11 bus time schedule & line map

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The 11 bus line (Swaffham - Dereham) has 3 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) Dereham: 7:40 AM - 4:10 PM (2) Swaffham: 6:35 AM - 2:55 PM (3) Watton: 4:20 PM - 5:25 PM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest 11 bus station near you and nd out when is the next 11 bus arriving.

Direction: Dereham 11 bus Time Schedule 39 stops Dereham Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday 10:00 AM - 5:30 PM

Monday 7:40 AM - 4:10 PM Kings Arms, Swaffham 23 Market Place, Swaffham Tuesday 7:40 AM - 4:10 PM

Tesco, Swaffham Wednesday 7:40 AM - 4:10 PM Road, Swaffham Thursday 7:40 AM - 4:10 PM Waitrose, Swaffham Friday 7:40 AM - 4:10 PM Green Way, Swaffham Saturday 8:10 AM - 4:10 PM Waitrose, Swaffham Green Way, Swaffham

Green Way, Swaffham 20 St Guthlac Close, Swaffham 11 bus Info Direction: Dereham Bunkers Hill, Sporle Stops: 39 Trip Duration: 53 min Mini-Market, Line Summary: Kings Arms, Swaffham, Tesco, 3 Chantry Court, Necton Swaffham, Waitrose, Swaffham, Waitrose, Swaffham, Green Way, Swaffham, Bunkers Hill, Red Lion Close, Sporle, Mini-Market, Necton, Red Lion Close, Holme Red Lion Close, Holme Hale Civil Parish Hale, St Andrews Close, Holme Hale, Bus Shelter, Holme Hale, Reeves Farm, Ashill, Milleld Estate, St Andrews Close, Holme Hale Ashill, Dunnetts Close, Ashill, Goose Green, Ashill, Church Street, Ashill, Pages Lane, , The Bus Shelter, Holme Hale Oval, Saham Toney, Post Oce, Saham Toney, Bell School Road, Holme Hale Civil Parish Lane, Saham Toney, Wayland Avenue, Watton, Swaffham Road, Watton, Crown, Watton, Lime Tree Reeves Farm, Ashill Walk, Watton, Loch Lane, Watton, The Street, Ovington, King Row Post Box, , Threeways Milleld Estate, Ashill Garage, Shipdham, Post Oce, Shipdham, Central Hale Road, Ashill Civil Parish Garage, Shipdham, Pound Green Lane, Shipdham, Swan Lane, Shipdham, Eastgate, Shipdham, Holland Dunnetts Close, Ashill Court, Toftwood, Millwrights, Toftwood, Chapel Lane, Toftwood, Westeld Road, Toftwood, Swan Road, Goose Green, Ashill Dereham, Banyard Place, Dereham, Market Place, Dereham Church Street, Ashill Church Street, Ashill Civil Parish Pages Lane, Saham Toney Old Hall Close, Saham Toney Civil Parish

The Oval, Saham Toney

Post Oce, Saham Toney

Bell Lane, Saham Toney Shepherds Drove, Saham Toney Civil Parish

Wayland Avenue, Watton

Swaffham Road, Watton

Crown, Watton 41 High Street, Watton Civil Parish

Lime Tree Walk, Watton

Loch Lane, Watton Dorrs Drive, Watton Civil Parish

The Street, Ovington

King Row Post Box, Shipdham

Threeways Garage, Shipdham Watton Road, Shipdham Civil Parish

Post Oce, Shipdham

Central Garage, Shipdham

Pound Green Lane, Shipdham

Swan Lane, Shipdham

Eastgate, Shipdham

Holland Court, Toftwood

Millwrights, Toftwood 67 Shipdham Road, Dereham

Chapel Lane, Toftwood Breton Close, Dereham

Westeld Road, Toftwood

Swan Road, Dereham

Banyard Place, Dereham Banyard Place, Dereham

Market Place, Dereham Red Lion Street, Dereham Direction: Swaffham 11 bus Time Schedule 36 stops Swaffham Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 6:35 AM - 2:55 PM Market Place, Dereham Red Lion Street, Dereham Tuesday 6:35 AM - 2:55 PM

John Bates Close, Dereham Wednesday 6:35 AM - 2:55 PM The Maltings, Dereham Thursday 6:35 AM - 2:55 PM Morrisons, Dereham Friday 6:35 AM - 2:55 PM Station Road, Dereham Saturday 9:25 AM - 2:55 PM Homebase, Dereham Lynn Court, Dereham

