Vipassana Newsletter

In the tradition of as taught by S.N. Goenka Vol. 27, No. 1 • March, 2000 386 Colrain-Shelburne Rd., Shelburne MA 01370, U.S.A. Published three times yearly

Words of Dhamma Patir³padesav±so ca, A suitable abode, pubbe ca katapuññat±, the of past good deeds, atta-samm±paºidhi ca— right aspirations for oneself— eta½ maªgalamuttama½. this is the highest welfare. — Maªgalasutta Pilgrimage to the Land of Dhamma The following article by S. N. Goenka was continents come to . After partici- Another destination for the pilgrims was specially written for the Vipassana News- pating in an International Conference at the the village of Dalla across the Yangon River, letter. Goenkaji recently visited Dhamma Joti center in that city, many then where a center still exists established by with over 750 foreign meditators. set out on the pilgrimage. Saya Thetgyi, the first lay teacher of My revered teacher Sayagyi U Ba Khin In spite of all the efforts made to provide Vipassana. Further from Yangon is the ardently wished that Myanmar repay its proper facilities, the pilgrims had to face famous Kyaiktiyo Hill, where a debt to by returning the invaluable hard traveling. Still, these Dhamma sons stands atop a balancing rock on the edge of jewel of Vipassana to the land where it had and daughters always had smiles on their a cliff. After the exertion of climbing the originated more than two millennia before. faces and a reverential attitude toward my hill, all tiredness was removed by meditating He was confident that there were many in motherland, Myanmar, in their hearts. I was in an atmosphere charged with the pure India with immense p±ramis who would deeply touched to see this. vibrations of Dhamma. wholeheartedly accept Vipassana and Since ancient times, people have gone The pilgrims proceeded northward to would join in the effort to spread it around on pilgrimage to India from Myanmar and Mandalay. There they meditated at the the world. He was also confident that there other countries where the Teaching of the Dhamma Mandapa center and the Maha- were many in other countries with p±ramis Buddha has been preserved. But this was muni Pagoda, and visited the Sagaing Hills who were waiting for this jewel, who would the first time in history that hundreds from where for centuries Vipassana has been feel blessed to obtain it and would India and around the world went on a practiced. At the monastery of their contribute in different ways to help its pilgrimage to Myanmar. Dhamma brother, Sithagu spread. This is exactly what happened. The pilgrims meditated together with Nyanissara, they were received with great Sayagyi’s Dhamma wish is being fulfilled. large numbers of their local Dhamma kindness and hospitality. With the coming of the Sayagyi Centen- brothers and sisters at Dhamma Joti. The The pilgrims visited sites associated with ary Year at the beginning of the new big Vipassana family gathered as well to Ledi Sayadaw, who was responsible for the millennium, a similar Dhamma wish arose meditate at Shwedagon, the largest and most and spread of Vipassana in modern in my mind: that meditators from India revered pagoda in Myanmar, which times. They went to Monywa and the nearby express their gratitude to Myanmar, the enshrines hair relics of the Buddha. With country that returned Vipassana to their the kind permission of the management and CONTENTS homeland, and that they be joined by the trustees, entry was permitted in the early hundreds of thousands of meditators around Pilgrimage to the Land of Dhamma ...... 1 morning and late evening, when the Pagoda Two Pilgrims’ Impressions of Myanmar ...... 4 the world who have benefited from gates are normally closed. Meditators sat at Goenkaji Attends World Economic Forum .... 5 Vipassana. In fulfillment of this wish, a the International Meditation Center in News ...... 6 pilgrimage was planned to the Dhamma northern Yangon, where I learned Vipas- Conference in Massachusetts ...... 6 country of Myanmar. Despite short notice, New Vipassana Centers ...... 7 sana at the feet of Sayagyi. For the welcome The Spread of Dhamma: Latin America, it was hoped that 200 to 250 meditators they received, we are grateful to the teacher Indonesia, Iran, China, Spain, Israel ...... 8 from India and abroad might take part. there, my Dhamma brother U Tin Yi, and to New Responsibilities & Appointments ...... 9 Instead, it was a pleasant surprise to see 750 Mother Sayama. meditators from 32 countries and all five

1 Ledi village, where he was born and taught Dhamma, and they also saw the hillside cave where he used to meditate. In addition, in Kyaukse they visited the monastery of Webu Sayadaw, a revered monk of recent years who gave so much encouragement and inspiration to Sayagyi. A few of the pilgrims went to Mogok to meditate at the two Vipassana centers there, Dhamma Ratana and Dhamma Makuta. In this city famed for its gems of ruby, they experienced the gem of Dhamma in all its splendor. The return journey southward led through the historic city of Pagan, ancient capital and city of , which left an indelible impression. All arrived back in Yangon feeling joyful though tired by the journey. Since then I have been receiving letters from pilgrims Pagoda at Sayagyi U Ba Khin’s International Meditation Center in Yangon

