BERNARD QUARITCH LTD exhibiting for the first time at the Boston International Antiquarian Book Fair We welcome friends and customers at Booth 323 November 10-12, 2017 Hynes Convention Center, Boston, MA BERNARD QUARITCH LTD 40 SOUTH AUDLEY STREET, LONDON W1K 2PR Tel.: +44 (0)20 7297 4888 Fax: +44 (0)20 7297 4866
[email protected] Bankers: Barclays Bank PLC, 1 Churchill Place, London E14 5HP Sort code: 20-65-90 Account no.: 10511722 Swift code: BARCGB22 Sterling account: IBAN: GB62 BARC 206590 10511722 Euro account: IBAN: GB91 BARC 206590 45447011 U.S. Dollar account: IBAN: GB10 BARC 206590 63992444 VAT number: GB 840 1358 54 Mastercard, Visa and American Express accepted Cover image from no. 57 Mitelli. ROSICRUCIANISM AND ITS TIES WITH ALCHEMY 1. [‘AGNOSTUS’ i.e. Friederich GRICK.] Fortalitium scientiae, das ist: die unfehlbare, volkommeliche, unerschätzliche Kunst aller Künsten und Magnalien, welche allen … Pansophiae studiosis … die Brüderschafft des Rosencreutzes zu eröffnen gesandt. [Nuremberg], 1617. 8vo, ff. [24] (the last blank); a very good copy, disbound, with a recent marbled paper spine. $6000 First edition, very rare (4 copies listed in OCLC, all in Europe) of this tract on Rosicrucianism which purports to have been written by Hugo de Alverda, an imaginary and very old Rosicrucian character. The author, who wrote under the name of Irenaeus Agnostus, was Friederich Grick, perhaps one of the most peculiar participants in the catalogue of publications about the Brotherhood which came out in the first couple of decades of the century. Grick was a private tutor in Altdorf near Nuremberg.