Expect to Sign Two Orchestras Executive Council of VMI Holds
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Football Team To Be Dyk- "Beardless ed In Bright Boys" Of The Cadet Colors Corps VOLUME XXX LEXINGTON, VIRGINIA, MONDAY, APRIL 12, 1937 NUMBER 25 Mr. Holtzclaw, President Of Vepco Expect To Sign Addresses VMI Corps On Business Executive Council Of Prominent Engineer Talks To Cadet Corps On Policies Of Two Orchestras Future Life VMI Holds Meeting April 9—At noon today the corps practically a choice of Jobs to be Alumni Group Selects Choices Committee To Sign Richard Lyric To Be was assembled in Jackson Memori- had. He told of a visit to the Show Practice Himber And Johnny al Hall to hear an address by Mr. school of a representative of the For Superintend- Johnson Jack Gilbert Holtzclaw of Rich- Stone-Webster Co., of Boston who ent Reconstructed mond, Virginia, president of the spoke to the senior electrical class Speeded Up Price Not Revealed Virginia Electric and Power Com- on the possibilities of the public Will Refer To Board Theatre To Be Remodeled pany. He was introduced by Gen- utilities business. The college Charrington Rushes Rehear- eral Lejeune. Mr. Holtzclaw pre- graduates of today face a differ- Johnson To Play Friday Nite, At Cost Of faced his remarks by telling of ent world. The grandfathers of sals As Production Date General Markham Reported Himber Saturday $10,000 his great interest in VMI and young men in schools today enter- Nears First Choice graduates, stating that many of his ed business during the reconstruc- Today, in an interview with a April 11—As the date for the The Executive Council of the April 12—As the "Cadet" goes to company's 3,500 employees are V. tion period in the South; their Cadet reporter, Mr. Daves, manag- presentation of this year's Second VMI Alumni Association met press this afternoon, it is expected M. I. men. The company's vice- fathers entered business during the er of Lexington's theatres for War- Class Show draws nearer, the ac- here Saturday at a called meeting that the Hop Committee, in keep- president is a V. M. I. man. Gen- "gay nineties" when business was ner Brothers, described the chang- tor-producer, Randolph Charring- to consider who the alumni would ing with its policy of presenting eral Lejeune and Mr. Holtzclaw booming, but today the prospective es that are to be made in the Lyric ton, declared today that he would back for the post of Superintend- the finest in music for its dances, first met in 1914 at Pensacola, Flor- business man is faced with an en theatre in the near future. Over be fortunate in the next two weeks ent. Three men were chosen by would present two of the nation's ida, where the former was in tirely different economic set-up. ten thousand dollars will be spent if his hair did not turn gray from the Council to be put forward outstanding bands, Johnny Johnson charge of Marines stationed there Theory Of Education in the remodeling and the theatre worry over his brain-child, "Ten- when the Board of Visitors meet and Richard Himber, at the Easter and the latter was employed by Mr. Holtzclaw then gave his will be brought up to date in Four and Sixty-Four." soon to consider the final deci- Hops on the 23rd and 24th in Nine- the Pensacola Electric Co. A grad- theory of modern education. What every detail. sion. ty-Four Hall. uate of the Georgia School of Tech- is learned in school is merely the There has been a re-casting ar- Perhaps the item of greatest im- nology, class of 1907, Mr. Holtz- preparation for an education by rangement in the principal act The names of the men decided Doable Attraction Something New portance to the regular theatre-goer claw said that when his class was constant mental calisthenics. Real from which the cadet revue derives upon by the Council were not If plans are completed as ex- will be the replacement of the graduated there were few engin- education is gained by the release its name; due to sickness and conse made public but it was understood pected, Johnny Johnson and his present wooden seats with entirely eers in the country and there was (Continued On Page 8) quent inability to practice his part that they included Major General popular orchestra will be the at- new upholstered ones. In addition in the principal act which has been Edward Markham and General traction on Friday night while to this, all the projection and the in rehearsal for some time, the Charles E. Kilbourne, VMI '94. Gen- Richard Himber and his well- sound equipment will be removed Civil Group Inspection To immortal "Smoky Joe" Patton will