telling about their happy experiences. I am pleased to see so many enchanted by my motherland. Their words recall to mind an important incident in my life. When I came to India in 1969 to begin teaching Vipassana, the Government of Myanmar kindly issued me a passport, something almost impossible to obtain then. This allowed me to hold the first Vipassana course in India, with my parents partici- pating. The Ganges of Dhamma started flowing all over the country after that. From the very first year, many foreigners participated in Vipassana courses alongside Indians. After their courses they entreated me to come help their families, friends and others who could not visit India to benefit from the munificent Dhamma. In doing so they were simply voicing Sayagyi’s wishes. But I was unable to accede to them: the passport I had received in Myanmar was valid for travel only to India, not to any other country. I sought endorsements for other countries but government policy made it impossible to grant my request. Finally I made a Dhamma resolution: if the policy did not change even after I had spent ten years serving in India, I would apply for Indian citizenship and travel to teach Vipassana in other countries on an Indian passport. Ten years passed; I obtained Indian citizenship and an Indian

Meditation hall at Saya Thetgyi’s center

2 passport, and was able to set forth on a Dhamma journey abroad. At this point I learned that the Myanmar government would not give an entry visa to any former citizen who had changed his nationality after leaving Myanmar on a Myanmar passport. This news was extremely painful for me. I did not want to be prevented from entering my motherland. On the other hand, the momentous duty of Dhamma D³ta — Dhamma envoy — beckoned. Therefore I had given up citizenship of the country of my birth, dear to my heart. I consoled myself with the thought that perhaps this was the working of Dhamma, so that both the countries of origin of Vipassana — India and the protector country of Myanmar — should receive credit for the spread of Vipassana around the world. This is what is happening. Nevertheless, the longing repeatedly arose in my mind to return somehow to my Goenkaji and Mataji lead a group sitting at the magnificent Shwedagon Pagoda motherland. I wanted to meet my Dhamma brothers and senior monks to gain further The entire atmosphere was charged with An Indian pilgrim writes, “This tour was strength and knowledge of Dhamma. I was the vibrations of Dhamma, and I received no less than a tour of the celestial realm. also confident that sooner or later the immense Dhamma strength. I was so The influence of Dhamma is evident all Myanmar government would grant me entry delighted to meet my Dhamma brothers U over Myanmar. People there are so innocent since it knew that I had changed my Tin Yi, U Ba Pho and U Ko Lay. I was very and serene. We in India cannot even imagine nationality only to serve the Dhamma, not fortunate to be able to pay respects to the that people could be like this.” for any personal, political or commercial Venerable Mingun Sayadaw, and receive Who would not be elated to read and hear gain. This Dhamma service was increasing blessings and guidance from him. Later, such comments about one’s motherland and the prestige not only of India but also of when I would remember my experience of its inhabitants! When I hear the comments Myanmar. Sooner or later I would certainly Dhamma vibrations in Myanmar and the of the pilgrims about the people of get the opportunity to go back to my strength I derived there, I would attribute Myanmar, my mind is filled with delight. motherland. these to my natural attraction toward my Blessed is the land of Myanmar, which Dhamma is truly powerful. The oppor- motherland and my delight in returning preserved in its pure form the technique of tunity indeed came when the Myanmar there after so long. But now on this Vipassana for more than 2,000 years. We government invited me to Myanmar to talk pilgrimage, my Dhamma children had the are grateful to Thailand, , to senior monks about my Dhamma work. I same experience; they strengthened my Cambodia and Laos along with Myanmar, returned with great joy. With humility I conviction that my motherland is charged as these five countries preserved the words spoke at the monks’ Pariyatti Universities with Dhamma vibrations, giving boundless of the Buddha. But Myanmar alone in Mandalay and Yangon. The joy to any meditator who goes there. preserved the beneficent practice of were fully satisfied that what I was teaching I find the people of my motherland Vipassana. If the of this was nothing but pure Dhamma. For my part, amiable and virtuous. Is it because I am country had not kept the practice of this visit to Myanmar gave me incomparable biased in their favor? I think not. On the Vipassana alive, today the entire world joy. It was natural that I was delighted to pilgrimage all the participants felt the same. would have been in darkness for want of return to my motherland after 22 years. And People in the cities and villages of the this technique. this motherland gave me birth not once but Dhamma country of Myanmar are peaceful Hail to the land of India, where this pure twice — first when I emerged from my and simple, contented in every situation. A meditation originated. Hail to the land of mother’s womb, and second when I broke Dhamma daughter from the U.K. writes, Myanmar, which again made available the the shell of ignorance by learning Vipassana “The January trip to Burma was so special pure Dhamma, which gave the path of pure at the feet of my revered teacher. for me. I think that the Burmese are among Dhamma to the world and showed the Way The moment I stepped on that land I felt the nicest, kindest and most humble people leading to welfare for the suffering people that I had come back to my mother’s lap. in the world.” of the world.

