Q _. . __'_ | ' ' e ~~ r 01-. -ii»? _ --1. 3.-IA

- i 92 ' ro-1:2 Rev.4-11-ea! . . , clnanu loan Io. we can-sea _ , can$1 cu I908 no. QIDIIca. ar . _ /I 'f umrao srxras co.-Iaxwmnrrr J "' --54" XMemorandum !=/'7 Directar.FB1 100-AAQ636 I Bule-DA-r|.;, . 1/17/55 v . no = no NEW tom: 00-150520! CardsCard :11-=4 '. ' I/SP $UlJB¢'l= CLARENCE EDWARD smnn aka 6/5;/'22 %VdK N 5; é SM-NOI ooimz! , / / 4 Re NY Summary Report, dated and captioned as a ove. I] Index Itia recommended Card be prepared onthat a Security Uthe captioned TheSecurity individual Index Card ahould on thebe above-captioned individual. changed an followa Japecify I, §'92_ change only! : CLARENCE EDWARD SMITH *"" Clarence sm1_u1_.1¢_wars0 , Clarenc§_3X§_mith, Clarence 13X, "A_1_I_L_ah", "Pgd_di_n" H Q Native Born U Naturalized D Alien UCommunist D Socialiat Workera Party/ BIndependent Socialiat Leanne E Miacellaneoua apecify!Nati on or Islam INQI! E] Tab for Detcom R." NGEPO Is m llale UFemale Date of Birth Placeof Birth

L 2/22/28 - Danville, Virginia i Buaineaa Addreaa showname of employing concem and addrcaa! 5*! 1I Unemployed "4-Q-1'='=-1-ho-ve+ ALI. HEREININFQRNIATIQII IS UNCLASSIFIED CONTAINED_ 92 5: Key Facility Data : ¢;..,,,.,h;¢.1 Reference Number ' ' Rnponaibility ii lnterested Agencies I QC-.59 _ 1, ' elidence Addreac -"~/ I - 'Pr¢-we-tl;v_c.on41i-nee-¢,£@ Hygiene. New York state Department -_.... ----of Mental-"""

Q3-Bi:-eau 1 New York 11 ,1:-.*: 19 --~*-> *4"-3 suBY- CQNIILU so O 0 > s.

me 100-150520 _

securitySubJect Indexin view is being.0! his recommendedpart tilia fcr inclusion ith the on NOI, the . -. :P.re.enhis leéerhhig 8 of.' the Iarlem Yquthsang lmovmas ti, "Pit _ / . .- his in_his demonstrated ;I;!!'__elt_&hd'_P1IlQn1;"lBOggggens1t;1;;g;ggce_»inement. " resulted 'wc ' _ - ' -. .. . 4 . . N _.: - .- 92. , r 1 <~ - , - _A - . , -v .- - -1 ¢...é,,.I4.',dd %.,f* 4/Hf _,/,5/,,'./.4 Lfmvvxh x.~¢ 6..-H. nf17_ »1,,,"/M/-4 % ¢.,»rW 2% j__ ,

' 1

-2- .¢--_ .._ - .._ . . -' 1 -_ >

- ennru nu no. le . ' on numa nu an lemoncm an-n4 . 92 -- unm-:0 srxrzs GuVERNM£NT Memorandum "°' nnzscz-on,00-1144732! rs: mm 4 2/14>/ob

sac, mu ronx 00-150139!!

§%2I:e2;'su - no: t asxszs-»i oo= lmwronx! J Re Atlanta letter to mr,1/25/ob. _~- By advieed that a photograph wed Clarence 13 X and both ident itiedhim Q CLARENCE3X isthe auS3ect'EDWARJQMITHof NYC HIe 100aka 150520,Bufile 100-4414636.» C_1Ll1::ns4: Captioned casehas beenconsolidated in the ITO with100-150520.

e|E92i2%1:92aNFORMATIONUNCLASSIFIED comma» IS DATE.m;z$='i9-BY§!=$l=l;#*/ e'__'§_ 1 ~- ' .-4' " 1- __ _ _ --Q / @Bureau1- NewYork RM! CB4;1 12 pk-317_ iaé:t7é ~36' 8 :mmc _- ! ' h e , 232. Q..._,ussT&Q¥J!! Q; $5-tg. %¬¢o92: _ H% ~§°'"{ees B uy U.S.smigpi; k£&§{£MG%P4a~m11$¢u;~n_P1¢,,_ rm-ass ls-e-en 7 1 _.92n 92 0 _~_TQl*l_"'_"_~,__- UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT4 OF JUSTICE - FEDERALor nunuuINVESTIGATION éz ' "'1:f:n_i>.§-:'.'New YOr K, New York SJ In Reply.Pleoae Referlo February 17, 1966 ru.1v.BUfi1e 100-444636 l NYf1le 100-150520




Referenced communicationcontained subject's residence eninloymemand/or address.A recent change been determined has and being is forth belowset change only specified!:

Residence: MatteawanSb8t¬ HO$p1t8l f or Criminally Insane Beacon, New York .

Employment: omnmow coumuzo 1: =_=:-:cu92.ss1mo oA1E_,i-.»_~.e1sBYi1§=1@-l-'1-L

92]~__n _ -' ~ 'v ___ l_' on NOT RECORDE'_|;> s FEB 21 1966

i i_ so-122 DETACHED ' k 1,? Deli!by routingI11 -----~'--- i-* 4' " _ dste_-:3...U .-Ff:I.- --------- ." i ' w_:%z.;.,%4¢-4?-_ 5923Y>Y: if-1 I4! ffin g;-0 Thisis loaned docurnentto yourcontains agency; and itrecommendationsneither itscontent: not areconclusions tobe distributed northeouzsxde F_Bl. of It isagency.the your property of theFBI and rl < 92 I s Q . ~ -...§__. .

