Newington Quarry, Misson
Report to Planning and Licensing Committee 23 April 2019 Agenda Item:8 REPORT OF CORPORATE DIRECTOR – PLACE BASSETLAW DISTRICT REF. NO.: 1/18/01587/CDM PROPOSAL: EXTENSION TO SAND AND GRAVEL EXTRACTION, INCLUDING A TEMPORARY CROSSING OF SLAYNES LANE AND RESTORATION TO NATURE CONSERVATION LOCATION: NEWINGTON QUARRY, LANE TO THE SOUTH OF NEWINGTON ROAD, MISSON, NEAR BAWTRY APPLICANT: HANSON QUARRY PRODUCTS EUROPE LIMITED Purpose of Report 1. To consider a planning application for the extraction of approximately 530,000 tonnes of sand and gravel (475,000 tonnes after processing) over a 3 year period at Newington Quarry, located between Misson and Austerfield. The key issues relate to ecology, heritage, rights of way, traffic, archaeology, noise, air quality and airport safeguarding. The recommendation is to grant planning permission subject to the conditions set out in Appendix 1. The Site and Surroundings 2. The Newington Quarry sites are sand and gravel workings located in the north of Nottinghamshire, within the district of Bassetlaw. The site is located approximately 12km north of Retford and 13km south-east of Doncaster (see Plan 1). 3. The application site is 24.8ha in size and is currently in agricultural use, apart from the proposed access road which runs through land which is currently being worked for sand and gravel. The site lies between 1.7m and 2.1m above Ordnance Datum (AOD). 4. The character of the local area is dominated by intensive arable farmland, with fields bounded by hedgerow, drainage ditches and linear tree belts. A number of woodland blocks also form wider landscape features.
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