Masses by Giovanni Francesco Capello, Bentivoglio Lev, and Ercole
Seventeenth-Centur,y Italian Sacred Music In Twenty-Five Volumes General Editor ANNE SCHNOEBELEN Riee University This page intentionally left blank VOLUME 2 Masses by Giovanni Francesco Capello Amadio Freddi Ercole Porta Ignazio Donati Edited with an Introduction by ANNE SCHNOEBELEN First published by Garland Publishing, Ine. This edition published 2013 by Routledge Routledge Routledge Taylor & Franeis Group Taylor & Franeis Group 711 Third Avenue 2 Park Square, Milton Park NewYork, NY 10017 Abingdon, Oxon OXI4 4RN Routledge is an imprint 0/ the Taylor & Francis Group, an informa business Copyright © 1995 by Anne Schnoebelen All rights reserved Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Masses / by Giovanni Francesco Capello ... [et al.]; edited with an introduction by Anne Schnoebelen. 1 score. - (Seventeenth-century Italian sacred music ; v. 2) For 3 (1st work), 5 (2nd-3rd works), and 5 or 6 (4th work) voices with instrumental ensemble (1st 3 works) or continuo (4th work). Latin words. Inc1udes bibliographical references. Contents: Missa ad votum: from Motetti et dialoghi a cinque, sei, sette, et otto, con sinfonie, ritomelli et una messa nel fine, il tutto variamente concertato, con voci, & istromenti-opera settima / Giovanni Francesco Capello -Messa a cinque voci : From Messa vespro et compieta a cinque voci col suo basso continuo aggiuntovi un violino, & cometo per le sinfonie, & per li ripieni / Amadio Freddi - Missa secundi toni : from Sacro convito musi cale omato di varie, et diverse vivande spirituali auna, due, tre, quattro, cinque, & sei voci / Ercole Port~ - Messa a5 & a6 in concerto : From Messa a quattro, cinque, et sei voci parte da capella, e da concerto, con il basso per l'organo / Ignazio Donati.
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