free Detectable Shrimp Foaaie through Thurs., 4-8 p.m. |4.96. Editorials < Classified Deal .S4M1N Sumptuous Quiche and This week prime rib or Eatertalameal 7 CtmtaUoa Dept .S4Z-4N* Crepes. Every Tues. fashion stuffed flounder includes soup Horoscope IS Spans Dept MMtM show at Fromagerie, 842-8088. and dessert. Hwy. 36, Leon- .171-nsa ardo. 891-2194. Lifestyle U MaMetawa Bneai. Fisaermaa's Wharf Make A Date .4 FreeaeM Bareaa ...401111 E'STly Bird Specials! AtteitlM Realtors OMtvarlei 4 Laag Braaek Bareaa ..nt-Mlt Don't muui our monthly Pa- Mon.through Thurs.. 44 p.m. Sports 11,11 SMehaate Bareai ttMfHSM .$4.95. This week, steak or rade of Homes, Sun., April 17. STUDYING THE TESt RESULTS - Beverly ver, checks computer print-outs ot test results, ot a Deadline Wed. Call Classified broiled shirmp includes soup Ocean Life Guard positions !Shad-Roe! and dessert. Rumson. 842- Welgner, a computer operator working at the Na- federally funded project to measure children's Display for your reservation. knowledge In a variety of fields. MHM. available. Call 842-4000. Harry's Lobster House. 2200. tional Assessment of Educational Progress In Den- SHREWSBURY, NJ. MONDAY. APRIL 11, U77 Boardwalk is scene of fashions galore

(Continued) Anthony Petillo, special events director for the city, Woodbridge; Shelly Hedgereth. Asbury Park: F. Camp- cess, Karen Strulz of Bradley Beach, his companion, said provided frantic stage management for the pageant. bell Jeffrey. Ocean Grove, and Harry Johnson, Asbury^ he wasn't always so. When asked if the 42nd year pageant participants Park. "I was up all last night maklng^something to wear were getting more beautiful, Mr. Petillo replied, "they're Children chosen for the finals were Monica Talcott. Just (or Peter" she confided, pointingt»^her white blou- just more!" Neptune. Denlse and Anthony Grosso. Wall; Kevin Van son and matching culotte. "He really wanted us to do Ann L. Niedenstein, a fashion show veteran, was a Natten. Belford; Elizabeth Circle. Ocean Township: Kel- this." poised emcee for the competition, keeping the show ly Ann Bruno, West Long Branch, and Sean Patric Gil- Her last-minute .efforts made her a finalist in the moving while the judges pondered their choices. lespie. Old Bridge. best-dressed women's competition, though. If four-year-old Leslie Morris of Ocean Township, a Bonnet finalists were Sylvia Poprocki. Allenhurst; For Irma Hujer. who yesterday strolled off with her runner-up in the' children's category, seemed a little shy Susanna Jeffrey. Ocean Grove; Irene Dorsey. Ocean second trophy for best-dressed woman, there was never about traveling the runway into the audience, fellow run- 'Grove; Eve Adair. Ocean Grove; Mrs Florence Beyer. any question but that she would participate in the prome- ner-up Philip Hondnett of Brooklyn was exceedingly Toms River; Mrs. Richard Hughes, Pequannock, and nade. suave for an eight-year-old, in his pale blue suit. Rachel Cooper, Belmar. "I guess I'm part exhibitionist." she said "I've been Leslie carried a big pink balloon in one hand, her Chosen as finalists in the best-dressed women cate- coming down for this for about 10 years. 1 love it. I admit mother's hand in the other. gory were Lynn Loewensteln, Manasquan; Sandy Rauf- it, I'm a clotheshorse and this is great fun." Mrs. Martha Jacoby of Union was a runner-up in the fer. Middletown; Debbi Russomano. Oceanport; Rosie Ms. Hujer said she made her black linen suit piped In Easter bonnet competition, but the bunny outfit she Bloom, Deal; Perzavour Armour, Tinton Falls; Bridgette white to match her store-bought black hat When she won wore beneath the hat deserved its own category. Mrs. Rydinsky. Manasquan; Gloria Stewart. Port Reading: her first best-dressed trophy in 1173. she was also wear- Sally Ryan of Glen Ridge won a runner-up award for her Karen Strulz. Bradley Bradley Beach: Nancy Thomas. ing a linen suit — a red, white and blue outfit. more traditional black straw hat trimmed with bright Lakewood; Lorraine Harpootlian. Lincroft: Sheila Leg- Suits appear to be enduring winners in the judges eyes flowers get). Manasquan: Missy Sweeton. Asbury Park: Marilyn — all three semi-finalists were wearing them, along with Francis Booker of Red Bank and Angel Kames of Griffin. Ocean Township; Karen Onto. Asbury Park; Lo- most of the 30 finalists. Ocean Township were runners-up in the men's cate- retta Cupoli. Bloomfield, Jamie Sarlotls. West Deal: Les- Many of the finalists' suits were pantsuits. but Ms gories. Both looked dashing in light-colored three-piece lie Ferrara, Rumson; Cheryl Booker, Neptune; Louise Hujer and her rumers-up, Cindy Long of Colts Neck and suits and, of course, matching hats. Bonanito. Allenhurst: Wllhelmina Gumby. Neptune: Marie Maltese of Howell, were all in skirts. There was not a single leisure suit among the male Cathleen Mack. Neptune: Jacqueline Keed, Neptune: Pa- Samuel Siciliano. Asbury Park's acting city manager, contestants. mela Kearney. Asbury Park, and Barbara Foderaro. garnered the audience's favor in the best-dressed city fa- Other finalists in the men's contest were Joseph Li- Ocean Township. ther contest with a white suit. lore, Nutley, William Penick. Camden: Allan Stewart. There's always next year.

THE BEST OF THE BEAUTIFUL - Peter Bruno of Asbury Park and Irma Hu|er of North Brunsw- ick display winning suits and smiles as they com- pare notes at yesterday's Easter Promenade. They Fifth Ave. stage for fashion conscious were chosen the best-dressed among the 50,000 par- ticipants. Ms. Hujer, who won her second trophy, Extroverts and gawkers al- Not a frown could be seen vices, including the singing of made her black linen suit; Mr. Bruno admits his ike thronged Fifth Avenue on on this day, one of the times contemporary and traditional pin-striped outfit made Its debut at a school prom. Easter Sunday. each year that New Yorkers Easter hymns by 100 persons There were parasols and turn off the city's frantic push on the observation deck of the pinafores, bonnets and baby and shove. Empire State Building. The carriages. "I wouldn't have missed Rev. Frank F. Rafter, pastor But, closed to traffic, the this for the world," one ma- of the Richmond Hill Baptist avenue was more a parade of tron commented from a van- Church, led them in prayers photographers than of the fi- tage point across from St. for "continued peace." nery of bygone days. The mil- Patrick's. The U.S. Merchant Marine TION linery in evidence ran a ga- The avenue was closed off Academy at Kings Point con- mut from Arab headress to from 40th to 59th streets as ducted an outdoor sunrise ser- towering fantasies of flowers the 11 a.m. Sunday church vice in front of Wiley Hall, and gauze. services ended at St. Pat- the former Walter Chrysler One man attracted a crowd rick's Cathedral, the St. mansion overlooking Long Is- Police probe murder of four with his motorized Thomas Episcopal and Fifth land Sound. NEW YORK - Homicide detectives said today they had skateboard. Another drew on- Avenue Presbyterian Nassau County held Its no suspects and no apparent motive in the execution-style lookers by demonstrating churches, which were jam- traditional dawn service at slaying of four men believed to be members of a quasi-reli- magic on the steps of St. med with worshipers celebra- the Lakeside Theatre in Eis- gious West Indian drug cult. Thomas Episcopal Church. ting their belief in the resur- enhower Park in cooperation "The bodies of the four, their hands tied behind their Yet another handed out jelly rection of Jesus Christ. with the Long Island Council backs, were found yesterday afternoon in a neatly furnished beans to one and all. Terence Cardinal Cooke of Churches. apartment of a home in the middle-class Flatbush section of Although the avenue was celebrated an hour-long Ro- An ecumenical Passover se- Brooklyn. Jammed on a sunny, spring man Catholic Mass that was der for senior citizens was The dead were believed to be Rastafarians, a Jamaica- day, the crush was densest televised. held by Rabbi Dennis Math of based cult which worships former Ethiopian Emperor Haile around St. Patrick's Cath- "May the joy and peace of the Village Temple at St. Jo Selassie as the spirit of God on earth. edral. the risen SSvior fill our hearts seph's Roman Catholic Two of the victims were found in a rear bedroom, one Preachers brandishing Bib- so we might rise to a better Church on Sixth Avenue near was on a couch in the living room and the fourth was in an- les yelled exhortations to life" of peace, patience and Waverly Place. It was the other bedroom. agreeable passersby, and the love of humankind, he second year Christians and The bodies were found at 2:15 p.m. by a woman friend of costumed paraders posed prayed. Jews in Greenwich Village one of the victims, but police said the killings may have taken obligingly for camera wiel- The day's observance got joined in celebration at Pas- place as much as eight hours earlier. ders. off with various sunrise ser- sover-Easter time. Cancer unit answers critics NEW YORK- The American Cancer Society, in its an- nual report yesterday, said that it does not maintain ex- cessive financial reserves, as some critics have suggested. THE EASTER PARADE - Thousands of people, most decked ounrTthelr Saying the society's fiscal operation is unlike that of other best Easter finery, [ammed 19 blocks of Fifth Ave. in New York yesterday nonprofit corporations, Lane Adams, executive vice president, for he annual Easter Parade. St. Patrick's Cathedral, shown in this wide- wrote, "It has been our policy ... not to commit funds we The ole ice box angle view with the Olympic Towers residential building looming behind don't have in hand. Money contributed during the April cru- was the site of a televised Roman Catholic Mass celebrated by Terence sade is budgeted for the fiscal year beginning Sept. 1." Cardinal Cooke. He said most voluntary organizations spend money as they raise it, but the cancer society's aim is to show a bal- ain't what it use to be ance at the end of a fiscal year equal to at least one year's in- come. "This money is not withheld from the support of program Private, public rites activities, but is put to work in the fiscal year which begins the next day," Adams said. The report gave the society budget for fiscal 1976-77 as (125.8 million, of which $26.7 was for fund raising and for management and general expenses of the society and $99.1 attended by Carters million was for support of services — research, public and professional education and patient and community services.' CALHOUN, Ga. (AP) - First Family. It's almost done the weekend relaxing with his With the sun rising over the severe damage" to the Plains family, and went fishing and Concorde foes planning rally Georgia woods, President Baptist Church, he told the played tennis. But he also NEW YORK - New York opponents of the Concorde su- Carter and his family held a class. "They've had a lot of spent time on paperwork and personic transport jet recruited the help of SST foes in Lon- private Easter service yes- problems there." telephone calls, aides said. don, Paris, Washington and Dallas for rallies today against terday on his son's back The President spent most of The President, his wife landing rights at Kennedy Airport for the airplane. porch and then attended a Rosalynn, and their 9-year-old Richard Wiggs, secretary of the London-based Anti-Con- more public service in a mod- daughter Amy planned a Sun- corde project, arrived here yesterday from England and said em Baptist church. Youth dies day dinner with Jack and his there would be no diplomatic repercussions if the Concorde He said the Easter service wife, Judy. were banned here. "gives me a sense of humility in accident Thej were to return to "Nobody in Britian, except a few people in the industry that my own shortcomings Washington aboard Air Force and a few loudmouths in the unions would be worried," said are more significant because HOLMDEL — One person One from Dobbins Air Force Wiggs. I'm President." was killed last night when a Base north of Atlanta late Wiggs denounced the Concorde as a "fraud" and accused The President and his fami- car went out of control on Rt. Sunday afternoon. the Angelo-French industrial combine that built the airplane ly, dressed In Easter finery, 34 and struck a utility pole be- The President, wearing a of "falsifying evidence" to indicate that the airplane creates worshipped at the stone and tween ScHanck and Deer Path boutonniere of lilies of the no more noise than subsonic aircraft. stained-glass First Baptist Roads. valley, sat in a "second-row Change the water pan for just Church in this north Georgia Police declined to release pew in the octagonal church mill town. His oldest son, the identity of the person opened just 14 months ago. Arms spending hike forecast Jack, lives on the outskirts of killed, other than to say It The Rev. Bob Maddox gave 3 more days and pick up a new NEW YORK - Paul Warnke, the United States' chief ne- town. was a juvenile male. Police the sermon about faith bred gotiator at the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT), says Before the church service, said the victim was a passen- by Easter. With hands wav- failure to reach an arms agreement with the Soviet Union will the President asked the men's ger in a car operated by Gre- ing, his voice rising to a near Frigidaire[H] it real discount prices. force this country to spend additional billions of dollars on de- Bible class to pray for his gory Morgan, of 3 Cedar St., shout, he ended the sermon fense. "little church in Plains," be- Matawan. with the words: "He is al- . "Unfortunately, that is the situation If we don't come up set by racial controversy. The accident occurred at ive," a cry taken up by two with an effective arms agreement," Warnke cautioned in an "We have a little bit of a 11:52 p.m. No other details choirs which launched into a interview yesterday on the CBS-TV program "Face the Na- problem worshipping as a were available. rock version of a hymn. tion." Warnke, whose nomination to the job by President Carter was narrowly confirmed by the Senate, was guardedly opti- 1977 mistic that agreement would be reached even if it required a Red Bank summit meeting between Carter and Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev^ RABIES VACCINATION CLINIC SCHEDULES MON. APRIL 11 - M0N. BEACH FIRE HOUSE ,. 7:30-8:30 PM WHOLESALE Weather: Sunny TUES. APRIL 12 - SEA BRIGHT FIRE HpLJSE ):30-8:30 PM WK i' "-today after some morning cloudiness. Highs 60 fair with warm dfyi am sea- WE& APRIL 13 - GCEANPOI*^ ". 7,Z HOUSE 7-9 PM to 65 (or 17c). Clear tonight sonable nights. Highs mostly with lows around 50. Sunny in the 70s and overnight lows THURS. APRIL 14 - EATONTOWN FIRE HOUSE 7-9 PM ' and a little warmer Tuesday 45 to 50 with highs M to 70. TIDES FRIDAY APRIL 15 - WEST LONG BRANCH FIRE HOUSE #1 7-9 PM OPENS THURSDAY APRIL 14 Sandy Hook Probability of precipitation. TODAY - High 2:15 p.m. SAT. APRIL 16 - TINTON FALLS FIRE HOUSE 2-4 PM 20 per cent this morning, near and low 8:38 p.m. zero per cent this afternoon TOMORROW - High 2:41 through Tuesday. am and 3:21 p.m. and low TUES. APRIL 19 - HIGHLANDS FIRE HOUSE 7:30-8:30 PM If you can't wait call today ; Winds, east to southeast 5 9:11 a.m. and 9:40 p.m. for special appointment 842-9140. to 10 miles an hour this morn- For Red Bank and Rumson ADULTS TO ACCOMPANY DOG — ON LEASH ing, becoming south to south- bridge, add two hours; Sea west 5 to 15 miles an hour this Bright, deduct 10 minutes: afternoon and tonight. Ocean Long Branch deduct 15 min- Monmouth County Regional Health Comm. #1 water temperatures are In the utes; Highlands bridge, add 26 Bridge Ave., Red Bank 40 minutes. 229-0866 SHREWSBURY,NJ MONOAY,APRIL H, 1977 TheDMtyRegMcr 3 Students are seen unable to use their skills properly . (Continued) two sets of tests, the NAEP tential uses ot me skills and answered all questions cor- their thoughts In writing. In- to be considered functionally read such basic tnings as groups of students who tra- mm questions involving mon- reported that black t-year- facts they have learned." rectly in 1975, a decrease of dications are that 17-year- literate, they had to give the street signs, store coupons ditionally have had reading ey, nutrition and government. olds in particular increased As an example, the study two percentage points from olds' knowledge levels have right answers to at least M and telephone directories in- problems. Nevertheless, a The NAEP recently sum- their reading skills from 1971 Doted that only about half the 1*71. slipped slightly over the last questions. creased by two percentage great deal remains to be done marized the results of tests to 1975. The average per- students could read and un- In both years, girls' seven years." By this standard, about 13 points There was a gain of before we can claim to have over the past decade to devel- centage of this group answer- derstand detailed instructions achievement levels were per cent of all the 17-year-olds five percentage points among eradicated illiteracy." op profiles of students at ages ing reading items correctly in order to determine long- about 5 percentage points The study showed that most were functionally Illiterate. blacks and two percentage Other NAEP studies have », 13 and 17. The findings increased 4.8 percentage' distance telephone rates or higher than boys'. 17-year-olds think that they Over 21 per cent of students points among whites. Correct found that 17-year-olds also were most encouraging when points in the four-year period; the conditions of membership are good readers, but only from disadvantaged urban responses among males in- have problems with writing, it came to the youngest When it came to arithmetic, the increase for white 9-year- in a book club. half are able lo read at the areas were functionally illit- . creased by three percentage particularly if they are not group. Educators report that the students were asked to olds was 1.2 per cent. college-freshman level; most erate, as were 42 per cent of points; among females, the specifically told what to do. it Is too soon to say whether The study also found that compare prices for different have thought about their fu- black students and 20 per cent increase was only 1.5 per- They have trouble, for ex- these findings mean that the The NAEP study found that 13-year-olds' knowledge of size packages of rice and ture jobs, but less than one- of the students from the centage points. ample, answering a job ad- quality of education is def- 13-year-olds "can read, write, reference materials and how choose the one with the low- third have talked with a coun- Southeast. vertisement. In sample let- initely improving. But they add, subtract, divide and mul- to use them is superficial. est cost per ounce. Only one- Forbes said the improve- selor about career plans; they ters, most of them stated the express hope that the test tiply—if told to do so. But Ninety-four per cent of those fourth of the students were The study showed that 17- ment was encouraging, but support political and legal job they were applying for scores will continue to rise as they don't, by themselves, use surveyed knew that a diction- successful; half chose the big- year-olds gained slightly In noted that the questions equality, but almost one-third and gave their qualifications the youngsters move through these skills to solve everyday ary is used to find the mean- gest box without considering basic reading skills from 1171 asked In the study "represent think it is not important to in general terms, but only school. problems." Ings of words, but only 78 per the cost. to 1975, but virtually all the relatively simple reading vote. Only 1 per cent could about one-third listed a phone cent of them could take the The NAEP profile of 17- change occurred in the first tasks." He added: "At least balance a checkbook. ' number or return address to The study found that t-year- Ina VS. Hullis, an analyst first three letters of a word year-olds was the least en- three years. Roy H. Forbes, one out of 10 of those students which a prospective employer olds have improved their with the NAEP and one of the and figure out, from the guide couraging. "Seventeen-year- Among the studies used in director of NAEP, said there Hearing the end of high school could respond. reading and writing skills in authors of the latest study, words on the dictionary page, olds can read, write and com- preparing the latest profile was no significant change in is still not able to do basic, recent years. They can read said: "Compared to 13-year- where the word they were pute in well-structured situ- were NAEP tests, conducted over-all functional reading everyday reading tasks." Comparisons of essays writ- simple stories and write let- olds at the turn of the cen- looking up would be located. ations," said Don Phillips, an for the Right to Read pro- ability from 1174 lo 1975, al- Gilbert B. Schiffman, direc- ten by 17-year-olds in IMS and ters to their friends; they are tury, the fact that today's 13- NAEP analyst. "But they gram of the U.S. Office of though "some groups taken tor of the Right to Read pro- 1974 showed a decrease in the year-olds have .. .a variety of The students also were giv- have difficulty applying their Education, in 1071, 1174 and individually did improve or gram, said: "The gap in func- proportion of coherent sen- tolerant of people's cultural skills and knowledge could be en a sample index from a knowledge in new situations. 1975. The tests involved over decline on certain types of tional reading performance is tences and in the size of the differences and believe in an considered quite encouraging. newspaper and asked five They don't do well on prob- 4,200 students across the questions." definitely closing. Particu- students' vocabulary. The av- orderly society. "However, 13-year-olds, in simple questions to test their lems that require more than country who were asked to From 1971 to 1075, the num- larly encouraging is the rapid erage word length in the es- Comparing the results of general, do not realize the po- knowledge. Only 40 per cent one step and can't organize answer 86 questions. In order ber of 17-year-olds able to improvement among those says in 1974 was four letters. Officials are not worried over steel contract impact