3 Goenkaji shares the stage with U Ko Lay, listening to a student of SayaThetgyi speak at the Sayagyi U Ba Khin Centenary Seminar held in January, 2000 at Dhamma Joti, Yangon Two Pilgrims’ Impressions of Northern Myanmar We were very excited about going back to relative poverty of these unaffected and around the world. He realized that, for this Myanmar; we had not been there since 1979. hospitable people. The Buddha taught that to happen, the technique of Vipassana The purpose of this visit was to join other generosity is the first step on the path of meditation would have to be taught to and foreigners in celebrating the birth centenary Dhamma; it is abundantly clear that the by lay people. Until his time meditation of Sayagyi U Ba Khin, the renowned modern Burmese people have understood this noble practice was almost wholly limited to day meditation master who was our teacher’s teaching. monks. Few Westerners visit Monywa, so teacher. We travelled to Mandalay and, with the we were definitely a curiosity. However, it We fell in love with Myanmar and its unsparing assistance of Ven. Nyanissara was clear that we were welcomed. The wonderful people. This is a land that is and his monastery, we visited sites in the hospitality of a local family meant that we magical. Being there is like entering a river area associated with Vipassana. Our journey were well fed and guided further on our with a gentle swirling current; all you have to the town of Monywa was a bumpy three- pilgrimage. to do is surrender to it and it will carry you hour trip, punctuated by photo stops and a One of the highlights for us was crossing to places you never imagined. At times it mechanical breakdown. The purpose was the Chindwin river to Ledi Sayadaw’s cave. appears that the entire landmass is to visit the birthplace, monastery and forest We squatted in a sleek shallow wooden decorated with thousands and thousands of mediation cave of the great scholar and boat that was silently thrust along with a golden pagodas and providing monk Ledi Sayadaw, who lived there over long bamboo pole by our boatman. The brilliance and radiance to an otherwise arid 100 years ago and to whom this tradition of atmosphere felt strangely romantic, only in landscape. But what really makes this meditation is traced. As we embarked on the sense that it was so remote, timeless and country so special are the gracious and our journey we were well aware that we almost dreamlike; the vibration akin to a generous people who inhabit it. Everywhere owed a great debt of gratitude to the thin mist, unseen to the eye yet tangible to we went we were greeted with a generosity foresight of Ledi Sayadaw, since it was he the senses in an uncanny way. As is so often that is almost incomprehensible given the who foresaw that Dhamma would spread the case in Myanmar one is naturally drawn

4 inward. Upon reaching the far sandy shore Goenkaji Attends World Economic Forum we walked to a cave where the great Sayadaw spent much of his time in deep The annual meeting of the World Economic inner essence of religion, which is living a meditation. We encountered a couple of Forum is the preeminent gathering of moral life full of love, compassion, goodwill monks at this cave and joined them for business, industrial and government leaders and tolerance. The inner essence is the meditation and a limited conversation in a in the world today. Each January it draws common denominator of all religions. If few words of English on the purpose of our more than 1,000 heads of major multi- people practice it, they will find real peace, visit and our meditation technique. Our national corporations, top academics and and religion would never be the cause for life’s experiences were so vastly different, government leaders (including heads of conflict or confrontation. yet in this droplet of time, we shared together government and heads of state) to the small Goenkaji participated as well in a dinner a common quest and path. Alpine ski resort of Davos, Switzer-land. program on the topic “Death: exploring the Long after the dust of Myanmar has worn Meeting in private, they discuss with their taboo.” In modern society, he noted, death from the soles of our feet and the clarity of counterparts current issues related to global is considered a taboo because people fear it these memories has inevitably faded with economics, envi-ronment, health and and don’t want to face even the thought of the passing of time, this Dhamma land and culture. The aim is to promote shared views death. If, however, one becomes fearless, its great sages will, no doubt, continue