(Draft) Tunbridge Hazard Mitigation Plan
(DRAFT) TUNBRIDGE HAZARD MITIGATION PLAN Adopted by Selectboard:___________________ Formally Approved by FEMA: __________________ TUNBRIDGE, VERMONT 2020-25 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Tunbridge Planning Commission Laura Ginsburg, Chair Nancy Chapman Brenda Field Gary Mullen, Ex Officio Izzy Provoncha Daniel Ruddell Janet Wells Shane Young Tunbridge Selectboard Gary Mullen, Chair Mike McPhetres, Vice Chair John O’Brien, Clerk Planning Support Jessica Richter Two Rivers-Ottauquechee Regional Commission Technical Support Daniel Ruddell Tunbridge Lister, Floodplain Administrator Simon Bradford, Chief Tunbridge Volunteer Fire Department Rodney Hoyt Tunbridge Road Foreman Cover Art "Tunbridge, VT 1941" by David Wright http://www.nostalgia-usa.com/ Used with permission of the artist. ii | Page TUNBRIDGE HAZARD MITIGATION PLAN CERTIFICATE OF PLAN ADOPTION Town of Tunbridge Selectboard Formal Resolution Adopting the 2020-2025 Tunbridge Hazard Mitigation Plan WHEREAS, the Town of Tunbridge has worked with local officials, residents and regional partners to identify hazards, analyze past and potential future losses due to natural and manmade-caused disasters, to identify strategies for mitigating future losses, and to prepare an updated hazard mitigation plan for the town; and WHEREAS, a duly-noticed public meeting was held by the Tunbridge Selectboard on Month X, 2020 to present and receive public comment on the draft 2020-2025 Tunbridge Hazard Mitigation Plan; and WHEREAS, the updated 2020-2025 Tunbridge Hazard Mitigation Plan was submitted to the Vermont Division of Emergency Management and Homeland Security and received for review at the Federal Emergency Management Agency on Month, X, 2020; and WHEREAS, after several requested revisions, FEMA approved the updated 2020-2025 Tunbridge Hazard Mitigation Plan on ___________________, pending adoption by the Tunbridge Selectboard; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Tunbridge Selectboard hereby adopts this 2020-2025 Tunbridge Hazard Mitigation Plan for municipal use and implementation.
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