WASHINGTON (AP) - A cials anticipated. $8 08 average hourly wage. raised 125. to 1125 a week for new contract covering 340,000 "It appears to have come in There are also provisions for workers with state unemploy- of the nation's steelworkers is at about what we expected. Incentive pay ana cost-of-liv- ment benefits, and up S35 to expected to push steel prices There doesn't seem to be any- ing increrses in the contract, $170 for worxers no longer eli- higher, but not enough to wor- thing shocking or unusual which starts Aug. 1. gible for state benefits. ry the government's inflation- about it." he said. Hourly wages will increase Workers with 20 years' em- watchers. Local union leaders initially 80 cents over the three years ployment will qualify for two "V* all know that ultima- rejected the contract, 4hen re- in steps of 40 cents, 20 cents years of supplemental ben- tely prices must cover costs," versed themselves on a roll and 20 cents. Incentive pay efits, double the 52 weeks now J. Bruce Johnston, vice presi- call vote and approved It. will add another dime. available. dent of U.S. Steel Corp. and "This is the biggest dis- Steelworkers will receive chief industry negotiator, said appointment of my life," Abel beefed up pensions and In- after union officials ratified reportedly told local leaders creased supplemental jobless the agreement with the 10 after their initial rejection. benefits on top of regular largest steelmakers on Satur- The dissension apparently unemployment Insurance. day. was a carryover from the re- Workers will be permitted Retiring Steelworkers cent bitter election battle be- to retire early when their age Union President I.W. Abel tween Lloyd Me Bride and Kd and length of service total 85 said the final contract nego- Sadlowskl to succeed Abel. and they have worked 20 tiated under his leadership McBride, the victor, said years In the mills. was not inflationary. the contract in effect guaran- Those who retire early The Council on Wage and tees Job security to all work- while laid off or disabled Price Stability will review the ers with two decades of ser- qualify for an extra (300 a White You wait pact, as it does all labor vices. month until they begin receiv- agreements. But Jack A. The new three-year con- ing Social Security benefits. jfworf press inc. Meyer, the council's acting tract provides steelworkers In addition, company-pro- lju MowKHrtn 84ml PfcMt CMtrltty •! Ill) IlkmM assistant director, said the with an increase of 10 to 15 vided supplemental unem- B*d Bank, 74*.WOO WATER UNDER THE CAR - A Fair Haven First 23. ot 18 (Mount Ave., Red Bank, was Issued a sum- contract was about what offi- ployment benefits were i Aid Squad member surveys car that veered off mons for careless driving after police reported per cent over the current River Road and through railing into Schwenker's that he fell asleep at the wheel. No Injuries were Pond In Fair Haven early yesterday. Charles. King. reported, police said. STATE Israeli labor picks Peres Reputed mobster shot to death BRIDGEWATER — Law enforcement authorities are at- TEL AVIV, Israel (AP) - are all — hawks, doves, left tempting to trace the movements of a reputed underworld Shimon Peres took command and right — serious to the leader, freed from prison on a 28-hour court-ordered Easter of Israel's embattled Labor very end, we are unanimous," weekend furlough, who died in a three-shot volley at a motel party today as a last-minute he declared. here. candidate for prime minister, His hardline image appears John "Johnny Coca Cola" Lardiere, 68, believed to be a dogged by the reputation of to stem more from his past "We like the one-time lieutenant to Gerardo "Jerry" Catena, once known being a hawk on peace terms alliances than his own public Royal treatment as New Jersey's top mobster, was found dead early yesterday with the Arabs and the statements. Oldtlme pollti- morning with gunshot wounds in the head, neck and abdomen. threatened defection of La- cans remember him as a dis- we get from the Lardiere, Catena and five other reputed Cosa Noslra bos- bor's leftist ally, the Mapam ciple of the eye-for-an-eye Friendly tellers ses, including Angelo Bruno, alleged overlord of Philadelphia party. philosophy evolved by David Ben-Gurion and Moshe Dayan and'South Jersey rackets, were jailed in 1971 after refusing to The Labor party's central at Central Jersey" to fight Palestinian guerrilla testify during a State Commission of Investigation inquiry into committee chose Peres, 53, to attacks against Israel. organized crime. lead the party in the general Peres, — Hebrew for eagle The seven received frequent holiday furloughs from pris- election May 17 following — has also given tacit support on. Prime Minister Yitzhak Ra- to Gush Emunim, the right- bin's resignation over an ille- wing nationalist movement Motorist dies as car hits pole gal account he and his wife which advocates annexation of POINT PLEASANT — A motorist died here after the car had in a Washington, DC. the West Bank of the Jordon he was driving struck a utility pole, police said. bank. River occupied by Israel in Police said the driver, the sole occupant of a vehicle trav- Mapam's central committee the 1967 Arab-Israeli War. But eling at a high rate of speed, was unable to negotiate a turn was to meet today to decide now he says he Is willing to at the intersection of Hts. 88 and 35 South at about 5:30 p.m. Duncan C Thecker, Duncan Thecker Assoc, Ocean Twp. Betty Truex. Rumson Yarn House whether to continue in part- trade parts of the West Bank yesterday. nership with Labor under for peace. "He struck a curb and then the vehicle turned over on its Peres, whom It has con- At his news conference yes- roof and burst into flames," a police spokesman said. sistently opposed as a hard- terday he said he would make Come bank with us! Our King size services will give you exactly what The identity of the driver was withheld pending notifica- liner toward the Arabs. "no substantial change" in you want... a loan for almost any purpose, a checking account to suit your tion of next of kin, police said. Peres, who has been de- Rabin's foreign policy. needs, Master-Charge, an outstanding Trust Department and an almost fense minister since 1974, de- He said he did not object to Tax filing extension available nied at a news conference af- renewing the Geneva peace unlimited variety of other services... all fit for a King or Queen... WHICH NEWARK - Persons who cannot file their federal Income ter his election Sunday that conference this year and that IS YOU... when you do business with the Central Jersey Bank. tax returns by the April 15 deadline can receive an automatic he is a hawk. he would negotiate with Pa- two-month extension by filing an application for extension, "My political training Is lestinians from the West Bank the Internal Service announced yesterday. such that I have learned to or Palestinians in a Jordanian The form can be obtained at local IRS offices or by mail. form opinions relevant to the delegation but not with the To receive an extension, the taxpayer must estimate his situation," he said. Palestine Liberation Organl- tax for the year and enclose full payment of the tax liability, In the desire for peace "we ation. said Clare Shy, acting IRS director for New Jersey. Miss Shy said persons who receive extensions cannot use the Short Form 1040A or have the IRS compute their tax bill when filing their actual returns. Armstrong captured; The Daily Register sought for bombing The SoiKUy Register TOO*fG,U >•> Wisconsin, state and fed- Dwight Allan Armstrong, 15, eral prosecutors could not im- Publiihtd by TtYf Rfd Bonk RtgiKer wanted since 1970 for a fatal mediately be reached for EilobUihcd In 1171 by ioftn H Cook ond Htnry Cloy comment on their plans in the Main Office antiwar bombing at the Uni- Ont R«glit*r Plato, Shrtwtbury. H J 0JW1 versity of Wisconsin, has been case. • ranch OffU*i taken Into custody, Toronto Armstrong, his brother Kar- 176 HI. 31. MtiMlttown, N. J 07741 Monmoolfi County CourthouM, Fr*thold, N.J. 07m police announced yesterday. leton, David Fine and Leo 37f Broodway. Long Branch. N.J 07H0 Slalttvous*. Trenton. N.J. 0M7S He is due for an extradition Burt all were charged in the hearing tomorrow. Mtmbtr ot llw AiioclaWd Prm Tht Associated Pr*n it eniiilro Aug. 24, 1970. bombing which »«clvtlv*ly lo it* u*t ol gfl Ittt local nrws printed in lh# ntwspoper oi Armstrong, using an alias extensively damaged the wtll ot oil AP n«wi and dispatches of Gary Mitchell, was ar- Army Math Research Center Member ol the Anwican Newtpopcr Publisher! AiMClatlon. Ihe Audll Bureowof Circulation*. th« New Jtriey Pttw Aiioclotion. rested without Incident at a on the campus and took the AND TPlXJSrt COMPANY Second Clou poitoo* paid ot Red Bonk. N.J. 07701 and ot Middle coffee house here last Satur- life of physics researcher town, N.J. 0/741. Pubtlihrd Sunday ihrouoh Friday Moil iiMmfipllom day night In what police MEM6ERFOC payable In advance. Robert Fassnacht, 33. called a routine investigation. Ttf m Dolly Svodoy Doily ontf The police said they had ex- The center was a frequent to,» ss% set tsts tradition warrants charging target of campus antiwar pro- 29 CONVENIENT OFFICES TO SERVE YOU • MIDDLESEX • MONMOUTH • OCEAN • UNION tests. Horn* Otllvtfy by Corfltf - Dolly ond Sunday H ttnl* a wtrk. murder and arson. ^"tXg'lt'copy aJc'Swittf -Own .IS emit: Simdoy .ISctMi. SHREWSBURY. NJ MOMMY, APRIL 11, 1877 Dewey L. Hill CETA funding assists students SHREWSBURY - Dewey I. HOI, 78, died Saturday at Obituaries EATONTOWN - The Mon- want to regain and develop the James Archer Smith Hos- speed and accuracy on the >miMIII»IHIIlHHItmiHM*HfimtHHIHMtimill mouth Adult Education Com- pital, Homestead, Fla mission (MAECOM) and the electric typewriter, MAECOM He had resided at II White Comprehensive Employment is giving a clerk-typist re- St., here, since 1M7, and had Training Act (CETA) are fresher program. Review of previously lived in Rumson. Louis D. Rollo Sr., combining resources to train standard office practices will Mr. Hill was bom in Saint area residents for employ- be given during the 75 hour Jacob, 111 headed bus company ment in three fields. course. A veteran of World War I, The MAECOM courses fun- The MAECOM nursing as- sistant program is given at be was an automotive me- MATAWAN - Louis D Motor Bus Association, the ded by CETA are training 180 Freehold Area Hospital over chanic with the Puritan Milk Rollo Sr., president of the board of directors of the Mon- people (or careers as clerk- a four-week period. The stu- Co., here, from 1M3 until his Rollo Transit Corp in Asbury mouth Boys Club, the Key- typists, dental assistants and dents receive daily instruc- retirement in IW. Park, died last night at his port Yacht Club, the Beacon nursing assistants. tion during the 3 to II p.m. He was a member of the home on Johnson Ave, here. Hill Country Club in Middle- The objective of the clerk- shift. Among the subjects cov- Milk Industry Union, Local He was 75 town and a communicant of typist and clerk-typist re- ered are patient care, team IM of Newark; the Shrews- St. Joseph's Roman Catholic fresher programs is to train Born in Washington, D. C, nursing, pre-operative and bury Senior Homesteaders Church, Keyport. persons in typing and related Mr Hollo lived in Brooklyn, post-operative care, cardio- office practices, thereby and the American Legion, NY. before moving here over Surviving are his widow, pulmonary resuscitation, hos- enabling them to enter or re- Post 1« in Red Bank 50 years ago. He was also an Mrs. Helen Tanner Rollo; a pital safety and commu- enter the work force. The in- His wife, Marion, died in executive of other bus com- son, Louis D. Rollo Jr. of Lin- nications. The course's in- structors for the programs 1171 panies. croft, and two grandchildren. structor is Ella May Clark, are Helen Litts and Micki He is survived by a daugh- He was a member of the The Day Funeral Home, R.N. ter, Mrs. Bemadine Steams, board of governors of the N.J. Keyport, is in charge of ar- Usen, both MAECOM employ- here; a son, Louis W. Hill, rangemenLs. es. The eight-week dental assis- tant course is taught by Car- Levittown, Pa.; one brother, Mrs. Helen D. Gaston The clerk-typist training Charles, Saint Jacob; three program for beginners offers rie Saltbart. Areas covered in sisters, Mrs. Prudence Lien- FAIR HAVEN- Mrs. Helen Ann Ptacnik, with whom she instruction in typewriting, this program include the role Ing and Mrs. Creta Meyer, D. Gaston, S3, of 171 Hance lived, and Mrs. Wanda Prinz preparation of letters and of a dental assistant, dental REFRESHER COURSE — Helen Lifts of West Deal, Instructor for the Mon- both of Highland, 111., and Road, died yesterday while of Hamden, Conn.; a brother, manuscripts, tabulations and anatomy and physiology, visiting her daughter In patient management, ster- mouth Adult Education Commission (MAECOM), works with Com- Mrs. Lina Pike, Saint Jacob, Robert Duch of Murray HiU, other job related applications. prehensive Employment Training Act (CETA) student, Miss Katherlne and one grandchild. Ocean Township. and four grandchildren. The course provides 200 hours ilization of instruments and dental x-ray. Classroom study Lynch of Farmlngdale during a clerk-typist refresher program conducted The Worden Funeral Home, Mrs. Gaston was born in The John E. Day Funeral of instruction. Newark and lived there and is combined with observation by MAECOM. Red Bank, is in charge of ar- Home, Red Bank, is In charge For students who have in Irvington for many years of modern dental practice in rangements. of the arrangements. some typing background and Upon completion of a MAE- before coming here in 1167. a dentist's office. COM program, the student Mrs. Lillian A. She retired last year as a All program participants re- will be ready for edmploy- Make A Date Lundsted bookkeeper with Parks ceive Instruction in job-seek- ment. CETA funding for the Drugs, Red Bank. In addition, Eatontown game ing techniques and the em- programs is sponsored in DEADLINE - AU Make A Date Ads must be In ou* MIDDLETOWN- Mrs. Lil- she was a member of the ployment interview prior to Monmouth County by the office by noon two days prior to publication. lian A. Lundsted, 86, of 6 American Association of Re- getting job referrals from Board of Chosen Freeholders A paid directory of coming events for non-profit organiza- Frisk Drive, died Saturday at tired Persons. MAECOM placement coun- through the Department of tions Rate: $2.00 for 3 lines for one day. $1.00 each addi- Riverview Hospital, Red She was the wife of Sidney will raise funds sellors. Labor. tional line; 13.00 for two days, $1.25 each additional line; Bank. Gaston, who died in 1*43. IS for three to five days, $1.50 each additional line; $600 Mrs. Lundsted was born in Surviving are a daughter, for 10 days; $2.00 each additional line. Call The Daily Rutherford and lived in Free- Mrs. Sydney Koerner of USED RAILROAD TIES Register, 542-4000, ask'for the Date Secretary. port, N.Y., for many before for burn victim Wayside; two sisters, Mrs. EATONTOWN - Borough a Hawaiian dancer at Holiday 6" x 8" x 8' moving here in 1974. GRADE TODAT - APRtL 24 Council's softball team, de- City, Berkely Township, She was a communicant of Monmouth Museum, Lincroft: Indian Art Of The scribed by captain Joseph A. caught fire from a torch used Christ Church, Episcopal, Honor set #3 $6.95 $6.50 $5.95 Americas 500 Artifacts from Museum of the American Largey as "undefeated in the performance. here. Indian; NY. Mon.-Sat., 10-4 p.m., Suit. 1-5 p.m. Closed champs, all of them, and ra- The young woman is the #2 $8.95 $8.50 $7.95 Her husband, Laurits P. Thursday evenings until further notice. Free to members, for Robeson rin' to go," will take on a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. An- Lundsted, died in 1172. #1 $12.95 $12.50 $11.95 Non-members. $.50 children. $1 adultsJtt-^BJL NEW BRUNSWICK - Liv- team fielded by the Mon- thony Fontana, 204 Shark Riv- Surviving are two daugh- APRIL U ingston College will initiate a moulh Mall Merchants Asso- er Road. Mr. Fontana has ters, Mrs. Muriel Mooney, MONMOUTH BUILDING CENTER Chinese Auction held by the Sisterhood of Congrega- Paul Robeson Scholar Project ciation in a benefit softball been a mailman here for 17 here, with whom she lived, tion Beth Shalom. 186 Maple Ave., Red Bank at 8 p.m. in 1977-78 honoring the late game at noon on Sunday May years. The Monmouth Mall is 777 SHREWSBURY AVE. SHREWSBURY and Mrs Wilbur A Varley, Donation $2. Fun, prizes and refreshments. Rutgers alumnus who gained I, in the borough's 80-acre part of his route. Robert also here; a sister, Mrs. Ad- 747-5220 Parents Without Partners present Disco Night, with recognition as a scholar, ath- park on WaU St. Bednarz, 55 Brentwood Road, ele O'Brien of LaJoUa, Calif., the talented and beautiful Rick and Jan. dancing the lete, performer and political president of the merchants four grandchildren and one All donations made at the Hustle and giving free individual instructions. Wed.. April activist. association, said that Mr great-grandaughter game will benefit the Sheila 13. Sheraton Inn. Formerly The Holiday Inn. Rt. 35. Haz- The plans were announced Fontana has become a good The John* E. Day Funeral Fontana Zaleski Fund, estab- PRESTIGE let. N.J. at 8:30 p.m. Members and eligible guests wel- by Albert E. Blumberg, pro- friend of many of the store Home, Red Bank, is in charge lished last week for the criti- come. For information call 566-3511.264 5471 or 566-7370. fessor of philosophy and owners on his route, and the of the arrangements. cally burned 20-year-old Ea- KEYSTONE SAVINGS "Card Party" held by the Ladies Auxiliary of Com- chairman of the college's fac- game is one way of helping tontown resident. munity Fire Company in the on Appleton Ave., ulty executive committee, in the family to meet medical Morris Shipkin Leonardo, 8 p.m. Donation, $2. commemoration of the 71th Mrs. Zaleski, 202 Knox bills. St. Mary's Rosary Altar Society, Easter Card Party RED BANK - Morris Snip- anniversary of Robeson's Ave., has been in critical con- Mr. Fontana's fellow postal at 8 p.m., Memorial Hall, New Monmouth, N.J. Refresh- kin, 63, of 18 Wallace St., died birth. dition since March 19 at St. workers established the fund ments and door prizes. Donation $2. Tickets available at Saturday at the Green Grove Dr. Blumberg said the two- Agnes Hospital, Philadelphia, for Mrs. Zaleski last week. Lodge, Neptune. door fold purpose of the project is with second and third degree Any contributions can be sent AHHIL 15 ) Born in Waynesboro, (la, to honor distinguished bums over 80 per cent of her to the Sheila Fontana Zaleski Mr. Shipkin was a graduate alumni and to encourage in- body. She was burned when a Guild of Creative Arts. Shrewsbury enroll for Art Fund at the Eatontown Post is there where you are classes, all major media, all ages. Call 741-1441 or visit. of Red Bank High School and dependent scholarship by Liv- costume she was wearing as Office. Closed Mon. lived here 55 years. He was a ingston College students. salesman at Miller's Shoe Holmdel Jaycees will offer to Monmouth County Seniors who are candidates Residents, four different types of Shade trees for sale this Store, here. Mr. Shipkin was (or the scholar designation an Army veteran of World spring at a greatjy reduced price. 1012' high, 1V4-U4" in will carry out independent re- diameter. Norway Maple ($16), Sycamore ($15). Pinoak War II and a member of the search or creative activity National Guard, the Veterans ($19). Mountain Ash ($14). Persons interested please under the direction of a facul- of Foreign Wars and the con- make checks payable to Holmdel Jaycees. P.O. Box 71. ty member and earn up to 16 gregation of B'nai Israel, Holmdel, N.J 07733. or call 946-4518' or 264-2227. Cutoff Fair Haven academic credits, Dr. Blum- date Is April 15. Pick up date April 16 at Holmdel Fire berg said. House. Rt 520. Surviving are two brothers, The student's project would APRIL 15, 16 Sol and Israel Shipkin, both of then be examined and United Methodist Women of Sea Bright UM church Edison, and a sister, Mrs. presented at an annual meet- will hold a rummage sale and cake sale in church base- Anne Friedman of Belmar. ing held in Robeson's memo- ment from 1-8p.m., Fri., 1(1 noon. Sat. The William S. Anderson ry. On successful completion Funeral Home is in charge of Christ Church United Methodist Rummage Sale 100 of the project the student Ridge Rd.. Fair Haven. Fri., Sat.. April 15-16 Fri' 9-4 arrangements. would be designated a Paul p.m., Sat., »-12. Robeson scholar. APRIL 17 Sewer bond The project is an outgrowth The Monmouth-Ocean Counties Chapter, National of a Livingston College facul- Multiple Sclerosis Society presents "Accent on Indepen- interest cut ty resolution in spring 1976 to dence" (Noon to 5 p.m.) in conjunction with "Annual establish a program at the Meeting" (1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.) at Ocean County College, LONG BRANCH - The college to honor Robeson. Toms River. Displays, presentations to help the handi- Long Branch Sewerage Au- capped. Dr. Peter C. Dowllng, neurologist, will speak on thority has renewed $5 million "Latest in MS Research" at 2 p.m. For information call in short-term bonds for anoth- Keansburg s 774-41B. er year at a reduced interest 80 OFF: ON THE APRIL 2(1. 21 rate of 4.4 per cent. cops to play "Whafe of a Rummage Sale," Rumson Country Day Harold L. Dickerson, chair- fUCMHE- School, Corner Ridge Rd. and Belview Ave., Wed., t-t man of the authority's in- in benefit FUTURllI MACHINE p.m., Thurs. 9-12. Benefits scholarship fund. vestment committee, said the Advanced sewing simplified, thanks to APRIL 20 & 27 rate dropped from 5 per cent KEANSBURG - That pro- posed new teen-age center on these exclusive SiDggr.* sewing Open Auditions for all roles in Verdi's "The Masked to 4.4 per cent per year. The machine features: a Flip & Sew* 2-way Ball.1"' A Monmouth Conservatory full production sched- Colonial First National Bank, Main St. will get a big boost if sewing surface, for getting around uled for the Monmouth Arts Center in Nov. Come to Red Bank, holds $2.6 million the expected crowd turns out things like sleeves and cuffs, a but- Church of The Nativity, Hance and Ridge Rds., Fair in notes and the New Jersey Sunday. April 17, to see a ben- tonholer that measures and sews your Haven at 8 p.m. Further information, 741-8880. National Bank, Trenton, 2.4 efit basketball game between buttonholes all in one simple step. And APRIL 21 the Pro Football All-Stars and QN-mt million. a bobbin that winds right from the Kaleidoscope Luncheon Fashion Show, The Manor, members of the keansburg The notes provide interim needle without leaving the machine and West Orange. Tickets, $11, includes bus, or $8,50 If you Police Department. financing of the new secon- winding you up in the process. Model prefer to drive. Fashions by The Studio ReinkenHass, The contest, sponsored by dary sewage treatment plant 920. Carrying case or cabinet extra. Little Silver. Contact A. Callahan, 671-3626 or C. Wall, 871- the Teen Advisory Committee and sewer line projects pend- 0514 for tickets to Borough Council, will be ing the award of a permanent St. Agnes Church will have a meeting in the church played at 3 p.m. in the high bond Issue. hall on April 21 at 7:30 p.m. to present slides and discuss school gymnasium. The authority awarded a the June trip to Italy. For information call 291-0876. The Pro All-Stars is a team MOMS contract to install relief sew- ~APRTT2T I comprised of professional er lines on portions of Fay football players from the New "Spring Flower Luncheon," St. James Rosary Altar Street, Cooper, New Ocean, York-New Jersey area. Society, 12 noon. Fisherman's Wharf, Rumson. Reserva- Atlantic and West Aves. Stan- The 1.200 tickets are being tions, call D. DeMaria, 741-1566 or C. Stiles. 741-8674. $6. dard Engineers and Construc- sold at the JFK Community tors Inc., Fairfield, won the Center. Carr Ave.: in borough contract on its low bid of Bike-Hike 1977, the statewide fund raiser for Re- schools; in Walsh's Sweet tarded Citizens ufcN J Hike will begin at corners of Nor- $224,543. Shoppe, 63 Church St.. and ON-SUE mandy Rd. and King's Highway East, Middletown. Rain 'date, Sun. Apr. 24. TOWNSHIP OF from students who will sell them in the borough library Flea Market and Craft Show, St. Agnes, PTA. South MIDDLETOWN from 2 until 5 p.m. daily next Ave., Atlantic Highlands. Rain or shine. 10-4 p.m. Auction Township Committee week. at 1 p.m. Spaces $5. 291-9484 or 211-4272. Agenda: s APRIL 12, 1977 Notre Dame Holmdel Community Church, family style roast beef p BU9NESB WflTION «n0FF:OHA nine dinner Fellowship hall. Main St., 5-8 p.m. Adults $4.50, ,4sr SALE children $2. F.or tickets call 946-8182. EDISON — The Notre • 1164 — SaM VKMon _ Portiofi of $25 TO $100 OFF REG. PRICES ON ANY PORTABLE ' MAY 2 ••'•6 — CnHon. » LtjfWMn CM. Dame Clubs of New Jersey FLOOR SAMPLE OR DEMONSTRATORJviACHINES. Ifcan At home in the tightest quarters, this Social Party at 7:30 p.m. at River Plaza Firehouse, ModucKn M ftupoaad OOnarcaa announced for all alumni and 20% OFF ON ALL FLOOR SAMPLE" Applegate St., Red Bank. Refreshments and fun prizes. A No PMUno. an Hoft> 9d* ol Km Acm lightweight sews like a heavyweight families that Universal Notre OR DEMONSTRATOR CABINETS. Ladies and gentlemen invited. Donation $1.50 at the door. B Ciaajon. Aaattnl Oaacfx

By LOUIS RUKEYSER •I ml 11111 • •* • M ft • u • I • 111 • 111 Ul i • Jl 1lltlftlll11 • 111A ue of most of these expensive Some examples from the from stockholders and the in- IIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIlfllllllllllMI OB I 11f V••••111•!•• A Ridgewood, N.J., house- represent the millenium in wastebasket-stuffers, some current crop of annual re- vestment community. wife, Mrs. Virginia E. Sauser, corporate honesty — even The typical corporation an- major corporations have be- ports for 1078: The technique is most effec- complained,that the company Cyclops' report Included, nual report may not qualify gun to try something new; The Cyclops Corporation tive when it delivers as many had not hired women engi- along with the complaints, precisely lor the fiction de- telling it a little more like it highlights a no-holds-barred barbs as bouquets to the com- LOUIS neers and needed a woman on some excessive puffery — but partment — we have laws to is. luncheon conversation with pany. The report of Cyclops, its board of directors. they do represent a healthy prevent that — but on the oth- a maker of steel and fabric- (Knoell: The company is acti- trend that recognizes both the No longer is it always nec- shareowners about the ac- er hand it isn't the country's ated products, offers some vely looking for qualified Increasing sophistication of essary to read every quarter complishments and short- RUKEYSER foremost example of hard- sharp examples from the con- women In all fields but finds stockholders and the cruel inch of the myopia-inducing comings of the firm. Marcor nosed, balanced reporting, ei- versation with shareowners. professionals in short — and disappointments so many or footnotes in order to discover includes a (rank discussion ther. John B. Gundlach, or Belle- expensive — supply, because them have undergone in the that not everybody is per< between management and Ulllllllir inn • ii so many companies suddenly last decade. Amid gorgeous color photo- suaded that your firm is graduate students at Duke ville, 111., is quoted as de- are seeking to hire them.) Among those who have ap- graphs and dazzling graphics, God's gift to finance, industry University. Mutual of Omaha manding a straightforward projections for steel earnings the failure of capital spending plauded this movement to- the typical report aims at and the general welfare. In- features quotations from its projection of the earnings out- in l«7t?" (William H. Knoell. to "take off as expected" as Another stockholder, ward more meaningful "cor- convincing stockholders that stead of just telling share- policyholders, while several look and inquiring acerbically Cyclops' president, blamed reasons the earlier pre- Leroy E. Degler, of Sinking porate democracy" in annual their company Is brilliantly owners what it would like corporations — including Bur- "what happened to those rosy "inventory liquidations" and dictions went sour.) Spring, Pa., voiced a familiar reports are those veteran managed, enormously solvent them to hear, an increasing lington Industries, Damon beef when he asked for an In- gadflies and stockholder and on the brink of achieve- number of companies is de- Corporation and Eli Lilly and crease in the dividend pay- champions, Lewis D. and ments that will astound the fi- voting annual-report space to Company — give employes a out; "I was really expecting John J. Gilbert. And more nancial world. If the stock- the views of dissidents and chance to speak out about more" than last year's 10-cent holder has some difficulty in their jobs Compromise urged year-end extra, he said. and more managements ire the questions of dissatisfied (Knoell avoided a promise to finding that the latest fashion correlating that impression stockholders. Koppers Company takes on By DAVID R. SARGENT may have to be modified. all mail personally, but will raise the regular quarterly in corporate persuasion gets with what actually has been The result is twofold not a broader issue: "Some ques- Top-quality growth stocks answer all questions possible rate just yet.) back to t very old idea: Hon- happening to his stock lately, just more useful and credible tions (and possible answers Q - I would appreciate any generally do not yield at the in his column.) These techniques do notesty Is the best policy. that traditionally has been his information for curious stock- about capital and capital for- suggestion you might have on hard luck. holders, but a very much mation " And Cincinnati Milu- Hill IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIII our portfolio (enclosed). We Now, In response to grow- more lively and readable pub- cron wades right into some of hold Eastman Kodak (NYSE) ing skepticism about the val- lication. the toughest questions it gets at a cost of less than (I I am SUCCESSFUL trying to work down this hold- ing to 1,000 shares without in- INVESTING ATTENTION Remember this Easter curring huge capital gains taxes. The rest of the stocks iiiimimiiMiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiitiiiiimmiiiii have been acquired in the last two years. Would you suggest rate you specify. Three stocks with photofinishing some stocks for purchase in which yield 4.5 per cent or" VOTERS the mid-price range? I want to better, have a five-year enar- stock with blue chips for ings growth rate of 13 to 18 growth and a yield of 4 to 6 per cent and are rated buy from... are Kellogg Co., Tenneco and per cent. We are 30, have two U.S. Tobacco. All are listed children and an adequate In- PRIMARY ELECTION on the Big Board and are sell- come. J C . California ing at no more than 12X esti- A — You have done very mated 1977 earnings. The State law requires that any voter, who at any time voted In THRIFT DRUG well with your investments. Kellogg has defensive char- a primary and wishes to CHANGE his/her political party, or Exclusive of Eastman Kodak acteristics being a food pack- you have an overall gain of 28 registered voters who never voted In a primary (except newly er. Nonetheless, the company registered voters who registered after May 10,1976) must file a per cent in two years. Your has acheived an 18 per cent only loss Is in Champion annual earnings growth rate declaration of their political party if they Intend to vote in the Home Builders (ASE). This BORDERLESS In the last five years. It is one coming primary election. Under the law, the declaration must be mobile home and recreational of the most profitable com- filed with either the county commissioner of registration or the mu- vehicle builder expects to re- panies in the food processing port a deficit for the year en- nicipal clerk 50 days before the June 7th Primary Election. industry. However, some ded In February. This will be ' COLOR PRINTS slowdown in earnings growth Forms to designate a CHANGE in political party may be obtained the third consecutive deficit year. Dividends were dis- seems probable, reiieiung by calling the Commissioner of Registration at 431-7780; or you WITH SA TIN SILK FINISH continued in December 1(74. currency exchange rates, ris- may obtain form from your municipal clerk; or you may write a let- By accepting this loss you ing costs and fewer new prod- ter to your municipal clerk or the commissioner of registration tell- will be able to offset capital uct introductions. The recent ing them you wish to transfer to a different political party. The gains on some of your EK. acquisition of Mrs. Smith's The balance of your portolio Pie Co. is a positive factor. deadline for the declaration this year is April 18th. has good long-term potential. This division plus the Salada Tea line should be strong con- As for buy recommenda- tributors to 1977 profits Al- tions, your requirements are though the acquisition or Mon- somewhat contradictory and roe Auto Equipment by Ten- OUR NEW A PRINT neco has been opposed by the WITH ROLL FTC, Tenneco is an atractlve EVERYDAY On bank board buy in any case. Both merger PLUS $1.19 CRANBURY - Flave L. companies are challenging LOW PRICE FOR DEVELOPING Jones of I.incroft, president or the FTC decision. Whether Roche Medical Electronics, the antitrust action sticks is here, was elected a director' difficult to predict. U.S. To- or Midlantic National bacco has achieved an out- Bank/Cranbury at the bank's standing record with its line annual shareholders meeting, of smokeless tobacco prod- Gerald F. Metzhelser, presi- ucts, pet foods and smoking dent and chief executive offi- accessories. Earnings this cer, has announced. The year should reach $2.75 a OUR ENTIRE STOCK 12 EXP. ROLL (,'ranbury bank is a member share, up from $2.25 for 1976. of the statewide banking sys- These three stocks are per- OF FABULOUS FASHIONS tem or Midlantic Banks Inc. haps a notch below "blue Mr. Jones is a graduate of chip" in quality, but other- the University of Oklahoma. wise meet your criteria. Norman, Okla. (Mr. Sargent cannot answer ZOZ 4.19 ONE WEEK ONLY Trust Thrift Drug FAMOUS DESIGNER SPORTSWEAR fpr professional WONDERFUL, MUULP' ^ eiro4RATES g bd less prints, made from your favorite DAYTIME 6c EVENING DRESSES Kodacolor negative. OUR ENTIRE STOCK Wa guarantee your satisfaction. We adhere to the policy of not charging for pictures that are of poor quality. And if for any reason you are not satisfied with a print you may return it for full print refund.

