Hidden Impacts How Europe's Resource Overconsumption Promotes Global Land Conflicts 2
H IDDEN IMPACTS How Europe's resource overconsumption promotes global land conflicts 2.TH LANDIS REPORT USE AND MATERIAL EXTRACTION WAS FINANCIAllY SUPPORTED BY European Union Altstoff Recycling Austria SUPPORTED BY Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management, Austria Austrian Development Agency City of Vienna CREDITS: MEDIA OWNER, PROPRIETOR AND PUBLISHER: GLOBAL 2000 Verlagsges.m.b.H., Neustiftgasse 36, 1070 Vienna. – CONTENT: Umweltschutzorganisation GLOBAL 2000, ZVR: 593514598, Neustiftgasse 36, 1070 Vienna and Sustainable Europe Research Institute (SERI), ZVR: 215027957, Garnisongasse7/17, 1090 Vienna – TEXT: Stephan Lutter, Leisa Burrell, Stefan Giljum, Thomas Patz, Lisa Kernegger, Ariadna Rodrigo – CASE STUDIES: Bruna Engel (FoE Brazil), Didrot Nguepjouo (FoE Cameroon), José Miguel Torrico (Chile) and Mensah Todzro (FoE Togo) – INFO-GRAPHICS: Gerda Palmetshofer, Aldo Martinez, Matija Rutar ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: We thank Becky Slater from Friends of the Earth (England, Wales and Northern Ireland) for the assistance with the content of this report. Furthermore we want to thank the project partners from FoE Brazil, Cameroon, Chile and Togo for the case studies. – EDITING: Carin Unterkircher, Astrid Breit and and Stella Haller – DESIGN: Hannes Hofbauer – PHOTO-EDITING: Steve Wyckoff – PHOTOS: Friends of the Earth International/Prakash Hatvalne (p4), Friends of the Earth International/ATI – Jason Taylor (p11, p19), shutterstock (p6, p22, p25, p29, p31, p35), Paul Lauer (p24), GLOBAL 2000 (p12, p20, p32). Cover: FoEI/Prakash Hatvalne – PRINTING: Druckerei Janetschek GmbH, A-3860 Heidenreichstein, www.janetschek.at, UWNr. 637. – PRINTED WITH PLANT COLORS ON RECYCLED PAPER, 100 % RECYCLABLE. © GLOBAL 2000, SERI, Friends of the Earth Europe, February 2013 The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of GLOBAL 2000 and SERI and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.
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