
Fair Lawn




Lodi Little Falls ii:i.i WINNING.E.NT Mountain View . !I!:ii. N'E'W YORK PRESS ASSO'"'"'.?": :::-.-,%. l•orth Haledon ANN UAL A..WARD '



ompton Lakes

rospecf Park




We• Paterson

'1%9'0 •)UEENS

MA• 4, 1958



"YOU AUTO BUY NOW" CAMPAIGNERS ---Some of the Save Money wDh Our Privafe•.Brand Gas new car dealers from Passaic and :Bergen Counties in prepar- 120 Grand St. Office. 108 Grand .. ation for the "You Auto Buy Now" program which will run Paterson, H. 3. from May 1-14. Left to right: Bob Edwards of Bob Edwards Pontiac, Bergen County chairman; Power, Thomas J. Bro- gan, Jr., of Brogan Cadillac-Oldsmobile Co., Passaic County •.o-chairman; H. Sherman Beatty of Annis-Patterson Ford, Passaic County general chairman; Joseph McCrane of Mc- •rane Auto Sales breakfast chairman, and Morris Kohlreiter, M and M. Auto SaC.es, president of the Bergen County Auto trade Associationß



ITALIAN.AMERICAITCHEN"' -*t*... "• '_ q"'•t • ßd•• l SEAA SPECIALTY ' I !




WHITE and SHAUGER, Inc. A GOOD NAM• TO ItEMEM•BER I•or FURNITURE Living Room Bed Room Dining Room RUGS AND CARPETS .4 SPECIALTY Frances Tonzillo and Norman Greenberg, 17 year old se- nior at Eastside High School, will rule as King and Queen QUALITY and LOW PRICE of the Park Avenue campus for the remaining of the-Spring -- 39 Years Serving the Public-- term. 435 STRAIGHT ST. MU. 4-7880 PATERSON, N.J. Frances is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Ton- 240 MAI•KE• ST. (Carroll Plaza Hotel Bldg.) MU 4-7979• zillo, o f275 Florida Avenue. Norman is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Greenberg of 366 Fair Street.


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-..,.•;..:...--'?. :' 'i::'.'{;-' '•- ::''::::•..:. ':" '•: "" :..:: :•:.::.•: .i.'-:....• •:3 -" Published Weekly by ß. •...-•-::.'•- ' ... -...... i;.... .: ß...... }•.;; ;.•'•-•. ."•:.,.¾-•.•%...... :....:,,,' : .'. , /.' ., . •::..... •.. :: THE CHI•ONICLE COMI'ANY .. ß -,. .•.!ii! .' " :-.:..':.:: :..-"-.--'-- .:!-. :"x.-: .....-:. :'..' ¾::'•.•. -".: .": ß 170-172 Butler Street - - - Paterson, ß-. :..% .•."•:;.-'?:':'... . if:I LAmbert 5-2741 -":.-:•':i'.'.':•'•'::'. ':•.-.':•.•/-...:'-'?'"-.. ß •"' VINCENT S. PAI•I•ILLO, Managing Editor .... ;-...... •,;•...,•' i:•- • ". Entered as Second Class matter August 24, 1928. at the Post " ':---+•:•&L--?'!;...... :.: " -" Office at Paterson, N.J., under the act of March 3, 18•9.

ß "- .".-:•:•.:::.';':':'i:•:':...-.•.•:, -.:.'.:..:-..':.:•:,•.. ;- •:•:• ...... ' .....ß• •,, : .`•..`..•!.::`::i:iiik...`:...:::.•`•*....•.•.*:....•..`:..`...`..i:`:•i::•i::..:..•z.*``..`•(:•.•...:-..:..... •. ..:...... ':..'•::! .:.: ' . MAY 4, 1958-- VOL. XXX, No. 18 AFTERFALL OF FRENCH'CABINET- Paris,France --. Reporters and photographers surround Albert Sarraut (Center), ß President of the French Union, after he conferred with President Single.Copy 10 Cents .,.•:••. 2• $5.00 • Year By M•il Rene Coty of France following fall of the Government of Premier. Felix Galliard. Sarraut is qne of the leaders of the Legislative Chambers. The Ga•llard Government fell after five months in con- trol after a debate and vote on the TUnisian-Algerian problems. It' - was the 25th French Government since World War Two. CONTENI'S

,• -..:. -:.:

ß FEA'TU RES'[ : ß-. ..:. ß ...... •.-:•.•;•' . ...-.i:i:...... •.::':.-ß Chronicle of the Week ...... '•!i! •.•j- .. ,,,•"• .,, , ' ' ..i•:i•:•:•':-;.?..'."'-:•: " Fran Molendyke's Tri-Boro Notebook .. : ...... --!...... : .,,.:.'. •...•,*:•:• .•" ...... :'.. ::•:::$:f .,. .,,, - • "!?:-:-"...;::'-'...... ¾? "...• .... ß ß . •::•,..•,.. -• .... .:<.::- :...... :, . . ,,, Strictly Suburban 6 .•.• '.• •. ::•ii.'.'•:' ß ß•, •-:::-' ß•' . .-... •. .'•. :•.. American History 15 :- . ::..- ...:•. : , ßß...... :. . $;,• ....•,,•.. . -:.'-... ._ .," •. '• • .-Y• :'•' ß , : . "- ...... >::i':.••. • •[- '":' . ß- ...... L.;?:",•..'.:: DEPART. MENTS "' ':-:-'......

- . ß - " ...... Social World VEGAS was JUMPING!-- Las Vegas, Nevada- Fremont Street,Las Vegas' "Gay WMteWay of the West" was really ibmp- Editorials $ ing last n•ght as millionsof grasshoppers,attracted by the bright lights, movedinto town. Favorabie weather conditionsand a bum- per cropof desertwildflowers spawned the recordhost of 'hoppers. Editor Speaks Officials are consideringblacking out the famed"Glitter Gulch"

to entice the insects to move along. .. Let's Talk Politics ......

Showcase 10

Complete Television ...... 11-12-13 '" "•':'*":' L":':-' .... ß - . ... .

.. . •! ß -.. ..., •'•,


ß .. :

.. .:..:-:.;.


COVER PICTURE= . ß , .•.:

:: -:..,,•. •...- . '•" . :. , ,ß - .... . ß . .. - ß .

On our cover this week are two queens who appeared at ß

the official opening of the exhibition of photography at the ß '--'-:- '":" ...-:;i:: .....:•....:. "' ß . "' . ... ' .:" ":' Bergen Mall West Exhibition Hall. On the left is Jeanne Lewis •:,>.-,•f:-'- .:?;•!i•i[-'?'•';' .• " .-of Kearny, N.J., 1958 New Jersey Press Photographers {i%-':-:?.--..•....ß • ,,-'•'.-"":.... •:'-'.* .....,.?-• --•" ß YOU'VE..HEARD ABOUT- AND HEREIT IS- Frankfurt, Queenand on the right Dorothy Dolliver, 1958 .Queenof New Germany -- The often spokenancient Indian proverb, "Hear Nc York PressPhotograpehs. Over 500 prizewinning photographs Evil, SeeNo Evil andSpeak No Evil" is shownhere in the fieSh• It's the newestgag of Yindi,Uschi and Buta (Left to Right), were on exhibit. • Chimpanzees of the Frankfurt Zoo. ,

.....-The' CHRONICLE '-' PAGE THRF,I .. School Band Holds Fourth -Annual Concert WEST PATE'.RSON- The fourth annual spring concert .of the elementary school band will be held Friday, May 9, in School 4, McBride Avenue at 8:'•. p.m. The program will include selections from the "King and I" and Mozart's "Divertimenti No. 188", originally scored for kettle drums, flutes and bugles. Kathleen Perugini and Kenneth Samra will be soloists. The band will be under the direction of James Barresi.

Riverview Fire Cømpony Offers Minstrel Show BISHOPAT•ENDS NEWSMEN'SBREAKFAST The Most Rev. JamesA. McNulty, Bishop of Paterson, attends first annual communion breakfast of the Passaic County To.TOWA BOROnUGH- The second an- newspaper industry in .Church of St. Philip the Apostle, Clifton. Seated, left to right- Sis- nual minstrel sponsored by the Ladies Au- ter Loretta Agnes and Sister Imalda of St. Joseph's Hospital; Bishop McNulty ,guest of xiliary of the Riverview Fire Company, honor; Rev. Carl J. Wolsin, toastmaster; and Rev. John B. Sheerin, CSP, editor of the will be held Saturday and Sunday, May 9 Catholic World. Standing, left to right: Vincent Parrillo, William M. McBride, James B. and 10 in Memorial School. Ca.hil and George Barton, KSG. The production is under .the direction of Mrs. Josephine Trozza. Tickets are available from any auxiliary member.

Board of Education Acts To Half School Vandalism WEST PATteRSON- Due to the increase in vandalism on school grounds, the Board of Education has requested the police depart- ment to enforce the following regulations: (1) The school grounds are to be cleared at sundown and no one shall be permitted after that time; (2) No outsiders are permitted on school grounds until the dismissal of the last class at 4:15 p.m. Then, only bor- ough children may use the grounds; (3) There shall be no .adults playing on the school grounds; there shall be no hard ball played on the. school grounds.