FD-l22 Rev. O-ll-64! . . emovm nu no. N , sue-nu eemeu '-

uurin-zb Snarescovnanmzm ~ "l '7/:1Memorandum I ,s Director. FBI Bu-filv 100-444636

/ii!/POM SAC. IGW sun_|ac'r= CLARENCE 1 oxrzv 2-17-66 SM-NOIYORK 000-150520! O0:EDWARD NEH SMITH aka YORK! -=-<9 %/.//


U It is recommendedthst s Security E The Security IndexCord onthe Index Cor d be prepared on the csptioned individud should be e above-captioned individual. changed ss follows epecify '01 change only!: up - we Dev Alieees AllHEREN.l i AUr92uf92LASSlHFDno la = J Q. DATEJ:-as -sgBY.s1~5!A§/;L U Native Bom [:1 Nsturelized D Alien

[:1 Communist U Socislist Workers Forty

D Miscellaneous specify! K Rsce U Tab for Detcom i SexU Hale D Female bate of Birth 7 Plsce of Birth

Business Address show name of employing concern and cddreu! /[xii/1' %'. ii id . _". ' Q" NO _'*7?Fm?a- 8 FEB 21 E5 I Key Fscilityom n L Geogrsphiesl ReferenceNumber I , ResponsibiliK'U"I .~92 Interested Agencies 4- _ _ Residence Address V , w .3; 5% K: Ji ital forCriminally Ingarle;§*» . 92

ornaumnu no. ro luv nu nmou .._ cu mu ul cm m-lu - UNITED STATESGU" LNMENT J Memorandum $2 nmscron,00-lamb?-b! bars: rs:1+/6/66 A FR 7X. SAC, rm: ronx 00-1505.20! c! /T wlac.-r= cmnsncs -EDWARDSMI'I'H- aka sn - no: 0. »§ 0: rrswYORK! ~ L19 vi ReNY Summary Report of SA 1/11/66. ,, id 39*%eacon, MatteawanNY,made availablea e the osp institution file rela to , the captioned subject. r '7 C/ that the subject,A review under theof this file name of byAS eflecteda Clarence Smith, :5 was committed from NY County on ll/16/65, and admitted to Matteawan State Hospital on ll/26/65. His crime was describedas assault, second degree. v ' I Subject has been assigned Matteawan State Hospital Numberon file El29l5 against and the u him./O file reflects that there are four warrants The subject indicated that he has never worked productive- ly and has described himself as a master gambler. He states also that he has been a student of M01-IAMMEDsince l96O. At the time of the subject's arreston 5/31/65, he was in the possession of marijuana. ,4 The file reflects that the subject'soriginal diagnosis was described as schizophrenic reaction, paranoid type. He ex- pressed the dillusions of grandor of a religious nature and of persecution.q L']Q, A stopwas placed with_1¢questing that this office be notified when the subject is to be released. @Bu1-ea!-1' B5018/'/I RM! i"/'.":' "' q ' New York -- --' "" Frmb= r INFORMATIONALL . or "' -. s_APR§§7;§z;LK° @@|§¥A§~£» A-*7ncngm 7 UNCLASSIFIED as J . _ A. , 7 m 1w;5§JAT-4»-a=<-10 Bvs/-s_z4;,@. IOl~ BuySaving: U.S.Regularly Bonalrthe PayrollSaving: on Plan{ 5 - I-. O _ __ i -_.--.._§___

OWIOIIAL IOUIO. IO ::: 3::511?: ...-... _ _ UNITED c_;'snrss :ERNM£NT! Memorandum 95%nznscron, FBI00-W636! mm-== 1/12/67 §UB]ECT2 SAC, NEWYORK 00-150520!_ c!


nd NYlet ,14/6/Rereg 6. M SA of_ 1/17/66, Newat Xork; ,/I. /5/67, Matte J- ig continuesNY, to be confined advised to S hat subject As subject has beenin continuousconfinement Hy -DU S ince rerep,there hasbeen noreportable activityon his P art. In view of this, NY will not submitanpannual I eport at this time. In the eventsubject is released from t he hospital,this casewill be reopened forappropriate i ""ig=°i°"-~ ALL INFORMATION CONTAINED"_ HEREIN ISUNCLASSIFIED DATEJ_s.-1lBY§_z;s_1Q,Q92.L!


92 . Q S,-. -'_ !'|'/'.~'

,. I8 JAN161967 _ I lgureau1-New YorkRM! _ '§§3m/23,19572' =,: &Y{ . 0 , 1;-iiy-I--¬_|__ii- _ .-_ ~ - _ - . -

TO: Director » Dlte: MAR6 1967 1 Federal Bureau of Investigation

» rom: 'Internal Assistant AttorneySecurity DivisionGeneral $0012! 1'4"'"H " Subject:REVIEW INDEX~ 6 I ' Re: Qlaxe/V085/Wdfé /;""FBI No./4; .. $14151 5 34 I 1 CQ;Reports ofmvestigation havebeen reviewedas requested ___

by you on .

