Clarence Smith, :5 Was Committed from NY County on Ll/16/65, and Admitted to Matteawan State Hospital on Ll/26/65

Clarence Smith, :5 Was Committed from NY County on Ll/16/65, and Admitted to Matteawan State Hospital on Ll/26/65

Q _. __'_ | ' ' e ~~ r 01-. -ii»? _ --1. 3.-IA - i 92 ' ro-1:2 Rev.4-11-ea! . , clnanu loan Io. we can-sea _ , can$1 cu I908 no. QIDIIca. ar . _ /I 'f umrao srxras co.-Iaxwmnrrr J "' --54" XMemorandum !=/'7 Directar.FB1 100-AAQ636 I Bule-DA-r|.;, . 1/17/55 v . no = no NEW tom: 00-150520! CardsCard :11-=4 '. ' I/SP $UlJB¢'l= CLARENCE EDWARD smnn aka 6/5;/'22 %VdK N 5; é SM-NOI ooimz! , / / 4 Re NY Summary Report, dated and captioned as a ove. I] Index Itia recommended Card be prepared onthat a Security Uthe captioned TheSecurity individual Index Card ahould on thebe above-captioned individual. changed an followa Japecify I, §'92_ change only! : CLARENCE EDWARD SMITH *"" Clarence sm1_u1_.1¢_wars0 , Clarenc§_3X§_mith, Clarence 13X, "A_1_I_L_ah", "Pgd_di_n" H Q Native Born U Naturalized D Alien UCommunist D Socialiat Workera Party/ BIndependent Socialiat Leanne E Miacellaneoua apecify!Nati on or Islam INQI! E] Tab for Detcom R." NGEPO Is m llale UFemale Date of Birth Placeof Birth L 2/22/28 - Danville, Virginia i Buaineaa Addreaa showname of employing concem and addrcaa! 5*! 1I Unemployed "4-Q-1'='=-1-ho-ve+ ALI. HEREININFQRNIATIQII IS UNCLASSIFIED CONTAINED_ 92 5: Key Facility Data : ¢;..,,,.,h;¢.1 Reference Number ' ' Rnponaibility ii lnterested Agencies I QC-.59 _ 1, ' elidence Addreac -"~/ I - 'Pr¢-we-tl;v_c.on41i-nee-¢,£@ Hygiene. New York state Department -_.... ----of Mental-""" Q3-Bi:-eau 1 New York 11 ,1:-.*: 19 --~*-> *4"-3 suBY- CQNIILU so O 0 > s. me 100-150520 _ securitySubJect Indexin view is being.0! his recommendedpart tilia fcr inclusion ith theon NOI, the . -. leéerhhig 8 of.' the Iarlem Yquthsang lmovmasti, "Pit _ / . .- hisin_his demonstrated ;I;!!'__elt_&hd'_P1IlQn1;"lBOggggens1t;1;;g;ggce_»inement. " resulted 'wc ' _ - ' -. .. 4 . N _.: - .- 92., r 1 <~ - , - _A - . , -v .- - -1 ¢...é,,.I4.',dd %.,f* 4/Hf _,/,5/,,'./.4 Lfmvvxh x.~¢ 6..-H. nf17_ »1,,,"/M/-4 % ¢.,»rW 2% j__ , ' 1 -2- .¢--_ .._ - .._ . -' 1 -_ > - ennru nu no. le . ' on numa nu an lemoncm an-n4 . 92 -- unm-:0 srxrzs GuVERNM£NT Memorandum "°' nnzscz-on,00-1144732! rs: mm 4 2/14>/ob sac, mu ronx 00-150139!! §%2I:e2;'su - no: t asxszs-»i oo= lmwronx! J Re Atlanta letter to mr,1/25/ob. _~- By advieed that a photograph wed Clarence 13 X and both ident itiedhim Q CLARENCE3X isthe auS3ect'EDWARJQMITHof NYC HIe 100aka 150520,Bufile 100-4414636.» C_1Ll1::ns4: Captioned casehas beenconsolidated in the ITO with100-150520. e|E92i2%1:92aNFORMATIONUNCLASSIFIED comma» IS DATE.m;z$='i9-BY§!=$l=l;#*/ e'__'§_ 1 ~- ' .