© Copyright Thrift Drug. 1177 THRIFT DRUG "**perts< JCFemey OPEN HON. THRU Ml. «:JO »O 10 P.M. HIGHWAY 35, MIDDlEtOWN PLAZA SAT. »:O0 to 10 P.M. MOAQ.AT HAJOING. ttOBAN K NUT TO SHOPRITI SUNDAY I:M-S:M The Daily Register Feds fear more terrorism Castro's beard fall out. By JACK ANDERSON by norendo Merced Hose, a Established In 1878 - Published by The Red Bink Register Although some intelligence ud LES WRITTEN young hothead who, aay in- sources described the former In the aftermath of the Ha- telligence sources, had ties Marine captain as a "big talk- ARTHUR Z. KAMIN nd Huston siege in Washing- WASHINGTON with an FALN "bomb facto- ry" discovered last November er," he does have some cloak- President and Editor ton last month, federal offi- and-dagger credentials. cials are bracing for the pos- SCENE in Chicago. sibility of more hostage-tak- HifffiMe an appointment to Some anti-Castro Cubans, see Richard Kobakoff, a Jus- Thomas J. Bly, Executive Editor William F. Sandford, Associate Editor ing by dozens of violence- •iimiHiiifimiiii headquartered in Miami, al- prone groups. ready are suspected of killing tice Department official in Base containing 2,000 names Chilean exile Orlando Lelelier November, 1»74, with his • • SHREWSBURY. N.J. MONOAY. APRIL) 1. 1977 Law enforcement experts and 5,000 passport numbers. sights set on a daring adven- from the State, Treasury. and many others. One anti- Some suspects have as many ANDERSON ture: the kidnapping of Rob- Justice and Defense Depart- as seven aliases. Castro group, the Frente de ments have been meeting re- Uberacion Nacional de Cuba, ert Vesco from Costa Rica. The system helped identify according to an Intelligence caution" in approaching American officials repeatedly cently to devise methods to an alleged Japanese terrorist thwart future takeovers. report, "is known to possess a members of the group, who have failed in attempts to ex- in Honolulu last month, short- large amount of C-4 ex- arc also called "Dreads," tradite the financial scofflaw Three special anti-terrorist ly before Japanese Prime units, the CIA's "Critical Col- plosives, which it may use "Rude Boys" and "Beard- from his palatial island villa, Minister Takeo Fukuda ar- against pro-Castro and Soviet smen" Jividen tried to recruit Ves- lection Problems Com- rived in the United States. mittee," Justice's "Inter- targets ... if relations with co's former pilot, Capt. A. L. The suspect was thoroughly Federal agents are also Eisenhauer, by saying that an departmental Committee on Cuba appear to be improv- worried over possible terror- searched, briefly detained, ing." unnamed "sponsor" would Internal Security," and the then put under surveillance. Ism by elements of the "Cabinet Committee to Com- "Front de Liberation du Que- provide aircraft and a clan- The computer alto enabled The infamous .Weather Un- destine plan. bat Terrorism," are also agents to lock up a man who derground is still considered a bec," which seeks indepen- trying to come up with solu- dence from Canada. "Mem- Jividen would use a false had threatened to kill Queen threat, as are the tiny Japa- Identity to secure a plane, he tions. Elizabeth on her American nese Red Army, the violent bers ... are believed to have As in the Hanafi case, the connections with a number of explained. Then a go-between visit last year. wing of the Irish Republican who knew Vesco would try to intelligence experts have no Army, the leftist New World European and Mideast terror- idea where or when the ter- Classified intelligence bulle- ist groups," says a classified trick the financier into board- Liberation Front, and the Red ing the airplane where he rorists will strike next. Some tins cite militant Puerto Rl- Guerilla Family. bulletin. officials at the meetings have can nationalists and anti-Cas- would be laid low with a Iran grumped that without illegal tro Cubans as the most likely More exotic terrorist groups KIDNAP CAPER? - A for- quilizer gun. CIA operatives mail covers, wiretaps and groups to commit violence in are also named in the In- mer Justice Department un- in Central America would be break-ins, adequate data can- the immediate future. telligence bulletins. dercover agent secretly available for support, Jividen not be gathered. Such tools The Fuerzas Armadas de The Rastafarians, a Jamai- planned to stalk fugitive Rob- Insisted. have largely been abandoned Liberacion Nacional of can-based religious sect that ert Vesco, zap him with a Eisenhauer acknowledged since Watergate and recent Puerto Rico (FALN) report- deifies the late Emperor tranquilizer gun and kidnap that he was contacted about revelations of CIA-FBI ab- edly was behind the bombing Haile Selassie of Ethiopia, him- from his Costa Rican the kidnap caper, but refused uses. last month of a New York now has 3.000 members in the hideout: to participate. A spokesman To replace these uncon- building that housed an FBI area. While for Kobakoff said the meeting stitutional methods, some of field office. The same group many are law-abiding, some Ex-Marine pilot Larry proposed by Jividen never the federal agencies are turn- blew up New York's historic preach "the ways of the white Blaine Jividen boasted sev- took place. Kobakoff vehe- ing to sophisticated anticrime Fraunces Tavern in 1175, kill- man are evil," says a con- eral times that he would be mently denies that he knew technology, but the results ing four people and injuring fidential report, and "terror- aided in the bizarre plot by about or sponsored any plan have been limited. The Cus- 53. Meanwhile, the revolution- Isn has been increasingly as- the CIA, which once con- to kidnap Vesco. Jividen. toms Service, for instance, ary Puerto Rican Socialist sociated with this group." cocted the brilliant scheme of reached in London, declined has set up a Terrorist Data Party may soon be taken over The report urges "extreme using a potion to make Fidel to comment. The happy hacker's game By JIM BISHOP Illll HIM 1 II sary after the match Is over. per cent of all golfers. RELAX: A state no golf- SLICE: The weakness of Golf. Sex under the sun. THE er can afford if he wants to the other half. Frustrating fun. A little ball play.. The proper emotional HOLE HIGH: Right club, on a great big ope. Lawful in- state is tension, hatred and wrong direction. sanity. The Happy Hacker It REPORTER repeated humiliation. CLUB: A poorly designed is a game, a sport, in which MULLIGAN: Invented by weapon which the golfer must grown men flog, flail, flush, I fti l tl MI If III IIIM Ml 11H MHIIIII ttHII IIIHMII If I an Irishman who wanted to learn to embrace with both fracture and foul a green dribble into the woods. It is hit one more 20-yard groun- hands no matter how many landscape on which 18 holes synonymous with "Won't hur- der. times it betrays him. are hidden. cha." Bad news. PUTT: Applying the blade BLAST: Hitting two inches It was named by drunken STYMIE: An object di- of a small club In a tender BISHOP of sand behind the ball. Also a Scots after listening to bark- rectly in line between your manner to the back of a ball. British expletive uttered as a Measuring the impacts ing dogs. Golf is played by 20 ball and the green. Like a This exercise is always fol- foot nearer the hole than the result of the result. Hold your hats, environmental- ral order and human safety in the million immature American five-story apartment house lowed by anguished eyes di- ball. PRO: An optimistic doctor rected toward heaven. who has a cure for dying. name of economic growth, are hos- men whose wives think they built while your ball was in ists. The Carter Administration is are out there having fun. The night. FAIRWAY: A long broad PIGEON: Something every LOCKER ROOM: Sanc- tile. requiring federal agencies to mea- rhetorical question, "What do TREE: Something you stretch of grass seldom seen golfer needs. Someone who tuary for ugly nudists. A sure the impact of new govern- As one unnamed critic inside you lie?", Is accented on the shoot through because some- by determined players. can make 126 look good. sporty funeral parlor. mental regulations on the economy government put it, "The committee, final word one said they are 80 per cent TRAP: Also bunker. Like O.B.: Out of bounds, as in BACK SWING: Removing before they are imposed. sadly, would make economic factors Some time ago I devised a air. A painful fallacy. prison, easy to get into, hard making a pass at your fellow the clubhhead from the pres- dominate safety and health decisions lexicon of golf terms. As you WATER HAZARD: The fi- to get out. sufferer's wife. A stake akin ence of the ball. Trying to This means, for example, that bring the club down to the that cannot and should not be sub- draw the old bag full of clubs nal resting place of all golf GROUND UNDER RE- to what Dracula had ham- before a regulation requiring use of out of the garage, try to balls. A series of 40-fathom PAIR: The whole course. mered In his heart. same position is farcical, im- the air bag in automobiles could be ject to formal cost-benefit analyses." memorize these: lakes which should be air- GIMME-ASEVEN: The possible and conducive to imposed, data would have to be ac- GIMME: An agreement be- mailed to drought-stricken" player's words to the score- SHANK: A horrifying trick knee-jerk, head-snapping, Wise public policy is undoubt- shot executed by hackers who cumulated as to what its in- edly to be found somewhere between tween two losers who ca,n't California. keeper after carding an 11. making the golfer look like a aiming north, hit east. Not ballet dancer in spikes. troduction would mean in terms of the two views. In the final analysis, putt. GREEN: A far-off oasis JEEZ: A futile appeal to BALL: A round white featured by an alien flag on a the deity while the ball is in quite In the class of leprosy, WEDGE: Something your auto prices, capital investment, em- all.governmental action is a matter sphere; the only thing which stick. Never-never land. night which is curable. wife drives between you and ployment and the like. There would of choosing, just as all environmen- smiles after the first hole. DUFFER: All of us. GOOD MISS: A shot which STARTING TIME: The Saturday morning. Also a probably also be some accounting of tal and health questions include al- IT'LL PLAY: Your part- RUB-OF-THE-GREEN: shears every third blade of only time you will find the weapon used to propel a ball indirect costs and benefits, such as ternatives. ner's cheerful comment after What you take from your wal- doctor on time. from one bunker to another. what a reduction in auto fatalities as ' you hook, slice, fade or let and give to your adver- MARKER: A disc placed a HOOK: The addiction of SO Golf . The trouble with most debates a result of the air bag's introduction '* might do to insurance rates and the on safety, drug, health and environ- impact, if any, reducing auto fatali- mental regulations is that they are ties would have on .hospital oper- conducted in terms of the ultimate ating expenses. case: Thalidomide babies, black Dr. Carter's Vegetable compound lungs, Santa Barbara oil spills, New Obviously, when the discussion Him inlinnIIHIIMIMIMII mm crats' feeble thinking is that Treasury $2.4 billion in the York brown-outs and 10 per cent By JAMES J. KILPATRICK turns from direct to indirect costs what Jimmy wants, Jimmy first year and $89 billion over unemployment rates. Good debating ought to get. Therefore they six years. To the contrary, and benefits, it is easy to slip into This is today's argument: CONSERVATIVE techniques and good politics do not First, that in promoting a will go along with. the re- the positive effects were so some very peripheral esoteric areas. always produce clear thinking. healthy economy, a restora- bates, but they will hate galvanic that the Treasury For this reason, it appears that for tion of confidence is the most VIEW themselves in the morning. gained $7 billion in the first the present the committee will con- For these reasons, we welcome important goal. Second, that The curious thing is that year and gained $54 billion fine itself to the most basic econom- the formation of this new com- Mr. Carter's |S0 rebate plan III HIIIIIII I "I"" spokesmen on both sides of over the six years. the aisle share the same con- ic questions. mittee, even as we reserve judgment won't achieve that aim. prevail. The approach makes True, the economic condi- viction: A stable, healthy re- tions of 1962 and 1177 are not . on its significance. If it can do noth- Third, that a permanent tax sense. Equally obvious is the division cut probably would. covery must depend prima- Identical, but economic prin- that is already shaping up nationally ing more than help people better un- The President's costly re- rily upon the creation of. jobs KILPATRICK ciples do not change. If the derstand what it costs to clean up a These are Republican argu- bate plan is in trouble. No one in the private sector. The re- people could look forward over the proposed change. Business- in either chamber — virtually stream or how much is saved by re- ments, advanced by Jack bates will contribute little or achieve no lasting good. with reasonable confidence to men, who have contended for a dec- Kemp of New York In the no one — has any keen en- ducing speed limits, which remains nothing toward that end. Nei- The objections to the Kemp- a permanently lower level of ade that environmental and safety House and by Bill Roth of thusiasm for it. The plan sur- ther will the elaborate pro- Roth plan are largely if not taxation, they would react po- rules have gotten out of hand, wel- to be seen, it will be a step forward. Delaware in the Senate. They vived in the Senate Finance grams of government employ- wholly political. It is first of sitively. They would sense a come the new procedure. Labor Invariably, precise information lags are urging a tax cut across- Committee by a single vote, ment have a lasting effect. all a Republican plan. An little more freedom; they leaders and environmentalists, who behind rhetorical overkill when the the-board for both individuals and if it had not been for Mr. Carter's mild incentives overwhelmingly Democratic would plan beyond the first of and corporations, and if It we- some misguided partisan loy- believe the nation has too long subject is new governmental regu- for private industry are seen Congress, working with a the month. A $50 rebate, by ren't for the political situ- alty, the plan would not have as too mOd to do much good. Democratic President, Is not played fast and loose with the natu- lations. contrast, is a one-time thing; ation, their advocacy would survived at all. The Demo- As a package, the adminis- about to accept a Republican It is gone with the summer tration's Tax Reduction and plan. Second, there Is much wind. Simplification Act of 1977 is a concern that the revenue loss- My guess is that the Demo- Eatontown's numbers game flimsy product — as worthless es from a permanent tax cut cratic leaders are pursuing as a plastic Christmas toy would spill the wind from the not only bad economics, but Last week the Eatontown Board So the board must now plan for the that falls apart by New Democrats' spending sails poor politics also. They look of Education was informed that school year beginning in September Year's Day. and make It impossible for at Mr. Carter's high popu- some 600 new Navy personnel are with the all-important enrollment Kemp and Roth are plead- Mr. Carter to produce a bal- larity ratings, and they come ing for something better. The expected at the Naval Weapons Sta- figures still largely unknown. anced budget by 1981. down with the Jitters. They two Republicans want a per- Kemp and Roth argue per- tion Earle; that about 140 families fear the consequences of manent tax cut, benefiting suasively that their per- defying their new chief. But are involved, and that about 1.7 chil- The Earle problem just adds a taxpayero in every bracket. manent tax reduction would there is no evidence of wild dren per family can be expected for new element to a difficult situation. This would put spendable help the revenue picture, not public demand for the rebate enrollment in the borough's schools. Fortunately, the board has been money in the pockets of wage hurt it.They cite the example package as such. Smart poll- Thus the board is off to an early playing the guessing game for many earners everywhere. Their of President Kennedy's tax tics, in my own view, would years, and managed to live with it approach would permit the reductions 15 years ago. The sa^Ui* riomn-j-ate' kidnap-. start nn the numb**? game, jm/oiu»H marketplace to plan for the Kennedy p»ple figured that and meet ifeSfeWV.....,, -."^ligatio'ns. ping** 7~...m»JAi plan and ... estimating enrollment for the long range. They feel strongly their tax cuts would cost the trotting it forth as their own. 'coming year, a game it has had to Another problems/or the coming that only the bold stroke of play for years in its responsibility year is the uncertainty surrounding permanent tax relief will for the children of Ft. Monmouth plans for removal of the fort's stimulate the capital In- ECOM units and many personnel to vestment that means jobs Today in history personnel. < without the risk of inflation. out-of-state stations. The vagueness The board will have to await a That mystical thing called By Tie Associated Press In 1921, a telephone line be- breakdown on the number of chil- of the future status of Eatontown's confidence is the key. It is the tween the United States and military community makes planning finest medicine ever con- On this date in 1814, Napo- Cuba was opened by Presi- dren involved and their grade levels, leon Bonaparte abdicated as dent Warren Harding. data which have been promised by a risky venture for municipal as trived for economic ills. In well as school authorities, and there , the ordinary household It Emperor of France. In 1951, President Harry Earle authorities but are not yet On this date: must be a better way. Certainly a stimulates demand; In the Truman relieved General available. Then, too, School Superin- business community It pro- In 1689, William and Mary major part of tlje problem is the' Douglas MacArthur of his tendent Anthony F. Palmisano told motes the taking of risks. One were crowned king and queen command in the Far East. the board, there is some question as practice of the'military and other has only to glance at the of England. In 1713, Spain ceded Gibral- Today's birthday: Mrs. Eth- to whether Eatontown would have to government agencies involved in stock market to comprehend that levels of confidence are tar to England. el Kennedy Is 49 years old. absorb all the Earle children in its massive transfers of personnel of an- nouncing the moves in the 11th hour low. Dr. Carter's Vegetable In 1899, the Philippine Is- Thought for today: To schools, even if the families were as- lands were transferred from speak kindly does not hurt the of their preparation. Compound is a kind of quack signed to bousing at Ft. Monmouth. Shakedown cruise concoction that — hie - can Spain to the United States. tongue - a French proverb. SHREWSBURY. N J MONDAY. APRIL 11.1977 The DMtyHlgkJTT 7 New assignments are in the making for

By JAV KIMRBUTT ifornia living. "Tomorrow," based in New York since Decem- IW4. ber 1974, will move its headquarters back here — where it be- "That was the main reason I went back to New York, to (AP) - No. Tom Snyder doesn't want to gan in 1(73 — next June. help 'Nawwenter *•' " hi" said A lecoodary reason was to holt "Tonight" if leaves. No, NBC News Los Angeles is where he hit it big in 1070, when he began help the 'Tomorrow' show by exposing it lo the advertising hasn't asked him about eventually anchoring the "NBC Night- anchoring the last hour of a two-hour local week night news- communih of New York, who had no idra we were on Ihe air. ly News," which John Chancellor now does. cast at NBC-owned KNBC. But he's not returning because he "And we've been very successful at that." Yes, NBC has asked him if he'd like to host a tube version dislikes New York life. Snyder says he won't do local news anchoring anymore, of "People," magazine, which gets a six-week summer try It's mainly because Snyder, recently divorced, has a 12 but will do two NBC News shows this year - the May I dis- even though a first effort Lily Tomlin hosted flopped earlier year-old daughter here. "She'll be a teen-ager soon, and I ptHvprognra, liK.- •Tomorrow," is from MHC's programs di- this season. think it's important for her to have me a little bit closer lhan vision, nol NBC NVws Having disposed of the first two rumors, Snyder said that 2,500 miles away." in « qwcials and possibly other projects will be done in the matter of the "People" caper "they've (NBC) asked And, he's convinced NBC there's no reason he can't do in New York, said Snyder, who says he won't abandon that whether I want to do It - if they do it - and I said, 'Sure.' " "Tomorrow" here, now that he recently finished a second job h.uiihi Urn keep hi:, tdwhhowe there and tape "Tomorrow" But the tall, quick-to-laugh star of NBC's late-hour "To- he was anxious to leave — anchoring local news on NBC- there in the fall and the spring morrow" interview show said nothing definite has been set on owned WNBC-TV in New York. The lanky Milwaukee native was asked how he feels re- that yet. That job was part of the deal when NBC moved him and turning to Col Angeles, whence he started his climb to nation- Snyder, 40, was In this earthquake-prone town to tape — "Tomorrow" out to the East Coast. He agreed to anchor the al prominence and a salary reportedly in the neighborhood of what else? - "The National Disaster Survival Test," a what- second hour of WNBC's two-hour "Newscenter 4" in addition WM.OUO ur so. do-you-do-during,disasters quiz NBC will air May 1 as its "Big to his "Tomorrow" duties each night. "I have mixed tefitylgl," he softly replied, surprising tor Event" show. He says he's returning here "because I think I've done one rumored lo be loud and brash "Becauie I do love New The executive producer is Warren Bush who, Snyder says, my tour of duty In New York, 1 think I did what 1 was sup- York I have a threat house there great friends there, and taught a Marquette University journalism course Snyder at- posed to do there for 'Newscenter 4.' " there's something aboul making it in New York that Iran- tended in his student days. They hadn't seen each other since That was to boost the show's low 6 p.m. ratings, which Bcends making it anywhere else m the world. until work on the show began. Snyder, whose career began in broadcast news began 21 years "And I'd like to think I made it there, left my mark there Snyder soon will have another kind of reunion — with Cal- ago, says was the primary factor in his shift to Fun City in . and I'll never really leave New York "

Television TodayI miiiiiinii mil iliiiiiHililllillllltfHll NeN«.w YorV...-Lk Channel 2, 7:30. • X 800-222-8904 a a LAVERNE & COMMUNITY II- MIODLETOWN UNEQUIVOCAI HIT." SHIRLEY SPECIAL Rogowfy Ann and Andy (G) 1, 7:15; Alt UAMIDOLETOWN I— The PrctldmTt MM (PC) f Audrey Rose IPG) 1. 7:30. 9 30 REALTY MORTGAGE CO. After Laverne and EATONTOWN DRIVE-IN- UAMIDDLETOWN II- HOWUI. NJ. 1M-IJ10 Rocky (PG) 70S, 10:50; Logon* Ron Fun With Dick and Jane (PC) 2, 7:15, Shirley mysteriously (PGlf 9:15 FREEHOLD UAMIDDLETOWN III- OPEN 7 Oil's 8» disappear, their MALL I— Tye Eagle Has Landed IPGI 2. ?:». » 40 : MTTM •UIIHttl WHU Demon $Md (Rl 7, 7:X, 9:15 OCEAN TOWNSHIP friends reminisce Mill II- M l W MIDDLERROOK CINEMA I— about them and their Alrpor177IPGJJ. ?:»,•;» MALL Ml— Fun With Dick and Jane (PG) 7:«5. Rowdy Ann and Andy (G) 2, 7:30; All ttw PrnldMil-i Men (PG) 9 MIDOLETOWN CINEMA II- NAn.IT The Eagle Has Loaded IPG) IX. SEASHORE ROLLER PLAZA- RED BANK The Lot* Show (PG) 7:». 9:15 MONMOUTH ARTS CENTER— CINEMA I— Network (R) 7:15.9:35 WEEKDAYS 2, 7:30, *:N FRI. 7:10,1:N RINK D$R)7Dtmon$Md(R)7,V V MOVIES III- CINEMA II- Alrporl7nPGI7:K.«:X SAT. 2,4,»,I,1O SUN. 1:30,1:30, 5:30, 7:10, *:30 Alrport'77(PG)7:l5,9:lS MOVIES IV— Is Proud (o Announce KEANSBURG Rocky (PGI 7:15.9:15 COLONIAL- SMBEW5BUOT They Will Have A Star l« Born IR) I CINEMA I- LONG BRANCH DemonSeed IR) 1.10 MOVIES I- CINEMA II- ROLLER SKATING AlrpOff77(PG)7:30.9:» Fun With Dick and Jane IPGI 7:45. MOVIES II- Demon Seed IR) 7:45 9:45 9:15 MAT* WAN MPAA RATINGS EVERY DAY DURING CINEMA M- G — General audience* nn PG —A All ages. (Parental guidance lug- Raggedy * <""> *"**?


CHAIN LINK • STOCKADE JEWflt WHAT LYING MD IASKET WEAVE • BOARD ON BOARD nNOCHW'S NOSE" Faar For Her... POST AND RAH • DOG KENNELS ANYONE MU. MeW- bigg*, man .ctti PRIVACY FENCE Uwn "AIRPORT 1975 IMUS IN RED BANK — Don Imus, New York disc MITMV For Shop at Home Estimates Call iockey, will be featured at 7:30 and 10 p.m. April 21 at the Monmouth Arts Center, Red Bank. Appear- HUSBAND 7875131 ing with him will be Tim McLoone and the Atlantic 1OO* FINANCING AVAILABLE Coast Band. The shows are sponsored by Local M536, International Alliance of Theater Stage Em- 2, 7:15, 9:15 $al.7$on. i, 4,1, ifff H*f 36 MMkhwn Tap ployes to benefit welfare projects. SHREWSBURY. NJ MONDAY. APW. M. 1977 Award $48,000 for land

FREEHOLD - A jury Road, Tinton Falls. damage to the remainder of The nursery appealed and the (warded a Tinton Falls nur- The Jury before Superior the tract and $25,000 for the matter went to a Jury trial. sery * total of HS.000 for land Court Judge Marshall Selikoff nursery stock. The land was taken by the taken by Monmouth County awarded Conrad Smith Nur- The county Board of Free- county for development of the for road improvements made sery $23,000 as compensatloi holders initially had offered Tinton Ave. and Wayside to Tinton Ave. and Wayside for taking the land including the nursery $19,250 for the land. One piece consisted of Road intersection near the about 17 square feet and the ECOM Building. other, 12 acres. The nursery Fred Klatsky of Red Bank Health committee refused the offer and con- represented the nursery. Wil- demnation commissioners liam Dowd of Alknhunt rep- to have election 'awarded $37,000 for the land. resented the freeholders. WEST LONG BRANCH - on the election may be obtain- A public election to fill five ed from the Monmouth Coun- provider and six consumer ty Advisory Committee. vacancies on the Monmouth County Advisory Committee to the Central Jersey Health Planning Council will be held Thursday, 8-10 p.m., at Pollak THE/UPGR LOflfl Auditorium, Monmouth Col- lege, West Long Branch. (OLOIVIAl The League of Women Vot- MONEY? ers of Monmouth County will AWTOVAl IT M.0HI conduct the election. CREATIVE BUILDERS - The Brood St. Audito- nesses into new creations. Youngsiers in (ore- Consumers are individuals rium of the'Shrewsbury Borough School was the ground are busy making wooden poddleboats and not directly or indirectly in- • •,'.' V . '.• scene of a two-day art festival recently, where airplanes. volved in the provision of children turned materials donated by local bust- health care and whose imme- diate families are not so in- 141 Sto ill—it 347 Regionateojonoll hNotices Ml OWwr PwbHc Haban 250 Other Public Notices volved. Providers are health care professionals and their AGENDA.DA MEETING— S soil he "files o written notice oTKITln The Furniture Store HOTICI Of APPLICATION \ RESOLUTION APPOINTING A Tuesday, April », If77 Pursuant to FDIC regulations. rent with the Regional Director within SCHOOL BOARD ATTORNEY immediate families. Tuesday. May 14, If 7! Notice li hereby given that the IS (toys of the date of this publication AND BOA*O AUDITOR Tuesday, June 11. WT7 Shrewwbury State Bonk. 441 Brood The noncontldenllol portions of the ap- WHEREAS. there tilth o need for a To be eligible for election to Tuesday. July H. It77 Street. Shrewsbury, New Jeriey hai plication are on tile In the Regional Of- School Board Attorney ond a Board for Smart Shoppers Tuesday. August 13. If77 C o fice as part of the public file main Am*tot ond fund* art available for the advisory committee, one Tuesday. September 30. If 77 the MtaMlsftment of a bronch office al rained by the Corporation. This file Is *s, ond Tuesday. October IS, 1tn the Southwest corner of Prospect Ave available tor public Inspection during must be at least 18 years of A furniture store for the snooper who Knows better. Come _ S. the Local Public Con Tuesday, November IS. If 17 nu««.Morhhom Place (lots 13, II,ill regular business hours frocti Law reoulrei that fh* resolution Tuesdoy, Dwember M, 1t77 li. Mock 41). Little Silver, New Jer- age, live or work in Mon- and see us we have hundreds of fabulous buys, all authorizing confrocti for professional Tuesday, Jonuory ?4. )»?? sey. The application was tiled and at AfTllll M.H wrirkN without comi f Tuesday. February 11, lt;i (tento cepted at the Office of the Regional Dl mouth County and be present designer samples, floor samples anddiscontinued items muit be publicly odvrrl reclor. Federal Deposit Insurance HOTICI NOW, THEREFORE. BE IT RE- REGULAR MEETINGS Corporation. 345 Park Avenue. New Pursuant to NJSA U M Jt B, please and registered at the election. SOLVED by the Board of Education of Thursdoy. April M. 1*77 York. New York 10077. on March 75 take notice that the annual share Although an official slate of the Borough of Sea Bright. o\ foltowi Thursday, May H, 1977 «77 holders meeting of the Shrewsbury Thursday. June 23.1977 State Bank wilt be held on Wednesday 1. Goallano. Tuccl ond Kennedy, al Any person wishing to comment on consumers and providers will Thursday, July 21, If77 April 70. 197; at 3:30 P.M at the office tornevs ot law of ft* State of New Jer- this application moy fU« his commend Thursday. August«, 1*77 of the Bank. USBrood Street. Shrews >fy, Is hereby appointed ond con In writing wllh the Regional Director be presented, nominations for Thursday. September M. 1977 bury. N.J. firmed 01 Boord Attorney, and Joseph of the Federol Deposit Insurance Cor Thursday, October 17, 1977 X Seaman, o registered municipal oc porotlon at Its Regional Office If any GERALD P. MURPHY both categories may be made Thursday, November 17, 1977 countanl of the Slat* of V person desires to protest the granting Secrttory hereby appointed ond Thursdoy. December 72. )977 from the floor during the of rMs application, he has a right to do April II Boord Auditor Thursday, January M. l»7t •Ttt 2. The oppolntmenii art mod* with Thursdoy. Februory 23, 1*71 (lento election. Further information out competitive bidding ot profes tlvt) stonal services because If li for leoai The ORGANIZATION meeting oI the services and auditing services, recog- Board should be on Monday, Februory nized professions regulated by low. 13, 1971 providing the school elections OfehMdonF^uory/, 1*71 AMC Gremlin 1 A copy of this resolution ihail be By order of the Boord of Education published In The Dolly Rtgllftr ot re-

Monday, May 2. 1977 Raritan High School, 419 Middle Rd., Hazlet, NJ Monday, June 6. 1977 Beers Street School, 610 Beers St., Hazlet. NJ Wednesday, July 6, 1977 Administrative Oflices 82 Bethany Rd., Hazlet. NJ Monday, August 1,1977 Administrative Offices. 82 Bethany Rd., Hazlet. NJ Wednesday, Sept. 7.1977 Cove Road School, Cove Road. Hazlet. NJ Monday, October 3,1977 LilHan Drive School, Lillian Dr. Hazlet, NJ Monday. November 7,1977 Middle Road School, 305 Middle Rd, Hazlet. NJ Monday, December 5,1977 Raritan Valley School, Cresci Blvd . Hazlel, NJ Monday, January 2,1978 Sycamore Drive School, $400 in accommoda- $400 in travel on $400 worth of Sycamore Dr., Hazlet, NJ tions at any Americana American Airlines.'' Monday. February 6,1978 Union Avenue School, American Tourister Union Ave.. Hazlet. NJ . Hotel.' Luggage.t Monday, March 6. 1978 West Keansburg School. Laurel Ave. W Keans , NJ There's a magnificent new car waiting for you al your American Motors See your American Motors dealer right away and swing your best deal PRE-MEETING CONFERENCE MEETINGS dealer. And something great to go with it. When you buy any new on a new AMC car equipped with factory air. It's the only car on the Al meetings will commence at 8:00 p.m. Pacer, Gremlin, Homet or Matador with factory air, you now get a market that comes with' the exclusive Buyer Protection Plan II. Monday, April 25.1977 Administrative Offices choice of fabulous All American Giveaways. This offer is good on all cars delivered between April 11 and June 10, 82 Bethany Rd.. Hazlet, NJ Choose from; $400 in travel on American Arrlines.that can take you 1977. plus all cars ordered by May 10, regardless of delivery. Fleet Wednesday, June 1.1977 Administrative Offices toany of American's exciting destinations; from New York to California, 82 Bethany Rd, Hazlet, NJ sales and overseas military purchases ye not included. «*;-• '97* ' irnm MnntnvO to Mexico City. Or $400 in iicconyiiodaljons 1JssssssJs,,,,isJ— any (W-, ViuWV NJ. « any of .21 Americana HotelSGflKefc^.;, ibtV, <. -'Offa includes rtJWrPWi'.y,pej;, ^ space' availabtilry.^Not Monday, July 25, 1977 Administrative Offices Palm Springs, Miami Beach and Acapulco. Or $400 valid December 19.1977 thru January 1,1978. 82 Bethany Rd., Hazlet, NJ worth of beautiful, new American Tourister Luggage.' Monday, August 29. 1977 Administrative Offices "Travel must be completed,by June 15,1978. 82 Bethany Rd., Hazlet. NJ t Touristetr's finest Verylite 7-piece set. in the Palomino tSuggested list price based on 7-piece Vferylite set. Palomino Monday, September 26. 1977 Administrative Offices color-most popular with both men and women. color. 82 Bethany Rd.. Hazlet, NJ Monday, October 31, 1977 Administrative Offices 82 Bethany Rd.. Htztot, NJ Monday, November 28, 1977 Administrative Offices 82 Beltway Rd . Hazlel, NJ Monday, December 26, 1977 Administrative Offices 82 Belha'ny Rd., Hazlet, NJ n Monday, January 30,1978 Administrative Offices See your AMC Dealer 82 Bethany Rd.. Hazlet. NJ Monday, February 27.1978 Administrative Offices 82 Bethany Rd., Hazlet. NJ This notice Is given in accordance with P.L. 1975, c, 231. Twin Boro Motors, Inc. All American, Inc. Belmar American/Jeep BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION 131 E. Newman Springs Rd. -. EUGENE A KONOPACKI, Highway 35 & Bedle Rd. 511 F St. Board Secretary/School Business Administrator Red Bank Hazlet April 5,1977 HA*LET TOWNSHIP BOARD OF EDUCATION Belmar Little-known club backs police, first aidmen