It has been determined that indexing of this case for future

review should be - D continued ntmued Commentary: 4 . V uzcussmzoon.. /.0..-.#.*i:."_-_!-;"_' sI.$?g:-5-.544/A3212$7 _ /; I t 92../ $.'E 1nQ9. 92

k- '=0 -////'41;-la /0 92' 92 1-B1 O18 _,9 MAR_ 196" CC: ISD-S0 ' . ' '2z'" I " ' 92lr .¢, -? Dept, 146-012-1s-2 I "" Q x K --1,;-y ease-new ~ ,._ GROUPHH . - r iii-Q-uni I ' 4 Q-sum!!! -qf-';*V! Mi :1,-';<._ _ .5; 1" jjj----___ _ ;_,_--.-._t..._.___,_,,, fa ',__ -.¢_ _ - __ Q . -if . ._ '1;-v.-'___L - F. ___' ti. I. . Fr_ . _ A

_ . . ~ ur. *"- - . i ' ' ~ *1 ""1-.. -. _ _ __ ' ""'~II"~- nn&-as " "". .- 1 " -IPv4 gs Q ->

CABI IQ ll-In .- ~.qi__-_nT t 1; ' .----0-Q53-@~.§ " - V. . ',-.- ' 4 . -. _ i - . -. 0 ,»% _ ' '5: W -M Hr-sctsr, _ _ .=§:;2T-' .1.-:lr.81asesek~*_ -DH!-I618: -L - . 1» an-. an _" . r' ". ~ _ :. - ..I I :__. .. I v.1_.92.v_ nJ I Q.nAi;~| 5 Ch. . i 9 ._ -up. '. _ _ 1.. -7'1 ___ ,4_ __ M _ " . _.__-_>_,:_.;_;;_;l _v .<_»~15_'_'__}' :31_ , -- H?' >1" -» /

it lads. __ ahm _ 1

. 92

' -4-71.. ralaasaan-rant manta £1-an his iatarearstl __ ' '3 salt Xasaasa Iaaesa, In Isak, lospital far the trill y , .-. .;-_.__ _f_: you should lstaniaa his arssbcnts all asearts-la abathar ha rasunss his yarti atpa ticslaI.a$ Iatisnlist activitias. Iharafora, lav Iark should place a atop vith appropriataofficials at tbs abovshospital, in urdar that ysa will ia.p'Qf-1731'!-sadusfactian any indicating thatthe subjectnay inralsassl ii V confinasant. furnish sly partinant taiqraatig raeaivad to tha luraau yroaptlyis a fora snitablg; fsrj1sssn_i__natisa.a :0: - f '. 1., P FT? !;" *gg§;g;@§92%¢ fr ,7 usmzm nsuncuxssarnso -< pa DATEu_-JL-=i@_BY.s¢£!-l;,l a Q IIUIE: Subject was activain I01 affairs fr-on 1961 to 0 0 f CQQIP

__§§'L-:3;--Be-1965 Ioarrasta leadership was lavas,' however,_ _ a laadar s a 533--rasistin5--»-¢__custodyage ganginlav lav Yorkofand Stats arrest,City known othar Dapar._vasas tbsan -0 "livaHeats! raszandadPereentars Iygianafssj °'_* _ - to ° t d in lav lurk Last an report for 1/17/66. falonious Latter assault, ia E ¢.n'.Z'3°indefinitaE211:-__jj.ieu of reporteonfinuan 1/12/67. .u , _. RoanU W-Z-i_ ____.__ , 2 ' ~ 4 v 0--1' Ip'}.. %§E¥~*@ mg/3*~',=@%eEr1.;t 32i§§%§%?"@EZ¥%513: 0 D..:e__'- 1 9'. . . ' 7.55! ¬_,__._._ %' B e 4' v ' '' , I _ 3 , V. 9 ' FEDERALBuRéAu OF|NVE$"'|"|iGATlON . -. - Iurourrmcornc: ornc: or orucmbgv I nnvtrrlonave rziuoo III zonx nu ton: A 161957 3/1'!/6- 8 6 i TL; A55Q; 7 y * nzrovrr nan: IV 7 5/ .3/ Q.7 twig] Guam H8533<3, TH n '" cc-maacm or case . e

.13 .';IYI'fl'.'UJ'I011 CGFIAIKB i BM-I OI "- IE? IS Ll~YCLJ1S3IF.I.Q .. Z"H.3£ s1-wt: oPm°"=z192~SE ' Q /. °£I SI FF, -II ~.,_ I. si.~RE7sLiNI¬F1-an msnmcs.. -.___ -_ .5553, mp4, Regort8A1/17/66, of and -f_."" Bulet, O 3/23/ 7 b ./ -¢- cLAss._é ma BY -'- /' RE*SQ!-Y-F_CIH II. 1 .4-.2 ' /. ADMINISTRATIVE: DATEBI.-IE?-" C? .- ~ A copy of this reporthas been furnishedkA4M9244~A-v92 Secret Vav o,_,5_ Service, NYC,as the last information furnished reflects subject was in custody and his release might be of interest to Secret Service. As subject does not meet any criteria for inclusion _ on the Security, he is not being recommended forinclusion therein. His activities can be followed by established informants and should his activities require he will be A recommendedfor inclusionon theSecurity Index.M Case hasbeen: Fendmqover oneyear Yes D No;Pend1nqprosecution sax over months D You D No * 7 . ; trtcuu.AGENT ~ f I

.I 3 l@- - SecretnewBureauYork ervice, 00-150520 ____ /50. ___ _- - Q.-maLR.C L8 : ».A!llIJ$DES_ZBO,XED " ,,;gs.;:- __,,T7w'"°;;f_?;Q fv is MAY19 1ss7 ' V y za2FEB9 1971 ",§I;'';924"'r1--yea"-"_ ,e_-I " _ . 1 °, "" eDluemlnotlon / . 1 ' ~9"" Record* .0! AttachedI ' eReport as~ ~' Notations . *9-' lPP!::.?ar.-'~<~9§'=P_92 '7 .llonzw. " / Request Recd.3 " Sg bvzzma qt. It :3 Dole Fwd<-F/L '1 : Z Z / I n "°" "" " . 9241! 1'1 BY / .1 ' L ' ; Q Qs -

4 NY 100-150520' L, / NV C of theinformation This report from an informant "Confidential"of because continuing valuethe unauthorized of which could compromise nationalhis future effectiveness defenseinterests of andhave the an adverse U8%l effect" " on the- Ixrom-mrrs= ' i IdentitySgulce of . rileWhere LocatedE D X Characg -'1 eriza I9 b *1 Ly [/ V LT}? Characterization

/l Characterization , . 4

I /. - / . _/ /

/O i - _3e- . COVER PAGE g l 0 .» --..1_,- L.

mimm... 11-,12-65> '~ ' . ./ ..._ I I 0 ' 1.-_5'. Q l FEDERALI UNITEDSTATESBUREAU INVESTIGATION DEPARTMENTOF OFJUSTICEl I l _. a a _.- - '_' ",1'__.n _ WAlIlNG1OI,D.C. 20535 iv.R§v':."'"100-M14636 R""a'itr11¢ *1 16' 1967 pi,¢¢g,,;- IYfile 100-150520 United States Secret Service ' Department ofthe Treasury Washington, D. C. 20220 De=r$ir= Re: Clarence ldirard Smith The information furnished herewith concerns an individual who is believed to be covered by the agreement between the FBI and Secret Service concerning Presidential pro- tection. and to fall within the category or categories checked.

