The development of a network of quality public transport and bicycle connections in the Leuven region, as a tool for a sustainable land use planning

Johan Van Reeth / [email protected]

Polis Conference 19th November 2015

PERIPHERALIZATION OF THE REGION Demographic evolution 1990 – 2010

500 2500


In Leuven: 112% In the belt around Leuven: 117% In : 109% BRON: ...

Regionet Leuven // BUUR cvba 19 / 11 / 2015 PERIPHERALIZATION OF THE REGION Construction on the built cores

23% live in cities 50% live in villages

BRON: Cadmap AGIV – verwerking BUUR

Regionet Leuven // BUUR cvba 19 / 11 / 2015 PERIPHERALIZATION OF THE REGION Construction on urban fragments and isolated buildings

27% lives in ribbons and “On the outside”

BRON: Cadmap AGIV – verwerking BUUR

Regionet Leuven // BUUR cvba 19 / 11 / 2015 The mobility problem?

Regionet Leuven // BUUR cvba 19 / 11 / 2015 PERIPHERALIZATION OF THE REGION Peripheralization leads to car dependency: downward spiral


Increasing Increasing car dependency car use

Displacing alternatives

Increase in traffic Strong spread of origins reinforce peripheralization: and destinations: difficult to A downward spiral combine trips

Regionet Leuven // BUUR cvba 19 / 11 / 2015 PERIPHERALIZATION OF THE REGION Commuter Traffic according to distance

% 90



Motorised 60 transport



30 Train

20 Bus

10 Bicycle

Pedestrians 0-3 3-5 5-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-70 70> Km

Absolute domination of car traffic between 10 and 50 km. Approximately 45% of the trips are 10 to 50 km long.

BRON: FOD Economie, 2007

Regionet Leuven // BUUR cvba 19 / 11 / 2015 PERIPHERALIZATION OF THE REGION Stock of living space

Sufficient space to accommodate growth without adjustment of the policy BRON: Gewestplan

Regionet Leuven // BUUR cvba 19 / 11 / 2015 CHALLENGES Towards a sustainable modal shift

Trend Trend reversal “80%”





PT Soft

BUSINESS AS USUAL UNTIL 2030: AMBITION FOR 2030 > Road traffic + 29% > PT + 44% IMPACT ROAD TRAFFIC: > Congestion > Traffic Insecurity > Traffic unlivability Auto OV Fiets -20% x2.5 x2 > Emissions

Regionet Leuven // BUUR cvba 19 / 11 / 2015 CHALLENGES Four priorities for sustainable mobility

Expansion of performant public transport

Reduction of the Adjustments road traffic spatial planning

Increase bicycle use

Regionet Leuven // BUUR cvba 19 / 11 / 2015 CHALLENGES Towards a sustainable modal shift

Residential areas depending on car mobility

Regionet Leuven // BUUR cvba 19 / 11 / 2015 CHALLENGES Towards a sustainable modal shift

Residential areas oriented to soft traffic and public transport.

Regionet Leuven // BUUR cvba 19 / 11 / 2015 MOBILITY AND SPATIAL ORGANIZATION Growth as a driver for change




Regionet Leuven // BUUR cvba 19 / 11 / 2015 MOBILITY AND SPATIAL ORGANIZATION The logic of proximity

Concentration of living and everyday facilities in residential areas

Regionet Leuven // BUUR cvba 19 / 11 / 2015 MOBILITY AND SPATIAL ORGANIZATION Combining regional movements

Regionet Leuven // BUUR cvba 19 / 11 / 2015 NETWORK STRATEGY Combination of flows

Critical mass for: • Higher frequency • Higher confort • Free PT lanes: speed and punctuality Prerequisite: • shift quality

Regionet Leuven // BUUR cvba 19 / 11 / 2015 NETWORK STRATEGY Hybrid main line network

Light train Tram on free lane High performance bus on free lane (b.v. type Desiro) (compatibel met Brabantnet) (b.v.