FIREMEN'S ANNUAL B•EAKFAST Officials at the Paterson Fire Department's an- nual fellowship breakfast at the Parish House of the Eastside Presbyterian Church. Seated, Methodist Ladies Plan Fish left to right- Fire .Chief G. Hobart Strathearn, Deputy Chief Joseph. Dayspring, the Rev. James D. Boysell, fire department chaplain and pastor of the church, and Mrs. Doris 'n' Chip Dinner May 10 Stern, fire-police commissioner. Standing, left to right' David Reid, president of the church LITTLE FALLS.- The Woman's Society men's club; Deputy 'Chief Joseph L. Devenport, breakfast chairman; and Fred l•cciardi, for Christian Service of the Little Falls president of the Firemen's Mutual Benevolent Association. Methodist Church will hold a fish and chips


. dinner Saturday, May 10 from 5 to 7 p.m. at •.•.%0• .• : the parish house. Mrs. E..Cubby, chairman, announced tic- kets would be available from Mrs. A. Hapke, Mrs. W. Wehr, Mrs. D. Robb and Mrs. N. Danre. Mrs. F. Aldrich, chairman of the nomina- ting committee, announced installation of new officers will be held Tuesday, May.27.

Mrs. Schlegel Named

Totowa PTA Head _. TOTOWA BOROUGH Mrs. William Schlegelwas electedpresident of the-PTA. Other elected officials include Mrs: :• kndy Metzget, first vice president; Mrs. James ITALIAN CIRCLE HONOI•S GI{OSSI- State Senator Anthony J. Grossi •ppears with Berry, second vice president; Mrs. Joseph members of the Italian Circle of Paterson at testimonial dinner in his honor given by the Imbim,bo, recording secretary; G. Oelfand, organization. Left to right: Thomas Brogan; Fred Ardis, Ralph Gam.batese, president; treasurer; and William Dreeland, corres- Thomas Piombo, chairman, gift committee; Mrs. Grossi, Theodore Guariello, dinner chair- 'ponding secretary. man; Sen. Grossi, John Thevos, new Passaic County prosecutor; and Joseph Bruinale, con- Installation ceremonies will take place gressional candidate. May 12 at Washington Park School.

_ PA•oE FOUR The CHRONICLE - regional board has to decide. will be held on Thursday, May How many classrooms are 8, in the cafeteria of the North needed for each subject; how Haledon Memorial School on large an auditorium, cafeteria, li- Squaw Brood Road, at 8 p.m. brary and gymnasium and where Schematic plans will show the they should be situated. How tentative layout of the school. If many and what type of shops to you'd like to see them, voice your provide, and music facilities. opinion, or ask questions, why When that is decided they must not attend. Tri-Boroughget the approval of the state Show your interest in the job board of education whose pur- these people are trying to do. pose is to protect the taxpayer They want to make possible the Notebook while providing the best possible things you want for your chil- in education for the residents of dren. Give them the moral sup-. the district. port of your attendance.. I'll be Of course, the layout of the there, I'd like to meet you there rooms is important. Which rooms too. must have natural light. which can best use artificial lighting Do you remember the head- ious materials and styles that will and what type. Situating the CERAMICS & GIFTS achesyou"had when you were be used in constructing their new most used rooms so you won't building your home? Remember buildings. have certain hallways jammed by JUNE how you inspected all the model The school we visited, open with student traffic while others Wedding, Graduation, Shower homes getting ideas to incorpor- only a month, is a dream of what Gifts and Novelties. ate into your house? Remember others are relatively empty, a modern educational plant in case of fire drills or air raid Remember Mother's Day, all •he negotiations to get your should be. It's much larger than drills. May 11 property free and clear; deciding we contemplate but the informa, Add these to the problems of 212 Belmont Ave. Haledo• on the style and design of the tion gathered can all be inte- house? Then came the decisions actual construction, plumbing, grated into our plans. on the exterior finish, interior de- sewerage, water availability, elec- The different sizes of class- cor, how many bedrooms and trical work, exterior and interior rooms to suit certain subjects; LA 3-2682 Maurice F. Metzler baths' to include, and whether to finishing, roads to procide access the use of natural light wherever plan on additions to the family? to the school, landscaping, park- METZLER construction permits; the use of ing areas, play areas, etc. Well, multiply these probleras color in rooms and hallways to AMBULANCE SERVICE After those you have to pro- one hundred foid and you have brighten dark areas and to high- vide equipment. Furniture, •busi- "Everything for the some idea of what your Regional light stairways for safety, and ness and office. machines, light- Hospitalized Patien•t" School Board has to go through the use of color to install pride ing fixtures, kitchen and cafeteria Male and Female Attendants in building a new high school. in the pupils and staff, was es- equipment, telephones and inter- Transportation Anywhere Why they all haven't got ulcers pecially interesting. com systems, shop machines and SERVICE and RENTALS and fiat feet, I'll never know! Various interior finishes; plas- library equipment just to men- 406 Morrissee Avenue Just to give you an idea of what tered walls, finished brick, wood tion a few. they go through, I accompanied grain plaster board, accustical Haledon, N.J. This. takes many committee six members of the ,board, along tile, fini. shed blocks, as well as with 'Superintendent Joseph Gor- synthetic materials, ceramic tile, meeti*ngs,discussions and more • ab, when they inspected the W. marble and stone and glass, each meetings with local, county and Thesper 'Clarke High SchooI in with its specific purpose and all state groups to acquaint them NEW CEDAR-CLIFF with the progress. being made, as East Meadow, Long Island ,N.Y., used harmoniously was beautiful. RESTAURANT, INC. well as to get information as to last Saturday. Classrooms, shops, the cafeteria, l•ble D'Hote and A 'I•i, Carte (stainless steel throughout, with pupil load, which courses of cur- This is only one of many they ricula to specialize in, what ex- Hall for Banquets and for the most modern and efficient All Occasions have visited since they chose the tra-curricular activities to incor- equipment to provide hot lunches 276 Belmont Ave. l•ledon architect who will actually handle porate to provide a well rounded the building of the school. (Be- for hundreds of hungry pupils at Phones: MU 4-9658---SH 2-8815 school program, material to be . i fore they made the final decision one time) the library, auditorium, music rooms, business practice c011ected, collated and digested on the architect, they interviewed f'0r reports, regular meetings, be- twelve, at length, and visited nu- rooms, chemistry labs, arts and crafts classes to mention only a sides preparations for referen- COLONIAL SERVICE merous schools built by al lthe dum elections on bond issues and few, were fascinating to picture GENEEAL AUTO •EPAIl• applicants.) Now that the archi- land acquisition. tect has been chosen, they're vi- in our community. SinClair Gas & Accessories The domestic science rooms All in all, these citizens whom siting the latest samples of the 308 Chamberlain Ave, Paterson work done by the firm to make with their modern kitchens fea- you've chosen to represent you, "Sure the newest advances are in- turing both electric .and gas are doing a Herculean task in try- tkE 4-9606 --- Melvin Spicer corporated into our school plant. stoves, complete cabinets, dish- ing to provide the best possible school for the least money; with- Before being escorted through washers and laundry equipment th• school we were taken on a made me wish I could take sam- out skimping on necessities and -: without going overboard on frills. Chris' Big n' Little Shop .?,.rof the new office building of ples home. Frederic P. Wiedersum Associ- The overall effect was to make This trip as-an example, shows WEARING APPAI•EL the .board's dedication to their atP•, our architectural engineers, me want to go back to school job. Why not attend the next reg- COST• •EWEL/•Y :•f- Valley Street, Long Island. again. ular monthly meeting of the Re- •43-345 Belmont Avenue, Paterson There we saw rooms full of color Of course, there were many gional Board of Education which cha•ts, paint samples, bits and things in this school that we pi•s of tile, accousticalmater- couldn't include in ours ,because it

. ß. ials, marble samples, stone sam- featured many more vocational -ples, bricks and blocks of every courses than we'll be able to han- MORNINGSIDE '•' type available.Planning rooms, dle, but it showed what could be drafting rooms, rooms piled high done in either field or in com- Arfisfs Wifh Flowers with blue prints, drawings, and bination. Wedding Estinmf• Cheerfully Given-- By Appointment charts. In fact every room in the -Now, after viewing this and ARmory 4-7400 building itself, shows off the vat- other schools,.here is what your

:"" The'.CHRONIcLE PAGE FIVE -. '"' 1 i . . i i k I ß ...... Uncle -. -I I q

Th' best circles need more It used.to be; Wh•[t'scookin'? now it's; What's thawin'? WithVic Talericoand Tom Nolan running as Independ - square shooters. entsfor: two councilmanicposts on the Little Falls Township Many a chap'spocketbook is Lots of women who buy new 'Committee,many are wonderingas to what-Dr. JamesStokes emptycause his heart was full.• hats don't use their heads. Wili do and whom will he support in the General Election? Nope,clear thinkin' ain:t ever When Tubby Tyler gits a .BOthboys are membersof the Stokesfaction. l•ard to see through. bellyachethere's sO much of him that hurts. .:. * ', , * ß Peoplewith no religionhave A club/dance is where women Joe Harrison is slated to becomean assistantprosecutor no .future. who have 'notbin' -to wear, wear it. as soon as John Thevos is confirmed as prosecutor immediate- A hospital is a place where •ly after May 12. This may interfere with his campai'gnfor the run down peoplewind up. , * ß .After. a kid ou[growsstickin West Paterson mayoralty. out his .tongue he starts stickin' Huntin' a parking"'place fills our"hiS' neck. with despair,when you fifid a spotthere's a fire plug there. Some' fellers are just like a ß . ,. .... Thoughmany friendsare disappointedthat Wayne Mayor wet icycle, the drips. R•bert Roe did not accept a spot on the Democratic .slatethis Ted Bolton went to give a Rev. Charley Orant transfusion and found out he Released by Year• it can 'be:told now that he is slated for more important had-no blood. APA Smith Service ithings to come. 4-4-58

ß [ ,. The newly formed Columbia Association, comprised' of Passaic and Bergen 'County law enforcement officers of Ital- ian extraction, drew 210 members to the organization's initial ß•.:.:.:•...-:::-.:.. •'..:!::•.:."-:.':::::•!::•'•i:i.%:..:i:!:i::::::::' ======•:.::..::....::?•?.•.)::•:.:•:•?:•:•:?•.:•:...::::::::•:•:•: :?3:i:i:'.-:::.:.::•i.f.-•.:•.-:'::::• ::•.::..':2.i:i:!:i:::i:i-':: :-x:-:-:-•'-•'-' ...+ - ' '•'• ,•/-'•"•"•'-..- .- ß :::::•:::::.<:x.:.. : ' ß-.-:-:-:-:-:-:-... '-'-'.::-:.:-:-:-'-:'.-:-::..:.:.:..-:-:-.-:::-.-:-:-: -.-:-:-:-.'+:-:.:-:-:-:-:-:.:-:-.•+:-.'::-:::-.:.:.:cc.:-::. . -:•.•,•,•..5•. meeting in Passaic last week. It was clear cut evidence of a .' monumental organizational campaign.