to on how to implement solutions to the there is no need for the taboo. In fact the have a deep impact on us for the rest of our common problems of our time. fear complex, including the fear of death, lives ... and maybe many more to come. ¨ This year’s meeting, the first of the new can be totally eradicated by practicing a This winter Goenkaji and Mataji traveled millennium, had as its theme “New scientific technique: a mental exercise, to the newest center in Myanmar, Dhamma Beginnings: Making a Difference.” In the discovered by the Buddha, which removes Makuta. It is the second center in Mogok, a past, spiritual leaders have been invited to all complexes, including fear. This tech- town of about 35,000 people, located about attend the WEF, and in 2000 Goenkaji was nique is called Vipassana meditation. 70 miles northeast of Mandalay. About ten asked to be a Forum Fellow. He spoke at The subject of another dinner program percent of Mogok’s population have several panel discussions and gave a was “What to do when you are angry.” already attended Vipassana courses in our featured address. Goenkaji described anger as a reaction to tradition and many of the Dhamma workers On the first day of the meeting Goenkaji unpleasant physical sensations exper- who served the Centenary Seminar at was interviewed by CNBC, the U.S. all- ienced with the unconscious mind. He Dhamma Joti came from Dhamma Ratana, news television channel, which provided explained how Vipassana breaks the barrier the first center in Mogok. As well, of the 30 internal video coverage for the Forum. between conscious and uncon-scious, and students from Myanmar who traveled to Goenkaji pointed out the importance of how it trains the mind not to react to Dhamma Giri this February to sit long nonsectarian spirituality in implementing sensations, whether pleasant or unpleasant. courses several were from Mogok. business strategies. Without the base of In a situation that might ordinarily trigger The new center is located high on one of Dhamma, he noted, all the money and all anger, one simply observes bodily sensa- the hills surrounding the town. Mogok is the success achieved in business would be tions with the understanding that they are surrounded by beautiful pagodas, as well an empty accomplishment. impermanent. Doing so prevents anger from as mines that are the source of many of the Goenkaji also participated in a panel arising. At the same time, it gradually world’s rubies, sapphires and emeralds. discussion entitled “The future of religion: eliminates unhealthy habit patterns, From the center there are views of the city beyond beliefs?” Along with him on the removing the tendency to become angry. and the surrounding pagoda-covered hills. panel were a Jewish rabbi, a Muslim leader, The principal address by Goenkaji at the The center has a large Dhamma hall with a professor of Chinese philosophy from Forum was entitled “Is this as good as it temporary dining facilities under it, and Harvard and a professor of religion from gets? The meaning of happiness.” Goenkaji male and female dormitory-style accom- Oxford. Goenkaji emphasized that there explained that unhappiness occurs because modations, which had coal fires burning in are two aspects of religion. One is the outer of defilements in the mind, and he described clay bowls to provide warmth in the winter shell, which often features rites, rituals and how a life of true happiness is attainable nights in this northern area. A pagoda with religious ceremonies, myth-ology, philo- through the practice of Vipassana medi- cells is under construction. Eventually the sophical beliefs and dogma; these charac- tation. center will have private accommodation terize most religious sects. Followers of For many leaders of world business, suitable for long courses. these sects may not have a trace of morality, professional organizations and govern- The Dhamma workers at Dhamma Makuta love, compassion or goodwill, and yet they ment institutions, this was the first took very attentive care of all of the visitors assume that they are religious persons opportunity to come in contact with true who came with Goenkaji to this special because they have performed certain Dhamma. Goenkaji’s participation in the inauguration of their center. ceremonies or profess certain beliefs. Such Forum may thus have far-reaching conse- persons delude themselves and miss the May this new center flourish, and may quences, for the good and happiness of the many students from around the world many. who visit it benefit from the strong Dhamma vibrations in this part of Myanmar.

