NH 352o07 A82 1969


Town of Ashland

New Hampshire


Hampshire tJtiversity of New Jlibrary ——

Dates To Remember

January 1 Fiscal year begins March 3 Hearing — Supervisors of Checklist 7-9 P. M. March 7 Hearing — Supervisors of Checklist 7-9 P. M. March 9 Hearing — Supervisors of Checklist 7-9 P. M. March 10 ANNUAL TOWN MEETING March 31 Motor vehicle registration expires

April 1 All property both real and personal, assessed to owner this date

April 15 Last day to file inventory to be eligible to make claim to abatement. RSA 77:14 Last day for veterans to file for tax exemp- tion Last day for veterans to pay in full real and personal taxes to be eligible for exemptions.

May 1 Dog license tax due. (Available from Town Clerk.) Bicycle plates due. (Available from Chief of Police.)

June 1 Hearing on Party Change Supervisors of Checklist 7-9 P. M.

June 5 Hearing on Party Change Supervisors of Checklist 7-9 P. M. June 6 Hearing, on Party Change Supervisors of Checkhst 7-9 P. M.

September 1 Hearing — Supervisors of Checklist 7-9 P. M. September 5 Hearing — Supervisors of Checkhst 7-9 P. M. September 7 Hearing — Supervisors of Checklist 7-9 P. M. September 8 PRIMARY ELECTION October 27 Hearing — Supervisors of Checklist 7-9 P. M. October 31 Hearing — Supervisors of Checklist 7-9 P. M. November 2 Hearing — Supervisors of Checklist 7-9 P. M. November 3 BIENNIAL ELECTION

December 1 Unpaid real and personal taxes commence to draw interest at 6% December 31 Fiscal year closes

SELECTMEN'S MEETING: Tuesday afternoons at 2 :00 P.M. at the Town Office Annual Report of the Officers

of the


Photo on Cover— Official Flag — Town of Ashland

Purchased in 1068 from "Priscilla Flag" of Rochester N.H. — first flown on Jnhj U, 1068.

This flag is available for all parades, by request to the Board of Selectmen.

It is an object of pi-ide and ive encourage the School to

7itilize it in their school parades, in and out of Town.

Promote your To^vv whenever possible, because if you don't, no one else w-ill.

Holding flag: left, Edward A. Brotvn; right, Harold P. Baker

For the Fiscal Year Ending December 31 1969 3-52.^7 ^482 INDEX

Dedication 3 Selectmen's Letter 4 Highlights 1969 5 Town Officials and Boards 6 Minutes of 1969 Town Meeting 8 Town Warrant 13 Budget for 1970 16 Statement of Appropriations & Taxes Assessed 20 Summary of Inventory 22 State Tax Audit 23 Detailed Statement of Appropriations & Expenditures 24 Payroll Record 1969 34 Electric Department 41 Water Department 43 Town Deeds List 45 Tax Collector's Report 46 Library Report 60 Overseer of Public Welfare 63 Police Department Report 64 Auxiliary Police Report 66 Civil Defense 68 Planning Board 70 Permits & Licenses 72 Recreation 73 Report of Tree Planting Committee 74 Ashland Beach-Booster Ass'n Report 75 Report of Forest Fire Warden 76 Report of Centennial Committee Treasurer 77 Vital Statistics 81

Detailed Inventory 89

SCHOOL REPORT 129 School District Officers 130 Minutes of School Meeting, 1969 131 School District Warrant 133 School Budget 135 State Audit of School District 138 Report of Superintendent 155 Union #2 Budget 159 Report of Principal 161 Supervisory Union #2 Calendar 164 Enrollment 165 Census Report 166 Teaching Staff 167 High School Graduates, 1969 168 iBbication


Fire Chief

1953 -1 969

Totvn Selectman

1953 -196^

Toivn Treasurer

1964 -1969

Homer N. Young

1911 - 1969

Scribner Memorial Selectmen's Letter


Dear Citizens of Ashland:

The year 1969 has brought many improvements to our Town of Ashland and it is our pleasure here to bring them to your attention. Perhaps the most significant is the com- pletion of the sewage system and the establishment of the Sanitary Department. At the present time there are 263 participants, including the woolen mill. Meters have been installed by the Water Department for each of these users to distribute the cost equitably amongst them in order to pay for the operation of the Sanitary Department.

The Ashland Electric Department has experienced another growth year both in income and in usage. To keep up with the increasing demand for electricity, the Depart- ment found it necessary to run new lines from the Holderness town line over Thompson St. to the existing sub-station which is in the process of being rebuilt to accommodate its present and future customers. The new transformers have been pur- chased and delivered and will be in full use by Spring. In keeping with the growth pattern the Electric Department has also required another full time employee.


Selectman Highlights 1969

New Town Seal, created by James H. Rollins. (Appeared on 1967 Town Report cover) Water Main extended up Hillside Avenue. Cost — $2991.37. One (1) service added to Water Department on this extension.

246 water meters installed. Thompson Street distribution lines re-newed. (From Main Street — Ashland/Holderness line) Cost: $11372.52

2-way radios installed in Town vehicles.

Police cruiser purchased. 1969 Chevrolet wagon.

Ashland Beautification Committee 1st prize in Govern- or's State contest. Substation being enlarged from 1500KVA to 4000KVA. Seaward contract completed on sewer mains. Town ac- cepted mains 8/28/69. Treatment plant went into operation August 28th. Leves- que contract not completed, plant not accepted by Town at this writing.

Sewer Ordinance signed into effect 9/1/69. (Copies avail- able at Town Office) Emergency ambulance service agreement contracted with Town of Ashland and Town of Plymouth.

Bernard I. Snierson, Esq. of Snierson, Chandler & Copi- thorne of Laconia retained as Town legal counsel. Marine property on the corner of River/Main Streets purchased in the name of the Town of Ashland for a Mem- orial Park. Knapp property adjoining the playground area purchas- ed in the name of the Town of Ashland by the Beach-Booster Assn.

Building Permit Ordinance of 4/1956 enforced. Fee, — $3.00.

Thomas E. Marsh appointed to Chief of the Fire Depart- ment 11/25/69. :

Town Officials & Boards

Selectmen Term Expires Edward N. Doggett 1970 Carl E. Crowley 1971 Herbert G. Sirles 1972 Moderator Glenn Bricker 1970 Town Clerk: Marion K. Merrill 1970 Town Treasurer: Homer N. Young, deceased 11/15/69 Beverly Y. LaBrique, apointed 11/17 '69 1970

Tax Collector: Marie D. Young 1970 Deputy Tax Collector: Helen R. May 1970 Town Trustees: Hiram Gingras Fire Wards:

Albert P. Blake 1970 John C. Hughes 1970 Raymond May, Jr. 1970 Supervisors of Checklist: Florence Ackerman 1970 Marie D. Young 1972 Hiram Gingras 1974 Overseer of Welfare: Nancy B. Straw 1970

Chief of Police: Ernest A. Paquette 1970 Highway Foreman:

Walter J. Boynton, resigned 9/25/69 David G. Ober, appointed 10/28/69 1970 APPOINTED OFFICIALS Fire Chief Homer N. Young, deceased 11/15/69 Thomas E. Marsh Superintendent of the Electric Department Elmer L. Marsh Superintendent of the Water Department Charlie M. Flanders Planning Board James Rollins April 1971 Jesse L. Bartlett April 1971 Raymond May, Sr. April 1971 Ronald Abear April 1971 Raymond Greene April 1971 John R. Smith April 1974 Edward N. Doggett, Selectmen ex officio Recreation Committee Laurent Ruell April 1972 James Sargent April 1972 Neale Bavis April 1972 Harold Baker April 1972 Florence Sanborn April 1972 Scribner Memorial Trustees Francis Brock April 1972 A. J. Puccetti, deceased 10/69 Howard J. Guyotte, appointed April 1973 ;

Town Meeting — March 11, 1969

There were 811 ballots received and counted by the ballot clerks. There were 308 ballots cast.

The meeting was called to order by the Assistant-Moder- ator, Norman Weden, at 9 : 00 A. M. The warrant was read and the motion made, seconded and so voted that the Articles of the warrant be taken up at 2:00 P.M. The motion was made, seconded and so voted that the polls close at 6:00 P. M. At 2:00 P.M. the business meeting was opened by the Moderator, Glenn W. Bricker. At this time the moderator called to the attention of those present that many had re- quested that the Town Meeting be held in the evening. He read Chapter 39, Section 2 relating to this matter after which a discussion of legality followed. It was suggested by Nor- man Weden that the warrant of 1970 might legally read as follows.

"You are hereby notified to meet at the Ashland School Auditorium Gymnasium in said town on Tuesday the 10th Day of March next at 9 :00 o'clock in the forenoon to act on Article 1 hereof, and you are further notified to meet at the same place on the same day at 7 :00 (or 8 :00) P. M. to act on the remaining articles in this warrant." The unanimous con- census of opinion was in favor of notifying the townspeople as to time and place as suggested, thus establishing that the meeting would be held in the evening.

Article I

To choose all necessary Town Officers for the year en- suing. (Elected by printed ballot) were: Selectman for three years - Herbert G. Sides; Treasurer - Homer N. Young; - Town Clerk Marion K. Merrill ; Budget Committee for three years - Ruth E. Morrison, Gail M. Sirles, Norman C. Weden Library Trustee for three years - Margaret P. Whitcomb; - Town Trustee for three years - James C. Hinds ; Fire Wards Albert P. Blake, John C. Hughes, Raymond May, Jr.; Tax Collector - Marie D. Young; Overseer of the Poor - Nancy B. Straw; Chief of Police - Ernest A. Paquette; Road Agent - Walter Boynton.

Article II

To raise such sums of money as may be necessary to

8 defray town charges for the ensuing year and make appro- priations of the same. The motion was made and seconded that we pass Article 2 until after articles 3-15 had been acted on. So voted.

Article III

To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $413.43 for Town Road Aid. (State to contribute $2,756.17.) Moved, seconded and so voted, without dissent.

Article IV

To see if the Town will vote to exempt from taxation for the year 1969 the air navigation facility known as Riverside Flying Service owned by Norman P. Smith, Sr., provided such facility is available for public use without charge and the owner holds a certificate from the aero- nautics commission that it is necessary for an effective air- ways maintained and available for take off, landing, taxiing, open air parking of an aircraft and any navigation or com- munications facility and any passenger terminal building available for public use without charge pursuant to RSA 72:38 as inserted by 1963, 79:2. Moved, seconded and so voted without dissent.

Article V

To see if the Town will vote to adopt the town seal de- signed for the Centennial Celebration as the official Ashland town seal. (Petitioned by ten or more voters.) (Recommend- ed by Budget Comm.) Moved, seconded an so voted without dissent.

Article VI

To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate $1,500.00 to reimburse Ernest A. Paquette for permanent back injuries sustained as a result of fighting a fire on February 18, 1964, as a member of the Ashland Fire Depart- ment. (Petitioned by ten or more legal voters.) (Submitted without recommendation.)

It was explained that at the time of the incident the fire department was covered by two policies. A volunteer fire department accident policy which paid a $35.00 weekly bene- fit to Mr. Paquette according to terms of the contract. A second policy carried through the Fireman's Association denied liability due to a technicality thus leaving Mr. Paquette without reimbursement for expenses incurred. Workmen's Compensation for the Fire Department was sub- 9 sequently added to the town insurance program to prevent any reoccurence of the situation. The motion was made, seconded and so voted to raise and appropriate $1,500.00 to reimburse Mr. Paquette.

Article VII

To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate $1,065.00 for the suport of the Lakes Region Mental Health Center with its principal clinic in Laconia and a branch clinic in Plymouth. (Submitted without recommendation.) Norman Weden, the Assistant Moderator assumed the duties of the moderator while Dr. Bricker explained the article. A discussion followed after which a standing vote was taken. Results were 12 - Yes 30 - No.

Article VIII

To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $2,500.00 to extend the water main off North Main Street up Hillside Avenue to Lot #8. (Petitioned by ten or more legal voters.) (Recommended by Budget Committee, with monies to be taken from Water Dept. Capital Reserve Fund.)

Moved, seconded and so voted, with no dissent.

Article IX

To see if the Town will vote to disband the District Nursing Association. (Petitioned by ten or more legal voters.)

Moved, seconded and so voted.

Article X

To see if the Town will vote to accept as a gift from the Beach Booster Association, a parcel of land known as the Knapp property lying adjacent to the ballfield on Main Street. (Petitioned by ten or more legal voters.)

It was moved, seconded and so voted to accept the article subject to the amendment and stipulation that "the property be free and clear from all encumbrance."

Article XI

To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Selectmen and Town Treasurer to expend the income from the sewerage bonds invested funds for the purpose of the sewer construc- tion.

10 Mr. Crowley explained that money is needed to obtain equipment and supplies for the operation of the sewer. The motion was made, seconded and so voted that the article be tabled to allow for an open discussion and answer period on the Sewer Project. In response to questions from the floor the selectmen explained that the original plans were changed in order to comply with stiffer State and Federal regulations, that the cost of construction must be a part of the tax struc- ture and borne by all and that the operating costs are to be charged to the users. There followed a discussion regarding the basis of charge to be made. Many favored metering as opposed to frontage basis.

John Napier, the Town Engineer, was called on and he advised that the project was about 60% completed. Also that metering the sewage would be expensive and the practical method would be to meter the water entering the building. Homer Young made the motion that the operating ex- pense for town sewer system be defrayed by metering the water supply. After further discussion, he withdrew the motion in favor of the following: "I move that the cost of sewer use be charged to the user by prorating the water metered by the unit which empties into the sewer serving the unit." The motion was defeated.

It was suggested by several that complete investigation and appraisal of all systems be made before making a decision, that we may have a plan fair and equitable for all. Motion was made, seconded and so voted to pass the article as read.

Article XII

To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Commiis- sioners of the Electric Department to draw upon Capital Reserves and Depreciation Funds in the amount of $100,000.00 for the purpose of enlarging the town substation and improvement of the distribution system.

It was explained that the Commissioners have the authority to do this without a vote but would prefer to have a vote of confidence from the town. Mr. Crowley explained that this would increase the value of our substation to more than $100,000.00 and it would have a capacity to take care of additional industry.

Moved as read, seconded and so voted.

11 Article XIII

To see if the Town will vote to change the name of Winter Street to Isidor Baum Street. Dismissed without dissent.

Article XIV

To see if the Town will authorize the Selectmen and Town Treasurer to borrow a sum or sums not exceeding in the aggregate $100,000.00 and to issue in the name of and on the credit of the Town, negotiable notes therefore, said notes to be repaid during the current municipal year, from taxes collected during the current municipal year. Moved, seconded and so voted.

Article XV

To see if the Town will authorize the Selectmen to sell tax acquired property. Moved, seconded and so voted without dissent.

Article II The motion was made and seconded that we raise and appropriate the sum of $432,316.93 to defray town charges for the ensuing year. $429,816.93 Recommended by Budget Committee. 1,500.00 To Ernest A. Paquette. 1,000.00 Increase Town maintenance - Highways. So Voted.

Mr. Young reminded us that our water system is old and that we should be making plans to replace or correct the present system.

Mr. Buckman asked about sewer facilities if and when Howard Johnson builds. Mr. Crowley answered that exten- sions are not prohibited, that provisions were made for possible extensions in the area and hopefully the State and Federal Government would share the expense of doing it.

Mr. Preece asked about plans for zoning for the town. Mr. Crowley replied that nothing was presented for this year's warrant on the matter. Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted, Marion K. Merrill

12 Town Warrant — 1970

The State of New Hampshire

To the Inhabitants of the Town of Ashland, in the

County of Grafton in said State, qualified to vote in Town Affairs:

You are hereby notified to meet at Ashland Gymnasium in said Town on Tuesday, the tenth day of March, next at nine of the clock in the forenoon, to act upon the following sub- jects:

1. To choose all necessary Town Officers for the year ensuing.

2. To raise such sums of money as may be necessary to defray town charges for the ensuing year and make appropriations of the same.

3. To see what time the articles of this warrant shall be taken up.

4. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Select- men to appoint the highway agent. (This article will appear on the printed ballot.)

5. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $470.36 for Town Road Aid. (State to contribute $3,135.73.)

6. To see if the Town will vote to exempt from taxation for the year 1970 the air navigation facility known as Riverside Flying Service owned by Norman P. Smith, Sr., provided such facility is available for pub- lic use without charge and the owner holds a certificate from the N. H. Aeronautics Commission that it is necessary for an effective airways main- tained and available for take-off, landing, taxiing, open air parking of an aircraft and any navigation or communications facility and any passenger termi- nal buildings availabe for pubic use without charge pursuant to RSA 72:38 as inserted by 1963, 79:2.

13 7. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate $1,065.00 for the support of the Lakes Region Mental Health Center with its principal clinic in Laconia and a branch clinic in Plymouth. (Appears in the budget.)

8. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $612.00 in order that the Town may parti- cipate in the Pemi-Baker Home Health Agency, and to authorize the Selectmen to appoint from among the taxpayers of the Town one representative and alter- nate representative to serve on the Board of Direc- tors of the Agency. (Submitted without recommend- ation.)

9. To see if the Town will vote to accept the property, known as the 'old town hall' from the School District in the event that the School District votes to return said property to the Town at its Annual Meeting March 11th.

10. To see if the Town will vote A. to accept as a gift from Dr. George H. Whipple the building and land of the Whipple homestead on Pleasant Street to be used and maintained as an historical building for the preservation and perpetuation of historical articles and for activities related thereto; AND B. To em- power the Board of Selectmen to appoint for periods of three years an Historical Commission consisting of three members of the Ashland Historical Society, one member at large, and one Selectman, ex-officio, this committee to supervise and govern the operation of said property.

11. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Select- men to turn over the remaining inventory, acquired by the Centennial Committee, to the Historical Com- mission for its purposes and use.

12. To see if the Town will vote to accept as a gift from the Ashland Chamber of Commerce Beautification Committee two parcels of land, the Marine property located at the corner of Main and River Streets and the Sirles parcel bordering , for the purpose of establishing a Memorial Park.

13. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $1,302.01 (such sum being the total amount of profit realized through the activities of the Centennial Committee and turned into the general fund in 1969) for the purpose of establishing a Memorial Park. (Petitioned by ten or more legal voters.) (Recommended by the Budget Committee.) 14 14. Are you in favor of the adoption of the Zoning Ordinance as proposed by the Planning Board? (This article will appear on the printed ballot.)

15. To see if the Town will authorize the Selectmen and Town Treasurer to borrow a sum or sums not exceed- ing in the aggregate $100,000.00 and to issue in the name of and on the credit of the Town, negotiable notes therefor, said notes to be repaid during the current municipal year, from taxes collected during the current municipal year.

16. To see if the Town will authorize the Selectmen to sell tax acquired property.

Given under our hands and seal, this 17th day of February, in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred and seventy.

EDWARD N. DOGGETT H. G. SIRLES Selectmen of Ashland, N. H.

A true copy of Warrant — Attest:

EDWARD N. DOGGETT H. G. SIRLES Selectmen of Ashland, N. H.