1. Q Has attempted or threatened bodily harm to any government official or employee, including foreign government officials residing in or planning an imminent visit to the U. S., because of his official status. 2. Q Has attemptedor threatenedto redressa grievance against anypublic official by other than legal means. 3. Q Because of backgroundis potentially dangerous; or has been identified as member or participant in communist movement; orhas been under active investightion as member of other group or organization inimical to U. S. 4. Q U. S. citizens or residents whodefect fromthe U. S. to countries inthe Sovietor Chinese Communist blocs and return.

5- I Subversives, ultrarightists. racists and fascists who meet one or more of the following criteria:

a! [Z] Evidence of emotional instability including unstable residence and employment record! or irrational or suicidal behavior: b! Q Expressions of strong or violent anti-U. S. sentiment; cl [E Prior acts including arrests or convictions! or conduct or statements indicating a propensity for violence and antipathy toward good order and government. 6. Q Individuals involved in illegal bombing or illegal bomb-making.

Photograph K] has been furnished Q enclosed Q is not available Q may be available through

Very truly yours, O Q

John Edg oover Direct 1 - SpecialAgent inCharge Enclosurefsl1 U. S. Secret Service, ]iYC

Enclosure s! 1 Upon removalclassified of enclosures,if any,this mmsmiualform becomes UNCLASSIFIED.! . .-Q - *92 "W g . . FD~2O4 Rev. 6 J-I -5 9! " I ~ 3 cowh 5'' _ UNITEDDEPARTMENT STATESOF JUSTICE D I FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATIONqnrhlcnm U . ';g"1s'-~'.;-'»2 Y» 3°. G BY :1-1? I5!°7 - Copy to: 1 -SecretService, A FAY: IYCRM! _ CON -1 ,92U NQFNTIAI. °"'=as»-.|._ LMAY :6 1967 ~» -I on... Iew York,Iew York Fhu omHI " Ivroau Flls I: l|0Ie= , .. ' . I. .. CLARENCE EDWARDSMITH

Character: " ,1 os¢92-lssmu4 DN ___.,. . . . ' .." ' --'-='"' SECURITY - Aw QF ISIAH Synopsis: Subject unemployedand hasno permanent residence, but can be located on 127th St., IYC. Subject released from MatteawanState Hospital for the Criminally Insane on 3/6/67.He receiveda 3 month suspendedsentence on 5/N/67, Criminal Court, NYC, for unlawful assembly,possession of marijuana and disorderly conduct. ~"""'' cuss. a -C- REASON-FCIII _.. DETAILS. DATE CF ; ,{/ -.-

of Special On Services June '1, 1 Bureau é;=Q/ NYCPD!, advisedSA at 9:15 , May 31, 1965, six Reg the sidewalk and interferring with street traffic in front of the Hotel Theresa, 2090 SeventhAvenue, NewYork City. when told to move onby two police officers these six turned on the officers, called on bystanders to attack the officers, and shouted anti-white and anti-police invectiaes. All six were arrested, one of whom wassubject who identified himself as"Allah". Be was chargedIth felonious assault, conspiracy to commit same,'resistingarrest, assault with a deadlyweapon, disorderlyconduct, possessionof a marijuana,»

ALL INFORMATIONOONTAIIIIZQ . . L I-EISEINUNCLASSIFIIQ/I IS * £xu?rwmm£$mm§,v'_ 5;g;;uL#an+eaama§k Q1!-IRWISI ,- 32::::':.":::'.:;::';:: :."::;'":. " ' "~C5?92r§@1rAu"dp,.!.,s..'=t»¢-:3:-= '° :.'.i".':';':'.':,::':2:.r.:'.::::?.:*.:':',:::":.f.:';. T I 1 I 8

NY 100-150520 c 1 gare e, it and malicious mischie f.

On Rovembe I 888, IYCPD, advise: subject appeared we he Felony! , Iew York $7 was unable to understand . to thi charges custody or against the his Iew York. ~60 this State late Department orhe was remandedIental BIB! for an indefinite confinement. u " A /1 ='C/ x Map!!! __ , Iew York, made available t0 SA the tile for subject which reflected: ,, Subject was committed from Kew York County, November 16, 1965, and was admitted to Matteawan on November 26, 1965. His crime was described as assault, second degree. Subject indicated that he had never worked productively and had described himself as sl master gambler and that he had been a student of Mohamed since 1960. .4 His original diagnosis was described as schizophrenic reaction, paranoid type. He expressed dillusions of grandeur of a religious nature and of persecution. On March 6, 1957 dvised er H that on t mt da te, been release rom eawan and had been returned to the Manhattan House hewould of Detention, standtrial 125 on White criminal Street, charges liew against York City, him. where'4 92

NYCPD, advised that subject stood r a r , inal Court, , on April 5, 1967. He pled guilty to unlawful assembly, possession or marijuana and disorderly conduct and received a three-month suspended sentence. ,, - Onliay ll, he has been familiar wi gdvised that 5" C release from the hospital. He stated subject unemployed and has no permanent residence, but can almos eaasince lways hisbe located on 127th Street off Seventh Avenue, ew York City.u

