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How to Look for a Book How to look for a book: press the keys cmd and F on the keyboard, then in the pop up window search by word Book Book Year Class Author / Publisher Title Description number letter printed Generalities/General encyclopaedic work 030 ENC Encyclopedia of Malaysia 01- Environment 1998 030 ENC Encyclopedia of Malaysia 02 - Plants 1998 030 ENC Encyclopedia of Malaysia 03 - Animals 1998 030 ENC Encyclopedia of Malaysia 04 - Early History 1998 030 ENC Encyclopedia of Malaysia 05 - Architecture 1998 030 ENC Encyclopedia of Malaysia 06 - The Seas 2001 030 ENC Encyclopedia of Malaysia 07 - Early Modern History (1800-1940) 2001 030 ENC Encyclopedia of Malaysia 08 - Performing Arts 2004 030 ENC Encyclopedia of Malaysia 09 - Languages and Literature 2004 030 ENC Encyclopedia of Malaysia 10- Religions and Beliefs 2005 030 ENC Encyclopedia of Malaysia 11-Government and Politics (1940-2006) 2006 030 ENC Encyclopedia of Malaysia 12- Peoples & Traditions 2007 030 ENC Encyclopedia of Malaysia 13- Economy 2007 030 ENC Encyclopedia of Malaysia 14- Crafts and the visual arts 2007 030 ENC Encyclopedia of Malaysia 15- Sports and Recreation 2008 030 ENC Encyclopedia of Malaysia 16- The rulers of Malaysia 2011 Documentary-, educational-, news In this book Marina draws attention to the many media, journalism, dangers faced by Malaysia, to concerns to fellow publishing 070 MAR Marina Mahathir Dancing on Thin Ice 2015 citizens, social and political affairs. Double copies. Compilations of he author's thought, reflecting on 070 RUS Rusdi Mustapha Malaysian Graffiti 2012 the World, its people and events. Philosophy & Principles of Tibetan Buddhism applied to everyday psychology 100 LAM HH Dalai Lama The Art of Happiness 1999 problems Introduction and spiritual manual from meditation 100 RIN Rinpoche, Sogyal The Tibetan book of Living and Dying 2002 to the trials and rewards of the spiritual path. Paranormal phenomena /Parapsychology and occultism/Divinatory A room-by-room guide to the ancient Chinese art of arts 133.3 LAG Lagatree, K. Feng Shui 1996 placement Book Book Year Class Author / Publisher Title Description number letter printed 133.3 LIP Lip, Evelyn Feng Shui for the home 1987 small book on Chinese geomancy Basic outline of the art of feng-shui - its history, 133.3 SKI Skinner, S. Living Earth Manual of Feng-Shui 1985 principles and application 133.3 TOO Too, Lillian Practical Applications of Feng Shui 1996 Revised edition. 133.3 TOO Too, Lillian Feng Shui Success Secrets 2000 Religion 210 BRA Braden, Charles S The world's religions (revised) 1954 Abingdon Press, NY Holy scriptures examined in the light of modern 210 BUC Bucaile, M. Bible, The Qur'an and Science 1989 knowledge 210 KUN Kung, H. Tracing the Way 2002 Spiritual dimension of world religions Religion/Christianity 230 PRA Prabhavananda, S. Sermon on the Mount According to Vedanta 1972 (reconciliation of Eastern and Western thought) Insight into their economic, political, cultural, social 230 RAB Rabindra, D.J. Indian Christians in Peninsular Malaysia 1982 spheres of life 232 PAR Parrinder, G. Jesus in the Qur'an 1995 Tanah Tujuh: close encounters with the Temuan Comparative religion 291 ANT Antares Mythos 2007 Silverfish