Westeld Road, Toftwood 2 Shipdham Road, Dereham 11 bus Info Direction: Swaffham Chapel Lane, Toftwood Stops: 36 Breton Close, Dereham Trip Duration: 68 min Line Summary: Market Place, Dereham, John Bates Millwrights, Toftwood Close, Dereham, Morrisons, Dereham, Homebase, 67 Shipdham Road, Dereham Dereham, Westeld Road, Toftwood, Chapel Lane, Toftwood, Millwrights, Toftwood, Holland Court, Holland Court, Toftwood Toftwood, Eastgate, Shipdham, Kings Head, Shipdham, Swan Lane, Shipdham, Pound Green Eastgate, Shipdham Lane, Shipdham, Chapel Street, Shipdham, Post Oce, Shipdham, Threeways Garage, Shipdham, Kings Head, Shipdham King Row Post Box, Shipdham, Loch Lane, Watton, 2 Dereham Road, Shipdham Civil Parish Lime Tree Walk, Watton, Crown, Watton, Swaffham Road, Watton, Wayland Avenue, Watton, Martins Swan Lane, Shipdham Close, Saham Toney, Post Oce, Saham Toney, The Oval, Saham Toney, Pages Lane, Saham Toney, Pound Green Lane, Shipdham Goose Green, Ashill, Milleld Estate, Ashill, Reeves Farm, Ashill, Bus Shelter, Holme Hale, St Andrews Chapel Street, Shipdham Close, Holme Hale, Mini-Market, Necton, Bunkers Hill, Sporle, Green Way, Swaffham, Waitrose, Swaffham, Post Oce, Shipdham Brocks Road, Swaffham, Kings Arms, Swaffham The Green, Shipdham

Threeways Garage, Shipdham

King Row Post Box, Shipdham

Loch Lane, Watton Dorrs Drive, Watton Civil Parish

Lime Tree Walk, Watton

Crown, Watton 33 High Street, Watton Civil Parish

Swaffham Road, Watton

Wayland Avenue, Watton Martins Close, Saham Toney

Post Oce, Saham Toney

The Oval, Saham Toney

Pages Lane, Saham Toney Old Hall Close, Saham Toney Civil Parish

Goose Green, Ashill

Milleld Estate, Ashill Hale Road, Ashill Civil Parish

Reeves Farm, Ashill

Bus Shelter, Holme Hale School Road, Holme Hale Civil Parish

St Andrews Close, Holme Hale Saint Andrew's Close, Holme Hale Civil Parish

Mini-Market, Necton 3 Chantry Court, Necton Civil Parish

Bunkers Hill, Sporle

Green Way, Swaffham 21 St Guthlac Close, Swaffham

Waitrose, Swaffham Green Way, Swaffham

Brocks Road, Swaffham 11 Castle Acre Road, Swaffham

Kings Arms, Swaffham 3a Market Place, Swaffham Direction: Watton 11 bus Time Schedule 22 stops Watton Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday 9:00 AM - 4:30 PM

Monday 4:20 PM - 5:25 PM Market Place, Dereham Red Lion Street, Dereham Tuesday 4:20 PM - 5:25 PM

Market Place, Dereham Wednesday 4:20 PM - 5:25 PM High Street, Dereham Thursday 4:20 PM - 5:25 PM St Nicholas Street, Dereham Friday 4:20 PM - 5:25 PM Wellington Road, Dereham Saturday 4:20 PM - 5:25 PM John Bates Close, Dereham The Maltings, Dereham

Morrisons, Dereham Station Road, Dereham 11 bus Info Direction: Watton Homebase, Dereham Stops: 22 Lynn Court, Dereham Trip Duration: 25 min Line Summary: Market Place, Dereham, Market Toftmead Close, Toftwood Place, Dereham, St Nicholas Street, Dereham, John Bates Close, Dereham, Morrisons, Dereham, Westeld Road, Toftwood Homebase, Dereham, Toftmead Close, Toftwood, 2 Shipdham Road, Dereham Westeld Road, Toftwood, Chapel Lane, Toftwood, Millwrights, Toftwood, Holland Court, Toftwood, Chapel Lane, Toftwood Eastgate, Shipdham, Kings Head, Shipdham, Swan Breton Close, Dereham Lane, Shipdham, Pound Green Lane, Shipdham, Chapel Street, Shipdham, Post Oce, Shipdham, Millwrights, Toftwood Threeways Garage, Shipdham, King Row Post Box, 67 Shipdham Road, Dereham Shipdham, Loch Lane, Watton, Lime Tree Walk, Watton, Crown, Watton Holland Court, Toftwood

Eastgate, Shipdham

Kings Head, Shipdham 2 Dereham Road, Shipdham Civil Parish

Swan Lane, Shipdham

Pound Green Lane, Shipdham

Chapel Street, Shipdham

Post Oce, Shipdham The Green, Shipdham

Threeways Garage, Shipdham

King Row Post Box, Shipdham

Loch Lane, Watton Dorrs Drive, Watton Civil Parish

Lime Tree Walk, Watton Crown, Watton 33 High Street, Watton Civil Parish 11 bus time schedules and route maps are available in an oine PDF at moovitapp.com. Use the Moovit App to see live bus times, train schedule or Check Live Arrival Times subway schedule, and step-by-step directions for all public transit in East Anglia. About Moovit MaaS Solutions Supported Countries Mooviter Community © 2021 Moovit - All Rights Reserved