15 OCTOBER 2001 FU ET AL. 4003

How Do Tropical Sea Surface Temperatures In¯uence the Seasonal Distribution of in the Equatorial Amazon?

RONG FU,ROBERT E. DICKINSON,MINGXUAN CHEN, AND HUI WANG School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia

(Manuscript received 24 November 1999, in ®nal form 4 April 2001)

ABSTRACT Although the correlation between precipitation over tropical and sea surface temperatures (SSTs) over the Paci®c and Atlantic has been documented since the early twentieth century, the impact of each on the timing and intensity of the wet season over tropical South America and the underlying mechanisms have remained unclear. Numerical experiments have been conducted using the National Center for Atmospheric Research Community Model Version 3 to explore these impacts. The results suggest the following. 1) Seasonality of SSTs in the tropical Paci®c and Atlantic has an important in¯uence on precipitation in the eastern Amazon during the equinox seasons. The eastern side of the Amazon is in¯uenced both by the direct thermal circulation of the Atlantic intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ) and by Rossby waves. These pro- cesses are enhanced by the seasonal cycles of SSTs in the tropical Atlantic and Paci®c. SSTs affect Amazon precipitation much less during the solstice seasons and in the western Amazon. 2) The seasonality of SSTs in the Atlantic more strongly affects Amazon rainfall than does that of the Paci®c. Without the former, austral spring in the eastern equatorial Amazon would be a wet season, rather than the observed dry season. As a consequence of the lag at that time of the southward seasonal migration of the Atlantic SSTs behind that of the insolation, the Atlantic ITCZ centers itself near 10ЊN, instead of at the equator, imposing subsidence and low-level anticyclonic ¯ow over the eastern equatorial Amazon, thus drying the air above the planetary boundary layer and reducing the low-level moisture convergence. Consequently, in the eastern Amazon is suppressed despite strong surface heating. 3) Seasonality of the SSTs in the tropical Paci®c also tends to reduce precipitation in the eastern Amazon during both spring and fall. In spring, subsidence is enhanced not only through a zonal direct circulation, but also through Rossby waves propagating from the extratropical South Paci®c to subtropical South America. This teleconnection strengthens the South Atlantic convergence zone (SACZ) and the Nordeste low, in both cases reducing precipitation in the eastern Amazon. A direct thermal response to the Paci®c SSTs enhances lower- level divergence and reduces precipitation from the northern tropical Atlantic to the northeastern Amazon.

1. Introduction 1997) farther south. Hence, the seasonal cycle must be understood in detail for successful modeling and pre- The wet season of the equatorial Amazon persists diction of variations of climate over tropical and sub- from austral spring to fall near the Andes, but near the tropical South America. Atlantic Ocean it is much shorter, peaking in austral fall (see Fig. 1, and, e.g., Henry 1922; Salati et al. 1979; Both continental surface heating (i.e., Gutman and Figueroa and Nobre 1990; Fu et al. 1999; Marengo et Schwedtfeger 1965; Rao and Erdogan 1989; Lenters and al. 2001). Hence, the eastern Amazon has just enough Cook 1995) and sea surface temperatures (SSTs) in the rainfall to maintain the growth of its vegetation. A de- tropical Atlantic and Paci®c (e.g., Hastenrath and Heller layed onset or earlier ending of the wet season would 1977; Aceituno 1988; En®eld 1996; Nobre and Shukla impose signi®cant stress on the and agricul- 1996) can affect the seasonality of Amazon rainfall. ture (Nepstad et al. 1999). In addition to such local However, how much these two factors contribute to the impacts, precipitation in the Amazon may in¯uence distribution and variation of the Amazon rainfall has many aspects of the seasonal pattern of atmospheric previously been unclear and even controversial. For ex- circulation in the North Atlantic (Namias 1972) and the ample, whether the moisture for precipitation is trans- establishment of the Bolivian high (Lenters and Cook ported from the ocean or derived from land evapotrans- piration has been debated. River chemical analysis (Gibbs 1979) and also water budget studies (e.g., Bru- Corresponding author address: Dr. Rong Fu, Earth and Atmo- baker et al. 1993) support the hypothesis that the water spheric Sciences, Georgia Institute of Technology, 221 Bobby Dodd Way, Atlanta, GA 30332-0340. vapor transported from the Atlantic Ocean provides E-mail: [email protected] much of the Amazon rainfall. The contrary view that

᭧ 2001 American Meteorological Society

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FIG. 1. (a) Monthly averaged precipitation (mm dayϪ1) over the equatorial eastern Amazon (2.5ЊS±2.5ЊN, 50Њ±60ЊW) derived from GPCP (long-dashed curve), gauge network (dashed curve), ECMWF reanalyses (dotted curve), and CCM3 control experiment (dot±dashed curve). (b) As in (a) but for the western equatorial Amazon (2.5ЊS±2.5ЊN, 65Њ± 75ЊW). much of the Amazon rainfall is from local recycling of but not the underlying mechanisms. The distinction be- water is supported by isotopic analyses (Salati et al. tween the direct effects of El NinÄo and those imposed 1979). The relative importance of ocean and land to through Atlantic SST anomalies has not been clearly Amazon rainfall may vary in different parts of the Am- established. For example, although the interannual var- azon. Rainfall in the areas from northeast Brazil to the iations of precipitation in northeast Brazil correlate with central Amazon has been shown to correlate with the ENSO, this apparent in¯uence of ENSO on Amazon El NinÄo±Southern Oscillation (ENSO; Aceituno 1988) rainfall may actually be caused by changes in moisture and the distribution of SSTs in the tropical Atlantic transport from the Atlantic Ocean that correlate to (Hasternrath and Heller 1977). However, correlation be- ENSO (Marengo 1992; Rao et al. 1996). Since SSTs in tween rainfall in the western equatorial Amazon and the tropical Atlantic are in¯uenced by their own vari- SSTs is weak or nonexistent (En®eld 1996). ability (Weare 1977; Zebiak 1993; Nobre and Shukla Moura and Shukla (1981) showed that a direct ther- 1996) and by ENSO (Lau and Nath 1994; Saravanan mal circulation driven by warm SST anomalies in the and Chang 2000), whether or not moisture transport Atlantic intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ) de- from Atlantic Ocean would change with ENSO if At- scends to the south of the heating source, and generates lantic SSTs were unchanged has not been clari®ed. Ear- a low-level anticyclonic ¯ow to the southwest. Hence, lier numerical experiments have shown that the Amazon warm SST anomalies at 10ЊN in the Atlantic Ocean lead rainfall can be reduced by heating anomalies in either to droughts in northeast Brazil. However, whether or the eastern or western Paci®c (Buchmann et al. 1989; not the same mechanism can suppress rainfall in the Gandu and Silva Dias 1998). But how rainfall can be eastern Amazon during austral spring when the land reduced by these remote in¯uences has been unclear. surface solar heating reaches its semiannual peak has Answers to this question would help to determine the not been previously addressed. mechanisms that control the teleconnection between The effects of ENSO on Amazon rainfall have been ENSO and droughts in northeastern Brazil. well established by empirical studies of climate records This work explores the sensitivity of the Amazon