5 News requested availability of the Tipitaka on Password = behappy the Internet. Therefore, VRI is planning to Before downloading, please open and The Latest from VRI put the entire Pali Canon on the Web for read the file: CD-ROM Version 3 easy access by scholars around the world. There is also a link from the Old Student VRI has produced the new updated The Manuals of Dhamma Homepage: . version of the Chattha Sangayana CD-ROM Ledi Sayadaw is a towering figure in the Use the same username and password. Look version 3 (CSCD) for free distribution as history of Vipassana. He is the first modern under “Reference Material for Old Dhamma d±na. It has the following new Teacher whose name we know, and the first Students.” ¨ features: to teach Vipassana to lay people. In addition, Photos Needed for History Book 1. Install Wizard to facilitate easier he was an outstanding Pali scholar whose installation. reputation extended around the world. The A new book is being planned telling the 2. A faster search engine. Vipassana Research Institute has published story of the spread of Vipassana since Goenkaji came to India from Burma 30 3. Copy and paste facility. (Use of this The Manuals of Dhamma, a collection of years ago. Relevant historical photographs facility makes it possible to select a portion writings by Ledi Sayadaw translated into will be an important part of the publication. of the text from the screen by dragging the English. The book is a treasury of infor- Scattered around the world are meditators mouse, and copying it to the clipboard. The mation and offers inspiring guidance for who may have interesting pictures stored text can then be pasted to any document in the practice of Dhamma. The Manuals of away; now is the time to gather them and a word processor.) Dhamma will be of immense benefit to share them with others. 4. Any volume can be saved in a text file meditators as well as scholars. ¨ We are especially looking for photos of with Rich Text Format (RTF) in any of the Words of Dhamma Updated Goenkaji’s and Mataji’s tours in India and seven scripts supported by the CSCD and Words of Dhamma version 3 has been elsewhere, those from early courses in India then opened in a word processor. completed and is ready for distribution. This popular computer software program and other countries, and those recording 5. A 32-bit version CSCD.exe for contains inspirational quotations from the the development of Dhamma Giri or other installation on computers supporting 32- Buddha, Sayagyi U Ba Khin and Goenkaji, centers bit, so the software will work much faster. and displays on screen for a short time Please do not send any precious originals 6. The new version also works on every hour. It contains all the verses from or negatives. Instead, make good quality computers having Chinese Windows as the the and will also display the copies of the most relevant pictures, either operating system. During installation, the stories associated with each verse. print-to-print or negative-to-print. For each Install Wizard gives the option to install it Version 2 of the program has been picture, write down the date or year it was for Chinese Windows. available on the old student website for taken, the place and a description of the 7. Many more new Pali volumes have some time. The new version has a number subject. Make up a secure package and been added. The CSCD now contains 216 of enhancements: It is Windows NT include your name and contact information. volumes. compatible with many more user options, Or you can also make and send scanned 8. Facility of opening any Sutta from the color preferences, etc. The program has image files; the contact is list of Sutta names in a drop-down menu. been tested and a number of errors were . Please contact VRI or the Vipassana corrected. Send photos, before June 30,2000, to: centre or distribution centre in your region The updated program is now available India: Dr. Rohi at VRI, Dhamma Giri for a copy of the CSCD. at: . Australia: Dhamma Bhumi, Attn: Anna all those who can use it, many scholars have Username = dhammaworker Adams ¨ September Conference in Massachusetts A conference will be held at the the empirical attitude towards proof. Other historians, humanists, students of life and Vipassana Mediation Center, Dhamma lectures will deepen participants’ know- disciples of the spirit will find topics of Dhar±, in Massachusetts on September 3 ledge of the exact descriptions of reality interest. In addition, old students will find and 4, 2000. The title is Vipassana that were used by the Buddha, and will inspiration to deepen their understanding Meditation: Insights from an Ancient compare modern science and technology of the practice. New students attending the Tradition II— Medicine, Science and with the Buddha’s method of transcending conference are strongly encouraged to join Spirituality. suffering. The conference will also focus the preceding ten-day course from August The conference will provide partici-pants on Vipassana’s augmentation of spiritual 23 to September 3. Old students are with an opportunity to explore Vipassana and emotional life in the light of poetry and encouraged to help spread the word about intellectually, from diverse standpoints. It literature. this conference to people in the above will address features that have encouraged This conference is intended for people fields—an ideal way to introduce family, many people to practice Vipassana, such as who have never meditated but who have an friends and colleagues to Vipassana its potential contri-butions to medicine and interest in science, medicine or spirituality. mediation. Brochures are available upon healing, and its comfortable integration with Scientists, doctors, health care providers, request. Food and lodging are provided.

