Construction of a Chromosome-Level Genome Assembly for Genome-Wide

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Construction of a Chromosome-Level Genome Assembly for Genome-Wide Yin et al. Zool. Res. 2021, 42(3): 262−266 Letter to the editor Open Access Construction of a chromosome-level genome assembly for genome-wide identification of growth-related quantitative trait loci in Sinocyclocheilus grahami (Cypriniformes, Cyprinidae) The Dianchi golden-line barbel, Sinocyclocheilus grahami (Zhao et al., 2013). However, the S. grahami population has (Regan, 1904), is one of the “Four Famous Fishes” of Yunnan declined sharply since the 1960s due to habitat damage, Province, China. Given its economic value, this species has water pollution, and alien species invasion (Yang et al., 2007). been artificially bred successfully since 2007, with a nationally As such, it was listed as an animal of Second-Class National selected breed (“S. grahami, Bayou No. 1”) certified in 2018. Protection in 1989, and as an endangered fish in the “China For the future utilization of this species, its growth rate, Red Book of Endangered Animals” in 1998 (Le & Chen, 1998). disease resistance, and wild adaptability need to be improved, Since 2007, our team has successfully achieved the artificial which could be achieved with the help of molecular marker- breeding of S. grahami (Yang et al., 2007), which has not only assisted selection (MAS). In the current study, we constructed helped in avoiding its wild extinction, but also opened a new the first chromosome-level genome of S. grahami, assembled era for its utilization. Moreover, after four generations of 48 pseudo-chromosomes, and obtained a genome size of artificial selection, a new national breed (“S. grahami, Bayou 1.49 Gb. We also performed QTL-seq analysis of S. grahami No. 1”) with accelerated growth and weakened inter-muscular using the highest and lowest bulks (i.e., largest and smallest bones was certified in 2018. This new breed highlights a size) in both a sibling and random population. We screened successful paradigm of wildlife protection in China, i.e., from two quantitative trait loci (QTLs) (Chr3, 14.9–39.1 Mb and endangered species conservation to sustainable utilization. It Chr17, 4.1–27.4 Mb) as major growth-related locations. is foreseeable that with “S. grahami, Bayou No. 1”, focus will Several candidate genes (e.g., map2k5, stat1, phf21a, sox6, shift to the improvement of growth traits, which are among the and smad6) were also identified, with functions related to most important economic characteristics in aquaculture (Yin et growth, such as cell differentiation, neuronal development, al., 2020). skeletal muscle development, chondrogenesis, and immunity. Molecular marker-assisted selection (MAS) is an efficient These results built a solid foundation for in-depth MAS studies method for trait improvement as it can effectively shorten on the growth traits of S. grahami. selective breeding time and minimize possible negative risks The Dianchi golden-line barbel (Sinocyclocheilus grahami, to the environment (Yue, 2014). If high-precision chromosomal Cypriniformes, Cyprinidae) (Figure 1A) is a small-sized genomes are available, QTLs and candidate genes can be cyprinid with restricted distribution in the Dianchi basin and identified and applied for MAS. Commonly used methods for surrounding streams in Yunnan Province, China. Famed as a identifying QTLs and candidate genes in fish species studies high-yield and nutrition-enriched fish, this species contains include genome-wide association analysis (GWAS), QTL higher amount of protein, lipids, and essential amino acids analysis, restriction site-associated DNA sequencing (RAD- than many common market fish, such as Ctenopharyngodon seq), and transcriptome sequencing (RNA-seq) (Li et al., idellus (Valenciennes, 1844) (grass carp) and Hypophthalmichthys nobilis (Richardson, 1845) (bighead carp) Received: 03 November 2020; Accepted: 23 March 2021; Online: 24 This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the March 2021 Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (http:// Foundation items: This study was supported by the National Natural, which permits unrestricted Science Foundation of China (31672282, U1702233, U1902202), non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (XDA24030505, provided the original work is properly cited. XDA23080500, KFJ-STS-QYZD-101), and Program of Yunnan Copyright ©2021 Editorial Office of Zoological Research, Kunming Provincial Science and Technology Department (202003AD150017, Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences 2018FY001-007) 2018; Liu et al., 2017; Salem et al., 2012; Yu et al., 2016). After whole-genome resequencing and quality control of the QTL-seq, which combines the advantages of both bulked four bulk-pooled samples from the two populations, a total of segregant analysis (BSA) and whole-genome resequencing, is 1 584 million reads (150 bp in length) were retained for an innovative, rapid, and effective way in which to locate QTLs subsequent analyses. According to the SNP identification (Gu et al., 2018; Li et al., 2017; Takagi et al., 2013). procedure in QTL-seq analysis, a total of 282 476 and 281 611 In the current study, we constructed a high-density linkage sliding windows were detected in the sibling and random map of S. grahami using RAD-seq based on a full-sib family, populations, respectively, with more than 15 SNPs in each including 169 offspring and their parents (F1 generation from window. Correspondingly, the Fst values of each window domesticated Muyanghe population) cultivated in the ranged from 0.001 to 0.138 and 0.001 to 0.188, and the lowest Endangered Fish Conservation Center (EFCC) of the Fst values for the top 1/1 000 windows (Fst cutoff) were 0.085 Kunming Institute of Zoology (KIZ), Chinese Academy of and 0.098 in each population, respectively. After filtering those Sciences (CAS). Based on the generated high-density genetic chromosomes that contained sliding windows (<4) with Fst linkage map, we constructed a chromosome-level genome values higher than the cutoff, as well as those regions with assembly with the assistance of our previous scaffold-level only sporadic sliding window distributions, we retained 12 genome sequences (Yang et al., 2016). We also used the QTLs from the sibling population and 29 QTLs from the obtained chromosome-level genome as a reference and random population (Figure 1D, E). performed QTL-seq for growth based on sibling (~2 000 Additionally, when we combined Fisher’s Exact test and individuals) and random (~20 000 individuals) populations of bulk frequency ratio (BFR) parameter (BFR≥4), 152 and 310 S. grahami. All animal experiments were approved by the significant SNPs were identified in the sibling and random internal review board of KIZ, CAS (approval ID: SMKX-SQ- populations, respectively. The major SNPs (≥8) screened from 20170308-073). Detailed descriptions are provided in the the sibling population were distributed in Chr3, Chr17, Chr33, Supplementary Materials and Methods. Chr34, and Chr46 (Figure 1F), while the major SNPs screened Following RAD-seq and quality control, a total of 286 Gb of from the random population showed a relatively scattered raw reads were generated through an Illumina HiSeqX-Ten distribution in Chr3, Chr10, Chr11, Chr13, Chr14, Chr15, platform. In total, 25 646 single nucleotide polymorphism Chr17, Chr18, Chr19, Chr24, Chr28, Chr30, Chr36, Chr37, (SNP) markers were obtained across all samples in the full-sib Chr39, and Chr48 (Figure 1G). family, with 18 874 SNPs detected in more than 70% of the To identify more reliable QTLs, we combined the significant progeny. Among them, 12 412 SNPs with normal Mendelian SNPs identified from both the sliding windows and BFR segregation patterns were retained to construct a linkage map, parameter, and observed that growth-related QTLs converged with classification into 48 linkage groups. in Chr3, Chr17, Chr33, Chr34, and Chr46 in the sibling With the assistance of our previous scaffold-level S. population, and in Chr3, Chr11, Chr14, Chr15, Chr17, Chr18, grahami genome (Yang et al., 2016), we assigned the linkage Chr28, Chr36, Chr37, and Chr39 in the random population. groups into 48 pseudo-chromosomes. Our final chromosome- Furthermore, when considering both sibling and random level assembly contained 12 412 high-quality SNPs, with a populations together, the overlapping QTL intervals between genome size of 1.49 Gb (see Supplementary Tables S1, S2), the two populations were in Chr3 (14.9–39.1 Mb) and Chr17 accounting for 84.99% of the scaffold-level assembly (4.1–27.4 Mb) (Figure 1H, I), suggesting that these QTLs (1.75 Gb). Figure 1B shows the distributions of SNPs, genes, represent the greatest possible growth-related regions in S. and GC content at 100 kb genomic intervals, as well as the grahami. one-to-one syntenic relationships of orthologous pairs. In total, Simultaneously, we identified several genes within the two 20 558 gene pairs (430 syntenic blocks) between S. grahami major candidate QTL intervals that contained significant SNPs and Danio rerio (Hamilton, 1822) (zebrafish) were obtained (BFR≥4), which were thus considered as candidate genes after genome-wide alignments, thus supporting a 2:1 syntenic relevant to S. grahami growth. These genes included mitogen- relationship between the two species for almost all activated protein kinase kinase 5 (map2k5), which had two chromosomes (Figure 1C). SNPs with BFR values of 8.4 and 5, respectively; signal Based on QTL-seq analysis (Takagi et al., 2013), two bulks transducer and activator of transcription 1-alpha/beta (stat1) from the sibling population (~2 000 individuals) were and PHD finger protein 21A (phf21a), which contained SNPs constructed, i.e., fastest-growth bulk consisting of 30 with BFR values ≥5; and SRY-box 6 (sox6), SMAD family extremely large individuals and slowest-growth bulk consisting member 6 (smad6), tetraspanin-3 (tspan3), and of 30 extremely small individuals. Two parallel bulks from the unconventional myosin-Va (myo5a), which all contained SNPs random population (~20 000 individuals) were also with BFR values ≥4 but <5 (see Supplementary Figure S2).
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    bioRxiv preprint doi:; this version posted April 14, 2020. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. It is made available under aCC-BY-ND 4.0 International license. 1 TITLE: Evolution in Sinocyclocheilus cavefish is marked by rate 2 shifts, reversals and origin of novel traits 3 4 Ting-Ru Mao†,1, Ye-Wei Liu†, 1, Madhava Meegaskumbura†,‡, 1, Jian Yang2, Gajaba Ellepola1,3, 5 Gayani Senevirathne4, Cheng-Hai Fu1, Joshua B. Gross5, Marcio R. Pie6 6 7 1Guangxi Key Laboratory for Forest Ecology and Conservation, College of Forestry, Guangxi 8 University, Nanning, Guangxi, P.R.C. 9 2Key Laboratory of Environment Change and Resource Use, Beibu Gulf, Nanning Normal 10 University, Nanning, Guangxi, P.R.C. 11 3Faculty of Science, University of Peradeniya, Peradeniya, KY 20400, Sri Lanka 12 4Department of Organismal Biology & Anatomy, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA 13 5Department of Biological Sciences, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA 14 6Departamento de Zoologia, Universidade Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil 81531- 15 980 16 17 † - equal contribution 18 ‡ - corresponding author - [email protected] 19 20 ABSTRACT 21 Epitomized by the well-studied Astyanax mexicanus, cavefishes provide important model 22 organisms to understand adaptations in response to divergent natural selection. However, the 23 spectacular Sinocyclocheilus diversification of China, the most diverse cavefish clade in the world 1 bioRxiv preprint doi:; this version posted April 14, 2020.
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