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rainfall to changes of SSTs in the adjacent and (ECMWF) reanalyses provide ®elds that are not avail- clari®es the roles of the tropical Paci®c and Atlantic in able observationally. determining the seasonal patterns of precipitation in the The monthly precipitation distributions from the equatorial Amazon. This is the ®rst step toward under- GPCP dataset are for the period of July 1987 through standing the relative contribution of the remote oceanic December 1993. They were derived by incorporating in¯uences versus the regional land surface conditions low-orbit microwave data from Special Sensor Micro- to the precipitation in the Amazon basin. wave/Imager from the Defense Meteorological Satellite We will examine the following questions. Program, infrared radiances from a set of high-orbit geostationary satellites, and rain gauge measurements. 1) How important is the seasonality of the SSTs in the This merging technique infers spatial patterns of pre- adjacent oceans for determining the seasonality of cipitation from the satellite observations and calibrates the Amazon rainfall compared to that of the land them according to ``ground truth'' provided by rain surface heating? gauge measurements. Over land where surface micro- 2) What role does the seasonality of SSTs in the tropical wave emission is heterogeneous, measurements at the Atlantic play in shaping the seasonal pattern of pre- 85-GHz frequency were combined with infrared radi- cipitation in the eastern Amazon? What causes the ances to provide the satellite estimate of precipitation. dryness in austral spring in the equatorial eastern Warm rain, such as that produced by topographically Amazon? forced cumulus convection, is likely to be underesti- 3) How does the seasonality of SSTs in the tropical mated since the infrared threshold technique can only Paci®c in¯uence the Amazon rainfall? Can Paci®c detect high/cold and the microwave scattering is SST anomalies change the low-level moisture trans- mainly contributed by ice hydrometeors. Hence, the ob- port from the Atlantic Ocean to the Amazon even served Amazon precipitation may have residual biases with Atlantic SSTs remaining unchanged? because rain gauges are limited and unevenly distributed in space. To isolate the in¯uences of seasonal cycles of SSTs The National Centers for Environmental Prediction± in each ocean, we conduct experiments in which SSTs National Center for Research (NCEP± vary seasonally in only one of the tropical oceans. The NCAR) radiosonde global dataset provides pro®les of magnitudes of our hypothetical changes in surface forc- geopotential height, temperature, dewpoint, and hori- ing among these experiments are considerably larger zontal wind at more than 2000 upper-air stations (Gaffen than are the interannual changes in nature and thus more 1996). Soundings from the Manaus and BeleÂm upper- likely to produce interpretable responses in a climate air stations, where measurements were available for at model. Through analyzing the results of the experi- least 15 days monthϪ1 through the period of 1987±93, ments, we hope to establish the physical links between are used to represent the atmospheric thermodynamic the seasonal cycles of SSTs in each ocean and the chang- structure in the central and eastern equatorial Amazon es of the local atmospheric instability and hence pre- region. cipitation. Our intention is to qualitatively determine Four experiments have been performed using the how seasonal migration of the Paci®c and Atlantic SSTs, NCAR Community Climate Model Version 3 (CCM3) respectively, in¯uence the seasonality of the Amazon coupled with the Biosphere±Atmosphere Transfer rainfall. Although the results cannot be directly applied Scheme (CCM3±BATS; Kiehl et al. 1998; Dickinson et to observed interannual variations of the Amazon rain- al. 1993) to determine how seasonal changes of SSTs fall, they clarify many aspects including what processes in the adjacent oceans may affect the seasonal patterns may contribute to a weakening of the wet season, and of the precipitation over the equatorial Amazon. The hence drought conditions (Liebmann and Marengo control (CTR) run is forced by the observed climato- 2001). logical seasonal cycle of SSTs at the T42 resolution of the atmospheric model (about 2.8Њ), as provided by the 2. Datasets and models Atmosphere Model Intercomparison Project for 1979± 93 (Gates 1992), which averaged observations to a cli- The geographical and seasonal patterns of precipi- matological seasonal cycle consisting of 12 calendar tation and associated meteorological conditions in the months. After a 1-yr spinup, we run the experiment for Amazon region are derived from the Global Precipita- 10 yr forced by the same seasonal cycle of SSTs, and tion Climatology Project (GPCP) blended precipitation obtain a control climatology by averaging over the 10- data (Huffman et al. 1997), and independently from yr model simulation. These results are used to assess more than 200 rain gauges over the Brazilian Amazon the adequacy of the CCM3±BATS in simulating the sea- (including many that were not used in the blended data). sonal changes of precipitation over the equatorial Am- Operational radiosonde pro®les provide the vertical azon. temperature, humidity, and wind structures at Manaus The Atlantic SST (ATL) experiment is designed to (3ЊS, 60ЊW) and BeleÂm, Brazil (1.5ЊS, 49ЊW), and the isolate the effect of the seasonal cycle of SSTs in the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts tropical Atlantic on precipitation over the tropical Am-