SPRING LAKE - An orga- ciency of law enforcement dues includes the cost of the zation what it has become nization dedicated to helping and public safety programs luncheon for the member and today," Mr. Menger said. law enforcement and public and winning public support his guest. Initial membership Mr Wingard said the first safety personnel needs help. for them," Mr. Wingard said. fee in the club is $200, and it forerunner of the 200 Club be- The little-known organiza- "The 200 Club's motto — is tax deductable. gan in 1852 in Detroit, when a tion is the 200 Club of Mon- 'We Remember' — is a pledge Mr. Wingard said tickets businessman was moved by mouth-Ocean Counties, Inc., to support the men and wom- may be purchased at the the killing of a police officer formerly the Monmouth- en who put their lives-on the door. and wrote to 100 friends to Ocean Counties Blue Badge line for our citizens, their The president said that if a raise funds for the officer's Association No. 2. families and their commu- public safety officer should be family. The organization was The president of the organi- nities," Mr. Wingard said. killed in the line of duty, a called the 100 Club. zation, William W. Wingard of The major event of the year representative of the club "Each person gave $100 and Spring Lake, has called upon for the 200 Club is its Valor goes to the home of the fami- eventually, some (8,000 was the estimated 100 members of Awards Luncheon, April 22 at ly within 24 hours with funds raised for the family in- the club to engage in a cam- 12:30 p.m. at the Spring Lake to pay for initial expenses. volved," Mr. Wingard said. paign to bring new members Golf Club. The ongoing financial needs By the end of 1*75, there into the organization. The awards, which will be of the family are evaluated were 57 organizations similar The 200 Club is made up of announced at the luncheon by the club, and in many to the 200 Club in the United leaders of business, industry, will be given to individuals cases financial aid continues States, Mr. Wingard said. Six labor, public service, educa- belonging to a first aid squad, for the education of the chil- are in New Jersey. tion and other professions a local police department, the dren involved. "New Jersey is the most whose goal is to provide fi- State Police and a fire de- "But you know it's not just heavily represented state," nancial assistance and com- partment, from the two coun- the money that is involved. Mr. Wingard said. fort to families of law en- ties served by the club. Families are comforted to Other clubs in the state are forcement and public safety Chief executives of police know that the organization is in Essex, Union, Hunterdon, officials who are killed or dis- and fire departments and concerned with their well Mercer and Middlesex coun- abled in the line of duty. first aid squads in the two being," Mr. Wingard said. ties. The 200 Clubs state coun- "The 200 Club is an organi- counties have been asked to Mr. Wingard said the Mon- cil is headed by Donald Nau- zation dedicated to proving to submit their nominees for the mouth-Ocean Blue Badge As- ghten, chairman of the board these important public ser- awards. sociation No. 2 was initiated of Prudential. vants that they do not stand Louis A. Giovanetti, special in 1974 by Carl S. Menger of Officers of the 200 Club of alone," Mr. Wingard said. , agent in charge of New Jer- Mantoloking and Henry T. Monmouth-Ocean Counties "Moreover, the 200 Club is sey for the FBI, is expected Leonard of Belmar. Mr. Men- are Richard J. Day, here, and committed to scholarships, to be the guest speaker at the ger, who is chairman of the Joseph V. McLoone, Free- annual valor awards, promo- luncheon. club's trustees, is also chair- hold, vice presidents; John P. tion of public discussion and Members are asked to bring man of the board of Triangle Townsend, here, secretary; MO CLUB - William W. Wingard, left, of Spring lapel pin signifying membership. The organization educational projects all one guest to the luncheon. Industries, Holmdel. Joseph Jordan, Brielle, trea- Lake, president of the 200 Club of Monmouth- was formed to honor policemen, firemen, State aimed at increasing the effi- The annual $50 membership Mr. Menger is character- surer, and Frank Heine, here, Ocean Counties, Inc., pins a symbolic lapel patch Policemen and first aidmen for outstanding per- istically modest about his role counsel. on Joseph Jordan of Brielle, club treasurer, at a formance and to assist these public safety mem- in the organization. Trustees are Mr. Menger recent club meeting. Initial membership In the bers and their families financially should the need "Don't talk about me ... I and Mr. Leonard; Thomas A. club Is $200, and members receive a gold "200" arise. am not important in the Crowley, here; John L. Kea- Hie Daily Register whole thing," Mr. Menger veney of Shrewsbury; Dr. said recently. John P. Motley, here; former SHREWSBURY, N.J. MONDAY, APRIL 11,1977 "Talk about men like Bill state Sen. Richard R. Stout, Wingard, who have donated Ocean Township and Vincent 'Roots' impressed country their time to make the organi- Yonadi, Neptune. but didn't alter race ideas By Louis Harris per cent majority now thinks 80 per cent who thought it one "Roots" was "beautifully pro- Alex Haley's "Roots" was blacks are not discriminated of the best television pro- duced and acted—a real work seen by 69 per cent of adults against in white collar posi- grams ever shown. of art." In America—almost setting a tions Last year, a 75-7 per In 1976, a 64-28 per cent ma- —However, a somewhat record—according to the lat- cent majority of whites were jority of blacks thought lower 55-28 per cent majority est Harris Survey of 1,549 convinced that blacks were people of their race were dis- of all viewers felt that adults. An 83-15 per cent ma- not victims of discrimination criminated against in getting "Roots" was a "highly accu- jority nationwide, gave it a in obtaining a quality public skilled labor jobs; among rate history of how blacks positive rating, and 50 per education. Among white view- blacks who saw "Roots," a were treated in slavery in this cent of those who saw it said ers of "Roots," a 73-18 per higher 75-21 per cent majority country." Blacks felt this way it was "one of the best" cent majority still feels the now feels that way. In 1976, a by a substantial 76-7 per cent shows they had ever seen. same way. In short, the num- 57-36 per cent majority did margin, but whites agreed by Moreover, 38 per cent of ber of whites who see dis- not feel that blacks were dis- a lower 52-31 per cent. those who saw the ABC-TV crimination against blacks criminated against in getting The survey also probed presentation said they went up about 10 per cent fol- unskilled labor jobs. Now a some of the criticisms that watched it all eight nights it lowing exposure to "Roots," 58-37 per cent majority of have been leveled at the tele- was on the air. but there was little decline in blacks who viewed the pro- vision series: Although "Roots" clearly the number who denied such gram feels that blacks are —A 70-22 per cent majority made a great impression on discrimination. discriminated against in this of all those who saw "Roots" viewers—both white and Blacks, on the other hand, area. rejected the charge that "it black-it did little to change seem to have developed a As for their direct reactions will set back efforts to the dominant view of white more intense feeling of dis- to the program itself.. achieve racial progress in the Americans that most blacks crimination after seeing —A 60-25 per cent majority South." There was hardly any in this country are not dis- "Roots." A remarkably high of all viewers said "it was difference between whites criminated against. In 1976. a 85 per cent of all blacks re- one of the most moving and and blacks in this reaction. NOTORIOUS TANKER DISASTER - This 1976 the age of the oil tanker and not other factors Is 57-19 per cent majority of ported seeing the program, gripping stories on TV I've —A 55-35 per cent majority photo shows the oil tanker Argo Merchant, a 24- the biggest common denominator In the spills that whites did not feel that blacks and just over half of these ever seen," with a much high- also denied the charge that year-old vessel which split In two off Nantucket Is- foul waters and smear beaches. were disciminated against in viewed all eight episodes. A er 96-3 per cent of black view- "it was cleverly done to give land, Mass., after running aground. It appears that getting white collar jobs. nearly unanimous 94-4 per ers feeling that way. whites a bad conscience Among those whites who saw cent majority of blacks gave —An 82-12 per cent majority about the terrible injustice Common link in oil spills "Roots,"-a comparable 64-27 it a positive rating, including of all viewers also felt that done blacks by America." seen as the tanker's age Haley defends book LONDON (AP) - Author that in its climactic scene misrepresented." could obtain." In "Roots," Haley de- Editor's Note: Tie grraidiig of tie oil tanker Argo Mer- eighth ranked in the world. Panama ranks fifth, Cyprus, Sing- Alex Haley, here to pro- in the Uambian village of Haley's flight to London scribes tracing his family ekait li December aid several smaller accidents la sob- apore and Honduras are below the top 10. mote his best-seller Juffure, Haley relied on the also coincided with the back to Juffure and the ab- seqieit moalks kas sparked mewed calls tor Improved taak- The Tanker Advisory Center reported in March that 20 "Roots," defended the book word of an oral historian showing on British tele- duction there in 1767 of his er safety regulations aid raised questions about who Is to tankers were lost at sea and 61 million gallons of oil were yesterday and called a Brit- who was notoriously unre- vision of the six-part film ancestor, Kunta Klnte, by Mame for all the spills. Tke foUowiig article examines some spilled during 11171. Of those losses, 10 vessels flew the Liber- ish newspaper's challenge liable. adaptation of "Roots." British slavers. of Ike complex problems la fixing Ike blame aid solving tke ian flag, two were registered in Cyprus and one in Panama. to its factual basis "bad The book is based on the Haley already has con- The center said that of the 10 Liberian vessels lost, seven journalism." tracing of Haley's ancestry ceded that "there are doz- In challenging Haley, Ot- back through slavery in the ens of errors in the book" ranged in age from 17 to 24 years old. The other three were "I stand by and defend taway wrote: "Far from NEW YORK (AP) — It's the age of the oil tanker - not built in 1975,1972 and 1961 United States to a West Af- but said none was made being a remote Eden un- country of origin, not crew training, not site — that's the big- my work," Haley told re- rican village in the 18th knowingly and that his in- McKenzie said there were no figures available on how porters on his arrival from touched, by white civ- gest common denominator in the spills that foul fishing wa- many Liberian tankers were over 20 years old, but, "I would Century. tention was to write a sym- ilization, the real Juffure ters and smear beaches. New York. "I took over Haley called Ottaway's bolic history conveying a think it would be pretty low compared to most since they nine years to write my was a white trading post Though the new supertankers, with up to 100 million gal- have so many new ships." article "sensationalism and central truth of the history surrounded by white co- lons of oil in their bellies, represent the potential for massive book, but I think that this a deliberate attempt to tar- of black Americans. The two Cypriot ships were li and 22 years old and the reporter took less than nine lonialization." disasters, it is their smaller, 20-and 30-year-old cousins which Panamanian tankers was 33 years old. nish and to undo all the "I will. . . stand behind are doing most of the environmental damage right now. days." . good that has been done." the fact that 1 did do nine He said, "Insofar as the In testifying before the House subcommittee on govern- Tankers such as these: A copyright article by The author said he and years of serious sincere re- inhabitants of Juffure were ment activities and transportation in late March, McKenzie - The 24-y_ear-oJd Liberian flag ship Argo Merchant Mark Ottaway in the Sun- Ottaway had a long talk be- search and to the best of involved in slave trading, it t said not only are the tanker accidents to be expected, "they which grounded and broke up off Nantucket spilling 7.5 million day Times of London fore the article was pub- my ability drew together was not as victims but as are a part of an ever growing phenomena of our industry. Un- gallons of heavy fuel oil on Dec. IS. claimed "Roots" has "little lished, but their conversa- what I inferred to be the collaborators with the less steps are taken . . the world will see larger ones as the - The 24-year-old, Panamanian-registered Grand Zenith basis in provable fact," and tion "seems to have been most accurate information I whites." world's tanker fleet grows to meet transportation needs." which disappeared Jan. 4 off Cape Cod with eight million gal- lons of fuel oil aboard. It was declared missing and presumed From the figures in his report, McKenzie concluded the sunk with the cargo inside its tanks. following: Some tanker owners are much worse than others, - The 4J-year-old, U.S. registered Chester A. Poling, and the more a tanker changes hands the worse its accident which broke up off Gloucester, Mass., in a storm Jan. 10 while record becomes, with serious accidents usually happening just running empty. after a tanker's sale. - The 20-year-old, Panama-registered Claude Conway, In another study released in March, the center reported which exploded spilling about 250,000 gallons of fuel oil off the the US-owned flag of convenience tankers actually had a coast of North Carolina in March. slightly better safety record than their American flag counter- parts. The roport did not cover foreign-owned Liberian ships. Several recent studies show that the older a ship is the more likely it is to have an accident, to be operated by a slip- A 1(75 study of the OECD showed that for ships under 10 shod owner and to be registered in the cheapest country pos- years old the Liberian and other flag of convenience tankers sible — a flag of convenience nation such as Liberia. were just as safe as those of any other nation, but in the 20- year-old class the accident rate was four times that of ships In fact many of the newer Liberian tankers, which make of the same age in other nations. ' up a large part of the small West African country's tanker fleet - the world's largest — are American owned and ac- . "This may reflect that the older the ship the more likely tually have better safety records than their U.S. flag counter- it is to be operated by less reliable shipowners if it.(ljes a nag parts, according to one study. vSPF*^ .„• convenience," said the OECD report f Over-all figures from the U.S. Coast Guard, the Organize- "What we really need are international standards, espe- 1 lion for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and cially in licensing officers and seamen," said Eugene A. the Tanker Advisory Center, a New York based Industry con- Yourch, executive secretary of the Federation of American sulting group, show that no nation, no matter how modem its Controlled Shipping tankers are, can claim Its ships are paragons of safety. The Coast Guard reports the 85 per cent of all oil spills it "Bad casualty records are not limited to tankers flying has encountered are caused by human error. flags of convenience," said Arthur McKenzie, director of the Yourch and other experts in the field say the solution to Tanker Advisory Center. "The traditional maritime nations oil tanker accidents is not to single out Liberia or other flag have their troubles with poor tankers under their flags. There of convenience nations, but to develop^ standards that can be Is a British tanker that has already accumulated 41 casualties enforced on au nations'. No nation is blameless; all need im- in 11 years of operation." provement, they say. Liberia, Panama, Cyprus, Somalia, Singapore and Hon- But Yourch noted that one of the maior obstacles to inter- duras are the major flag of convenience nations, nations that national regulation is the developing nations' position that sell their registry to owners wishing to avoid the high cost of regulations are essentially an attempt by the Industrial coun- operating under an American or Western European flag. tries to hold them back. ALUMNI OIFT - Dr. William D. Warters of Lin- second from rlght>association president. Onlook- Liberia has between 750 and 1,000 active tankers in its There are a number of pending international agreements croft, second from left, chairman of the Monmouth Ing are Trustees Rodney Kruse of Elberon, left, fleet of merchant ships. By comparison there are about 240 which have been recommended by the Inter-Governmental College Board of Trustees, receives check repre- and John Anderson of Holmdel, both of whom are tankers under the U.S. nag. Marine Consultative Organization. The United States is senting proceeds of the alumni association's an- Monmouth graduates and former presidents of the The total U.S. fleet including tankers and other vessels is among the nations holding up some of them. nual fund drive from Lester Rlchens of Neptune, alumni organization. The gift totaled $34,203. Watson brilliant Masters champ AUGUSTA.Ga (AP)-Fair- stars, was almost waspish ing, 1B-20 foot putt on the 17th der par. struggle down the stretch— raised, clinched fist on the end All the momentum was going S ly. or unfairly, he'd been la- " Does this end the choker im- hole Nicklaus, rampaging over Nicklaus, almost certainly the of a thick, muscular forearm He made bogey instead. his way. beled "choker." He had the un- age?" he was asked. It gave him a one-shot lead these grounds he knows so well, greatest player of all time, and and a twirling kick of his foot. His drive was perfect bul he But Watson wouldn't fold. happy habit of hitting precisely "What do you think?" he re- and the happy roar It jerked appeared on the verge of a Watson, who has let escape so With every opportunity to col- ducked his head in frustration, He beat back the challenge or the wrong snot at precisely the plied. "You answer the ques- from the throats of the gallery sixth Masters championship many titles he appeared to lapse, with every chance to his golden mane hanging over the game's greatest and. more wrong time The victories he tion." shook even the mighty Nick- He started the sunny, spring have clinched. fade in the face of some of the his eyes, on his approach shot importantly, perhaps, beat the 'had scored were over- It wasn't necessary He'd an- laus, standing on the 18th tee. day three strokes back, three Nicklaus. playing in the greatest pressure sports can "I quit on the shot," Nicklaus man he said he had to con- ; thawdowed by the ones he let swered it himself in a gritty "I heard the birdie," Nick- times tied Watson in one of the group ahead of the 17-year-old generate, he'd come through told his playing partner. Ben quer—himself. escape performance down the stretch laus said. "All of a sudden my great Masters races of all time, Watson, almost holed a chip for He had a one-shot lead in one Crenshaw. "That's the man I have to I But Tom Watson, facing a that left Nicklaus—apparently strategy for the 18th was shot. I once had a clear lead and then eagle three on the 15th, then of the American's most revered It ended up in a bunker and beat—myself." he said after ; pounding challenge by the on the verge of one of the great wanted to go (or the middle of incredibly let it get away. rapped in a three-foot birdie athletic events lie had to settle for bogey and taking a tie tor the top after ; greatest player in the game in triumphs of his career—a beat- the green. His birdie sort of He finished with a six under- putt that put him one stroke As the huge, swarming gal- second place when, throughout Saturday's third round. * some of the heaviest pressure en challenger, scowling and changed around in my own par M—including a decisive bo- ahead lery let go a happy roar, Nick- the afternoon, the stage seemed A pair of young Texans, Tom ' sports can generate, laid to rest frustrated. mind what was going on. I gey on the final hole—and a 278 Watson, his boyish. Tom Saw- laus stood on the 18th tee need- set for another Nicklaus Kite and Rik Massengale. tied ; li/evtr any doubts of his cour- "I felt like it was one of those hadn't planned on somebody total. It was the third time he yer face a grim mask of com- ing birdie to tie—and knowing triumph, a pounding comeback. for third at 280. age and tenacity In a brilliant days where no matter how making a birdie. has finished second in this plete concentration, rifled his triumph Sunday in the Masters. much you did right, somebody "My mind wasn't ready for event and, again, destroyed his second shot over the shimmer- Inevitably, however, the else was doing better," Nick- it." glory dream of the unaccom- ing little pond that guards the question came up in the wake laus said. And Nicklaus bogeyed the plished Grand Slam of Golf, the front of the green and got down M his two-shot victory over "I knew what I had to do," last hole. one-year sweep of all the in two putts for the birdie that Jack Nicklaus in one of the Watson said. "I had to make Watson, who collected the world's four major titles—the tied it. most thrilling of all the storied some birdies I knew I couldn't famed green jacket to go with Masters, U. S. and British Nicklaus parred the next two chases over the hills and vales opens and the PGA. Sports make pars and beat Jack I the British Open crown he won holes, scrambling off a specta- of Augusta National had to make birdies." in 1(75. finished his 72 holes Although eight men got into tor's blanket on the 16th Watson, usually the most He did He made seven of over the flowered hills of the the title hunt at one time or an- Watson parred the 16th then even-tempered and placid of them, the most critical of Augusta National Golf Club other early in the final round, it saluted the go-ahead birdie putt golfs sometimes mercurial which was the go-ahead, break- course with a 276 total, 12 un- developed into a two-man on the 17th with a joyous,

THE MASTER - Tom Watson, who won the Masters Golf Ga. Nicklaus, center, took over the lead midway In the final Tournament and shook off the "choke" label by fighting off the round, but Watson, right photo, came back to end his final challenge of Jack Nicklaus, reacts with a grimace In photo at round flve-under with a par on the 18th hole and a victory wave left after he missed a birdie shot on the fourth hole In Augusta, for the gallery. Halicki stalls L.A.; Lemongello loses

LOS ANGELES -Darrell last year but 3-0 against Los homer in the seventh off Stan over the Houston Astros Sunday standout. clubs was an American League victory in the opening three- er Frank Tanana beat the An- Evans drove in three runs Angeles Wall, the thud of five Los An- in a baseball game spiced by Atlanta added a sixth-inning record, breaking the old mark game series against the White gels for the second time in a with three hits including a Halicki did not allow Los An- geles pitchers. two bench-clearing incidents. run off Pentz on a double by of 17 which the Red Sox set Sox. Davb^JcJlay drove in two five-game series. Tanana yield- home run, am) Ed Halm, for- geles a run in three shutout Hurt Hooton started and took The first bench-clearingcame Pat Rockett and Office's second themselves by scoring that Toronto runs with a single and ed just three hits in six innings. mer Monmoulh College star, performances at Dodger Sta- the loss, giving up three runs in in the sixth inning when Cliff RBI single. Office finished with many runs in an inning against a squeeze bunt. Bob Jones, Ron Jackson and beat Los Angeles for the fifth dium in It76. After giving up four innings. Johnson when hit by a Ruthven three hits. Detroit in 1953. Sixto Lezcano hit two home Don Baylor also homered for straight time, helping San an unearned run in the third in- Larry Herndon hit a home pitch. Johnson exchanged It was just an average game In other American League runs as Milwaukee beat the the Angels. Francisco to an 8-4 victory ning Sunday, Los Angeles run for San Francisco's final words with Ruthven as he single gamas, Toronto beat the Yankees for the second straight for the Cleveland Indians and Tony Perez drove In four yesterday over the Dodgers. scored twice in the seventh run in the ninth walked toward first base, then 3-1. Mil- day and spoiled, the American Boston Red Sox Sunday. Bat- runs with a three-run homer It -was the Giants' first vic- A two-run single by Giants Braves-Astros, charged the mound and tackled waukee edged the New York League pitching debut of left- ting average that is. and a sacrifice fly, lifting Mon- tory of the new season. shortstop. Johnnie LeMaster HOUSTON (AP) - Dick the Atlanta right-hander. Both Yankees 2-1, Texas nipped Bal- hander Don Gullett. who played The Indians banged out 19 treal to a 9-8 victory over Halicki gave up 11 hits, in- broke a 1-1 tie In the fourth in- Ruthven scattered seven hits benches emptied, but order was tmore 3-2. Kansas City blanked last year for world champion hits and scored 19 run, 13 in the Philadelphia. Perez' homer in cluding Dusty Baker's first ning. Evans singled home San and Rowland Office drove in quickly restored and Johnson Detroit 5-0 and California Cincinnati. eighth inning, and trounced the the eighth gave the Expos a 9-7 home run of 1977, before being Francisco's fourth run in the two runs as the Atlanta Braves subsequently was ejected from trounced Seattle 12-5. Texas completed a three- Red Sox who managed 11 hits lead after the PhiUies had ral- relieved in the ninth inning by fifth inning and then put the notched their first victory of the game. The Minnesota Twins played game sweep of Baltimore as and nine runs. lied from a 5-0 deficit Randy Muffin He was 1215 game away with a two-run the season with a 6-0 decision The benches emptied again in a doubleheader at Oakland, Paul I.indblad squelched a sev- Rick Manning triggered the the top of the seventh when with the A's winning the opener enth-inning threat by the Ori- 13-run eighth off million-dollar Cincinnati could have used Houston reliever Gene Pentz 9-6 on six unearned runs. Two oles who got an inning-opening reliever Bill Campell who en- ex-Red Perez as they fell to a hurled two brushback pitches of the runs came on Wayne homer from Doug DeCineces tered the game after the Red four-hit, 11 strikeout perform- at Gary Matthews, but no Gross' first major league Texas scored twice in the first Sox tied the score at 3-3 with ance by rookie left-hander Bob punches were thrown. homer in a four-run fifth. Short- inning whe John Ellis singled in two runs in the seventh. Man- Shirley. Dave Winfield drove in Run-scoring singles by Ruth- stop Roy Smalley made an er- one run and Bump Willis dash- ning scored on Duane Kuiper's four runs for San Diego. ven. Office and Jerry Royster ror in that inning and another ed home on the front end of single to left, and a sacrifice, triggered a three-run second in- when the A's scored four runs double steal. Ranger Tom Bake McBride slammed a an intentional walk and John ning for Atlanta as the Braves in the second. Grieve homered in the second two-run homer and singled In Lowensteln's pinch single sent scored for the first time in 20 In the National League, Jim Colburn and Larry Gura another run, keying St. Louis to Campbell to the showers innings. Montreal topped Philadelphia blanked Detroit on six hits to its third-straight win over Pitts- Koyster singled to lead off But the Indians were just 9-8; San Diego clubbed Cin- help Kansas City to a three- burgh. Bill Robinson drove in the fifth for the Braves and warming up and a total of 17 cinnati 12-4; St. Louis edged game sweep. John Mayberry four runs with a two-run homer scored on a two-out single by men batted before it was over. Pittsburgh 8-7; the Chicago drove in two runs and Al Cow- and a pair of singles. Matthews. After Matthews There were 10 hits, three walks Cubs downed the New York ens and Darrell Porter hom- The Cubs won their first stole second, Biff Pocoroba and an error in the inning Mets 5-2. ered for the Royals game of the season, beating the drove him home with a single which lasted almost 30 minutes At Toronto, the combined six- Joe Rudi hit a bases-loaded Mets as Ivan DeJcsus drove In to right off Astros starters The Red Sox scored six runs hit pitching of Jerry Garvin homer and doubled home a four runs, three on his first big- and loser Mark Lemongello, a in their half of the eighth. The and Pete Vukovich helped the fifth run, helping California league homer. Ed Kranepool former Raritan High School 19 runs in one inning by two new Blue Jays to their second power past Seattle as left-hand- homered twice for New York. nilMlimiHUMIMIIIH St. Louis in way of Montreal

By the Associated Press the Canadiens lost exactly once in 40 games The Sabres swept past the young Minnesota The Montreal Canadlens begin their charge all season North Stars In two games in their preliminary toward a' second consecutive Nations] Hockey The other playoff quarter-.fin.als also will round, and the Islanders advanced wvith a League title Monday night against the St begin Monday night with the Buffalo Sabres similar sweep ol the Chicago Black .Hawks. ^ifts,4 itmi %hich iwvef 1i»s beaten travelfHrtui:-:. ../., to-fare 1t» Htv them in a Stanley Cup playoff game. York Islanders, the Toronto Maple Leafs at Those two teams also met in the The Canadlens, who combined the league's Philadelphia to play the Flyers, and the Los quarterfinals'last year, with "the Islanders leading offense with a Vezlna Trophy winning Angeles Kings In Boston to face the Bruins. losing the first two games In the series before coming back to win the next four and advance defense in amassing an NHL record 132 points Those final two matchups were decided to the semifinals during the regular season, have swept all Saturday night when the Maple Leafs got eight games they've played with the Blues The Blues, Canadlens. Bruins and Flyers three goals from right wing Lanny McDonald In two previous playoff encounters. won byes into Monday night's competition by to beat the Pittsburgh Penguins 5-2 and the That leaves an uphill task to St. Louis, winning their divisional tides in regular Kings got three goals from center Butch season play. which won the Smythe Division title and a Goring to beat the Atlanta Flames 4-2 and bye into the quarter-finals, but still finished win their best-of-three preliminary round The second games in the best-of-seven the regular season with 59 fewer points than series. scrips all will be played Wednesday night the Canadiens In the standings. Mm the sets shift lo the other teams' home The Blues thus will have seven games In Toronto beat the Penguins last season and rinks for Games Three and Four. Those EYE TO EYE — Rookie American League umpire Vic Voltagglo Isn't hav- which to register four victories against a went on to lose to the Flyers In a seven games matches will be played on Friday and Sunday ing any of the argument posed by the New York Yankees' Graig Nettles team which lost only eight times in 80 games. while the Kings swept past the Flames In last with the exception of the Canadiens and and manager Billy Martin, left, during the fourth Inning of game with the They'll have to beat the Canadlens at least year's preliminary round before losing the Blues, who will play at St. Louis on Saturday Milwaukee Brewers. Yanks claimed that Brewers first baseman Cecil once at their Montreal Forum home, where Bruins In seven games and Sundav. Cooper had touched Nettles' line drive In fair territory.

\ Ilie overcaines Jimmy SHREWSBURY. N.J MONDAY, APRIL II, 1977 fill DtMf l?l ijiHl I 11 LAS VEGAS, Nev. (AP) - Northern anglers the fifth game of the set to take timing system. Nearly all of ond sets. But he served well in played ground strokes. Both Fiery Romanian Ilie Nastase the lead. the lights in the building went the final two sets and closed held serve until Nastase broke survived a slow start Sunday to The two men traded service out and the match, which was out the match serving at (-5 by Connors to go ahead 4-J, and defeat Jimmy Connors M, 7-«, breaks twice before going into being televised nationally by getting all five first serves In held on twice more for a (-4 M, 7-5, to take the $100,000 win- a tiebreaker, which Nastase NBC, suddenly was blacked out and acing Connors at match victory. have good weekend ner-take all finals of the 1977took 7-4. from home screens. point. Both players broke each oth-* World Championship Tennis Nastase ended Connors' 13- Nastase successfully negated Nastase took command of the er twice in the first four games While party boats off the North Jer- llllllllllllllllllllllllillllHtllllllllllHHIIIIIIIIIIIIimillllilllllllMHt Challenge Cup. match winning streak at Cae- Connors' well-known power net from the outset and Con- of the final set. In all, there sey Shore had fine fishing for whiting Nastase, SO, the defending sars Palace. Connors started game by returning the Ameri- nor's strong ground game sel- were seven service breaks. and ling over the weekend, the boats on challenge cup titllst, lost the his run of victories in 1(75 by can's serve softly and playing dom forced Nastase to stay in Down four games to five, the southern end of the coast were still first set to Connors as he failed defeating Rod Laver, and has defensively. But he played with the back courts. Connors broke Nastase, as the searching for mackerel, but finding few. to get hlstflrst service in. But picked up $760,000 since then a power game when he got the The third set was evenly latter'sfirst serve again desert- There were fair to good reports of he came on strongly in the sec- service. played as Nastase had Connors Happy after the victory, ed himland the match was tied mackerel fishing off Ocean City, lid., but HENRY ond set, after losing a mara- Nastase's game depended running from side to side with Nastase said his performance at five all Nastase came back the run was too far for any of the Cape thon 24-point game to Connors much on his first service, long, back-court rallies that against Connors restored to breall Connors and held his May boats. At Atlantic City, Capt. Andy which deserted him at times, Nastase usually ended by It appeared that Connors had some of his confidence. Con- own serve to end the Jtyhour Applegate drove the party boat Capt. Ap- SCHAEFER especially In the first and sec- charging the net behind well- the momentum at that point, nors had beaten Nastase match. plegate 35 miles off shore on Saturday but Nastase came back to hold twice previously this year, but failed to find any mackerel. Wrecks off Atlantic County are barren of life of service and break Connors in once In Puerto Rico early last imiHiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiitiimmHiitHiiiimiiiliiiiiiit month and again In St. Louis any kind so fishing figures to be at a two week later. standstill until the mackerel arrive. "Terrific fishing af**mbrose" was A goodbye present Capt. Frank Spiegel of the Hiss the happy report of Anthony DeVito of "I wanted to prove that I can Chris, Cape May, said that he believed the Capt. Louie, Highlands, who reported How They play with him (Connors)," Nas- DETROIT (AP) - The New record. The Knicks led all the way not one mackerel was caught by boats the boat quit fishing at 1:30 on Saturday tase told reporters during a York Knicks gave Coach Red Holzman, who is stepping and broke a 63-60 halftlme out of there on Saturday. A few because everybody aboard had all of the news conference following the Holzman and forward Bill down after 10 years as the game open when they outscored had been picked up the previous week- whiting and ling they wanted. match. "I was working for this Bradley a going-away present Knicks' coach, guided the team Detroit 36-28 in the third period. end, and last week stragglers were taken Plenty of ling and whiting up to four Stand match." Sunday by whipping the play- to 007 victories and two NBA by boats out of Sea Isle City, according NATIONAL LIAsHH off-bound Detroit Pistons 144- Bob McAdoo had 28 points pounds, and triple headers common all • AIT Connors chose not to talk titles. BradleV is bowing out and Lonnie Shelton and Walt to Capt. Reds Bobbins of the Capt. Rob- day long was the word from Capt. 9» I PCI. Q» 128 In the NaUonal Basketball after 10 seasons with the «. Louis ] 0 1000 - with reporters after the match Frazier had 27 each for the bins. Charlie Fossani Sr. of the Super Cat, At- Montraol 1 0 1000 •/, Association regular season fi- Knicks foUowing a brilliant All NiwYork J I Ml I and quickly left the sports pavi- Knicks. The reason for the lagging mackerel lantic Highlands ' Chicago 1 1 1)1 ) nale for both teams. American college career at lion at the well-known Strip ho- Chris Ford got 26 points for season, if lagging is the right word, is the Capt. Sarge Batrouny of the charter PhllaWoMo C 1 000 Vh The victory was the loth in Princeton. Plnsburgh 0 3 .000 1 tel. Detroit and Eric Money had 24. cold temperature of the water. Surface boat Oasis, Atlantic Highlands, reported «MIT the last 13 games for the In his final game, Bradley LotAngtlas ? 1 Ml temperatures off shore have been in the he has just about had it for flounder fish- Nastase said the heat in the Knicks, who missed the play- MEW VMK (144) .Hotrtton 2 I M7 - scored 11 points to wind up McAdoo 9 10-13 n, Bradley S 1-1 II, low Ms. It is unreal to expect an influx of ing this spring and will encourage his Cincinnati 3 7 MO "Indooi r court did not bother Shelton 13 3-4 77, Beards A 7-114. Fraior SonOltgo I 1 ,500 "i offs with a final 40-42 won-lost with a career total of 9.730 mackerel until the temperature gets into him, but that the loud air con- 10 7-7 17. Burdon 3 II I. McMlllen 1 II charters to go offshore for whiting and Allanta 1 1 Hll I s, Meminaet 7 6 io 10, Jackson t M 4. the 50s. SonFranclsco 1 I .33] I ditioning unit, which failed to McMllllon 5 0-0 10. Totals 53 34-43 144 ling. The flounder fishing simply has not DfTHOlI (114) More than 200 persons, the largest IIHHII keep the temperature below 90 matched last spring's wonderful action Montreal 9. Philadelphia I Corr 4 4! II. H Porter 5 II It. crowd of the season, were at the Long for most of the match, did both- Douglas 0 0-0 0. Money 10 4-4 74. Ford 10 when individual catches often exceeded 51, Loull I, Plnitgrgh! Refs walk out e-7 74. Brown 1 04 4, Trapp 6 3-4 IS. Branch Pier on Saturday night and they Son Diego 13, Cincinnati * er him. Sellers 11-1 IV Simpson 4 17 9. K Pot SO and even mediocre anglers had little Chicago S, New York 3 By The Associated Press ler ] 7 3 II; Totals 1117 76 IH. caught whiting by the hundreds reported trouble getting a good mess. Allonlo t. Houiton 0 "I could not even hear Jim- NewYeck II 13 U 41-144 Son Franclico I, Lai Angele* I National Basketball Association referees, who already pier owner Ben Sowul. Batrouny said the best of the action MlMay'l Blum my hit the ball," Nastase said •MrtJI HUM B-134 have voted to strike next week's playoffs, walked out on Fouls-New York 21. Detroit 79 Fouled Under the influence of the northwest Chicago (Bonhom, 0-0) ol Philadelphia of his hearing difficulties out Bro*n A-VM9 has been usually limited to 49 minutes on ITwIlcrwII.MI.In) the league's final eight regular season games Sunday. wind the ocean was like a millpond. The Cincinnati (Fryman. 1-01 at Houtlon After Nastase had taken the each tide with little cooperation from the (Knolecmv. 001 , (nt The strike was ordered by Richie Phillips of Philadelphia, water was cold, barely 41 degrees, but fish at other times. Last year large num- Atlanta (LoCortt. 0-0) at Los Angejei second set, the match was de- the attorney for the 24-member National Association of Glowzenski hits not too cold for the whiting. Sowul said I John, 04), (n) layed for about IS minutes bers of little fish biting energetically Only gomes scheduled Basketball Referees, which represents all but two of the the fish were of good size and were when the electrical circuits kept the fishermen interested all day AMCIICAN Lf AGUE league's referees. three-run HR caught at the sides of the structure in ad- long. Int Division leading to the sports pavilion BOCA RATON, FLA.-Bart w L Pet. a> "The NBA has refused to negotiate or recognize the dition to out front. "What fish we have been getting I 0 1.000 - became overloaded by extra Glowzenski, a former Mater I 1 >Jar to association as the collective bargaining agent for the Sowul said that it was no trick at all have been of good size, but often there J I Ml Vi television lights, cameras and Dei High School baseball 1 I » In referees," Phillips told The Associated Press Sunday. "As to fill a five bucket can with whiting. aren't too many of them," Batrouny said. • 3 HO JVi the hard-pressed air condi- player, highlighted an eight- 0 1 .HO 1 a result, the referees who are members of the association Fishing had been just as good at the pier Batrouny added he felt the parties would 0 J .000 Wi run third inning with a three- West have gone out on an unfair labor practices strike against on Friday night. be happier off shore where the spring McGhee, Stahle the league." run homer for Falrleigh link Friday was a brutal day for ocean run of whiting and ling appears to be still v i .1 An NBA spokesman termed the strike "Illegal" and vowed enson University in an 18-0 fishing. Capt. Whitey Morenz of the Miss improving. M victory over Niagara Univer- to hold the referees responsible for possible damages. Take II reported the wind gusted to 70 Mike La Viola of the Tackle Box, win ring tilts sity yesterday. Regarding possible negotiations, the spokesman said, "The miles an hpur and fishing was miserable Hazlet, reported all that smoke about NORTH BERGEN- Terry Glowsenski went three for 1 McGhee and Dan Stahle both NBA will not submit to extortion." in extremely rough water. He had found striped bass biting In Rarllan Bay also four and Is batting .020. FDU fishing a veritable slaughter on KonsasCllvClSraH triumphed in boxing ac- The contracts of the 20 referees expired Sunday, the final has some fire. He saw two of the fish Toronto 3, Chicago 1 plays St. Francis of New Thursday. Texas 3. Baltimore J tion aAmbassy Hall yes- day of the regular season. In past years, according to NBA that were taken In the bay last week. Milwaukee 3, at New York 1 Deputy Commissioner Simon Gourdine, there always were York today at Teaneck. Cleveland If, Boston 9 terday. McGhee decisioned Oakland 9 1, Mlnnesolo 6-7 separate agreements for the regular season and the playoffs. Calllornla 13, Seattle J Ray Madera of the Empire Mondays Gomel Sports Club while Stahle got Detroit (Roiema, (Ml at Toronto 1 Jet "New contracts were always negotiated after the playoffs lerson. 001. 1:30 p.m. the nod over Robert Cruz of for the following season," Gourdine said. New York (Ellis, 04) at Kansas City (ipllttortt, H)),l:Mp.m the Center Reach Boxing Not anymore, says Phillips. Cleveland (Eckersley, 0-0) at Texas Club. IBIl 10135 Despite the walkout, all NBA games were played as Mlnnesoto (Zohn, 0-0) at Seat (Seoul. (HI, 10:31 p.m. Another local pugilist, BUI scheduled Sunday, with officials from the semi-pro Eastern California (Ryan, 101 at Oakl INorrls. 041. 10:3* p.m. Brennan, was defeated by League and other local personnel with refereeing experience Only gomes scheduled Sidney Merrill. Increase Your filling in for the striking NBA officials. MAJOR LEAGUE BOXSCORES Net Worth.

