MINSUR SUSTINABILITY REPORT 2019 1 Minsur Sustinability Report 2019 2 3 Minsur Sustinability Report 2019 Minsur S. A. Calle Bernini 149, San Borja, Lima, Perú Phone: (511) 215-8330 Web sites: www.minsur.com www.marcobre.com www.mtaboca.com.br For further information on our organization and sustainability management, you may contact us at
[email protected] (GRI 102-1) (GRI 102-5) (GRI 102-53) (GRI 102-3) Prepared by: Avanza Sostenible www.avanzasostenible.com 4 5 Minsur Sustinability Report 2019 MINING WITH A SUSTAINABLE APPROACH In terms of occupational health, the new coronavirus made (GRI 102-14) us quickly transform all our standards, implementing the necessary protocols to ensure the highest level of health “Our vision is setting a benchmark in sustainability for the mining industry” for our staff and to mitigate transmission risks the best In this interview Juan Luis Kruger, Minsur’s CEO, shares some of the most outstanding achievements in sustainability way possible. This challenges us to be better, and reach management in 2019. the levels of occupational safety we are already used to. If you had to define 2019 for Minsur in one word, Looking forward, what is Minsur expecting for the Before the virus arrived, occupational health issues what would it be and why? beginning of the new decade? were also being managed more efficiently? Transformation. We finished building our B2 project, Our vision in Minsur is to continue our consolidation as In 2019 we launched our occupational health management and we are recycling material that had been already a global leader within the tin industry and, specially, as system, very similar to our safety management system, processed in the past and was stored in a tailings dam.