See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: Observations of dragonflies (Odonata) from northern Cyprus Article · July 2019 CITATIONS READS 0 23 1 author: Peter Flint Independent Researcher 34 PUBLICATIONS 37 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects: Cyprus birds View project All content following this page was uploaded by Peter Flint on 21 July 2019. The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. Observations of dragonflies from northern Cyprus 20. Juli 20191 Observations of dragonflies (Odonata) from northern Cyprus Peter Flint 14 Beechwood Avenue, Deal, Kent, CT14 9TD, UK,
[email protected] Abstract During observations by two resident observers in northern Cyprus from June 2003 to Sep- tember 2004 21 species of dragonfly were recorded. These included nine species not pre- viously recorded from the north of the island, two of which, Erythromma viridulum and Trithemis arteriosa, were not previously mentioned in the island’s literature; the former being a new species for the island. These observations were the first long-term observa- tions on the island and were made during a period of rapid climate and habitat change; the results for Diplacodes lefebvrii, Anax parthenope, Orthetrum chrysostigma, O. sabina, Selysiothemis nigra, T. annulata, and T. arteriosa appear to reflect these environmental changes. Other significant records include: Lestes macrostigma (early records and migra- tion/dispersal), Sympecma fusca (early records), Erythromma lindenii (recorded in only one previous year), A. ephippiger (mass migration) and Sympetrum striolatum (winter mating and ovipositing). Thirty two of the wetlands/water bodies we monitored were not mentioned in the earlier literature.