Unauthenticated | Downloaded 10/02/21 07:29 PM UTC 4006 JOURNAL OF CLIMATE VOLUME 14 azon. SSTs vary seasonally only in the tropical Atlantic served conditions in the Amazon. The CTR run is (30ЊS±30ЊN). All other oceanic areas are ®xed to the forced by the climatological seasonal cycle of SSTs observed annual means, which are the averages of averaged from observations for the period of Decem- monthly climatological values of 12 calendar months. ber 1978±September 1993. Therefore, its output may A discontinuity at 30ЊN/S is avoided by gradually re- not be comparable to any particular year during this ducing the seasonal deviations to their annual means period. Hence, we only examine the basic climato- from 30Њ to 60Њ latitudes within the Atlantic Ocean using logical characteristics of the simulation related to pre- the following formula: cipitation, not whether a detailed agreement is achieved, in order to evaluate how adequate CCM3 SST(␣, ␸) ϭ SSTann (␣, ␸) ϩ C(␸)␦s SST(␣, ␸), (1) may be for simulating the response to the seasonal where ␣ and ␸ denote longitude and latitude, respec- changes of large-scale surface temperature gradient. tively, SSTann the annual mean SST at a map cell cen- The seasonal cycles of the precipitation in the equa- tered at (␣, ␸), and ␦sSST the seasonal departure of SST torial Amazon given by the CTR run are examined in from its annual mean value for that cell. Here C is a Fig. 1. The simulated wet season in the eastern equa- coef®cient de®ned as the following: torial Amazon in austral fall is very similar to that ob- served (Fig. 1a), but the amount of rainfall is under- C ϭ 0 ␸ ʚ (Ϫ90Њ, Ϫ60Њ] and ␸ ʚ [60Њ,90Њ), estimated in February and March by 40%. The modeled C(␸) ϭ (60ЊϪ|␸|)/30Њ wet season in the western Amazon occurs from austral spring to fall, also corresponding to that observed (Fig. ␸ ʚ (Ϫ60Њ, Ϫ30Њ) and ␸ ʚ (30Њ,60Њ) 1b). However, the wet season is more pronounced and C ϭ 1 ␸ ʚ [Ϫ30Њ,30Њ] (2) starts two months earlier in the austral spring than ob- served. The modeled peak precipitation amounts are where ␸ is negative south of the equator and ␣ starts greater than observed, being overestimated by 100% from the Greenwich meridian and increases eastward. during austral spring (15 mm dayϪ1 compared to ob- The Paci®c SST experiment (PAC) only allows SSTs served 7±8 mm dayϪ1), and by 30% during austral fall to vary seasonally over the tropical Paci®c in order to (13 mm dayϪ1 compared to observed 8±9 mm dayϪ1). isolate the in¯uence of the Paci®c on precipitation over The modeled precipitation shows distinct semiannual the Amazon. The annual mean SST simulation (ANN) peaks in spring and fall, whereas the measured precip- assumes all SSTs are ®xed to their annual means glob- itation, especially that observed by rain gauges, is nearly ally. A comparison between the two seasonally varying ¯at from November to April (Fig. 1b). The dry season SST experiments (ATL and PAC) and the ®xed SST run in July has 50% less precipitation than observed at its (ANN) indicates the in¯uence of the SSTs in each of minimum (2 mm dayϪ1 compared to an observed 4±5 the tropical oceans on the seasonal cycle of rainfall in mm dayϪ1). Hence, the seasonal range of precipitation the Amazon. in the western equatorial Amazon is twice of that ob- A steady-state barotropical model is used to assess served. Figure 1 also suggests that GPCP data have a the remote atmospheric response to a tropical heating low bias compared to rain gauge observations during source in the upper level. The model consists of a steady the austral fall rainy season, possibly because of its barotropic vorticity equation linearized about a clima- known tendency without use of the microwave emission tological mean state (e.g., Ting 1996) and applied at 200 channel to miss liquid (warm) precipitation over land, mb. The solution is obtained by a conjugate-gradient such as that found during the Tropical Rainfall Mea- method (Navon and Legler 1987) with a speci®ed basic surement Mission (TRMM) and Large-Scale Biosphere± state and an anomalous divergence ®eld, which is de- Atmosphere wet season campaign (e.g., Rutledge et al. ®ned as the forcing of the barotropic model induced by 2000; Rickenbach et al. 2000). ECMWF overestimates diabatic heating. The horizontal shift of stationary Ross- precipitation in the eastern Amazon by 50% during the by wave energy is also examined using the stationary austral spring dry season, but agrees with the obser- wave activity ¯ux (Karoly et al. 1989). vations in the western Amazon. Because wet seasons in the equatorial Amazon tend to peak in spring and/or fall 3. Evaluation of the CCM3±BATS control run instead of summer, our analyses use October and April, the times of the maximum insolation, to represent austral The adequacy of CCM3 for testing the in¯uence of spring and fall seasons. SSTs on the Amazon rainfall is evaluated by com- The spatial distributions of precipitation simulated paring for dry and wet seasons the patterns of pre- by the CTR for January, April, July, and October are cipitation, vertical temperature, humidity and wind compared to those derived from the GPCP precipi- pro®les, and upper-level streamfunction to the GPCP tation averaged over the period of 1986±97 (Fig. 2). precipitation data, rain gauges, 6-yr-averaged radio- The seasonal migration and broad spatial features of sonde pro®les at Manaus and BeleÂm, and ECMWF the precipitation in the equatorial Amazon appear to reanalyses. Current atmospheric general circulation be adequately simulated in the CTR run although the models, such as CCM3, cannot exactly reproduce ob- model substantially overestimates the amount of rain-

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FIG. 2. Comparison of monthly precipitation between (a), (c), (e), (g) CCM3 control experiment and (b), (d), (f), (h) GPCP blended precipitation climatology (averaged over 1986±97) for (a), (b) Jan, (c), (d) Apr, (e), (f) Jul, and (g), (h) Oct. The contour interval is 2 mm day Ϫ1. The areas where precipitation amount exceeds 6 mm day Ϫ1 are shaded. fall in the western equatorial Amazon during austral ITCZ, appear to be qualitatively well captured in the spring and summer. The features most critical to this CTR run. The spatial structures of rainfall in austral work, that is, the contrast of precipitation between the summer (Jan) and fall (Apr) in the model also resem- western and the eastern equatorial Amazon in austral ble those derived from the GPCP precipitation data, spring (Oct), and the seasonal migration of Atlantic except that the dry tongue at 60ЊW in the equatorial