: .,...'...... - '"':?"-;• ....•.• •'.•.;::. ß'-' ..:.. -.::- ....- ...... Councilman Raymond Blanchfield of Totowa Borough '""::i ..... ' .....: . used tactics last week which are definitely un• ::',.. :..•;: •i:...-•...... ;:J:•.i ' " ' aleman. He may have cause to be haunted by some of the re- '::::::::::::::::::::::::: ...... •.:..•::•E::?T??•.•::. :'•-•:::...:!.i:: :- marks he has made against members of his party and or- :i[ii .....: ..:... : ganization. .. -: .. .- .. ß.)::.

:..:i'-•-..: ' ß : ' : .. : . . :. •.. ..'• ...... :.-:• •. .' Freeholder Frank X. Graves, Jr.-, is honorary chairman ß • .: -e .. of the friendship dinner for Totowa Borough Mayor Joseph F. ß. • ..•n• Ryan to be held at Donohue's June 8. The affair promises to •-'•.....::.'-':.: ...... ' ...... !;:'. be a sellout and will kick off the mayor's campaign for a free- -.-. :...'ß i.:...' -._• .•...... holder's spot. ...

.:. :•: :•

. The lull in Haledon activities can be described as "the •calmbefore the storm".With the widesplit in Republican SOLVING A DIFFICULT TRANSPORTATION PROBLEM franks. Joe .At-banese,Democratic candidate for Mayor, and Cleveland, Ohio- Ingeniousis the word for the chapswho rmn•ingrnates':'"Mrs. Irma Pasquarielloand. James D. Parker, speci•dizein movingthings from here to there.This 91-ton,1i•.- for council, can upset the two rival GOP factions, foot long steel box girderpresented a problemwhen it-arrived in Cleveland on three railroad flat cars. The girder is for the Inne•

ß Belt Bridgein cleveland.Solution of the problemof gettingit to

_ its destination was solved as you see here. It was put on two . Joe Muccio, West Paterson GOP leader, faces. a few tm- 'trucks,one going forward--and the otherin reverse;-Menon top o! •asy days. Democrats are reportedly seeking t0C-removehim 'the' girdermoved Wire s andtraffic lightsen routefor the twomiles from his post as County Investigator attached to the prose- of the big carry. •cutor's office. Muccio has held the-post for more than eight 'years.



, -. ... I ••• KID6H•DTO•A• •. ., , •• '


The secondannual dinner dance of the Passaic County l•publi- can Organizationhas ,beenset for Wednesdayevening, June 4, at ßthe Westmount.Country Club. General chairman is CountyChairman Lloyd B. Marsh. Dinner tab has been set for $25 with proceedsto .. go towardsa campaignfund for the fall campaign.An eveningof fun. and dancing is assured. 'i !.

ß ..


The Medical Ladies Auxiliary' have scheduleda card party for ß May 5 at Club 17, Route 17, Ramsey,with a fashionshow as the ._ • •.,.,,,• _ ,,.,..'.,•. j ,.. .. :. highlightof the affair. Mrs. NicholasScielzo and Mrs. JamesßGallo MES. JOHN SZCZOMACK St. Michael's R. C..Church was are co•c'hairmen in charge. MRS. DONALD RICHARDSON the setting Sunday a/ternøøn for the wedding ceremony of Miss Jo- Miss Mary Alice Hamilton of A spring concertwill be presentedby the PatersonState Teach- sephine Gallo, daughter of Mr. 126 Hillman Drive, East Paterson, ers CollegeWednesday evening, May 21, in the Memorial Gymnasium and Mrs. James Gallo, to Michael and Donald Walter Richardson 0f at $ p.m. The public is invited to attend. - Szcozomak, son of Mr. and Mrs. 7 PleasantView Terrace Walli•g- John S cozomack. The Rev. Ar- ton, was held recentlßyat St. Le0's On Friday evening, May 16, the Columbiettes will hold their sec- mond•Conti officiated at the cere- R. C. ßChurch,with the Rev. Do m- ond fashion show and card party' in the Alexander Hamilton Hotel for mony. A reception for 300 guests inick Dean officiating the Nuptial the benefit of the Passaic- Bergen Unit for the Mentally Retarded. was held at the 'Circle Restau- Mass. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hamil- Miss Mary Pertone is chairman. rant. , ton and the groom is the son of

. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Richardson. The Barnert Nurses Alumnae Association will hold its annual A receptionat the Robin Ho•d

reunion at the Old Salt, Route 4, on Wednesday, May 5, at 8 p.m...... iii!i!•!!!iii!i!i!ii!•!!!!!•ii!•!!•!i•i•ii•iii!ii:i•ii:i::::'"'"' ..... '"' ' '.':i! Inn was held. Mrs. Richardson "is Miss Lorraine P. Isaacs is president of the group, who urged mem- ======employed by the County Bank of bers to make reservations with the. reunion chairman, Mrs. Ruth ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::'::::::::" . : i Passaic and her husband is with Dworkin. Polymer ChemiCals,'Clifton.

ABOUT PEOPLE YOU KNOW- :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::':-::::::::::::: ..:::::::::::::::::::::::::::: More than 70 guests attended the. celebration party of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Grayson's fiftieth anniversary held at their home at 50 Doremus Street. Miss Faith Jenningswas honoredat a bridal showerrecently at ::•:•:•:•:::::::•:::::::::::::::::::::::::::•::%::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::?:::::::::.::::::::::::.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: the home of Mrs. Frank Hanuske, 65 Morley' Drive, W'yckoff. The party was given by the bridal party. Miss Jennings will marry Thomas. Baird of Bridgeport, Conn., on May 17, at the united Presby- terian Church. Dr. and Mrs. S. H. Gladstøneof 722 Eleventh Avenue are' vaca- 'ti0hing in Tel Aviv, Israel, and while there Dr..Gladstone will lec- ture at the .Beilonson Hospital. The couple flew from Idlew•-!d. A confirmationparty was given for JohnE'. Hopper,so'n of Miss Nancy Gennaro was mar- .Mr. and Mrs. John Hopper, Jr., 479 Main-Street, Sunday after his ried recent] yto John Held at St. 'COnfirmation in St. John's R. C..Church. Chris .Maxwell was his spon- Anthony's R. C. Church, at a dou- sor. Jackie i.s a fourth grade pupil at St. John's 'School. ble ring



. ::?..::ß :,The. 'CHRONICLE

. . ß.PAGE ,:? SEV •r•l•' EDITORIALS AnybodyGo-tAForm.ula ?

Three Minutes Most peopleassociate the words, "three minutes" with eggs,or the time of a long distancephone call. But a lot of other things can happen in three minutes.A tornadocan wipe out a whole community; a baby can be born; or a father of a family can be infestedby the polio virus which may make him a de- pendent for the rest of his life. Perhaps he's a wise father, and uses three min- utes to prevent that from happening! Three vaccinations,of one minute time each, spaced several months apart, can do it. Over65 millionAmericans have taken advantage of this miracleto preventfacing a lifetimeof crip- pling.But some45 millionpeople are askingfor trou- ble by neglectingthese vital three minutes,that might savethemselves, their families,and their com- munity a lifetime struggle. Anyonewho neglectsthis oppor•tunityis encour- aginga polioepidemic in hisvicinity. Not until every- one has his series of three Salk vaccine shots, can we wipe Polio off the. blotter. IIIiiiillll iiIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IiiiiiiiIl• Summertime,usually gay andcarefree play time, is alsothe time when the poliovirus goeson the ram- page. Summertime is nearly here. ;"•' • flor ea s Now is the time to start getting your Salk vac- cine shots! !•?•??i•' •INCENTS.PAEI•ILLO It's painless,it's not expensive,it only takes. •mma mmmmmmmmmmmll Ilmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmm three minutesout of your busy lifetime. Think how This is one time the editor listened: it would be if you couldn't be :busy! Dear Editor: :•' Can't you do something to campaign against the narhes and types of women's styles? We girls need a fashion diction- ary just to buy a dress to go to the PTA meeting. Look at the ads.' What's a "Back Belled Sheath,", "Black Organza Trape'- "Spring" zerie" or a "Cocoon Chemise". Are they kidding with those names? Even thoughrainy colddays depressyour spirits But you should see what you get when you finally ask now when the calendarofficially claims it's Spring, for the fool thing. Personally I've been dieting six months, it only takes a little probingto. prove the calendaris and really lost a little here and there you know, 'but with .be- ing fashionable I shouldn't have bothered. Really, I look just right. Rake asidethe deadleaves from last fall very as "plump" (I think that's .such a genteel word) as before I gently and you'll find the first green tender shoots lost the weight. Now I've had a few kids, and I couldn't wait to get rid appearing.Many spring bloomsare already coloring of those maternity clothes. So I gave them to my sister-in-law'. gardens in this area. So help me with a belt at the 'bottom those smocks are. practi- But to really believe in spring as a feeling .in cally "haute couture". (That means high style according to the book.) yourself, not only as a season in time, get out into. Well, anyway, I think you men should start a campaign the woods, a park, or the nearby countryside, and see because you fellows are really responsi'ble. It's the men in if you can find a Bluet, or Lady's Slipper, or Dutch- Paris who start these fads, so you men in America should put your foot down and say what you want us to wear. man's Breeches, or the Purple. Trillium, or even some Of c•urse, my husband is reading this over my shoulder good old fashioned skunk cabbage, and then you'll and he says we should wear house drew.-'es and then we won't have to worry about being stylish or a•bout going out. But really get the feeling that spring is here. we'll ignore his type because he thinks if he sits up with me to Of course, if your wife has you painting the watch Jack Paar it's a ,big night for me:! screens,or moving all the furniture, or spading up But I still feel you gentlemen of the press shoul.d start a crusade to get us girls looking like girls again instead of cater- the garden,you've already gotten the messageand pillars or circus performers. We like to be looked at and smiled perhaps a little get-a-way into. the country until at but not LAUGHED at. "Spring Cleaning" is over, might be an idea. Sincerely, .:..:• :..:... ••.•:.