15 Budget for 1970

Estimates of Revenues and Expenditures for the

Ensuing Year January 1, 1970 to December 31, 1970

Compared with

Estimated and Actual Revenue, Appropriations and Expendi-

tures of the Previous Year Jan. 1, 1969 to Dec. 31, 1969

Estimated Actual Estimated Revenue Revenue Revenue Previous Previous Ensuing Year 1969 Year 1969 Year 1970 SOURCES OF REVENUE

From State:

Interest and Dividends Tax 3 3,000.00 Railroad Tax Savings Bank Tax Meals and Rooms Tax Reimbursement a/c State and Federal forest lands Reimbursement a/c Water Pollution Projects

From Local Sources Except Taxes:

Dog Licenses Business Licenses, Permits and Filing Fees Interest Received on Taxes and Deposits Income of Departments: (a) Highway, including rental of equipment Income from Municipally- owned Utilities: (a) Water Departments (b) Electric Light Depts. Motor Vehicle Permit Fees Water Electric Dept./in lieu of taxes Cash Surplus 7,000.00 7,500.00 7,000.00

From Local Taxes Other Thau Property Taxes:

(a) Health:

Lakes Region Mental Health Ctr. 1,065.00 Health Dept., Incl. Hospitals and Ambulance 350.00 Vital Statistics Sewer Maintenance Town Dump & Garbage Removal Payment on Principal of Debt:

(a) Bonds 40,000.00 40,000.00 40,000.00 (b) Long Term Notes 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 (c) Payment to Capital Reserve Funds 4,500.00 4,500.00 4,500.00

TOTAL EXPENDITURES $429,816.93 $421,963.28 $437,952.02

Health Dept., Incl. Hospitals and Ambulance'' 612.00

* $612.00 Appropriation submitted without recommendation of Budget Committee.













Budget Committee

19 statement of Appropriations and Taxes Assessed

Appropriation Amount

Town Officers Salaries $ Less Estimated Revenues:

Interest & Dividends Tax $ 3,398.79 Railroad Tax 27.73 Savings Bank Tax 1,369.51 Meals &, Rooms Tax 4,227.00 State Aid - Water Pollution 56,600.00 Reimb. - Forest Lands 23.00 Yield Tax Revenue 176.12 Interest on Taxes 2,000.00 Business Licenses, Fees, etc. 35.00 Dog Licenses 450.00 Motor Vehicle Permits 12,800.00 Rent of Town Property 200.00 Water & Electric Depts. 232,815.00 Nat'l Bank Stock Tax 23.00 Poll Taxes @ 2.00 (598 #) 1,196.00 Surplus 7,500.00 Cap. Res. Withdrawal - Water 2,500.00 Head Tax Revenue 400.00

Total Revenues $325,718.15

ADD : Overlay $2,457.73 + War Service Tax Credits $5,750.00 8,207.73

Net Town, School, County Approp. $346,782.64

21 Summary of Inventory

Description of Property Gross Valuation

Land $ 904,794.00

Buildings 3,147,885.00

Factory Buildings 456,076.00

Factory Machinery 377,667.00

Public Utilities 276,649.00

Trailer Homes 71,095.00

Stock-in-trade, Merchants 150,028.00

Stock-in-trade, Manufacturers 538,197.00

Boats 38,895.00

Neat Stock & Poultry 5,698.00

Gasoline Pumps & Tanks 15,550.00

Total Gross Valuation $5,982,534.00

Less : Blind, Neatstock & Poultry Exemp. 3,523.00

Net Valuation on which tax is computed: $5,979,011.00

$5,979,011.00 X $5.80 - $346,782.64

22 Due to the fact the State Tax Commission has not completed our audit, we cannot include it in this report.

As soon as the audit is completed, we will make it available as a supplement to this report.

23 Detailed Statement

of Appropriations & Expenditures

Town Officers' Salaries


Appropriation $ 4,950.00 Election & Registration


Appropriation $

& Janitor Printing; Labor; & Lunch Overdraft

Town Buildings


Labor Fuel Materials & Supplies Rent of Land Water Electricity Balance

Police Department Expenses "'^IS'aa

Equipment o^caa Radio - State Police 845.00 Balance 693.09


Forest Fires

Receipts Appropriation $ ^^^

Vital Statistics


Appropriation $ 100.00 Expenditures

General $ 3,843.95 Balance 656.05

$4,500.00 Town Maintenance

Receipts Appropriation $25,025.00 Town Welfare Expenditures General $ 2,800.00

$ 2,800.00 Legal Expense


Appropriation $ 1,700.00

$ 1,700.00


Paquette Claim $ 1,500.00 Lawyer Retainer 200.00

$ 1,700.00 Social Security

Receipts Appropriation $ 1,700.00

$ 1,700.00

Expenditures General $ 1,845.24 Overdraft 145.24

$ 1,700.00 Street Lights

Receipts Appropriation $ 4,126.00

Payroll Record — 1969

Walter J. Boynton Highway $5,322.25 Water 95.25 Electric 60.50 Other 464.75

$5,942.75 Malcolm C. Eastman Highway $3,440.00 Water 72.00 Electric 56.00 Other 353.00

$3,921.00 Elmer L. Marsh Electric $7,233.68 Clock 13.68 Water 11.62 Police 164.00 Other 155.84

$7,578.82 Charlie M. Flanders Water $5,520.68 Electric 178.27 Other 112.61

i,811.56 Beverly Y. LaBrique TOX (Town Office) $1,570.00 Water 275.00 Electric 3,640.00 Other 194.13

$5,404.13 Laetitia Y. Ash Electric $3,385.00 Water 775.00

$4,160.00 Ernest A. Paquette Police $6,240.00 Other 75.25


34 Thomas E. Marsh Electric $2,999.35 Other 176.00

$3,175.35 David G. Ober Highway $1,697.13 Electric 50.50 Police 44.00 Other 265.88

$2,057.51 John Saucier Highway $ 541.13 Other 18.00

$ 559.13 Walter Blake Dump Custodian $ 870.00

$ 870.00 John E. Cote Dump Custodian $ 80.00

$ 80.00 John Jenness Highway $ 366.00

$ 366.00 Clarence Boynton Highway $ 268.00

$ 268.00 Pahl Sharrow Highway $ 132.25

$ 132.25 Wayne Verrill Highway $ 154.00

$ 154.00 Ronald Boynton Highway $ 49.00

$ 49.00 George Ober HI Highway $ 67.00

$ 67.00

35 Frances M. Piatt Library $1,248.00


Ida S. Brown Library $ 316.80

$ 316.80 Ruby Minnon Library $ 402.55

$ 402.55 Edward Boynton Police $ 116.00

$ 116.00 William Ollerhead Police $ '76.00

$ 76.00 Joseph L. Bartlett Police $ 194.00

$ 194.00 Edward N. Doggett Town Officer $ 550.00

$ 550.00 Carl E. Crowley Town Officer $ 525.00

$ 525.00 Herbert G. Sirles Town Officer $ 500.00

$ 500.00 Nancy B. Straw town Officer $ 300.00

$ 300.00 Lawson W. Glidden, Sr. Town Officer $ 25.00

$ 25.00 James C. Hinds Town Officer $ 25.00

$ 25.00 Hiram F. Gingras Town Officer $ 25.00

$ 25.00

36 Homer N. Young Town Officer $ 233.00 Fire Depart. 240.00 Electric 29.12 Water 8.75

Marion K. Merrill Town Officer Albert P. Blake Fire Dept. $ 159.50

$ 159.50 John C. Hughes Fire Dept. $ 173.50

$ 173.50 John Cilley Fire Dept. $ 75.5O

$ 75.50 Kenneth Cilley Fire Dept. $ 78.00

$ 78.00 Ziba A. Smith Fire Dept. $ 5I.00

$ 51.00 Robert Roby Fire Dept. $ 72.00

$ 72.00 William Pack Fire Dept. $ 76.00

$ 76.00 Bernard Morse Fire Dept. $ 59.5O

$ 59.50 Clayton Weisberg Fire Dept. $ IO3.50

$ 103.50 Norman Lyford Fire Dept. $ 105.00

$ 105.00 Robert E. Duclos Fire Dept. $ 106.00

$ 106.00 Ralph Lyford Fire Dept. ^ 76.00

$ 76.00 J. Kenneth Forbes Fire Dept. ^ 8O.00

$ 80.00 38 Albane Vaillant

FireDept. J? 105.50

$ 105.50 Stephen Uhlman Fire Dept. $ 121.50

$ 121.50 Rene N. Latulippe, Jr. Fire Dept. $ 79.50

$ 79.50 Richard Cross

Fire Dept. $ 116.50I

$ 116.50 Neale Bavis

Fire Dept. $ 110.00)

$ 110.00 Henry Bates

Fire Dept. $ 113.00)

$ 113.00 Harold P. Baker

Fire Dept. $ 107.50)

$ 107.50 Harold K. Avery

FireDept. $ 331.00)

$ 331.00 Raymond Burke

Fire Dept. $ 96.50)

$ 96.50 Clarence Jordan

Fire Dept. $ 90.00)

$ 90.00 Roland Moore

Fire Dept. .$ 64.00

$ 64.00 Wayne L. Hughes FireDept. $ 113.50

$ 113.50 Leroy Huckins Fire Dept. $ 142.00

$ 142.00

39 Carleton Abear FireDept. ^ 92 qq

Richard Greene ^ ^^'^^ Fire Dept. $ 75 50

Norman Marsh ^ ^^-^^ Fire Dept. ^ 111 ^^

Stanley Lamond ^ ^^^'^^ FireDept. ^ 103 50

$ 103.50

40 Ashland Electric Department


Appropriation Cash Account

Withdrawal from Savings $ 90,000.00 Customer Collections 127,404.44 Customer Deposits 1,020.00 Miscellaneous Receipts 1,902.24 Town Street Lights 4,000.00 Notes Receivable - Town Loan 3,000.00 Interest Accrued - Passbooks 6,928.42

$234,255.10 LESS; Expenditures 1969 184,688.74

BALANCE - December 31, 1969 $ 49,566.36

ADD: Cash on hand - Jan. 1, 1969

Checking Account: $ 27,621.17 Savings Accounts: $133,481.28


LESS: Withdrawals from Savings 90,000.00

Total Cash in Banks, 12/31/69: $120,668.81

42 Water Department

Receipts Ashland Sewer Project

Receipts $2,050,786.38



Seaward Construction Co. $ 611,612.23 Robert P. Levesque 615,968.59 Legal & Fiscal 129,966.23 Technical Services 139,556.82 Administration 2,541.55 Contingency 177,169.05

$1,720,838.09 Balance, 12/31/69 329,948.29


Cash Account Proceeds of Bond Issue $1,100,000.00 Premiums of Sale of Bonds 1,100.00 Accrued Interest 2,016.67 Federal Grants 655,000.00 Bond Anticipation Notes 115,000.00 Interest on Investments 11,440.98 Miscellaneous Receipts 166,226.73

$2 050 786 38

LESS : Expenditures 1/1/68 - 12/31/69 l'720,838.09

BALANCE, 12/31/69 $ 329,948.29


Investments - Treasury Notes $ 244,733.75 Cash in Banks, Checking Acc'ts: Boston Safe Deposit & Trust Co. 84,790.64 Meredith Trust Co. 423.90

$ 329,948.29

44 Town Deeds List

Recorded at: Description Woodsville

Ashland Bathing- Beach - Leavitt Hill Rd. Vol. 863; Pg. 431 Easement - water main extension - Thompson St. (Norman) Book 815; Pg. 279 Town Dump - New Hampton Rd. Vol. 110; Pg. 561 Playground deeds; No. Main St. Sullivan Lib. 562; Fol. 119 Spaulding- Book 826; Pg. 71 Kilpatrick Lib. 989; Fol. 156 Brown Book 770; Pg. 328 Firemen's Hall and land - S. Main Hillside Avenue Lib. 425; Fol. 82 Road to Cross/Gray property - off River St. Vol. 959; Pg. 75 Land - between Beatrice Hill's & Squam River - River St. Lib. 471; Fol. 126 Gravel pits, Kenneth E. Kimball Lib. 501; Fol. 267 Cottage Place Lib. 939; Fol. 225 Lib. 973; Pg. 358 Water Works deed Book 92; Pg. 304 Sawmill property (see partial sale to Squam Lakes Assoc. 8/G6) Book 480 Pg. 1 Electric Company purchase Lib. 541 Pg. 484 Substation right-of-way - Hussey land Lib. 1003 Fol. 10 Cote-Gould land - Collins St. Lib. 1016 Fol. 222 Spaulding land - No. Main St. Lib. 1032 Fol. 378 Main St. deed Lib. 661 Fol. 84 Grafton Cty. Hill Terrace Lib. 664; Fol. 79 Flag area - Main/River Sts. Lib. 658; Fol. 267 Triangle of land @ Collins St. Bridge Lib. 1077; Fol. 598 Belknap County Jackson Pond - Berry land Vol. 92; Pg. 321 & 322

Jackson Pond - Smith land Book 89; Pg. 4 Jackson Pond - Flowage & Drainage rights Book 92; Pg. 339 & 340

Reservoir - Plaisted land/right-of-w-ay for main Book 336; Pg. 526 Reservoir Road and right-of-way - Plaisted Book 104; Pg. 387 Reservoir Road and right-of-way - Berry Book 104; Pg. 388 Jackson Pond - Thompson land/flowage & drainage rights Vol. 92; Pg. 272 Jackson Pond - Smith land Vol. 92; Pg. 270 & 271 Town Clock deed Recorded Town Clerk Book - May 22, 1894 Knapp property - No. Main St. Lib. 1087; Fol. 510 Marine land - corner River/Main Sts. Lib. 1099; Fol. 430 Sirles land - Main St. Lib. 1099; Fol. 429 45 Summary of Warrant

LEVY OF 1969

Property, Poll and Yield Taxes Uncollected Property Tax List For 1969

Amsden, Robert $ 328.28 Austin, James & Betty 1,836.05 Avery, Raymond 187.34 Baker, Harold & Marion 449.96 Barney, Alice 1,288.88 Bartlett, Jesse & Mary L. 270.74 Bavis, Deane C. & James Austin 950.39 Beanian, Ralph & Jacklyn 638.00 Beard, Carlton 137.42 Beede, Earl & Patricia 641.31 Belknap County Commissioners (Richard Perkins) Laconia, N. H. 62.64 Berry, Lawrence & Aura 360.06 Blanchard, Gerald & Carol 259.84 Boisvert, Arthur 397.88 Blow, Paul - c/o Theodore Taylor 281.98 Bouba, Joseph & Anna - 11 Kerry Lane, Nashua, N. H. 973.24 Boynton, Walter & Myrtle 51.69 Brace, Leonard & Shirley 273.06 Bragg, Robert & Shirley 37.00 Brosius, Richard & Ona 234.20 Buettner, Charles 1 Fox Lane, Lattingdown Locust Valley, N. Y. 175.74 Bump, Donald - 90 Woodruff Ave., Scarsdale, N. Y. 10583 367.72 Galley, Lester 299.86 Galley, Roger W. & Bertha P. 1,507.42 Cata Corp. - 375 Lincoln St., Lexington, Mass. 1,904.72 Champney, Clifford & Lorraine - RFD, Plymouth 176.90 Cilley, Ralston & Katherine 108.98 Clark, Victor & Ruth 196.04 Concel Inc. 20,275.76 Gushing, Wallace C., Jr. - Plymouth, N. H. 491.84 Danforth, Floyd & Virginia 251.02 Defosses, Philip & Rita 88.04 Derosia, Leo - RFD, Plymouth 261.00 Dicey, Arthur R., Sr. 221.5G Dow, Charles - c/o Guy Lamond Bal. 252.13 Eastman, Thelma 386.91 Evans, Albert Jr. 458.30 Ewens, Eric E., Jr. & Winifred 125.86 Fisher, Leroy - RFD, Plymouth 331.06 Foley, Frank W. & Sons, Inc. 48 Jackson St., Laconia 03246 Bal. 261.97 Forbes, Elsie B. 84.97 Galvin, Jeanne 373 Farmington Ave., Hartford, Ct. 06119 Bal. 83.53 Gilbert, Wilkin A. 108.46 Giroux, Roland & Pauline - Holderness, N. H. 1,330.52 Glidden, Thomas & Bobette - RFD, Plymouth 504.60 Grandmont, Ethel - 17 Hawk PI., Benningtno, Vt. 05201 84.97

47 Graton, Arnold 887.98 Grenier, Ronald & Leona - 14 Maple St., Dover, N. H. 459.36 Guyotte, Alphonse '10 Hall, Charles G. Heirs 263.66 Harriman, James T. - RFD, Plymouth, N. H. 276.08 Havlock, Richard & Noreen 245.92 Hawkins, Rudell & Ramona Bal. 61.49 Howlett, Sidney & Marion Bal. 39.64 Hickey, Cedric & Lena Bal. 83.26 Hiltz, Herbert & Marguerite 1,109.77 Holt, Ernest & Alma 429.20 Howe, David P. - Holderness, N. H. 10.44 Huckins, Stephen & Coralea 155.44 Hughes, Eric A. 141.52 Hughes, John C. & Elaine A. Bal. 10.95 Hussey, John Bal. 72.40 Keniston, Harold - RFD 3, Plymouth, N. H. 168.20 Keniston, Herman & Alice 318.30 Kimball, Edwin - c/o Wayne Barcomb, 33 Ledgewood Rd., Cohasset, Mass. 50.46 Kimball, Roscoe & Gladys & L. Merrill - RFD, Plymouth 454.22 King, Charles & Estella Bal. 107.74 Lambert, Frank - RFD, Ashland 138.04 Landroche, Harold Bal. 83.22 Lehneman, Shirley 232.00 Lewellen, Warren & Paula - RFD 2, Plymouth, N. H. 1,748.12 Longley, Celestian - Plymouth, N. H. 58.00 Lott, Donald & Rita - RFD 3, Plymouth, N. H. 114.26 Lott, Edith - RFD 3, Plymouth, N. H. 58.00 Lott, Willis - RFD 3, Plymouth, N. H. 198.24 Lyford, Ralph 403.68 MacDonald, Neil & Arline 316.10 Marine, Elroy - 5451 Bonanza Dr., Huntington Beach, Cal. 92647 Bal. 126.50 Marsh, Harry 87.00 Marsh, Norman & Kathleen 46.40 Medico-Legal Research Service Inc. 721.40 Mershon, Solomon & Joan - 102 Brocton Ave. Ext., Haverhill, Mass. 600.88 Morrell, Marie Ann 287.10 Morrell, Roland & Patricia 258.56 Morse, Lawrence & Hilda Bal. 269.80 Morton, Alfred C, Sr. 635.10 Morton, Fred 330.60 Mount Prospect Lodge #69 Bal. 710.96 Murdock, Francis & Mary Bal. 744.10 McDowell, Ann 1173 Chestnut St., Newton Upper Falls, Mass. 02161 69.60 McCormack, Gordon 389.76 McGlone, Roger Bal. 446.71 McLoud, Merlon E., Jr. 215.76

48 McLoud, Martha - Holderness 20.88 McNamara, Thomas M. & Evelyn 399.04 Neilsen, Knud B. - 421.66 Ober, George A. Jr. & Ruth 2,447.14 Ober, Marjorie - RFD, Plymouth 606.68 Ordway, Mabel (Est. of) 113.68

Paquette, Anatole J. - Meredith, N. H. 03253 6.96 Paquette, Ernest A. & Lorraine L. 386.86 Paquette, Ernest J. & Paula F. Bal. 75.00 Paramount Development Assoc, Inc., Framingha.m, Mass. 01701 15.66 Parkhurst, George S. (Estate of) 411.80 Pease, Benjamin & Mary Heirs (c/o Charlotte Pease, Plymouth) Bal. 449.07 Pearson, Herman - Center Sandwich, N. H. 03227 23.20 Pelchat, Ronaldo & Evelyn 156.02 Plant Motor Sales Inc. Bal. 396.03 Potter, Frank Jr. & Desmond 82.53 Prescott, Donald & Fae 362.50 Rice, Lyman - RFD 3, Laconia, N. H. 03246 348.00 Roby, Robert E. & Marie 245.80 Rollins, Fred H. & Barbara - Meredith, N. H. 03253 5.80 Samaha, Harleen & Ardele - Plymouth, N. H. 484.30 Sargent, James 219.12 Sharrow, Pahl 220.40 Sherburne, Stuart & Barbara - Plymouth Bal. 172.35 Simpson, Delma 703.66 Small, Robert & Pauline Bal. 21.90 Smith, Cyrus M. - New Hampton 275.50 Splaine, Edward - 5 Topsfield Rd., Wenham, Mass. 984.84 Stewart, Lucy A. 347.42 Straw, John & Nancy Bal. 256.65 Suffill, Thomas 284.20 Tarr, Bert & Adelia 125.86 Thorstensen, Thomas & Helen 26 Dalton Rd., Chelmsford, Mass. 632.90 Titus, Winston - RFD Center Harbor Hill, Meredith 429.20 Tokanel, Dumitra & Geraldine Lowell Rd., Windham, N. H. 03087 311.23 Towne, Donald M. & Barbara 508.78 Turmelle, Lucille 454.72 Turmelle, Lester & Lucille 1,189.00 Uhlman, Stephen & Gloria 335.24 Vail Realty Inc., - Derry, N. H. 928.00 Warren's Garage (stock-in-trade) 174.00 Weisberg, Flora (Estate of) 432.10 Willette, Albert & Gloria 200.10 Young, Robert E. & Elizabeth 75.40 Young, Robert F. & Catherine Bal. 111.82

Total Property $71,488.86

49 Boats

Brandhorst, Richard L. - c/o E. A. Shaw, 99 Bedford St., Boston, Mass. 39.15 Buell, William Jr. - 665 Greene Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. 11221 8.70 Garrick, G. K. 1 Rond Point, Bugeaud, Paris 16, France 14.50 Hoag, John - 137 Newberry St., Boston, Mass. 26.10 McArthur, Robert W. - 21 Joseph Reed Lane, W. Acton, Mass. 8.70 Medico-Legal Research Service Inc. 41.76 Mershon, Solomon A. - 102 Brocton Ave. Ext., Haverhill, Mass. 18.85 Moser, Chris - 216 Garden Rd., Palm Beach, Fla. 10.44 Richardson, Carroll - Harris Shore Rd., Gilford, N. H. 14.50 Smith, Cyrus - New Hampton, N. H. 26.10

Total Boats $ 208.80

Total Property & Boats $71,697.66

I hereby certify that the above list showing the name and amount due from each delinquent taxpayer as of December 31, 1969, is correct

to the best of my knowledge and belief.