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Amazon extends too far south in the model and sub- Manaus, the agreement between CTR and radiosonde tropical South America is too dry in general. The are comparable with that between the ECMWF reanal- worst discrepancy compared to observations is the yses and observations. extreme dryness of the model in the equatorial west- How well CCM3 simulates the seasonal changes of ern Amazon in July (Fig. 2e). It is likely a result of large-scale atmospheric circulation is examined in terms the spurious shift of peak precipitation to the eastern of streamline and velocity potential at 200 mb in Figs. equatorial Amazon and Caribbean Sea, as shown in 7 and 8. It captures the anticyclonic ¯ow of austral Fig. 2f. However, such a spurious shift is minimal in spring in the central Amazon centered at 10ЊS, but un- austral spring (Oct). Hence, the distribution of rainfall derestimates its magnitude (Figs. 7a and 7b). The ve- in our experiments during the wet season should not locity potentials in ECMWF and CCM3 agree as to be seriously affected by such defects in the control locations of maximum divergence, but the orientation simulation. of the largest divergence (Figs. 7c and 7d), varies from The vertical structures of temperature, humidity, and NW±SE in ECMWF to NE±SW in CCM3. The Bolivian horizontal winds in the CTR run are compared to ra- high weakens more in austral fall in CCM3 than in diosonde pro®les and those assimilated in the ECMWF ECMWF (Figs. 8a and 8b). Although the streamline at reanalyses. The daily pro®les at 1200 UTC are averaged 200 mb in ECMWF still shows a well-de®ned Bolivian for each calendar month for the 10-yr CCM3 run, and high over the Altiplano Plateau in April, CCM3 only for the period of 1983±93 for radiosonde and ECMWF shows a weak anticyclonic ¯ow con®ned to the north reanalyses. At BeleÂm (1.5ЊS, 49ЊW), near the east coast of 10ЊS. The velocity potential at 200 mb is consistent of equatorial South America, the modeled temperature with this difference (Figs. 8c and 8d). pro®les at 1200 UTC, that is 0720 local time, agree well In summary, CCM3 can simulate the climatological with those of radiosondes and ECMWF reanalyses for seasonal cycle of precipitation in the equatorial Am- all seasons (Figs. 3 and 4). The modeled humidity pro- azon, although the peaks are not reliably dated and ®les also correspond closely to those of radiosondes in the west, too large in amplitude. The vertical tem- below 800 mb, but underestimate humidity by 10%± perature structures qualitatively agree with radio- 40% in October (Fig. 3b). The ECMWF reanalyses at sonde pro®les throughout all seasons, although hu- the same sampling time as the radiosonde pro®les appear midity in the lower troposphere is signi®cantly lower to systematically overestimate the humidity in the lower and the meridional winds show a much greater vertical troposphere by 6%±12%. The vertical structure of zonal variation than those observed. The large-scale upper- winds in CTR agrees generally with that given by the level ¯ow and lower-level convergence are also rea- radiosondes except for being too easterly in the lower sonable, especially over land where seasonal changes troposphere in October (Fig. 3c) and too westerly aloft of surface heat ¯uxes are more closely related to that during April (Fig. 4c). The former implies an excessive of the insolation. The response of precipitation to the low-level in¯ow from the Atlantic Ocean in austral seasonal changes of large-scale atmospheric circula- spring and also in winter (not shown). The meridional tion and surface forcing appear to be physically and wind in CTR run show a much stronger vertical vari- dynamically reasonable. The modeled distribution of ation than that given by radiosonde, especially in Oc- precipitation is less reliable in July when CCM3 sim- tober (Fig. 3d). The stronger vertical shear of meridional ulates a spurious center of precipitation over the Ca- winds in CTR implies an excessive dynamic instability ribbean Sea, hence overestimating the lower-level di- and mixing in the lower troposphere in austral spring. vergence and subsidence over the equatorial Amazon. In April (Fig. 4d), a spurious peak of southerly wind Evidently as a result of this shift, the humidity of the appears at 800 mb and it may exaggerate the shear in- modeled lower troposphere is lower in the central stability in the lower troposphere. equatorial Amazon than that observed. Figures 5 and 6 show that at Manaus in the central equatorial Amazon (2ЊS, 60ЊW, 1200 UTC, i.e., 0800 local time) the modeled lower troposphere is as warm 4. How do SSTs affect the seasonality of Amazon as (Figs. 6a and 6b) or slightly warmer (up to 1±2 K, rainfall? Fig. 5a) than observed, but drier by up to 10%±20% a. Without seasonal cycle of SSTs (ANN run) (Figs. 5b and 6b). The humidity of the lower troposphere in the ECMWF reanalyses, on the other hand, is about To determine the in¯uence of seasonal variations of 10% higher than that observed by radiosondes. In Oc- SSTs on Amazon rainfall, we ®rst must isolate the con- tober the modeled easterly wind, hence moisture trans- tributions of land. Because the land surface responds to port, is too weak, probably contributing to the drier solar radiation almost instantly, precipitation dominated humidity at Manaus. In April, easterly zonal winds are by land would follow the seasonality of solar radiation, about 50% stronger than observed below 400 mb, and and consequently would have a semiannual pattern with too westerly above. The modeled meridional winds symmetry about the equator during the equinox seasons. agree closely with those measured by radiosonde, except Figure 9 shows the modeled annual cycles of precipi- for a spurious southerly peak at 200 mb. Overall at tation averaged for the eastern and western equatorial

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FIG. 3. Comparisons of the vertical pro®les of (a) temperature, (b) humidity, (c) zonal, and (d) meridional winds between the CCM3 control experiment (dotted), radiosondes (dashed), and ECMWF reanalyses (solid) at BeleÂm for Oct. The pro®les of radiosondes and ECMWF reanalyses are obtained by averaging all the instantaneous values at each pressure level for each month for the period of 1987±93.