6 Please contact: Vipassana Meditation Center Vipassana Centers Arise Around the World 386 Colrain-Shelburne Rd., Shelburne, Dhamma Ajanta communicate with the world contacts in MA 01370 Sixteen acres of land have been donated Belgium, Germany or Holland. Tel. (413) 625-2160 for a Vipassana centre in Aurangabad, Construction Begins at Long-course Fax. (413) 625-2170 western India. Goenkaji has named the site Center and Retirement Village E-mail [email protected] Dhamma Ajanta since it is close to the Adjacent to Dhamma Giri, construction website: ancient Ajanta and Ellora caves. has started and is continuing apace at Speakers and their Topics: Dhamma Divakara Dhamma Tapovana, a center specially Spiritual Emotions. Paul R. Fleischman, Land has been bought for Dhamma designed for serious long courses of 20 to MD. (Teacher) Divakara (Sun of Dhamma) in Mehsana, 90 days’ duration. The foundation work is complete for about 50 individual rooms, Dr. Fleischman will consider the positive Gujarat. Construction will begin soon. role of particular emotions in the life of a Dhamma Makuta and some of these have already been roofed. A total of 750 individual rooms and as Vipassana meditator and the core of In the area of Mogok in Upper Myanmar many cells are planned . emotions that are treasured as elevating a 25-acre property has been purchased on a and laudatory throughout religion and hilltop. Facilities are currently being built Similarly, work has started on the literature. Quoting from poetry and for 250 students. Goenkaji has named the bungalows in the Sayagyi U Ba Khin evocative events in the life and work of center Dhamma Makuta (crest of Dhamma). Vipassana Village. Foundations have been Gandhi, Shakespeare, John Muir and others, laid for many of these; landscaping work is Vipassana Center in Dilsen, Belgium he will examine Vipassana’s common under way and a road is being built. ground with, and unique contri-bution to , The trusts of Belgium, Germany, and Dhamma Sota the great universal stream of spiritual life. Holland have come together to purchase a In central India, construction has begun “Loka”: The Buddha’s Conception of center in Dilsen, Belgium. It is located at Dhamma Sota (Stream of Dhamma) at the Universe. Richard Crutcher (Teacher) close to the German and Dutch borders, and Rahaka village in Gurgaon district, about This talk will explore the actual words of near major towns in each country. The 60 kms from central New Delhi. The initial the Buddha, as preserved in the Pali property, which is in a green protected area, phase is almost complete and the first course language. It will explain why the cos- near a small road with occasional local mology implied in the Buddha’s teaching traffic is surrounded by fences and woods for 60 meditators is scheduled for March has nothing to fear from the advance of and situated on one of the highest points in 2000. Thereafter, one course per month is modern physics and astronomy, and how the locality. It can accommodate 60 to 80 planned. Vipassana is used as a technology for the people and needs no major renovations or The completed center will have two individual’s transendence of suffering in a new buildings to begin courses. For more meditation halls for 300 meditators, a universal context. information about this new center, or to meditation cell complex, residential blocks, Practical Spirituality: the Art and find out about ways to help, please dining halls, teachers’ residence and an Science of Vipassana. Lemay Henderson, independent block for research activities. ¨ MD. (Assistant teacher) The relationship between Vipassana and the biomedical sciences will be discussed at multiple levels: basic sciences, such as physics and biochemistry; clinical medi- cine, such as endocrinology, neur-ology and psychoneuro-immunology; wholism, such as mental health and psychology; and social and cultural studies, such as sociology, education, and evolution. Science, Objectivity, and Vipassana. Peter Kerr, Ph.D. (Assistant teacher) The scientific method, its historical development and contemporary appli- cation, will be compared and contrasted with Vipassana Meditation. The false dichotomy between “subjective” and “objective” is the thread by which the potentially fertile union of science and Vipassana can be most fully explored. Emphasis will be placed on the role of perception, preconception, and mental Main building at the new Meditation center in Dilsen, Belgium purity in the apprehension of reality. ¨

7 Spread of Dhamma making a total of 11 countries in Latin Living, was published in Farsi, a public talk America that have had Vipassana courses by Goenkaji appeared in Iran’s leading The following is an excerpt from In most of these countries, at least two newspaper, Hamshahree, and course Goenkaji’s address to assistant teachers courses are organized each year. By the end material was translated. All these were steps and Dhamma workers, December 31, 1999. of 2000, there will have been more than 100 toward holding courses in Iran. This is not only the start of a new ten-day courses held in Latin America. The breakthrough finally came in 1999. millennium but also the centenary of the Courses are also being organized for In July and August, short courses were held birth of the great saint, Sayagyi children as well as old students. More and for old students. Later in August the first U Ba Khin. In fulfillment of his hopes, this more Vipassana material is being translated 10-day course was held at Lavasun in is the time for Vipassana to arise. The into Spanish and Portuguese. On the suburban Teheran. This was followed by darkness of