1046 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE JANUARY 30 By Mr. SIMPSON of Pennsylvania: 1754. By Mr. POLK: Petition of Rev. W. the world's store cf good will, and may H. R. 7025. A bill allowing a credit against Eudell Milby, pastor, Bethel Church of the their words be for the healing of the the additional estate tax for inheritance, Nazarene, Clermont County, Ohio, and resi nations. We ask it in the dear Redeem estate, legacy, or succession taxes paid to any dents of Bethel, for the enactment of legis State;· to the Committee on Ways and Means. lation to prohibit the transportation of al er's name. Amen. By Mr. WHEELER: coholic-beverage advertising in interstate ATTENDANCE OF A SENATOR H. R. 7026. A bill to provide for the collec commerce and the broadcasting of alcoholic tion and publicatlon ·or statistics . on and beverage advertising over the radio; to the DENNIS CHAVEZ, a Senator from the establishing standards, grades, and classifi Committee on Interstate and Foreign Com State of New Mexico, appeared in his cations o! naval stores and an inspection merce. seat today. service therefor, preventing deception in · 1755. Also, petition of Mrs. Lucy Meranda, THE JOURNAL transactions in naval stores •. regulating traf president of Bethel Woman's Christian Tem fic. therein, and for other purposes; to the. perance Union, and many residents of Brown On request of Mr. LlJCAS, and by unani Committee on Agriculture. and Clermont Counties, Ohio, for the enact mous consent, the reading of the Journal By Mr. DAVIS of Georgia: ment of legislation to prohibit the transpor of the proceedings of Thursday, January H.
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