A Revision of Margaritaria (Euphorbiaceae)
JOURNAL OF THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM HARVARD UNIVERSITY VOLUME 60 US ISSN 0004-2625 Journal of the Arnold Arboretum Subscription price $25.00 per year. Subscriptions and remittances should be sent to Ms. E. B. Schmidt, Arnold Arboretum, 22 Divinity Avenue, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138, U.S.A. Claims will not be accepted after six months from the date of issue. Volumes 1-51, reprinted, and some back numbers of volumes 52-56 are available from the Kraus Reprint Corporation, Route 100, Millwood, New York 10546, U.S.A. EDITORIAL COMMITTEE S. A. Spongberg, Editor E. B. Schmidt, Managing Editor P. S. Ashton K. S. Bawa P. F. Stevens C. E. Wood, Jr. Printed at the Harvard University Printing Office, Boston, Massachusetts America, Europe, Asia Minor, and in eastern Asia where the center of species diversity occurs. The only North American representative of the genus, C. caroliniana grows along the edges of streams and in wet, rich soils in forested areas from Nova Scotia and Quebec southward to Florida and westward into Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, eastern Texas, and Oklahoma. Disjunct popula- • - - Mexico and in Central The stems of Carpinus caroliniana, a small i bluish-gray, sinuate bark and an ; _ _ trees (Fagus spp.). The wood, which i Second-class postage paid at Boston, Massachusetts JOURNAL OF THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM REVISION OF MARGARITARIA (EUPIIORBIACEAE) GRADY L. WEBSTER AM ONC 1 THE SMALLER GENK aiphorbiaceae subfamily Phyllanthoi- deae 1Pax , Margaritaria has a larly broad distribution (MAP 1) in •he New and Old World (except for the Pacific islands). The name' (in alluding to the 'I e C\ n I.i< p i b white cndocarp of the fruit, v .
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