Journalism of Courage Since 1932 Daily From: Ahmedabad,Chandigarh, Delhi, Jaipur, Kolkata,Lucknow, Mumbai, Nagpur, Pune, Vadodara ● Reg.No
JOURNALISM OF COURAGE SINCE 1932 DAILY FROM: AHMEDABAD,CHANDIGARH, DELHI, JAIPUR, KOLKATA,LUCKNOW, MUMBAI, NAGPUR, PUNE, VADODARA ● REG.NO. MCS/067/2018-20RNI REGN. NO. 1543/57 JOURNALISMOFCOURAGE THURSDAY,APRIL 30, 2020, MUMBAI, LATE CITY,14PAGES SINCE 1932 `5.00, WWW.INDIANEXPRESS.COM FOUR DAYS TO END OF LOCKDOWN Running out of ConsiderablerelaxationsMay4onward,says time to enter Centre,clearsreturnhomeofstrandedmigrants House, Uddhav Curbs to be eased dials PM for help in manydistricts; no movement VISHWASWAGHMODE& Must from containment LIZMATHEW become MUMBAI,NEWDELHI,APRIL29 member of zones, hotspots legislature WITHTHE Maharashtra by May27 Governorsittingonthe state DEEPTIMANTIWARY Cabinet’s recommendation that NEWDELHI,APRIL29 UddhavThackeray be nomi- nomination. He asked forhelp nated to the Legislative Council, saying if it does nothappen he IN AN indication of itsplansaf- the Chief MinisterdialledPrime would have to resign,” asource terMay 3whenthe current MinisterNarendraModi on in Delhi said. According to this phase of the lockdown ends,the Tuesdayevening. source, the PM told Thackeray CentreonWednesdaysaid there Thackeray sought the Prime thathewould look intothe mat- will be “considerablerelax- Minister’s cooperation in resolv- terand getmoredetails. ations” in manydistricts. ing the crisis,sources in New In Mumbai,aseniorShivSena The Union Home Ministry Delhi said.InMumbai, sources leader told The Indian Express: also issuedguidelines formove- in the Maharashtragovernment “Uddhavji discussedthe current ment of strandedmigrant said the Chief Minister hadex- political uncertainty in the state labourers, students, and tourists pressed unhappiness over the with the PM.Heexpressedun- who want to return home. “politics beingplayed” over his happiness over the politics being Sources, however, said this will nomination to the Upper House playedoverhis nomination as notapplytothoseinhotspotsor of the statelegislature.
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