Marie D. Young-

Tax Collector

50 Uncollected Poll Tax List - as of December 31, 1969

Abear, Carlton Mills, Dora E. 2.00 Small, Pauline 2.00 Mills, June 2.00 Small, Robert H. 2.00 Minnon, Ruby 2.00 Smith, Cyrus 2.00 Moore, June 2.00 New Hampton Moore, Roland 2.00 Smith, Vernon F. 2.00 Morrison, Doris A. 2.00 Stewart, Lucy 2.00 Morse, Bernard 2.00 Stockbridge, John 2.00 Morse, Mary Ellen 2.00 Stockbridge, Jane 2.00 Morton, Alfred C, Sr. 2.00 Straw, Nancy B. 2.00 Morton, Charlotte 2.00 Sullivan, Gladys L. 2.00 Morton, Delia 2.00 Tarr, Adelia 2.00 Morton, Fred W. 2.00 Tarr, Bert 2.00 Ober, David G. 2.00 Tibbetts, Rowena 2.00 Pack, Linda 2.00 Thomas, Caroline 2.00 Page, Russell 2.00 Thomas, Glenn 2.00 Page, Sheila 2.00 Turmelle, Lester 2.00 Paquette, Ernest J. 2.00 Turmelle, Lucille 2.00 Paquette, Lorraine 2.00 Uhlman, Gloria 2.00 Paquette, Barbara S. 2.00 Uhlman, Stephen D. 2.00 Paquette, Rhenda B. 2.00 Vachon, Gloria 2.00 Paul, John H. 2.00 Vachon, Kenneth 2.00 Paul, Sheila L. 2.00 Vachon, Leslie 2.00 Peaslee, Stanley 2.00 Vachon, Sandra 2.00 Pelchat, Evelyn 2.00 Vaillant, Mary H. 2.00 Pelchat, Jeanette 2.00 Vaillant, Ruth 2.00 Pelchat, Robert 2.00 Valliere, James H. 2.00 Pelchat, Ronaldo J. 2.00 Verrill. Emily 2.00 Potter, Darrell 2.00 Verrill, Wayne 2.00 Potter, Desmond 2.00 Weisberg, Anthony P. 2.00 Potter, Natalie 2.00 White, Terry 2.00 Prescott, Fae 2.00 Willette, Albert 2.00 Proulx, Paul 2.00 Willette, Gloria 2.00 Pytell, Linda 2.00 Young, Elizabeth 2.00 Pytell, Richard 2.00 Young, Richard M. 2.00 Sharrow, Loretta M. 2.00 Young, Robert E. 2.00 Shaw, Barbara 2.00 Goodwin, Brandon 2.00 Shaw, Kenneth 2.00 Goodwin, Susan 2.00 Shaw, Malcolm 2.00 Lizotte, June 2.00 Shortt, Evelyn 2.00 Dickenson, Robert E. 2.00 Shepard, Theron 2.00 Dickenson, Marion 2.00 Simpson, Delma 2.00 Simpson, Marie 2.00 $352.00

I hereby certify that the above list showing the name and amount due from each delinquent taxpayer, as of December 31, 1969, on account of the tax levy of 1969, is correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.

Marie D. Young-

Tax Collector

52 LEVY OF 1968 —DR.—

Uncollected Taxes as of January 1, 1969

Property Taxes $ 55,552.99 Added Property 313.92 Yield 252.90 Poll Taxes 336.00 Added Poll 32.00 Interest Collected 1,684.52

Total Debits $ 58,172.33


Remittance to Treasurer during Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 1969

Property $ 55,866.91 Polls Yield Interest Collected

Poll Taxes Abated Uncollected Poll Taxes

Total Credits LEVY OF 1966 —DR.—

Uncollected Taxes as of January 1, 1969

Property $ 1,070.00 Added Taxes 58.60 Interest 149.80

Total Debits $ 1,278.40 —CR.—

Remitted to Treasurer during Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 1969

Property $ 1,128.60 Interest 149.80

Total Credits $ 1,278.40

LEVY OF 1967 —DR.—

Uncollected Taxes as of January 1, 1969

Property $ 1,440.00 Yield 127.60 Polls 4.00 Added Taxes - Property 106.56 Interest 106.32

Total Debits $ 1,784.48


Remittance to Treasui-er During Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 1969

Property Summary of Tax Sale Accounts

As of December 31, 1969

—DR.— 1968 1967 1966 Unredeemed Taxes as of December 31, 1968 $5,818.37 $2,162.53 Tax Sale of August 20, 1969 ),214.42 Interest & Costs After Sale 46.36 279.82 298.10

Total Debits $9,260.78 $6,098.19 $2,460.63 —CR.- 1968 1967 1966 Remittances to Treasurer during year: Redemptions $3,664.01 $4,202.49 $1,859.08 Interest & Costs 46.36 279.82 298.10 Deeded to Town 329.68 329.84 303.45 Unredeemed Taxes as of December 31, 1969 5,220.73 1,286.04 nil

Total Credits ),260.78 $6,098.19 $2,460.63

1968 1967

Amsden, Robert, Ashland $ 133.63 Austin, James, Ashland bal. 162.74 Avery, Hari'iet, c/o Donald Towne, Ashland 192.96 Towne, Donald & Barbara, Ashland 218.00 Bavis, Deane & James Austin, Ashland 799.42 Beaman, Ralph & Jacklyn, Ashland bal. 3.62 Cata Corp., 375 Lincoln St., Lexington, Mass. 1,649.77 Clark, Victor & Ruth, Ashland 174.42 174.56 Dicey, Arthur, Sr., Ashland 196.45 Grandmont, Ethel, Ashland 78.51 Lehneman, Shirley, Ashland 205.48 205.62 Longley, Celestian, RFD, Plymouth 55.24 55.36 Lyford, Ralph, Ashland 319.24 McCormack, Gordon, Ashland 341.67 237.01 McNamara, Thomas M. & Evelyn, Ashland 349.70 349.87 McLoud, Merlond, Jr., Ashland 191.47 149.14 Paquette, Ernest A. & Lorraine, Ashland bal. 44.59 Tarr, Bert & Adeline, Ashland 103.82 114.48

$5,220.73 $1,286.04 I hereby certify that the above list showing the name and amount due from each delinquent taxpayer, as of December 31, 1969, is correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.

Marie O. Young, Tax Collector 55 Summary of Warrant State Head Tax

LEVY OF 1969 —DR.—

State Head Taxes Committed to Collector

Original Warrant Supplemental Added Taxes Bump, Donald 5.C0 Galley, Marjorie Clark, Charles S. Cummings, Arnold Cummings, Norma Danforth, Floyd Danforth, Virginia Defosses, Philip Defosses, Rita Derosia, John R. Derosia, Patricia Dinger, Charles Dinger, Gilbert Doggett, Linda Dow, Marguerite E. Elliott, Melton Ewens, Eric Jr. Ewens, Winifred Faulkner, Anne Faulkner, James Fields, Raymond J. Fisher, Helen H. Fisher, Leroy Flanders, Cynthia Forbes, Elsie Fouts, Sandra Frye, Jeanette Gilbert, Goldena F. Gilbert, Russell Gilbert, Wilkins A. Glidden, Bobbette RFD, Plymouth Glidden, Thomas RFD, Plymouth Golden, John Golden, Marion Greene, Margaret Greent, Richard Meredith Harding, Elroy B. Harding, Joan Havelock, Noreen Havelock, Richard Hawkins, Ramona M. Hawkins, Rudell O. Howlett, Marion Howlett, Sidney Heath, Elizebeth B. Heath, Haven R.

Heath, Jorene I. Heath, Lillian Morrison, Doris A. 5.00 Morse, Bernard Morse, Mary Ellen Morton, Alfred C. Sr. Morton, Charlotte Morton, Delia Morton, Fred W. Ober, David G. Pack, Linda Pack, William Page, Russell Page, Sheila Paquette, Ernest A. Paquette, Ernest J. Paquettt, Lorraine Paquette, Barbara S. Paquette, Rhenda B. Paul, John H. Paul, Sheila L. Peaslee, Stanley Pelchat, Evelyn Pelchat, Jeanette Pelchat, Robert Pelchat, Ronaldo J. Potter, Darrell Potter, Desmond Potter, Frank Jr. Potter, Natalie Prescott, Donald Prescott, Fae Proulx, Paul Pytell, Linda Pytell, Richard Sharrow, Loretta M. Sharrow, Pahl E. Shaw, Barbara Shaw, Kenneth Shaw, Malcolm Shortt, Evelyn Shepard, Theron Simpson, Delma Simpson, Marie Small, Pauline Small, Robert H. Smith, Cyrus

I hereby certify that the above list showing the name and amount due from each delinquent taxpayer, as of December 31, 1969, on account of the tax levy of 1969, is correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.

Marie D. Young Tax Collector Summary of Warrant

State Head Tax

LEVY OF 1967 —DR.—

Uncollected Taxes as of January 1, 1969 10.00 Penalties Collected 1.00

Total Debits % 11.00


Remittance to Treasurer During- 1969:

Head Taxes 10.00 Penalties 1.00

Total Credits $ 11.00

LEVY OF 1968


Uncollected Taxes as of January 1, 1969 .$1,045.00 Added Taxes during 1969 100.00 Penalties Collected during- 1969 10.3.50

Total Debits $1,248.50 —CR.—

Remittance to Treasurer During 1969:

Head Taxes :

Ashland Town Library 1969



January 1: We take this opportunity also to express gratitude and appreciation to all of the Scribner Trustees for redecorating the Library as well as furnishing new draperies. It is all most attractive.

May we here refer to a quote from our last year's report,

"We asked our Librarian Miss Frances Piatt how long she had served in that capacity,and her reply is worthy of repetition: "On February 27, 1945 I went in the Library for one week, and it is the longest week I have ever seen." When February 27, 1970 arrives "Frannie" will have served twenty- five years, an enviable record, for she has a host of friends among the young and older folks alike.

Our appreciation then to Miss Piatt and her faithful assistant, Mrs. Ida Brown and last but by no means least to "Peg" Minnon also who keeps everything so spotless, a Library in which we can all take justifiable pride.

Pauline L. Packard

Phyllis Small

Margaret P. Whitcomb


62 Overseer of Public Welfare

(January 1, through December 31, 1969)

Number of Recipients on January 1, 1969 New Applications Interviewed New Applications Certified New Applications Not Certified Recipients Dropped In 1969 Passed Away Nursing Homes Moved Away

Months Ashland Police Department

My first full year has been completed as your chief and it has been a pleasure serving the people of Ashland.

This past year our town has taken a great step forward. Our office is in full swing with all the equipment needed to operate. Records are being kept of everything involving the department throughout the year.

We have the new cruiser which has made my job a lot easier to fulfill. The cruiser is fully equipped for emergencies of all kinds ; fire, oxygen, and if needed, we have a fold-away stretcher. A camera was purchased this past year for accident investigations and is also used for photographs of those in- volved in crimes of all natures.

The new radio with the sheriff department has been a great help.

At the present, the drug problem in Ashland is minor. We have had and are presently having programs in the school and also for the parents to help keep drugs from our young people.

Last spring, the auxiliary and myself held a bicycle training program which was well attended by over 100 school children. It was through the assistance of Del Simp- son that this program was offered to our young people.

Again this year, I want to thank the auxiliary for the many hours worked on their own. The men have done a great job this past year working for me when I wanted time off.

I hope with the new year we can improve our department even more so as to better serve the people.

Respectfully submitted, Ernest A, Paquette

Chief of Police

64 Telephone Calls 1,427

Complaints by phone 918

Complaints in person 200

Total Complaints 1,118

Letters of Motor Vehicle Suspensions 10

Aid to Other Departments 15

Auto Fatalities

Accidental Deaths 2

Dogs Destroyed 10

Auto Accidents Investigated 45

Court Cases

Motor Vehicle - Driving While Intoxicated 7

Other Motor Vehicle 40

Minor in Possession 18

Disorderly Conduct 2

Drunks 8

Assault and Battery 3

Obstructing Police Officer 2

Burglary 4

Stolen Property 1

Malicious Damage 10

Dog Complaints 5

Overnight Parking Fine 1

Total Court Cases 105

65 Auxiliary Police Report

This year I am putting in the hours that the Auxiliary Police have put in for the year 1969 as total. The department under the new setup which was instituted by the new Chief of Police, has given us a better, faster and more accurate method for putting the Auxiliary into a modern efficiently running outfit.

Working Man Hours 1,300 Regular Police Meetings 48

Special Meetings 22

Total 1,370

Although the total man hours are 3 hours less than last year's total, the actual working hours have increased by 473 hours. This shows that when the system is running pro- perly it demands more time.

The largest amount of time worked was on the following occasions: Memorial Day, July 4th, Halloween, accident, basketball games, dances, funerals, fire calls, aid calls, and calls for assistance from the Chief of Police. TTiere have been other occasions such as standby for flood control, and motorcycle weekend when time was donated by the Auxiliary. Another reason for the increase in working hours has been the appointment of a dog-catcher.

The Auxiliary last year also participated in a clean up day in which the men donated their time and equipment to work with the Boy Scouts in picking up litter on the streets of Ashland.

In the last year the Auxiliary has accepted two new men who have been doing a fine job, David Ober and John Donoghue.

63 :

The officers selected for last year in the Auxiliary are as follows

Captain Edward Boynton Lieutenant Guy Leavitt Sargeant Larry Bartlett Treasurer Thomas McNamara Secretary William Ollerhead

Congratulations are in order for all the men listed above for a job well done.

The Auxiliary now has a compliment of ten men and is one of the best equipped outfits around. This is because of your cooperation in buying our raffle tickets each year which we use to subsidize the department.

We of the Auxiliary Police will continue to do the job you expect of us in the year of 1970.

Respectfully submitted,

William F. Ollerhead

Auxiliary Police Secretary

67 Report of Civil Defense Director — 1969

During the first half of this year The Auxiliary Police continued with the pistol training at the Plymouth Police Station and the Plymouth Armory. The New England Police Revolver League Postal Matches were shot in January and in March. From the time that practice shooting began through the time the matches were shot, there was quite an improvement in the scores of all. If a place could be located in Town that we could use for practice, indoors, a greater gain in the results could be shown. In the summer months the men used the outdoor areas for their practicing. We had permission to use the same ranges in Plymouth again this winter, but due to circumstances we have not done much along this line yet.

Again this year I have had the Civil Defense Police Radio on twenty four hours a day at my house. Also, the Civil Defense Citizens Band Radio has been on and monitored for the same time on Chan. #5.

This unit was called and alerted for the dangers of possible flooding of the Squam River. Several people of the Town volunteered, and helped, to watch the danger spots. These spots were the coffer dam, the Squam dam, and the banks and the dam at the Paper Mill. Several of these volunteers had to clean out the debris at the grating at the Squam Dam. Due to the high water there were boats, logs, boards, much grass and other items that held the water back. Several hours were put in by these men cleaning out the grates.

This alert came from the Army Corps of Engineers in Waltham and New Hampshire Civil Defense Agency in Con- cord. On the recommendation of the Corps of Engineers representative, fill was put in along the river bank at the Paper Mill Dam. This was to prevent the side of the dam being washed out. We were alerted to have everyone below the Squam Dam able to move out on short notice, but with the help of voluntary watchers a close check was kept on the water and it was found that evacuation was not needed.

Plymouth Civil Defense Director, Allen MacNeil called and alertedus to the dangers they expected with the Pemi- gewasset River. Again all our members were ready to go and this word was passed on to him.

68 I have talked with Concord C. D. and I am in hopes of being able to have the Town Civil Defense Plan well along by Spring, with the thought of being able to finish it along with the Program Papers for the coming year.

A thought that has come up in the past year is one of some concern. If there was a power failure that lasted for any length of time, or at a time when a Fire Alarm was put, there would not be any way of blowing the alarm. As this alarm is the same one that is used for all of the Town Civil Defense Alarms or alerts, we would not have a way to alert anyone unless telephones, door-to-door, etc., were brought into use. I have started checking on an emergency generator for the Fire Station that would handle the whole station. This would give us our Fire Alarm and radios and also the Police Radios. We could still m.aintain a good radius of con- tact for the Town with this set-up. I hope that in setting up the new plan for the Town that the main control point (E.O.C) will be at the Fire Station. This set-up, with the generator, would mean that our Emergency Operating Cen- ter could continue independently of outside power, would also have all facilities operating, and in cold weather it would be heated.

At this time I would like to thank the Town of Ashland, Plymouth Police Department, Plymouth National Guard members, volunteer helpers, and any others that have helped us, or our cause, in the past year.

Respectfully submitted,

Thomas M. McNamara

Civil Defense Director

69 Report of The Planning Board

Ashland, New Hampshire

The Ashland Town Plan, consisting of the Planning Study Report, available on loan from the town library, town clerk's office, or town office, is an overall statement in text and graphics of future public and private proposals for the community. Although it is necessarily general, it is aimed at guiding town decisions on vital matters of public and private policy.

