Fall 2013 Mail Order Catalog Cistus Nursery 22711 NW Gillihan Road Sauvie Island, OR 97231 503.621.2233 phone order by phone 9 - 5 pst, visit 10am - 5pm, email:
[email protected] 24-7-365 www.cistus.com Fall 2013 Mail Order Catalog 2 USDA zone: 2 Cornus alba 'Hessei' tartarian dogwood An ornamental, deciduous dogwood that is perfect for the small garden, growing to only 6-8 ft tall x 8-10 ft wide, with multiple, upright branches, the stems bright yellow in winter. Late spring flowers are white in flat clusters, producing white fruit in fall, both lovely against the curly, densely held, dark green leaves. Cut back in early spring for new growth in the best winter color. Makes a useful small hedge or screen. Very adaptable, enjoying sun -- except in the hottest climates -- to part shade and regular summer water. Frost hardy to -50F, USDA zone 2. $16 Cornaceae USDA zone: 3 Adiantum pedatum northern maidenhair fern Native to eastern North American on wooded slopes and dampish shade sites, this sweet maidenhair fern has frilly fronds arranged in a circle on wiry, nearly black stems to 1-2 ft tall in clumps to 1-2 ft wide. Where happy, can spread by rhizomes to form large colonies, a lovely and delicate groundcover for part to full shade where soil is rich and summer water is plentiful. Often grown indoors as well, tolerating low light. Frost hardy to -40F, USDA zone 3. $9 Adiantaceae Carex mertensii merten's sedge Western native sedge, found growing in moist to wet areas from Alaska to California and east to Montana.