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HEWS-PILB BRIBES BOX 1673 ST AUGUSTINE FLA 32034 BOCA RATON NEWS Vol.12, No. 121 August 29, 1967 Tuesday IOC Record Numbers Push Schools to Capacity # At Least One Is Already Overcrowded Boca Raton's four schools are bulging at the seams already and there are still four more days before classes actually get underway. The impact of Boca Raton's growth really hit home Monday when Bob Trafford, principal at Addison Mizner School, be- gan tallying up his first set of registration figures. The influx of families, most of them connected with IBM which is building a computer assembly plant here, already means overcrowded conditions at Addison Mizner, a school which has not yet seen its first day of classes. Monday, when Trafford closed registration books for the day, the city's newest school had a count of 483, 40 more than its capacity of 440 and 100 more than Traf- New Addison Mizner School. ford anticipated. The school which had been built last year to help eliminate the overcrowded conditions at J.C. Mitchell School, was to Mizner School - Once The utilize only 14 of its 16 class- rooms this year. Now Trafford is looking for new teachers to add to his staff Answer, Now The Problem so he can utilize all of his class- Addison Mizner School, which Instruction conceded yester- conditions at the new school is Three hundred and fifty of was supposed to be a solution day. a problem now facing the school Addison Mizner's students to a problem, has now become The school, which is sched- board. came from J.C. Mitchell School, a problem itself, the Palm uled to open for its first day According to an official of which last year was utilizing Beach County Board of Public of classes Friday, already has the school systems, "The board portables to house its 810 stu- 40 more students than its ca- will review the situation as soon dents. pacity of 440. as a report has been received The new school isn't the only The school was supposed to from the principal, Bob Traf- one with enrollment problems solve a problem of overcrowd- ford. at this time. ed classrooms and portables "If necessary, alternate plans Boca Raton High School, the August 26-28, 1967 by taking 350 students from will be considered, including city's only high school, has felt Hi Lo Rain J.C. Mitchell School, which last possibly the need to change the most impact with a regis- Sat. 88 73 0 year saw a record enrollment Addison Mizner School's bound- tration of 1470 students so far Sun. 88 75 0 of 810. ary lines." and an expected total of 1500, Mon. noon 89 74 Trace What to do about overcrowded The school boundaries for 250 more than last year's count, Mizner, presently are El Rio and 250 more than the school's Canal west to 441, and from the (Continued on Page 10) south county line north to Glades Road, half of last year'sbound- Firm 'Makes Light' aries for J.C. Mitchell School. J.C. Mitchell's boundaries Pay Hike last year were El Rio Canal to 441 and Boca Raton Square^ to ...And Sells It, Too north Boca Raton. On Agenda Tropicel Corporation sells lucent panels and allow a very Addison Mizner's present light... .or that's the way Alex- bright interior,. Opaque walls boundaries include Palmetto Adoption of a new pay plan ander Weiss, vice president are necessary only where pri- Park Terrace and Lake Flor- which will mean a minimum 5 sales-product development, put vacy is desired. esta, areas which have changed per cent pay increase for mu- it. The panels consist of two drastically during the summer nicipal employes tops the agenda The company manufactures fiberglass reinforced sheets of months from retirement areas for tonight's City Council meet- translucent sandwich type to neighborhoods with a high ing. structural building panels. When Nineteenth In A Series concentration of young families The pay plan, already incorp- the panels are used in an ex^ connected with IBM. orated in the final draft of the terior wall, they form a decor- On Industry When the new school was proposed city budget, would go ative interior and exterior fin- In Boca Raton built, no thought was given to into effect when the budget be- ish and let in diffused outside IBM because announcement of comes effective Nov. 1. light. plastic separated by honeycomb, the company's plans to build a However, in addition to to- The building code in Florida wood curl, or other core ma- computer factory here had not night's Council action, the pay states that the roof of a building terial to make an air space with yet been