-4' " 1- __ _ _ --Q / @Bureau1- NewYork RM! CB4;1 12 pk-317_ iaé:t7é ~36' 8 :mmc _- ! ' h e , 232. Q..._,ussT&Q¥J!! Q; $5-tg. %¬¢o92: _ H% ~§°'"{ees B uy U.S.smigpi; k£&§{£MG%P4a~m11$¢u;~n_P1¢,,_ rm-ass ls-e-en 7 1 _.92n 92 0 _~_TQl*l_"'_"_~,__- UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT4 OF JUSTICE - FEDERALor nunuuINVESTIGATION éz ' "'1:f:n_i>.§-:'.'New YOr K, New York SJ In Reply.Pleoae Referlo February 17, 1966 ru.1v.BUfi1e 100-444636 l NYf1le 100-150520 .92 SUBJECT: CLARENCE EDWARD SMITHaka REFERENCE: NEWYORK REPORTDATED 1-17-66 Referenced communicationcontained subject's residence eninloymemand/or address.A recent change been determined has and being is forth belowset change only specified!: Residence: MatteawanSb8t¬ HO$p1t8l f or Criminally Insane Beacon, New York . Employment: omnmow coumuzo 1: =_=:-:cu92.ss1mo oA1E_,i-.»_~.e1sBYi1§=1@-l-'1-L 92]~__n _ -' ~ 'v ___ l_' on NOT RECORDE'_|;> s FEB 21 1966 i i_ so-122 DETACHED ' k 1,? Deli!by routingI11 -----~'--- i-* 4' " _ dste_-:3...U .-Ff:I.- --------- ." i ' w_:%z.;.,%4¢-4?-_ 5923Y>Y: if-1 I4! ffin g;-0 isThis loaned docurnentto yourcontains agency; and itrecommendationsneither itscontent: not areconclusions tobe distributed northeouzsxde F_Bl. of It isagency.the your property of theFBI and rl < 92 I s Q . ~ -...§__. FD-l22 Rev. O-ll-64! . emovm nu no. N , sue-nu eemeu '- uurin-zb Snarescovnanmzm ~ "l '7/:1Memorandum I ,s Director. FBI Bu-filv 100-444636 /ii!/POM SAC. IGW sun_|ac'r= CLARENCE 1 oxrzv 2-17-66 SM-NOIYORK 000-150520! O0:EDWARD NEH SMITH aka YORK! -=-<9 %/.// Re: U It is recommendedthst s Security E The Security IndexCord onthe Index Cor d be prepared on the csptioned individud should be e above-captioned individual. changed ss follows epecify '01 change only!: up - we Dev Alieees AllHEREN.l i AUr92uf92LASSlHFDno la = J Q. DATEJ:-as -sgBY.s1~5!A§/;L U Native Bom [:1 Nsturelized D Alien [:1 Communist U Socislist Workers Forty D Miscellaneous specify! K Rsce U Tab for Detcom i SexU Hale D Female bate of Birth 7 Plsce of Birth Business Address show name of employing concern and cddreu! /[xii/1' %'. ii id . _". ' Q" NO _'*7?Fm?a- 8 FEB 21 E5 I Key Fscilityom n L Geogrsphiesl ReferenceNumber I , ResponsibiliK'U"I .~92 Interested Agencies 4- _ _ Residence Address V , w .3; 5% K: Ji ital forCriminally Ingarle;§*» . 92 ornaumnu no. ro luv nu nmou .._ cu mu ul cm m-lu - UNITED STATESGU" LNMENT J Memorandum $2 nmscron,00-lamb?-b! bars: rs:1+/6/66 A FR 7X. SAC, rm: ronx 00-1505.20! c! /T wlac.-r= cmnsncs -EDWARDSMI'I'H- aka sn - no: 0. »§ 0: rrswYORK! ~ L19 vi ReNY Summary Report of SA 1/11/66. ,, id 39*%eacon, MatteawanNY,made availablea e theosp institution file rela to , the captioned subject. r '7 C/ that the subject,A review under theof this filename of byAS eflecteda Clarence Smith, :5 was committed from NY County on ll/16/65, and admitted to Matteawan State Hospital on ll/26/65. His crime was describedas