Catalogue of Gaelic Manuscripts in Glasgow University
Làmh-sgrìobhainnean Gàidhlig Oilthigh Ghlaschu The Gaelic Manuscripts of Glasgow University A Catalogue Anja Gunderloch Department of Celtic, University of Glasgow, 2007 Do mo phàrantan, Ottmar (1937-2006) agus Rosemarie (née Sieling). Acknowledgements The production of a catalogue of manuscripts is a daunting prospect even for the bravest of us. On the one hand, there is the high standard set by, for example, the meticulousness of the cataloguers dealing with the Irish material in the Royal Irish Academy; on the other hand, there is the example of John Mackechnie’s Catalogue of Gaelic Manuscripts with its not infrequent lapses and inaccuracies. I hope that I have done my best to emulate the good practice exemplified by the former while heeding the warning provided by the latter that there are dangers in a single-handed undertaking. Of course, during the time that I spent working on the manuscripts I have greatly benefited from the advice, help, and support of many people, first and foremost my friends and colleagues at Glasgow and Edinburgh University. They all have listened with unfailing patience and courtesy to my frequent and not always coherent ramblings about manuscripts. I am very happy to emphasise that the present work is greatly the better for their input, which came in various guises, not all of it related directly to the matter in hand. I would like single out the following for special thanks: Professor Cathair Ó Dochartaigh, for getting me started on this enterprise; Professor Thomas Owen Clancy and Professor Roibeard Ó Maolalaigh, for making this volume possible in the first place and for much valuable advice and support; Professor Donald E.
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