July 2018 Newsletter

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July 2018 Newsletter Den Danske Forening HEIMDAL July 2018 Copenhagen poster by Martin Schwartz Medlemsblad Newsletter for the Danish Association Heimdal – Established 1872 THE DANISH ASSOCIATION “HEIMDAL” INC 36 AUSTIN STREET NEWSTEAD QLD 4006 Contact details: 0437 612 913 www.danishclubbrisbane.org Contributions president even went swimming We would love to share your news and stories. You are welcome to send emails with in the sea at Karrebæksminde, stories, news and photos to the editor for which was a surprising 21°. publication. The closing date for the next issue is 19 July 2018. We reserve the right to edit or not publish your contribution. Any The Soccer World Cup has material published does not necessarily started in Russia. With reflect the opinion of the Danish Club or the Editor. Denmark and Australia in the same group, our loyalties will Editor: Lone Schmidt be divided. They clash on 21 Phone: 0437 612 913 Email: [email protected] June, so look out for this match. Webmaster: Peter Wagner Hansen Phone: 0423 756 394 Skype: pete.at.thebathouse We’ll be celebrating midsum- Email: [email protected] mer this year with the Web: www.danishclubbrisbane.org Estonians at Petrie together with the Saga Vikings – make From the Editor sure to come by and sing around the bonfire. There’ll be hot dogs and coffee and cake available. On a road trip in Denmark Just back from Denmark and a simply fantastic May spring The Grasshopper Bridge at Karrebæksminde filled with sunshine. All records on file were broken in terms of temperature, sunshine hours and rainfall. Last summer was WELCOME TO OUR miserable and Denmark NEW MEMBERS deserved to finally enjoy some warm weather. The farmers David & Sarah Dodds, missed the rain, the crops were Coomera drying out. For the record your What’s on at the Danish club? Café Danmark Friday 22 June 2018 from 6 pm Come in and say ‘hej’, we have lots of ‘smørrebrød’ (Danish open-faced sandwich) ready for all. The bar offers real Danish beer, including Tuborg, Tuborg julebryg and Sort Carlsberg. The craft beer from Skovlyst is only served in one bar in all of Australia (as far as we know) and that’s also us! Add to this Faxe Kondi and all your favourite licorice including Matador Mix and Super Piratos. We also have herring back in stock. Get delicious Danish pastries, rye bread and other specialty breads direct from Britt’s Organic Bakery. Skt Hans bonfire Saturday 23 June 2018 at Saga Vikings, Petrie from 4 pm Scandinavian Film Festival Starts 19 July 2018 and runs until 5 August 2018 at Palace Cinemas Go to scandinavianfilmfestival.com for more details Café Danmark Friday 27 July 2018 from 6 pm ooOoo Legestue / Play Group Every Friday 9.30-11.30 (check times and dates with Maria Faurskov Nielsen on 0427 015 411 or [email protected]) Do you need Danish beer, snaps, chocolate or licorice? Price list Beer Faxe Premium Beer 24x33 cl (cans) $ 60 Jubilæum 100 cl $ 75 Tuborg Green 24x33 cl (bottles) $ 60 Brøndum 70 cl $ 55 Tuborg Classic 24x33 cl (cans) $ 60 Tuborg Gold 24x33 cl (cans) $ 65 Other Tuborg Julebryg 24x33 cl (cans) $ 65 Gammel Dansk 100 cl $ 70 SKOVLYST 15x50cl (bottles) $ 75 Ga-Jol Granatæble 16.4% 100 cl $ 55 SKOVLYST Gift pack 4x50cl $ 20 Ga-Jol Blå Original 30% 70 cl $ 55 Faxe Non-alcoholic 24x33 cl (cans) $ 35 Snaps Faxe Kondi 24x33 cl (cans) $ 35 Taffel (Rød Aalborg)100 cl $ 75 BEER AND SNAPS ONLY AVAILABLE TO MEMBERS OF THE DANISH ASSOCIATION HEIMDAL Licorice and other goodies – mainly from Denmark Haribo Skipper Mix 500 g $ 10 Pingvin Heksehyl 400 g $ 8 Haribo Matador Mix 500 g $ 10 Pingvin Poletter 250 g $ 6 Haribo Super Piratos 425 g $ 10 Pingvin Lakridsflip 125 g $ 4 Haribo Click Mix 425 g $ 10 Pingvin Stangmix 300 g $ 6 Haribo Matador Mix Dark 375 g $ 8 Toms Bridgeblanding 225 g $ 7 Haribo Skipper Mix 135 g $ 4 Fazer Tyrkisk Peber 150 g $ 4 Haribo Mini Super Piratos 135 g $ 4 Ga-Jol blå, gul, sort 2x23 g $ 3 Haribo Lakridssvesker 135 g $ 4 Makrel i tomat $ 2.5 Pingvin Blanding 300 g $ 6 Amanda Torskerogn $ 5 Pingvin Blue Jeans 250 g $ 6 Herring from Viking $ 8 SKT HANS IS ON AGAIN! SAGA VIKINGS IS HOSTING SKT HANS CELEBRATIONS AGAIN THIS YEAR SATURDAY 23 JUNE 2018 from 4 pm “Black Forest” 110 (149) Byrnes Road North, Joyner QLD 4501 This will be a time to celebrate the Danish culture within its Viking history! There will be food and drink to buy, a raffle and an opportunity to catch up with friends around a campfire. Then we will move on to a rousing rendition of Vi elsker vort land by the side of