ignorance, the darkness of Internet, Spanish and Portuguese versions six 10-day courses between August and misery exists everywhere around the world. of the new and old student Vipassana November. The light of Vipassana is needed, and the homepages have been created, with links to Courses were organized for either men light of Vipassana is arising. the English homepage. or women, with a total enrolment of 136. May all of you strengthen yourselves in Land has recently been donated for a Despite physical discomforts students Dhamma, in s²la, sam±dhi, paññ±, mett±; center in Mexico. This is the next step in the worked seriously and gained great benefit. only then will you be able to help others. steady spread of Dhamma to an important A participant in one of the courses was a First help yourselves and then start helping area of the world. senior Islamic cleric. After sitting 10 days others. Indonesia—In December 1994, 26 he commented, “We have to keep this The next millennium is for peace, for students took part in the first course in technique in Iran and help to spread it for harmony, for Dhamma. May the darkness Indonesia, conducted in a Buddhist the benefit of society.” of ignorance pass away. May the light of monastery in Mendut, central Java, near the More Vipassana courses have been Dhamma spread round the world. May site of the world-famous Borobudur planned from June to November 2000. Vipassana spread for the good of many, for monument. Since then an annual ten-day Already, efforts are underway to establish the benefit of many, for the liberation of Vipassana course has been organized every a Vipassana center; land has been offered many. year for growing numbers of participants; in an area about 250 kilometres west of in 1999 the number was 100. Teheran. Iranian meditators hope that their Latin America—Until quite recently, Courses have also been held in the country will be the gateway for Vipassana many people from Latin America had Jakarta area, since June 1998. Vipassana to spread throughout the region. learned Vipassana but no course had been has now come into the mainstream in For more details on Vipassana in Iran, held in any Latin American country. This Jakarta, respected by both the Buddhist please contact: Mr. Daryush Nowzohour at situation began to change in September Sangha and laypeople from different Dhamma Giri, India. 1991, when a course was organized in religions, including Muslims. The recent China—There will be four 10-day Panama. Unfortunately, because of a political turmoil has accelerated the spread courses in China this year, at the same misunderstanding by local authorities, the of Dhamma, with strongly growing demand Monastery where the first Vipassana course police called the assistant teacher and for courses. Courses have continued, with was held in April 1999. This is one of the students in for questioning and the course special arrangements to ensure the safety oldest and most prestigious Chan temples had to end prematurely on day 7. Even so, it of participants. Those who come to courses in northern China. was an important course: a number of the work extremely hard and give generous Chinese meditators in the Greater New students later completed ten-day courses donations, despite the current economic York area have formed a trust to undertake and are now helping to organize courses in difficulties. the great task of helping Vipassana spread Panama. And after seeing the announcement A trust is being formed and old students to China. With the success of the first course, of this course in the Vipassana Newsletter, are now looking for a site for a permanent the door to China has opened, and strenuous students from other countries in Latin center. efforts will be made to serve this country. America became interested in organizing On the island of Bali, the first course was courses in their own countries. For the upcoming courses Dhamma conducted in July 1998, with 36 participants. servers are needed who have a strong Finally, in March 1994, the first ten-day To date, 135 students have taken Vipassana volition to serve under difficult conditions Vipassana course was held in Venezuela courses. Since Bali is a favorite tourist place, and who can pay their own traveling and Vipassana students came from other about one-third of the students are visitors expenses. If you are interested, please Latin American countries to sit and serve. from different parts of the world. In Bali submit a Dhamma worker application form, The successful completion of this course too, old students are planning a permanent available on the website, led to plans for many more. In October and center. clearly indicating which course(s) you wish November of this same year, courses were Iran—A major development during the to serve, to: Jeff Cai, Registration Commit- held in Brazil and Argentina and again in Sayagyi U Ba Khin centenary year has been tee, UBKMT of NY, Rm. 3A, 133-32 41st Venezuela. The next year courses were the organization of Vipassana courses in Road, Flushing, NY 11354. Tel. (718) 445- given in Panama, Chile and Mexico, as well Iran. 7856 (home), (718) 965-2588 (work); as Brazil, Argentina and Venezuela. The E-mail: . first Vipassana course in Cuba was held in For a number of years Iranian students 1996, in Bolivia in 1997, in Colombia and had attended courses at Dhamma Giri and If you speak Mandarin and reside in Peru in 1998, and in Ecuador in 1999, in European countries. On returning to their China, please contact Ven. Jing-Hui, Ven. country, they organized weekly group Ming-Han or Ven. Ming-Zhuang (see sittings in Teheran. The book, The Art of Schedule).