Amazon for the four cases. As expected, the seasonal CTR (Figs. 2a and 2e), suggesting that the seasonality cycle of precipitation in the ANN run without season- of land heating largely control solstice precipitation. The ality of the SSTs shows a semiannual pattern in the patterns of prescribed annual mean SSTs in the eastern eastern Amazon whereas the CTR run shows an annual Paci®c and Atlantic resemble more those of boreal than cycle peaking in austral fall. austral summer, keeping the eastern Paci®c and Atlantic Figure 10 shows the ANN spatial patterns of Amazon ITCZs to the north of the equator throughout the year. rainfall. In the solstice seasons (Figs. 10a and 10c), these Precipitation at the equinoxes appears to be mostly in- spatial patterns of rainfall are very similar to those of ¯uenced by the seasonality of SSTs over the tropical

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FIG. 4. As in Fig. 3 but for Apr.

oceans. The ANN precipitation in October (Fig. 10b) rather than to the south as in the CTR run (Fig. 2c). In spreads across the entire equatorial Amazon, such that both equinox seasons, the modeled rainfall in the west- the eastern equatorial Amazon has much more rainfall ern Amazon of the ANN run remains similar to that of than that in CTR (Fig. 2g). The Atlantic ITCZ, on the the CTR run, suggesting that in the western Amazon other hand, becomes weaker and shifts toward the equa- the seasonality of the continent dominates that of the tor and is con®ned to the western equatorial Atlantic precipitation. (cf. Fig. 10b to Fig. 2g), suggesting that the seasonality In short, the seasonality of the tropical SSTs in¯u- of SSTs tends to draw precipitation away from the Am- ences Amazon rainfall weakly during the solstice sea- azon. The eastern Amazon in the ANN run in April is sons, but more strongly during the equinox seasons, and drier and Atlantic ITCZ is weaker than in CTR and the most strongly in austral spring over the eastern Amazon. ITCZ is centered to the north of the equator (Fig. 10d), Without the in¯uence of tropical SSTs, precipitation

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FIG. 5. As in Fig. 3, but at Manaus for Oct. over the equatorial Amazon would have a semiannual because the in¯uence of seasonal SSTs on Amazon rain- seasonality following the insolation. fall during the solstices is relatively weak. Figure 11 shows for October the seasonal departure of the SSTs in the Atlantic Ocean and the resulting b. Tropical Atlantic difference in precipitation between ATL and ANN runs. The results of the ATL run are compared with those Because the seasonal cycle of SSTs lags that of inso- of the ANN run to isolate how the seasonal cycle of lation, the ATL SSTs are still much warmer in the north- Atlantic SSTs affects Amazon precipitation over the ern Atlantic and cooler in the southern Atlantic than Amazon. The ATL and ANN runs differ only in the their annual means (Fig. 11a). Consequently, the At- seasonal cycles of SSTs in the tropical Atlantic, as de- lantic ITCZ should remain in the North Atlantic, in- scribed in section 2. We will focus on the equinoxes creasing oceanic precipitation to the north of the equator

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FIG. 6. As in Fig. 5, but for Apr. and decreasing it to the south. The precipitation differ- about 5Њ northward by the seasonal cycle of the Atlantic ence ®eld in Fig. 11b supports this expectation. It is and Caribbean Sea SSTs, suggesting an Atlantic in¯u- positive between 5Њ and 15ЊN over the Atlantic and ence on the eastern Paci®c ITCZ. Caribbean Sea and decreases to the south of 5ЊN in the In April, the areas of increased precipitation are sep- Atlantic and eastern Amazon sector. Precipitation arated from those of reduced precipitation (Fig. 12b) by changes little in the western Amazon except for regions the sign of the departure of SSTs from their annual along the east slope of Andes, but is enhanced in Central means (Fig. 12a), suggesting that the seasonal anomalies America, north of the western Amazon. Subtropical pre- of precipitation over the Atlantic Ocean is directly re- cipitation increases over the continent, but decreases lated to those of SSTs. The increase of precipitation over over the Atlantic Ocean, presumably a result of the SSTs the eastern Amazon appears as a westward extension of in the South Atlantic being colder than their annual the enhanced Atlantic ITCZ. In contrast to October, pre- means. The eastern Paci®c ITCZ appears to be displaced cipitation also increases somewhat in the equatorial

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FIG. 7. Maps of streamline and velocity potential at 200 mb derived from ECMWF reanalyses and CCM3 control experiment for Oct averaged over the period of 1987±93. (a) Streamline derived from the ECMWF reanalyses. (b) As in (a) but from the CCM3 control experiment. (c) Velocity potential from ECMWF reanalyses. The unit is 10 6 m2 sϪ1. (d) As in (c) but from CCM3 control experiment. western Amazon. The near-coastal end of the eastern cold tongue region by as much as 2 K. Hence, the sea- Paci®c ITCZ shifts equatorward, giving more rainfall sonality of the Paci®c SSTs enhances the surface tem- between the equator and 10ЊN and less between 10Њ and perature contrast between the eastern Paci®c and west- 20ЊN. ern Amazon. We might expect this to increase the gra- dient of mid- and upper-troposphere geopotential height, c. Tropical Paci®c and consequently, rainfall in the western Amazon. How- ever, Fig. 13b shows little change of precipitation in the The PAC run is compared to ANN run in Figs. 13 western Amazon, but about a reduction of rainfall by and 14 to illustrate the in¯uence of seasonality of trop- 40%±60% in the eastern Amazon between the equator ical Paci®c SSTs on Amazon rainfall. At both equinoxes, and 10ЊS. Hence, the in¯uence of Paci®c SSTs on Am- the dividing line between warmer and cooler seasonal azon rainfall cannot be simply explained by a thermal anomalies tilts from 10ЊN in the eastern Paci®c (80Њ± gradient between the eastern Paci®c and the South 140ЊW) to 5Њ or 10ЊS in the central Paci®c (160ЊE±180Њ; American continent. Figs. 13a and 14a). Hence, the spatial distribution of The eastern Paci®c cold tongue is warmest in April the seasonal departures of SSTs from their annual means and the South Paci®c convergence zone is at its peak in the tropical Paci®c is more asymmetric relative to the in terms of its eastward expansion. The north branch of equator than that in the Atlantic Ocean. the eastern Paci®c ITCZ is weakest and closest to the In October, the eastern Paci®c ITCZ in the PAC run equator (Fig. 14b). A south branch of the ITCZ appears shifts northward by 5Њ from its location in the ANN run between the equator and 5ЊS in the eastern Paci®c. Con- (Fig. 13b). SSTs south of 10ЊN in the eastern Paci®c sequently, precipitation increases between 5ЊN and 5ЊS, are cooler than their annual means (Fig. 13a), in the and decreases north of 5ЊN in the eastern Paci®c. Com-