...-It -2- pr ,/L 0 I 5

RY 100-15 0520 Q0 ' comnagm fron the with the that since his release» not been i.n any difficulty larch Coffee 28,was 1967,Qsdvissd e otel Theresathat on ,92 C! , Iew York L City. m W C l Iew Yorksourcesnfdliar with many phases __ of "Black Nationalist" activity e not reported any ' additional activityon subject's rt. AU 92 Concerning the entioned aboveBA the following ie noted:

L» gm L/

During furnished

During 1966

Characterization of the IOI and OAAU till be found in the sppendix.w

vC0r9292.v£:vi§i I. u

' . - 0 wYi00 15h5201" ;


NATION OF ISLAWI In January, 1957, a source advised that hasdescribed his organization on a nationwide basis as the " and Muhammad'sTemples of Islam." -

On April 29, 1966, a second source advised that, ELIJAH MUHAMMAD is the national leader of the Nation of Islam N01!; Muhammad's Templeof Islam No. 2, 5335 " South Greenwood Avenue, Chicago, Illinois, is the _ national headquarters of the NOI; and in mid-1960, AUHAMMAD and other MOI officials, when referring to HUHAHMAD's organization on a nationwide basis, commenced using either osque' orTemple when mentioning one of "1uhammads Temples of Islam." -

_The NOI is an all-Nepro organization which was originally oraanized in 1930 in Detroit, Michipan. MUHAMMAD claimsto have been selected by ALLAH, the Supreme Being, to lead the so-called Negro race out of slavery in the wilderness of North America by establishing an independent black nation in the United States. Members following MUHAHMAD's teachingsand his interpretation of the "Koran" believe there is no such thing as a Negro; that the so-called Neproes are slaves of the white race, referred to as white devils,' in the United States; and that the white race, because of its exploitation of the so-called Negroes, must and will be destroyed in the approaching War of Armageddon. In the past, officials and members of the HOI, including MUHAMMAD, have refused to-register under the pro- visions of the Selective Service Acts and have declared that _b mem ers owe no allegiance to the United States.

On May 5, 1958, the first source advised that MUHAMMAD had,upon advice of lenal counsel, tempered his personal statements and instructions to his ministers con- cernin: the. princinles. of his orraniz, a on ti i n or d er to avoid possible prosecution by the United States Govcrnment' :Q%#mR

4 92 - ,,. -4 '-A17'92'92S201. 92



however, he did not indicate any fundamental changes in the teachings of his organization. On May 2, 1966, a third source advised that MUHAMMAD had, early in July, 1958, decided to de- emphasize the religious aspects of the teachings of'Is1am and to stress the economic benefits to be derived by those Negroes who joined the MOI. This policy change» according to MUHAMMAD, wouldhelp him acquire additional followers and create more interest in his programs.


"."'-;-'"-S uL-'1 1;/Lhn;-92;_. f -1 0 _... Q .

0 n ' ' I -I 92 Ir Inn 15520 " COF92£F!DEF-!T!AL


'1o ORGANIZATIONor AFRO-APERICAN CONWTIW UNITYL_lNCORPORATED_ OAAUZF,_p On June 28, 196k, MALCOLMX LITTLE, founder and leader of the Muslim Mosque, Incorporated MMI!, publicly announced the formation of a new, all Hegro, militant civil rights action group to be known as the Organization of Afro- American Unity OAAU!, with himself as Chairman. This announcement was made at a public rally held at the MMI in the Audubon Ballroom, Broadway and l66th Street, New York City. ' , »/ A printed and published statement of basic OAAU aims read by at this meeting indicates that it shall include "all" people of African descent in the Western Hemisphere, as well as "our" brothers and sisters on the African continent. It is patterned after the "letter and spirit" of the Organization of African Unity established by African heads of States! at Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, in May, 1963. A recording of the remarks of MALCOLM X at this meeting indicates that the aim of the OAAU is to eliminate differences between Negroes so they can work together for "human rights," while the initial objective is to "internationalize" the American civil rights movement by taking it to the United Nations. LITTLE condemned the non-violent civil rights movement and claims that Negroes should be taught to protect themselves, when and if necessary. The OAAU will sponsor a program for Negroes of Education, ' politics, culture, economics, and social reform.

MALCOLM X was assassinated on February 21, 1965, while addressing an OAAU rally at the Audubon Ballroom, New York City. On February 28, 1966, a confidential source advised that the president and headof the OAAU isELLA COLLINS, a half-sister of the late MALCOLM X, who resides in Boston, Massachusetts. COE*92?~!QE.wT92A923 as . T > ¢-i 1-.

PO32! Rev. I I-29-61! n":.._"A. - ' Q x;i *1-.7. umnzn E sums DEPARTMENT. or IJUSTICE _" ' FEDERALnvnuu orINVESTIGA , non ._,. Iev Iork, Iev York lnkqsly Hence_ R4,, Key l6, 1967 FTIeNa. Bufile 100-UW636 file 100-150520 courtntjgm

T1*>1= Clarence Edward Smith

°h=1°°t=1' SecurityMatter - Intion or Islam »' Reference1 A;ent dated e nude and to the captioned report asofabove, Special at New r . 4 t All sources except anylisted below!whose identiti are concealed in referenced 85 information in the past. communication have furnished reliable

1 - ...|! - '.92 '92

,.. . 7 . -1!Z. , ._ '- r ,1,R![_i'-. 5 ;_|.