MINN* IOTA OAK1AND MMMMI9 LOI AI9VtJI.ll. ATLANTA HOUITON MINNESOTA OAKLAND arm tJ rtll • IrlM es> t li bl b r h w Ibrhkl aft r It Bl tSrhbl Terrell ss 4 13 0 3 0 10 AT MARINE VIEW, YOUR SAVINGS EARN North cf Thmtsn ct 4 0 0 0 Lopes Ib S 0 0 0 Office ct S 0 3 J JGnill Ib S 0 7 0 Wyngar c 4 0 0 0 North cr 5 1 V 0 Corew 1b sooSo RScotl ss 4 17 0 RAdwsTb 4 13 1 Russell ss S 3 70 Ryster 3b 5 13 1 Cabell 3b S 0 7 0 Smiley ss 3 0 0 0 RScotl 7b 3 10 0 Hltle II 111 > Pogelt 4 0 11 Mdlock 3b 5 3 7 0 Smith rf 113 1 4 0 0 0 JCrul rt 3 0 0 0 Terrell ss I I 1 3 Page If 4 110 Fordrt 3330 Llntt lt> 0 0 0 0 Evans II S I 3 3 Cay 3b 5 0 11 Brrghs rl 4 0 0 0 Wolson Ib 4 0 0 0 Corew Ib S I 3 0 Allen Ib 4 17 7 THE HIGHEST RATES ALLOWED Kuslek dh 9 113 Allen dh 0000 McCvyIb 4 110 Gorvey Ib 4 0 11 Aslstne rl 0 0 0 0 Frgson c 7 0 10 Bstock cf 4 13 0 Sngllen c 4 7 7 1 Bstock ct 3 110 TobDdh 1000 Hrndon ct 1111 Monday ct 40 3 0 Mtthws It 4 13 1 Grdner ct 4 0 0 0 Hlsle It 3 111 Gross 3b 3 7 7 3 UndbllA 4 10 1Sngllen dh 10 0 0 Whttld rt 3 0 10 Baker It Pcrobo c 5 0 3 1 CJhnsn It 7 0 10 Ford rt 3 0 10 Wlloms dh 3 111 Cbboge3b 403 1 Gross Ib 3000 LaMsIr ss 3 113 Yeoger c 3 0 10 Gllbr th 3b 5 110 LRbrls II 10 0 0 Kuslek dh '4010 Armas rf 4000 BY LAW IN THE NATION! Brgmn c 4010 WHoms c Hill c 3 0 0 0 Hooton p 10 0 0 Rckett IS CWoge 3b 4 7 7 1 Pccolo ss 4 0 0 0 Mollory rt 10 00 Mollcfcl p 3 110 Powell ph 10 0 0 Rfnven p 4 111 Boswell ph 0 0 0 0 Rndall 3b 3 0 0 0 70 00 Molflltp 0 0 0 0 Owning p 000 0 Lmnglo p 10 0 0 Chiles ph 10 0 0 McKny 3D 10 10 Goodsn ph 1000 Howard ph 10 10 Wllrong 3b 0 0 0 0 Pccolo ss 3 0 00 Wall p 0 0 0 0 Penli p 0 000 Grnsklph 100 0 Armas It 10 00 Grmon p 0 0 0 0 Howeph 1000 TeM 14 4 11 4 Total MIItT TOW 17 I 11 » TeM It I < 1 Oatesph Lorson p 0 0 0 0 Sasa p 1 ooo Fuller ph 1 I) 0 0 III 111 111— I ' leeltlltl-/ TeM Bl TOW 0000 TeM 49 * 14 4 Tehjl 13 I 7 I • 4II4I1II— 9 OeHMM I 19 i »« It 4 E—Armas, Gross, Smollev 1, RScott. E—Thormodsgard, Gross. DP—Min- taaPraacHce, 111 111 II I- I AMatl 4 3 f 11 1 4 9 t- 4 North. OP-Ooklond 7. LOB—Minnesota nesota 1. LOB—Mlnnesoto 7. Oakland I 111 III tit- 4 HaaUta Mlllllll-I 17. Oakland 5. IB—Ford. Songulllen. 3B-Poge, Williams HR—Kuslek (1). E-Lopes. LeMaster. Gorvey OP-LOS E -C Johnson. OP—Atlanta ]. Houston 1. Gross, Bostock, Corew. Allen. Cubbage Hlsle (11 SB-Terrell, RScotl. S—Mallo- Angeles 3. LOB-Son Francisco I. Los LOB-Atlanta II. Houston II. 7B-Rock- HR—Gross (1), Terrell (II. SB—Boslock. Angeles 11 38-Smlth 7. Monday. Gor ett. 5B-Roysler, Matthews 1. Cobell 3. Poge. SF-Hlsle. Wynegar. IP H « Ed IB SO vey.Madlock.HR—Evans 111. ftaker (II.JCrut. IP M III •• SO ThormodsgardW 11-1 o I I 3 1Herndon (1). SB—RAndrews, Whlltleld. RedfernlL.0-1) 4 3-3 I I 3 3 I BurgmeWr 111 I 0 0 0 0Russell. S-LeMoster, Hollckl. Hill. H mill SO Corrlthers 31-3 1 Um6orger|L,0 1 SI 3 1 S 4 1 3 Ruth ven(W, 1-01 7 0 0 4 1Hughes I 0 0 0 GlUStl 33)3001 I IP H R ER BB 10 MedlchlW.1-0) 7 7-3 10 HollckKW.101 11 4 4 1 7LemongellolLA 10 5 5 0 0 loir I 3 3 3 I I I Pent! 4 1111 Torreolbo 11-1)0 0 1 I Sove-Burgmeler (I). HBP-By Bur Mortm 0 0 0 11 S a v e—T 0 r r e a I b p.m. In Fel- lowship Hall of the church at Friendly, helpful instructors...a proven pro- Church St., and Atlantic Ave. gram of fun-to-do exercises and sensible eating JERSEY NUMBER GAME Anyone desiring to donate, —personafoed for your special needs. A com- w IMMd lor MwtiUcalton purpo m only Pick any three numbers — your can play articles may contact Mrs. J. plete program In just 13 weeks—foe only $4.00 Bring this ad in and save $2.00 when from 7 A.M. to 10 P.M., 7 days a week T. Walker, Ingram Circle; a week! Elaine Powers makes It easy to get back In WE ARE A CLAIM CENTER Mrs. Albert Davidson, Mill registering or reregistering «, shape... easy to keep lookln' on me Bght side! Road, or the church office This coupon good at any Lean Une dass. Clothing, household articles, Only *4 per week for the Get a "Piece of the Rock' Jewelry, toys, games, books and home. program. START LOSING Call now WEIGHT TODAY The hardest part of losing weight Is For June In your town aU for an appointment! getting stalled, taper ODMEX will give Monmouth County 77&66TJ For information about auto, your will power that extra push It needs Ocean Comty 2694242 homeowners or renters Insur- lo start losing weight today. 'EUM Rom Flgura SiMna 1(77 ance, as well as life and health, Begin with this amazing tiny MM. You II sat less-turn food and amass tat New -757-7677 call: •iw LM, inc. ten Into bumed-up energy Instead of extra BdnePOrwers feepirfiton tail J. Hinttlmann, Jr. weight as you follow the Ran. Clinically proven effective, the taper WTMITOHI-H 10 Uunrt Dr. Utd* Mmr OtMHX Reducing Ran will enable you M2-7297 • 170-3100 vnlfrnZm-E, mm r*. - rmrmi fc». - M we Rgure Salons thelightside to lose pounds and Inches without mVMECM getting rwvous-*r money back. You can start losing weight today wtlti new taper MMKI and see the difference In SHREWSBURY BRICKTOWN Prudential your mirror. You owe It lo yourself. Boy Harbor Plaza Shrewsbury Shopping Plaza lite Heehh km Horn lawwti Company 5441773 255-3350 Snuffy Smith Df nnis the Menace SHREWSBURY, N.J. MONDAY, APRIL 11, 1977 13


STATES MAIL ACROSS 26 Blemish 57 Goudaand 22 Hurts to -\ t Traffic 29 Chew the Edam the quick . sign fat 61 Noise 24 Soap open S Bored with 31 Importuned 66 Bull's slot life 35 Topeka's weapon 26 Looks over 10 Santa's Hate 66 Brainless superfi- words 38 Child description cially 14 Be lavish 40 A Gershwin 68 Neat as- 27 Jeweler's 16 Thaitar 41 Dissemble 69 Martini weight saats 43 Grayish item 28 Within - of 16 Attention- brown 70 Revise 30 He wrote getting 44 Pasta dish 71 Singer "The Raven' word 46 Classify Turner 32 "Waiting 17 Incomplete 48 Office 72 Moore of for-" disorder worker movies 33 Habituate 19 Slime 46 Doctors' 73 Bestow love 34 Car damages THAT THEN THINK 20 Protection group: abbr. (uponl 36 Stage pans NEVER Of SOMETHING from flies 51 Vous - 37 Box office MAKES AC THATPOES. 21 Fresh 52 Explosive DOWN sign SLEEPY 23 Over 54 Flee to the 1 Woven 39 One: Sp. 25 Fr. coin preacher 2 Swinging 42 Sp. queen Yesterday's Puzzle Solved: stride 45 TV need 3 Evict 47 Saw red JHHrJ BHBD 1 4 Authors 50 Recess luuuu ui 5 Inseparable 53 Operatic . UUtdH I'll nibiM Pinnn mixture hero UIJULJL1 F 6 Paying 56 Bom sooner RnnriIKnO iiiiiiunnH n guest 56 Wages i nnnnnnn 7 In the past 57 Informal ULJUUUuuannnUr IJl'JUU fdUU 8 Stitched talk iiiHij nminn 9 Vassals 58 Indian UIJLnnan) Utlatl 10 City on the 59 - go bragh 'HEAR THAT NOrSE.t^o? Tfws TW SOUND OF EIGHT WWES i f^si I^B i^si am a^i n v^ UIJOHtlfli 1 nHHnnnin Elbe 60 One-man TALKfN' ANO NOBODV LCTENIN' f • 11 Indiana's show Mary Worth iinnn•ran nfwinnnnn nnnnn n neighbor 62 Hullabaloo 1UMUHKIH TI n n n fw% #T| F I inu1 l*l n f*ni •« rinnBV |f| nBP^ 12 Ger. title 63 Discharge The Family Circus Bv Bil Keane ULJUB BE land rannn I WOUIXW'T TAKE A CAN'T UNDERSTANP, THOUGH••• I TOOK TWO OF THESE man aaaa 13 Portent 64 Network of FORTUNE FOR THIS WHY IT TAKES MORE- LIQUOR CAPSULES -OR WAS n j j aaaa nr 18 Noisy nerves CANE.' ••• HOLDS AN EVTN EVERY NIGHT TO- TO TURN OFF THREE?-AND I'M STILL *-11-77 clamor 67 Titanic ALONE IN HIS PIKT.'--SUPPORTS WE MY THOUGHTS AW LET ME WICE AWAKE-' ROOM TONIGHT, TWO WAYS.' FWP WELCOME SLEEP/ CALEB POURS A GLASS OF WHISKEY FROM AN UNUSUAL CONTAINER


"Hold {till, Daddy, or I won't get you right."

The Wizard of Id Your horoscope, birthday Monday. April 11 - Born object of your feelings in an em- extremely valuable today. Make careful to tell your story straight, today, you are one of those barrassing position. You are yourself useful around the house but tactfully. basically inspirational people particularly responsive in your - your own or another's. SCORPIO (OcL 23-Nov. 21)- whose mere presence urges dealings with children. You GEMINI (May 21 June 20) - Be tolerant of another's faults. others on to their best work. You know how to get to a child's level If you appear unapproachable, it You may soon need the favor expect a great deal of those with without being childish - and you will be impossible for you to gain returned. Tnis is an excellent whom you —ociatc, just as you know how to bring a child up to your ends socially. Stretch out a time to mend a few fences. expect a great deal of yourself your level without having him hand in genuine friendship. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22- Nor do you rest content with a seem unnatural or precocious. CANCER (June 21 -July 22)- Dec. 21) - You can accomplish single demonstration of One who learns from experience If you request a favor, do so in a precisely what you have set put superiority. Again and again, when it comes to affairs of the qejet, reserved, courteous man- to do if you will go about the ini- you demand performances that heart, you never make the same ner. This is not the time to re- tial stages of your work logically. are quite out of the ordinary. mistake twice where romance is mind another of a debt he owes CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan Nevertheless, those whose work concerned. you. 19) - Take a wait-and-see al- or play brings them into prox- To fiiil what is in store for you LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) - titude where a new co-worker is imity with you appear eager to tomorrow, select your birthday TTiere is much to be gained in concerned. Remember that do your bidding; more, they are and read the corresponding the way of inner harmony Rome wasn't built in a day. Effi- eager to go that extra mile - the paragraph. Let your birthday through a relationship with the ciency improves by evening. WELL? ANY) mile that brings them ultimately star be your daily guide. elderly today. Serve an old AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb 18) LUCK rr into the ranks of those superior * * * friend well. — An involvement in the affairs WITH THAT) to their fellows. Many a suc- Tuesday, April 12 VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept 22) - of an old fnend could lead to the JOB? <^ cessful man or woman has taken ARIES (March 21-ApriI 19) - Unless you are certain that you dissolution of the friendship. Be time out to give credit where it is Unless another is in the same have all the facts in the case, very careful; know your due - to you! mood for romance that you are, make no decision regarding the priorities. Although you are rather ex- you can kiss your hopes of con- suitability of a new co-worker to PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) - travagant with your affections, quest goodbye! But give it a try, a new job. If you have set new goals for leaving no stone unturned to at least LIBRA (Sept. 23Oct. 22) - yourself, be careful of the first demonstrate your feelings, you TAURUS (April 30-May 20) Much in the way of social steps you take toward it. Initiate never place either voorself or the — A new friend Droves himself popularity is yours - if you are a new policy of prudence.

West dealer . Doonesbtiry SheinwokTs bridge advice North South vulnerable by Alfred SheinwoW ou South should go after the NORTH VE.ttBMn, j finesse with the ten of clubs. diamonds and make his' con • 73 One of the most brilliant de- Gray won with the jack of tract with an overlrick. KQ 6O0PM3RNH6! I'M 6&. I'H vsomsuxmny fensive plays on record was AtMou sum NOTATAU, clubs and backed up his bluff 0 KJ10954 T SMDTUm made by Maurice Harrison- by returning the seven of dia DAILY QUESTION • 652 Gray, who played for Great monds. As dealer, you hold: +A54 im, ausemmMuai SAPOR, NOT Britain in the 1965 world WEST EAST SK NCONmiBKE AT ALL! BELIEVES BLUFF 7AJ7 062 •AQ1083.What championship at the age of 65. Believing the bluff, South do you say? • 96 • KQJ108 Gray's play could succeed only put up the king of diamonds ANSWER: Bid one club. 2 against a fellow expert. and led another club. East The hand is not quite strong S? 10652 Q' 9843 South refused the first two discarded a heart, and South enough for an opening hid of 0, AQ7 083 spade tricks. When South won played low. Gray won with the one notrump, and the weak • KJ94 • 7 the third spade, Gray very nine of clubs and led a heart to doublelon in diamonds is an SOUTH deliberately discarded the ace dummy's king. additional Haw for nolrump. of diamonds! South took the ace of clubs • A54 It was the sort of discard an and gave up a club to West. V AJ7 expert would make if he had With the contract already ('A POCKET GUIDE TO 0 62 Ax of diamonds in the hope down one, Gray calmly cashed BRIDGE' written by Alfred • AQ1083 that his partner had Q-x. the queen of diamonds to Sheinwold is available. Get West North East South H«ir South decided not to play dia- collect 200 points. your copy by sending $1.00 to Pass Pass 1 • INT monds for fear of letting East Try playing the South hand The Red Bank Register, P.O. Ate// MoW PIP "t&U &2T yPPY i TOLP HIM THEY WERE in to run the spades. if West makes a routine heart Box 1111, Los Angeles. Calif. Pass 3 NT All Pass Opening lead - • 9 TO EAT BRUSSELS SPpOUTS?/ •REEM MEATBALLS Instead, South led a heart to discard at the third trick. MSI.) DO VOU WISH ME TO VERBALIZE OR ORALIZE?

