Report To: Housing & City Support

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Report To: Housing & City Support Agenda Item 9 Report PC 15/14 Report to Planning Committee Date 13 February 2014 By Director of Planning Local Authority Chichester District Council Application Number SDNP/13/02293/FUL Applicant Current Asset Limited Application Demolition of existing B1(c) industrial building with ancillary offices and erection of a new mixed development with A1/A2, B1 and C3 uses. Provision of service yard and car parking. Address Dundee House, Bepton Road, Midhurst, West Sussex, GU29 9LZ Purpose of Report The application is reported to Committee for a decision. Recommendation: That planning permission be refused for the reason set out in paragraph 10.1 of this report Executive Summary The redevelopment of this brownfield site, to provide a mixed residential, retail, office and professional services use, is considered appropriate and sequentially preferable in this sustainable location within the built up area of Midhurst. However, the proposed development would result in a structure lacking in local distinctiveness that does not preserve or enhance the Midhurst Conservation Area or conserve or enhance the South Downs National Park. There would be an acceptable impact upon the amenity of neighbouring properties whilst other issues, such as highway safety, ecology, contaminated land and archaeology could be addressed by appropriate conditions. 1. Site Description 1.1 The application site forms a 0.11ha rectangular and flat parcel of land located in Midhurst in West Sussex. The site lies within the built up area of Midhurst located at the junction of Bepton Road and White City primarily fronting Bepton Road. Whilst the Chichester District Local Plan 1999 does not define a town centre or primary shopping frontage for Midhurst the site lies in an area of sporadic retail development to the south-west of the majority of the retail provision in Midhurst. 1.2 The application site is encompassed to the south, east and north by roads with the road to the north forming the access to the adjacent Budgens supermarket. To the west of the site, following the pattern of development along Bepton Road, is a two-storey detached commercial building (Dean House) whilst to the south, across Bepton Road, are two and three storey buildings that have been converted to offices. 1.3 The site itself constitutes a two-story flat roofed commercial building, known as Dundee House, that is currently in mixed use forming predominantly use classes B1c (light industry) and ancillary B1 (office) accommodation. This is supplemented by an open parking area, enclosed by metal fencing, in the north-east corner of the site. 1.4 The site is prominent on the southern approach to the centre of Midhurst within the 42 Midhurst Conservation Area. It has a close association with the historic centre of Midhurst, with historic buildings neighbouring to the southwest and across Bepton Road to the south and east. The site area and the west side of the road up to the junction with West Street/Petersfield Road is of more recent construction and identified by the conservation area appraisal as having a negative impact on the character of the conservation area. This is due to both the fact that most of the space remained undeveloped until relatively recently and that the historic buildings near the junction with Petersfield Road were demolished after being hit by a bomb in World War Two. 1.5 This area of Bepton Road historically had a predominantly residential character with some retail and industrial uses. The principal building type within the area is of individual houses or pairs of houses forming terraces which are built hard to the back of the pavement without set backs. Opposite the site, the building types change to large Edwardian and Victorian Villas with small set backs behind low boundary walls. Further down Bepton Road, to the southeast, are two pairs of semis and two terraces, consisting of repeating terraced house types. The historic map of 1897 shows that the site was previously occupied by a pair of buildings, which appear to occupy their plot in the same way as the terraced house types to the northern end of Bepton Road. 1.6 The site also lies within the Midhurst Settlement boundary and the wider area is defined as Rother Farmland and Heath Mosaic by the South Downs Landscape Character Assessment 2011. 2. Relevant Planning History 2.1 There is no recent relevant planning history for the site. 2.2 A concurrent application (SDNP/13/02294/CON) has been submitted seeking conservation area consent for the demolition of the buildings on the site. 3. Proposal 3.1 The application proposes the demolition of Dundee House and the erection of a structure formed of two interconnecting but distinctive parts. The southern element of the building proposed contains 130m² of mixed retail (A1) and professional services (A2) floorspace on the ground floor and four open market one-bedroom residential units on the first floor. The northern element proposes 282m² of retail (A1) floorspace on the ground floor and 293m² of office space (B1) on the first floor (commensurate to approximately 20 full time jobs). 