This documentcentatne neitherrecommendations conclultonu not 1 ol the FBI and1e loanedto youre e - o the FBI. It te the prol>"'Y yotn Gqency. q ncy,it andtte contentsare notto bedlltributed eutnde . A _.- --i._ ._. - - _ - x.92 Xrftivvu. FEDEi-QAL " E BUREAUINVESTIGATION '6 G S OF nsrorrmcam: roux ornc: l 9",;rm:Q quqm xonx i-»'~=' an15 U 9577 mvnrocucv: 3/17/67 - 5/8/67 lemon - TITLE OF CASE ' V I CIARENCEIDWARDlkl 92¢|.|A3_A¢-7;; $HITHQf Ag;79 ' I


memes: ' _ Bulet, 3/2§;1§91Tt-°r1/'7/66' Z77

-0- AIJMINISTRATIVE: ' A copy or this report heslken furnishedSecret Service, NYC, as the lest information furnished reflects subject was in custody and his release might be oi interest to Secret Service. M -'

As subject does not meet any criteria tor inclusion on the Security, he is not being recommended for inclusion therein. His activities can be followed by established informants end should hie activities require he will be recommended forinclusion on the Security Index 9. Case hasbeen: Fer.d:r.; :92-or er.eyear E Yes 2 Kc: Feataza :r:se:un:r.ever surr.e.-.92hs Yes D L: 3-: """'°"'= l no notwar-rt msuccsum an aux; K 7§1'- - Du éervice, loo-M14636 legs: ':§"-?f- KY8 ms _e " II. - I - 3 - lieu York 00-l5052O _=_;; -4'-:7_.



Dissemination Recordcl Aechel Repel! llevleas 7 i W AqlntyIeuesx Heed. V {£':'_:.'T:'..'L.:1:: om r-¢- '.""?f..'.'Zf.'1~f3'' ° """ * ; £:.=.:I;;.1sz.. .» ...'._'.:.nr r» .:.'..'u ' _ BY 7 y f 1 g .. , ,

_ _ 1* //g-_;»_'_ E H .. 1, -' - .*i'e- . .~ -~.-¢,»<-.-~ - *.f"§£ - ""i"1'-S ~~* "§Z5.':.~_ :1- Fvl¥ -- '5'._.- '.--:."'Z-.'-!*.-_7 -A .-P - __ - - '17-"*Y"_'' ' " L:' '<- oi: _'1?- >'-'9???-' v _.§a__;__ A '. }"~° 'Q§4'>..W-'_g7'-' Q.

_ , '92_ ! -

- Q- . * " ~. .-4.-r92a"*'}*k r-.~--. ~ - 1.. 41 ---','Z.-'-- . - .. ' . ; "Q- .'_-~_ " -. , - .»1>"i _ _.-. a-. 1.- .-rib .-..'._- 403,91d 4 » - ~- .-.~ um» - wge-Q1 *-rqlv qv-.. . .~ D ~. . _ -_ -. Q S

Q-llil. r 9-29-$5!Q . Q


Domenic Intelligence Division <3,--G-.~ IIIFOIIAYIVI note - @- e-92-74: Date Q/13/69 . qr- "'?L_l.''1I '__.. Attached relates that a eeeber ot the Nation of Ielan NOI! Iae fatally shot in Rev York City on 6/13/69. Be ie a leader P as of a Negro youth group and a recent aide to New York layer John Lindeay. It ie not known it there ie any'connection heteeen thie ehooting and a pwevioua elaying by gunahot of enother Ienber of the IOI recently. *- as- Copy of attached eent Inter-Ddvieioa Information thit of Department, and pertinent portions of attached I111 he - ._ included in a teletype eunary to Ihite Bouee andother intereeted agenciee. _

Q #- ,. =ABI:che; £5 C2? M I1 - . _!92- 0&8/ -U! 1 §;lHF9BM51!Q'g9@iTA'~Y%»1 &¢'3&,@_1 _ 0. , . . 1 __._ _.._ __ ,gq'_ - ._ --- I , .../...-...__._ '__ ,.,,_.-_.,_,___,__,_,m_v % - _ §_/_lA~ ZIELETYPF!_ A-4v _92 _f Qua. A---w.1@A.=.Q.@9I Q Ir. av _ Mr. T"-"-I. IN "i-{NCIPHER n A 'It F-0'11!"-.92..~§', -- ...A92..--92_.92 ' - ' '..n§.. ?;; 2 Mr. Hr "'7";','.=:~-,, . A I .Ir. ;xh""'TBI"-" """:""""".:";{»"-':_:i_'~*-'-;. _ H_~.--I.-a:»=...'-_-.--.--_....-..., - De!» - ,. ' Q9345 DRSENT Pl S-I3-89 HI.Iohr;_._- 2* Ir.Binbo|A_-- Cu?"-- Ir.Oclhhnn...- Conrad...._.- Fclt___-'1 Gn1e...___- 0 Roan