A part of the planning study for Ashland deals with the proposal of a zoning ordinance tailored for Ashland to meet local needs and to aid in a desired growth pattern. Zoning is the only known legal means of preventing the occurrence of a nuisance. Without zoning there is usually no protection of property values. Many businessmen and indus- trialists, as well as many potential home owners, simply will not move into a municipality that has not adopted a zoning ordinance.

The "Town of Ashland Zoning Ordinance of 1970" is a tool for better town planning today as well as tomorrow, allowing for maximum land use. Four residential densities are proposed. A heavy density residential area is recommend- ed for the present built-up sections of the community. In this area there is either available water or water mains can easily be extended. Further, in this area a piped sanitary sewer system exists and can readily be extended. This area of the community corresponds with the present urban resi- dential district of Ashland which grew up because of its relatively even topography and proximity to the mills of the community.

A lighter density residential district suitable for year round and vacation housing is also proposed. This district is surburban residential density and coincides with the area along the Squam River Valley as far as Little . Public water and public sewers are needed in this district.

A third residential density suitable for year round and vacation housing is recommended in the upland regions of the community and in areas adjoining Little Squam Lake. These lot sizes will be large enough to permit on-site sewage disposal but public water is required because of soils. Good roads will be needed in these areas.

Lightest residential density areas of Ashland include districts which are either too steep or the soils too difficult

70 to build upon. Because of the prohibitive cost, public utilities are deliberately not planned for these areas. While some scattered development no doubt will take place in these other parts of the town, these areas are not recommended for heavy residential growth.

A highway oriented commercial district is recommended on the hillside overlooking the Interstate #93 Interchange in Ashland. It will draw principally from motorists using #1-93. A Lake Commercial District is proposed in the Little Squam Lake area. This business area primarily will provide for convenience shopping for the year round and vacation residents in this region. Areas set aside for future expansion of industry should include land on the west side of Interstate #93 near the highway interchange and adjacent to rail transportation. This land can be readily sewered and process water is available. It should be planned and zoned exclusively for industry.

The Ashland Town Plan offers an ambitious blueprint of future land use and traffic circulation proposals. Its implementation can create a thriving, energetic community which will spur private business and industrial development. At the same time the recreational and natural qualities of the community can be maximized for public benefit. All improve- ments which are recommended must be placed within a sound municipal policy and public finance framework re- flected in a capital improvement program.

The Ashland Planning Board has held public hearings, written news releases for the local newspaper concerning zoning and made available copies of the proposed zoning ordinance. The question will be asked on the town ballot "Are you in favor of the adoption of the Zoning Ordinance as proposed by the Planning Board?" I hope that your response will be a positive yes so that Ashland will begin the 70's pointed in a direction so as all will know where we are going.

Respectfully submitted,

James Rollins, Chairman

71 :

Permits and Licenses

Permits and licenses are necessary for the following and are issued by:

Forest Fire Warden: Fire Permits

Fire Chief:

Oil Burner Permits

Town Clerk: Motor Vehicle Tax Dog License Birth Certificates Marriage License Burial Permits

Town Office: Beano License Junk License Pistol Permits Billiard License Vendor License Building Permits

Health Officer:

Septic Tank Applications

*Permission must be obtained from the Forest Fire Warden before kindling a fire out of doors, including incin- erators and outdoor fireplaces, except when the ground is covered with snow.

A seasonal permit may be issued at the discretion of the Warden.

Fishing and Hunting Licenses may be obtained from the following Ashland Gun Shop

72 Ashland Recreation Committee

Report for Year Ended December 31, 1969


Appropriation $1,100.00 Payments Lifeguards $1,654.00 Social Security Taxes 79.00


Deficit paid from Beach-Booster Association Earnings $ 633.00


Appropriation $1,693.76 Payments Recreation Supervisors $1,026.00 Maintenance Men 125.00 Social Security Taxes 55.24 Lights 100.00 Bus Transportation to Beach 255.00 Repairs to Power Mower 60.75 Suplies for Recreation Program 71.77


Respectfully submitted.

Earl Sanborn, Treasurer, Ashland Beach-Booster Assn.

7S Report of 1969 Ashland Tree Planting^ Committee

During the past year the Boy Scouts and the Cub Scouts planted many small seedling trees secured from the Forestry Service Extension Department of the University of N. H. as an Arbor Day project, under the able direction of Scoutmas- ter Roland Morrill with an assist from George Ober. This was sponsored by the Tree Planting Committee.

Films were taken and sent to the newspaper for release. They were given excellent space and coverage by the Ply- mouth Record.

Two yews were added to the grouping on the triangle on the River-Main Street corner, and the other plantings re- arranged to protect the rhododendron from weather damage and to give the whole a better symmetry. This was done by Mr. George Ober, who kept the lawn clipped and clean all summer on this little park. This civic service was greatly appreciated.

A red schweidler maple was given by the Owl Brook Nursery of Holderness and it was planted in front of the Vail Nursing Home opposite the Ashland Postoffice, where its growth can be watched and enjoyed. Financially we brought forward a balance from last year 1/1/69 of $257.36 And added interest of 15.19 Plus this year's appropriation of March Meeting 300.00 And net participation receipts of 6.00

And spent for 10 units $ 64.90 And for labor on planting 26.00 And for film, phones & mileage 20.86

Making a total spent of $111.76 Leaving a balance on hand 12/31/69 466.79

$578.55 $578.55

It IS not mtended to request a further appropriation for the year 1970. Many dead trees have been cut down this fall and with the sewer project being completed, restoration plantmgs can be taken care of with the balance on hand.

L. M. Young, Chairman

74 Ashland Beach-Booster Association Report

For the past 24 years, since its organization, the Beach- Booster Association has undertaken many projects to im- prove the recreational facilities of Ashland. Highlighting these events in 1969 was the purchase of the land adjacent to the clubhouse for $2,500.00 of v^^hich $800.00 remains to be paid. Mrs. Mary Hughes served as chairman of a special committee in charge of planning numerous events, the proceeds of which went to the pay- ment of the property. These events included the Fourth of July celebration, beach smorgasbord, penny beano, variety show, and a box social. Our campground has undergone extensive improvement and expansion. The road has been widened and now goes in a loop around the area. The number of campsites has been increased from 6 to 20, each with a fireplace and table. Water has been piped through the area and is now readily available to each campsite. The work done has been volunteer labor of men and their machinery. The work was under the super- vision of Mr. Roland Morrill, Campground Direotor. During the 1969 summer season, Mr. Morrill reported an income of $1,200.00 from the use of the campground. Lifeguard coverage was excellently fulfilled by Mr. Harold "Acer" Proulx. Although not a part of his regular duties, he maintained a clean beach for everyone to enjoy. Swimming lessons were sponsored by the Beach-Booster Assoication. There was a good attendance throughout the season, as many boys and girls enjoyed the water. The sports and games program held at the playground attracts numerous children during the season. This also is a part of the Beach-Booster activities. Over the years, many interested citizens have served in various capacities and worked for the improvement of the recreational facilities in town. At the September meeting, awards for outstanding and devoted service were presented to Mrs. Florence Sanborn and Mr. Arthur Dicey, Sr. by Pre- sident, Steven Uhlman. Mrs. Sanborn and Mr. Dicey have been interested in and worked in the Ashland recreation program and served the vouth of the community for nearly 25 years. Mrs. Marv Hughes will be remembered for her work in achieving better recreation for Ashland through the Beach-Booster Association. Ashland's recvpational proorram is planned at the Beach- Booster Association's TT.eetinors held the third Monday of each month. Help share in this important phase of the town's activities for its vouth and attend the meetings.

75 :

Report of the Forest Fire Warden And District Chief

The 1969 fire season was a quiet one in this area. Fre- quent rains kept the clanger to a minimum and there were few violations. Your Forest Fire Warden's job would be easier if everyone understood the State laws that govern the kindling of outdoor fires. A synopsis of these laws follow Fire Permit A fire permit is needed for all outdoor fires in or near woodland anytime the ground is not covered with snow. This includes household waste burning, even if in an incinerator, grass burning, garden trash as well as brush burning. Such burning is restricted by regulation to be prior to 9 :00 a. m. and after 5:00 p. m. Exceptions Commercial or industrial burning is allowed anytime under normal conditions with permission of the District Chief and a permit from the Fire Warden. Camp or cooking fires are allowed on your own property with permission of the Fire Warden. On another's property with written permission of the landowner and permission of the Fire Warden. The Warden can forbid such fires if in a hazardous area: Permits for cooking fires in the White Mountain National Forest can be obtained from the Laconia Office or at the Ranger Stations. Permits are not required in public camp or picnic grounds where fireplaces have been built for this purpose. Penalties 1. For kindling a fire without a permit. Maximum of $200.00 fine; or imprisonment for not more than 60 days. 2. For kindling a fire by any means wilfully or recklessly that shall endanger woodlands the maximum fine is $500.00 or one year's imprisonment. 3. For failure to totally extinguish a camp or cooking fire before leaving it the same penalties as in (1) above. 4. For dropping inflammable material in or near wood- land maximum fine of $25.00. Fire prevention is a personal matter and a good habit. Keep our town free of smokes in 1970. Fires reported — State 453 Fires reported — District 29 Fires reported Ashland 8 (2 collectable from Railroad) THOMAS E. MARSH Forest Fire Warden HUBERT C. HARTWELL. JR. District Chief

76 Report of the Treasurer Ashland Centennial — 1968

In May 1967 the initial amount of $100.00 was received from the Ashland Planning Board. In November 1967 $400.00 was appropriated by the Town of Ashland. These two sums of monies was the total operating capital for the Centennial Committee to conduct business with. All the balance of monies had to be raised by various methods to carry on the project. A generous gift later was received from the Squam Lakes Association, for $100.00. The total cost of the entire Centennial was $14,287.67.

The first project was to have signs made announcing Cen,tennial week. These signs were erected at the road entrances to Ashland and cost $6.60. Art work was by Max Dame. A huge Centennial birthday cake was made, painted and displayed with birthday candles and cost $40.99. Mssrs. St. Arnauld, Straw and Dame are to be congratulated for this fine project. This cake was featured in many newspaper articles.

A postal die was purchased from the U. S. Post Office Dept. for $58.43. This die was used in the local post office to cancel all mail leaving Ashland thus advertising the dates of the Centennial week.

Attractive old fashion hand bills were distributed within the area, cost $52.00. These were saved by many as souve- nirs for future generations.

The Ashland band stand was found to be in poor condi- tion. The committee paid $148.86 to replace some of the floor- ing and repaint the stand. It made an attractive place for the Old Home Day celebration.

Costumes were made available by Mrs. Sirles. $543.00 worth of costumes were sold, realizing a profit of $87.22. Many citizens cooperated wearing their costumes at all the events.

Total postage was $31.74. Many committee members paid for their own postage, not reporting it to the treasurer.

77 A quality scrap book was purchased and all events, photos and newspaper articles were placed in order by Mr. Addison. The scrap book will be displayed in the library.

The steam boat project was a unique one, and delighted both young and old. Mr. Robert Thompson of West Center Harbor donated the use of the boat. The only cost was $3.00 to purchase coal for the boiler. Mr. John Hughes was chair- man of this event.

The queen of the centennial, Miss Gaylen Poitter was awarded a $50.00 U.S. bond and cost $37.50. This was a small token of our appreciation for her efforts in all the events in which she presided as queen.

Trophies for the beard contest cost $18.79. TTiis proved to be a real "bushy" affair. $25.00 was paid to the quartette called "The Unfurnished Flats" and helped make the judging of the beard contest a better event.

The woodsman Field Day event, Bernard Avery chair- man, cost $150.00 to sponsor. Andrew Chabot, in another field day event expended $75.00.

The fireworks were outstanding. Only $500.00 was paid by the committee. The balance was donated by the Hughes Family and the fireworks company.

One of the better income producing and most enjoyable events was the hayride. Mrs. Marion Merrill was chairman. $143.04 was received.

A chicken barbeque was held and proved successful as refreshments for all who attended. $699.00 was received but only a net profit of $34.00.

The hospitality center under direction of Mrs. L. W. Packard provided refreshments. This was well appreciated by all who attended the Arts & Crafts exhibits. $29.78 was well spent for the occasion.

Sky divers presented a thrill show and cost $300.00. The Ralph White Nashua Sky Divers presented the show.

The sum of $179.38 was received from parking fees at the Saturday night event.

Advertising in the Weir's Times cost $80.00. They pub- lished a special newspaper.

78 The photo coverage by Lasher Photos cost $150.00. Copies of pictures were given us for our permanent collec- tion at the end of the celebration. These will be displayed in the library.

"Beans baked the old fashion way in the ground" under the direction of Chairman Edward Dupuis was a sell out. Expenses were only $17.23.

A chuck wagon was built especially for the occasion by the Hughes family and $31.73 was paid for this. This added to the atmosphere on the occasion of all events.

Many citizens cooperated in purchasing and displaying house dated signs. Mrs. Thomas Marsh was chairman. $26.60 was realized from this.

A late summer band concert was held and cost $140.00 for the event. The music was furnished by the Plymouth Band.

Spud Dicey's Square Dance Band ran a square dance in the gym. It was well attended and cost $75.00 to sponsor.

The Centennial plate committee headed by Mrs. Phyllis Small and her committee did an outstanding job in the selec- tion of the plate design and sales. 84 dozen plates were order- ed. 25 plates were presented to other Ashlands and notable people. 809 plates were sold realizing a net profit of $588.97.

Homer Young, was chairman of the Ashland Stock Cer- tificate account. Sales of $357.00 with a net profit of $219.00.

The Centennial Button Committee under chairman Har- old Baker had sales of $155.95. This produced a profit of $90.50.

The Costume Ball under direction of Mrs. Lucille Tur- melle was an outstanding social event, and enjoyed by all. A profit of $191.71 was realized. This was one of the largest attended events.

Mrs. Lloyd Greene was chairman of the food accounts. A total sale of $1,006.01 of food was sold at the events, and a profit of $160.41 was gained.

The Centennial booklet with J. R. Smith chairman had sales of $3,358.75 value. This showed a net profit of $682.44. Doris Tatham and J. R. Smith organized and wrote the booklet aided by many citizens. Mrs. Joy Bricker, chairman

79 of the booklet advertising raised $2,000.00 thus making the booklet a guaranteed financial success. Her efforts were outstanding as an individual.

Edward Dupuis, chairman of the Centennial Coin Com- mittee sold $6,407.25 of coins. A net profit of $2,415.01 was gained. The coins proved to be collector's items. At this writing the silver coins are worth three times the original value. The coin account was the most financial event of all.

Anyone who viewed the Centennial parade under chair- manship of Mary L. Hughes and assistants will say the amount of $1,658.34 was well spent. Ashland will long re- member this colorful and varied event.

The horse show vent showed a profit of $18.75. The pet show proved entertaining and well attended. Mrs. Marg. Glidden was chairman, and cost $45.60 to sponsor. This was one of the more entertaining events.

Our net profit was $1,285.51. This sum was turned over to the town general funds December 31, 1969. A total of $14,287.67 was spent to produce the centennial week.

On hand is the following inventory which has value as 1,191 soft and 389 hard cover centennial books - $2,774.00 374 Bronze Coins - $935.00 154 Centennial plates - $308.00 also stock certificates and buttons

It is the wish of the Centennial committee that the in- ventory may be turned over to the newly formed Ashland Historical Society so that they may realize what profit they can to help get them started financially. It would seem appro- priate that they would be the logical group to inherit the inventory.

The net profit of $1,285.51 which was turned over to the town should be appropriated to the Ashland Memorial Park as a token gesture from all who worked so diligently to make our centennial a real success.

John R. Smith, Treasurer

Ashland Centennial - 1968

January 26, 1970



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Jan. 1, 1969 to Jan. 1, 1970




18 OCT.

24 Ashland, N. H. Priscilla A. Weare 10-26-41 Rev. Robert W. Lamson Charles Henry Heath 4- 2-44 Ashland, N. H.


8 Laeonia, N. H. Lucille Melissa Gilbert II- 6-30 Laurence W. Guild Leroy Earl Fisher 10-17-21 Gilford, N. H. 21 Plymouth, N. H. Susanne WcCormack 9-15-48 P. V. George Dean Russell Vaillant 6-30-48 Plymouth, N. H. 22 Ashland, N. H. Rebecca Rae Hiltz 10-17-51 Dr. Vincent Fischer William Floyd Valliere 10-15-49 Goffstown, N. H.


20 Bristol, N. H. Jacqueline Ann Matthews 6-20-49 Rev. Ethel Lee Matthews Everett Dennis Boynton 11-17-44 Bristol, N. H.




New Hampshire


* Veterans' Exemption $1,000. ** Veterans' Exemption $2,000.