,. An almost stylish stout ..... PA•E EIGHT The

.. ß . .


. llOPERATION ALERT 1958I' SET et' a/k FOR TUESDAY- WEDNESDAY ' .I I ' : : . Nearly 1,000posters announcing a publicparticipation air raid to be held Tuesday,are being distributedthroughout the city. This exercise is in connection with the nation-wide "Operation Alert 1958". The posters,in red,white and blue, will be in storewindows, pub- lic buildingsand all conspicuouslocation. s, it was announcedby local C•D-])C headquarters. Lt. Samuel Silvestri's Pater- minute siren pattern blast. You oon CD-DC executive directoor, 1.l should seek shelter immediately. said the training session- which Second Alert-- Further instruc- .' • • .. • • ''• ß ßwill last two days- is Paterson '. ß • . • '. ' tions are forthcoming. Listen to CD-DC premier effort. Following . .% .l ...-.z-4-- ß . your radio. (For this exercise o.n- a series of conferences with of- ly, it can be assumed that the ficials from .other cities, county /itit exercise is over and traffic may i po - and state, he said Paterson's civil resume.) T•o •pini•n• o•pro•od• tM• •lumn aro o•½lu•ivol•• • t•o writor defense endeavors will be watch- and d• .•t no•o•:aril•rofle•t t•o p•li• and •pi.i•. ed closely by the state. The professional politicians are somewhat of a strange Paterson's more than 142,000 Woman's Club Holds speciesalways in constant activity and on the lookout against residents -- at home, at work and Annual Concert the lesser satellites who. are forever attempting to encroach school- will take cover at about TOTO%VA BOROUGH The ßon what they consider private domain. But the real menace to 10:30 a.m. Tuesday, said Lt. Sil- fourth annual spring concert com- the general public are not the pros 'but rather those in the sub- vestri. They will be required to memorating National Music strata, who in order to create more favo.ra•blei.mpressions as to stay in shelters for approximate- Weel•, under the auspices of the their own importance, often get eloquent about party policy ly 10 minutes or until they hear Woman'c ,Club, will be held Wed- over which they have no control. They delude themselves the Alert signal repeated. This nesday, May 7, at 7:45 p.m. in into believing they have inside information on impending ap- will be a three-minute steady Memorial Chapel, Laurel Grove pointments and events. When their ,batting average on prophe- blast on sirens. Memorial Park. cies is close to the zero mark excuses fly thick and fast blam- The city's industry has been di- All borough residents are in- ing everyone but themselves for the turn of events. Current- rected to implement their civil vited to attend. ly, the Democratic Party is overloaded with an a:bundant defense plans. All highway traffic supply of "inside dope boys" .becausethe party star is in as- will be stopped by regular and dendancy. These "maybe" vendors are dangerous to party volunteer police and CD wardens. Comedy Show By harmony. Taking part in the exercise with Singac School PTA The leadership has its hands full with weeding these boys civil defense will be the Women LITTLE FALLS -- The School .out and putting the "clamp" on them. This state of affairs was School Crossing Guards and the 3 PTA will present a comedy, one of the principal reasons •behind State Senator Anthony gas station attendants warden "Channels of Fun", Friday and Grossi's decision to maintain his city leadership. service group. Saturday, May 9 and 10, at the A number of changes are definitely The two types of air raid sig- Singac School auditorium. -- scheduled. When new leaders emerge, Zon- nals to be sounded during "Oper- Mrs. Michael Vavrek will di- ing Commissioner John G. Kotran will be ation Alert 1958" on Tuesday, in rect the production and Arnie recognized for his ability to organize and Paterson as in the state ,are: Vedsred is in charge of musical . unite. Alert- a steady three-minute arrangement and direction. Kotran carried the ball for the organi- blast at about 9:30 a.m. You P•efreshments will ,be served zation's tilt against Sam Bruno in the Third should turn on your radio for of- during intermission. Ticke.ts are Ward. Even in defeat Kotran's qualifies were ficial civil defense instructions. available from members of the evident. Take Cover -- a wavering 3- PTA executive committee. There has been no official announcement ß yet as to whether Joseph Donatelli of Clif- ton or John Bergin of Passaic will be retained JohnKotl•n as assistantprosecutor after the May 12 con- • firmarion of Prosecutor John Thevos. There is a move afoot to. attempt to move Adolph Romei into the assistants spot. Adolph is a capable attorney and a loyal party worker. Martin Verp, long active and long on the sidelines, is also being prominently mentioned. The trouble stems from the fact that there are too many "good workers" and too few jobs. , No wonder leaders are in a quandry. From another quarter, there are reports that a group of citizens will .begin a movement to change Paterson's form of government. Whether or not this activity gains any favor re- mains to be seen. Richard Schiffman, who will soon become first assistant prosecutor, has piled up an impressive record of legal wins in court appearances. The Al.berti mistrial was attri. buted to •! Schiffman'sskillful 'handling of the case. . .Mayor Edward O'Byrne has still not returned to. full du- ties'at his mayoralty post. It will take severalmore weeks be- fore he is fully restored, according to reports. GOP leaders in various municipalities, under the aegis o• County Chairman Lloyd Marsh, are being exhorted to conduct ß membership drives and campaigns in a desperate attempt to stem the Democratic tide which is picking up considerable Steam becauseof economic conditions. Even if the employment picture changes,it will be too late to.make much changein the ?ii:l:?:outcomeof the Novemberelections.

PAGE NINE OES To Form residents to keep dogs tied up outdoors. Secret Pal Cl'ub A number of cases of persons HAWT•IOl•NE- q•he Haw- bitten by lose dogs have prompt- thorne Chapter 222 Order of Eas- ed police and dog warden to take tern Star is forming a Secret Pal action against violators. Sum- Club. Mrs. Alice Smallwood, monses will be. issued to all of- chairman, has requested mem- fenders. bers who desire to join to con- tact her at HA 7-2626 or by writ- With the approaching warm ing her aC43 Ravine Drive, West. weather and with more and more Mrs. Smallwood asks information children playing and walking out- on applicants' birthday, anniver- doors, it is necessary that every ForI vice sary days, size of hose, lingerie precaution be taken for their pro- and gloves, as soon as possi.ble. WINE& L,uoRJI tection, authorities said. LA, S-0S66 "Haroldis awfullyobstinate." FEATURIN• A Legion,Auxiliary "In whatway?" WIDE VARIETY OF "It's the hardestthing in the Present 'Revue' •-.!•.•?.i-:. worldto makehim admitI'm right IMPORTED and WEST PATERSON- Rehear- ::::::::::::::::::::::.:.:.:•..:.:...:.:.;•:.. whenhe knowsI'm wrong." -.::.::::•:.$:::.-• DOMESTIC WINES sals for the "Legion Revue" pre- "Afellow told me I lookedlike you."" sented by Memorial Post 238 and "Where is he?" PrompfDelivery Service "I killed him," Auxiliary, American Legion, will .:• 234 Vreeland Ave. be held twice weekly, Wednesday and Friday evenings. Paterson, N.J. The Wednesday rehearsals will be held at the Rifle Camp l•ad Firehouse. The Friday rehearsals e-- will be held at the home of Harry Smorf Moforisfs Scwartz, Browertown Road. Rush -fo . .. The revue will be held on Fri- 'day and Saturday evenings, May 16 and 17 at School 4, McBride IN A WiIIRLOF !!is O•N -- Avenue. New York -- Two-year-old Dan- ny Sir.c is lost in enchantment as he watches his top •hirling One eveningJones was .discovered around on the tip of his shoe during finals of the Spinning by Browntrying to pusha horseon Issue Warnin.9 Contest at The Children's Aid to his front doorstep. SocietY's Lower West Side "I say, old man, do give me a' To Owners playground. The championship hand,"he pleaded, and Brown, won- event marked the start of. the de•ing,did so. "Now,"continued PATERSON HA.,'I•DON- Borough author: outdoor season at the So- Jones,•let's get him up the stairs ities have issued warning to all •$_ety'.•_e..t.•t__.ce..n.t_e..r.•,...... and into the bathroom." CITIES-SERVICE ß :.•.":' After a lot of struggling,they got Tires - Tubes - Batteri• the horsesafeIy installed, and Jones Accessories closed the door on him. "What's .all this about?" asked -- Ignition Spec•Usts .•.. "' ACROSS Brown,puzzled. lV•srket St. - l•ilrom] Ave. -: 1.. ke 1•½' 22. Male ssngsngvog •I'11tell you," said Jones."I've AR 4-9668 Paterson, N.' J. 4. Sisdes 23. Remuneratmn Answer to 9. Tr• fluid 25. K•nd of evergre• got a brother-in-lawliving with me OPEN 24 HOUIL_q 12. Be indebt• 26. Run away to 13. Kind of fabric Cross Word andhe knows'everything.When-he 14. Follower 28.•eet•r[ conLtiner goes in the bathroomtomorrow 15. Darned 29. In w!•t rr•nner 17. Writing p•d 31. Prmcnbed Puzzle --morningheal shoutdown: 'Hey,.-. 19. Father 32. Line 20. Kind of Tr• there's a horse in the bathroom,' 35. Next to and for the first .time I'll be able to 36. Swab FAMOUS .ß Comi•monPartof pl•nt 37. Coafme• 24. At one tin• 39. Kind of bo•t on Page IS. shoutback: 'Yes,I know!'" . Z7. That gsrl 40. Conquer '28. Fehne 42. Wealthy "I've decided I won't be married till 29. Inn 43. Filth 30. On top of 44. I'm. 25," confided the $1. Period of t•me 45. Malt 32. Pol• 46. In favor of "And I, said her elder sister,have 33. A•compi•h 47. Ocean decided not to be 25 till I• mar- 34. Song b•rd 48. _•...1 ,, 36. Cut grs• 51. M •i•i note 37. Fold over 38. L•r ß woody

