Modernism in the Pacific Northwest: the Mythic and the Mystical Prepared by Kara Wagner, Library Volunteer and Traci Timmons, SAM Librarian
Bibliography for Modernism in the Pacific Northwest: The Mythic and the Mystical Prepared by Kara Wagner, Library Volunteer and Traci Timmons, SAM Librarian Resources for Adults: The Dorothy Stimson Bullitt Library Resources are available in the Bullitt Library (Seattle Art Museum, Fifth Floor, South Building). 1. Americans 1942: 18 Artists from 9 States. New York: Museum of Modern Art, 1942. SPCOL N 6512 N4 A6 1942. 2. Art of the Pacific Northwest: From the 1930s to the Present. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institute Press, 1974. N 6528 W3 N2. 3. The Artist’s Voice: Talks with Seventeen Artists, 235-48. Interview by Katherine Kuh. New York: Harper and Row, 1962. N 6490 K85 A7. 4. Beyond East and West: Memoirs, Portraits, and Essays. Leach, Bernard. New York: Guptill, 1978. NK 4210 L4 B4 1978. 5. A Community of Collectors: 75th Anniversary Gifts to the Seattle Art Museum. Ishikawa, Chiyo, ed. Seattle: Seattle Art Museum, 2008. N745 S4 I84. 6. Contemporary Calligraphers: John Marin, Mark Tobey, and Morris Graves. Wight, Frederick S. Houston: Contemporary Arts Museum, 1956. ND 237 M3 C66. 7. The Eighth Lively Art: Conversations with Painters, Poets, Musicians, and the Wicked Witch of the West. Wehr, Wesley. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 2000. N 6528 W45. 8. The eye burns gold, burns crimson, and fades to ash: Mark Tobey as Critical Anomaly. Freeman, Michael Russell. PhD diss., Indiana University, 2000. ND 237 T6 F84. 9. Feininger and Tobey: Years of Friendship, 1944-1956, the Complete Correspondence. Feininger, Lyonel. New York: Achim Moeller Fine Art, 1991. ND 237 F4 H27.
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