MIRPS: Regional Context and Comprehensive Approach
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Index Part 1 ..................................................... 1 MIRPS: Regional Context and Comprehensive Approach............................................................................. 1.1 National Chapters of MIRPS Countries……………….. 1.2 Belize, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Panama Part 2 ......... …………………………………….2 Contributions from Cooperation Actors………….…. 2.1 Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Spain, Switzerland, Uruguay, UNHCR Spanish Committee Contributions from Regional and International Organisations and from Regional Networks……………………………………………..……..…..... 2.2 Organization of American States (OAS), Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, Inter-American Court of Human Rights, General Secretariat of the Central American Integration System (SG SICA), Secretariat of the Central American Social Integration System (SISCA), Inter-American Development Bank (IADB), United Nations Development Group (UNDG Lac), Resident Coordinators of the United Nations System in Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador, International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), Human Rights Institutions, Latin American and Caribbean Ecclesiastic Network of Migration, Displacement, Asylum and Human Trafficking (CLAMOR), Regional Network of Civil Society Organisations for Migration (RROCM), Risk, Emergency & Disaster Working Group for Latin America and the Caribbean (REDLAC), Specialised Regional Group of Academics who Support the Comprehensive Regional Protection and Solutions Framework (GREAT MIRPS), Integrarse Network. NOTICE / DISCLAIMER: The present MIRPS document is a transcript of the national chapters and comments to general chapters sent by the countries that are part of the MIRPS process, as well as the contributions of other countries, organizations, institutions and regional and international organizations at the close of Thursday 20 October 2017. Following the celebration of the San Pedro Sula Conference on October 26, 2017, the content of the chapters or contributions could be modified and revised by the entities and States concerned in order to update content and / or modify the proposed action plans. The most up-to-date version of the document will be available on the website www.mirps-hn.org PART 1 UNHCR / Tito Herrera 1.1. MIRPS: Regional Context and Comprehensive Approach both national and regional levels. This Regional Context increase in forced displacement has led to the In North America and Central America there adoption of numerous commitments, such as is a wide mobility of people who have the 2014 Brazil Declaration and Plan of multiple and complex causes to leave, which Action and the 2016 San José Action include socioeconomic factors, as well as Statement, in order to strengthen protection violence and insecurity - mainly caused by and encourage solutions for those affected, organized crime - that force the population to addressing the underlying causes through the move within and outside the region. In recent promotion of a stable environment that years, a significant increase in the number of guarantees safety, economic development asylum seekers, refugees and other persons and prosperity. This regional response in need of international protection has been requires collaboration from other noted. All countries in the region have been stakeholders, along with support from the affected – as countries of origin, transit, international community, to ensure the asylum and/or return; and sometimes all effectiveness of the responsibility sharing these at the same time – and that is why arrangements. protection responses have been provided on The New York Declaration countries and communities; and (iv) expand opportunities for durable solutions. and the Global Compact on Refugees The CRRF proposes the participation of multiple stakeholders through greater In the New York Declaration on Refugees and coordination and it recognises the important Migrants, adopted in the High-level Plenary role that they could and should play in Meeting on Addressing Large Movements of responding to a situation of displacement. Refugees and Migrants, held in the seventy- Furthermore, it proposes closer collaboration first session of the UN General Assembly in with development agencies from the start. September 2016, the States reaffirmed the This approach is fully in line with the relevance of the international and regional Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 protection systems; ratified their Agenda – with its commitment to leaving no- commitment to protecting persons who have one behind – and with the shared been forced to flee from violence and responsibilities agreed upon in the World persecution; and committed to supporting Humanitarian Summit 2016 and the national the countries of origin in addressing the development programmes. underlying causes of displacement and re- establishing suitable conditions for the In the New York Declaration, the General dignified and safe return of their citizens. Assembly of the United Nations invited the They also recognised the need to develop a United Nations High Commissioner for more equitable and predictable global Refugees to include a proposal for a Global approach to address large movements. Compact on Refugees in his annual report to the General Assembly in 2017, for Annex I of the New York Declaration calls for consideration at its seventy-third session. the creation of a Comprehensive Refugee This Global Compact will be based on the Response Framework (CRRF). The objective application of the CRRF in the different of the CRRF is to mobilise from the very regions – including Central America and beginning a wide range of relevant Mexico. As part of this process, the UNHCR stakeholders including States, national and will support the States in the realisation of regional organisations, the United Nations broad consultations and practical initiatives system, international and regional financial for the implementation of the CRRF, to be institutions, the private sector, civil society carried out over 2017 and 2018. and the affected populations. This comprehensive response is focused on four priority areas: (i) improving reception and admission mechanisms; (ii) offering a timely response to the basic immediate needs of the population (at the humanitarian and protection levels); (iii) supporting host UNHCR / Boris Heger cooperation to address the needs for Regional Cooperation and protection in Central America. The "San José Solidarity Processes Action Statement" establishes a series of commitments from the States and other There is a long tradition of cooperation in the relevant stakeholders to respond to the Americas. In December 2014, the multiple dimensions of the situation, governments of Latin America and the including prevention, addressing the Caribbean held a meeting in Brazil to structural causes, protection in the countries celebrate the 30th anniversary of the 1984 of origin and international protection for Cartagena Declaration on Refugees. On that asylum seekers and refugees, from a occasion, 28 countries and 3 territories from perspective of solidarity and shared Latin America and the Caribbean adopted the responsibility on a regional level. Brazil Declaration and Plan of Action, establishing a broad set of operational The Brazil Declaration and Plan of Action and priorities for the protection of refugees, the San José Action Statement are asylum seekers, internally displaced persons considered important regional strategic and stateless persons in the Americas. There frameworks for cooperation and shared was also a specific chapter on "Solidarity with responsibility in the promotion of regional the Northern Triangle of Central America in solutions to the challenges of protection, Seeking and Implementing Durable which paved the way to the New York Solutions." Declaration and the Global Compact. Subsequently, in July 2016, Costa Rica hosted the High-Level Round Table – organised by the UNHCR and the General Secretariat of the Organisation of American States (OAS), with support from the Central American Integration System (SICA, by its acronym in Spanish) – with the aim of promoting new opportunities for strategic There is a long tradition of regional cooperation in the Americas. The Brazil Declaration and Plan of Action and the San José Action Statement paved the way to the New York Declaration and the Global Compact. MIRPS: vision and scope The goal of the MIRPS is to make existing commitments operational and to promote In the New York Declaration, the States new initiatives to address situations of committed to applying this new displacement from a comprehensive and comprehensive response framework, invited regional approach – linked with countries of the United Nations High Commissioner for origin, transit and destination – and involving Refugees to engage with them and to consult a wide range of relevant stakeholders on a with all relevant stakeholders with the aim of regional, national and international level. to evaluating the detailed practical In this respect, through the Declaration of application of the comprehensive refugee San Pedro Sula, the countries agreed to take response framework. The objective would be part in the Comprehensive Regional to ease pressures on host countries, to Protection and Solutions Framework enhance refugee self-reliance, to support the (MIRPS), understood as a dynamic and conditions in countries of origin and to collaborative process – as reflected in this expand access to third-country solutions. practical, detailed and living