39. •ovme amrr•l 40. Metal thread 41. $trmp of I th r 43. Ob•ure '44. Dried grape 46. Conclude 49. Aged !'ti'LMITCH 50. !lue 52. Afternoon •ocml 53. Golf mound TASTY CRUST BREAD 54. %tal organ 55. Sorro• ful CAKES & PASTRY

DOWN 1. Male cat 2. Reverence Ask At Your Grocer's, 3. Soft 4. Winter vehicle or Super Market õ. Cover 6. Within 7. Part of flower. Serving $, Break suddenly' 9. Still 10. Consumed New York and New Jersey ll. Fondle 16. •Barrier 18. vital Fluid ,aterson South Areboy 20. Sn•11 rug. 21. Lacking' '


7--LawrenceWalk Show 2:30 10:30 I I--Combat Sergeant 2--Concept 2---What's My' Line? 13--Perucho Show 4•Comment 4--Feat. Film 9:30 7•Roller Derby 7--Movie 11--20fh Century Fox 2--HaveGun Will Travel 9•Joe' Paleeke 13•Sports Page 4--TurninaPoint 13•OralRoberts I 1:00 10:00 3:00 2--Sun. NewsSpecial 2--Gunsmoke 4--YouthWants to Know4--News WCBS-'I•--Z WltCA-•• W.•LBD--5 4--Ted Mack •Movle 13•Wresf:ing. 7--BillyGraham 9--Movie WABC.,TV--7 WOIt-T¾•9 WPIX--11 13•AIIStar Iv•v'm '13--WhereWas I Born 11:15 ' WATV--13 10:30 3:-30 2--The Late Show 4--Look Here 1.00 2--Sea Hunt 4--YourHitParade 13--Italy,Today &Yeddy. 2•The Late, Late Show These•I/Mornin g and Afternoon Programs Are Re•pe•ted 5--Errol Flynn 4:00 9--Bowling 4•Omnibus . Monday.•l•rough Friday fro TM 7:00 s.m. to 5:30p.m. I 1:00 7--DangerousAssgn'f 13--Star Search _' 2•The Late News .. 7:00 4--Truth or Consequences 9--Mat;nee Movie I I--Movle ': 4--Sat.Night News 4:30 2'-•Sunrise Seemester 5mRomper Room 5--Wanted 2--Face the Nation 7--Film Drama 3:00 4--Today; I I :,15 7--PaulWinchell MAY 5 12:00 2--The Big Payoff 4•Matinee Theatre 2•TheLate Show ' 9--Movle 2--Captain Kangaroo 2--Love of Life S--T.V. Read. Digest 4--MoyleFour • 13--GermanVariety 5:30 7--Tinker's Workshop . .:4•Tic Tac' Dough 7•' American Bandstand 12:30 5:00 2--The Early Show 8:30 ':' r--Time For Fun 3:30 2---Class of '58 4--Movie 4 5-SandyBKker .... 12:30 Z--The'Verdict IsYours 4---Movie 5--Waterfr0nt, 7--MickeyMouse Club ..'•--T•n•er•oons- Cartoons Search for Tomorrow '•gl. go A• Fieme I:00 7:•T.... Rangers'•, eoaollo If Gould i}e You 7--Do You Trust Your Life 2•The Late, Late Show •'-•O 6;00 4:00 2•Sus;e 5--Shelclonaf Noon' 4--Saber of London S--Cartoons 4---Hi Ivfon r7--MemorV Lane 2--Br;cjhter Day 5•Mr. Dis•rlct Attorney 7--L;ttle Rascals 7--Beulah 12:45 4-•(•)ueen For A Day ' 7--Lone Ranger 9--Roy Rogers ß 9:30 7•American Bandstand 2.•The Guiding Light' SUNDAY 13--C=rni,,alHispano I I--Popeye the SailorMac - 2--My Little Margie 9•Ted Steele .. 13reSports .:."i:00 / 6:00 7--MOvie--Drama I I--First Show 6:30 2--News 13--Junior Frolics MAY 4 2--Last Word S•Loone,v Tunes 10:00 4•Tex & Jinx 4:15 4--Meet The PreSs 7--The Falcon 2•arry Moore 5--Showcase 2--TheSqc're..f Storm ß8:00 S•Cify Assignment I I•Amos & Andy 4---DO-RE MI .... '1':30:.:'"'. 4-:30 2mAgriculfureUSA 7---AnnieOakley •'MoVie 13--Reportfrom Rutgers '"2--As The World 'Turns 2•The Edae of Night 4---SundaySchedule 9----CorlissArcher 6:45 10:30 5--Mov:e 5--Mr. District Attorney 7•Carfoon Festival 13--N. J. Leges.Repf. 2--How Do-'YouRate 4--News : 7--The Affe'rn•onShow 5:00' 4--Treasure Hunt 9:00 6:30' 7:00 -•.. 2:00 2--The Big Picture I I:00 2--1 Led Three Lives 5•HerbSheldon 2--20fhCentury Fox 2--NewsyRobt. Trout ß -2"Arthur •odfre-/ 2roBeat the Clock 4---Blondle 9:30 4•Ouflook 9--It's Fun to Travel 5--Her.b Sheldon •--Highwa¾ Patrol •The Price Is. Right - •Bengal Lancers 2:30 2•TheWay To •o •Fronfier I I--The LivingBlackboard 7--Superman 7--Hawkeye 7--Sports , .: ,. 11:30 2•Arf Linkletter 9•Ted Steele 5---Wonderama 13--•ov.Mayher 9•Terrytoon,(•ir•us * ", .2--Doffo 4--Kitty Foyle 13--Jocko's R'-,cketShip I 0:03 7:00 . , ß. •.Lc• g; -'-J-I•.• '•_•.!.;'-• 2--Lamp Unto My Feet 5--MagicClown 2--Lassie "' 7:15 :,•::,.•:,; ..... -:- 4--My FriendFlicka 2--News 7--Western 5--LilliPalmer 7--John Daly-- News_ -, ß ; 5--Feet. Thee. 13--ForeignOorresp. 10:30 9--It's Fun To Travel SATU" DAY 9--Cartoons 6:00 I I--New York News. 2--Look Up And Live 7--You,-Asked For If ß7:30 1:00 ' 2--BraveEagle 5--LearnTo Draw 13--ForeignCorrespondent 4--Movie 2---Robln Hood MAY 3 2--Lone Ranger I 1:00 7:30 7--Rin Tin Tin 4--Th es,'-P•.:iee,,'l s Right a--Home Gardener 2--Eye On New York 2--,Jack Benny 9•Flash Gordon 5-:-Countof Monte Crlsfo 7:00 7•lv;ovle 7--Focus 4--No Warning I I--Brave Eagle 7--Rapt. Card 1958 9--•ene Aufry I 1:30 5--MickeyRooney 9--Milllon Dollar Movie 13--Movle 13--Polka Party 4--Modern Farmer 2--Camera 3 7--Maverick I I--Grey Ghost 1:30 ß.: 6:30 8:½3 4--Briefing Session 9--Headli'ne 8:00 •Looney. Tunes S--Wing & Pet Center I I--Guy Lombardo 2--Hickory, DickoryDock 2--Right Now 2--Burns & Allen I I•Movle 7--Annie Oakley 7--This Is The Life 13--Counterpoint 4--:Sheriland 4--The RestlessGun 7•Cartoon Festival 2:00 •. 