For the Year Ending

DECEMBER 31, 1969 Resident

Total Net Amount Owner and Description Vahiation Assessible Tax

Abear, Ronald & Marcella House, Garage & Land - Thompson St. 7,660. 7,660. 444.28 House, Garage & Land, Thompson St. 8,530. 8,530. 494.74 Ackerman, Russell & Florence House, Garage, Sheds & Land - Carr Ave. 6,330. 6,330. 367.14 Land - Carr Ave. 260. 260. 15.08 Addison, Clarence & Harriet House, Garage, Sheds & Land - Collins St. 5,310. 5,310. 307.98 Aldrich, Dwight H. & Elizabeth 62 Belmont St., Reading, Mass. 01867 House, Garage & Land - River St. 8,370. 8,370. 485.46 Alvord, Mrs. Buell House, Garages, Shed, Pump House & Land N. Ashland Rd. 29,030. 29,030. 1,683.74 Amsden, Orin H. & Elsie G. RFD Ashland Camps and Land - Amsden Rd. 1,290. 1,290. 74.82 Amsden, Robert House, Barn, Sheds & Land - N. Main 5,660. 5,660. 328.28 Anderson, Barbara Plymouth, N. H, House, Land - Thompson St. 6,652. 6,652. 385.82 Andrejkovics, Stephen 397 Upland St., Westbury, N. J. 11590 Cottage and Land - Little Squam Ash, Carroll & Laetitia House and Land - Thompson St. House and Land - Spring St. Ashland Lumber Co. Stock-in-Trade Office Bldg., Sheds and Land - N. Main Ashland Citgo Stock-in-Trade 550. 550. 31.90 Austin, James & Betty Stock-in-Trade Drugstore and Land - Main St. House, Barn, Shed and Land - Depot St. House and Land - Winter St. Trailer - Rear of Drug Store Avery, Annie B., Estate of House, Shed and Land - S. Main 6,336. 6,336. 367.49 Avery, Bernard F. & Christine L. House and Land - Thompson St. Land - S. Main Land - S. Main Lot - Thompson St. Avery, Harold K. & Faye E. House, Garage and Land - S. Main 6,750. 6,750. 341.50 Resident Total Net Amount Otoner and Descriptiov Valuation Assessible Tax

Avery, Raymond Resident

Total Net Owner and Description Valuation Assessible

8,966. 7,420. Resident

Total Net Amount Owner and Descripfion Valuation Assessible Tax

Blake, Albert Stock-in-Trade 2,000. Shop Blake, Margaret House & Land - Cottaee St. Blanchard, Gerald & Carol House & Land - Mill St. Blenkhorn, Carl F. 168 Hilltop St., Milton, Mass. Cottage - Little Squam Blenkhorn, Frederick 2526 S. Peninsula Dr. Daytona Beach, Fla. 32018 Cottage - Little Squam Blow, Paul R. & Ruth G. House, Barn & Land - Highland St. Boisvert, Alma House, Barn, Shed & Land - Thompson Boisvert, Arthur & Elizabeth * House, Shed & Land - River St. Stock-in-Trade House & Land - Thompson St. Boisvert, Arthur L. & Elizabeth A. Apt House & Land - No. Main St. Garage - River St. Boston & Maine Railroad c/o A. E. Regan, 15 Causeway St., Boston, Mass. 02114 Land - Depot St. Bouba, Joseph & Anna 11 Kerry Lane, Nashua, N. H. Building, Cabins & Land - Little Squam Boynton, Edward C. House & Land - So. Main St. Boynton, Walter & Myrtle * House & Land - No. Main St. Brace, Leonard T. & Shirley M. * House, Shed & Land - Mill St. Bragg, Robert L. & Shirley E. * Trailer - N. H. Rd. Brazeau, Alfred H. & Delcie A. House, Sheds & Land - Washington St. Brock, Francis H. & Louise A. House & Land - Highland St. Brosius, Richard L. & Ona * House, Barn & Land - Reed Rd. Brown, Edward & Josephine A. House & Land - Thompson St. Resident Total Net Amoirit Owner and Description Valuation Assessible Tax

Land - Thompson St. 750. 750. 43.50 Brown, Howard R. * House and Land - Winter St. 4.310. 4,310 199.98 Brown, Robert J. Land - No. Main St. 1,480. 1,480. 85.84 Brown, Roger R. & Laura D. House, Shed and Land - Winter St. 4,260. 4,260. 247.08 Brunt, George H. & Eva * House, Garage and Land - Pleasant St. 7,930. 7,930. 409.94 House and Land - Off Main St. 3,200. 3,200. 185.60 Brunt, Harold R. & Brenda House and Land - So. Main St. 5,390. 5,390. 312.62 Brunt, William Jr. * House and Land - River St. 3,930. 3,930. 177.94 Brunt, William Sr. * House and Land - So. Main St. 6,910. 6,910. 350.78 Brunt, Yvonne * House and Land - River St. 4,530. 4,530. 212.74 Buckman, Harold V. & Brice B. House, Barn & land - Depot St. 6,680. 6,680. 387.44 Buettner, Charles A. 1 Fox Lane; Lattingtown, N. Y. 11560 Cottage and Land - N. Ashland, N. H. 3,030. 3,030. 175.74 Bump, Donald House, Sheds & Land - Depot St. 5,870. Land - Depot St. Land - Depot St. Burke, Raymond F. & Theda E. House & Land - Murray St. 4,510. 4,510. 261.58 Burns, Dorothy T. & Russell E. House & Land - Owl Brook Rd. 4.095. 4,095. 237.51 Building, Cabins & Land - Little Squam 16,780. 16,780. 973.24 Galley, Lester House, Shed, Garage & Land - Off Rte. 3 5,170. 5,170. 299.86 Galley, Roger W. & Bertha P. House, Unfinished & Land - Off Rte. 3 15,540. 15,540. 901.32 Cottage & Land - Little Squam 10,450. 10,450. 606.10 Carter, Benjamin Plymouth, N. H. Storehouse & Land Collins St. 700. 700. 40.60 Carter, Webster & Benjamin S. & Maloney, Josephine 22 Chapel St., Bridgeport, Ct. 06600 House, Shop, Barn & Land - Collins 3,180. 3.180. 184.44 Cata Corp. 375 Lincoln St., Lexington, Mass. House, Garage, Barn and Land -Rte 3 32,840. 32,840. 1,904.72 Chaisson, Aurol & Florence * House, Garage-Shop, Shed & Land - Summer 7,230. 7,230. 369.34 Resident

Total Net Amount Owner and Description Valuation Assessible Tax

Chalbeck, Reynold P. RFD 1 Box 271A, Manchester, N. H. 03100 Cottage & Land - Little Squam 8,840. 8,840. 512.72 Champney, Clifford & Lorraine RFD #3 Plymouth Trailer & Land - N. Ashland 3,050. 3,050. 176.90 Champney, Roger E. & Pauline B. RFD #3 Plymouth Land - N. Ashland 100. 100. 5.80 Chase, Lillian 81 Langdon St., Plymouth Land - N, Ashland 1,250. 1,250. Chisholm, Richard M. & Jean B. House, Shed, Barn, Garade - S. Main 13,090. Cilley, John & Clara * House, Garage/B'way, Shop, Poultryhouse & Land - North Ave. 5,260. Cilley, Olive House, Barn, Sheds & Land - School St. 8,190. Cilley, Ralston K. & Kathleen D * House, Garage & Land - School St. 4,810. Colachicco, Albert J. & Goyette, Donna E. 24 Dunelm Rd., Bedford, Mass. 01730 Land - Thompson St. 2,790. 2,790. Clark, Edward A. Box 1 - N. Woodstock Land - N. Ashland Clark, Victor & Ruth House & Land - River St. Claveau, Gustave House, Garage, Shed & Land - River St. Concel, Inc. Stock-in-Trade Mills, Machinery & Land Conway, Richard F. & Eleanor C. 61 Elm St., Billerica, Mass. 01821 Lot - Thompson St. Trailer & Land - Thompson St. Conway, James F. & Grace R. Lowell, Mass. 01850 House, Sheds, Garage, Barn, Swimming Pool - Owl Brook Rd. Copenhaver, L. B. & Rosemary N. Woodstock, 03262 Cottage & Land - Little Squam Cote, Edward E. Jr. & Linda E. Land - Thompson St. Resident

Total Owner and Description 3,350. 1,040. Resident

Total Net Amount Owner and Description Valuation Assessible Tax

Faulkner, James E, Jr. & Anna M. * House, Shed & Land - Mill St. 3,790. 3,790. 169.82 Field, Logan S. 6 Martin Rd., Weston, Mass. 02193 Cottage, Shed & Land - Little Squam 10.830. 10,830. 628.14 Fisher, Leroy E. * R. F. D. #3, Plymouth House & Land - N. Ashland 6,570. 6,570. 331.06 Flanders, Charlie M. & Cynthia L. House, Garage & Land - River St. 5,280. 5,280. 306.24 Flanders, Lawrence M. & Mary M. House, Garage, Shed & Land - Carr Ave. 6.500. 6,500. 377.00 Fligg, Allen & Florence * House, Shed & Land - Thompson 5,430. 5,430. 264.94 Foley, Frank W. & Sons, Inc. 48 Jackson St., Laconia, N. H. 03246 Land - N. Main St. 1,620. 1,620. 93.96 Filling Station & Land - N. Main St. 5,580. 5,580. 323.64 (2) Gas Pumps 300. 300. 17.40 Stock-in-Trade 465. 465. 26.97 Forbes, Elsie B. V2 House, Shed & Land - Mill St. 1,465. 1,465. 84.97 Forbes, J. Kenneth & Eleanor House, Shed, Barn & Land - Highland St. 8,580. Land - Gordon Forbes, Phyllis f Trailer/porch & Land - S. Main St. Forest Lands, Inc. %Wm. MacConnell, 51 Cottage St., Amherst, Mass. 01002 200 Acres - Lambert Rd. 1,180. 1,180. 68.44 Foster, E, Lorraine House & Land - Hillside 6,500. 6,500. 377.00 French, Elsie 499 Purchase St., Milford, Mass. 01757 House, Barn & Land - Leavitt Hill 8,230. 8,230. 477.34 Frost, Merle E. Stock-in Trade 400. 400. 23.20 Apt.-House & Land - Pleasant St. 6,100. 6,100. 353.80 Gallup, Lumber Co. Buildings, Land, Machinery - Old Rte. 3 16,740. 16,740. 970.92 Stock-in-Trade 1,400. 1,400. 81.20 Galvin, Jeanne 373 Farmington Ave., Hartford, Ct. 06119 Land - River St. 1,500. 1,500. 87.00 Gammons, Philip E. * House & Land - Highland St. 9,620. 9,620. 507.96 Stock-in-Trade 750. 750. 43.40 Resident Total Net Amount Owner and Descrij)tion Valuation Assessible Tax

Gendron, Robert 0. & Louise G. 183 Hinchley St., Somerset, Mass. 02726 House & Land - Owl Brook Rd. 1,579. 1,579. 91.58 Gilbert, Paul R.

R. D. 3, Box 226, Aberdine, Md. 21001 Shed & Land - Owl Brook Rd. 830. 830. 48,14 Gilbert, Wilkin A. House & Land - Collins St. 1,870. 1,870. 108.46 Gillis, William 89 Pearl St., Brookline, Mass. 02146 Cottage, Garage & Land - Little Squam 9,949. 9,949. 577.04 Oilman, Martin & Mildred 56 Bloomfield St., Lexington, Mass. 02173 Wood Lot - Off Sanborn Rd. 740. 740. 42.92 Brogan Farmland - Sanborn Rd. 790. 790. 45.82 Gilpatrick, Vera F. R, F.D. 3, Plymouth, N. H, House & Garage - No. Ashland Rd. 2.430. 2,430. 140.94 Gingras, Hiram F, & Leo R. * House & Land - Mill St. 5,460. 5,460. 266.68 Giroux, Roland A. & Pauline E. Holdemess, N. H. House & Land - Rte. 3 & 175 22,940 22,940. 1,330.52 Glidden, Lawson W. Jr. 2 Cows, 7 Neat Stock 1,025. 1,025. 59.45 House & Land - Highland St. 8,820. 8,820. 511.56 Glidden, Lawson W. Sr. 10 Cows, 10 Neat Stock 3,250. 2,250. 130.50 House & Land - Highland St. 15,490. 15,490. 898.42 Land & Barn - Route 3 360. 360. 20.88 Sheds, Ski Tow Bldg. Land - Highland St. 2,540. 2,540. 147.32 Glidden, John E. & Marjorie House, Garages, Shed & Land - Highland St. 10,690. 10,690. 620,02 1 Cow, 6 Geese 298. 250. Glidden, Thomas W. & Bobette Y. R.F. D., Plymouth, N. H. 03264 House & Land - No. Ashland Rd. 8,700. 8,700. 504.60 Golden, Daniel P, & Nancy B. 147 Union Ave., Laconia, N. H. Apt. Building & Land - So. Main St. 9,150. 9,150. 530.70 Goodwin, Lester R. F. D., Plymouth, N. H. Trailer & Land - Airport Rd. 2,190. 2,190. 127.02 Goodwin, Ruby & Lester * R, F. D. 3, Plymouth, N. H. House, Shed & Land - No. Ashland Rd. 2,260. 2,260. 81.08 Grandmont, Ethel 17 Hawk PL, Bennington, Vt. 05201 Vs House & Land - Mill St. 1,465. 1,465. 84.97 Resident

Total Owner and Description

Graton, Arnold House, Garage & Land - Rte. 3 South Gray, Cyrus C. * House, Shed & Land - River St. 3 Cows Greber, Clemens & Amanda House, Barn, Sheds & Land - River St Greene, Raymond & Rebecca * House, Barn & Land - Highland St. Stock-in-Trade Greenwood, Hazel 88 Oak St., Apt. 21, Manchester, Ct. 06040 House & Land - School St. Gregorovic, Rudy & Mary

14-14 30th Ave., Astoria, L. I., N. Y. Land - No. Main St. Grenier, Ronald R. & Leona R. 14 Maple St., Dover, N. H. Cottage & Land - River St. Griffin, Julia House, Sheds, Barn & Land - Leavitt Hill Grove-Rasmussen, Dr. M. 50 Mt. Vernon St., Boston, Mass. 02160 House & Land - Lambert Rd. Guidotti, Alfred A. & Christine M. House & Land - Highland St. Guyotte, Alphonse Bid. & Land - Main St. Apt. Bldg. & Land - Main St. Guyotte, Howard R. & Irene Apt. Bldg. & Land - Glove St Stock-in-Trade Warehouse - Glove St. Guyotte, Howard J. House & Land - Highland St. Guyotte, Howard J. & Louise A. Land - Thompson St. Guyotte, Nelson S. House & Land - So. Main St. Guyotte, Philip P. & Ruth A. * Apt. Bldg. & Land - Pleasant St. House & Land - Mill St. Stock-in-Trade Guyotte, Rose D. House & Land - Hill St. Hagquist, Carl 0. & Nelson, Marianne House, Garage & Land - River St. 4.810. Resident Total Net Amount Owner and Descriptiov Valuation Assessible Tax Havlock, Richard E. & Noreen S. House & Land - River St. 4,240. 4,240. 245.92 Hawkins, Rudell O. & Ramona M. * House & Land - Elm St. 5,150. 5,150. 248.70 Hawlett, Sidney & Marion House & Land - Depot St. 4,580. 4,580. 265.64 Heath, Bernard * Vo Homestead & Land - River St. 3,529. 3,529. 154.68

1/2 Barn & Land - River St. 320. 320. 18.56 Heath, Guy & Evelyn *

1/2 Homestead & Land - River St. 3,529. 3,529. 154.68 Trailer & Land - River St. 5.500. 5,500. 269.00 Heath, Sarah Land & Barn - River St. 320. 320. 18.56 Heinz, Thomas W. & Patricia Land - Thompson St. 1,776. 1,776. 103.01 Hickey, Cedric G. & Lena B, * House, Garage, B-Way & Land - W. Main 9,111. 9,111. 528.44 Hill, Beatrice House, Garage & Land - River St. 7,570. 7,570. 439.06 Hill, Walter W. & Edna C. Chalet & Land - River St. 7,500. 7,500. 435.00 House & Land - Hillside Ave. 1,738. 1,738. 100.80 Hiltz, Herbert D. & Marguerite House & Land - Off Highland St. 19,134. 19.134. 1,109.77 Hiltz, Willard & Garry Cottage & Land - River St. 7,400. 7,400. 429.20 Hiltz, Willard & Garry Stock-in-Trade 5,626. Storeblock & Land - Main St. Apt. & Storage - Main St. Land - N. Main St. Hinds, Clara M. * House & Land - Thompson St. 6,780. 6,780. 343.24 Hinds, James C. * House & Land - Carr Ave. 4,820. 4,820. 229.56 Holland, Anna 120 Lake Shore Rd. Brighton, Mass. 02135 House & Land - N. H. Rd. 7,920. 7,920. 459.36 Holman, Winfield H. & Verna M. House, Barn & Land - Winter St. 4,455. 4,455. 258.39 Holt, Ernest B. & Alma House & Land - S. Main St. 7,400. 7,400. 429.20 Holzman, Franklyn P. Boylston St., Boston, Mass. Cottage & Land - Little Squam 24,391. 24,391. 1,414.68 Howard D. Johnson Co. Wollaston, Mass. 02170 Land - W. Main St. 19,240. 19,240. 1,115.92 Resid ent

Total Net Amount Owner and Description Valuation Assessible Tax

Howe, David P. Land - Owl Brook Dr. 180. 180. 10.44 Hubbard, Andre & Jean M. 20 Merritt Rd.,

Farmingdale, L. I., N. Y. Cottage, Shed & Land - River St. 10,728. 10,728. 622.22 Huckins, Herman A. Barn & Land - Thompson St. 1,630. 1,630. 94.54 House & Land - Thompson St. 8,106. 8,106. 470.15 Huckins, Leroy House & Land - N. Main St. 6,210. 6,210. 360.18 Huckins, Milton RFD #3, Plymouth Land - N. Ashland Rd. 1,610. 1,610. 93.38 Huckins, Stephen & Coralea House & Land - N. Main St. 2,680. 2,680. 155.44 Hughes, Bernard L. & Hazel B. House & Land - Glove St. 4,270. 4,270. 247.66 Hughes, Eric A. & Kendall L. * House & Land - Thompson St. 10,500. 10,500. 559.00 Hughes, Eric A. House & Land - Thohipson St. 2,440. 2,440. 141.52 Hughes, Francis E. & Vina S. * R.F.D. #3 Plymouth Stock-in-Trade 2,000. 2,000. 116.00 House, Barn & Land - Rte. 175 8,880. 8,880. 465.04 Hughes, Gladys House & Land - off School St. 3,680. 3,680. 213.44 Hughes, John C. & Elaine A. House, Shed, Garage - Thompson St. 8,673. 8,673. 503.03 Hughes, Melville & Romenia Land - Highland St. 1,900. 1,900. 110.20 House & Land - Highland St. 9,070. 9,070. 526.06 Hughes, Richard * House, Shed, Barn & Land - Highland St. 8,150. 8,150. 422.70 Hughes, Wayne & Olive * Stock-in-Trade 1,625. 1,625. 94.25 House, Garage & Land - School St. 4,569. 4,569. 215.00 Humble Oil & Refining Co. 30 Beacham St., Everett, Mass. 02149 Land - N. Main St. 15.143. 15,143. 878.30 Hurme, Veikka O. Dr. Land - Little Squam 2,100. Cottage & Land - Little Squam Hutchins, Iva Heirs c/o Mrs. Hazel Dalton, Upton, Mass. Land - Hutchins, Albert & Shirley House & Land - Carr Ave. Resident

Total Owner and Description

Hussey, John * House & Land - Collins St. Illsley, Russell & Rita * House, Shed & Land - N. Main St. Ingemi, Anthony & Marie 128 Taylor Ave., Dedham. Mass. 01844 Cottage & Land - Little Squam Jackman, Richard ' House & Land - River St. James, Peter & Verna K. * Louse & Land - Thompson St. Johnson, Allevina Rte.l, Ashland House & Land - River St. Johnson, John Plymouth, N. H. Cottage & Land - Little Squam Johnson, Robert A. & Grace L. House & Land - Highland St. Johnson, Gertrude Trailer & Land - Washington St. Jordan, Clarence C. & Mary A. * Tenement House - Hill Terrace House & Land - Highland St. Shop & Land - River St. Joyce, Charles & Ruth House & Land - Pleasant St. Keane, Thomas F. & Bernice T. 102 Williams, Chelsea, Mass. 02150 House, Garage & Land - Owl Brook Rd. Kelly, Donald Academy St., Laconia 03246 House, Barn & Land - Washington St. Kelly. John H. & Edna R. * R.F.D. #3, Plymouth House, Garage, Land - Rte. 175 Keniston, Harold R.F.D. #3, Plymouth House, Shed & Land - N. Ashland * Keniston, Herman J. & Alice I. House, Shed & Land - Leavitt Hill Kenny, James Trailer 1969 Hauser - Collins St. Kenyon, Everett & Carolyn W. Kingston, R. I. Cottage &, Land - River St. Kimball, Daniel L. & Madeline * Stock-in-Trade House, Shed, Barn & Lnad - Depot St. 2,150. 6,290.


