Soil Survey in Gimhae Gun, Gyeongsangnam Do

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Soil Survey in Gimhae Gun, Gyeongsangnam Do AGL:SF/KOR 13 KOR S6 Technical Report 4 112626 SOIL SURVEY REPUBL SOIL SURVEY IN GIMHAE GUN, GYEONGSANGNAM DO UNITED NATIONS DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION OF THE UNITED NATIONS SOIL SURVEY REPUBLIQ OF KOFtEA LOCATION MAP OF GIMHAE GLTN, GYKI.NGSANGNAld DO a' n-q 'SEOUL 6 L. uL31,11 (ç 1 UiEONGSAFIGMAMOC, I LI) y Llt; ---v -- 170 Em 61A11-)4E 1.3t.VPN1(1 \ . ''''-( tit,-L..,:k. I i , ,,Ì ii '.Llisf.1/4N in) -;t1q JEJU OFFICE OFr:LIi,L. Oar V.L.0!JC,1Ei 127° AOL:3F/KOR 13 Technical Report 4 SOIL SURVEY REPUBLIC OF KOREA SOIL SURVEY IN GIMHAE GUN, GYEONGSANGNAM DO Report prepared for the Government of the Republic of Korea by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations acting as executing agency for the United Nations Development Programme UNITED NATIONS DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME FOOD AND AGRICULTUREORGANIZATION OFTHEUNITEDNATIONS Rome,1970 Thio tochnical iu ono of a uo:Auc of ropovtc. pronvrui tho tho ONDP/SF projoct idontifiod on Ulu titlo pagueThc, concluoionc and vocommolidanu Ljiyeain thi rc.00rL aro th000 conoidorod appropriate, at thy timo of itu 9ronmAion, Thoy was he moatflud in the light of Flarthor knowlod3u gaincx/ at Guboognont ntaceu projocte The destgnat onn omployed ana the prosoatation of t'le ma;orial In thu documom aaa mapo do not imply the oxpr000ion oF ay opinlon whatcoover ou tito pru't of Ula United Nationo or idio Food and Agriculture Orgaaizahlon oS' tho Unitod Naiono coacornIng the logat or oonsidtutional stainio of any country9 Lorritosor tx,c. aroa9 concovning tho delimitation of fronttoro. V FAO. Soil Survey, Republic o orea. Soil Survey in Gimhse;un, G )onjpnam Do. Rome 1970.84 p., 2 maps, 13 photocraphe. AGL:8F KOR 13, Technical Report 4. ABSTRACT This report describes soil survey activities in Gimhae Gun, uhiohuerc part of the Korea-Soil Survey conducted by the GovernmentorKorea wi-%h tho assistance of the United Nations Special Fund1/and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. The entire area of the Gun(65,114hec'Lapas) uno mapped in detail, including paddy lands, upland crop rields and Coyest lands. Together with the accompanying map, which is printed at a scale of 1 250000 the report preselas an inventory of soil and soil couditions is Lho surveyed aroa. Individual sollo are described and laboral,ory data for representative profiles are given. The report includes soil desorptions and interpretations, and grovides data and recommendations for specific land resouroe analysis and planning, The basic information about the soils is interpreted for application to Lho various aspects of agriculture in the area, including land use adjustmen, reclam- tion and development, increasing production, and the improvement and conservation of lands according to their capabilities. To show general ]dad use potential the roils of the area are placed in seven land capability classes showing limitations and choices for practioal use. The soils in each capability class are Given, the