eral Kilbourne has been mention- known Champions will be featur- and apparatus of the most recent be shifted to the leading role ir ed prominently in other quarters ed on Saturday afternoon at the design will be installed in its place. another scene which depicts a bur as a possible successor to General dansant and again at the closing Mr. Daves pointed out that the Meets Today Be Held Thurs. lesque of a girl's dormitory at any Lejeune. Lyric, which for a short time was of the proximate female institu- dance that night. General Markham Named an independent theatre, was again tions. Substituting in the "Ten- The Easter dances will be the First Meeting In Several Representative of Corps Area returned to the Warner Brothers' Four and Sixty-Four" scene will Major-General Markham has first set that two bands have been Weeks Held; Talks Commander To Visit chain, as a result of the purchase, be the producer himself. From the been mentioned very little before, presented except at Finals. The by that company, of the building Heard Here inmost sanctums of Charrington's but there is a strong possibility last appearance of two orchestras in which the theatre is located. very exclusive and pretentious that he will be the choice of the occurred at Finals in 1934 when Lexington will again have, on the The VMI chapter of the ASCE Colonel Kellond, corps area in- suite of offices, there comes the con- Board. At present, he is stationed George Hall and Ozzie Nelson completion of the State Theatre, held a meeting this morning from spector will be at VMI this Thurs- firmation of an earlier report that in Washington as Chief of Engin- were presented. two chain theatres and as a result 8 to 9 in the assembly hall of the day to view the various activities those two stalwart hearties, Dick eers, United States Army, and has been associated with several gov- Johnson Popular With Dancers of the rehabilitation soon to be un- Engineering Building. There were of the ROTC here. Although no Booth and Frankie Sayford will special preparations are being furnish the support to the leading ernment, projects. His name re- Johnny Johnson and his famous dertaken in the Lyric, both of five speakers at this meeting and band have been featured at many these theatres will be of the best. , •. t - made in his honor, the units will part in the girl's school scene. Even cently made news when he ap- it was a success from all angles. peared to testify before a Senatorial of the country's outstanding ball- The two changes already men- be on display and while he is here, though appearances on the open- A. R. Turpin was the first speak- investigating committee. It is not rooms and supper clubs from coast tioned will be completed some Colonel Kellond will probably ing night will be deceiving, "Men er. He spoke on the Cascade Tun- known whether or not he will ac- to coast for several years. His time in the near future, the exact make a tour of the school as well are men, for a' that." Credit for cept the post if he is tendered it. great success occurred in the mid- date not yet having been decided. nel and he stressed the method of as the various ROTC classes. the latest quotations goes to the The Council has requested the west mainly Cleveland and Cci- There are, however, several other building it and the general statis- late R. Burns. Comes Each Year Board of Visitors to defer making cago. For years, Johnson's record- changes which will not be under- tics of it. He brought out the W. I. Jeffries has the proofs for Each year at approximately this a decision until June until a more ings have been best sellers every- taken until the State has been different cuts which were made the program ready for final ap- time, the Commanding Officer of thorough study can be made of where; his many broadcasts over opened, because of the fact that into the main tunnel by which the proval. This very important ar- the Third Corps Area sends a rep- the situation. The Board is sche- the major networks have been well they will necessitate the closing of main tunnel could be worked on ticle directly responsible for the resentative to review ROTC activi- duled to meet Saturday to consid- received by listeners all over the the house. all sides thus speeding up its lasting success of the show will be nation. Johnny was one of the completion. A. K. Earnest fol- ties at all schools in the area, des- er the list of those put forward by These changes will include a thirty-two page volume, and first pianist-conductors to invade lowed Turpin and he spoke on the ignating this officer as "student in- the post.