8 Again and again, students and assistant teachers who came to the site would say, “If only we could buy this place—although we probably would never be able to afford it.” At one point the property was no longer available for rental and other sites were used. Ten years passed during which time the Dhamma rooted itself more deeply in Spain. Finding a center became a priority, but no suitable place was found. Then, in 1998, we learned that the same yoga center used in the 1980’s came up for sale—at a price within our reach. The Association successfully negotiated the purchase, and three days after we took possession we were able to offer the first course at the first Vipassana center in Spain. New Meditation hall at center in Mogok, Myanmar Goenkaji has named it Dhamma Neru, meaning “celestial mount of Dhamma.” Old students are also welcome to sit the Spain—In the late 1980’s the Spanish Israel—Vipassana students in Israel have 10-day courses. By doing so they will give Vipassana Association held 10-day courses signed a one-year lease on a noncenter course inspiration to the new students. at a rented yoga center in the foothills of site. As one meditator put it, “It will be the Dana may be sent to the same address in the Pyrenees. Over several years, half a first time we shall have a place of our own New York. Checks should be made to the dozen courses were held there. for such a long time and we don’t have to go order of UBKMT of NY, Inc. The property had a beautiful wooden around like vagabonds.” We are grateful to Ven. Jing-Hui, the hall built for yoga classes, but equally In 1999, Israel had 2300 applications for Abbot of the Monastery and Vice Chairman suitable for our purposes; and though the 11 ten-day courses, but only 1007 students of the Chinese Buddhist Association, who site covered only five acres, it offered could participate because of limited space, has invited us to hold Vipassana courses in almost total privacy. Nearby stood a large while 1000 requests remained on the waiting his monastery and played a key part in mountain like a natural guardian. Its name lists. ¨ organizing them. meant “mount of wisdom.” New Responsibilities & Appointments Acaryas Bhikkhu Teacher Outside India Mr Satyendra Nath & Mrs Laj Tandon Ven Dr Rewatadharma, U.K Martin John Haig, Australia Teaching of Pali, Co-ordinating children’s Assistant Teachers Rémi & Marie Fouilleul-Oriot, France courses and to serve Dhamma Sota India Eilona Ariel, Israel Klaus & Nadia Helwig Mr Talakshi Kakka Ms Kazuko Kitamura, Japan To serve Taiwan Dr Rohit Savla Victor Mateo Lledo, Spain Martin & Deni Stephens Mrs Kanta Khaddaria Ven Nagita, Sri Lanka To serve Dhamma Neru, Spain and Portugal Mrs Ramadevi Ghattu Mr T. B. Wijesinghe, Sri Lanka Dr Jacques & Denise Tenzel Mrs Talakshi Kakka Ven Sister Vajira, Sri Lanka To serve Dhamma Maºda,California, USA Mr Harshad Patel & Mrs Hansa Patel Miss Komi Mendis, Sri Lanka Mr. Shashikant & Dr (Mrs) Sharada Sanghavi Mr Natwarsinh L Rathod Eveline Schwarz, Switzerland To serve in the field of com-parative Mrs Geeta Suresh Sampat Claudia Scholtz, Switzerland research Prof Chandra Kishor Sharma Marianne Guignard Fromont, Switzerland Dr J Hatanbaatar Dr Achyut Pal Dr Shih Yu Fen, Taiwan To serve Mongolia Shri Manhar Sheladia Bhikkhuni Ming Chia Shih, Taiwan Senior Assistant Teachers Shri Brahmanand Goyal Karamchand Leal, U.K. Mrs Sheeladevi Chaurasia, India Shri Chhabilal Sahu Richard & Deborah Harding, U.K. Ms Kusuma Abeyasinghe, Sri Lanka Mrs Sudhaben Patel Drs U Shwe Tun Kyaw Mrs B K A Milina Senadheera, Sri Lanka Mrs Girija P Ganesan & Daw Sann Sann Wynn, U.K. Mr Geevaka de Soyza, Sri Lanka Mr Chhotubhai Intwala Surendra & Urmilla Naik, U.S.A. Ven Sister Upekkha, Sri Lanka Mr Hirji H Gala Dennis Ferman, U.S.A Dr (Mrs) Shelina Hetherington, U.K. Mr Rohanikant & Mrs Kirti Sharma Norm & Debra Kosky, U.S.A Mr Surendra & Mrs Induben Shah, India Mrs Shakuntala Garg Robert & Linda Warren, U.S.A. U Thaung Pe & Daw Myint Myint Tin, Mr Murarilal Kedia Julie Schaeffer, U.S.A. Myanmar Mr Gauri Shankar & Mrs. Hemlata Sharma John Hing, USA