Total Net Amount Owner and Description Valuation Assessible Tax

820. 21,040. Resident

Total Net Amount Owner and Description Valuation Assessible Tax

Morton, Alfred C, Sr. House, Barn, Sheds & Land - Sanborn Rd 8,170. Land - Brace Land Land - Cotton Field Land Trailer - Sanborn Rd. Morton, Fred House & Land - Morton Rd. Morton, George A. & Elizabeth Trailer & Land - Washington St. Morton, Norman Land - Off Sanborn Rd. Morton, Phillip E. House, Shed, Garage & Land - River St. Mount Prospect Lodge #69 c/o Arthur R. Dicey, Sr. Block Bldg. & Land - Main St. Moylon, Thomas & Catherine 55 Locust St., Lynn, Mass. 01904 House & Land - River St. Mudgett, Lewis F. & Kay W. * House, Shop & Land - So. Main St. Murdock, Francis L. & Mary R. House, Shop, Cottages & Land - Little Squam Murdough, Samuel C. & Susan M. House, Barn, Garage & Land - Highland St. Boathouse & Land - River St. Myre, Peder 16 Parkways Rd., Bronxville, N. Y. 10708 House, Sheds, Barns & Land - Owl Brook Rd. McDowell, Ann 234 Commonwealth Ave., Boston, Mass. 02115 Land - 7 Pines Lot - Rte. 175 McCormack, Gordon House, Garage & Land - River St. McGlone, Rodger House, Barn & Land - Main St, McLoud, Merlon E. Jr. House, Barn & Land - Carr Ave. McLoud, Martha A. Land - Carr Ave. Resident

Total Net Amount Owner and Description Valuation Assessible Tax

McNamara, Thomas E. & Dorothy S. House, Garage, Shop & Land - Highland St. 11,625. McNamara, Thomas M. & Evelyn L. House, Barn & Land - Depot St. Nelson, Arnold & Marianne Land - Little Squam River Land - N. Avenue Office Bldg. & Land - n/s Rte. 3 New England Telephone & Telegraph 35 Green St., Concord, N. H. 03301 Relay Station & Addition - Hill St. New Hampshire Electric Co-op, Inc. 6.34 miles of lines Newton, Richard House & Shed & Land - Thompson St. Nielsen, Knud B. Stock-in-Trade Land - River St. Niles, Elwin D, & Patricia C. Land - Washington St. House & Land - S. Main Niles, Howard Plymouth, N. H. Trailer, Toolhouse & Land - N. Ashland Noel, Arthur J. & Pauline E. 506 Howe St., Methuen, Mass. 01844 Cottage & Land - Little Squam Norman, William & Dorothy 2-Apt. House; Apt.-House; Shed, Poultryhouse & Land - Thompson St. Normandin, Raymond L. & Laura J. 391 Gushing St., Hingham, Mass. Cabin Colony, Shed & Land - Little Squam River Nourse, C. Freeman & Barbara 41 Clark St., Lexington, Mass. 02173 Cottage & Land - Little Squam Noyes, Herbert L. & Hazel R. 125 Mechanic St., Lakeport, N. H. 2 Lots - Carr Ave. 70' Strip of Land - Little Squam Ober, Carroll Jr. & Jean * House, Garages & Land - Highland St. Ober, George A., Jr. & Ruth House, Cabin Colony & Land - No. Main St. Resident

Total Net Amount Owner and Description Valuation Assessible Tax

Ober, Marjorie R.F.D. Plymouth, N. H. 03264 House, Sheds, Barn & Land - Owl Brook Rd. 9,650. 9,650. 559.70 Woodlot - Off Owl Brook Rd. 450. 450. 26.10 Woodlot - Off Owl Brook Rd. 360. 360. 20.88 O'Brien, John P. 9620 Rockaway Beach Blvd. Rockaway Beach, N. Y. 11693 Land - No. Ashland 1,350. 1,350. 78.30 O'Donnell, Hugh * House, Shed, Garage & Land - Cottage St. 5,520. 5,520. 270.16 OUerhead, William & Teresa House, Shed & Land - River St. 10,776. 10,776. 625.00 O'Laughlin, Alice T. & Trawbridge, Rosemarie & Howard 70 Prichard St.; W. Somerville, Mass. Cottage & Land - Little Squam Lake 16,246. 16,246. 942.27 Olmstead, Dr. Shirley Plymouth, N. H. Land - Little Squam Lake 2,520. Ordway, Mabel (Estate of) House & Land Depot St. Osgood, Donald B. No. Woodstock, N. H. 03262 Cottage, Shop & Land - River St. Pack, William G. Jr. & Linda A. ^= House, Barn & Land - Mill St. Packard, L. W. Co., Inc. Stock-in-Trade Mills, Machinery & Land Bldgs. & Land - Reed's Rd. Packard, Pauline House, Garage, Barn & Land - Highland St. 49,124. 49,124. 2,849.19 Page, Albert W., Jr. * House, Shed, Bam & Land - River St. 6,570. 6,570. 331.06 Paquette, Anatole J. Meredith, N. H. Land - Paper Mill Rd. 120. 120. 6.96 Paquette, Ernest A. & Lorraine L. House, Shed & Land - Washington St. 6,670. 6,670. 386.86 Paquette, Ernest J. & Paula F. House, Garage & Land - Hill St. 8,130. 8,130. 471.54 Paquette, Rene E. & Alice M. Land - Thompson St. 632. 632. 36.65 Resident

Total Net Amount Owner and Description Valuation Assessible Tax

Paquette, Roger * Resident

Total Net Amount Owner and Description Valuation Assessible Tax

Piatt, Ashley W. Bldgs. & Land - Pleasant St. 11,702. Potter, Darrell & Natalie House, Barn & Land - Thompson St. Potter, Frank Jr. & Desmond * House, Sheds & Land - School St. Preece, Daniel House & Land - Thompson St. Prescott, Donald & Faye House, Garage, Shop & Land - Washington St. Prescott, Norman House, Shed & Land - Depot St. Previdi, Nunziata House, Barn & Land - Cottage St. Proulx, Harold C. House, Barn & Land - Hill St. Pryor, Edith House, Garage & Land - Cottage St. Public Service Co. of New Hampshire Electric Utility Plant Puccetti, Alfred J. House & Land - Gordon St. Block & Land - Main St, Stock-in-Trade Randlett, Warren & Gladys Cottage, Garage & Land - Little Squam 9,000. 9,000. 522.00 Rauh, Robert H. & Marjorie 11 Harrington Dr., Holden, Mass. 01520 Cottage & Land - Little Squam Lake 12,000. 12,000. 696.00 Raymond, Armand & Agnes f R.F.D. 3, Plymouth, N. H. House, Garage & Land - No. Ashland Rd. 1,820. Reever, Gerald R. & Jeanne B. * House & Land - River St. Rice, Lyman R.F.D. 3, Laconia, N. H. Land - River St. Robinson, Charles & Fred 22 Fairbanks Rd., Lexington, Mass. Cottages & Land - Leavitt Hill Rd. Roby, Edwin M. Heirs Land - No. Ashland Rd. Roby, Robert E. & Marie M. * House, Garage & Land - Winter St. Resident Total Net Amount Owner and Description Valuation Assessible Tax Rock, Lawrence * House & Land - Depot St. 7,480. 7,480. 383.84 Rollins, Benjamin E. House, Barn & Land - River St. 5,420. 5,420. 314.36 Rollins, Fred H. & Barbara P. Meredith, N. H. 03253 Land - So. Main St. 100. 100. 5.80 Rollins, James & Marilyn H. House & Land - School St. 5,000. Block - Main St. Stock-in-Trade Romprey, Lena Comeau House, Sheds & Land - Winter St. 4.240. 4,240. Ross, Mrs. Louis W. 260 Lincoln St., Newton Highlands, Mass. c/o Sally L. Pestalozzi Autumn Lane, Carlisle, Mass. 01741 House, Barn, Shed & Land - River St. Ruell, Laurent J. * House, Barn & Land - Hill St. Rydzewski, Sophia K. 520 Summer St.; Lynn, Mass. 01905 Land - River St. St. Arnauld, Dona & Bertha * House & Land - Church St. St. Arnauld, Lucien House, Shop & Land - River St. Samaha, Harleen &Ardele Plymouth, N. H. Cottage & Land - Little Squam Lake Sanborn, Bernard F. & M. Adrienne * House & Land - Winter St. Sanborn, Florence D. House, Shed, Office & Land - No. Main St. Stock-in-Trade Sanborn, Melville House, Barn & Land - Sanborn Rd. Sargent, James * House & Land - Cottage St. Scott, Shirley 15 Shady Lane; Dover, N. H. House & Land - No. Main St. Foundation & Land - Hillside Ave. Seaward Construction Co., Inc. PO Box 1011, Portsmouth, N. H. Construction Machinery Shapiro, Oscar & Judith G. Resident

!iTotal Owner and Description Va 7 Linmoor Terrace; Lexington, Mass. House, Garage & Land - Little Squam Shaw, Jasper J. & Jeanette L. Unfinished House & Land - River St. House, Barn, Sheds & Land - New Hampton Rd.

3 Mobilehomes - New Hampton Rd. 3 Mobilhomes & Land - New Hampton Rd. Shaw, Robert T., Sr. House, Garage & Land - Highland St. Sharrow, Pahl Trailer - Collins St. Iherburne, Stuart A. & Barbara A. Plymouth, N. H. House, Garage & Land - Rte. 175 Shortt, Evelyn House & Land - Washington St. Simpson, Delma House, Barn, Garage & Land - Thompson St, 4 Cows; 4 Neatstock Trailer Sirles, Herbert G. & Gail M. Apt. Bldg. & Land - Mechanic St. Apt. Bldg. & Land - Highland St. Apt. Bldg., Store & Land - Main St. Apt. Bldg., Office & Land - Main St. Small, Raymond L. & Phyllis W. Land - No. Ashland Rd. House, Garage & Land - Highland St. Small, Robert H. & Pauline S. House, Shop & Land - Summer St. 5,550. 5,550. 321.90 Small, Howard A. & Mary Elizabeth Huckins Land - No. Ashland 110. 110. 6.38 House, Bldgs. & Land - Owl Brook Rd. 6,170. 6,170. 357.86 Smith, Harris L.

R.F.D. 3, Plymouth, N. H. Shop - No. Ashland Rd. 8,030. 8,030. 465.74 Smith, Harris L. & Lillian F. Business, Block & Land - Main St. 8,740. 8,740. 506.92 Laundromat Bldg. & Land - Main St. 7,780. 7,780. 451.24 Smith, Forrest D. & Marcia C. House, Garage & Land - Mill St. 3,360. 3,360. 194.88 Smith, Cyrus M. Trailer Bldg. & Land - River St. Stock-in-Trade Smith, David L. & Patricia L. 951 Church St., Rockledge, Fla. 32955 Land - No. Ashland Rd. 150. 150. 8.70 Resident

Total Net Amount Owner and Description Valuation Assessible Tax

Smith, Elois & Richard House, Barn & Land - Thompson St. 2,490. 2,490. 144.42 Smith, John R. * House & Land - Depot St. 8,760. 8,760. 458.08 Smith, George * Trailer & Land - No. Ashland Rd. 1,360. 1,360. 28.88 Smith, Mildred C. Bldg. & Land - Winter St. 1,450. 1,450. 84.10 Smith, Ziba * Mobilhome & Land - Hillside Ave. 3,890. 3,890. 175.62 Sobanik, Frank J. & Joyce N. 170 Pumpkin Ground Rd., Stratford, Conn. 06497 Land - Sanborn Rd. 1,000. 1,000. 58.00 Splaine, Edward 5 Topsfield Rd., Wenham, Mass. House, Cabin, Garage & Land Rte. 3 16,980. 16,980. 984.84 Squam Motors c/o Willard Hiltz Bldg. & Land - River St. 1,200. 1,200. 69.60 Stafford, George C. & Sons Lakeport, N. H. Filling Station & Land - No. Main St. 13,230. 13,230. 767.34 2 Gas Pumps 300. 300. 17.40 Staples, Winston W. & Shirley C. * Rte. 175, Ashland House, Garage & Land - Rte. 175 7,600. 7,600. 390.80 Stevens, Philip E. & Marion B. 61 Berkeley St.; Nashua, N. H. 03060 House, Bldgs. & Land - Leavitt Hill 41,490. 41,490. 2,406.42 Stewart, Frances & Edmund Mobilhome & Land - Washington St. 3,615. 3,615. 209.67 Stewart, Lucy A. House & Land - So. Main St. 5,990. 5,990. 347.42 Stewart, Leo House, Shed & Land - Cottage Place 3,000. 3,000. 174.00 Stockbridge, Mrs. John Lakeview Rd.; E. Weymouth, Mass. 02189 Land - No. Ashland Rd. 410. 410. 23.78 Bldg. & Land - River St. 1,080. 1,080. 62.64 Straw, John C. & Nancy B. * House, Bam & Land - Winter St. 5,880. 5,880. 291.04 Straw, Richard & Lumina * House, Barn, Sheds & Land - River St. 6,960. 6,960. 353.68 Suffill, Thomas House & Land - So. Main St. 4,900. 4,900. 284.20 Resident

Total Net Amowif Owver rind Descriptiov Valuation Assessible Tax

Sylvernale, Mary E. 73 Myrtle St.; Hartford, Conn. 06105 Cottage & Land - Leavitt Hill Rd. 3,500. 3,500. 203.00 Squam Shores Development c/o Willard Hiltz Land - River St. 2,950. Tanguay, Joseph A. House & Land - Glove St. Tarr, Bert G. & Adelia M. House & Land - Mill St. Taylor, Teodore Mobilhome - Shaw's Trailer Park - N. H. Rd., (Registered for road travel) Thompson, George House & Land - Rte. 3 Thorstensen, Thomas C. & Helen I. 26 Dalton Rd.; Chelmsford, Mass. House, Barn & Land - (Sinclair Place) Thurston, Annie R.F.D., Plymouth, N. H. Mobilhome & Land - No. Ashland Rd. Titus, Winston R.F.D. Center Harbor Hill, Meredith, N. H. House & Land - River St. Titus, Clifford Plymouth, N. H. Gas Pumps Tokanel, Dumitru & Geraldine House, Sheds, Chicken House - Sanborn Rd, Towne, Donald M. & Barbara Ann Business Bldg. & Land - Main St. Stock-in-Trade - Main St. House & Land - So. Main St. Turmelle, Lucille W. Cottage & Land - Highland St. Turmelle, Lester & Lucille Bldgs. & Land - Thompson St. Uhlman, Stephen D. & Gloria House, Bam & Land - Mill St. Valliere, Margaret E. * House & Land - Depot St. VanAalst, Neville W. & Nancy M. House, Barn & Land - River St. Vachon, Anthony M, & Sandra House, Shop & Land - Owl Brook Rd. Resident

Total Net Amount Owner and Description Vahiation Assessible Tax

Vachon, Anthony M., Sr.* Resident

Total Net Amount Owner and Description Valuation Assessible Tax

Whortleberry, Inc. Robert Frey, Pres.; Plymouth. N. H. House & Land - No. Main St. 6,798. Wilder, Royce & Adine * House & Land - Thompson St. Willette, Albert H. & Gloria M. Trailer & Land - River St. Williams, Franklyn 316 Lincoln St.; Worcester, Mass. Cottage & Land - Little Squam Lake Willoughby, E. Pearl

R.F.D. 3, Plymouth, N. H. Bldgs. & Land - No. Ashland Rd. Willoughby, Earl, Jr. Land - Hillside Ave. Willey, Irvin No. Woodstock, N. H. Cottage & Land - River St. Winn, Thomas D. & Ann F. Bldgs. & Land - So. Main St. Wright, Herman House & Land - New Hampton Rd. Wilcox, Robert Mobilhome - Shaw's Trailer Park Yeaton, Russell J. & Mary R. * House, Barn & Land - Mill St. Young, Emmet & Elizabeth E. R.F.D. 3, Plymouth, N. H. House, Garage & Land - Rte. 175 9,930. 9,930. 575.94 Young, Gerald R. & Pamela A. House & Land - Winter St. House & Land - Winter Street Young, Homer N. & Marie D. * BvTsiness Block & Land - Main St. Stock-in-Trade Young, Homer N. & Flanders, George N. = House & Land - River St. 3,950. 3,950. 179.10 Young, Lillian M. House & Land - Winter St. Bldg. & Land - Main St. House & Land - Highland St, Young, Robert E. & Elizabeth House & Land - Carr Ave. Young, Robert F. & Catherine Apt. Bldg. & Land - No Main St. Zepiela, John House, Garage & Land - River St. BOATS

Total Net Amount Owner and Description Valuation Assessible Tax

Andrejkovics, Stephen J. 397 Upland St., Westbury, N. Y. 1963 MFG 225. 225. 13.05 Bartlett, Dorothy S. PO Box 3102 Pompano Beach, Fla. 33062 1960 Chriscraft 100. 100. 5.80 Bartlett, Kenneth Plymouth, N. H. 1962 Century 688. 688. 39.90 Bartosewicz, Fred. J. 83a Broadway Chelsea, Mass. 02150 1966 Starcraft 315. 315. 18.27 Batchelder, Ralph RFD #1 Plymouth, N. H. 1958 Lonestar 100. 100. 5.80 Batchelder, William Plymouth, N. H. 1963 PennYann 450. 450. 26.10 Behre, Henry 80 Old Farm Rd., Hamden, Conn. 06517 1965 Starcraft Skiff 122. 122. 7.08 Bilodeau, Alfred 1960 Starcraft 270. 270. 15.66 Bilodeau, Leo A. RFD #1 Stafford Springs, Conn. 06076 1967 MFG 567. 567. 32.89 Blanchard, Forrest S. 48 Broadway, Stoneham, Mass. 02180 17' Carver 150. 150, 8.70 Bloom, Robert 214 Midland Dr., Orange, Conn. 16' Bowman 150, 150. 8.70 Brandhorst, Richard L. c/o E. A. Shaw & Co. 99 Bedford St., Boston 1964 Chriscraft 675, 675, 39.15 Buckley, Frances M, 14 Puritan Rd., N. Beverly, Mass. 01915 1958 Correctcraft 315. 315. 18.27 Buell, William E,, Jr, 655 Greene Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. 11221 14' Thompson 150. 150. 8.70 Boats

Total Net Amount Owner and Description Valuation Asscssible Tax

Burham, Bowdon 7 Bertha PL, Irvington, N. Y. Boston Whaler 250. 250. 14.50 Butterworth, Paul Sunset Farms, W. Hartford, Conn. 13' MFG 250. 250. 14.50 Galley, Richard 31 Alice Ave., Manchester, N. H. 1959 PennYann 140. 140. 8.12 Chalbeck, Reynold P. RFD #, Box 211A, Manchester, N. H. 03104 1967 Starcraft 450. 450. 26.10 Chambers, Henry, Jr. Rt. #1, Box 202, Prospect, Ky. 40059 1967 MFG 567. 567. Cross, Russell 1958 Duratuch 180. Crowell, Dr. William 24 New Castle Rd., Belmont 78, Mass, 1955 Shepard 22' 540. Crowley, R. Carlene 1967 Starcraft 450. Cummings, Laurence T. 900 W. 8th St. Connersville, Ind. 47331 1963 Carver 135. Currier, Everett B. 1959 White 100. Dame, Sherburne A. 1959 MFG 100. Def Lambert, Benjamin 120 Lowell Rd., Westford, Mass. 01886 1964 Starcraft 720. Doggett, Edward N. 16' Diston 180. Downing, Stephen D. 146 Chestnut St., Springfield, Mass. 01103 Hudson, N. H. 1965 Glastron 150. Ecker, J. Leonard 1963 Starcraft 135. Evans, Albert B. 11 Duncklee St., Newton Highland, Mass. 1968 MFG 16' 850. 1968 MFG 12' 150. Boats

Total Net Amount Owner and Description Vahiation Assessible Tax

Ewing, Hampton D., Jr. 35 Belmont Terr., Yonkers, N. Y. 1965 Starcraft 150. 150. 8.70 Farnum, Edgar A. Old Farm Rd., Dover, Mass. 17' Carver 100. 100. 5.80 Field, Logan S. 6 Martin Rd., Weston, Mass. 17' Higgins 270. 270. 15.66 Fletcher, John C. Plymouth, N. H. 1963 Carver 135. 135. 7.83 FolchPi, Jordi 228 Marlborough St., Boston, Mass. 02116 17' Thompson 100. 100. 5.80 Fritz, W., Md. RFD 569, Lutherville, Md. Mirrorcraft 180. 180. 10.44 Garon, Alan 18 Deerfield Rd., Wellesley Hills, Mass. 1960 Lyman 225. 225. 13.05 Garrick, G. K. 1 Rond Point, Bugeaud, Paris 16, France 14' MFG 250. Glidden, John E. 1967 Starcraft 18' Greene, Raymond 1963 Lonestar Harriman, James L. 69 Thorndike St., Concord, N. H. 03301 61 Lonestar 100. 100. 5.80 Herbert, Maurice S. 53 Union St., Franklin, Mass. 1966 Glastron 500. 500. 29.00 Hill, "Walter Plymouth, N. H. 1960 Carver 135. 135. 7.83 Hiam, Peter 112 Upland St., Cambridge, Mass. 02140 1965 Boston Whaler 400. 400. 23.20 Hiltz, Willard MFG. 16' 350. 350. 20.30 Hoag, John 137 Newbury St., Boston, Mass. 1964 Traveler 450. 450. 26.10 Boats

Total Net Aviount Owner and Description Valuation Assessible Tax

Hughes, Elmer C. 1967 Mirrorcraft alum. 16' 450. 450. 26.10 Ingemi, Anthony 128 Taylor Ave., Dedham, Mass. 1965 Starcraft 14' 125. 125. 7.25 Jackson, Howard C. Sandwich 16' Buhler 150. 150. 8.70 Johnson, George Blake 23 Indian Head Rd., Framingham, Mass. 01701 1962 Carver 135. 135. 7.83 1967 Sailboat O'Day 1,080. 1,080. 62.64 Joseph, Alfred (Dr.) 11 Plymouth Rd., Lexington, Mass. 1963-64 Carver 135. 135. 7.83 Kimball, A. R. 35 Prospect St., St. Albans, Vt. 16' MFC 500. 500. 29.00 King, Arthur S. 21 Norfolk Ave., W. Medway, Mass. 1960 Carver 100. 100. 5.80 KIoss, John S. 266 Troy-del Way, Williamsville, N. Y. 14221 1954 PennYann 100. 100. 5.80 Lay, Hubert R. Burroughs Rd., Boxboro, Mass. RFD c/o W. Acton, Mass. 1957 Higgins 135. 135. 7.83 LeBaron, Paul, MD 24 Union Ave., Framingham, Mass. 1966 Starcraft 450, 450. 26.10 Luquer, Thatcher P. 10 Appleton St., Cambridge, Mass. 02138 1965 Starcraft 135. 135. 7.83 IMcArthur, Robert W. 21 Joseph Reed Lane, W. Acton, Mass. 14' Crestline 150. 150. 8.70 McGuinness, John W.

