For an internationalist bloc of the Special revolutionary forces of the world Issue working class! Page 17 Collective for the Refoundation of the Fourth International International Leninist Trotskyist Fraction June 2020 e-mail:
[email protected] • Letter to the JRCL-RMF of Japan United States Minneapolis was the spark... With colossal combats and international solidarity of the workers of the world… Black people, working class and rebellious youth stand up Revolutionary action days of the exploited are cornering the citadel of power Middle East LEBANON: new revolutionary mass upheaval Page 21 IRAN: freedom to the political prisoners in Ayatollahs’ jails! Page 34 The masses of Lebanon clashing against Hezbollah SYRIA: with the infamous regime of Al Assad and Putin, under the US command, the plundering increases, the currency is devaluated and... a generalized starvation takes the people out onto the streets again Page 23 United States Minneapolis was the spark... With colossal combats and international solidarity of the workers of the world... Black people, working class and rebellious youth stand up Revolutionary action days of the exploited are cornering the citadel of power Let the regime fall! Enough of the cynical Biden-Sanders deception of the Democratic Party of the US imperialists butchers! Out with Trump, the leader of the imperialist bandits! Dissolution of the police, the FBI and the CIA! For the defeat of the Pentagon’s fascist officer caste! Black People’s Self-Defense Committees! Workers militia!