3.2 To the northern section of the site are 18 car parking spaces (including the four on White City and one reserved for disabled motorists), a cycle store for 16 cycles and space for parking a light goods vehicle. The retail, professional services, office and residential units would be accessed via three respective accesses onto Bepton Road. 3.3 The proposal would construct a two-storey building on the eastern part of the application site with the north-eastern corner rising to a height equivalent to a three-storey building. The building would be finished in a mixture of red facing brick, red brick detailing, vertical tile hanging, clay roof tiles and timber windows. 3.4 The existing metal fencing would be removed with new fencing only reinstated to the southern elevation facing the adjacent building. Two trees and an area of shrubs would be planted on the northern boundary. 3.5 The application form and drawings are accompanied by: Acoustic Report; Bat Report; Contamination Report; Design and Access Statement; Drainage Strategy; Energy Statement; Heritage Impact Assessment; 43 Landscape Management Statement; Planning Statement; and Transport Statement (inc. road safety audit). 4. Consultations The application was received in May 2013. Revised plans, amending the design in response to the Design Review Panels comments, were submitted in December 2013 and a full re- consultation was undertaken in January 2014. Updated and additional comments received are included below. 4.1 CDC Archaeologist: No objection. 4.2 CDC Ecologist: No objection. 4.3 CDC Environmental Health: No objection with regard to contaminated land and air quality 4.4 Environment Agency: No objection subject to conditions regarding contaminated land 4.5 Midhurst Town Council: Support: Members were pleased to see that this application would extend the retail offer within the town linking North Street shops with West Street. It was felt to be a high quality development which would be of benefit to the town commercially and mirror existing architecture. 4.6 SDNPA Design Review Panel: The SDNPA Design Review Panel considered the application in June 2013 making the following points: The application site is on a prominent corner with the potential to enhance the Conservation Area. The proposal should relate both to Bepton Road and the supermarket car park; The proposal should reference the proposed uses as opposed to seeking to replicate the large former residential buildings opposite the site on Bepton Road; The relationship between the commercial and residential elements proposed is challenging to ensure residential amenity is acceptable; The proposal is not considered of an appropriate design to enhance amenity of the areas or character of the Conservation Area. Concern regarding the way in which the building sits on the site, addresses the corner and responds to the conditions at the back through its approach to bulk, scale, mass and materials; Concern that the design is based on neighbouring housing – a holistic design approach is needed that is in scale with the use; The roof form, which appears to big; The character and planting of the service yard; The quality of amenity space for residential uses and the layout of the apartments Amended plans were subsequently submitted in December 2013 alongside a written response stating how the proposal had sought to address the Design Review Panels concerns which is available on the online planning register. The proposal was not considered further by the Design Review Panel but the SDNPA Design Officer has confirmed that many of the observations made remain relevant. 4.7 SDNPA Design Officer: Object on the following grounds: Uncharacteristic building forms, scale, massing and width; Uncharacteristic roof form, height; Uncharacteristic building character; The poor quality and character of the area to the rear. 44 4.8 SDNPA Historic Buildings Advisor: Object: The proposed building would introduce an element of discordant massing into this part of the Midhurst Conservation Area that is characterised by Victorian cottages and suburban housing. 4.9 WSCC Highways Officer: No objection. 4.10 Southern Water: No objection. 5. Representations 5.1 Chichester Access Group: All accesses should be level and doorways 900mm wide to facilitate access. 5.2 One third-party representation has been received objecting on the grounds that the proposed shop windows are of an inappropriate design. 5.3 Three third-party representations have been received neither in support or objection but raising the following points: A secure pedestrian footpath should be maintained; Controls should be placed on the construction works to ensure that noise and dust levels are acceptable; Controls should be placed to ensure the construction works do not restrict access to Midhurst or result in traffic delays.
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