made. Even when the increases will also face another Geyser dwarfs spectators, utility lines. must be tied in with thefounda- insulating properties. The announcement was made, it was hurdle when the budget comes up tion at least every 17 feet and spacing by the core also im- never really certain just how for public hearing Sept, 5. At it is thus possible to fill in the parts rigidity to the panel. many children would come to that time, the Council must ap- intervening space with trans- (Continued on Page 10) Boca Raton with their families prove the final draft—or change the first year. In fact, even to- it—and set the tax millage for Old Faithful Erupts day it's still an uncertain fac- the next fiscal year. tor. Generally speaking, the 5 per "There wasn't any assurance cent figure is an across the that all the IBMpeople would lo- board increase for all city em- At City Hall Corner cate in Boca Raton but it looks ployes. It is in addition to what- now like they pretty well stick ever normal increments the Thousands of gallons of water had been on the other side we together," Trafford said. employe might be entitled to re- rocketed into the air in front of could have shut it off immed- "These are young people, ceive on the basis of his civil city hall yesterday afternoon iately. This way we have to turn too," Trafford said. '^And I do service standing and years of when a bulldozer cut off a two- off all the valves up the line mean young, I had a woman come experience. inch water line in Palmetto Park and then the main valve." in a couple of weeks ago who In many cases, employes Road. "Water pressure took a no- had four children, with the old- would normally have received a William Prendergast, super- ticeable drop in the south area est one just enrolling in first civil service increment intendent of public works, said of town," Prendergast said. grade." amounting to about 5 per cent. between 20,000 and 30,000 "Especially in the Bocalslands Although IBM has had the The additional increase adds sprayed across the city hall section. That is the area fed by most effect on Addison Mizner, another 5 per cent on top. parking lot during the 45 min- this 20-inch line. Trafford does not discount other Other variations occur in the utes it took to close several "But there was no disruption factors, like the 350 students police and fire departments, valves. Flowing higher than city of service to anyone, just the who enrolled at the new school where Council has tentatively hall, the guyser could be seen drop in pressure," he added. for several blocks in the down- from J.C. Mitchell last year, OK'd additional pay increases, Spokesmen at the water plant and families moving into the most of them averaging closer town area. said they were aware something area for other reasons. to the 10 per cent mark. Simi- "The bulldozer cut off a two had happened almost immed- lar increases were approved inch tap," William Eddinger, iately. Gauges at the plant be- for other specialized employes. superintendent of public utili- gan to fall, especially one con- Estimates indicated that the ties said, "but it was on top of a trolling the south water tank on cost of the pay increase totals 20-inch main line, Dixie Highway. Estimates Annn Landers Page 7 about $80,000. "We had to shut valves off ranged up to 10,000 gallons from Classifieds 8-9 Normal increment raises had all the way back to 13th street the tank in the first 20 minutes Editorials 4 been estimated at $22,000 in the to stop the flow. of the break. About 30,000 gal- Public Notice 3 budget draft, and a net increase "The dozer cut the tap off lons of water was being carried Tropicel workman cuts blocks for wood curl machine. Sports 5 of 23 new positions added some just about three feet from a in the tank at the time and level Women's News 6-7 $83,944 to the total payroll. valve," Eddinger said, "If it dropped about two feet. 2 Tuesday, August 29, 1967 BOCA RATON NEWS HOSPITALiZATION INSURANCE Investors' Guide HURRICANE SERVICE COMPANY Family Protection - Mo/or Medical Costs 906 N, DIXIE HWY, Medicare Supplement - No Age Limit BOCA RATON, FLA, Add to your present insurance - Major Companies Going It Alone Thomas M. Forsyth, Jr. 399-7878 Executive Suite, We/r Plaza Bldg. SHADES-SCREENS Phone 395-1704 By Sam Shulsky where your knowledge better? fairly stable income, and experience are? Youngstovm is a B you'll have to sell off Storm Shutters Q.Iama 25-year-old plus company which has some of your lower yield ALCAN FLEXALUM PANELS & AWNINGS salesman, owning 600 Q.