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FIG. 8. As in Fig. 7 but for Apr. pensational subsidence apparently suppresses precipi- upper-level pattern of divergence and convergence (Fig. tation over Central America and adjacent oceanic areas. 15b). The precipitation anomaly of the ITCZ has an Precipitation decreases over the eastern Amazon con- out¯ow concentrated to its south by Hadley cell dy- tinent by 20%±40% on the equator coinciding with namics and to its west by a Rossby wave effect (Gill weakening of the Atlantic ITCZ. Rainfall increases in 1980). The low-level streamline pattern (Fig. 15a) has the western Amazon and along the east slope of the features similar to those described by Gill (1980). The Andes across a very broad latitudinal range (10ЊN± trough over northern South America will amplify con- 30ЊS). These changes cannot be directly caused by the vergence north of the equator and divergence south of changes of land±ocean surface temperature contrast be- the equator through friction in the PBL, hence contrib- tween the eastern Paci®c cold tongue and the South uting to the shift of the precipitation anomaly westward American continent, since the southeastern Paci®c is onto northern South America and to the drying of the separated from the Amazon in the lower troposphere, eastern Amazon. Hence, the direct circulation driven by and the resulting gradient of geopotential height be- seasonal migration of the tropical Atlantic SSTs shapes tween the Paci®c and South American continent should the seasonal pattern of rainfall at the equator in the decrease, rather than increase rainfall in the western eastern Amazon as it does interannual changes over the Amazon. Nordeste (region of Brazil) (Moura and Shukla 1981). The vertical-latitude cross section at 50ЊW (Fig. 16a) 5. The underlying mechanisms shows an enhanced area of rising motion occurring be- tween 8Њ and 20ЊN over the Atlantic Ocean, a center of a. In¯uence of the Atlantic Ocean horizontal wind convergence below the 600-mb pressure The response of precipitation to the ATL SST anom- level, and a center of divergence above the 300-mb pres- aly is largely a direct thermal cell, as supported by the sure level. A subsidence to the south over the equatorial

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FIG. 9. Ensemble seasonal cycles of area averaged monthly precipitation amount (mm day Ϫ1) over the (a) eastern and (b) western equatorial Amazon simulated by CCM3 CTR (long-dashed curve), ANN (dotted curve), ATL (dashed curve), and PAC (dot±dashed curve).

eastern Amazon compensates for this rising motion. Figure 17 explores how the circulation affects static However, over this subsidence region, divergence (solid and shear instability in October for the grid square con- contours) only appears at the surface over the Atlantic taining BeleÂm (1.5ЊS, 49ЊW). Averaged over the month between the equator and 5ЊN. Over land, the enhanced and diurnally, the surface temperature in ATL at BeleÂm subsidence leads to horizontal wind divergence, only exceeds that of ANN by only about 1 K. However, tem- over a layer from 600 to 850 mb, and not at the surface. peratures between 850 and 800 mb increase by about 2 A rising motion below 850 mb, presumably caused by K, implying a decrease of lapse rate and, consequently, increased solar heating of the land with decreased - a more stable strati®cation below 800 mb. Seasonality iness, excludes subsidence from penetrating down to the of Atlantic SSTs decreases the speci®c humidity by at surface. Evidently, the subsidence aloft induced by the least2gkgϪ1. These changes increase the Convective Atlantic ITCZ suppresses the convection that otherwise Inhibition Energy (CINE; Williams and Renno 1993) would occur in response to the semiannual peak of sur- by 41 J kgϪ1 in October or 27 J kgϪ1 averaged from face heating in austral spring. September to December. This additional initial updraft The zonal structure of the atmospheric response to velocity of up to 9 m sϪ1 required to overcome this extra the Atlantic SSTs in October is examined in the vertical- CINE suppresses convection. longitude cross section along 1.4ЊS (Fig. 16b). Strong The meridional winds in the lower troposphere be- subsidence and horizontal wind divergence in the lower come more southerly, and above 600 mb more northerly, troposphere are con®ned to the east of 55ЊW, corre- consistent with the anomalous low-level divergence and sponding to where precipitation is suppressed. In the upper-level convergence in the equatorial eastern Am- western Amazon, the vertical velocity is essentially un- azon (see Fig. 16a). The zonal winds become more east- changed except for areas near 60ЊW, consistent with the erly in the lower troposphere and more westerly in the unchanged precipitation in the western equatorial Am- midtroposphere, such that zonal convergence weakens azon, although the meridional wind becomes more con- in the lower troposphere and divergence weakens aloft. vergent near the surface especially along the east slope Since transport is the main source of the moisture in of the Andes. that region (Marengo 1992; Rao et al. 1996; Brubaker

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FIG. 10. Geographic distribution of precipitation (mm day Ϫ1) in ANN run for (a) Jul, (b) Oct, (c) Jan, and (d) Apr. et al. 1993), the weakened lower-tropospheric conver- cation of the Atlantic ITCZ, at 10ЊN in austral spring, gence contributes to the observed drier humidity. The induces subsidence and meridional divergence of low- shear of low-level winds, hence the shear instability level wind over the equatorial eastern Amazon and At- needed for supporting the squall line type of convection lantic, stabilizing the lapse rate, reducing humidity with- (Silva Dias and Ferreira 1992) is also weaker (not in and above its boundary layer, and consequently in- shown) under the in¯uence of seasonal departure of At- ducing a statically and dynamically more stable large- lantic SSTs in October from their annual means. scale environment. Hence, deep tropospheric convection The results for April suggest a similar direct thermal and precipitation are suppressed. In austral fall, the SSTs circulation in response to the Amazon rainfall as in Oc- anomalies are largest south of the equator. The cooler tober, although with a different spatial pattern of pre- SST anomalies to the north enhance the meridional pres- cipitation anomaly. In summary, the differences be- sure gradient near the surface and promote subsidence tween the ATL and ANN simulations show that the north of 5ЊN. Rising motion and precipitation therefore annual cycle of SSTs in the tropical Atlantic Ocean can are enhanced in the region of 5ЊN±15ЊS. signi®cantly alter the spatial pattern of the precipitation at the equinox or from that determined by the seasonal cycle of continental heating in the Tropics. The direct b. In¯uence of tropical Paci®c thermal circulation in response to the Atlantic SST 1) AUSTRAL SPRING anomalies suppresses the wet season in the eastern equa- torial Amazon during austral spring, evidently because Paci®c SSTs also generate wind anomalies that in turn the southward migration of the warmest SSTs and ITCZ modify precipitation over the Amazon. Wind anomalies in the Atlantic Ocean lag that of maximum solar radi- are analyzed for 200 and 850 mb. Figure 18a shows the ation and thus clear-sky land surface heating. The lo- anomalies for October at 200 mb are westerly over the

