The Ecologist Vol 27 No 4 £4.00 (US $8) 07 > Rethinking 9 "770261"313027" basic assumptions "...fear not, my liege, merely a sprinkling of rain, your majesty's domain will never be flooded." POSTER OFFER Purchase a poster by the renowned Austrian artist Friedrich Hundertwasser and sponsor an annual subscription to The Ecologist for a group in Eastern Europe or the Third World. Metal embossing on the poster is either in gold, silver, green or red depending on availability. Cost is £20/US$35 including postage. Available from The Ecologist's editorial office, Agriculture House, Bath Road, Sturminster Newton, Dorset, DT10 1DU. We welcome payment by UK£ cheque drawn on UK bank, US$ check drawn on US bank, Eurocheque written in UK£, banker's draft payable through a British bank, UK or international postal order, made payable to The Ecologist. The Ecologist is published by Ecosystems Ltd. Editorial Office and Back Issues: Agriculture House, Bath Road, Sturminster Newton, Dorset, DT10 1DU, UK. Tel/Fax: (01258) 473476, E-Mail <
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