the bonfire ... and yes, let’s do both versions again this year! So come and join us at our Viking village. Don’t forget to bring along a torch, a comfy chair and warm clothes. And if you have some Viking garb, then bring that along too! # Head for the YMCA camp in Byrnes Road, drive to the end of the road and it’s on the right side You’re welcome to camp on our site overnight Things that happen when you live with a Scandinavian (part 2) Specialist equipment starts to appear in your kitchen: Exhibit 1: Ostehøvl For slicing cheese. What is important to know is 1) You must NEVER make a ski slope and 2) you will never again be allowed to hack away at the cheddar with a blunt knife. Ever. Exhibit 2: Filter Coffee Machine Scandinavians drink more coffee than anyone else in the world. If you live with an ultra Scandi, you’ll have a MochaMaster (these brew the fastest). But any filter machine works. From now on, your coffee will be so strong you’ll be awake 19 hours a day. Coffee before bedtime (around 9 pm) becomes normal. Milk in coffee is for wimps. Exhibit 3: Smørkniv For butter. Never use your own, only use the designated knife for butter. Increased Nakedness Look, it’s a body. It’s not anything Scandinavians think is sexual: It’s skin. We don’t care. There will be nakedness. If there is a sauna, there will be nakedness there, too. You may sit next to your new Father in Law, naked. On a small flannel. Get used to it and let it all hang out. Breakfast changes You will have sandwiches for breakfast. And probably sour milk. But definitely sandwiches – with cheese – and jam. Together. And coffee, a lot of coffee. There will be crispy bread – and it will re-appear at lunch. And for snacks. It never, ever ends. Dinner is at 6 Dinner is at 6. Not 6:05, but 6 pm. Except, when you invite people over, the invite might be for 6, so therefore people must arrive at 6 pm. By 6:05 food is served. DO NOT BE LATE for anything, ever again. Manners Before you eat, say ‘Velbekomme’. When you’ve finished your food, say ‘Tak for mad’ (thanks for dinner). Fail on this and you will sleep with the fishes. Also, shots of 40% alcohol with some meals will eventually become the normal (always look people in the eye when you say ‘skål’, or you’re just rude.) (source: found on Facebook) Den Kongelige Livgarde 1658 – 2018 Tak til Lars Glerup for artiklen Den Kongelige Livgarde blev oprettet af Kong Frederik den III den 30. juni 1658 og kan derfor i år fejre 360 års fødselsdag. Livgarden var dengang opdelt i to enheder, en var Livgarden til fods, den anden var Livgarden til hest. Livgarden fik to hovedopgaver, den første var at værne om monarken og familien samt de kongelige slotte og palæer. Den anden opgave var at uddanne infanterisoldater (kamptropper), som indgik i resten af hæren. Disse to opgaver er stadig de samme for Livgarden den dag i dag. Livgarden har gennem tiden været indsat i mange krige så som Livgardens ilddåb i forsvaret af København 1658-59, samt mange europæiske krige i 1600-tallet og 1700-tallet, og Livgarden indgik i Københavns forsvar under Napoleons-/Englænderkrigene 1801 og 1807-14. Livgarden til Fods deltog siden i 1. Slesvigske Krig 1848-1850 mod oprørerne fra Slesvig- Holsten og tropper fra Preussen og andre tyske stater samt i 2. Slesvigske Krig 1864 mod Preussen og Østrig. Under 1. Verdenskrig, hvor Danmark var neutral, indgik Livgarden med to bataljoner i Sikringsstyrken. Under 2. verdenskrig forsvarede Livgarden Amalienborg 9. april 1940 mod tyske tropper, ligesom det kom til træfninger 29. august 1943. En kaptajnløjtnant og en oversergent blev dræbt på Livgardens Kaserne i Gothersgade den morgen i 1943. Et meget stort antal gardere har også været i udlandstjeneste under FN, NATO og inter- nationale koalitioner - på Balkan, Afrika, Afghanistan og i Irak. Dette har desværre ikke været uden tab. Livgarden har siden oprettelsen i 1658 og til i dag stået vagt om monarken, den kongelige familie samt de kongelige slotte og palæer, med undtagelse fra 29. august 1943, hvor Livgarden blev afvæbnet af den tyske overmagt og frem til den 10. maj 1945. I denne periode var det det danske politi, som havde overtaget vagten ved Amalienborg og Sorgenfri Slot. Mange af politimændene var tidligere gardere og vidste, hvordan vagten skulle klares! Læg mærke til at jakken er knappet til venstre! Sabelkvasten i rød angiver Gardere fra første vagthold. Den blå uniform med bjørneskinds- hue, som vi ser den i dag, blev anvendt i krigen 1848-50 og 1864 (Slaget ved Dybbøl) samt – uden bjørn – 9.
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