The Phantom WAS ANP 19. AN EVIL PWC6 > "ZAAL m6 A 6KtCV W*i« PfOPLE LIKI OiMONS OOP YtHO OtHWKmP ) FOLK (MRS NOT 60 •mere MSTEIfN MRK 71. Merchandise 71. Merchandise 77 P«ts And LlvestoO 14 SHREWSBURY. NJ MONDAY, APRIL II, 1977 7 Auto Insurance S), HtlpWonitd Si.HtlpWonttd quarter horses Fer Sole fOUR - AUTO INSURANCE LEGAL SECRETARBCRtTARY -CaE>porMncoi d • For Salt Froo auotot By ohono Coll toll troo All OKOOOS tackaWf rool osMto 1M- LIVING ROOM CHAIR - Brown I Kill tor ronl. BEDSPREAD AND DRAPES- rougHboort 94»9«t 2 Autos For Sole 2. Auto* For Salt Why not out your tkllli to ftrown mitt MMft «UMti SlieO Italian tan twood, e»cellont condition, Ul EsMKS oomlnf oriro monoy to toko trot AUTO INSUKANCE - Colll Too Imptrttd bedspread; tfgihell oil >o4-ii» 'LYMOUtrl FURY H| KM — TwV tton you hovo boon lonflna for T lttri«' o#tn «Mvt dropts with FREE KITTENS •SALES -SERVICE -PARTS Kdtop. VI, power ttterIM, MljhT Sooclol aitonllon Qlvon lo notro Sonlor Llto lovlnfl Cortlflcoto REGISTER NOW NEVER A fit MANURE - SI 0 OUOhel, 3 E.t.C 0. Mllcy KOMori Call U\- laM roaumo la Wodtitawn Ua ond KtrK*«tA CH0MOif m 9w—mry /m.. Mm •or* 7414M k. nmm. UM* tk« UH «* tor I p.m. ** """SSS TINS 2 Autos For Sal* ir CO.IS4M0U TnHo Cluo. lot Hormony ltd . Mid A-l TEMPORARIES FREE tC!T AMMICAN INC IAT SALES AND SERVICE - LE BELGIUM ORIENTAL HUG - 10x14. H INE MOTOR COUP . Moplo Avo . PLYMOUTH FUKY I l«ol - Va-CTlln- VOUNC OtlVEK SAVED OVED On »Brood U Ml Mo) Rod BOM MATTRESSES - Full or twin, IM, MK74147g - Al tho AUTO INSURANCE CEN LPN NEEDED - ll:»»:» ooort. 11 utirn TEH, U Hwv it. Honort. N.J COM •low Roll Homo, Koonoturx. N.J. Coll GERMANSHEPHEJD PUPFV - IAT 1174 111 SPOUT COUPE - •r.^^oeggg^no. PA«E PMonll dokoroto. IMIMT KfSJWr " No-1 ».m.. Plvo-month-old lomolo. AKC rogls AMCMML m> - Electric. IK ond up lorolUO. Coll7i)^l»7. >M» miles AM/PA* llni olr condl PLYMOUTH S»TBLLltl lt)I - Law doom poymowt. Oaon mill t p.m. MAINTENANCE PERSON - WonM TYPISTS MOVING SALE - FvrnHun. lomps. ' « l MM CllMHSJl Four^oor. good condition, ono ownor, Eaportoncod In all phoni plumfcmo. Throfe-month temporary OMignmont. ill GOLDEN RETRIEVER PUP5 - »M- FIAT Ifn - ISll. soassn. to uon MM. «m i7i iioo orw. i » 10 Wanted Automotive otoctrkal, cofpontry. otc Rod tank High hourly roti. Must be •« DESKS. FILES, MMos. dsolrs, rVgltlered Shots, chomplon blood •• tiros OaM shape til* oo Only oxporloncod nood opply rTenced Free hospitalliatlon No lines Flvo males, flvo lemoles 717 JUNK CARS machines, typewriters, office equlp- WMtl PLYMOUTH SATELLITE 1«3 - All C Union Beocti area. mont. otc. if bargain prices. New or 1171 or 717-0927. powtr. olr, perfect motor, low mile ' AAC DEStTOUTLET. I7M fit a lime* INC. FIAT If74 IM SPOUT - AM/FM sttr ogt Almost fikt ntw I»M 3M »7S NEW USED BRICK- lIVs cooS ooch. MOVING MUST - FllK IWMjOf our M mog whttto EKcvtttnt condition •"•sear Pennsylvania skKo. 1 tor SI CoM and four year-old fotnoto dog Spayed, port .PLYMOUTH "• se coll otter »p m , 747 Ull . -VMOUTH 1173 SPORT SUBUR- PINING ROOM SET - Dunce* »hyto carry wily BloluHHI lumber Co IS Retriever, shots, needs running spoce 6AN — Nlnt passenger wogan. air OLSTEN Bridge Ave, Bed Bar* Good with chlldron ond onlmols. Ml •UIC Coil MI ton Management loWe. cNno ctooot ond buftol Boot ol ICK IKCTBA tin - LlmlM FIAT 1?74 124 &1A1I0N WAGON - condition#d, luggage rock, tulomvtlc, Hf Ml K1S ottor Sptn. NURSERY STOCK - Evergreens, 1411. FOOT Boor, WW. Ml oo»er, Mr. Automatic, radio and healer, ntw tires. v*rv flood condition, SHOO 74) TOP DOLLAR Training Holly. Birches. Rhodlos. wholesale SEVEN YEAR-OLD - Boy thorough *J« LM5 after 5 p.m. PONTIAC ASTRE t«7« - L.Ike hew WAITER/WAITRESSES - Port time, and retail. Cotoelo Farm Nursery. 1114 bred lor sole Good temperament Excellent got mileage, under guaran- FOR USED CARS W Front It* Llncrofl J471041 Stands 14 1 Interested coll Cynthlo- •UICK REGAL W74 - IJM mites, ve FORD FALCON IMS - Four door. LIPPIN MOTOR CAR CO., INC Program 741 to.70 I taw Mwtor, moo «*wets Silver grov tee. Moving Mutt tocririce Slondwti tsu OVENS - Slnolo wall. 1100 Various 1 tum original MWt Boll ottor Ei RIM Soyro^Ho. M.J 171-1, ELiajllC COIDLESS LAMM MOW- wwfcrtfltof. 71P -" colwnl condition Attor • p m , 171 •Mfl. Al»e# • a.m.. U3 33*1 MW Western factory outlet hat seven WAITRESS M/W - Eworsoncod. Flvo IF- For oigos ond under shrubs, al ilios and colors. Guaranteed TRAINED GERMAN SHEPHERD - POH~fTAC oTTATt» U. MoMom. Ill Hoi. •rauMu. Ml Ocoon Blvd.. Atlantic Warehouse tor most malor brands Ltw mlliisM, storto, rtmott slot mlr WUBU- Hhjhiondo. orior « p.m. Clotod Tuos. Bond Instruments of discounts Froo matched lot, ncellenl condition Sl» ran. MMMMM vanity mirror, rtor p.m weefcdayt or anytime on week MEDICAL SECRETARY - Mutt be or boll otlor. 747-9171 FORD VAN IM4 — Now motor, now Jll47l0tt on occurate medical typist, with •« MlMr, slt-wey -Wi. door locks. clutdt. now llrot BUS firm. DAILY HEGISTER M Wtwry. rotfol tires Dork blue, perlenct In bookkeeping ond billing ^REEHOLO MUSIC CENTER SURFBOARDS - i'4" Challenger, 7JM147 PONTIAC VENTURA \9K - Loo Temporary position. Reply to Box ft 52 Baby Sitting SUNDAY REGISTER Coll tor oppolntmont,4H-l7» AT' Hotoie, 7'J" Strato Mini Feather wM*» leawm tool and Mtrltr IJIffS t good, two-door, automatic, CON .Mtwttn M p m . NMM, After FORD WAGON 1044 - E»collont con 344, The Dally Register, Shrewsbury. Child Care FAMILY AD PITNEY BOWES COPIER - Modol 747*171 dlllon Boil odor ovor UCO cvllnder My 741 424S 7«7 n PONTIAC I9?O LeMANS - Power BABVUTTER - RoooonolWo oorson CAOILLAC ELDORADO K7I - Goad SI Help Wonted MOLDING FOREMAN/WOMAN - to aro tor tooctior s yoor«ld boby girl 12. Swimming Pools FORD IMI - Window von >vely c AID CONDITIONING MECHANIC - Steady emptoyment. excelleni woae. In mv Ocoon Township homo begin- RAILROAD TIES SWIM POOL DISTRIBUTOR mi a out i Immodloto optnlna Mutt hovo on hospital notion, life Insurance, dls ning Apr. II. /a.m. lorxp.n Needs space Must sell brand now 1974 potlinco In irMtoHatfon and tjwof mol- obllltv ond sick benefits, retirement ooyionty.Sn-0331 huge ll'xli' luiiury above-ground CAOILLAC IO7S - Coupe Do VIM. plon Coll 164 1330 for appointment LINES FORD 1*71 LTD WAGON — Air, all 01 wort Coll otto, 5p.m.. M7-4SIS. pools complete with fencing, tiller, Pawar otaori»»ty»njfcoi/«lndowi and PORSCHE )M7 - 912 Newly rebuilt Rerr Glass Manufacturing Corp. An CHILD CARE/LIGHT HOUSE REFRIGERATORS - 14 cu. It. Now, deck Asking loSO. Price includes M K*I. AM/FM. omul-hock rodlo powtr, SLOW miles, good condition engine, excellent condition Ins id* ond ASSEMSLY TECHNICIAN - Mo equal opportunity employer KEEPING - Alter school, ono child. guaranteed Uktmua cHoMcally Incllnod Ulf-Itortor wonM Coll If I-SHI ollor 1 pm FULL INSTALLATION. Flnonclnp HIM mom ouf Must Mil. But offer 4714311 NURSES - UN'S, full-time, 7-3 end 11- available. Call Lorry collect. 201-Me- GOOD STATION CAR - 1*73 VEGA tobulM ProlO'typo looting units, tub CADILLAC tf7J — Coup. DeVllle PORSCHE Iff! tU - 30,000 mllai. Ing rofrlooratlon or fluid lystomi. EM 7. BROOKDALE NURSING CENTER, RIDING MOWER - Stip , IISO Mod 1IH. I nail. Dark Nut •nit. vinyl top Fin) 1500 toktt It. AUIng UO30 or best olftr. porlirtco roqulrod. Apply In porian, Hwy 15, Hailet 364 54C0 S3 Domestic Help orn oval dinette with lour plexlglas Eocrtlent IOMOMIIMI. 3L0M mllov Ast Electro impulM Lob Inc.. IMS Corllot chairs. SI4S SU-44B4 ••SOW. Coll t4Mtn MMM CLEANING PERSON - Ono day M. Merchandise GRAND PRIX 1*73 - Ponllac. v«ry RABBIT - "You've got to drive It to AVO . NOptUM. OLSTEN TEMPS NEEDS YOUR wook, must hovo own transportation. DAYS ROTARY LAWN MOWER — US Un- good cafidltktn. Batt reotonaMt offw SKILLS. EARN EXTRA MONEY CAMAHO 1»75 - Automotk, Hi cvlln believe It SHREWSBURY MOTORS. ASSISTANT SERVICE MANAGER - HIGH RATES: NO FEE 117 Rte IS U.U hour. Holmdol. O4M2II oflor <. Wanted dor. AM/FM alaw trap stereo 11.vx M3 7O0 INC.. 7414100 mlles.UMo *7I MSI E*p«rltncod only. Flvo dayf, mony EATONTOWN M3 SJOO CLEANING PERSON — Ono day a AAAAAAAA RED SANK VOLVO bonofltt- Chryilor-Plymouth-lntor- PART TIME - About 30 hours, wook. f-l. Mult hove own trans- SEARS - Konmore washer on) dryer. LIQUIDATE UNWANTED ANTIQUES. CAPRI H73 — V*. custom Interior, HOLSEY PONTIAC lltE. NEWMAN SPRINGS RD natlonol truckl Apply In porton. M. eluding two evenings. Ladles wear. portatlon Coll 171-1 IM JEWELRY, RUGS. FOR CASH AM/FM radio, new tires, excellent RTE1* «: 7101 EATONTOWN REO BANK. 741 SaM Schworti ond Soni, lit W Front SI, MISSIS LIVE IN HOUSEHOLD DOMESTIC - INTERNATIONAL GALLERIES Rod Bonk $3 10 Riverside Avo- Rod Boo* 74741W Clean, cook, Iron, prepare and serve JEEP SALES! SERVICE RITTENHOUSE PART-TIME ATTEMOANT WANTED DOLLARS SOFA - Btvt-grwn.«" CHEVCLLI MALIBU INI - T»o ItWIN •OHO MOTORS 747 0040 LINCOLN MERCURY Inc. AUTO/and or Truck — To maintain lounderette In spotless moals. Salary H SO on hour, 40-hour ALL LIONEL TRAINS door, automatic. O1J00 mites. Now 1311. Mewmon Springe Rd . Hod Bonk 900 HWY a 77S ISOO OCEAN TWP condition located in Long Branch. 373 wook. Phono Ol lSet oatnl lot. nroj tlrao. tool odor. «l- PARTS MANAGER Or Flyer Top cash acoralsgl. 9# IU93 KARMANN GHIA IW - One OWL SCHWARTZ CHRYSLER Eiptrlancodonly. Many btnoflti •000. Mr. Gordon tor appointment Sell merchandise you no longer need STEREO - Concord lurntoble, cos ar. JMM mtltt E-cellenl condttlo PLYMOUTH Chryilor Plymouth International 54 Situations Wanted or USE with a low cost Fomlly Plon sette and receiver, built In, air suspen- ANTIQUES - Anythlno old. Furnl- CHEVROLET IMPALA tf7t — Toro- Beit offer Coll MI tlrt Moo to Sol . PART-TIME BARMAID M/W — IOMI Adi slon speaker*. 747 3O4S. hire, china, gloss, dolls, (ewelry, rugs. o.m to l:J0p.m. 141 W Front Street, Red Bank Truck Apply In person. M Sctiworti 1 second |ob Will train. Top cash paid. Mory Jane Roosevelt. door. IM, olr. powor Mooring, outo- 7474717 Son, i«l Wont Front St.. Rod Bonk 14341M Female motlc.ol.lal mlloo. Good condition Available tor Merchandise For Sole STROLLER - Like new, 135 Dresser, IOTE. Rlvir Rd., Rumson I431IS9. KITSON CHEVROLET CO SEE A 'RUSSELL MAN" - For youf ANYTIME CHILD C.ARE - Two Hwy 14 Eolonlown PART TIME - Eorn H to »I7 on hour, Only. Article must originate from a 110 ANTIQUES neit new or used cor. RUSSELL OKh AVON Sdllng candle arrangements ond git weeks old and up. SI por hour. Sum household and may not exceed a sale CHEVROLET MALIOU 1I7J - Iwo mobile Cadillac Co., 100 Newman NEED CASH FOR mor progrom. 1-1 year olds. State op- i*. ion twore tor Party Lite Gifts. Noln- provod canter Coll Ul-HI] price of 1100 00 per artlclt. SUNNEN BUSHING GRINDER - COLLECTORS EYE door, turn ortflnal miles, powor, olr LEMANS IWJO — Good condition Springs Rd.. Red Bonh 741-0*10. MOTHERS DAY, FATHER S Dm VMfmwit. no delivery, no collecting Wanti fine antique furniture ond chlno am Original OMr. 747 iin AND GRADUATIONS? ISO Cylinder hone. 111. 50 valve cover Btnt otter over IS00 TfR A U BTu I CK~^-~OPEL~ ~ Must how cor. It's tun! Call 671-4730. LADY — Looking lor domestic work. Price MUST Bt Advertised. Eoch ad- Baskets. ». Throe TVs. nood repairs, Professionally run household salts Moke good money on your own time own transportation. Little Silver. Fair ditional line n. No copy changes may 795 River Rood, Fair Haven CHEVROLET HOVA l»J4 HATCH in-wi. NINE ACRES ot New and Used Can selling quality products. Call Mrs. PART-TIME/FULL TIME - Reliable BTTTWO Polaroid cameras. 130. Elec BACK - Sl« cvllnoer. olr. 17.500 HWY M 264-4000 Keypori Haven, otc, area preferred Ask for be made ond no discounts or returns trie motors. IS K4 1301 after S p.m. 747 4U7 or 741-1371 LINCOLN CONTINENTAL — Mt- Hommond, 7174350 person for Beach Club office. Must Holgo. HM«0. will bt mode II od Is cancelled before olfc EnoHmo) tonoltlon. 71M1T0. chonkolly perfect, 1171 All power SUPER BEETLE 1971 - 41400 mile*. work weekends. Must be flexible. expiration. TRACTOR — John Deere, with 14" ro CONSIGNMENTS — Art now being CHEVROLET STATION WAGO* N IM7 ExceHtot condition HMD Call after 6 AM/FM radio, four new tires, mow BOYS-GIRLS Reply BOM C 310, The Dolly Register, WOMAN EXPERIENCED - Seeking, lory mower, like now. «00 accepted for onliaut gallery ond up- Shrewsbury, N.J. 07701 Ml lolnh. I --., 747«1 tires. Coll 493«0S Eorn money o*i*c school and Sat. For position to manage ond work at small TO PLACE YOUR 040-0701 coming auctions Come lo the place mor t kitormoilon coll Mr. P*Uri, J64 motel/hotel or rooming house with IIv DAILY REGISTER that coints 1*» U.S. 1, FLEA MAffKET LINCOLN MARK III 1*71 - S4.000 THE FINEST SELECTION - Ol MW Ing quarters. In New Jersey or out of TUHHTABLC - Panasonic. Like now. AND ANTIQUES. RT. \ ond II, NEW CHEVROLET SUBURBAN \m - J50, ond used cors In Monmouth County stcrhTcall IM-lIK anytime. FAMILY AD, CALL... S45. carttully molntalned miles, ihow BROILER PERSON BRUNSWICK, N.J. Ml I44-0M0. Over power steering, powor brah.i, room condition Serious Inquires only. Over 100 olr condl Honed new cars In MMM M0 dealers under one roof, air condl AM/FM rodlo. oicollenl condllloi •lock. McGLOIN BUICK-OPEL INC., EXPERIENCED PART-TIME MI47M. CAUL 739WU 542-1700 TWO 0' LONG - Gloss show CO1OS, Honed, heated, tables ond booths, dally Mwot Mil. Asking S22St Call Dl-IW Shrewsbury Ave., New Shrewsbury. 1001 Auto Parts SS Situations Wanted ono lighted Shore Fine Art Center. 044 ond monthly raltt. Benefit from the CHEVROLET VEGA KAMMBACK LINCOLN MARK IV 1V/4 WrtaMi. CAMP COUNSELORS - For iummVr 34 HOUR SERVICE Ocoon Avo., Long Branch. 179.4441. SU exposure of over 25.000 people. Visit Wu« with blue sunroof, power steering, Distributors Male 1071 — GT engine ond transmission. THUNOERBIRO 19*9 - Loaded doy camp Svrxl rttumt to Mlddlttown ooch. our market every Friday, Saturday ET AM/FM brakes and window., olr conditioning. 96.000 mliei 11300 Swim and Tennis Club. 140 Harmony CONTINUED GROWTH ALL AROUND - Yard work, gardens FLUTE (YAMAHA) ond Sunday. ^^_____^ AM/FM tope, till. CrutM Super deal. Cgllofler6p.m.,in.Qf71 — Wagon, olr conditioning, ra have on outstanding opportunity for a 1300 WEEKLY POSSIBLE - Stuffing 77 Pets And Livestock laWltiatf 13 vaonl. Coll Ktn ot S47 dto/heoter, roof rock, eHcellent condl 3 Trucks and Trailers Agency motivated salesperson In one of the envelopes. SEND stlt-oddrtsstd JUKE BOX — 1970 Sobura, never AKC PEKINGESE - Malt, 12 weeks tlon, tt.MO mile*. M3-W3I CHEVROLET 1971 PlcK-UP - With fastest growing Industries ol the dec- used, retail value SIM0. asking 11700 » Thomas Avt.^747-3*M-Shrewsbury 5tamped envelope to: J.P. ENTER or best otter Call 7WM17 old. brown and black. bosts. I' body. One owner, 36,000 COCKTAIL WAITRHS WANTED ade. Person qualifying will en|oy on PRISE, Box 3*>, Drenel. MO., 44743. 717-STB mllet.tlTOO M13f4A extraordinary compensation program KINDERGARTEN CLASSROOM Mm - Hours Ml p.m. Call tor op- Call Chuck at Ml 7744 between 9 o.m. ARABIAN — 14.3 hands, seven yean . Avt«t Fw SOU 2. Autos For Sale FORO Hit OUMP RUCK - AltO polniment, 10-11 a.m. or » 7 p.m., 741 TABLE - (Rectangle) XTxou", also and Ii p.m. 63 Money To Loan ton 13" matching chairs. 1175. Call So* old, sound, »W0 or best offer. Also hay pickup truck camper. 1711. and straw for sole. 741O7S4. SALESPERSON - Urgently needed ono COOK - Experienced Apply In per- by state-wide firm selling advertising SCOUT 1967 - Four wheel drive. Snow son Peterson'! Button wood Manor, Rt KITCHEN CHAIRS * Swivel (S), years. Made, honest and sound, plow 11050. 14, Matowon. 566-6730. on Indoor and outdoor movie theater tcrttns to local mtr- white and yellow, S351 . Storms and shots and negative Cooglm Ready to 142419) CREW MANAGER chonts/banks/servlce organizations. screens, M, X. 33K39 /,, u each. Re- Show or hunt 946-1U3 or 94*3S34, ash GEORGE WALL TRUCK INSURANCE etc. Zero competition, tli.000 realistic frigerator, 115. «7147». tor Sandy. Work with teenogers afternoons and potential first yeor. same commission NO MATTER TH_ LARGE UTILITY TRAILER - Best DALMATIAN — Nine months, molt. 9pni Sol. morning, 117,000 possible tint on renewals (Average 70% rentnvolsi. DEBT CONSOLIDATION. year, Good running car a must. For Stort earning Immediately after 3-day HOME IMPROVEMENTS, oiler. Adult three wheeler bike. UNCWN-WERCURY WHITE DIESEL 140, CUMMIN"G? more Information, call Mr. Roberts, (raining program. Local protected ter BILL PAYING TOO TRACTOR — One GMC Detroit Die 364 7792. rltory assigned. Must have lote-sale* CALL HOW TOLL FREE, WE'LL sel, bom 1969 Von Brunt and Sons, Old CROSSING GUARD APPLICATIONS experience, newspaper experience a HAVE THE CASH FOR YOU. Bridge. 2174400. - Now being received. Inquire Little definite plus! Send short letter or rt- SHREWSBURY Sliver Police Dept . 410 Prospect Ave., sume for 34-hour response to Box P HM71-OK4 Little Silver 34*. The Dolly Register, Shrewsbury. Malestlc Finance 1 Discount Corp. 4 Motorcycles N.J. 07701. Howoll, N.J. 364 7JM CYCLE INSURANCE DENTAL RECEPTIONIST - Office CLASSIFIED Socondar y Mo. luoge Loons Shrewsbury A*e Free quotes bv phone Call toll free monoaer tor Red Bank office. 4l/.-day Womilne, wo-Hi-ynu. 9 a.m. -9 p.m. week. Experience preferred. Send re SALES/WALLPAPER IK M-261. The Dally Regis Al Sycomera HARLEY SPORTSTER 197S - 2,500 Part-time. Minimum three years retail miles Extra chrom*. Super clean. experience. Company discounts. Apply 12600 Coll |4I 7146 EXECUTIVE SECRETARY - Musi In person take steno, experienced for small Real HONDA, 1971 - 3S0CB, 2100 miles. Estate office. Bookkeeping experience PERGAMENT 71 Merchandise Good condition U9S or best offer Coll preferred. 6719594. BUSINESS DIRECTORY Hwy. 35 ond Pool* Ave. Hailet after 6 p m.. 671-04*4 SECRETARY EXPERIENCED SWITCHBOARD For Sale 747-5400 HUSQVARNA 1974 2*0 CR - Good For Holmdel Low Office OPERATORS - 3-11 ond 1-4 shlfli 944-4630 AIR CONDITIONERS - 4,000 31.0 condition 1600. Good opportunity -long term. Call 741. BTU Guaranteed A DAILY GUIDE •42 5276 after S 47OQ tor appointment. SECRETARY — Low office, full time, 49M0I7 or 49H77I legal skills desired but not required. KAWASAKI DIRT BIKE EXPERIENCED SHORT ORDER Coll 9 to 6, 364 W00 AIR CONDITIONER - Phllco. ! OF BUSINESS SERVICES TO SUIT YOUR NEEDS 1975 350 tel COOK AND CHEF - Apply In person, BTU. Three yeors old. UO. JM 3026 Red Oak Diner, 3973 Hwy, 35, Hoilet. SECRETARY, LEGAL - Red Bonk Coll U3-7O67 KAWASAKI ta 400 19)6 Office. Top salary to the right person. EXPERIENCED WAITRESS M/W - Submit resume of aval HI cations to Box ALBUM OF ANTIQUE POSTCARDS LANDSCAPING LAWN tlon. Aiklng HIM Mutt apply In person at Matawan Din BUSINESS PAINTING * 172-0691 C 309, The Dally Register, Shrews- 45 old local vltwsol Red Bonk, Rum- WALL UNCOLN MERCURY et. Hwy 34, Matowon. bury, N.J. 07701. son, ttc. Estimated value UM. best of- OIRECTORY GARDEN MAINTENANCE DECORATING MOTORCYCLE INSURANCE - Reo EXPERIENCED PERSON-To work fer. Reply to Box R-3*5, Tht Dally sonable rotes. Grosslrtoer ond Hefle' SECRETARY - Typing a must, Register, Shrewsbury, N.J. 0770T LANDSCAPING - And loon coro, PAINTING 5 Wikott PI., Red Bank. 741 knowledge of shorthand, pleasant per Ftl!Albl DOWNTOWN SHREWSBURY sonallty, neat appearance. Solan ALL PURPOSE - Plastic trorfi boas, ADDINO MACHINES Rd .Morgonvllle. vorious uies, heavy gouge, In stock, TYPEWRITEItS S& SEE US FOR YOUR INSURANCE Imrtwaiottdelivery Collfe SS4,. FILE CLERK TYPIST - E «• LAWN MAINTENANCE PAINTING AND DECORATING NEEDS. WERE SPECIALISTS perlenced, responsible, key position lands. MM on CALL JOHN COOK. 541-7333. BARGAIN - Spanish sofa ond match ADDERS — Typewriter*, Calculators, Corl B. Jones Fully Insured tor master riles. Busy office. Shrews- Ing chair, S57S. Two Spanish-style end sold, traded, repaired LAWNS CUT For fret estimates call TTf-JUS YAMAHA bury location, 1-4. * * tables, 1100. All In txctlltnt condition. Ooeocreor more USED CAF Benefits. Sendresui- . .. SECURITY GUARDS Call after 6, 531-1444. Mon. through DISCOUNT Prices J1RCYCLE SERVICE, INC SERPICO'S 747-O4B Coll 747-0413 WATERBLAST - Bttort pointing. 171 W. Front St., Red Bonk 147-0177 Shrewsbury, N.J. 07701. We are looking for mature-minded In- Frl., oil doy, Sot. and Sun. dividuals to work full time, various LAWNS - Limed, fertilised, thatched New method. Great results. YAMAHA 1V74 TX-SOO — Excellent FOOD COUNTER WORK - Full and hours. In the Freehold area. Appli- BARRELS - Wint. ontlque, SO gal., and cut. Monthly grounds maintenance Wolfy's Painting 471 lM condition Many new ports. Flvcipeed port-time. Seasonal. Apply Nicker cants must have o cor, home phone, all wood. Exctllenf condition. SIS toch ALTERATIONS programs still available. Rlc Johnson. trammlsiion, slssv bar ond luggagt son'i Boardwalk, Keonsburg 11 a.m. to clean police record ond be o citizen of or two for *3S. Call 7174379. rack Extro short pipe* and helmet In- S p.m. dally. No pftone colls. the U.S. Call 773-414$ for on appoint- ADDITIONS — Roofing, tiding, ce- PLUMBING A cluded. Great buy, WSQ firm. Coll S47- BASSETT BEDROOM SET - Flvt- LAWNS MOWED - Complttt lawn FULL TIME ment. We are on Equal Opportunity piece with mirrors, box spring, mat- ramic tile. Complete line of remodel- HEATING IIBS - Experienced Bartender M/W wanted Employer, ing. Call Rich Malmbera, 717-3542. maintenance Insured, reliable, com- tress, three days old. Cost ilSotf, socrl Serving Monmouth County 12 year*. mercial ond residential. Coll 142-1350. Call Will II after Sp.m. flee for f 1)00. 73MH1, from 710 p m oHi tor John Folvo. PLUMBING AND HEATING - Re- condition, four gears, good for trails GUARDSMARK, INC. pair d i R 91S Clifton Ave. Clifton, N.J. BASSETT DINING ROOM SET - Six or dirt riding Coll 6 10 Jo, 142-5940 GENERAL HELP chairs, ««. Westm BUILDING ALTERATIONS - Addi- ROTOTILLING. LAWN WORK SHORT ORDER COOKS AND tions ond repairs. Financing Arranged. Reasonable COUNTER HELP - For newly remo- erator,27cu.f1.,Sl».. 244-7067 6 Auto Rent/Lease FREEHOLD deled restaurant. Apply In person. Pier Bay Head Construction Co. 39S-97KT ROOFING A SIDING Restaurant, Long Branch Fishing Pier. BEDROOM SET - Six-piece, original- CARPENTRY AND MASON WORK RENT AVAN — Low, low rates ly USOO, with cedar drawer ond built ROTOTILLING ROOFING AND" SID IN G Fret eitl Call Lorry, TOM'S FORD, Hwy 35 $100 SNELLINGANDSNELLING- In cedar chest hidden In htodboard, Alterations ond additions. Keyport, 264-1600. UM. Also yellow bathroom sink ond A. Bruce Elgenrauch !4)-3tn All sins, fast and dependable service, mattsOUon Rooflna & Siding Co. Coll Expanding company needs workers. World's largest employment service, M p.m., 671-5741. 775-OTMEvtn.ngs747.S416 Eit. 1TO. Must be able to start Immediately 170 Brood St, Red Bank, N.J. 747-1131. two twin headboards, walnut. 717-3773. Training with bonus. Paid vocations HOME IMPROVEMENTS — Addi- 7_A^rto Insurance STATIONARY ENGINEER tions, dormers, garoge conversions., MISCELLANEOUS Interviews Mon. and Tues., 6:30 and Block Seal license or better. For tern AUTO INSURANCE "DIFFICULTIES? 7:30 p.m. Apply In person to North Daily-Sunday finished bastmtms, repairi. Fret esti- TAX SERVICE - Coll John Cook, well get it for you. American Safet Syt 77 Thfc ory assignment In local area. No mates. 747-3004. A & E MAINTENANCE SERVICES Hi TIP morio K charged. Complete Janitorial Service COMPLETE PREPARATION OP ACE TEMPORARIES Speckillilng In rug shampooing, floor TAX FORMS - Year end book HYGIENIST - Rid Sank area. Two 30 Thomas Ave. M2-O3O3 Shrewsbury REGISTER STARK & SON MASONS - S66 33)1 day* a week. Send resume to Box P- SM-im. Patios, sidewalks, iteps, fire keeping. W-I statements, Hate rtturns, 2. Autos For Sale 770, The Dally Register, Shrewsbury, STENOGRAPHER - Lego I ex- places, ond all other types of masonry. also smalt businesses and partner NJ. 07701. perience preferred but not essential. Classified Ads ATTICS — Cellars, ooroots cleaned. ships. 35 years in Mlddlttown oreo. Send resume to Box M-359, The Dally Rubbish removed, unwanted trees, Morgery Trovolo. Coll for appoint- This is a partial list o* our used Qars INSTRUCTORS WANTED - Set your Register. Shrewsbury. N.J. 07701. as low as shrubbery removed. Light trucking own hours Instruct and sell Trl Chem IIISTHUCTIOM Free estimates. 74714ft. Liquid Embroidery. Fret kit plan. 49S- TAILOR/FITTER M/F INCOME TAX SERVICE — All forms NEED A CAR 38 cents DRIVING SCHOOL FOR WOMEN expertly ond accurately prepared by Please stop and see them all. Permanent full time position for o professional accountant. Corporate' KITCHEN HELP - Reliable person to skilled tol lor/fitter In Quality men's per line, por day LOW RATES . BOAT SLIPS AVAILABLE 100% FINANCING 741-oUe ' On Tht Beautiful Shrewsbury personal budget counseling. 5S Leon assist In cooking. Experience not nee store. Must be articulate and well (based on l-doy Insertion) ord Ave,, Leonardo. 7914)11 for ap- NO CO-MAKERS eswry Apply In person to Vol's Tav- groomed, with knowledge and en- pointment. ern, in River Rd., Rumson, For FAST RESULTS Authorlied Volvo Ptnta Dealers. Fac- 3toc*«<2 NO GIMMICKS LANDSCAP.NO LAWN tory trained Owner lives on premises. LADIES MEN Work at home on the at LOW COST New large swim pool. INCOME TAX RETURNS 75 MERCURY COIONY PARK WAGON Red A»K tot Jlmmy-SW- phone, eorn IIS VM weekly servicing TEACHER/DIRECTOR -. Of cooper- GARDEN MAINTENANCE Expertly prepared. Also N.J., NY. our customers 364-3244. ative nursery school position ovoll- ALL LAWNS AND YARDS - Cloon - PATTEN AVENUE MARINA ito,e ond city. Experienced. Will pre- -V8, lutOtTOoc, power steering, power brakes, air condi- CteeoorHiny otole, 531-U76 ops, fertilizer, mowing, odglna, prun- On Renwlck PI. Long Branch pare tax return to satisfy taxpayer o> lOiMMi LEGAL SECRETARY - With at least ing. MJ7J4J. •»—»••»•- well as tht government. Open 7 days t tioning, AM/FM, 35,159 mMes $4997 three years experience required. Com- TELEPHONE SOLICITOR - Ex- REGTSTER 870-2542 week. ISADORE FRIEDMAN. 23 W Northam trench plete benefits, generous yearly bonus perienced, part-time. Hourly wage Main St., Freehold 463-41 IS ' ond outstanding pay scale Reply Box plus bonus. Colt 1*3-7340 between 10-13 ANY KIND OF CLEANUP WORK MARTIN TREES ON THE SPOT M-3S3, The Dolly Register, Shrews- ande-lp.rn. Classified Ads Odds loos, onyttilng EASTER TIME -TREE TIME bury, N.J. 07701, TAX RETURNS - Prepared In your APPROVAL . TELLERS uo-ins or mm Bttwttn tht Flrehouse ond Krousier's Slock 9117 on River Rd., Folr Haven. Special on home. Federal. State, City Ex- LEGAL SECRETARY-EX- Experienced or will train 542-1700 ATTENTION LANDSCAPERS, DE- Alert personable Individual with pre- Paper White Birch and White Dog PERIENCED - All phases Including Toll Free Irom Motawan Area VELOPERS, HOME OWNERS - Ev- Wood. Call 7477796, 7I7-S517. 74 FORD COUNTRY SQUIRE WAGON Gold, ve real estate, M6-4OM. vious banking or cashiering ex- ergreens, starting at SO cents ft., all perience. Company paid benefits. Fee 566-8100 wittits call M7-uii after 7p.m. and automatic power steering, power brakes, air conditioning reimbursed. TWO CdLLEGE STUDENTS — Stvfc- AM, 46,977 mles $3250 2.AUI A j EMPLOY MeNTjVdfet*"1 A M) 2121 RedBonk 671-9300 TSBNCARE SERVICE*"^ Coll Al.» Stl-0577 DRIVEWAY FORD RENT-A-CAR I > FAIRWAY FORO Stock *1SO CL^AN YARDS COMSTRU Dally - Weekly - Monthly 71 MERCURY COIONY PARK WAGON white. VALUABLE COUPON DRIVEWAYS SHORE MOTORS I COMPLETE LAWN SERVICE - Asphalt drlvts, concrete walks and V8, automatic, power steering, power brakes, air condi- Residential ond commercial. Reason patios. Free tsl I motes obtt prices. 747-0733 or 747-3911. ART-CO PAVING 741-1SW tioning, AM, 58,780 mites $1 »»7 50 CENTS OFF COMPLETE LAWN MAINTENANCE AVIS — Oependoblt work, residential, com- PAINTING * mercial. Over 15 vtors experience rVI TRY H4RD(B Your Next Free estimates. 741-72SS DECORATING J VOLVO-TRIUMPH COMPLETE LAWN AND GARDEN ALUMINUM SIDING - Beautifully 73 FORD MAVERICK 2-door, Green, 6 cylinder auto- DALY REGISTER OASSDED AD CARE — Dependable work. Reason (••I In lined, In color of your choice. able prices. Call 747-0349 after S pjn Guoronteed to lost. Fret estimates. M. matic, power steering, manual brakes, air conditioning^ THOROBRED USED CARS By promoting It* coupon Freeeitomltej J. MocCloud Pointing. 173 1533 747-0308 when placing your ckworkHJ act ,. 30.837 mites $1950 COMPLETE LAWN SERVICE - EXTERIOR PAINTING — Most (Sony, not good tomw^t FtmUf Ad Rotatllllrto. cleanup. homes undtr tl» without trim. Fret AD MUST K PAJDiNADVANCt 741)40? tstlmott- Fully Insured J31 I4X, Umtim ericM wcMt tax I CUSTOM GARDEN TILLING With HOUSE PAINTING SHORE MOTORS the famous Troy-Bllt rototlllor. Call I am a painter with nlnt ytars e»- ptrltnct ond am storting my own busi- Call 542-1700 ni«so. ness I'm looking for satisfied custom- SHREWSBURY AVL, AT SYCAMORE LANDSCAPING - Loon core and trs to establish a reputation for quality Mail ctada to: TIM Dally lUglttor tree work. In business for 31 years. work at a remonoW* prkt. Inltrlor- HIGHWAY 35 5*8-7500 MANASQUAN Froo estimates. S4M094 or 741 »71 af- txttf lor. Frtt estimates. Call Sol Gar- On* R*gltl»r Plua, Shrmbury, N.J. 07701 J J ter Sp.m. gul)o - M. Merchandise 101. Apartment* UO Wanted To Rent Ul. Houses For Sale 151 Beats And 229 Ktansburg 236 Mltfdletown Wonted MONDAY, APRIL 11.1977 TtlC [My RcgktCT 15 RED BANK RIVERSIDE AVE DESIRE — Two threebedroom nlc OCEANP-ART MtOLUTION *1 Low7(N J S.A 40A11-1 et teq RIVERVIEW TOWERS houM or apartment, moderote ren Accessaries WHEREAS.fhe Mayor ond Counc ulres mat the resolution author Rumton Fotr Haven-Little Sliver THINK LAZY!! of the borough of KtantburI g ore In th Illng the award of contracts U Pro m Keonsburg M^Keontburg VMI. ICOIa-lop. M o^otad p. Shrewsbury area. EKcelltnt rete FLCETWIHG II Hit - loot and I"**™ m MM «wtl~ conlll Move In ond relaal This brand new Mercury IK njl engine IMoko ] ypel process of distributing the sum a fettlonol Services" t com' or paHi ol wdtoanbts In conflict wllh or inconsistent wrtti the provision ft' •Jh daw, quoins. ate/Coll «H Overusing me NovosM River ence* mil 1]before 1 p.m. and beautiful home Is a dream. Four MUM* 00 to me homeowners and toi Mve bids must be public odver tMs ordinance arc hereby repealed. e»cept that this repeal shall not affect or EXCELLENT TENANT DESIRES bedrooms, 7Vi batht. Hen with flri- our W-24S* ™«S!9 oftttr .*""ip.m" '""*• *"** payers of tht Borough o* Keansbgrg os C1 prevent the prowcutlon or punishment ot aw period Ht any oct done or WHAT A BREAK ITOR YO U I pioce Immediate occupancy U*,C o rebate on their taxes; and NOW. THEREFORE. BE IT RE committed*!TwiotaHon of any ordinance tier*y repealed prior to the tMMf REFRIGERATOR _ And to... u Two-bedroom home In Rumton, Fa 1 Haven area Need by June 30 or July BECHTANDCO. MARSHALL CAT H WHEREAS. Iht Borough of Keans SOLVED by the Board of Education of effect of this or dl nonce We will hove too two-bedroom opart »n. fltorgtot. Palmer U-M engine. burg Is In need of assistance lo prepor the Township of Mlddletown os toi Section 9-3. Snort TMt«. mentt available May III or posslbl REALTORS sleeoe lour. Spec sheet available Also and distribute the aforesaid checks to lows: Thli •rdbwnca may be known a*d died at The Traffic Ordinance Es TURN V sooner, due to a lenonl Ironster B GLASS REPAIR SERVICE - Desire 642-3933 ir Windmill Racing Dlny on trailer lolling .163,667 00, and 1 The President and the Secretory MUlsNng Through Streets, One Woy Streets, Stop Intersections, Prohibitive mirluiiiliiii Isn ecaitancy, we or tuomlon, Mtfcft 1000 M). ft plu1 s Indus REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE WO. Coll A. Cramer, evenings and WHEREAS. Infocomp Corporation are hereby oulhorlied and dl PorfctML Loft Turn Prohibitions. Right Turn, on Red Light. Parking Meter ' ih. DON P efsectlv*y Tupping rfrrfial their low trial or ttort shop) combinatiocombine n Co. List and buy with a member of Mon weetendt, leWI nulls or le»l t}\ ot a "Professional Service" li In tht retted to execute an agreement Zones (fl the (or ough of Keantpurjr tact Mr. R. GroMia MI-eM3 •HO. Eld I77J oil. EfflckmcHt Trorn tns. one bed mouth County s lorgest reolty group business of preparing and distribute wlthPerterP Kaloc. attorney 1 SCHEDULE I. ONE-WAV STREETS such checks 7. Thli contract Is awarded withou room from MM t bd f LADY - Lootilng for turntshed i.. IN Accordance with the provisions of Section M. thte following *e- SAILBOAT WANTED - Will Irode NOW. THEREFORE. BE IT RE competitive bidding os a "Profes scribed streets or parts of streets are hereby designated as On—e Wayitre«tW s lM Brlghl Rumson Fair Haven orea RED BANK— Lovely oWer home with Art or Antiques tlonal Service" under the provl Rd., Fair Haven, NJ. Bfl«J7 141)440 HUH SOLVED by the Mayor ond Council o In the d-recMofl Inicated Central air ond heat, gas cooking, bo toads of charm. Modern kitchen, two the Botough of Keonsburg that or slam of the Local Public Con NAME OF STREET DIRECTION LIMITS boths, living room, dining room, pan tracli Low because N j S A USED PIANOS Cttnttt. 14 hour daorrrvan. TV security YOUNG COUPLE - Desires unfu eled den, sun porch, four bedrooms. SEAMEE2E If Htl-Wllh cuddy agreement be entered Into with Ihe in Bay Avenue Eastbound Between Beoch way swimming pool. tMuno, marine, also nlthtjd ono-ortwo*edroom apartmen cabin. 103 h.p. Chrysler 194*. full cover focomp Corporation far the prepora 40A 4 M permit, agreements toi and Hightomf Ave. Call Mrt. Nation. I Full basement ond three rar garage underground parking Rental offlc or houM In greater Red Bonk area N Professionally loned 142JJ0O Call for and equipment on trailer. tlMO Ul Mon and distribution of checks to the professional services without bid BroofcsMe Avenue EntlreLengtr, WANTED-PlovarPtojv e*en seven days a week Call Bob CI Was, no pert* Reasonable Reference* appolnlmefit-after S p.m., 747-1*11. 3S70. homeowners and taxpayers ol ih, ding, for o period of one year Between Corr Ave Upright or Grand coneot»l-741im Borough af Keonsburg apportioned 3 A copy ol mis resolution lhoii be and Hlghlond Ave iffiit REO BANK. H4.M) - Letghton Ave, SUMMER DOCKAGE upon the basis ol the Individual tax as published In the Asbury Park Entire length Tn-xm REOBANK ItMORFORD PL Rank repossession Three-bedroom Monmouth Beach on Shrewsbury Rlv sessment an the sum totalling Press and The Dolly Refjltter us GRANVILLE TOWERS home, full basement, new bathroom 1163.46; DO. ond required by law within 10 days ot ond Myrtle Ave [«l fSTATE and kitchen Aluminum siding. Homt BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED thai Ms postage Entire Length LUXURY HIGH RISE is maintenance'free Good value, goad the Infocomp Corporation be paid at Adopted by Mlddleiown Township Entire Length KFNUIS Across From Molly Pitcher Inn WANTED - Beol op, cheop 17' fl terms REDDEN AGENCY, Realtors, berglos dingy the rote of »W> 00 plus 70 cents per line Board of Education. April 4, 1*77 Northbound Ont and Two Bedroom Apartments 131 Houses For Sole 301 Maple Aw , Rod Bonk, 74 if 100 chonge, and PAULW BENNETT BEIT FURTHER RESOLVED thai Secrelory Between West Shore RUMSON AREA — Send tor "Homes North Shore Street Northbound Between 1C1 Aportmenlt Air conditioned, dlshwosher. refrlg •AAA MIN WANTED - HO pound or ISO pound of this Resolution be published 1111 Mil Street ond Ook St. Super Ranch, tour laroe bedrooms, 1 For Living" brochure, pits, descrlp Mushroom Anchor Between North Shore erator, MN-cleonlng oven, wall lo-wo RiSOtUTION Oak Street AAA RENTAL SERVICE - Nts> ran matter bedroom. 14' aunt bedroom ttons. prices on available homes. AP- UlJtU Stieeit Corr Ave carpet, private balconies, swimming PLEBROOK REALTORS, 113 Ave WHEREAS, there e-lsts a need iQi oil dolly, navar o fat tor tenant. Fi» formal dining room, If science kite . Morion. J Splelman, Deputy Between Beochway L pool, souno bath, sun deck, club room Two Rlvtrs, Rumson. I42-1N0. WILD FLOWER II' - With Jib ond accounting services, ond Plnevlew Avenue, nlthtd ond unfurnlthtd homes a Close to shopping. Five minutes t en, 17' gomeroom. full recreollo Borough Cltrk of Ihe Borough ol Center Avt. Moln. In p«rtecl condition 100 sq ft. WHEREAS funds are available toi oparlmtnl TCICHER AGENC trains, busses and Parkway basement. IS' utility room, pan Ktonsburg, hereby certlly that the Entire Length toll room Coll »4»7»lt itus purpose, ond Randall Pktct REALTORS, 117 Octonport Av Rumson Carriage House foregoing resolution Is o true copy of o Between Hlghlond WHEREAS, the Local Public Con Eat (bound Ocaonport S41MO0 OPEN UNTIL I P.M. •IT' BOSTON WHALER - IS h.p. resolution dulv passed bv the Borough Seabreeie Way Avo. * Rar If on Ave For Information The Real Thing tracti Law IN.J.S.A 40A 1) l el seq 1 MELMEO REALTY 47! S4 Evlnrude outboard, trailer, extra seats Council ot a regulor meeting held on Entire Length ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS - Cop Walk ttvpuah the charming courtyard requires that the resolution author Walters Strwt... Entire Length to this lovely and spacious home. Llv md storage, bow rail with spray ton April«, 1177 West Snore Street Apartinanrl. Wt art now occaptlng a A FANTASTIC BROCHURE of rl JOS Excellent condition ItfS. 747- ding the award of contracts tor "Pro Ing room with fireplace, lormal dining MARIAM J SPIELMAN tetsiongi Services" without com wiuis Place... plltalloni lor ont btdroom oca RUMSON - Flvt-room aporlmon In Mowmouth Cowntyl Us yours If ym flTI. room, large kitchen with dining orea, Deputy Borougn Clerk pelltlvc bids must be publicly odver Woodtoio A venue mantt. Avolloblt from May lit ilor flrtf-floor. M7S a*r montti, on* month den and three bedrooms on first floor IH 111.44 tlsed. and Johnson Lane Ins ol I!SS. Includts haal. hoi l wtutlty M! «tU Three bedrooms and two baths on sec 17' FIBERGLAS TRI-HULL - ei h p Entire Length and pool. Call lor appolntmtnt. ond plus second kitchen - and much, Mercury. E-Z Loader trailer. Full can- NOW, THEREFORE. BE IT RE Palmer Place ta SEA BRIGHT - Eligant and • vas, winter cover, all accessories In SOLVED by the Board of Education ol A NEW LISTING) - A pretty home o much more. Over an acre of beau- 231 Little Silver Lorrolnt Place cluiivc dttlaner lurnltnto V^too eluded 177M. 741 4457after 4p.m. the Township of Mlddletown as fol- a pretty ttreei. The Ideol comblnailo tifully lanQsiaped grounds. If you ore Greenwood Ptoce Northbound Seowood to Forest ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS - Onebed neartlv* tufltt. En|oy o tnoii or Ion looking lor the unusual, call and let us NOTICE lows: Forest lo Greenwood room unturnlshad efficiency, mode Excellent Shrewsbury orea Hop, tk 17' FLYING FIN - Not bad for only WHEREAS, Ihe Local Public Con- Seawood Avt Eastbound »tay No leoie Harbour Point, ond lump to train station- Three o showyou this new listing. Asking 1. The President and the Secretary Forest Avt. I* with private both. Ills month, heat and OCNnAvc, 747 3353 tracts Low (N J.S.A «A:M-I el seq.) are hereby authorized ond di- Forest Place... Soirltibound tour-bedroom Ranch wllh den. Tw ' 147 IQH Seowood Avt hot water supplied, to Flrtt Ave See requires that Ihe awarding ot Con- rected to execute an agreement i store to tea opa TWIN LIGHT) HIGHLANDS — Biau batht Fireplace plus dining room of tracts for "Professional Services" SCHEDULEDULE II.. THROUGH STREETSSTREETS.. JOHN F. II' FIBERGLAS THOMPSON RUNA- with Armour S. Hulsart i Co , lltul thret-yttar-old condominium eat-In kitchen See It before 111 sol without competitive bidding must be In occordonce with the provisions of Section Jl the tollowlng des baths, Like new. m9S. 471-1*14. published In the Aibury Pork Myrtle Avenue Between Church Strati and Sttley Avenue CUTEST TWO-ROOM HOUIE and bom, oil utimiti upplltd, coup NOTICE Is hereby given that the Between Seeley Avt., t Manning Place RECIPE FOR iwoporco porchesf , detached two car garage Press and Dally Register as re- Romsey Avenue Cornpletev furnished, olr, no pots. I' •rtfvrrtd, no |MH. Ut •TS&4 wot End enclosed • run. W.TOO. Principals ]1 PACEMAKER SPORT FISH. •reoolna appointments were and ore The Intersection of Ramsey Ave . 1 Manning. hereby mode without competitive bid quired by low within 10 days ot Its mtWhly plui utilities. Coll wtUTI. HAPPY MOMS only. ColtMf4455. ERMAN 1974 - Twin engines. Mint •MM Place Is hereby dtslgnated as a STOP Inter-. Place Mom gently In this beoutlf condition. U4.UO Call m-Wlt. ding as "Professional Services" under section The STOP sign to be installed on Ramsay DEAL AREA N. ASBURV PAR THINK SUMMER -A beautiful seo (he provisions of the Local Public Con Adopted by Mlddletown Township WEST KEANSBURG - 4V, root.. family home Wooded lot perfect ft Ave . I1S0 o month plui ltcurlly. Include son and a beautiful reason to own this rods Law A 40A Sll 901 and electric, Itrroct, 1* hour door CLIFF WOOD BEACH - Thrtt-bod CITATION Travel Trailers pUwood flu , li o hereby designated os a YIELD room honwtor rtn t or uli. S350. S«cu Tine iM.9O0 mon Mrvlct. Overlooking DMI Lak REALTORS Motorhome Rentols-vacation Rates EVELYN R.McCANN Intersection. The YIELD sign shall be Installed on and the ocean. rlty, pay own utllltln. SI3-4443. Aval CENTURY 31 COZENS 842-3933 REALTORS SALES LOT - (Jt 9600 Secretary. Little Silver Maptewood Aw*. 776-5450 BARGAIN «4,1. •13 River Rd., Fair Haven Board ot Education Center Avenue Between Main Street ond Corr Avenue CLIFFWOOD BEACH - Goragt Two large bedrooms, 14*13 maste Ports Service Rentals 121 Markham Place Seeley Avenue Between Main Street and Carr Avt., EATONTOWN _ Dishwasher, mu 741-7616 Little Silver. N -1-07739 Between Carr Ave., 1 Creek Rood mort. Thrt*-bfdroom ranch, with op bedroom. 16' dining area, science ea Nwll>n i. call. lion. UW In kitchen, basement Expansion attic TINTON FALLS — "Rustic Fields', •""*••" mm, * April 11 U.M The intersection of Seeley Ave., ft Creek Rood Is 747443. STATE RENTALS Bkr. 717- Aluminum siding. Carpeting New tour bedroom Colonials and Ron hereby designated os o YIELD intersection The OPEN UNTILiP M cher* from 17S,OQO Hope Rd , belween YIELD sign shall be Installed on Creek Rood FREEIHOLD - Good locale, Iwo-I HAZLET - Four btdroomt, two bam MELMED REALTY 671US Wycoff ond W. Pork Ave S31-OWS. SPECIAL SCHEDULE III. STOP .„INTERSECTION. S roomi. Split level In good location GIVEN THAT PURSUANT TO THE of every month During these meeting In accordance with the slons ot Section 3 2 the following descrlb MM Playroom with bar. One month i#cu TINTON FALLS JOO NOTICES BROKER'S BEST M7.S00 OPEN PUBLIC MEETINGS" LAW, ht regular monthly business of th intersections art ' 01 Slop intersections: rlty. UHJ plui utilities. Adults pre HIGHLANDS - Four-room opartmant Three large bedrooms, 21' llvln PL 197$, C. Ill THE BOARD OF Board will be discussed ond acte ond Seabretit Way terrtd. 27V-IIOJ after t 30 p.m. KING SIZE LAWN Nopals room, super science Htctven, 14K72' OO EDUCATION OF THE LITTLE SIL upon. •hall be installed on Stabreete Way. Plus d great private yard. Ideal lor the 210 Lost And Found VER SCHOOL DISTRICT DOES meroom, two full luxury baths, 70' utl Changes In this schedule, as well .__ land Avenue and Boy Avenue HAZLET - Two both* and four-bti out-of-doors family Kitchen newly HEREWITH ANNOUNCE ITS lly room, full recreation basemen LOST - Tool boi. Lost on Old Manor any special meetings, will be posted STOP signs sholl ba Installed on Bay Avenue. HUH room split level, »3». done, three bedrooms, formal living CHEDULE OF ANNUAL MEET HIGHLANDS - One bedroom. II Concrete 30' patio. Central olr. Wai Rd.Holmdel. REWARD! he General Offices of the Wolf H Willis Avenue ond Leola Avenue: STATlfReNTALSBkr. 7474434 ond dtnlng room, den Owners trans- NGS TO BE HELD DURING THE Twobtayoorm, I17S. For oppolntmtn to-wall carpeting. Pool with deck 74} MU ond Maple Place Schools, Borou STOP signs shall be Installed on Leoto Avenue. ferred overseas must sacrifice. 'ERIOD FROM APRIL 14, 1977 TO call »1.list Private beock KEANSSURG - Four-room, UK bath Smoke detectors Garage Gt Hall in Oceanport and Borough Hall Twilight Avenue ond Baocanllght Avenue: EBRUARY9. 1971 HIGHLANDS - Ona-badroom opa bowboard oil htat, US0. \Vi mont OPEN UNTI BECHTANDCO. 1 • \ and sen' ' " STOP signs to be Installed on •aoconllght Ave merit over looking oceon and river. A Wttirtty. LMM. 495-77T3, MELMED REALTY t Public mtetlngi will be held .. .'ewsbury Raritan Avtnua and Seabreeie Way • REALTORS monthly on th* second Thursday STOP sign to be Installed on Seabreeie Way. moil new. outstanding view. u~ LONG BRANCH - Three laroe bed BUY OR SELL - Your home Ihn ilium slie ..._ Date: April 11.1977 month ALLAIRE FAR of each month al I 00 p.m.. pre MRS. JANET P SAuSSEH rooms, boitment, yard, more, lo* an ufflHate of the lorgeit real ... 842-3933 name "Sabboth." Last seen In Shrews vailing time, In the cafeteria ot AGENCY. H\UX '28 Board Secrelor Psion company In me world—Century 21 Co TWO FAMILY DUPLEX - One two- bury. Call 741-S7M. the Markham Ploce School, Little Twl•Might Avenue and Pork Avenue: HIGHLANDS - Two room*, bath, I STATE RENTALS Bkr 74744)4 lens Realtor, 741 7684 Multiple Us bedroom and ont three-bedroom Silver, Ntw Jersey. The purpose II 11 14 9 Ing.. per month plus one month stcurlty. RED BANK — Bio house tor rent or apartment. Hoi water baseboard neat of these meetings Is to act on all SCHEDULE IV. NO P Fenced In yard 143,900 5% down 717 211 Special Notices agenda Items and any other busi- tor sole. Good location, Vi block from CALL TODAY — For our 40-page rea 3500. 241 Seo Bright NAME OF STREET SIDES LOCATION Brood St., next to Root's. 741-2971. estate newspaper wllh over 350 pi ness lo come before the board. Shore Blvd. South Entlrt Langth KEANSBURG ~ Clean twemadroom HOTICI lures ond descriptions ot homes In <_ sullallon. ?:3d to 12 a.m. ond 4 to I 3. The July 14, 1977 ond August 11. Woodland Avenue Soutn Tolllghl Avt. to apartment, turnlshtd or unfurnished UNION BEACH BOROUGH - Threw- PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that th RED BANK - Frt* utilities, vt of Monmouth, Middlesex, Oceon one p.m., Mon., Tuei., Ihurs ond Frl. 1977 Regular Meetings will be Btoconllohl Ava. Available Immediately li-A Honcrj. four-bedroom, all brick Cape, In move- ollowlng Is a schedule of meetln uoclous, two bedroom*, only I3U, Somerset Counties Mops plus other In Sat., from 3 to 6 p.m. 263 Main St., hold In the Administrative Of At DtoJ End In condition. Low loxes. Bright and nights for the BOARD OF EDUCA Twilight Awanve STATE RENTALS Bkr. 747-9434 terest Ing or tides. STERLING Port Monmouth. (301) 717-3377. flees, 173 Morkham Place. Little Entlrt Lantth cheery home. Musi lee. Qualified TION OF THE BOROUGH OF SE Grove Place THOMPSON ASSOC . 340 Hwy 35 Silver, Ntw Jtfsty. Grovt Ptoct to KEANSBURG - Carpel and moi RED BANK - Small two-bedroom un FHA/VA welcome. Asking 136,000 CONTROL HUNGER — And lose IRIGHT for 1977-71 All meetings wl Woods lot Avenue Mlddletown. 747 -5400, 3. A Work Meeting will be htld torn rwa-tomlly, nso furnished bungalow. Yard for thll HERB READ ASSOCS.. Realtor. 739 weight with Alglsllm Tablets and monthly Immediately tallowing begin at I 00 P M . prevailing time, a Enllrt* STATE RENTALS Bkr. 747-0. ond pet. Available April IS, CAMASS Hydre* Water Pills at Marquett Phor- the odlournmtnt ot the regular M ichool 4 River Street. Sea Brlghr Woods Idt Ploce tost AGENCY, Realtors, 237-4100. Eve CENTRAL AIR FIREPLAC mocy Keansbura and Economy Drug- Forest Ploce KEANSBURG - Modern ojortmMi ring*., S4344M. Four large bedrooms, 2V. luxut meeting, It needed N.J. Svowood Avenue buths, W living room, formal dlnln The regulo Public meeting, a sx Noor trompot lotion The best tli— NOW. THEREFORE, BE IT RE- Greenwood Place Eosl Entire Length coll It ~SHREWSBUR Y - ..hre. T bed r o o room, telenet kitchen, 17' den Wxl Shrewsbury Office 741 HI? I wilt not be responsible for ony debts SOLVED that tht Secretary Is hereby A wast Short Blvd. north to ... Aonday _. . Beacon Blvd. KEANSBURG - Ont-beaVoom, llvl bungalow with option, onlty gamaroom. Utility room. Goroge. Cor other thon Incurred by myself, Edward Irected lo post and maintain posted a Deadend STATE RENTALS Bkr. 747-9434 1, Flagstone patio. 110' lot A. Dietrich, 1)91 Oceon Ave., Apt 12, opv of this resolution In the window month The Agenda will Include l< at Dead End. room, kitchen, enclosed porch, 132 Apartments- ollowlng: • .North yard. 1190 per month plus utllllle-. _ S Bright af tht Administrative Offices ond shall Neptune Place Entire Length SUMMER RENTAL - Allenhurtl lie a copy of some In her office, as Approval of previous minutes -month Mcurlty. Ideal tor three ptop Two-bedroom furnished. Three blocli Town Houses POKER, BRIDGE, AND CHESS - Payment of current bills Johnson Lane Entire Length wtll os In the office ot the Borough Woodland Avt. Johnson Lane to misnotierO.M. to beach. Wc4 area. May IS to Lobo Clubs now being formed. Write lo Clerk of Little Sliver, and to forward Correspondence ELLEN S HAZELTON, REALTOR MONUOUTH BEACH - Woodland Ava. Town House, 4'^ rooms plus IVj baths, GLC, P.O. BON in. Little Silver, N.J oples to The Dolly Register and the All other matters before the board KEANSSURG - T»o4edroom opa Member Real Estate Exchange 07739. MEETINGS: Lawrence Avenue Main Sireet to merit, «« monthly. Heat ond electr TINTON FALLS - Large yard, stor central air. appliances, tennis courts ASrbury Pork Preis feeechwood Ave. 147-3700 Monday, April 1|. 1977 Included. One month Mcurlty, no pe and swimming pool By owner UI.W0. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that age, ond more, four bedroom. U7S Monday. May U. 1977 B. South Briarwood Ave. to 7I7-OJT3. FIREPLACE I3f,m Psychic Clairvoyant his resolution and the schedule con- STATE RENTALS Bkr. 7174411 779-1779. Monday, JuneK). 1177 •etchwoodAve. Three spacious bedrooms, two full lux olned herein, may be amended Irom C. North at Dead End. KEANSBURG - Three room! ... MORE THAN YOU THOUGHT POS- MRS. SYLVIA Monaay, July 1|, 1977 WEST END - Two bedroom cottage ufv balttt, 73' living room with beamed me to time provided the terms ot the Entire Length decorated, one or two perions. Sec SIBLE! - Only one 1100 sq. n. con GIFTED READER/TRUE ADVISOR Monday. August IS, 1977 Evergreen Ploce North — Large country klttrv * .et art fully followed Entire Length rlty .required. Immediate ocajponc domlnlum left. Private beach, pool and On all problems of life Monday, September If, 1977 Collins Street South STATE RENTALS Bkr. 147-9434 D' loT. Appliances An Dated: April 5.1977 Entire Length marina, all deluite appliances, fully For Information colt Monday. October 17. It77 Broden place Eost OPEN UNTIl IP M (Mrs.) EVELYN R. McCANN Commodore Ave. Entire Length carpeted, laundry room, living room, Monday. November II, 1977 MELMED REALTY 47.-Se» Board Secretary Broonder Phtte KEANSBURG - Three roomi a 103 Rentals To Share dining room, laroe one bedroom, beau 542-9500 Monday. December It, 1977 Entire Length bath, lint floor, neat and hot wot Little Silver Board Brookskte Avt. Entire Length FLEXIBLE FINANCING lltul eat-In kitchen. Only i\ down to Available tor oil soclol gatherings Monday, January It, 1971 supplied. Coll Ml ISM. PERSON TO SHARE - Large water ot Education Maple Ave Moln Street to qualified buyers. Call now for low, low Monday. February 30, 1971* xs front home In Sea Bright. Private rive Little Sliver. New Jersey 077)9 price of IU.MO 9U7SU or evenings. Note: The Oroonliollon and Regula Eotl Carr Avt. KEVPORT - (ring kldi, two lor and ocean beaches. Two full baths 213 Instruction April II in 51 Entire Length torge garage ond washer/dryer. Beau For this two-bedroom Ranch. Large 5JIK70 meetings will be htld on Februar John Street South lltul location. Ul 57/5 kitchen with dining area, nice lot, twe A TWO WEEK - Morning. Real Es 30, 1971 providing Hit regular schoo Walter Sireet Entlrt Length STATE RENTALS Bkr. 747-tM late Licensing Course, April U-.2 Boy Avenue North Beachway to Hlohlond Ave cor goroge. For qualified buyer oooc election Is held at the schedule Watt KEYPORT - One-bedroom apa RUMSON - Comtorloblt r i, hitch tor couple lyjl stortlrva. Only «7.W0 \1h. Coll Monmouth Institute, 74.-O/7T. 234 Mlddletown time. Tuesday. February 14. 197? Highland Ave. lo Corr A. North Avenue menl. 1300 a month plul security. PAUL P. BOVA REALTOR, 671 T>' RESOLUTION By order of the Board of Education • Both JMTMO nly. 747-4M4 after S. EAS, there exists a r*ed toi (Sgnd) THOS W GARLAND. Jl Korlton Avt., to Center Avt. FOR SALE OR RENT _ vices, and HCrttar LONG BRANCH — Frlvole gara WOULD WIDOW - Like to shore he * North Short Street EREAS, tuncts are available fo P O* Box 13 apartment, two bedrooi home and expenses with another oc Call 133 Income Property to Carr Avenue. STATE RENTALS Bkr live widow on pension? Mlddletown hlipurpote, ond Sea Bright. N.J. 07760 I.V. REALTY AGENCY RED BANK WHEREAS, (he Local Public Con Entire Length Atlantic Highlands oreo. Coll e-v p.m April n iia.64 Oak ilreet to MATAWAN-CROSS ROAD MANOR 470 Broadwoy. Long Bronch 77? 7900 Three-family One ond two bedrooms. Heat, hot w «H»7 Call 747-1M1 for appointment after 220 Atlantic Highlands John Street ter, cooking acts, olr conditioned HALF ACRE 142,900 p.m. 238 Oceanport 238 Oceanport East Short Street Entire Length Exit 170. Sif «Jl0 104 Winter Rentals t*U«LIC HOTICE Frances Place Main Street to Carr Avt. bedroom, ISgiml bedroom, m luxu NOTICE is hereby given that the At Murray Lone Entire Length MATAWAN - Ken Gardens- - ns, , bibig on( e FALL RENTAL - Vacation home. Ml ry baths, 23 living room with brlc 137 Lots And Acreage lantlc Highlands Board ol Education Hill Street Lincoln Ave., to „ wo-bedroom oportments ttorl Pocono. Pom. Four-bedroom chain fireplace, IS' dining room, basement MtODLETOWN — IS acre lot, HOT pursuant to the "Open Public Meeting Roland Street at SJ10, Carpeting throughout. Air a private beach club, tennis courts, go Enclosed patio. Irt cor goroge. Cor mony Rd , Mlddletown. Possible Low," PL I97S, Chapter 231, will hoi BOROUGH OFFICIALS" PASSED AND APPROVED ON MARCH 16, Circuit Street Eotl Corr Ave. to Set ley Ave. dttkjlnlng. Lots of parking. Swlmml course Weekends, weekly, monthly petlng. Appliances. reotlonal facility. Call 67Mal4. regular meetings from April 4th, 197 1939 CampvlewPloce South Entire Length pool ond Tennis courts. Your very ow OPEN UNTILIP.M, to March 22. 1971 according to th* fot BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Ocean- East Highland Blvd., to ' patio Walk to shopping ond N.Y. Cl lowing schedule: MOUNBrioT. POCONO - Skiing. Four MELMED REALTY 671 5650 port, in Ihe County ol Monmouth. ond State ol New Jersey os follow,- commuting. Sta-tolO Open 10 a.i 138 Mobile Homes April 77, 1977 1. That Section 1, paragraphs H and J of an Ordinance entitled An Ordl- Mooiewood Avtnue HtghtonVBlvd!, to p.m , Mon. toFrl. bedroom Chalet. Flreptoce, two baths HANDYMAN'S DREAM - Six-room GARDEN PARK MOBILE HOMES - Moy 15, 1977 nanct to Fix and Determine the Salary of Certain Borough Officials" passed Lourel Avt. private country club, Ice skating ond house Needs work. 41 Newma JuneW. .977 ond approved on March 16,1939, be and the some Is hereby amended to read Ootwood Ploce to MATAWAN - unfurnished 3Vi-rL- tobogganing. Weekend, weekly o Springs Rd., Red Bank. M.OD0 firm Bethany Rd.. Hoi let. Adult park Walk to shopping Coll 2*4 3911. July 27, i*77 os follows: Rarllan Avt. ' oportmenl S3IS per month Including monthly rotes ovolloplt. M2SS43 Coll owner, 747 2704. Np August Meeting Scheduled loctlM 1. Tht yearly salaries of the officials and employees herein Corr Ave.. hi utilities. Available April IS. Coll M • North HAPPY EASTER HTOHLANDS - Perfect tor retired September n, tfff named beginning January 1. 1977, be ond hereby are tlned reipecltvely as Rorltan Ave. Burke. StMeU 105 Summer Rentals couple or newlyweds. Two bedroom, October 24. 1977 Beochway to Bay Avt. H POLICE DEPARTMENT Entire Length MODERN GARDEN APARTMEN ADORABLE Two-room, furnished newly furnished Skirling. Must see November 30, 1977 KS can stay on lot. Call 291-9173 after Chief of Police I17.31S.00 Center Ave, lo Oak V. - Convenient to Parkway. Rl. IS ond cottoos, new woter, no pets. (900 to December 21, 1977 A Watt HISTORIC NAVESINK - Three-bed p.m. only. Captain of'Pollct I1S.671.00 H. Near all transportation, shoppln ' 291-5371. January 2S, 1971 B. Both room custom-built Ruuiti home. Hur February », 1*71 Seroeani of Police ... 114,910.00 Pox Avenue Center Ave.', to Ook S*. ornlers ond schools. Call between 9 vest kitchen wllh fireplace, formal din North .'LOtlDA - Homt on Gulf lilond HOLLY PARK 1974 - 12xU. two bed MorchW, 197« Detective 114,700 00 Randolph Place Entire Length •MM. Ing room and living room, central ah North Available after May 1. Weekly, month ms, oil oppllonces ond shed. Eaton The meetings will be held at the Al Patrolman I (Commencing fourth year and Berry Street Entire Length conditioning, two-car garage, lull eel MONM0UTH BEACH - Large ly or seasonal. Coll 7lf-SM3 attei n area. S434SJ6. lantlc Highlands Elementary School each year of service thereafter) Locust 5treel Entire Length em, beoutlfully furnished studio apart lor. Beoutlfully landscaped lot-163.000 p. ni CilKUm 12*60 — Two bedrooms, icreene< 140 First Avenue. Allontic Highlands i 114.331 00 Center Avenue Carr Avt., to Highland Ave ment, woll-lo wall carpellng, prlvot ilr conditioning, washer and N.J., at 1:00 P M, The purpose of the Patrolmen II (Commencing third year of tervlct) 113.3*0 00 B. Both Btllvlew Avt. lo Raritan entrance, polio. SM1IS otrer o. LAKE WIHNIPEiAUKEE — New KEANSBURG — Two-family. Ont meetings Is to oct on oil agenda Mem* Potrolmon III (Commencing second year ot service! 113.140.00 Hame*h(re. Furnished three-bedfoom and other business to come before Ihe Patrolman IV (Commencing first year of servlctl...'- 110.610.00 FoxAve.j'oOokSt. RED BANK - Four room .. ctntet. Private beoch. boat dock avail bedroom upstairs, two bedrooms Board. Dispatchers, toch(O U.125 00 7S Feet eost ond west of Excellent locution. US per month I able. Beat me heat, tOSOO wow Col down. Ut.vOO Call owner at 787-4047. 1973 HOLLY PARK - ll'tSI', I ELIZABETH A COLLINS RecordsCltrk . tsoooo Compvlew Avt. eluding all utilities. Lease, references 747-3M2. KEYPORT - First lime offered bedrooms, eal-ln kitchen, living room Board Secretory School Crossing Guards, eoch (7) s , .,13.900 00 Randolph Ploce ta security. Coll 747-IS00. ond bath Furnished .717-3339. Ranch on dead-end street, living room April It 17.10 J STREITSANb ROADS Commodore Ave. RED BANK — Four rooms and bath 106 Furnished Rooms dining room, kitchen. Three bed Rood Foreman Entire Length Excellent location. ISO monthly, utl CHOICE OF FURNISHED ROOM - rooms, fourth bedroom or den, new 139 Cemetery Lots _ Lead Rood Helper iii.M3.00 Entlrt Length ties not mcluded Lease, references Or studio oporinnM.. Long term only hot water neat, newly remodeled bath M» Ktonsburg Rood Helper l »,100 00 GomaWA Circuit St., to Corr Avt. security 717-3101 or 747-OU4. Coll between U p.m , 7471041. full basement. Wall-to-wall through CEMETERY LOTS - Monmouth Me- Road Helper II U, 191.00 At Dead End out. Many large closets. Large lot morial Park. Four graves, toOO. Wll NOTICI Rood Helper CE.T.A. _ U.191.00 lourn'slrtai*"" Entire Lth RED BANK — Furnished thrae-i KEANSBURG — Furnished roomi and Close to schools and transportation sell two and two at *300 each. 273-0166 The tollowlng ordinance was passed RoodMelperC.E.T.A ; H. 191 00 Entire L heated apartment, bed-sitting roon and approved upon Its second and final Smith Ploca turn lihed apartments Principe!, only Call 264 J60J ErtrExtra LoboLabo r anond Overtime , U.1M.00 LorrotnaPRKt Entire Legh kitchen, bath. One-year lease. Sec 717416* or 717 9*5. 140 Real Estate Wanted tdlng and upon Its public hearing by Stdlan I- Allordinances ond resolution., or parts of ordinances and res- Entire Length rlty No pets, tits monthly plus elec LITTLE SILVER nt Municipal Council of the Barougr olutions, meomtifont t with Ihls amending ordinance be ond the same art Entire Length trie. Coll 747-llel. LARGE CORNER BEDROOM FOR LISTINGS OF BETTER HOMES - of Keoraburg, N.J. on April 6th, 1971 Entlrt Length ENGLISH TUDOR ond was ordered adopted and ap- •atdillriat Keantburg-Mlddletown-Hwlel-Holm- ItcfleM 1. This amending ordinance shall become effective upon due pas Maple Ave.. to FrontU Pl- RED BANK-LUXURY BUILDING proved otter publication required by S T Corr Avanua Overlooking Naveslnk River. Spade $52,500 del. THE SMOLKO AGENCY. 717- soge and puNItalian according to law CraKtRood Church St. to Manning PI 4Vi-room, two-bath oporlment, Ufa NOTICI OF PINDINO ORDINANCE Manning PI to Francis PI Air conditioning, elevator, parkin ROOM — And bath, shore kitchen and Exciting all brick Tudor on an ovtrsli MARIAMJ. SPIELMAN Tht Ordinance published her el win was Introduced and poised upon first Froncis PI. to Terrace Pi- available. Coll 145-4145 woshlna machine with another person 330' deep lot. Two bedrooms, living SELLING YOUR HOME? - We're In- Deputy Borough Clerk reading al the meeting of the Mayor ond Council of the Borough ol Ocean Terrace PI. to Laurel Ave. rested In buying homes direct. Call ORDINANCE NO. 747 Reasonable. StMlM after 4 p.m. Stor room wllh fireplace, full basement, port, in the Courtly of Monmouth. New Jersey held on April 7.1977. It wilwill be r. Cresiy at WEBER REALTY, SM- AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AN Entire Length REO BANK - Lunury aportmen available. complete with bar and pool table, for furMw considered for final postage, otter public hearing thereon, a'l a mmee< t Main St. loVogelSt. rlmt area, heat free, coll. mat dining room, WHELAN REALTY ORDINANCE ENTITLED: AN OR Ing ol sold Mayor and Council to be held In Ihe Borough Hall In said Boroi DIHANCE OF THE BOROUGH OF LohwnAve,toMoronPl TATE RENTALS Bkr. 747-9434 SEA BRIGHT — Nice, pine-paneled ~ROUP, 1*4 Rt. 35, Mlddletown, N.J on"April II, 1977 at I 00 o'clock p.m., and during Ihe wetk prior to and up to f WANTED - Two lo iin-lomlly Income KEANSBURG ESTABLISHING A Moron PI., to Frederick PI room with view of river. Non-smoker. and Including the date of such meeting, copies of said ordinance will be RED BANK - Nice Oreo, hoot ond I property Private buyer. PLANNING BOARD AND A ZON- Frederick PI. to Thorne PI 7414441 mode available ot the Clerk's Office to members al the General Public who free, two baths and more, coll. ING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT Moln St. to Hording Ave. 842-7565 sholl request same. STATE RENTALS Bkr. 747-t WE HAVE BUYERS PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS From Lourel Ave,, to 108 Commercial For business, commerlcal, Industrial OF CHAPTER 391. PL 197S; PRO PATRICIA L. VARCA «M fett tail of Bay Avt. RED BANK — One or two-bedroo • lull HI, eaietj ojfmil lull I Ityui 'vni vurri ond Investment properties Call today VIDING FOR THE POWERS OF Acting Borough Clerk Corr Ave.. to Rarllan Ave. . Rentals lome. Florida room, large gameroom. SAID BOARDS. FIXING THE Bellvlew Ave., to Main St. apartments available. Quiet reside! - Porkway 117 Agency, 739-0117. April II S37.S4 (replace, separate dining room ana PROCEDURES GOVERNING AP- Plnevlew Avt., to Moln St. flat neighborhood Large spaclou ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS - Modern aorogo. Hurryl US.W0 V». ARM rooms. Moderately priced. Ideal to office spoce, HO to.ft., wit h reception WILL BUY — Your equity In duplex, PLICATIONS TO SAID BOARDS. Boocon Tsrroct Entire Length Senior Cltliens or Business Couple [THONG AGENCY, Deallor. SSS Pros rlpleior fourfXei. • AND APPEALS THEREFROM Carlo Drlva Entire Length area, corner building, heot and elec- pert Ave . Little Silver. 7II4S0O. iMKtoniburg 229Ktgnsburg Convenient to Shopping. 74I-J7W rlc furnished, ItW. HM700 after e Call 43v-»» AND PROVIDING FOR THE CON- Moln St, east lo i.m. TINUANCE OF EXISTING ORDI AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING THROUGH STREETS, ONE WAY Port Monmouth Rood Borough line RED BANK - One bedroom untur NANCES STREETS, STOP INTERSECTIONS, PROHIBITIVE PARKING, LEFT A. South Moln St.. to Creek Rd. nlshed oportmenl. Ideal tor odults ATTRACTIVE - Modern ofllces at 10 LITTLE SILVER! TURN PROHIBITIONS, RIGHT TURN ON RED LIGHT, PARKING ME- SaaMYAM. B. South Raritan lo Main St- Available Immediately No pels CAM Spring St., Red Bonk, two to six office April II W.M TER ZONES North Moln SI .to Lawrence Aye.] - ASSA AGENCY. Realtors, ni-4100 suites. On-premlsei parking. Near Four bedroom Cape with full dining ARTICLE 1. DEFINITIONS SCHEDULForttt AvanuE Va NO PARKING CERTAIN HOURS. Evening., 543HS|. hops and restaurants, one block from oom, living room wllh fireplace, fam ROINANCE AUTHORIZING THE Section 1-1. Wards and phrases Defined. No ptrton shall pert a veMCIt between the hours ol 1:00 AM. ond CM Rlvervlew Hospital, out away from ly room, sun room, red-wood deck. MAYOR AND MUNICIPAL CLERK Whenever any wards and phrases ore used In this ordinance the meaning A.M. upon amol the following described streets or ports ol slreett: REO BANK — Shan kitchen and raffle lorn*. Low rentols Including Excellent location. ISS.900. 152 Boats And respectively ascribed to them In Subtitle 1 ot Title M of the Revised Statutes NAME OF STREET SIDES LOCATION Largo furnished bedroom and sitting TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT complete (onltorlal services ond tup- WITH MONMOUTH COUNTY TO of New Jersey shall be deemedto appl y to such words and phrases used Carr Avenue Bath Church Street to Beochvrar . room. Single person preferred. 74' illtv Phone for details or showing at Three-bedroom Ranch afters living Accessories MODIFY THE INTERLOCAL SER- MoalStrett Both Rl. M lo fieochwoy 4MM oom with fireplace, formal dining MUST 5EA - tV Owens Flogshlp, VICES AGREEMENT DATED ARTICLE II, ONE WAY STREETS Church Street Both Moln St. to Croat Rd. RED BANK — Two nicely furnished MIDOLETOWN - l»0 iq. ft. ond up. oom, \Vi baths, garage, excellent nboard. Needs minor work. Head, 5/39/7$ Section 3 1, One-way ltreet. designated. SCHEDULE VI NO STOPPING OR STANDING. norm, all utilities. Coll ofler 4 p - Attractive shopping center, Rt. 3). schools. Asking ISslsoo. Ink, Ice box, plui extras. MOO. Call WHEREAS, certain Federal Funds The streets or ports of .Ireefs described In tht schedule attached to and NAME OF STREET SIDES LOCATION - 741I1SJ. Good rant and will work with tenant. 7I7-49U or 739-TWO. ore potentially available lo Monmouth mode a port at this ordinance ore hereby designated as One-way Streets In Moln Street Bath Church Street lo ounty under Title I ol the Housing the direct Ion Indicated. Wood Street RED BANK - Unfurnished studio Coll 471 -WOf. Mr. Cohen. ECAUSE OF ILLNESS - Must led. and Community Development Acl of ARTICLE 111. THROUGH STREETS AND STOP INTERSECTIONS SCHEDULE VII. LEFT TURN PROHIBITIONS ^aporhT^,A^«...p,fjn|j«V. OFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE - No ke new, 17' liberates sailboat and like t?», commonly known os Community Section 3-). Through Strattt dtttanatad. In occordonco with tha provisions of Section 41, no ptrton sholl mott o ' building. WK sq. ft., will divide to sui, MC.£UE ew trailer. Used twice. Cost IJ1M, ttvtlopmenl Block Gronts; ond Pursuant to the provtsJons of R.S. 39:4-140, the streets or parts of streets | of the tallowing tocotlont: From Eotl on Bay Avanuata " sell for 13150. 74JOI94 heotlng and air conditioning Included. WHEREAS, It Is necessary lo amend described In the Schedule II attached ta ond made port ol this ordinance ore HUMonOt,N,J. Collin-IML an exlitlng Inter local services agree hereby designated os through streets. _ JirRIQHT TURN ON REO PROHIBITED. 6IG DISCOUNTS Settlor, M. Slop Intersections Ueslgnoted. 131. Houses For Sale PROFCSSI6NAL OFFICE SUITE - 3n new boat trailers. BOAT HOUSE, menl for the County and Its people to } Intersection of Carr Avenue and Baochwoy LONG BRANCH — Living room with cean Ave., Seo Bright, M2-72II • benefit from ihls program; and Pursuant ta lite provision of K.S. 11:4-141, me Intersections destrlMd In Intersection of Cantor Avenuo ond Moln strati WHEREAS, on Agreement has been Schedule Ml ottodied to and moot a port ol this ordlnar*, of 9 hereby rjeslo ruction ot Moln slraat and Port Avonue Ireptac*•ct,. tfour bedrooms, front porch, OAT INSURANCE - Reasonable noted at Slop Interaexltofti. £ IX. PARKING METERS. ]7X.»am tolpm. d*mng /earttmr , modern kitchen, utility proposed under which the Municipality 1 ates. immedloK coverage. Grout- f the Borough of Keomburg ond the ARTICLE IV. PROHIBITIVE PARKINO; PROHIBITED STOPPING OR STREET SIOH y,nc ATifSN t*. _ full basement, attic JOilH lot ger & Heller Agency, 15 Wlkofl Pi., STANDING AND TIME LIMIT PAP.KINO. SnttNGTIME IS ROFESSIONAL OFFICE SUITE i IU 444 tt«SWS. ounty of Monmouih In cooperation JtortlnootooalntaMttal iVAILABLE — Ground floor, suitable edftank. h other municipalities will modify Section 4 I. RegukHlons not ticlutlve. aotl of Boy Avtnua ' or doctor, lawyer, occountont. JSI MATAWAN — Three bedrooms, living RISTOL27 1f72- «.V Chrysler el*c- . Interlocal Services Program pur. Tha provision, of Ml Article Imposing o time limit on porting stall not lo Carr Ava. M0VMGT1ME Brood St.. Rod Bonk. N.J. Please col' oom, dining room, kitchen, one bath, Ic stort. Many extras. Paid mooring uonltoN J.S.A. 40;IA 1, and BatwaanJarrljnAtra. 41I7B, t:30to!:» Mon. through Frl ull cellar and attic. Large yard. - season. *10,0O0, Call 291 -4111 WHEREAS, It Is In the best Interest otd Plnavltw Avtnua. 13S.0O0 Coll 54i-*tll ! the Municipality of the Borough of S ToRlTC Btlstam Rorlton Avanua And »» htm Ml*>e> . RED BANK — Broad St. Single office CALMEC MARK V — Auto-ollot, nev- eonsburg lo enter Into such on agree- ond Btllvttw Avanua. hotM tor yau. or suite. Furnished or unfurnished, MIODLETOWN - Send for our er been used (changed boats). Write Socrlon i J. ParttlnaproMWM atoll tlmw on corloln ttrttti. Bittiltit Corr Avanua * ' tortlng ol 1100. Ideol for monutoc- Homes Far Living" brochure, plci, uioPllot, 40 Kotherlne St., Fair No parson sholl pork a vatilclt at ony time upon ony of ttM ttrtott or ond tht North antmriw turer'srepresertotrv.. COH7II-14M escrlptlons, prices on available NOW. THEREFORE, BE IT OR of Rorllon Avo. A nice, clean 4-bedroom. ., N.J. 07701. AINED by (he Mayor and Governing porilofitroatl oncrSad In sold Scrtoduli IV ottotiud lo ond ndn port ol homei. APPLEBROOK REALTORS, Tha matart en obova two roadways will bo In forcatwantforc y RIO BANK - til Monmouth St. KB Rt. 35, Mlddletown, 671 2300. ody ol the Borough of Keomburg. 1ri-batti spei tev«< home In nros^room professional suite ol op- CANVAS AND CUSHIONS hat Ihe agreement entitled "Agree SctSectiol n 44-1.] ParkinPor g prohibited during certain hovrt en certain ttroatj, . tour 111) twrmtW, Hvonrl7l doys.a wtt». UrJdkMQwn TJ* home hu MI^DXfJOWH - New tour- m*nl H Modify .nttrltRii Strvtcesi >*^e^-— '* rk o* rolslcla ptiwaon tfci Itoun llterJfktMjaiajiir^"" " of ony dDYjtvJM}.BJts' af IBa ttroats tvoojit ot streett oppB'IBBB^rr%tHv acfoe). •3 npiilit entrancBS. a otrtrot oir-conWthwtRsj, Re*jo*v 10 p^netW wiin niii oming Mtno covers, console ceveri. al' Agreemtfll Oottd S,Jt|M tor the Pur- May I. Reserved on site pork. Ichen and goroge. 142,... ist of Inserting o Description of Ac- irfa VaMtaStTaror* moot opart efthti ordinance. HOTE: Tha parking mtiart on Carr Avanua wltl ba In torca tram prelty kitchen, Hvtng, room, . . .stlge office building. (MO per I closing costs. 5% financing avail- *Y&B CANVAS vltles for tht Third Year Urban Section 44 Stepping or ttondlng prohibited on certain ttreeti. :go A.M. until 3:110 A.M. tha follow/Ing dota, tavan 17) doyt oUniny anw, larfje rec room, •Si*! plui electric. Call owner, Wol- >le.7t7-iU>Of J17U00. ounly Community- Development No ptrton tnotTltop or Hand a vehicle upon any ol me sir tats or ports Itvttk. Thart It lo ba no parking m tfit molar orao ond rfca or Zlmmerer I, Son, KMI1 or 14! 7K)-I7H. call until Ipm. lock Grant Program" a copy of of streets described In told Schedult VI atMche> to ond mode 0 port of this botonca of tha raodwoy ootwaan tti Kourt ol 1:00 A M. mi •nd attachod garage (I you •tDDLETOWN — On* block from hlrh Is on flit In Ihe municipal Iks Iving outdoors, you can m •yvltw School, LeenordvMli Rd. erk'i office, be executed by the May farlcL? V. TURN PROHIBITIONS kino molars In fht tallowing lott ora la M In farca ED BANK > RIVERSIDE AVE. our-be* oom Colonial with kitchen, ll• • 1 j* 1JXTLA ARTICLE VII. PARKING MITER ZONES AND THE CONTROL AND Entronca: Locotad Tt wastarly tnd on Boy Avanut - occupancy. Will olter. Located on Lob- O'D»Y p vtniTB uiutiiviivt: svwt vv1! HVVSI , f*4/-/Vw, Of PARKING METERS. Exit: Locatod ot aotltrly and on Boy Avanua y Level. Rental office open seven CATiLINt YACHTS first reading by the Borough Co< Zones Established. Rorlron Avanua Parking Lot: LoahM tn Rorltan Avanua ' BVS 0 week. Coll Bob Clccone, 301- HARPOONS.7 ot the Borough ot Keonsburg. Cw LOT No.) THE ISLAHDS W DAY SAILOR of Monmouth, State ot New Jersey .-..jpom at N.J.S.A. >t:4-l*7, tht treas described In batwtan Cantar Avanuoond Stobraaia Woy. baths, tiled center hall, large living INARK the «th day of April, 1977 and thai t« ant mode a part of this ordinance are hereby deilg. Entronca: Located ot northerly end on Rarllori Ava • HREWSBURY — Hwv. IS. 4,5M sq. oom, dining room, fireplace In par- IOSTON WHALER said ordinance will be considered for ..- .dotPornlnolnalartonai. Overhead doors. Will alter to suit. ed family room, country kitchen, AOUASPORT nal adoption at a meeting of sold ARTICLE VIII.PENM.TICt. flrendenSaooraeleWOT. I DutmtM. 747-430*. r •arage, all appliances, large ZODIAC orough Council to bi held ot the loctKasH. PorjoHlot. .... M* WO 671 nTTanytlme. Prln- HUNDERBIRD orougn Hall. Church Street, Keant- Ufotess onother pvnofty It Public Notice It heroby given that tnt dbovt ardlnonct wot duty adopted •, *"O«TC«AFT burg, New Jersey on the 70th day of *" _-,»-^ ffjh* fftefof fABBBlSl Bat Sf AtftfwaoaaUni f* jWflt* MOMftOUTH B1ACH - Pour-bed- >UKONAUTIC prli, t977 at I p.m. or as soon there WARNCKE tt^ir oom Colonial, dining room, living Itr at the matter con be heard at —, win ot contioereQro* nno i oatoritn 01 a mtenng of sola TORE FOR RENT - Broad St.. Rod room, family room. Two-car garage. which lime and place public hearing Councilta tj e hew at tht Barowih Hall, Chwch Strtet, Ktonvbvrg. * onk. Coll days/141 07)1 ond eve- FLAGSHIP ill be held prior to the final passage ry on the «th day ot April, W77 ot I p.m. or os soon Wtaitafltr as " JUJOOATB-KAITOI reedtot. Unde r construction, buy dl- , • can be heard ol which time and ploce public hearing will ba httd_ itVtat/lTtMiti rtct from builder. Coll t7HI*3 or Ul f sotd ordinance ond oil persons will M»H»ryM,MMoiBlo»»n be given opportunity to be heard con- prior to tht flnol pottoae ol MM ordinance ond oil persons will ba gtvtn op-. MARINRINE ctrnlng the some. Rrrr^ltyloMhaoTdcoivcarnlngttvtiajlii. W Bulldlngt/Goroges At the Mu MARIAlffj. IPIELMAjf " EW HOMES - S% down financing, Marine Municipae Bas l MARIAMJ. SPIELMAN 747-7000 WO OARAGES - For storage or torn (34.500 Sevtn locations avail- Atlantirinc eHighlands Basin ? Deputy Borough Clerk , Ml •armor traffic ordinance, that establish one way streets, through Daputy Borough dBrk orvhouM, over 4H s^|. ft, 150 fiwnttv able. Hailet and Mlddletown, 717-3500 i Hihld streets and stop Inttf sections, loft turn, par King prohibitions, parking, motor m—tm of rn.3 tonts of tht Borouahot Ktonsburg art hereby repealed ond all ara*nancM A»rllTT TSriJ .Sum-on. 717-1541. 291-5400 16 SHREWSBURY. N J MONDAY, APHl 1)1977 Writing is rightfully the second of the fthree Rs'