L Sulli 0 'Iud.__._ -i Tole, Boom...__'_ Iiu Ho1nI.._ Kin Gan

Iat Anuuounoazsnc..un-:1_.|_.1s.=:|c1-: _ _I/ n1v1s1o1.,_,,_;§. 1 FROM NEH YORK


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{J-l PAGE THO" - '- > - -


END , ¢ ~ wA....1 _

sun BE nuuszn zs HAOOORDR R RELAY " ' A, , _


I § MR TRAINOR .- ' - Q-19 Qev.1-17-$8! ' U

iH'5F1@m """'. t ~ ~ "1 7,1. 1 Moderate ;92 Tolson __-VAL ./ J5 Murdered .1lb eLooch ._....._- . NEW YORK. June 13 UPI!- Bishop Mohr * .¢* Gunmen am ed and killed ; Clarence I7mtit.h_today in Casper --- ter another Callohan --- ma leader, am Man ehiet Conrad _----- Qarlesv 878 Ken-atta, vas critically wounded tn a aiinilar attach. , l Felt Authorities aaid they were Investigating the Possibility l linked. that t the two erixnes were Gale Neighbors tn Smith: Har- Ietn apartment building heard, ahota at 4:15 a.m. EDT and: Hose -lled police. who found? Smith: body mrawled in the; Sullivan iaitding elevator. Be had a anunher of lunahot wounds tn his iaoe and hands Tavel " smun aon mm-5:5 he vas not too surprised thathis' Trotter __-_-- -tather was murdered ln vlewl Tele. Room ._-- at his recent activities to ease I ':-aeial unrest and avoid a ; Halmes .-_- long. hot summer." Gandy _._-- Smith. , headed the Har- ltarebm Aem "Five Pereenters." a $0 " u p of ahett oresi deats who "nlaimed 85 per eent at the did not eare about Uh-I 1 their community but 5; t W cent did. The ve Pereen-: ; Vere militant when they; .%1u-e waaniaed about ve ' _ int have heqotne in- = moderate and will- H cooperate with City ;au h qrieas ahettq arci- Qarles I W! eayatta etzauht '¬en-"'- ned the po- Ienntta vas first-treated h Pardhan Hospital hut was taken to iellevue Icpitai tn ' 'n Poet ,; llanhattaa aarlierihts peek haeaaae tt eouid wwtdeuhim 'T:';::ml _____8- Iith better anon:-in Be ya; The 92/aahihllb D1"! Ft" - TQOH-Q I Ill! Qhq ne 5, gw roommat- ll-In J>_;~ .m Nd M msmr-out - 9.3; News NewYet Qmday New ""9" Y°"U . o-asupv. 1-11-as»_ Q ! Tolson ._._._..- DeLooch ...... _.- Mohr 0 _ fl- . -~ -- . _ -_ _ - <.-- "F?"-;"*"_"?'.§,?3FF"*P-?'!F,E!!""""'7"";.;v , . n - -- -v o.D_ - 0 . ,, » » ._, ' , _ ,..-..,_,, ~. ~ _;_ . _ . . -92.-*92.-._.-... ~-~.~ -¢.: ,,._ Bishop.._.._....- Casper._._- Callahan .__.- Conrad ...__._- - . ~ ° ' Felt ____._._ reydttar, f; Q:3PaIKiIéle .- _ Gale Rosen C él9P3SeeM!lr3/i!loll!Sullivan _ .. 4 .._ -. _ _ b mt ;r5,v--I,>_-. Tavel Trotter Tele...._. Room Holmes Gandy_.i_ ..la theaeoond suchattack in a WE, ClarenceSmith ova ll, an apau o! Karim Hanem I-Tm:chin. an xqmm, waado: and yuter-dayin the elevator a ofHarlem'apar'tnent buae. A U: _;a ha SaturdayKenyattavu ahotandu-iticall voundedaaheaath.- -~;a 71'" 2r§**§**=l&E¥FE? ; -am. ePr-

92e hen Ilse! lualims ' Qoogb of theae aplixmr _'£ want to do away with for an_eeand {orall" laid a /' I Ina-ihed aa the organ- ' e _i&de.r of the Five Per- ton a radical group of young reputedly iadoetrinaud to RG5 Vhitea I-Dd Black lua- Jovara W1/'V vu ahot about 4 a.m. aa $$'§to an tvltlfan $00 young ng In age _Q$ I! the Martin their nrly I0a, tine. teaching tan! philoaophy , _ of pee: er-me dpeeted agamn vhnu. Juan re 92aahi.a|1-onPost hunael!haa_a aoeard of a dozen Times Herald .l!""¢lU- Ml"-Q taid. on aaaault, V0705. @1118.and otherchar-yea. The Waahiagton Daily Neva ._._ Onepohoe_ aoaree add II nu. The Eveainl Sm l92aah'umoal.- "'¢°'lf allPQIIIIINI, al them The Sunday sw lauhinrlohl __ &:r;:;:m:%:;:;:2*' 2 Daily um New mu__.sI'r. ITEM farther aaaaaainationi. Qmday Neva New Yorkl __.__ New York Peat ..i_._____ The NewYofh Times __.i_ »

-4s__._."._-- -. _..A ,. . ._ . _. . .h______1% ' '1I ' ini-

. I § ' ' ,

0 6

0 I-

92 -- 1 -.~ f lo i





.,q¢ Quin I71 lcnyattnctllJ in hospital.

' I D

O-19 Re927 17-681 K To]

_ %} Mohr@@1.s::¢; 2Blshbp J32 - _ Casper ______Callahan .¬- Conrod | P6EeSeemd ge" _to GM,Felt YK1"I O f cg X iullivon Rosen -an won: av!-rauapqm uiupquuu °1"" Q¢wg,;khhh,dmhdeb192:nsadnbIpu'ou:tyeeterdnyII 5.1;. anhm likecattle, l0pu'umIen"Uo- ;:;:;mT--'- - hm du',&1uII'IIII'lh'l.-- .. N i~]¢1mes____ I IIIQ hisIII! Boiler lid Gqndy nmumuwuuauua 0 I ll - MO- . 9'"

92 92 .

/* I .

an. bow more recentry e Viuhington Post m:neA1hh,vnsale|dercup calld the "ve Per- 9292®Times Herald '§,,9292The Iinbinnon Daily News _ ~==.92ac_-:=»~ _92===&'=':_-.*1=', A!, The Evening Sm lhahingtoni _ e SmdayStar Washington! 92 Dlily News NewYork! 93: . -1_* Qmduy News NewYo:-H $16: 4 New York Poul L 92*92'92/ 92'.92'92' ___i xi»~92. " The San Baltimore! ___._i The Daily 9292orld 92 . Die New Leader The Wall Steel Journal - 1" --1 4 /,- J '/.-> "/4" The Notional Observer o / 1-'-',:__¢_ " RQT RZCC3:-~-- People: Iiorld V 92i I Bunion Iubinnon92 Q 41.".17 195?-

M JUN 15 rs » __§_§ggL1?19ss° / - V Y Yé 33;; I 1-; '!- Rev1 11-ea» . - °' - .. - ' yea-van 7°15 ____7 _ ohr Bi sho Casper _i_ ilk! Callahan .__.. Conrad __._- F Ga Ros n Sullivu _--,1- Tuvel Z.___ Trotter 1....- Tele. Room ._. :u. - - -.. -2 Holmes __.._. In - I Gcndy _...____ "pg; mop:n0un' IF" .


