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American Media Services P Stations in the U.S. New Hampshire American Media Services P. O. Box 20696 LLC CHARLESTON, SC 29413 DEVELOPERS & BROKERS OF RADIO PROPERTIES TEL (843) 972 -2200 WWW.AMERICANMEDIASERVICES.COM FAX ( 843) 881 -4436 St.. Concord (03301). (603) 228-8910. Fax: (603) 224.6052. Licensee: (03561). (603) 788 -3636. E -mail: kiss102 Licensee: WZID-FM-Co -owned with WFEA. 1948: 95.7 mhz; 14.5 kw. 930 h. New Hampshire Public Radio Inc. Net: NPR, PRI. Wash ally: Barry P. Lunderville. Net: CBS. Format: Contemp hit/top-40. Barry TL: N42 59 02 W71 35 22. E-mail: [email protected]. Web Site: Garvey. Schubert & Barer. Format: Class, news. News staff: 4: news P. Lunderville. gen mgr. Format: Adult contemp. Target aud: 25-54. Andy progmg 42 hrs wkly. Spec prog: Folk 4 hrs, jazz 4 hrs wkly. Mark Orcutt, as dir; Kevin Flynn, news dir, Peter Starer, chief of engrg. Handley, gen mgr. Lebanon WGIR(AM)- October 1941: 610 khz; 5 kw-D, 1 kw -N, DA -2. TL: N43 WKBK(AM)- May 1959: 1220 khz; 1 kw -U. TL: N42 55 50 W72 17 00 57 W71 28 48. His opri: 24. Box 610 (03105). (603) 625 -6915. Fax: 56. Box 707, 13 Lamson St. (03431). (603) 352-6113. Fax: (603) WGXL(FM )-See Hanover (603) 625 -9255. Web Site: Licensee: Capstar TX 357 -4582. E -mail: [email protected]. Licensee: Roberts Com- L.P. Group owner: Clear Channel Communications Inc. (acq 8-30-00: munications Inc. (acq 6-25 -91; grpsl; FTR: 7- 15 -91) Net: ABC /C. WHDO(FM) -See Claremont grpsl) Net: ABC /I. Format: News/talk, sports. News staff: 5; news Wash airy: Booth, Freret, Imlay & Tepper P. Format: Loc talk/news. progmg 38 hrs wkly. Ruth Jones, gen mgr, Paul Haley, net! sis mgr; Target aud: 25 -54; general. Spec prog: New England Patriots football, mgr; Anderson, prom dir; Dan Pierce, 'WVFA(FM) -Nol on air, target date: unknown: 90.5 mhz; 7 w. 695 ft. Paul Hanson. rgnl sls Sara loc football & basketball. *Scott Roberts. pres: Brent Myers, gen mgr TL: N43 37 17 W72 10 30. Box 126. Hartford, VT (05047). Licensee: progmg dir; Dave Emerson. news dir; Ken Nenam, chief of engrg. & pub affrs dir; James Gold. sis dir; Dan Mitchell. prom VP & progmg Green Mountain Educ. Fellowship Inc. VP; McKenzie Wood. news dir; Ira( Milner. chief of engrg. WGIR -FM- June 5, 1963: 101.1 mhz; 11.5 kw. 1,027 ff. TL: N42 58 WKNE(AM)- June 2, 1927: 1290 khz; 5 kw -U, DA -1. TL: N42 56 56 WXXK(FM)- Dec 18, 1990: 100.5 mhz; 22 kw. 325 ft. TL N43 37 17 54 W71 35 21. Stereo. Box 101 (03105). Web Site: W72 18 22. Box 466 (03431). 69 Stanhope Ave. (03431). (603) W72 10 30. Hrs opn: 24. Suite 4, 31 Hanover St. (03766). (603) Format: AOR. Todd Thompson, progmg dir. 352-9230. Fax: (603) 357 -3926. Licensee: LB New Hampshire Inc. 448-5229. Fax: (603) 448 -5231. Web Site: Licensee: Inc. (group owner; acq 11 -88; with co- located FM; FTR: 9- 26 -88) Net: Capstar TX L.P. Group owner: Clear Channel Communications WKBR(AM)- Oct 1, 1946: 1250 khz; 5 kw -U, DA -2. TL N43 00 40 CBS. Rep: McGavren Guild. Format: News, talk. Target aud: 25 plus. (acq 11 -27-00; grpsl) Net: Westwood One, CNN. Format: Country. W71 30 19. Hrs opn: 5 AM -11 PM. Suite 301, 922 Elm St. (03101). Richard Lightfoot. pres: Michael Trombly, gen mgr & chief of engrg: News staff: 3; news progmg 20 hrs wkly. Target aud: 25 -54. Cheryl (603) 669 -1250. Fax: (603) 647 -1260. E -mail: Rosalie Rowe. prom dir; Steve Hamel. progmg dir, Paul Scheuring. Frisch, CFO & dev VP; Robert Frisch. pres & gen mgr; Kenny realcountry1250 Licensee: Devon Broadcasting Co. Inc. news dir. Michaels, opns mgr & prom dir; John Gales, sis dir; Grant Baise, news Group owner: Northeast Broadcasting Company Inc. (acq 7- 22 -97; dir. $145,000) Format: Classic country. Target aud: 25 plus. Spec prog: ft. TL: N43 WKNEFM- May 1964: 103.7 mhz: 12.2 kw. 991 02 00 Greek 8 hrs wkly. Scott Brady, gen mgr. W72 22 04. Stereo. Format: Adult hits. Target aud: 18-49. Lisbon WLMW(FM)- September 1997: 90.7 mhz; 15 w. 869 ft. TL: N42 58 'WKNH(FU)- November 1975: 91.3 mhz; 274 w. 79 h. TL: N42 55 59 W71 35 25. 134 Hollis Rd., Amherst (03031). (603) 672 -0573. Fax: 29 W72 16 42, (CP: 91.7 mhz, 192 w, ant 363 ft.). Stereo. Hm opn: WLTN-FM- Licensed to Lisbon. See Littleton (603) 672 -6242. Licensee: Knowledge For Life. Format: Christian 24. Keene Slate College, 229 Main St. (03435- 2704). (603) 358-2420. family radio. Jim Phelan, gen mgr. (603) 358 -2421. Fax (603) 358 -2417. Licensee: Board of Trustees University System of New Hampshire. Format: Progsv. News staff: 2; Littleton news progmg 3 hrs wkly. Target aud: General. Spec prog: Class 4 hrs, W0K0(FM) -See Dover folk 6 hrs, jazz 3 hrs blues 3 hrs, rap 4 hrs, new age 4 hrs, reggae WLTN(AM)- Oct 10. 1963: 1400 khz; 1 kw -U. TL: N44 18 47 W71 46 3 hrs, Christian 3 hrs, metal 4 hrs, experimental 3 hrs wkly. *Trevor 08. Hrs opn: 24. 15 Main St. (03561). (603) 444 -3911. Fax: (603) 'WRND(FM)- October 1994: 91.7 mhz; 1 w horiz, 100 w vert. 13 ft. Chamberlain, gen mgr: Jame Wood, opns dir; Jessica Taylor. sis dir. 444 -7186. E -mail: bright967 Licensee: Profile TL: N43 00 50 W71 27 58. Stereo. Hrs opn: 7 AM-11 PM. 2321 Elm mktg dir, prom dir & adv dir: Tim Hulsizer, mus dir: Daisy Vincent, asst Broadcasting Co. Inc. (sag 10.99: $415,000 with WLTN-FM Lisbon) St. (03104). (603) 669-4298. Fax: (603) 644-8316. Licensee: Notre music Amy Richardson, news dir; Connie Bowblis, pub affrs dir, /I. New England. Format: News/talk, sports. News dir: *Net: ABC Rep: Dame College. Format: Var /div. Robert Simmons, gen mgr. Mike Wakefield. chie of engrg. staff: one; news progmg 40 hrs wkly. Target aud: 21-65. Charles Ryan, chief of engrg. *Rates: $21; 14; 14: 14. WXOD(FM)- Winchester Meredith WLTN -FM- Sept 1. 1991: 96.7 mhz: 6 kw. 295 ft. TL: N44 13 11 W71 WYRY(FM)-(Hinsdale). June 30. 1987: 104.9 mhz: 1.55 kw. 456 ft. 52 07. Stereo. Hrs opn: 24. Net: Westwood One. Format: Bright WBHG(FM)- Nov 16, 1988: 101.5 mhz; 3 kw. 302 ft. TL: N43 38 28 TL: N42 46 33 W72 27 19. (CP: 725 w, ant 669 ft.). Stereo. Hrs opn: adult contemp. News staff: one: news progmg 7 hrs wkly. Target aud: W71 29 53. Stereo. Box 7326, Gilford (03247). (603) 524 -1323. Fax: 24. 30 -10 Warwick Rd.. Winchester (03470). (603) 239 -8200. Fax: 25 -54. Bill York. gen mgr: Bethany Ross, gen sis mgr.Same as AM. (603) 528 -5185. Web Sae: Licensee: WLNH Radio (603) 239 -6203. Web Site: Licensee: Tn- Valley Inc. Group owner. Sconnix Broadcasting Co. LLC Format: Classic Broadcasting Corp. (acq 8-86) Net: Jones Satellite Audio. Wash airy: rock. William McLean, pres & gen mgr; Warren Bailey, progmg dir. WMTK(FM)- Feb 23. 