(TMs Is the wttmt *l laar writefully, the second of the having students imitate large Writing at first Is done by utMrs aa fcaw •amis taa "three Rs." Reading Is usual- capital letters in a book or printing letters. Not until sec- toeradt* wtcther tkdr rail ly learned first, though there letters written on the black- ond grade, for some students, ire* are learalig la read, may be early attempts by the board. Once the child has and not until third grade for writ*, tptfl aad (tidy prtprr child to write his or her learned to write the letters of others, do they tackle the name, along with drawing the alphabet and to recognize much more (more)fifticult •y RICHARD ARMOUR simple pictures the sound each letter repre- cursive writing, which we CkrtsUaa Srlnee Maallar Teachers use various meth- sent the way is open to writ- think of as handwriting. Now Writing is rightfully, or ods to teach writing, often by ing words. the letters are rounded rather than square, are Joined to one another and, compared with the stiff letters of printing, Christman heads Elks seem to flow. Learning to write correctly Charles A. Hotaling, grand RED BANK - Joseph A. and clearly is not easy at esquire, and William I Christman Sr., of Trafford first, but once learned it prog- Klatsky, grand subordinate St., Shrewsbury, was installed resses rapidly. The writing justice. as the 64th exalted ruler of may still be larger and more Red Bank Lodge, Benevolent Exalted Ruler Chrtstman's studied or self-conscious than and Protective Order of Elks. committees for the year 1977- an adult's writing. But this may be an advantage, malfll He succeeds Robert W. 78 are Leonard Salatino, ing it more legible. Bendon of Belford. District crippled children; Charles A. Deputy Grand Exalted Ruler Rowell, sickness and distress; You probably will not have with a typewriter. At least Joseph R. Hagnotta of the Patrick J. Vaccarelli, youth to ask your child whether he the child writes, offering help or should, see writing im- children. Then the teacher they do at our house. Earlier South Central District, a past [activities; Martin Flynn, or she can write. Your child if needed and asked for, but provement. The writing asks them to write what they and earlier they are taking exalted ruler of Red Bank, state reunion; Chester L. For- will be quick to show you the not crowding in too much. should be surer, clearer, and remember of it. Your child typing lessons and learning to was the installing grand ex- rar, bulletin; Harold A. Dun- first letter, then the first sen- The child probably will wish faster. probably will tell you volun- type. Once they can type, alted ruler. can, indoctrination; James E. tence written in large printed to surprise you with the abili- You may wish to get in tarily of the experience. If Runyon, membership; Ed- letters. The same eagerness ty to write a new word or a touch with the teacher and not, you can ask, "What are they can write as clearly as ward Foreman, lapsatlon; you doing in school that anyone else. Other officers installed and pride will be present short sentence. ask about the teaching meth- Edward K. Howe Sr., national makes your writing so much You may disagree about the were Leonard Salatino, es- when the child can show you As with reading, your func- ods being used. Ask also how foundation; John II Connelly, better?" early use of the typewriter. teemed leading knight; An- a sample of cursive writing, a tion as a parent is not to be you can help at home. It will auditor; John Stelb Jr., inter You may equate the type- thony Lordi, esteemed loyal great step forward. You will critical, not to take away con- take more patience to stay As early as first grade with lodge; William Nowak. blood writer for writing with the knight; Martin Flynn, es- not have to ask, "Can you fidence, but to exclaim with with the child, making sug- some, writing will begin to in- bank; Abram C. Dixon, board computer for working out teemed lecturing knight; writ*?" The child probably pleasure, to compliment, and gestions of things to write volve the use of punctuation of trustees; William Domi- problems In arithmetic. John Casagrande, secretary; knows the word "cursive" to stay with it while the child about, and then examining marks. The easy and most- dion, Americanism; Victor H. Robert W. Bendon, treasurer; Jasepk A. Ckrlttmai Sr. too writes more. You also can the results, than being read to used ones are learned first, I am willing to compromise. Lorch, adult assistance; Hen- Anthony Vaccarelli, tiler; But since improvement in show how to write a certain by the youngster who has just such as the period and com- Buy your child a typewriter ry Jastremski, national ser- Raymond Bahret, esquire; lion to see them through to a writing comes from much letter or word, not shaming learned to read. ma. Later will come the co- for having mastered the abili- vice; Leonard Salatino, chari- James E. Runyon, chaplain; successful conclusion." He practice, you can and should the child with how much bet- Starting as early as the sec- lon, semicolon, and the rest of ty to write clearly with a pen- ty fund; Robert Olsen, bar Raymond Strong, inner was presented a tablet on be- ask your child to write, a cer- ter you can write, but help- ond or third grade, depending the It marks that are so im- cil or pen. But not one day be- chairman; Martin Flynn, bar guard; Paul Himmelsbach, half of the Grand Lodge Or- tain word, at first a very ing, modestly, by example. on the ability of the students, portant in conveying mean- fore. co-chairman; Joseph Rafter, organist; Robert Burns, a su- der of Elks simple one. As your child moves up the teacher may read a story ing. (Next: Is yaar cklM lean- entertainment; James T. bordinate justice, and Ed- Watch with interest while from grade to grade, you will, or show a short film to the Children like to play around lag la spell at school?) Nick, house committee chair- ward K. Howe, Sr., trustee Assisting Mr. Magnotta in man; Lawrence J. Farely, for five years. installing the officers were Past District Deputy Stephen house committee cashier. Mr. Bendon is replacing Holowak of Freehold, grand Mrs Jane Himmelsbach Max Benowitz, who has esteemed leading knight; past heads this year's Ladies' Aux- served the Red Bank lodge as Exalted Rulers Harold A. iliary. Other officers are Mrs. treasurer for 25 years. An Duncan, grand esteemed loy- Jane Flynn, vice president; outgoing gift was presented to al knight; Victor H. Lurch. Mrs. Helen Chandler, record Mr. Bendon by Mrs. Ruby grand esteemed lecturing secretary; Mrs. Barbara Christman, past president of knight; Harold J. Trahman, McCrave, treasurer; Mrs. the Ladles' Auxiliary. grand secretary; Richard H Ann North, financial secre- McCabe, grand treasurer; tary; Mrs. Pat Coakley, cor- Mr. Bendon named Michael Abram C. Dixon, grand responding secretary, and Griesi, a member of the Red trustee; Charles A. Unwell. Mrs. Laurie Wunder, chap- Bank police force for the past grand inner guard; Patrick J. lain. They were installed by 21 years, as Eft of the Year Vaccarelli, grand tiler; Ed- Past Exalted Ruler Bendon for 1176-77. He was chosen for ward J. Hoffman, grand and his staff of officers in his willingness to "accept chaplain; Lawrence A. ceremonies held at the Union lodge projects ana ms dedica- McCarthy, grand organist; House.

