02 Disposizione Emissione Bando Borse Di Studio Roma 2020 07 14

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02 Disposizione Emissione Bando Borse Di Studio Roma 2020 07 14 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! "#$"#%&#!'(%!)*!"#$+(%),($-#!! .)!$/!0!1#%&(!.)!&-2.)#!'(%!3--)4)-35!.)!+#%,36)#$(!&")($-)+)"3!! '(%!&-2.($-)!2$)4(%&)-3%)!! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !"#$%"&'$()$*+"&'$($(,"'-'%-( .-/0(!(-("!( "!"#"$"%&#'(#%)'*+&,#&$#!#-'&#$-*+'.+! ! %&'()!**+,-! ! .)'/)01)!230!45!/)'630473'8)!(4!9!:)013!(4!18;(4)!230!&884<48=!(4!6)07&>4)'3!1/43'8464/&!230!18;(3'84!;'4<30148&04!! ! ! "?!@ABC"DB#EB! (355F"1848;8)!#&>4)'&53!(4!$414/&!#;/53&03! •! <418)! 45! A3G)5&73'8)! /)'/30'3'83! 45! /)'630473'8)! (3553! :)013! (4! 18;(4)H! &220)<&8)! /)'! (354:30&>4)'4! (35! .)'14G54)!D403884<)!''I!,-J+!3!*K-LH!04123884<&73'83!4'!(&8&!*9!G3''&4)!3!-!5;G54)!,-M9N!! ! •! <418&!5&!D354:30&>4)'3!(35!.)'14G54)!D403884<)!(355F"1848;8)!4'!(&8&!*J!G4;G')!*K*K!'I!!,99+K! ! D!"!C!@!O!#!B! P08I!,! @PAEB!QB#BAP?B! R! 4'(388)! ;'! /)'/)01)! 230! 848)54! 3(! 31&73! /)55)S;4)! 230! 'I! 9! :)013! 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