1985: 106.3 mhz: 390 w. 1,256 h. TL: N44 21 Reddy, Begley & McCormick. Format: Country. News staff: 3: news 14 W71 44 23. Stereo. Hrs opn: 24. Box 106, Thayers Inn. 107 Main progmg 10 hrs wkly. Target aud: 25 -49: upscale adults & business St. (03561 -0106). (603) 444-5106. Fax: (603) 444-1205. Licensee: decision makers. Brian McCormick, VP, gen mgr & sis VP; Dan Guy, Moultonborough Vermont Broadcast Associates Inc. (acq 8.00; $250,000) Wash atty: chief of engrg. Bryan Cave. Format: Contemn ha. News staff: one. Target aud: 30 -50: 1993: 106.9 mhz; 130 w. 2,096 ft. TL: N43 46 slightly more males, active lifestyles. Bruce James, gen mgr, WSCY(FM)- May 31, Franklin (03235). (603) 253 -8080. Fax: Laconia Donovan Duarmby, gen sis mgr: Dave Rowell. progmg dir & news dir; D9 W71 18 52. Stereo. Box 99, (603) 934 -2933. Northeast Communications Corp. (group Don Smith, chief of engrg. Rates: S30: 30: 30: 20. Licensee: WEMJ(AM)-Listing follows WLNH-FM. owner; acq 5 -4 -93; $399,072; FTR: 5- 24 -93) Format: Hot country. Jeff Fisher, pres & stn mgr; Jeffrey R. Procht, opus mgr; Jeff Levitan, WEZS(AM) Aug 22. 1922: 1350 khz; 5 kw -D, 112 w -N. TL: N43 30 - Madbury sis VP. 27 W71 31 00. 266 Union Ave. (03246). (603) 524-6288. Web Site: Licensee: Gary W. Hammond. (acq 3.17 -94; FTR: WWNH(AM)- May 20. 1989: 1340 khz: 250 w-U. TL: N43 10 22 W70 6 -6-94) Net: USA. Format: Easy Istng. Target aud: 45 plus. Gary Mt. Washington 55 00. Hrs opn: 24. Box 69, Dover (03821). 284 Rt. 155, Dover W. Hammond. gen mgr. (03821). (802) 865.1480. Fax: (802) 888 -2222. Licensee: Harvest 48 kw. It. TL: N44 16 13 USA, Skylight. Format: MOR. News progmg 3 WHOM(FM)-July 9, 1958: 94.9 mhz, 3,760 WLNH -FM- Nov 22, 1965: 98.3 mhz; 3.8 kw. 413 h. TL: N43 35 46 Broadcasting. Net: Portland, wkly. Target aud: General; 29 plus. Spec prog: Family 24 hrs wkly. W71 18 13.
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    New Hampshire News Connection NIVERS AN AR Y Y 2010 annual report P P A E H Y A R S E C I P V U R E BL S IC NE WS ERSAR NNIV Y Y A PP A S MEDIA OUTLETS R H A Y E City Map # Outlets City Map # Outlets Bedford 1 WMLL-FM Lebanon 19 WUVR-AM, WXKK-FM, WXXK-FM Bellows Falls, VT 2 WZLF-FM Littleton 20 The Ammonoosuc Times, 4 Belmont 3 WNHW-FM WLTN-AM, WLTN-FM Berlin 4 WMOU-AM Manchester 21 WFEA-AM, WGIR-AM, WGIR-FM, 18 11 Brattleboro, VT 5 WKVT-AM, WKVT-FM, WMXR- WLMW-FM, WZID-FM FM, WTSA-AM, WTSA-FM Mt. Washington 22 WHOM-FM 20 20 1622 20 Claremont 6 WTSV-AM, WHDQ-FM, WQTH-AM Nashua 23 WEVS-FM, WFNQ-FM 32 25 Newport 24 WCNL AM, WCNL-FM, WNTK- Concord 7 Concord Monitor, WEVO-FM, 31 WJYY-FM, WKXL-AM, WKXL-FM, AM, WNTK-FM, WVRR-FM 13 WWHK-FM North Conway 25 WPKQ-FM 13 13 Derry 8 WDER-AM Portsmouth 26 The New Hampshire Gazette, 35 27 Dover 9 WOKQ-FM, WTSN-AM WHEB-FM, WMYF-AM 19 19 27 Exter 10 WERZ-FM, WGIP-AM Rochester 27 WGIN-AM, WQSO-FM 19 28 36 6 Somersworth 28 WBYY-FM Gorham 11 WEVC-FM 6 6 24 15 7 7 26 26 24 9 Springfield, VT 29 WCFR-AM 24 15 7 7 7 26 Hampton 12 WSAK-FM 24 7 9 24 12 Hanover 13 WEVH-FM, WGXL-FM, WTSL-AM Walpole 30 WPLY-FM 29 1 10 Haverhill 14 WYKR-FM Warren 31 Northcountry News-Independent 2 30 17 8 17 21 21 10 14 17 2323 Henniker 15 WNEC-FM, WNNH-FM Wells River, VT 32 WTWN-AM 1717 21 21 21 5 Wilmington, VT 33 WTHK-FM 5 5 Jackson 16 WEVJ-FM 33 5 34 Keene 17 WEVN-FM, WKBK-AM, WKNE- Winchester 34 WINQ-FM 5 AM, WKNE-FM, WZBK-AM Wolfeboro 35 WASR-AM Lancaster 18 WXXS-FM York Center, ME 36 WUBB-FM New Hampshire News Connection produced 99 news stories, which ran approximately 2,100 times on 68 radio stations and 4 print outlets for a total of 72 media outlets in New Hampshire and border states.
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