9--mM•vie 12:00 8:00 ....,:..•l'-i'::!::•Sheena 5---Mr. District. Attorney .. 2•Our Miss Brooks 2•Ed Su•livan' . I 9:00 2--CongressionalCloseup 13--Counterpolnt 4•Declslon for Research 4--Steve Allen I I--City Defective i2•Laurel & Hardy 4--Movie 8:.3.0.: ..•...ß • 4•Ohildren"sThee. 5--Feat. Thee. 7:00 •N. Y. Times S--UncommonValor 9:30 13--Counterpoint 2--Do.nAmeche 7--RellglousShow __ I I---Abbott& Costello 2--Talent 'S•out..... " 2:30 S•Children'sHour 9•Oral Roberts 13•Curtain Call 4--We!Is', 4:•rgO' 2---Captain Kangaroo 7•Foreign Leglonalre 12:'30 8:30 5•Confidenfial File I 0:00 2--Movie 9--RockyJones 2--WildBill Hickok S---SherlockHolmes' '7--Bold Journey 4•--H.owdy Doody 7---Adv. at Scoff Island I I--San FranciscoBeat ' '5•Idovla 7•Movie _ I I--SkyKing 4--TheOpen Mind 9---FavoriteStory 13--Movle . 7-'Idavie 13--CurtainCall 13--Movie 5---Between The Lines .. 3:00 -'-.- 7:30 7•FaithFore-Today I I----K;nadomofthe-Sea 9:00 •' 10:30 2--LateMatinee "' 2•PerryMason 9--BibleAdv. 13•Ev-ngel9:00Hour 2--Danny Thomas :,--Mighty Mouse. 13--1+a..ia.nFeature 4•PeopleAre Funny I I--The Chr•stophers•2• E Theatre 4---TwentyOne • --•uff.and Reddy 4:00' 7--Dick Clark '" I:00 4--Dinah Sh•re S--Racket Squad I I:00 5--Movie -:'-:::- 9--Million Dol'ar Movi 2--Pic. For Sun P.M._ 5•TV Read. Digest 7--Voic e of Firestone 7•Movie I I--Tomahawk '" 9--H•rbor Command 2--Heckel& Jackie .. 4--Mr. Wizard 7--Sid Caesar .4:30. .;:•,'.: . 8:00 5--Mr. and Mrs. North I I---David Niven. IlkMan Behindthe Badge 7---Youth On The March 13m•dovie ;. " 9:30 I.!:30 ' :-' 2--SUsie. :::. '•':::i':•:!?••""' &--Perry Como ':'. 9--Baseball 9:30 -' 2--Sa.t..u['dayplayhouse 9--M0vie S--Crusade in Pacific 2•December ßBride'.:_. I I--Bishop.Sheen 2•A!fred Hitchcock 4--Alcoa Thee. 4--And'Y's."•ang. 13--Sports..i...... 7•Counfr¾Music Jubilee 13--M0vie :.. _ 5--Errol F•ynn. :.:--.. :.--5:ioo . I I•AbboH & Costello 5--Tomorrd•'s Champs •--Hollywood Variety 1:36'' 7--Dambn"Runyon Thee. I I--Inner S•nctum 7•--J•hns-Hopk;ns I l--Dick Powell 2--Derb:y':.;-:'P•evlew'':::.:. ,, ,-q,•.,8:30 •Catholic. Hour 7--Top -.Tunes'-Walk , !':::!' :.12:00 .4---Subi;-:ls'Jazz .... :':-•;?'...:. 2--TopDollar ':•' 5--Moyle 9•AD WOrld.ß 9--Science Fi•flon: - ; 2•Jimmy:."!•Dean'..:' "I..I--Movie i. 5--Mr. & Mrs.North 7--CollegeConf. 1.0:00.: '-"--I:0:00 4•True 'Story ::j'3--Curtain Call I I•Amos & Andy 2--Quiz Program 5•Liberace--Mus|c 5:30 -13mLaPregunta Musical I I--Spo?.s '4--Loretta Young 2--Studlo' o•e" 2--Kentucky Derby 9:0( 2:00 - ' 5--Warner Bros. Premiere 4---Suspiclon:) 7 =Th'eBO. nfempls 5•Prof.' •Boxing...... • " 9--Animal Kingdom- 3--Ask The Camera 2--Oh Susanna ß 4•;f;zens Searchlight_- 7•Mike Wallace'" 7•Dean' Pike -': 9--Movie=,' -' 9--Movle '• " " i2:30 S--Movie ß 4--polly'.Bergen . ,. 13--Newsreel '• 4--Defective Story 7•-Jungle Jim '5--Movie' 13--ForelgnCorres. I I--Studio$7 '"" :?i•::-:.- I I--Public Defender 5--Heart Operation 9•rosscurrenf 10:30 7-- . es,ß Poin• I I--Highway Patrol 9--Movie 7--Men of Annapolis 10:03 Too Young to Smoke I I--Dr. Hudson 13--Counterpoint 2--U. S .Steel Hour 10:30 I 1:00 C--This Is Your Life 5--Medic -:..<.:.:.i:!:ß.'•:..• .- , -....:. ....'-:,,.--;ij... .•:..•'ø-•.... Z--The Late News 2--Pres. Eisenhower ß•' ß , :-:.. :-]:"-:.•:• 4-•J. M. McCaffrey 4--The Vise 7--Box;ng .v•,•- - S--Night Beat 7--26 Men 9--Movie -• .. -.-..•:; ( •...•....;:-•.• 7--Shock Thee. I I--Gourmet Club 11--20fh Century Fox 13--Western '.. •]•:•;• <.:-,.. •....-•- ...... :•.. •.•:.-.: I I--News 10:30 I I:00 11:15 . . e . • . ..-•:.. .'-: 4--Code Three •-<: .-. . • •.. :'•: . 2--The Late Show Z--The Late News 5--Sheriff of Coehise : .. 4•Jack Pear 4---3. M. McCaffrey 13--Western 7--Shock Theatre I I:00 I I--Sports S--Night Beat • :' .. , •. I I--News 2--The Late News .- ..•. /•.:.•,,. >..-_'..-.:. I 1:30 . ,...' ..... :".::....•..•, . ....:.•::•:::•.• .....•>•:'• : ß •. 11:15 4--J,ohn McCaffrey 9--Movie •Niqht 'Beat , '•- .' .:.:,:"' -t-..:.'•. :•. • c.< ':::.":: 9--Movie -. •:• .... , '-' 4--Jack Paar ...... ß:" 'i" ""• :::'."h:":•:' :: •'•'"' ...... • . . ':• ...... ß':;• ...... - .-. :.•:•• 12:50 I I--Sports Time ...... -• .-•.' ..::•,. : :.:-:':. •::' -::.-' . ::• TUESDAY 2--Late, Late Show : •.. -: . - ...-.•-., ...... --.-J::', .•--....:•...... -. :. •:..... ::' 12:45