suitability and limitations for cultivated crops and pasture aro described., and management practices required for higher yields are suggested. About 80 percent of the cultivated land in the survey area (18,900 hectares of a total of 23,600) is used for paddy rice. Management of the soils for paddy rice is discussed and the soils are placed in four paddy suitability groups indicatimLs progressively greater limitations in the use o(7 the land for rice. 1/The United Nations Special Fund and the Expanded Programme of Technical Assistance were morged toformthe United Nations Development Programme on 1 January 1966. Cleateful acknopiedgement io made of the keen inte:z-ect and full ouppor eactendod throughout the project towards the coil survey toa m by tho MiniotryorAgriculture) and Foreotry (Govornmont cooperating agoncy)9 and by tho counterpart ntaff. vii TABLE OF CONTENTS ChapterJ. INTRODUCTION Chapter 2GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF THE AREA 3 2.1 Locati 3 2.2 Pbysiophy andDrai 3 2.3 Climai; 3 2.4 GeologY 5 2.5Agriculture 5 .'. HOW THE SURVEY WAS MADE 6 Cha DESCRIPTION OF THE GENERALSOIL MAP 7 4.1Introduction 7 4.2 DeunE -Gimhae Association 7 4.3Myoyii ssoolation 8 4.4 Gyi_u.-L,Jnam Association 8 4.5Regye-Jisan Association 8 4.6Bonggye-Taehwa Association 9 4.7 Samgag-Songjeong AssocJation 10 4.8 Mudeung-Rock Lan :c 10 DESCRIPTION OF SOILS 11 5.1Introduction 11 5.2Bancheon Series 13 5.3 Banggi Seri, 14 5.4Banho Seri 16 5.5Beach and Ei_sh, S dy 16 5.6Bonggye See.s 17 5.7Bongrim Series 19 5.8BuyonG 20 5.9Deunggn Series 21 5.]0 Gaghua Serirls 23 5,11 Gangdong SeAcc 24 5.12 Gimhae Serios 25 5.13Guanghval Series 26 Oyu= Serien 27 5.15Haecheog Series 28 5.16HoGye Serjen 29 5.17aonam 30 5.18HwabouL; Series 31 5.19Ruadong Sries 32 5.20 1ivaugr3'ct Series 5.21 ihyeon :7es 34 5.22 Jangweon Series 35 Jangyu Series 37 5.24 Jeonlyuc;Series 38 5.25Jisan Series 39 5.26 Mudeunr; Sertes 40 5,.27 7,iyeongjt. SerJeo 42 viii TABLE OF CONTENTS (oont°d) 5.28gagdoiAg Seres 43 5.29Eiverwash Cobbly 44 5.10Sachon Series 44 5.31Sadu Serios 45 5.32Samgaz Sorios 46 5.33Seogto Series 46 5.3/1 Sinbul Series 5035Sinatb Series 5.36Sinbeung Serios 5.37Sengjeong Series 5.38Sucye Serios 5039Taehwa Serioo 55 5./10Wid;711 Flat 57 5.41Yongji Series 57 5.42Yuha Seri as 58 .6 Uf..L NAGEMENT OF SOILS 60 6.1 introduction 60 6.2 Capability Groups of Soils 60 6.3 Paddy Land Suitability Ga:OUDD 69 Aorlex 1 GLOSSARY 77 Appeix 2GUIDE TO MAPPING UNITS 61 LIST OF TABLES ClimaticData forGimhae Gun Soil Series Classified According tothe Current and Older Systems of Classificatio7a 3, Appro:dmate Numbor of Hectares and Proportionate Extent of Land Capability Units 61 4. AuproL:imato Number of Hectares and Proportionate Ext t of Paddy Suitability Uni_to 70 LIST OF MAPS hooatiou Map of Cimhao OlanGyoongsangnam Do frontispiece Conoral Soil Nap of Gimhao Gun 95 IX LIST OF PLATES a e Largo Oully in an Lron of Oagiura ;ioUn 87 t,,-7ofl10 of Oimbao Silty Clay Loam 87 3,An Aro'. of Oimhae Sollo near Boacaan 88 Salt Cryetalo on Omnagbral F30110 88 ilo;, Jloan Soliu 89 CharactoristAo no.i: of Clam; VIc (,ffuci 89 Oniouo 01.'01,0.11g on Myoon&li Sono 90 Area of Samgag and Songjeoug Sollo 90 9,Charac01-iotio Viou of Clase IIu L!?,n6. 