107 Parkway Dr., Warwick, R. I. 1966 Starcraft 200. 200. 11.60 Marsh, Irving R. Box 154, Holden, Mass. 01520 1956 Jafco Runabout 21' 530. 530. 30.74 Boats

Total Net Amount Owner and Description Valtmtion Assessible Tax

Medico-Legal Research Service, Inc. Ashland, N. H. 18' Starcraft 720. 720. 41.76 Mershon, Solomon A. 102 Brocton Ave., Ext. Haverhill, Mass. 14' Starcraft Runabout 325. 325. 18.85 Metcalf, Dr. Joanna 24 Southwick Rd., Waban, Mass. 18' Starcraft 810. 810. 46.98 Monti, Dr. Victor 50 Carrington Ave., Woonsocket, R. I. 1960 19' Shepard Runabout 2,200. 2,200. 127.60 Moser, Chris 216 Garden Rd., Palm Beach, Fla. 18' Chriscraft 180. 180. 10.44 Murdough, Thomas G. 1740 Ridge Ave., Evanston, 111. 60204 17' Starcraft 675. 675. 39.15 Nikander, John A. 33 Burnside Ave., E. Hartford, Conn. 06108 1957 Higgins Runabout 100. 100. 5.80 Normandeau, Donald A.

R.F.D. 1, Worthley Hill Rd., Goffstown, N. H. 19' White Runabout 450. 450. 26.10 Olmstead, Dr. Shirley 85 Jefferson St., Hartford, Conn. Plymouth, N. H. 17' Thompson 135. 135. 7.83 Phelps, Dr. Maxwell 15' Thompson 250. 250. 14.50 Phillips, Henry 11 High St., Exeter, N. H. 03833 18' Starcraft 975. 975. 56.55 Preston, Anita B. 29 Randolph Rd., Chestnut Hill, Mass. 02167 14' PennYann 150. 150. 8.70 Preston, Jerome c/o Gardner & Preston Moss, Inc. 255 Franklin St., Boston, Mass. 1966 Boston Whaler 810. 810. 46.98 Preston, Robert E. 5870 Sylvia Dr., New Orleans, La. 15' Starcraft 200. 200. 11.60 Boats

Total Net Amount Owner and Description Valuation Assessible Tax

Reichard, M. Nirk 40 Rampart Rd., So. Norwalk, Conn. 16' Carver 225. 225. 13.05 Richardson, Carroll Harris Shore Rd., Gilford, N. H. 15' MFG Runabout 250. 250. 14.50 Rawley, F. Hunter 107 Spencer Brk, Rd., Concord, Mass. 01742 Starcraft Runabout 860. 860. 49.88 Russell, John S., Jr. Peter Bont Rd., Irvington, N. Y. 01533 Sunfish Sailboat 250. 250. 14.50 Sanborn, Robert E. 8 Black Horse Terrace, Winchester, Mass. 14' Starcraft Runabout 150. 150. 8.70 Schreiber, James L. 220 Lowell Rd., Wellesley, Mass. 02181 18' Starcraft Runabout 810. 810. 46.98 Schwartz, James 70 Franklin Ave., Chelsea, Mass. 02152 20' Penn Yann Runabout Explorer 1,890. 1,890. 109.62 Shaw, Jasper Ashland, N. H. 16' Wolverine 150. 150. 8.70 Slocum, H. B. ADM 3133 Conn. Ave., N. W. Washington, D. C. 20008 16' Starcraft Runabout 866. 866. 50.23 Smith, Csnrus Ashland, N. H. 18' Jafco Runabout 450. 450. 26.10 Stevens, Philip 61 Berkeley St., Nashua, N. H. 18' PennYann Runabout 1,530. 1,530. 88.74 Thompson, Sumner 100 Burn Brook Rd., E. Hartford, Conn. 17' PennYann 990. 990. 57.42 Thurber, Davis P. 25 Smart Terrace, Nashua, N. H. 16' Boston Whaler 270. 270. 15.66 Boats

Total Net Amount Owner and Description Valuation Assessible Tax

Wadleigh, Arthur E. ASHLAND

School Report

1969 Officers of Ashland School District


School Board Term Expires

Mrs. Patricia W. Heinz, Chairman 1972

Mr. J. Carlton Beard 1972

Mrs. Jean K. Ober 1970

Mr. James H. Rollins 1970

Mrs. Mary W. Ruell 1971

Treasurer Thomas W. Heinz

Moderator Dr. Glenn W. Bricker

Clerk Joyce M. Bavis

Attendance Officer Ernest A. Paquette

Census Mary Jordan

Bookkeeper Joyce M. Bavis

Principal Paul R. Badger

Principal's Secretary Bonnie Morrison

School Doctor Alaistair Craig, M. D.

Superintendent Martin E. Heffernan

Office: Bixby House, Lang Street, Meredith, N. H.

Telephone: 279-6181

130 :

Annual School District Meeting Minutes of March 12, 1969

In accordance with the School District Warrant, legally signed by the Ashland School Board and posted February 20, 1969, by Patricia W. Heinz, Chairman, the meeting was called to order by the Moderator, Helen Knowlton, at 2:00 p. m., on March 12, 1969, at the Ashland School Auditorium-Gym- nasium, and the warrant was read. The polls were declared open.

Upon motion, duly seconded, it was voted that the polls remain open for voting on Article 1 until 8:00 p.m., and at that time, the remaining articles be acted upon.

J. Carleton Beard was sworn in as ballot clerk by the Moderator, at 1 :45 p. m. Patricia W. Heinz was sworn in as ballot clerk at 3:30 p. m. by the Moderator. The polls were declared closed at 8:00 p.m. by the Moderator, and the articles of the of the Warrant were taken up with the following results

ARTICLE 2. To hear the reports of Agents, Auditors, Committees, or Officers chosen, and to pass any vote relating thereto.

On motion made and seconded, it was voted to accept the reports of the audit of the General Fund, Treasurer, School Lunch Program, and the Activities Accounts of Ashland High School that were made by the Division of Municipal Accounting of the State Tax Commission and the reports of the Agents of the District as printed in the Annual Report.

ARTICLE 3. To see what sum of money the District will vote to raise and appropriate for the support of schools, for the payments of salaries for school district officials and agents, and for the payment of the statutory obligations of the District. Upon motion made and duly seconded, with discussion following, it was voted that the District raise and appropriate the sum of $270,397.95 for the support of schools, for the payment of salaries for school district officials and agents, and for the payment of the statutory obligations of the Dis- trict.

ARTICLE 4. A motion was made, seconded, and so voted that the School Board make application for and accept, on behalf of the District, any or all grants or offers for edu- cational purposes which may now or hereafter be forth- coming from the State of New Hampshire and/or United States. 131 :

ARTICLE 5. To hear the report of the School Study Committee and to take any action relating thereto. Mrs. Marjorie Glidden, Chairman of the School Study Committee, gave a very informative report. On motion, duly seconded, it was voted that the District accept the report of the School Study Committee, and that the Ashland School •Board be authorized to petition the Superior Court for per- mission to hold a Special School District Meeting with the same authority as an annual meeting in accordance with Chapter 197, Section 3 of the New Hampshire Revised Statutes annotated as amended, relative to Public Schools, in order that the voters of the Ashland School District may act on the recommendation of the School Study Committee for the construction of an addition to the Allen K. Ober Ele- mentary School.

ARTICLE 6. To transact any other business that may legally come before the meeting. The time on duty, the need for a full time nurse, and the state requirements for a nurse were discussed. The Moderator declared the meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m.

ARTICLE 1. Results of balloting for candidates. Total ballots counted and approved for this meeting - 311, Total ballots cast - 99. Moderator Glenn W. Bricker 68 Helen Knowlton 15 Clerk Joyce M. Bavis 90 Treasurer Thomas W. Heinz 87

Two School Board Members for Three Years

J. Carleton Beard, 45; Patricia W. Heinz, 65; John C.

Hughes, 24 ; Gail M. Sirles, 27. J. Carleton Beard and Patricia W. Heinz, having plurality, were declared elected.

The ballots were sealed and signed by the School Board Members, Clerk, and by the Moderator, as required by law.

Helen Knowlton, Moderator, swore in the new Clerk, Treasurer, and the two members of the School Board for three years. The Moderator swore in the new Moderator, and the newly elected Moderator appointed Helen Knowlton as Assistant Moderator, and swore her in. Respectfully submitted, Joyce M. Bavis, Clerk

March 24, 1969

132 :

School District Warrant

Grafton, SS School District of Ashland

To the Inhabitants of the Ashland School District in the said Town of Ashland, in the County of Grafton, in said State, qualified to vote in District affairs:

You are hereby notified to meet at the Ashland School Auditorium-Gymnasium in said District on the 11th day of March, 1970 at 9:30 a. m. in the forenoon, to act on Article 1 hereof, and you are further notified to meet at the same place on the same day at 8:00 p. m. to act on the remaining articles in this warrant

Article 1 of this warrant covering the election of Moder- ator, Clerk, Treasurer and two members of the School Board will be acted upon at 10 :00 a. m., and voting will be by official ballot and check list. The polls will remain open for this purpose from 10:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m. and from 7:30 p. m. to 9:00 p. m., if the meeting so determines.

Article 1. To choose by ballot a Moderator, a Clerk and a Treasurer for the ensuing year, and two members of the School Board for the ensuing three years.

Article 2. To hear the reports of Agents, Auditors, Com- mittees or Officers chosen and pass any vote relating thereto.

Article 3. To see what sum of money the District will vote to raise and appropriate for the support of schools, for the salaries of school district officials and for the payment of the statutory obligations of the District, and to authorize an application against said appropriation of such sums as are estimated to be received from the state together with other income; the School Board to certify to the selectmen the balance between the_ revenue and the appropriation, which balance is to be raised by taxes by the Town.

133 Article. 4. To see if the District will vote to authorize the School Board to make application for and to ac- cept, on the behalf of the District any or all grants or offers for educational purposes which may now or hereafter be forthcoming from the State of New Hampshire and/or United States.

Article 5. To see if the School District will vote to transfer and convey to the Town of Ashland, the so-called vocational building and land on which it is located upon such terms and conditions as said meeting may determine, including specifically the right reserved to the School District to use the land for automobile parking in connection with any and all school purposes, and to authorize the school board to carry out the vote.

Article 6. To see if the District will vote to elect its School District officers at the Annual Town Meeting effective in 1971 in accordance with RSA 197:l-a.

Article 7. To transact any other business that may legally come before the meeting.

Given under our hands at said Ashland this 18th day of February 1970.



A true copy of Warrant — Attest:



134 Ashland School Budget

1970 - 1971

School Budget Approved Board's Cominiftee's Budget Budget Budget 1969-1970 1970-1971 1970-1971 A dministr'a Hon

Salaries $ 1,215.00 $ 1,320.00 $ 1,170.00 Contracted Services 1,200.00 1,130.00 1,130.00 Other Expenses 700.00 680.00 680.00


Salaries 10,840.00 Textbooks Library & Audiovisual Materials 2,482.00 Teaching Supplies Contracted Services Other Expenses

Attendance Service

Health Services

Pupil Transportation

Operation of Plant Sites — — Buildings Equipment § Unencumbered Balance July 1, 19G9 as determined by Tax Commission Audit. t Estimated Balance July 1, 1970.

Additional Revenue: :

Division of Municipal Accounting state Tax Commission Concord, New Hampshire SUMMARY OF FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS

August 21, 1969 The School Board

Ashland School District Ashland, New Hampshire


Submitted herewith is the report of the annual examin- ation and audit of the accounts of the Ashland School District for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1969, which was made by this Division in accordance with the vote of the District. Exhibits as hereafter listed are included as part of the report, SCOPE OF AUDIT

Included in the examination and audit were the accounts and records of the School Board and the School District Treasurer. Also included are reports on the School Lunch Account and the Student Activities Account.


Comparative Balance Sheets: (Exhibit A)

Comparative Balance Sheets as of June 30, 1968 and June 30, 1969, are presented in Exhibit A. As indicated therein, the Net Debt decreased by $5,686.40 during the fiscal year ended June 30, 1969.

Analysis of Change in Financial Condition: (Exhibit B)

An analysis of the change in financial condition of the School District during the fiscal year is made in Exhibit B, with the factors which caused the change indicated therein.

138 :

Comparative Statements of Appropriations and Expenditures - Estimated and Actual Revenues: (Exhibits C & D) Comparative statements of appropriations and expendi- tures, estimated and actual revenues for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1969, are presented in Exhibits C & D. As indicated by the Budget Summary (Exhibit D), a net unexpended balance of appropriations of $2,247.88, plus a revenue surplus of $1,523.08, resulted in a net budget surplus of $3,770.96.

Classified Statement of Receipts and Expenditures: (Exhibit E) A classified statement of receipts and expenditures for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1969, made up in accordance with the uniform classification of accounts, is included in Exhibit E. Proof of the Treasurer's balance as of June 30, 1969, is indicated in Exhibit F. Statement of School Lunch Account: (Exhibit G)

Statement of the Ashland School Lunch account is presented in Exhibit G.

Statement of Student Activity Accounts: (Exhibit H)

A statement of the Student Activity accounts is included in Exhibit H.

Statement of School Tax Account: (Exhibit I) A statement of the School Tax Account with the Town of Ashland is presented in Exhibit L As indicated therein, as of June 30, 1969, the School District had received from the Town the total of the 1968-69 School Tax in the amount of $187,944.44

Statement of Bonded Debt: (Exhibit J) A statement of the outstanding bonded indebtedness of the School District as of June 30, 1969, showing annual debt service requirements, is contained in Exhibit J.


Current Surplus The current surplus (excess of current assets over current liabilities) increased by $686.40, from $3,084.56 to

139 :

$3,770.96, during the fiscal year ended June 30, 1969, as shown herewith:

June 30, 1968 June 30, 1969

Current Assets $6,321.75 $9,656.13 Current Liabilities 3,237.19 5,885.17

Current Surplus $3,084.56 $3,770.96

Bonds or Notes Authorized - Unissued: $350,000.00

At a Special School District Meeting held April 30, 1969 it was voted to appropriate the sum of $350,000.00 for constructing and originally equipping and furnishing an addition to the Allen K. Ober Elementary School. To raise this appropriation the School Board is authorized to borrow $350,000.00 under the Municipal Finance Act, and the School Board is authorized to contract for or accept any grants of federal or state aid which may be available with respect to the project.


The provisions of Chapter 184 of the Laws of 1955, require that the summary of findings and recommendations (letter of Transmittal) of this report shall be published in the next annual report of the School District.

We extend our thanks to the officials of the Ashland School District for their assistance during the course of the audit.

Yours very truly,

0. MAURICE OLESON, Director Division of Municipal Accounting State Tax Commission

OMO:ple Stephen D. Plodzik, Auditor

Charles E. Rainville, Accountant

140 Division of Municipal Accounting state Tax Commission Concord, New Hampshire

August 21, 1969

Certificate of Audit

This is to certify that we have examined and audited the accounts and records of the Ashland School District for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1969.

Our examination was made in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards and accordingly, included such tests of the accounting records and such other auditing procedures as were considered necessary in the circumstances.

On our opinion, the Exhibits included herewith present fairly the financial condition of the School District as of

June 30, 1969, together with the results of operations for the fiscal year ended on that date.

Respectfully submitted,

0. MAURICE OLESON, Director Division of Municipal Accounting State Tax Commission

Stephen D. Plodzik, Auditor

Charles E. Rainville, Accountant


Comparative Balance Sheets

As of June 30, 1968 and June 30, 1969

ASSETS June 30, 19(!8 :



Analysis of Change in Financial Condition

Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1969

Net Debt - June 30, 1968 $33,915.44

Net Debt - June 30, 1969 28,229.04

Decrease in Net Debt $5,686.40



Net Budget Surplus En ol (M «3 00 00 O la to CO 00

O 00 O O '-^ •>* lO in c~ -c: ci Lo in oj i-i O tH «0 O O C2 to cc tc Ol

c- o o o o o o o lo o C5 CO i-H T-l Lo^ t- Tjt o 00 co^ lO 00 t-' r-T CO c

O O o o o O O O lO o



o c a M

= « s J^ o a C S ^ O U ^ -^ *-' >~^ ft CO ?^ ^ & c ^ ^ -^ -^ *f, 's cr 02 S g, W O W P G .2 w eq H CO Co O Q O


Comparative Statement of Estimated and Actual Revenues and Budget Summary

Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1969

— Reveiuies —

Estimated Actual Excess Deficit Surplus used to Reduce School Tax $ 3,084.56 $ 3,084.56 $ $

Federal Aid:

N.D.E.A. - Title III 317.86 317.86

State Aid:

Foundation Aid 40,964.95 Building Aid Driver Education Sweepstakes

Other Sources :


Classified Statement of Receipts and Expenditures

Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1969


Federal Aid:

School Lunch & Special Milk Progiam $ 1,957.G0

State Aid:

Foundation Aid Building: Aid Driver Education Sweepstakes .