:. . ß-, ..'.'- -...... -':'... .•'-.:. 2--The Late, Late Show MAY 6 <-", ...... ;- ,•::: s. :•-s:::4 • ' " - :. :: , ß .:.. ,-.. . 5:30 WEDNESDAY . ..- ..-• . •' ß '- . •:. •>.-...... -•- . •.•...... •::.:.::..- • . Z--The EarlyShow •Movle Four THURSDAY '". '• - .•:::..-:-•":.::J:<:•;::: :: 7--Mickey Mouse Club MAY 7 - .- : :•":' * ' '•>"•.J%"4::' I I--Abbott & Costello ...... ß . • .. ..•..... •<• ..•j:.- 6:00 5:30 MAY 8 .. '•: . •' •' ..-:

. •..: ß :' • .•':.'• •.:.:. ':::':•..-. "-'.::.. . •--Carfoons 2--The EarlyShow o .• . •.. 5:30 7--Little Rascals 4--Movie 4 ,.. :<• ...... •-.,,• . .•:, :.. 2--Movie 9--Movie 7--Mickey MouseClub •.. ':- I I--Popeye 6:00 4--Movie 4 .. ß ß .: :;:::: ,... ß 7--Mickey Mouse Club 6:30 5--BugsEunny ,•: %,--•y• 4 -- I I--Abbott & Costello ., . _•.. ,• . •. •--Looney lunes 7--Little Rascalls 7--DangerousAssignment 9--Roy Rogers 6:00 -•. - , : "•<--::': -- I I---Amos& Andy I I--Popeye •---Car:oons 13--Universifv 13---Richardw'illls 7---Puppet Show WhenDanny Wlllia (Danny•nomas) meets .•ophisticated 6:30 Connie(Denise Alexander), a chumof hisdaughter's, he trle• 6:45 9--Roy Rogers to correcther worldlyways, beginning •ith thecigarette habit. e---News S--Looney Tunes I I--Popeye the Sailor Thescene L• fromthe .•jy 5 episodof "TheDanny Thomas 7:00 7--Beulah 13--Let's Trav,d Show'__'•?_v_er•the_.CB_.STelevi•o_.n_ Network. 2--World News I I--Amos& Andy 6:30 4--Jackle Gleason ]13--TVUniversity 5---Loonev Tunes S---JudgeRoy Bean 6:4S 7--OamonRunyon Thee. 7--Sports 4--News I I--Arrms& Andy 9--Terryffoon Circus 7:00 13--TVUniversity I I--Kevin Kennedy 13--Movie 2--W. orld News 6:45 StandingUp for the Bride 7:1S 4--Death ValleyDays 4--News 2--News 5--Sword of Freedom 7--Sports 7:00 7--John Daly•News I I•John Tillman 9---Terrytoon'Circus 2--7 o'cloclrRapt. I I--Kevin Kennedy 4--Boots and Saddle 7:30 7:15 5•Range Rider 7--Sports 2--Name That Tune 2--News 9•arf0ons 4---Treasure Hunt 7--John Daily--News •Waferfronf I I•John Tillman--News 7:15 7•Cheyenne 7:30 Z--News 9---Mi!llon Dollar Movie 7--John Dely I1--1 Search for Adv. 2--1 Love Lucy I I--News .. 8:00 4---Wagon Train 7:30 2--Mr. Adams and Eve 5--City Assignment ::::' '"i 7--Disneyland 2--Sqt. Preston 4--George Gobel 9--Movie 5•Sherlock Holmes 4--ShirleyTemple I I--Ida Lupino S--White Hunter I I--Halls of Ivy 13--Idovle 7--Circus Boy 9--Movie 8:00 2---Wingo I I--Whirlvblrds 2--Leave It To Beaver ]3--See It Now _ _ 5--City Assignment S--Idr. ListtintAHorney 7--Life of Wyatt Earp I I--Life With Father 8:00 I I--Bishop Sheen 13--Movie 8:30 2--Richard Diamond 5--Ray Idilland Show 9:00 2--The Big Record 7--Zorro 4---Fathe.- Knows Best I I---Fast Guns 2--To Tell the Truth $--Hy Gardener 4---McGraw 8:30 5--Movie 7--TombstoneTerritory I I--Mama 2•Cllmax 7--Broken Arrow 13--Movle 4--Dragnet I I•mbaf Sergeant 9:00 9:30 5--Douqlas Fairbanks 2--The Millionaire 7--Real McCoys 2--Red Skelton S--Movie I I--Frontier Dr. 4---BobCummings 7•zzie & Harriet 13---All Star Movie 7--Pantomine•uiz 9--Boots and Saddle 9:00 9--FavorlteStory I I--Badge 714 • -: ': " -i' ß -' 4•Th. People'sChoice ...... ,.:.- ....:..• .•,. I I--BowllngTime 9:30 10:00 •Prof. Wrestline Richard Boone, who sta• a• Paladin, befriends a newly 2--I've •ot A Secret 7--Pat Boone married coupleand gives.ihem hi• hotel suite on their weddinK 2--$64.000 •ues•ion 5--TV Read. Digest 9--Nightmare night on "Have Gun, Will Travel," Bla.• 10 over the CB$ Tele- 4---Cali•:ornians ?--Scoffand Yard I' I--Public Defender vision Network. The bride (Jacquelin • yo) is jubilant as she recei_v.esa wed_clingPr_esent )• hjJ..Pa.!a•ln_.watche• ' PAGE TWELVE The CHRONICLE 9:30 I I--Abbott &. Costello 7--Hawkeye 2---Playhouse90 9:00 ß..-..:' :. ß'-.-:-..? :/x•>.....:.:::i ::' ...:-..'!- 6:00 " : "...."'.- .i' i::ix...?;.:::'::i:' •:• •Ernie Ford ... ', ...... ? '- .-ii!i:::i:i.?.i:<" ':':.',, 9--Dateline Europe D--Bugs Bunny 2--Phil Silvers 7•Little Rascals ß...... ' ":::!:;.:•!:-"-:!'i,..... i--- 7--Navy Log 4•M Squad .' '.... :.:•,• ß :...... I I--Adventure 9•Roy Rogers 5•Med;c ß :::!i:i•ii ,I--Popeye the SailorMan 7--Frank Sineira ....•-': . .:' ::i!!::ii--:.-':!ii.... 10:00 13--RichardWills 9•O'Henry Playhouse .:: ...... "' : • ': .2. 4•Rosemary Clooney 6:30 9:30 7--Panel Show ß.• ß<:•-".'.:::.:' .. -!.'-!• ...... •.• 5--Looney Tunes 2•Du Pont Show 9--MOvle ß, :x. :.::?.::,i.<.. I I--The Whistler /--Byline 4•Thin Man -- 13--Cudale Call I I--Am.os& Andy 5--BicjStory 13--TV University 7--Patricia Munsel -..'<:.ß...... '.•-S•."•.'•::: •..•..: ...•.".'..' . ".-.-:'.' :' !:i:':.."-' ß .-..:-,,b•'"' "'•'"'"":?'!': ""'""" 10:30 9•l"m The Law ...... 6:45 .. 4•Jane Wyman 4--News 10:00 PUSS IN PAN- New York -. 7--Falcon What a time to interiupt a fel- I I•aptured 7:00 4--Boxing 13--Movie low --just when he's taking 2--World News 5--GreenwichVii. Party his first luscious lick •.om 4•Silent Service 7•Comedy Playhouse I 1:00 kin•osized pan of milk. Hun• •PlemeFreddlI. Couldn't t ß Talk DealYour S--Sailor of Fortune 9--Movie •ry kitten looks up at camera- SnakeCollection Some Other Time?" Z-•-The Late News 7--Sports . 13--All Star Movie •n Walter Chartaloha,of Hunt-. 4•J. M. McCaffrey 9•arfoons ington Station, L.I. Picture •--Nlght Beat I I--Kevin Kennedy 10:30 was one of 108 selected out of SH 2-8880 7--Shock Theatre 2--Movie GARDEN I I--News more than 1200 submitted to 204 MARKET ST.. PATERSON 7:15 5--Official Defective "Photo l•laxima" sponsoredby II:1& Z--News 7--HarborCommand Pictorial Division of Photo- - THE. 7--John DaN- News graphic$ociety of A.mefica. I I IUPf•IC04'• 2--The Late Show ! I--News- JohnTillman I I:00 4--Jack Pear 2--The Late News I I•Sports Time •:30 4•John .M. McCaffrey 0FTHE' •--Nl,,ht Beat 11:30 2--Dickand f'ne Duchess 7--Shock Theatre

9--Headllne 4--Truthor ConsequencesI I--News .. 5•O.S.S. Adv. .. . • >'f,,:.. : 1:20 ?--Adv. of R|n Tin Tin 11:•5 :& ,•: ...... ß' .. 2•Lafe, Late Show 9--Million Dollar Movie :.::::i :•..•... i:: :•' I I--Sportscholar 2•TheLate Show ::: "': ...... 13--Movle 4•Jack Pear %:

Banquet& Wedding F&eilitlea enouqh

in the ....-- _-...... •:..::;!:_'-?•,: -.::...-.- --.... - : --!.•'.'--k.: ':• BODY ':'"":•:::.•;i:i,i,, ..'./':::r•:'.' :::ß'• • , ' "•- ß "::'!-•"-'::.,i ',v- to make i'i".e",.>,/.-.' .... -' .•, :!::.:•::::-:;•::<:!:œ:•". >.: .. ßi:•:::- :::.-::'"' -.>-.-" -- : ": ' 2,00 :k...4: : '.'"..... •:'::i::"i'•:!:..:7.".:' • ':.:':;.½.. ,...... -,... ß•...... ß . .:. MATCHES] ß ß.... -: . ,,.;-.;.-::• . • ,.,,.,.- ...- >...... :- ••;'?.:'.•.,.-.(..-...... •,-• .•.-.•,•.. -...... :. .-.•,-•,•.•,....,:,t:.•.'•'•:.,.o:... IC' -:j,.'- ':' ":""¾''-' •" :'•...' /.. " .... .,,, .->•. •'• ,.', ':: ,'...... •.:>• ' ...:.. .. i:'•,r,r•.'- MANZELLA'S '"" .. ,. .""".'½ ,,.,,. ,.• ß-....-:. _,•:..:...'.7'...... ---,w .;;- ..,•-"-,,,, PINK ELEPHANT It's a sure bet Toby Reed, Italian-American Cuisine emcee on "Top Dollar," checked the serial number of that dol- LOBSTER lar bill before lighting up be- cause the new CBS Televis on A Network quiz progr m offers SPECIALTY cash prizes to webers holdin ß o dollars bearing the lucky ,,eri- 466 PASSAIC AVE. al numbers. The ne• qui pro- gram, patterned after "ghosts," G1t 3-9479 LODI, N.J. is broadcast every S_atur_.d•..y.