Books. Concerns Orang Asli beliefs. Malay Bomoh, Indian spiritualists and Chinese 291 DAN Danaraj, A.G.S. Mysticism in Malaya 1964 mediums 291 END Endicott, K.M. An Analysis of Malay Magic 1985 291 SHA Shaw William Aspects of Malaysian Magic 1974 Different systems of magic in Malaysia Introduction to the folklore and popular religion of 291 SKE Skeat W.W. Malay Magic 1967 the Malay peninsula development of Malay beliefs and their practical 291 WIN Windstedt, R. The Malay magician 1993 application Detailed description of temple (in Sentul) and its Religions of Indic origin 294 AHT Ahti Ahti Eeswaran Temple 1986 decoration 294 BAT Batu Caves Batu Caves: 1989 - 1991 Centenary 1991 description A.C.Bhaktivedanta Swami This translation allows the reader to understand Gita 294 PRA Prabhupada Bhagavad-Gita As It Is 2011 as still today the majority of Hindus do. 294 GOM Gomathi Thiruvasagam Book of Festivals 1992 294 HAT Hattiangadi, S. Sai Baba 1999 Biography of Sai Baba, yogi Yoga aphorisms of Patanjali; theory and practice of 294 HOW Howell, S. How to Know God 1967 yoga Extraordinary power of Indian yogi, as seen by a 294 MUR Murphet, H. Sai Baba - Man of Miracles 1972 Westerner Book Book Year Class Author / Publisher Title Description number letter printed Malacca Chitty Community, culture brought from 294 NAI Naiker, B.S. Sri Poyatha Venayagar Moorthi Temple South India Self-Realization Fellowship, LA. Hindu scripture. New 294 PAR Paramahansa Yogananda The Bhagavad Gita 1995 translation & commentary. 294 SHA Shakunthala Tagannathan Hinduism an introduction 1991 294 THO Thomas, P. Hindu Religion Customs and Manners 1997 Karen Armstrong introduces the key tenets of Religion/Buddhism 294.3 ARM Armstrong, Karen Buddha 2002 Buddhism. Early discourses, the Dhammapada and later basic 294.3 BUR Burtt, E.A. The teachings of the Compassionate Buddha 1982 writings 294.3 GUR Guruge, Ananda W.P. Buddhism 1975 Religion and its culture (signed copy 1977) Small paperback. Translated from the Pali by Juan 294.3 PEN Penguin Books Buddha's Teachings 1973 Mascaro Observation of the Buddhist situation in Malaysia 294.3 PIY Piyasilo, Ven Buddhist culture 1988 and Singapore and a suggestion Buddhist Promoting 294.3 TEA Foundation The Teaching of Buddha 1984 In Japanese and English 294.3 TEO Teoh Eng Soon Malayan Buddhism 1963 Critical examination. Small booklet. 294.3 THA Tharanga Music Ent. Ltd. The Kandy Esela Perahera Sri Lanka 2003 DVD on The Festival of the August Moon Religion/Hinduism 294.5 GILL Gill, P.S. Trinity of Sikhism 1990 Philosophy, Religion, State 294.5 MCL McLeod, W.H. Guru Nanak and the Sikh Religion 1976 Religion/Islam, Babism, Speech given to UMNO general meeting on 23 Bahai Faith 297 ABD Abdullah Badawi Concept of Islam Hadhari 2004 September 2004 297 ABD Abdur Hameed S. (ed) Duties of an Imam 1979 1st edition 297 ABD Abdullah Yusuf Ali (ed) Holy Qur'an 1946 297 ABD Abdul Hameed, S. Life of Muhammad 1969 1st edition 297 ABD Abdulleh Yusuf Ali The meaning of the holy Qur'an 2005 Secretariat Dakwah Pulau Pinang 297 ABU Abu Bakar Abd. Majeed Islam and Development in Asia 1998 297 ABU Abul A'La Maududi Rights of Non Muslims in Islamic State 1982 Small booklet, first published 1961 297 ABU Abul A'La Maududi Towards Understanding Islam 1970 (pub. by International Institute of Islamic Thought 297 ACI Acikgenc, A. Islamic Science - Towards a Definition 1996 and Civilization- ISTAC) 297 AHM Ahmad Sarji et al Islamic World and Global Cooperation 1999 Book Book Year Class Author / Publisher Title Description number letter printed Papers from the Malaysian Conference on Islam and 297 AID Aidit Bin Hj Ghazali Islam and Justice 1993 Justice (1994) 297 ALA Al-Attas, Syed M.N. Correct Date of the Terengganu Inscription 1984 297 ALA Al-Attas, Syed M.N. The degrees of existence 1994 Fundamental basic of Islamic metaphysics (ISTAC) 297 ALA Al-Attas, Syed M.N. Intuition of Existence 1990 Fundamental basic of Islamic metaphysics (ISTAC) Islam - the Concept of Religion and the foundation fo 297 ALA Al-Attas, Syed M.N. Ethics and Morality 1992 ISTAC 297 ALA Al-Attas, Syed M.N. Meaning and Experience of Happiness in Islam 1993 ISTAC Nature of man and the psychology of the human 297 ALA Al-Attas, Syed M.N. soul 1990 ISTAC Basic structure of reality in Islamic metaphysics 297 ALA Al-Attas, Syed M.N. On Quiddity and Essence 1990 (ISTAC) Influence of religion in today's societies, role of Islam 297 ALH Alhabishi, edit. Role and Influence of Religion in Society 1994 in Malaysia ... 297 ANN An-Nawawis Forty Hadith I 1982 Sayings of the Prophet Muhammad, anthology 297 ANN An-Nawawis Forty Hadith II 1982 Sayings of the Prophet Muhammad, anthology 297 BAD Badran, Margot Feminism in Islam 2009 Oneworld Pubs. 297 BUC Bucaille, M. Qur'an and Modern Science 1978 Text of speech to Commonwealth Society Approaches Islamic resurgence in Malaysia from a 297 CHA Chandra Muzaffar Islamic Resurgence in Malaysia 1987 sociological perspective 297 DOI Doi, A.R. Non-Muslims under Shari'ah 1994 297 DON Esposito, John L Islam in transition 2007 2nd edition OUP 297 FAT Fatimi, S.Q. Islam Comes to Malaysia 1963 From where, when, how... Silverfish. Travels through the madrasahs of Asia, 2 297 FAR Farish A Noor Qu'ran and cricket 2009 copies 297 FAR Farish A Noor New Voices of Islam 2002 Interviews with Muslim intellectuals 297 FAZ Fazlur Rahman Islam 1968 a history What everyone should know about Islam and Beliefs, worships, values, morals and Islamic way of 297 HAN Haneef, S. Muslims life Management style, economic precepts, political 297 IBR Ibrahim, H. Quest for Excellence 1994 culture and the Islamic world 297 ISE ISEAS Publishing Trends in Southeast Asia 2013 Political Islam and islamist politics in Malaysia 297 ISL Bawany, E., ed Islam - Our Choice 1961 Compiled and edited by Muslim World League Book Book Year Class Author / Publisher Title Description number letter printed 297 ISR Israeli, R. Crescent in the East 1982 Unity in diversity which links all Muslims, esp. in Asia 297 LEM Lembagg Tabung Haji Tabung Haji A Balanced Moderate Approach Towards Speech by Prime Minister Dato' Seri Dr. Mahathir bin 297 MAH Mahathir Mohamad Muslim Civilisation 1984 Mohamad How to Live our Everyday Life according to the teaching 297 MIL Milo A., Abdullah H. of the Qur'an 1998 297 MIL Milo A., Abdullah H. Qur'an in Our Everyday Life 2000 297 MIL Milo A., Abdullah H. What the Qur'an Says on… 1998 (vol 1- the Creation, Jesus, human behaviour,...) 297 MIL Milo A., Abdullah H.
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