EXHIBIT E (Continued)


Classified Statement of Receipts and Expenditures Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1969



Salaries $ 1,095.00 Contracted Services 1,317.79 Other Expenses 1,004.14

$ 3,416.93

histmiction :

Salaries $155,.502.09 Textbooks 1,672.26 Library & Audiovisual Materials 2,090.47 Teaching: Supplies 5,118.67 Contracted Services 179.80 Other Expenses 2,230.59


Attendance Services $ 60.00

Health Services 6.369.89

Pnpil Transportation 4,685.00

Operation of Plant:

Salaries $ 7,909.40 Supplies 2,615.58 Contracted Services 365.50 Heat 6,602.70 Utilities 2,901.66


Maintenance of Plant 4,290.01

Fixed Charges:

Employee Retirement & F.I.C.A. $ 8,378.83 Insurance 1,701.00


School Lnnch & Special Milk Program 4,457.62

Stndent-Bodij Activities 4,041.18 148 Exhibit E (Continued)


Classified Statement of Receipts and Expenditures

Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1969


Capital Outlay

Sites $ 385.95 Buildings 1,377.27 Equipment 1,317.84


Debt Service:

Principal of Debt $ 5,000.00 Interest on Debt 1,591.00


Outgoing Tra)isfcr Accounts I)t-State.

Supervisory Union Expenses $ 440.00 Tuition 4,730.46 EXHIBIT F ASHLAND SCHOOL DISTRICT

Summary of Receipts, Expenditures and Proof of Balance

Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1969

- Balance July 1, 1968 f 6,122.72 Receipts During Year 242,784.55

$248,907.27 Expenditures During Year 239,431.70

Balance - June 30, 1969 P9,475.57


Balance in the Meredith Trust Company - Per Statement June 27, 1969 $ 26,488.36 Less: Outstanding- Checks 17,012.79

Reconciled Balance - June 30, 1969 $9,475.57


Statement of School Lunch Account

Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1969


Summary of Student Activity Accounts and Proof of Balance Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1969 EXHIBIT I


Statement of School Tax Account

Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1969

1968-69 School Tax $187,944.44

Received From Tovn Duruig 1968-GO:

July 19, 1968 $10,000.00

August 14, 1968 10,000.00

October 30, 1968 20,000.00

December 11, 1968 20,000.00

December 21, 1968 20,000.00

February 20, 1969, 10,000.00

March 25, 1969 10,000.00

April 17, 1969 10,000.00

April 24, 1969 10,000.00

May 14, 1969 10,000.00

May 28, 1969 10,000.00

June 5, 1969 10,000.00

June 20, 1969 .37,944.44



Statement of Bonded Indebtedness, Showing Annual Maturities of Principal and Interest

As of June 30, 1969

School Addition Bonds 4£%

Amount of Issue $77,000.00

Date of Original Issue August 1st & February 1st

Principal Payable Date February 1, 1960

Interest Payable Dates February 1st

Payable At Meredith Trust Company

Maturities - Fiscal Year Ending. Principal Interest

June 30, 1970 $5,000.00 $1,376.00

June 30, 1971 5,000.00 1,161.00

June 30, 1972 5,000.00 946.00

June 30, 1973 5,000.00 731.00

June 30, 1974 6,000.00 516.00

June 30, 1975 6,000.00 258.00

$32,000.00 $4,988.00

154 :

Report of the Superintendent of Schools

To the School Board and Citizens of Ashland:

I hereby submit my fifteenth annual report as Superin- tendent of the Ashland School District. Staff In September of 1969, there were the following new members

Mr. Paul R. Badger, a graduate of Dartmouth College and who has a Master's Degree from the University of Southern California, was elected Principal, Grades one through twelve. Mr. Badger has been a teacher in Amherst and Principal-Teacher at Andover, Maine, Sabattus, Maine, and Principal at Enfield Grades one through twelve. He was in the Air Force for 18 years and this past year he was Principal at Pittsburg, New Hampshire. Due to the shortage of qualified Industrial Arts Teachers, Mr. Bartlett who had served as Principal for the past two years, was assigned to teach the Industrial Arts Classes.

Mrs. Marion Childs of Concord and a graduate of the University of New Hampshire and who has a Master's Degree from Boston University in Guidance, replaced Mr. Hyder as Guidance Director. Mrs. Childs has taught at Andover High School and has been Guidance Director at Penacook High, Littleton High, Franconia College and Assistant Dean at Capital University in Columbus, Ohio and Dean of Women at Pikeville College in Kentucky.

Miss Amy Glendinning, a graduate of Walnut Hill School, Bouve School of Northeastern University and who has done graduate study at Boston University and Tufts University is the Girl's Physical Education Director and Coach. Miss Glendinning has taught in the Portland Jr. High School, Dean Jr. College, St. Mary's School in New York State and at Littleton, Mass. High School.

Mrs. Mildred Uhlman, a graduate of Plymouth State College and a former teacher at Holderness Central is_ teach- ing a combination grade 4 and 5 replacing Mrs. Craig who has moved to Arizona.

Mr. Richard LaPlant, a graduate of Plymouth State College and who taught at Lincoln this past year is teaching grade 5, replacing Mrs. Leopold who will be at home. 155 Miss Judith Stewart, a graduate of the University of New Hampshire is teaching Grade Six replacing Mrs. Phyllis Smith who retired from teaching last June after many years in the Ashland School System.

Mr. William Bourbeau, a graduate of St. Anslems College is teaching English in Grades Nine and Ten, replacing Mr. Labrie.

Mr, William Contini, a graduate of Northeastern Uni- versity is teaching mathematics in Grades Seven, Eight and Nine, replacing Mr. Beem who accepted a position at the Laconia State School.

Mrs, Shirley Lear, a graduate of Plymouth State and a former teacher at Ashland returned to teach Science. She is replacing Mrs. Knight as her husband accepted a position at Hinsdale, New Hampshire.

Mrs. Candace Raymond, a gradua^te of Plymouth State is replacing Miss Crawford as teacher of English in the Junior High. Miss Crawford returned to the University of New Hampshire to work on her Master's Degree program.

Mrs. Diane Whiston, who attended Akron University is teaching the music classes on the elementary level.

Mrs. Donnie Morrison is the secretary in the office as Mrs. Holland moved to .

Mr. William Bullock of Rumney is the new custodian re- placing Norman Prescott.

Salary Schedule The Salary schedule base has increased from $5,700. to .$6,000. for the 1970-71 school year with increments of $200. per year to $7,800. for 10 years.

Costs The property tax assessment for 1969-70 was $219,131.36 an increase of $31,186.92 over the 1968-69 assessment.

The District has received $41,289.22 from Foundation Aid, $1,546.02 Building Aid and $2,574.22 from the Sweep- stakes program and these monies have been used to reduce the tax assessment for the 1969-70 school year.

156 The anticipated revenue for next year is $38,044.42 Foundation Aid, $7,546.02 Building Aid which is 30% of the yearly payment on the principal and $2,000. from Sweep- stakes.

The cost per pupil as computed by the State Department of Education for 1968-1969 excluding transportation and capi- tal outlay was as follows: Grades one to six $394.61, grades seven and eight $665.33 and grades nine to twelve $841.43.

The State Average costs were as follows : Grades 1-6 $483.00,

Grades 7-8 $562.00 ; and Grades 9-12 $695.00.

School Study and Expansion Program

The School Study Committee presented a report at the 1969 Annual Meeting and authorization was granted for a Special Schol District Meeting. The Meeting was held on April 30, 1969 at which time the District voted to build an addition- al six classrooms, library resource center, toilet areas, storage space and an office to the Allen K. Ober Elementary School and to build a building to connect to the new addition which would provide space for the Industrial Arts and Home Economics Program and include a multi-purpose or Commons room for cafeteria, music, physical education and assemblies. Mr. Lawson Glidden presented the District 17 acres of land adjoining the school property which will be used as a play area.

The voters approved $350,000. for the project and bids were opened on October 19, 1969. There were four bidders and Hanson Bros., Inc. of Manchester was awarded a contract for $317,223.00. The architects fee to Arthur Fahr of Moultonboro is $17,000, leaving $6,000. for play areas, road- way and grounds and $9,777. for furnishings.

The new addition to the Ober School will be used for grades 4, 5, 6, art classes and Library Resource Center for all grades.

The Elementary School will be used as a Junior High for grades 7 and 8.


I wish to extend my appreciation to Mrs. John E. Glidden who served as Chairman of the School Study Committee and Dr. Mary G. Bilheimer, Chairman of the Building Committee for their leadership in helping to provide these excellent facilities for the youth of Ashland.

157 The Ashland School District is very fortunate in con- tinuing to have devoted citizens as members of the School Board.

At this time I wish to extend my appreciation to the members of the School Board, Administrative Staff and Teaching Staff for their cooperation and sincere devotion to their duties.

The School Bus Drivers, Lunch Program Personnel and custodial staff are to be commended for their sense of re- sponsibility and being such an integral part of the overall program.

I also wish to express my appreciation and the appreci- ation of the School Board and Staff to the Chief of Police, Selectmen, Highway Department, Town Office Personnel and Librarian for their continued help and cooperation.

As a result of the combined efforts and suport of the various organizations and individuals in Town, we are better able to meet the needs and provide a better quality of edu- cation for the citizens of the future.

MARTIN E. HEFFERNAN Superintendent of Schools


The Supervisory Union Budget for the 1970-1971 school year is prorated among the two districts on the basis of the

1968-69 average daily membership and the 1968 equalized valuation as follows:

Office Exp. Per- Supt's Sec. Salary District centage Salary & Travel TOTAL

ASHLAND 19.4% $ 2,716.00 $ 2,035.45 $ 4,751.45

INTER-LAKES 80.6% 11,284.00 8,456.55 19,740.55

100.0% $14,000.00 $10,492.00 $24,492.00

The Superintendent's salary for 1969-70 is $15,000.00.

The Supervisory Union's Share is $12,500.00 and the balance of $2,500.00 is paid by the State Department of Education.

159 Apportionment of

Supervisory Union No. 2 Budget


1968-69 Average Daily Membership

Ashland Principal's Annual Report

The new addition has dominated our campus and our play ground. The relatively small play area has been of necessity usurped, by the addition, the machines and the materials which go into the buildings. The contractor, Mr, Hanson, has been considerate of us and we have striven to accommodate the construction effort. The whole staff is look- ing forward to the improved accommodations next year, but they have not made a stand-still year of 1969-70.


The Ashland Elementary School is contained in two buildings; Grades 1, 2 and 3 being housed in four rooms with four teachers in the Allen K. Ober School, and Grades 4, 5 and 6 in four rooms and four teachers in the Middle School (Old Elementary). Each building has a room with split grades 1-2 in the Ober and grades 4-5 in the Middle grades ; School. This arrangement was dictated by the class size and the desire to more adequately meet individual pupil needs.

The art and music programs with Mrs. Hopkins and Mrs. Whiston continue under the same schedule, each meeting once a week for one period in each class room. Mr. Langdoc has continued instrumental work for the fifth and sixth graders. This year we are fortunate to have obtained the services of a full-time Girls' Physical Education instructor. During the fall, Miss Glendinning conducted physical conditioning classes for our elementary pupils out of doors and this winter in the gymnasium or classroom as scheduling permits.^ Each of the special programs will be better accommodated in the new addition.

Perhaps most looked forward to of all the new facilities of the new addition is the library or Instructional Media Center. Our new library will contain reference, other books and also visual aids. Access to a library in their own building will certainly broaden the experiences of the elementary pupils.

The full time guidance program inaugurated last year, has been "gotten off the ground" this year by Mrs. Childs, who is capable not only of administering tests usually

161 associated with guidance, but also, in personal counseling services. State and area assistance has been secured to augment and support our guidance program in both the elementary and the high school. The Principal's office in the addition will be used jointly by the Principal and the Guidance Director for keeping records, conducting interviews, in deal- ing with elementary problems and other business concerning the elementary area.


The Ashland High School is operating on a schedule of seven fifty minute periods. School opens at 8:00 a. m. with an activity period followed by three periods of subject matter. Lunch is scheduled for 11:30 for one half-hour. Three sub- ject matter periods are conducted after lunch with period seven terminating at 2 :40 p, m.

Both boys' and girls' physical education classes are conducted during study periods, but for individual exceptions pupils participate on at least once-a-week basis. Weather permitting activities are conducted out of doors. Study halls presently conducted on the stage in the gymnasium during physical education classes will be held in our present cafeteria when the addition is completed.

With the move of grades four, five and six to the addi- tion; grades seven and eight can be relocated in the Middle School. This will allow us to house the high school, grades 9-12, in the high school building for home room. The present Sophomore class has home room and activity period in the Music Room of the Vocational building this year.

Art is offered as a regular once-a-week course to the seventh and eighth grades and to the high school as an elective. The junior and senior high school choral and band programs are now well established. Ashland has cause to be proud of the performance of these units as evidenced by their annual Christmas concert. The only deterrent to an even better music program is the availability of instruments to insure the necessary balance in the band, and arrange- ments and accompaniment to support a varied repertory for the choruses.

As in the elementary school, guidance counseling on a personal basis has become established this year, but in the high school area the counselor's know-how of college and institute acceptancies is particularly invaluable to the

162 Seniors. Utilizing the intimate knowledge of each pupil which the staff has and the results obtained by our administration of tests, several pupils have been retracked to better fit their needs. With proper facilities, group counseling will be possible. Present facilities preclude this valuable facet of counseling being employed.

Many of you, the citizens of Ashland, have heard me state the following, but with your permission I believe it belongs in print. TTie faculty of Ashland Public Schools is a group of dedicated individuals of considerable capability. We have beginners as well as several with a wealth of experience. The beginners are developing and the experienced have con- tinued to grow. It would be of great benefit to the pupils if the rather large turn over of teachers, particularly, in the Junior high area could be slowed, and perhaps with your support it can be.

This year I have enjoyed my association with you, the citizens of Ashland, the School Board, the Superintendent and the Faculty.



163 Ashland School District


School Calendar

September 8, 1970 Teachers' Meeting

September 9, 1970 Schools Open

October 12, 1970 Sandwich Fair - Schools Closed

October 16, 1970 Teachers' Convention - Schools Closed

November 25, 1970 Thanksgiving Recess - Schools Close 3 P. M.

November 30, 1970 Schools Re-Open

December 22, 1970 Christmas Vacation - Schools Close 3 P. M.

January 4, 1971 Schools Re-Open

February 12, 1971 Winter Vacation - Schools Close 3 P. M.

March 1, 1971 Schools Re-Open

April 23, 1971 Spring Vacation - Schools Close 3 P. M.

May 3, 1971 Schools Re-Open

May 31, 1971 Memorial Day

June 23, 1971 Summer Vacation

This calendar allows for 183 school days. Schools may be closed three days because of storms or other emergencies

before time has to be made up.


School Enrollment — September 1969

Ashland High School

Grade 12 30

11 35 10 28

9 31 8 33 7 29

Ashland Elementary Schools

6 27

5 39 4 34

3 34 2 29

1 29


District of Residence: High School Bridgewater 1* Holderness 1 * Personal

165 :

Ashland School District

Census Report Summaries

September Ashland Teaching Staff - 1969 -1970

High School

Yrs. Name and Degree Exp. Salary Assignment

Paul R. Badger, A.B., M.S.E. 6 $9,500. Principal, Grades 1-12 Jesse L. Bartlett, B. Ed. 22 $8,160. Industrial Arts William M. Bourbeau, A.B. $5,700. English Mrs. Alida W. Buckland, B.S. 5 $6,600. Home Economics Robert J. Campbell, M. Ed., B.A. 16 $7,700. Foreign Language Mrs. Marion E. S. Childs, M. Ed. 13 $7,100. Guidance Director William L. Contini, B.S. $5,700. Mathematics Thomas J. Friel, B.A. 4 $6,300. Mathematics Miss Amy M. Glendinning, B.S. 6 $6,900.* Girl's Phys. Ed. /Coach Mrs. Rachel P. Hopkins, B.A. 2^/2 $3,420. Art Mrs. Vina S. Hughes, M.A. 4 $6,300. Social Studies Mrs. Nettie C. Kipp, B. Ed. 2V2 $6,100. Business Education Mrs. Helen P. Knowlton, B. Ed. 14 $7,500.* Soc. Studies /Asst. Princ. Eugene L. Langdoc, B. Music 5 $4,360. Music Supervisor Mrs. Shirley B. Lear, B. Ed. 3 $6,300. Science/Biology Warren Parker, B.S. 2 $5,900.§ Boy's Phy. Ed./Ath. Dir. Mrs. Candace A. Raymond, B. Ed. $5,700.t English Mrs. Jane Elliott, B. Ed. 2^/2 $6,100.t English

Mrs. Helen R. Steele, B.S. 2 $6,000. Science / Chem . / Physics

Elementary School

Mrs. Dorothy Guyotte, B. Ed. 18 Richard LaPlant, B. Ed. Mrs. Dorothy Morton, Diploma Mrs. Mary E. Neilsen, Diploma Mrs. T. W. Spohrer, B. Ed. 1 Miss Judith E. Stewart, B.A. Mrs. Lumina M. Straw, R.N. Mrs. Mildred H. Uhlman, B. Ed. Mrs. Eleanor S. Wolf, B.A. Mrs. Diane E. Whiston

Extra-Curricular — *($200.) - §($725.) - t($75.) - }-($300.) - $($100.) Ashland High School Graduates - June 1969

Austin, Danny Godville, James

*Bates, Marilyn *Gray, Karen

Berry, Lawrence Hawkins, Valerie

Berry, Richard Knapp, Beverly

^Bragg, Bonnie *Marcroft, Dana

Brunt, Jane Morton, Steve

Comeau, Robert Ober, Alice

Danforth, Danette Randlett, Karen

Dupuis, Linda Sanborn, Dennis

Forbes, Stephen Zimmer, Linda

Godville, Marie

*National Honor Society Members


"Seize the Opportunity - Carpe Diem"

CLASS COLORS CLASS FLOWER Maroon and White Garnet Rose

CLASS MARSHALS Mark Brace Deborah Hawkins

168 Town Telephones

Town Office 968 - 4432

Police 968 - 3224

Fire Dept. (Red Network) 968-7711

Fire Chief, Thomas E. Marsh 968-4487

Water Department 968 - 4432

Water Supt., Charlie Flanders 968 - 3246

Electric Department 968 - 4432

Electric Supt., Elmer Marsh 968 - 3265

Town Clerk 968-4451

Forest Fire Warden 968 - 4487

Tax Collector 968 - 3962

Physician, Dr. Glenn Bricker 968 - 3325

Ambulance Service, E. Dupuis 968 - 3372 RED NETWORK

In Case of Fire

Dial 968-7711

1. Report kind of fire

2. Report location of fire

3. Give your name and telephone

number to the Fire Department

Operator who answers your call. SPEAK SLOWLY AND DISTINCTLY

To Call First Aid Squad

Dial 968-7711

When ringing a fire alarm box—be sure to stay at box location to direct Fire Department to fire location.

Signal 12 at one minute intervals blown three times indicates water to be shut off within 30 minutes.

Signal 2 at one minute intervals blown three times indicates water is back on again.

No School Signal — 23 sounded at 7:15 A. M.

School in sessions Afternoon — 32 sounded at 11:30 A. M. "No School" announcements will be made from radio stations WLNH and WEMJ, Laconia and WPNH, Plymouth between 7:00&7:30 A. M.

Fire Chief 968-4487

Assistant Chief 968-7717

LEREDITH ,„.»H.u ^NEWS.Inc.lI tniNTiu