PAGE THIRTEEN The CHRONICLE '> Suddenlya thought popped uplike an un-• ". ..• x expectedcheck. W'hy not really mail those ß " . keepletters?on Heusing mightBetty! land free lance work and "Loo'k here," he said. "How about a regu- lar job, if we're satisfied after swapping r• ferences? My office is under my hat yet, but I'll find a cubby-hole." Betty's former employer told him over the By noon forlorn hopers in the employment Her eyes widened waiil ythen turned ea- phone she was as food as Jimmy thought, manager's ante-room at Cromby/• Co. boiled ger. lost her job on] ybecause the company failed. ßdown to Jimmy Wheeler and the "Plucked "Yes. I'm free this afternoon." Jimmy persuaded her to take expense money ,Chicken." They had simmered since nine, ':Got a date then" Jimmy improvised. and a week's salary in advance, by pretend- ,waiting to be hired or to hear, "We'll file "lIaxe to dictate a! lunch. Mind going to ing he'd be away on business most of the 5'our application and let you knox• if any- .Mike's olace around •he corner?" week. Betty had a feeling this was all the thing turns up." Jimmy put the first of these Hc hoped she wouldn't cave in and have reference she needed from him. Jimmy chances at less than hundred-to-one shots. to be carried. Bu• she made i• and dropped didn't arC,he. Old Fletcher might say some- Adds had reversed on him since that inde- in a chair with a sigh that sounded con- thing sour if Jimmy referred her to his ex- •p ndence da• two we'ks ago when his ex- tended. Jimmy mumbled something aboul boss. boss had spoken overwarmly and Jimmy's phoning and hunted up Mike himself. Jim- But, at parting, qualms began to wiggle free soul chased Jimmy off the payroll. my knew the answers for too much food and around in Jimmy. As fol the Plucked Chicken, Jimmy con- drink. But hox• did they treat ,, gal all out of "Look here," he said. "If you get a chance sidered the Old Run-around formula a sure practice? And not let her kno• it? Hc told at a better job• take it!" thing. He hadn't given her a second look for Mike all. "I've a feeling you may back out if I don't lear he'd feel .,,orry for-her. No name to put "You start her easy. Mr. •eeler. •ave run," said 'Betty. to a maid in distress, the formerly chival- it to me." After Betty ran, everything went greyi•. rous Jimmy admitted guiltily. But he'd seen Jimmy returned to their table as Mike The impossible didn't seem as possible. It too many such lately. I-Ie'd soured on the brought cups of golden bouillon. seemed plain impossible later, after long- six anyhow sino. his boss' secretary lied "Won't you try our new special on the hours of hammering at._his best prospects. herself out of a jam and him into one after house?" Mike •vited. "Sh•l I fix up a nice The only spark he struck was "Come and he'd stood up for her. "That chivalry com- little lunch as usual, Mr. Whaler?" see us after l•usiness picks up." By five Jim- plex of yours is a damned nuisance!" the J•my deferred to Miss Bond. She was al- my hit bottom. He started home deciding boss-had roared. Old Fletcher needn't worry. reay sipping her bouiHion blissfully. he'd just tear up. those letters Betty had Jimmy agreed with him now. "Ive a feeling anything here'11 be good," agreed to send over by messenger. But the The assistant manager gave Jimmy a she agreed and set down her empty cup. "I'm letters weren't there, the hall man reported. blank to fill and turned to the Plucked a pig• Just couldn't help it," she added •st- Jimmy thought that over, feeling as if some- Chicken. Elizabeth Bond was her name ac- f•ly with a blush. body had kicked him. Stung again! Neat tually. Someone's private secretary once, Jimmy grinned. "Won't have stenogra- little game! That reference he called up, a would grab a typist job now. "We have a phers who aren't good fevers." plant, of course. He ought to have seen she long waiting list. I'm afraid it isn't worth She laughed. Jimmy heard silver •11s. Her came out of her dumps a little too fast! He while calling again" was all she drew. Not boullion worked fast. Violet eyes stayed Eive was a fine judge of women! even the Old Run-around! Jimmy handed in now. Jimmy would like to spend a week fe•- Jimmy's phone was ringing as he stum- his blank. "Thanks," said the assistant. We'll ing •is girl. He had lea• she w• ca11• bled into his apartment. "Mr. Wheeler?" a file your application--" • B•ttye • . Jimmy thought .•'•tty" was his remote voice said. "This is Mr. A. B. Flet- " .And let me know if anythin.g turns up," favorite name. By the time Mike brought chef's secretary. Could you see Mr. Fletcher Jimmy finished. He wondered how many second aid, he had her talking. He liked it. here tomorrow morning? He didn't tell me such days his hundred-buck reserve would No whi•ng. She was alone and on her own to call you but he spoke about you today. stand;: as he followed Miss Bond's wake. like himself, flotsam and jetsam from small Said he'd hoped you'd be over your grouch The girl was waiting for the elevator, a towns. Jimmy told job-hunting yarns, too; and back on your old job before ibis. I'm fragile- arm braced against the wall. The dim made them light, set them in a remo•sh just tipping you off." light here softened the cheek-line,hid worry- past. She loved the one about the boss' s•re- '•Well!" Jimmy exploded. "Uh- say- lines,-'and ash-grey bleakness. Why she was tary who balled up her letters which Jimmy you're not Miss Moseley?" class, a beauty once, before she began starv- codected until a prize bull s•pped by and 'qVIr. Fletcher's old secretary? No. She's ing-to death! The elevator came and she the boss got wise. "And I was the one the left him. I got a feeling from things I heard swayed toward it, would have fallen if Jim- boss bawled out." Jimmy added. "Call• it at luncheon today there might be a vacancy my hadn't caught her. my fault for coddling the girl •d spoiling where you said you used to work. And I got "Thank you. I'm clumsy!" her." . a feeling you'd be relieved if Ifound an- Her face lit and Jimmy looked into deep •-at was while they sipped' demitasses. other job. I bought bargain clothes and tried violet eyes. Then face and eyes went dead "Aren't bumps fun to look back one" she it." again. She'd keel over on .the street, he wor- laughed. The voice trailed off in silver bells that ried. No breakfast probably. He must do She could laugh at bumps only one me• could not be disguised. Jimmy as beyond something quick. At the street door Jimmy and a couple of bucks away• She'd walk out speech. clutched the germ of an idea. of his life and •gin staring again. •immy "Pledge don't be mad. Mr. Wheeler. You "Pardon me. Aren't you Miss Bond -•. in almightily didn't want her .to st•ve. J•my saved my life. I'll pay back your money." Cromby's just now? They said' you might do •mightily didn't want her to w•k out of •s '•Fhe devil with the money!" Jimmy sud- a letter or so for me. I'm James Wheeler. life. How could he held it? •e query fud- denly felt all right. "I'll be around if you Publicity man. With the Fletcher .Bureau dled h• bo•s letters to theoretic• publicity think Fletcher will have the fatted calf ready. once. Cromby had another good typist on prospects • Betty pot-hook• them like .a --and you'll have luncheon with me. theirß list but couldn't reach her. Leaves me streak on paper Mike furnish•. She had to "Maybe we'll have .Mike cook the fatted in a jam." tinker his sentences. calf" said Betty. :"•XC-,E FOURTEEN The CHRONICLe' SHerwood 2-7738 TFlT $L I ps sAP O•E L I HEH I TE Res. FAirlawn 6-0666 MENDED T•BLET DRD HAPLE ß JAMES S. SCULLION STEH PAL ONCE HER C R T HOT F_L -and SON OH DR',/ ROD Do ROB I N MOld LaP Home for Funerals WA•IIL'NTGTON'S dent $ohn Adams, aria otners. AS . TREE COW w I R E !• IjGI •-RATION he came out on the balcony G 267-269 P•rk Avenue Thursday. April 30, 1789 was a thunderous cheer went up from STR/:I P D I 14 at MmUson great day in our country's history the people who jammed the RA ISIN FIHISH On the sunny afternoon of that streets. the windows and the root• OLD COLOR TEA PATERSON, NE•rt7 JERSEY day *he first President of the Uni- as far as the eye could see. ted States was inaugurated at Washington was dressed in a TEE HE. FIAT 5A D Federal Hall in New York City, dark brown •ult with metal but- on the corner of Broad qnd Wall tons. white stockings. silver-buck- Streets. led shoes. and a dress sword by '•After'C-; the Show """ ... Two weeks previously. on April his side. His hair was heavily FRED W. GARDNER .. • Paterson's Favorite 14, Charles Thomson. secretary of powdered and done up in a silken Congress. arrived at Mount Ver- bag. With him. in addition to Night Spot non to inform George Washington Livingston and Adams. were Rog- IN, /- Civil Engin.eer •z of his unanimous election to the er Sherman. Alexander Hamilton, ]•.• "• Surveyor Presidency. Two days later Presi- the three Revolutionary generals dent-elect Washington left for --Knox. Steuben. St. Clair and AW. New York. the new nation's capi- members of Congress in the rear. tal. The people hushed into silence ••,'• • CLII•TON,Gl•gary 3-1234N.J. It took him seven days to make as Chancellor Livingston admis- the 235-mile trip to New York istered the oath to President City. The whole trip was like a Washington at a table covered triumphal march. with flov•ers with red velvet on which lay a strewn in his path and people Bible on a red velvet cushion. Mr. SANITARY cheering in, every town through Otis. secretary of the Senate. held which he passed. [n Philadelphia up •he Bible on its cushion and CONSTRUCTION and Trenton the most elaborate the President placed his hand on receptions were given to him. it while the oath was slowly read. COMPANY When he reached Eltzab th Point. When it was finished he solemnly New Jersey. a fine. satinlined replied. "I swear. so help me Since 191 $ barge. manned by 13 captains in God!" Reverently he bowed down 11 Park Ave., Paterso.n, N.J. white uniforms. took him across and kL•ed the Bible. A. CERVINO, P:resJdenf the bay to the foot of Wall Street Chancellor Livingston turned to where he was greeted by Gover- the crowd. waved his hand. and 2 RockawayAvenue nor Clinton and a large gathering shouted. "Long live George Wash- West Paterson of prominent citizens. Thousands ington. President of the United ax•aited his arrival and the city Statesl" The crowd cheered. 10 McGee's Alley had put on its holiday dress for Washington bowed to the people. Paterson him. and then returned inside the hall The inauguration took place a to the Senate chamber where. in week later. Shortly after the noon a low. grave voice. he read his in- hour of Thursday. April 30. a mit- augural address to Congress itary procession escorted Wash- The Stars and Stripes were raised on the staff above the bal- ARAT E);,T'•RM!NATtNG CO. Ington. riding: In a coach of state. to Federal tlall. This building was cony and. above the shouting of ARmory 1-4100 to be the capital of the new na- the crowd. a 13-gun artillery sal- tion. Officials and a long train of ute boomed up from the harbor. 403 Main St. Paterson, N.J. citizens followed in the procession. •hile all the bells in the city Senators and Representatives pealed out joyfully. That evening u,,s, arpet. ,inoleum there were grand fireworks in the were drawn up in the hall when Washington arrived. tie advanced city. And after that the people i 'd. , ;edd' g between them. bowing to each one went to bed in the happy knowl- JOHN G. KOTRAN edge that their national hero was I, :N :TI .% : i% present. Then he was formally leading them as the first Presi- Funeral Service conducted out to the balcony dent of the United States of . "ORM! TOP overlooking the street. Washing- Funeral Home America. ton was accompanied by Robert P. eleased by 296 5lAIN R E 458 I•IVER; ST. SH. 2-4019 Livingston. Chancellor of the APA 'Smith Service State of New York. ¾ice-Presi- 5-1-58 , PAT 'It 0% N.J.

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