Dr. Sophie Lambroschini, Centre Marc Bloch Water in Conflict: Five years after the Minsk ceasefire agreements, the unresolved issue of clean water supply to civilians in Donbas. Adaptation, limitations and outlines of cooperation Imprint DRA e.V. Badstraße 44 D-13357 Berlin Tel. +49 (0)30 446 680 12 Fax. +49 (0)30 446 680 10
[email protected] www.austausch.org www.civilmplus.org www.civicmonitoring.org This publication is developed in the framework of the activity of CivilM+ platform. CivilM+ is an independent international civil society platform, which mission is to active integration of civil initiatives to restore the Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts as peaceful, integrated and developed regions as part of a democratic Ukraine and a united European space, with the active participation of the region’s population and those who have left the region due to the conflict. More about the platform and it’s members on the web-site civilmplus.org Project: “Dialogue for understanding and justice: European NGOs working together for conflict resolution in Donbas” Author: Dr. Sophie Lambroschini, Centre Marc Bloch, Berlin Implemented with the kind support from the Federal Foreign Office of Germany The following report was commissioned by DRA from S. Lambroschini, a researcher on contemporary history of Ukraine and Russia at the Marc Bloch Centre in Berlin. Her research looks at how economic practices, networks and social ties transform across dividing lines of political, social, and geopolitical conflict in Central/Eastern Europe. This report is based on fieldwork done in Ukraine in 2018-2019. All opinions included in this report do not necessarily reflect the official position of the Federal Foreign Office of Germany.