T ""°°"'aas-no-1.nrtbd 11 16 nu*3;

' I 92 . I x I ' 92 '929292§92920 M Q - Q -fig .¢¬92392 J . 92 _92 A _. " 92_92 % '9 '_:. . -§AN§wAJ@3.~@'1 uhinltou Dlily Non __ 8-3, I9» The Evening aw wuhiaonal... Q9292 he sum Q. ummaw _. Daily News New Yet! _i. Qgpdqy NQII New YOIH .1; N0 York Pout Tb: New York ae Qm Bah-inert! -_i_. The DI-ily W14 lie Nor Llder Q Ill] @291 Jlll 11.. mam: Oburvcr ..___ PQaple'0 Idld . . O

I . - _ 1:. ..-in _

I u I ~ _ FILE. DESCRIPTION _ % euaenu nu:

If - . ».'. '- Q av "'.*. '_D_ . ' '.

SU Ba E0 4,.I.I¢

FILE NO. /SH-~>"/I I





. *7


0 lD~8lIRov.$-32-64!' "_ _; _ ! I . 0 e

F B I ~ F - > 3&0.-92' DUtQZ ' - Transmit theiollowluq inf - - ._q_1 *3. ~ , - Type is pldluezl or code! ___ - AIRTEL = -. = ' _' ' Priority! ------:-A:rmromvm110we@++T#NEB----- . ERFPI IE L!?-f3L'1,°-.SFlED ,/ ro. nmscz-on,rs: gATEN_}%, _ja3Yi£_i N ,l PROM: SAC, 57- ! summer: 9LYEMENT_.Q1" mmzasm * '1 5 7" A . _nX¢1-Fgcgxla my comunm- ' %Tu§A'1'zELss!G2rX;mEN!inA1» ...L4 JIli:.S_T. ' '6 um cuxmcs§13§s'%'1'g- R _ ~ menu. rwrrsns £1, -_ ReNYte1 , 6/21%/69. v u 1 The 6/2h/69 issue or the New York "Daily News" carried an arttlevhich reported that NYCPD Chief of Detectives FREDERICK! M. LUSSEN announced that CHARLES 37XKEENYITTA and several other Negro leaders, recent shooting victims; may have been shot by a small group of,extortionists who are "shaking down businessmen in the NYC ghetto areas and "leaming_on anyone who them. LUSSEN announceda 2R man tnvestigatiia squad to inve t e the group of extortionists who comprise 10 members and Ihom declined to identify On 6/21+/69

q Specialadvise that the IIYCPD Servi was on into shooting of CHARLES 37XKENYl'1'1A, Ian American Mau leader, 6/7/69, and into the fatal shooting of CLARENCE13X SMITHon ' 6/13/69, and into the fatal shooting of ANI'8OlT!REED, Jr., On 6/19/69, to determine if there was any connection between the three shootings. . /_¬_-"7; A _;f- _30 Q 0 PO 3 ascdrtai hat was close ___ contactedassociate thro If and ttee, that s th St., ould bane .u

-"I @311 W > c I i: .2:§::-1: £1;-,1,,.:y ~'"~ =6 1969 JDB:tf _____ - I. ..__ T§é3rrm" # ~ M we =96 _$£923- Approved: M pg; -W ' f ,', I " a II- . J !

P 41 s v I 1 ,-.- _ _..-. '~. '° 0" '. -; 5 _ ~ '157- IY .v'_" :3 I.é .=,i'.<_,_ Q; J7- §_- '-'.1." 7 . _ . - Jqgfbubsequent investigationdetermined that-?air§P1ay'C;mittee < ! 3:¥i~@is alsoknown asVanguard Communications,Pride Magazineand Vital; ~ -,:r*;§-f_.1>res_s Information,all or which occupy space in convented - brownstone buildingat'above address.u, l'T ;,

c , Fai

account names statement to the press.» tic

I ted shooting 'esu1t_},]C/ or Are you ~ lives wi or shooting scene intended victim o / IYCPD conj ecture is that and/or other members of te KENYATTA and SMITH . § Fair Play Committee and that §EED,ca1led on to assist him. Committee wanted C Tlnzfnand 1cznYA'r'rAL;<>ut' because these two were either working for lay or NDSAY or into territory or u Committee in money from local businessmen in e» I area. Further is that QEED wa_skilled because he_.__._.. knew too much and shooting through misidentiticatioz further advised that IYCPD conducted inquiry 8 NYC I on ofL;h

o_ .a community 1- -~ s 92- and that if he did not cooperate with he might not leave .. -Qr._.. -v a~ ' the building alive. Two or the three Iegro males aubsequentlilg .|':._ 92 -2- ;~=~.¢- C f

I 4 I I 4 . - v I e.

'. ;:_ 6- 7 -' 1 =-a92'.=s:~3.-11.!. 157_ -Q L T z Lib I-D i

as they had 8-D l3X SMTIB I

associ 8 formerly I andQ Actheold BlackPanther whichParty onnow is ovement defunct. RAM!K ONYC in requested that none of the above be Q Bureau inasmuch as the IYCPD investigation into this matter is still pen di and ng much of the information is to date unsubstantiated. ~92 KYO willkeep theBureau advisedof am further develop- ments in captioned matter. u

1. Q4 u Q

___A.. 0'. 3*,-I" -1 cs .::_I|_.5;_ ._. '- -".'.-t. --3

"-*..=7."-an a:-."