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FIG. 11. Maps of the differences in (a) climatological SSTs and FIG. 12. As in Fig. 11 but for Apr. (b) precipitation between ATL and ANN for Oct. The contour interval in (a) is 1 K and in (b) is 2 mm dayϪ1. Solid contours indicate positive (warmer) values and dashed contours indicate negative (colder) val- through Figs. 17 and 19. Figure 17 shows for BeleÂm ues in both ®gures. that vertical pro®les of temperature and humidity change little from ANN to PAC. Most noticeable is the tem- northern and southern subtropical Atlantic and easterly perature increase at 800 mb of 1 K, suggesting a over the equator. The consequent anticyclonic pertur- strengthening of the inversion at the top of the PBL. bation is especially strong over the subtropical eastern Winds also change less than in ATL. Evidently, the sea- South America and western South Atlantic, the typical sonal cycle of SSTs in the Paci®c in¯uences only the location of the the South Atlantic convergence zone free atmosphere above the PBL, and has little in¯uence (SACZ). The anomalies at 850 mb (Fig. 18b) are east- on the modeled vertical pro®les of temperature, humid- erly over the Atlantic just north of the equator but be- ity, and winds, in contrast to the in¯uence of the seasonal come westerly in the Paci®c with consequent conver- cycle of Atlantic SSTs. gence. The negative precipitation anomaly in the eastern The vertical cross section along 55ЊW (Fig. 19) shows Amazon (Fig. 13b) appears to be connected to the an- that subsidence above 700 mb in PAC relative to ANN ticyclonic perturbation. The latter appears to be a re- leads to horizontal wind divergence between 850 and sponse to the central Paci®c SST anomalies. The low- 600 mb over the eastern Amazon between the equator level wind anomaly pattern also suggests that the neg- and 15ЊS, with a southerly wind at the equator and a ative precipitation anomaly is in part a response to the northerly wind at 10ЊS. This divergence in the low to precipitation anomalies in the eastern Paci®c through a midtroposphere suppresses deep convection in the east- direct thermal circulation. ern Amazon in spite of an increase in convergence and How the response of large-scale circulation shown in rising motion near the surface. The anomalous horizon- Fig. 18 affects convective instability is examined tal convergence and rising motion deepen over the sub-

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FIG. 13. As in Fig. 11, but for the differences between PAC and ANN runs. tropical eastern South America continent (20Њ±30ЊS) in source for the wave activity appears to be the central the PAC run. tropical Paci®c in the region of maximum precipitation Previous studies have suggested that either the com- response to the SST anomaly. However, the lack of ap- bined effect of Amazon rainfall and the South Atlantic plicability of the wave activity ¯ux de®nition over the subtropical high (Cook 2000) or extratropical-to-tropi- equator precludes making this conclusion de®nitively. cal propagation of a Rossby wave can in¯uence the Hence, further clari®cation is sought with a linear SACZ (Kalnay et al. 1986; Liebmann et al. 1999; Rob- barotropic model. The model is forced by a prescribed ertson and Mechoso 2000). To identify the cause of the heating source with the 200-mb mean ¯ow of October. PAC anomalous upper-level anticyclonic ¯ow over the We have tested various locations for the heating source SACZ in the austral spring, we plot the differential based on the difference of the precipitation ®eld between streamfunction at 200 mb and the wave activity ¯ux PAC and ANN run (Fig. 14b). A heating dipole in the (Karoly et al. 1989) in Fig. 20a. The contribution of the tropical central Paci®c (0Њ±20ЊN, 160ЊE±150ЊW), cor- zonal mean ¯ow to the streamfunction is removed to responding to the increased precipitation shown in Fig. highlight the wave structure. The plot shows that a neg- 14b caused by the northward shift of Paci®c ITCZ, gen- ative anomaly indicating upper-level anticyclonic ¯ow erates a response resembling the streamfunction and centered on the east side of the South American con- wave activity ¯ux differences between the PAC and tinent in the subtropics is sandwiched between cyclonic ANN runs over South America and the south-central ¯ow anomalies to its northeast and southwest, respec- Paci®c (Fig. 20b). tively. This pattern is indicative of a wave train anomaly in the South Paci®c and American sector, extending 2) AUSTRAL FALL from the Tropics to the extratropics. The accompanying northeastward ¯ux of wave activity from the extratrop- Figure 21 compares the change in winds in April ical southeastern Paci®c to the SACZ, strengthens the between PAC and ANN at 200 and 850 mb to determine upper-level anticyclonic ¯ow associated with SACZ and the process that decreases precipitation over the eastern the cyclonic ¯ow to its north. The latter in turn can Amazon. At 200 mb, westerly anomalies appear over suppress precipitation in the eastern Amazon. The South America located to the east of the eastern and

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FIG. 14. As in Fig. 12, but for the differences between PAC and ANN run. central equatorial Paci®c precipitation anomalies (Fig. 120ЊW) and splits along the northwest and southwest 13b). These anomalous westerlies shear cyclonically on ¯anks of the divergence region in the equatorial eastern either sides of the equator. The change of the ¯ow at Paci®c (90Њ±120ЊE). The latter extends farther east to 850 mb east of the Paci®c precipitation anomalies is the South America continent. This pattern of wind di- reversed compared to that at 200 mb. The wind at 850 vergence suggests a Walker cell response to the en- mb converges over the equatorial central Paci®c (180Њ± hanced atmospheric heating in the central and eastern

FIG. 15. Differences of monthly mean (a) streamline at 850 mb and (b) divergence at 200 mb simulated by ATL experiment from that of ANN experiment for Oct. The contour interval in (b) is 10 Ϫ5 sϪ1. Solid contours indicate positive deviations, and dashed contours indicate negative deviations.

