Parliamentary Library of Western Australia
PARLIAMENTARY LIBRARY OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA Hon Oscar (Neil) Blackburne Oliver Member for West Province, Legislative Council, 22 May 1977—21 May 1989 Vale Biographical InformaƟon Principal Honours Awarded ED (Efficiency Decoraon), 1968 Birth 16 August 1933, Caulfield, Victoria, Australia Arrival in WA September 1963 Parents Son of Oscar Oliver, civil engineer, and Elizabeth Emily Lile Marriage and Family Married 22 June 1962, Toorak, Victoria to Margaret Joy Treloar, daughter of Reginald George Treloar and Doris Edna McHutchinson Children: two sons and one daughter Religion Church of England EducaƟon Educated Caulfield Grammar School Royal Melbourne Instute of Technology—Dip of Wool Technology OccupaƟon Wool broker and army officer Employment History Officer Cadet Unit Royal Australian Army 29 April 1952–54, Naonal Service Commendaon , December 1954 With Cizens' Military Forces 1954–1977, served with Regular Army in Malaysia in 1957 and South Vietnam 1968 Captain 7 August 1958, Major 15 May 1961, Lieutenant-Colonel 7 October 1971 Awarded ED 1968 and bar (1973); Reserve Forces Decoraon (RFD) (1982) Rered from the army on elecon to parliament in 1977 Hon Regimental Colonel Royal Australian Corps of Transport 1978–1988 Wool broker in Victoria, New Zealand and WA 1958–1977 Also partner in Hereford stud in Victoria Company representave in North America 1965 and in Eastern Europe and Middle East— Beirut 1966 Closely associated with construcon industry Aer leaving polics, became a director of companies dealing with paper pulp and property development
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