Optimization and synchronization of available public transport systems, rather than expansion new system

Regionet Leuven // BUUR cvba 19 / 11 / 2015 NETWORK STRATEGY Upgrading of available rail lines


Brussel Leuven


Possible where there is no interference with IC movement Leuven – Leuven – Mechelen Leuven – Brussel Ottignies Leuven – Ottignies NETWORK STRATEGY Fast tram or bus on free lanes


Brussel Leuven

Tervuren Tienen

Main lines to Leuven: Leuven – – Brussel Leuven – Diest Leuven – Aarschot – Diest Leuven – – Brussel Main lines in Leuven Ottignies Brabantnet NETWORK STRATEGY Connecting bus lanes in mixed traffic

Mechelen Aarschot Diest

Brussel Leuven

Tervuren Tienen

Tienen – Diest Tienen – Aarschot Leuven – Ottignies Leuven – Waals-Brabant NETWORK STRATEGY Integrating local bus routes

Mechelen Aarschot Diest

Brussel Leuven

Tervuren Tienen

Provided by sufficient demand, connecting local bus routes and residential fragments with the regional Ottignies network. NETWORK STRATEGY Alternative collective transport

By foot or by bike (Collective) taxi Regular feeder buslines

Regionet Leuven // BUUR cvba 19 / 11 / 2015 NETWORK STRATEGY Bike network: Optimization of long-distance journeys

Regionet Leuven // BUUR cvba 19 / 11 / 2015 REGIONEL DEVELOPMENT MODEL High dynamic structure

The public transport network combines the served cores to form a high dynamic structure that will accommodate future growth.

Regionet Leuven // BUUR cvba 19 / 11 / 2015 REGIONEL DEVELOPMENT MODEL Densification around regional stops

Enough space for densification and development around stops according to the space needed until 2050.

Regionet Leuven // BUUR cvba 19 / 11 / 2015 REGIONEL DEVELOPMENT MODEL Low dynamic structure

Discourage growth on unserved areas and consolidate their role in the landscape.

Regionet Leuven // BUUR cvba 19 / 11 / 2015 REGIONEL DEVELOPMENT MODEL Revaluation of traditional landscapes and physical system

Regionet Leuven // BUUR cvba 19 / 11 / 2015 Ecological Active Productive Transferrable development rights:

From badly located sites … Transferrable development rights:

… to densification areas near multimodal nodes REGIONEL DEVELOPMENT MODEL Vision Regionet East-Brabant

Regionet Leuven // BUUR cvba 19 / 11 / 2015 Towards a new governance model

No policy level can solve mobility and spatial problems alone

In need of a collaboration between ¨ Federal state (trains) (roads, busses) Province (planning regulations) Municipalities (planning policy) Planning departments Mobility departments

BUUR involved as independent research partner COLLECTIVE EFFORT Getting started

Funded by the Co-financed by the team partners Flemish agency for innovation knowledge and technology

‘13 ‘15 ‘19 ‘25 ‘31

Think tank SBO

Project-based Structural collaboration collaboration

Regionet Leuven // BUUR cvba 19 / 11 / 2015 Creation of a cooperative framework “Regionet”

Working on four tracks

1. Spatial development model supporting a new PT network

2. Concrete pilot projects (short and long term)

3. Legal and financial instruments

4. Awareness and support from public and economy

Two‐annual Flemish Planning Prize Selected as Strategic Spatial Project COLLECTIVE EFFORT Intergovernmental collaboration

Regionet Leuven // BUUR cvba 19 / 11 / 2015 IMPLEMENTATION Pilot project Diest-Leuven-Tervuren

Regionet Leuven // BUUR cvba 19 / 11 / 2015 SPATIAL IMPACT Corridor Diest-Leuven SPATIAL IMPACT Corridor Diest-Leuven

Developments around the stops strengthen the critical mass of each core. Each core includes daily facilities and some regional functions. The corridor provides as an urban quality of life in a village setting. The transit service makes living near the open space possible and opens up the landscape for recreational use SPATIAL IMPACT On the local level SPATIAL IMPACT On the local level: St Joris-Winge SPATIAL IMPACT Leuven SPATIAL IMPACT: LEUVEN Existing “star-typology” network

- Overload station - Long travel times - Poor service southwestern slots SPATIAL IMPACT: LEUVEN Multiple public transport nodes

Linking regional and urban main lines: More than one option. SPATIAL IMPACT: LEUVEN A new urban straucture for the south-west of Leuven

The urban transport lines are the backbone for the further development and strengthening of the urban landscape in southwest Leuven SPATIAL IMPACT: LEUVEN Finger city: Densification of the city on multimodal accessibility

Space for: 50.000 extra inhabitants 20.000 extra jobs SPATIAL IMPACT: LEUVEN Profile Bondgenotenlaan Thank you! More information:

* VRP Flemish Planning Prize 2014