Down Under Newsletter of the National Caves Association
DOWN UNDER NEWSLETTER OF THE NATIONAL CAVES ASSOCIATION VOLUME III - NO. 4 DECEMBER. 1968 34 DOWN UNOt" NEWSLETTER OF THE NATIONAL CAVES ASSOCIATION EDITOR: ROY A. DAVIS, Cumberland Caverns, McMinnville, Tenn. 37110 RODNEY SCHAEFFER, Pres. TOM GIBSqN, Vice-Pres. ROY A. DAVIS, Sec. Howe's Caverns Skyline Caverns Cumberland Caverns Howe's Cave, N. Y. Front Royal, Virginia McMinnville, Tenn. REGIONAL VICE PRESIDENTS: ~, 1. Russell Slyden, Penn's Cave, ~entre'Hall, Pa. 2. Dick Bell, Seneca Caverns, Bettvue, Ohio 3. Frank Raulston, Wonder Cave] Monteagle, Tenn. 4. Eddie Mi.Iler , Bridal Cave, Camdenton, Mo. 5. Clara. Heidemann, Natural Bridge Caverns, San Antonio, Texas 6. Carl Brechler, Cave of the Mounds, Blue Mounds, Wis. DOWN UNDER is published quarterly by the NATIONAL CAVES ASSOCIATION, Rt. 6, McMinn,yille, Tenn. 37110. Areacode 615, 668-4396. Material for publi- cation should be sent to the Edit9r at the above address. COV€R: 'I'hle month's cover photo is "Mottern Art", free-form stalagmite of white and orange, one of the scenic points t n CENTURY CAVERNS, Boerne, Texas. BULLETIN: Tom Gibson recently Infor-med us that Past President Ted Graves, Luray Caverns, was in a very serious auto accident Dec. 7,' Ted suffered multiple fractures of the right leg, a broken left ankle and left wrist, and several broken ribs. He was taken to the Rockingham Memorial Hospital at Harrisonburg, Va., and was in the in- tensive care unit there for about a week. He is now in a private room in the same hos- pital and is expected to be in traction t here until early February.
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