assault, second degree. v ' I Subject has been assigned Matteawan State Hospital Numberon file El29l5against and the u him./Ofile reflects that there are four warrants The subject indicated that he has never worked productive- ly and has described himself as a master gambler. He states also that he has been a student of M01-IAMMEDsince l96O. At the time of the subject's arreston 5/31/65, he was in the possession of marijuana. ,4 The file reflects that the subject'soriginal diagnosis was described as schizophrenic reaction, paranoid type. He ex- pressed the dillusions of grandor of a religious nature and of persecution.q L']Q, A stopwas placed with_1¢questing that this office be notified when the subject is to be released. @Bu1-ea!-1' B5018/'/I RM! i"/'.":' "' q ' New York -- --' "" Frmb= r INFORMATIONALL . or "'-. s_APR§§7;§z;LK° @@|§¥A§~£» A-*7ncngm 7 UNCLASSIFIED as J . _ A. , 7 m 1w;5§JAT-4»-a=<-10 Bvs/-s_z4;,@. IOl~ BuySaving: U.S.Regularly Bonalrthe PayrollSaving: on Plan{ 5 - I-. O _ __ i -_.--.._§___ OWIOIIAL IOUIO. IO ::: 3::511?: ...-... _ _ UNITED c_;'snrss :ERNM£NT! Memorandum 95%nznscron, FBI00-W636! mm-== 1/12/67 §UB]ECT2 SAC, NEWYORK 00-150520!_ c! I r CLARENCE EDWAR§:%§lTHaka I SM-NOI O0: NEWYORK! _ 92 & nd NYlet ,14/6/Rereg 6. M SA of_ 1/17/66, Newat Xork; ,/I. /5/67, Matte J- ig continuesNY, to be confinedadvised to S hat subject As subject has beenin continuousconfinement Hy -DU S ince rerep,there hasbeen noreportable activityon his P art. In view of this, NY will not submitanpannual I eport at this time. In the eventsubject is released from t he hospital,this casewill be reopened forappropriate i ""ig=°i°"-~ ALL INFORMATION CONTAINED"_ HEREIN ISUNCLASSIFIED DATEJ_s.-1lBY§_z;s_1Q,Q92.L! mm 92 . Q S,-.-'_ !'|'/'.~' ,. I8 JAN161967 _ I lgureau1-New YorkRM! _ '§§3m/23,19572' =,: &Y{ . 0 , 1;-iiy-I--¬_|__ii- _ .-_ ~ - _ - . -<v--. _ L i """-"""'-"'"."' - - - DEPARTMENT or JUSTICE 0 ' I . 92an '4,United&=rnment Y States ! 3 U U7 ' . MEMORANDUM TO: Director » Dlte: MAR6 1967 1 Federal Bureau of Investigation » rom: 'Internal Assistant AttorneySecurity DivisionGeneral $0012! 1'4"'"H " Subject:REVIEW INDEX~ 6 I ' Re: Qlaxe/V085/Wdfé /;""FBI No./4; .. $14151 5 34 I 1 CQ;Reports ofmvestigation havebeen reviewedas requested___ by you on . It has been determined that indexing of this case for future review should be - D continued ntmued Commentary: 4 . V uzcussmzoon.. /.0..-.#.*i:."_-_!-;"_' sI.$?g:-5-.544/A3212$7 _ /; I t 92../ $.'E 1nQ9. 92 k- '=0 -////'41;-la /0 92' 92 1-B1 O18 _,9 MAR_ 196" CC: ISD-S0 ' . ' '2z'" I " ' 92lr .¢, -? Dept, 146-012-1s-2 I "" Q x K --1,;-y ease-new ~ ,._ GROUPHH . - r iii-Q-uni I ' 4 Q-sum!!! -qf-';*V! Mi :1,-';<._ _ .5; 1" jjj----___ _ ;_,_--.-._t..._.___,_,,, fa ',__ -.¢_ _ - __ Q . -if . ._ '1;-v.-'___L - F.

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