SIGN PAINTERS — Touting their upcoming Carnival of Coldrs school fair are, from left, Robert Scott, a sixth grader; Klrsten Cahlll, a fourth gra- nder; Sean Flnnerty, a second grader, and John Schaflin, a third grader, all students In Middletown's Llncroft School. The fair, an annual PTA func- tion, will take place Saturday, April 30, from 10 a.m. until 3 p.m. In the school's all-purpose room. MCARO OAME MtAWIN f WIN UP TO 910,000 The New Jersey State Lottery When you complete Row 4, (trie Club Benefit set introduces "Beat 3-Of-A-Kind , the Row), on the Collector Card, f second part of the exciting new Instant you become eligible tor entry for hospital Lottery game called PLAY CARDS. Into a CARD GAME DRAWING Tickets sell for $1 with a char, each. You don't even prtzeoi i 0 or on building fund [ have to know how to $1,000 play cards to FREEHOLD TOWNSHIP - Whei participate In PLAY A benefit for the Freehold roum's (the Heart Row), c CARDS. Area Hospital building fund DianoondRo will be held Friday, April 29, has everything When you cofrif at Great Adventure Amuse- (the&ade n ment Park, Jackson Town- ship. ORANDPfllZE The public is invited to at- DO YOUR tend the benefit at a special 3-OF-A-KINtr OPTO$1jO0OA WIN UP TO $10,0001 • WEEKFOliLIFEl dfscount rate, and all pro- Winnin nemedfor2 ceeds will go to the building Using edge of coin, GUTTERS free tickets, $3 or $6 ai< fund for the completion of the gently rub "Dealer's for entry into a Grand Prize Drawing 45-bed wing now under way._ HancT spot to find Dealer's 3-of-a-kind. where the ti.' . The all-volunteer devel- LEAK Next, rub the 5 spots opment.and fund-raising Wlwn it rains? •-"•rdjnfourHandof candl headed by Wflfiam A owls the Oeftter's Hand, you » n "comrr. Williams, includes Mary S,i- the "Prize Box" spot to see what prize Wneny,. : ver, Michael Sullivan, John you have won. the stub of th McAteer and William Mehr. By beating the 3-of-a-kind In the value wMapf Tickets for the benefit are GUTTERS Dealer's Hand you win a prize of 2 free Queen, Ja>J available at the hospital and aeawieMM Instant tickets, or $3, or $6, or $100, or witho Dtamorv'..:: are also being sold through Anticipated life of 25 y*ar»~ $1,000, or$10,000l Freehold area merchants and will hold a ladder y New\ Shop-Rite and Foodarama su- Future Iqr FMtura, Pric* For Pric* .. . H'» probably tw H- games permarkets. itMl aluminum gutter iw mad*. Wa will term •» gutter at Collector Card avail JerseyV jour homt — no mm - no teak*. HEAVY... 0J2 White participating Lottery Aluminum HIGH BACK ... no omrflow Into wall*. CON- w State CEALED HANGERS... no unsightly bracket* on «w outiki. STAINLESS STEEL SCREWS .. . only •Ulnl.ii itetl *crm PLAY CARDS kutanl Lottery ticket* arc produced In "poota"of 1,008,000 « Classified Way •r* uud throughout this tnllr. syttom . . . THE BEST one In fiv» PLAY CARDS Instant tickata win* a priw, and on* m St Lottery COSTS LESS All winners, ttetata, and IrantacUon* *ub|*ct to Lotwry regulator* • sr* subject to claim procedure*, valdation twts.Wottw apptcal dial 32 BROAD ST HEP BANK Slato Lottery. Uf*-ttm* prtz* starts al ag* IBorofdtr. "The Action Line" 741-7500 542-1700