91 )ench Toreaoon on °lax) Inn Laila 91 A Largo Axoa of Ciaoc IIIuo and IiIw T,Elad 92 120 Cobbloo and Small Stonon 17.1'Paddy Uallo 92 13.Voeoimmon Tc000 on Glum 0:0 Lan0 93 IVTRODCTION The detailed soil anrvej describod in this roport began in Carob_1968 miaaao oempleted in Docembor 1968, lb formed pare oiT the Korea Soil Survo7 conducted b,7 the Government o.f Korea uitb the assistance of 13.c United Nations Special The Food and AgrioultuJ:c Orgamioation ofte UndtodNations uas designated (v.:cent:Inc,. agency, The Coveramea',, cooperating aoncy .0-actthe Pinlatry of.N;:,.lul- turc and Forestr7,,. Tho purpose oa: the repert is to provide basic soil info ation requirod -ror ,7ao development and ma1ac3emext of thevariovs aspects of Korern acp.iculturn imeluding the reclamation and devolopmenL of neu lands ror settlement, tho improvc- moot and oonserTatiou e-C lands aoeording to Lheir capabilities,ft.o increasing o-!: P6odnetion and overal eoonomia development through appraisall of the soil osourocs. For the Korea Soil Survey acu research methods auJ now cavtegranhjc mehodu have 1)een used for the detaiTed soil survey of the area by FAO oi i pGTbrJand rainedcuumtwimart staZf, The counterpart personnel ware trained in tochnlquon of soil surve, oharaceri5atioa, uorrelation and olassifieation by i:4,) VA0 soil r.cieutists before partiolpatinr:luthe field survay 17orlr, This report la on;.170.11W:j researeb findiager In sod *.lia17,jtJ.os9 anJ soil ocmditiolls in CimbseOUP. It contains importaut inCorwatlen 1j.11 aucist the Cm personnel, land ouneI,D2 and others in the17/F,!9roc o C;ThLt lald 1:hothcr It is for agrioultnro5 Lorest.ey, urban Jovelcptent bunajnw reereational and other't:ouasnicu.ltural revs, The veport hasheo.J comnilad by the fol],TT7 Dong-Han Kim and Charles E. mey, br,.sed on II(DJO7O:.7. e Field aarvey: DonE-Ha Cyeong-Soc Leo luon-Eyo 4eonc3 Ceun-Jo Pa.rt Yeeng-Ta Yoons-Uo'an jo Seon-Do Park -icou-Tae Jeolk<-s Tac-Cucs laY2. 2 ChcouSoo Sh-lu olaa V,.Dcw'6:1..orz: ontilyeo.AfsWao lam ;Yolul Durtino (Tarlac 3.-JJ,)0omoy0 Tho licZ; :,,ports issued by the Soil Survey Project noluding the present -Joimae,io beloc YN)linical Hoport 1 The So:UU c I:orca a'6 ocalc c 00000) Tochnioal Repor 2 Soil Reconnaissanc ' Korea (i':t1pal) atcl 1 c 250,000) Technical Heyort 3Uljn Gnu and Uloon Toohnical Heyert4Oimbau Gun Tochnical Wroort5Dalsoon: CUD und PacExt Si Technical HopoA 6ftangoan Gun, Damyanc Unn9 una Gvatig u 8i Technical Report 7 Senejn Urn Tochnioal Rwoort8Pyeomchunu Gun Technical Report 9(iimje Te0hni0a3 Rei)ort 10Evyce Oam. The 3ndi*oldnal detailed Soil Survoy lloportc (Technical Roporw 3-10) arn cach acoompaninC by i. noil map at nnaluic25'POO. Cha-p. OF THE 2.1 LOCATION Gimhae Chra iu located in the ,tremo southern pari,of G;roongsangozn bet1Toon 123° 41' 40" and 1250 l' 8" east longitude, and 35° 0323' and 350-2° iaiuclo T1c i/ has.7,narea o.C* 65,114 hectares° (inclucliw; 2,510 bootrep oi" tidal flats) ala qteasuros 29 Lilometres 7-.omea st to rest and46,3hilouotrom 0?rom berthto!south.
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