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/␷ץx ϩץ/uץ] FIG. 16. (a) Differences in meridional and vertical winds (vectors), and horizontal wind divergence y(contours)], between ATL and ANN experiment along the pressure-latitude cross section at 50ЊW for Oct. Theץ length of the vector represents the magnitude of the wind and the arrow the direction of the wind. The scale is given near the lower-right corner of each diagram. The scale of the vertical winds is one-®ftieth of that of the horizontal winds. Solid contours indicate divergence and dashed contours convergence. (b) As in (a) but for the pressure± longitude cross section along 1.4ЊS. Vectors represent zonal and vertical winds. Contours represent horizontal wind .(yץ/vץx ϩץ/uץ) divergence

Paci®c. The enhanced low-level divergence over the decrease of precipitation in the equatorial eastern Am- equatorial Amazon appears to be the sinking branch of azon. the Walker cell response. Although lower-level divergence is strengthened across the entire equatorial Amazon, precipitation only 6. Discussion decreases in the east. Possibly topographic lifting of the a. Relative importance of land versus oceanic enhanced lower-level northeasterly wind maintains pre- in¯uence cipitation along the east side of the Andes, despite the weakened lower-level convergence. In contrast to Oc- The numerical experiments of Lenters and Cook tober, the absence of a wave train from the extratropical (1995) have suggested that the South American conti- South Paci®c to subtropical South America suggests that nent is required for seasonal insolation to produce sea- extratropical in¯uences are probably unimportant for the sonality of precipitation over South America and the

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FIG. 17. The differences in vertical pro®les of (a) temperature, (b) humidity, (c) zonal, and (d) meridional wind between CTR (solid), ATL (dotted), and PAC (dashed) experiments, respectively, and ANN experiments at BeleÂm for Oct.

Bolivian high. Our comparison between ANN and CTR circulation over land, in transition between winter and supports their conclusions for the western Amazon, the summer, is most weakly affected by seasonality. The entire Amazon at the solstices, and the subtropical South oceanic in¯uence is more pronounced in the Tropics, American continent. However, in the eastern Amazon where the seasonal change of land surface temperatures and at the equinoxes, the seasonal heating of the con- is weaker, than in the subtropics, where seasonality of tinent and seasonality of SSTs in the adjacent oceans the land surface is substantially stronger than that of the appear to be equally important in determining the pre- SSTs. cipitation. Seasonal variations of SSTs of the tropical Our model simulation is consistent with observations Paci®c and Atlantic lag those of the continent and max- that indicate a strong oceanic in¯uence on precipitation imize at the equinoxes, at which time the atmospheric in the eastern Amazon. Whether in the western Amazon,

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FIG. 18. Differences in monthly mean winds (m sϪ1) at (a) 200 mb and (b) 850 mb between PAC and ANN experiments for Oct. The vector below the diagram on the right side indicates the scale of the wind difference for that diagram. the oceanic in¯uence on precipitation is indeed as weak b. Western Amazon versus eastern Amazon as the model suggests needs further validation, a dif®cult task without reliable observations over the western Am- Our numerical experiments show for the eastern equa- azon. In addition, a higher model resolution may be torial Amazon that systematic responses of the upper- needed to properly reproduce observations. Future ob- troposphere ¯ow, the vertical velocity, and horizontal servations that can be made with satellite systems such wind divergence above the PBL are related to the sea- as TRMM may offer more reliable measurements of sonal variations of the SSTs in the tropical Paci®c and precipitation over the western Amazon. Atlantic. These responses consequently affect transport

FIG. 19. As in Fig. 16a but for PAC minus ANN run along the 55ЊW for Oct.

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FIG. 20. (a) Differences in streamfunction at 200 mb between PAC and ANN run (contours) and associated wave activity ¯ux (vectors) for Oct. (b) Streamfunction of the atmospheric response (contours) in the linear barotropic model to the heating (shaded areas) in the central Paci®c and wave activity ¯ux (vectors) for Oct. The contribution of the zonal mean ¯ow to the streamfunction has been removed. Solid contours indicate counterclockwise ¯ow, and dashed contours indicate clockwise ¯ow. Wave activity index is not plotted within the region of 10ЊS±10ЊN. The darker shade indicates an upper-level divergence anomaly (a positive heating anomaly) and lighter shade indicates an upper-level convergence (a negative heating anomaly). The unit for contours is 10 6 m2 sϪ1. of moisture from the Atlantic in the lower troposphere 3) Stronger topographic forcing and stronger effects of and the lapse rate above the PBL, and lead to a strong vegetation in the western Amazon may also contrib- sensitivity of the precipitation in the eastern equatorial ute to the weaker sensitivity of the precipitation to Amazon to the SSTs in the adjacent oceans. Over the oceanic in¯uences. western equatorial Amazon, the modeled seasonal change of precipitation is insensitive to the seasonality of the SSTs in any tropical oceans. c. The relative importance of the SSTs in tropical Why would the seasonal precipitation be more sen- Atlantic and Paci®c sitive to SSTs over the eastern Amazon than over the Figure 9 shows that the seasonal cycle of the precip- western Amazon? The most likely factors explaining itation in the eastern Amazon in the CTR run can be the difference are as follows: largely reproduced by the ATL run, but not by the PAC 1) The prevalent winds over the eastern Amazon orig- and ANN runs. The seasonality of the Atlantic SSTs inate from the Atlantic Ocean. Hence, changes of along with that of the continent evidently dominates the the Atlantic SSTs can easily affect the moist static seasonal patterns of the Amazon rainfall. A direct ther- energy of lower-tropospheric air, consequently con- mal circulation carries Atlantic moisture to the Amazon. vection in the eastern Amazon, as shown in our com- Without the in¯uence of Atlantic SSTs, the annual peak parison between the ATL and ANN runs. in austral fall could be replaced by semiannual peaks 2) The atmospheric circulation over tropical South in both spring and fall. America is most in¯uenced by heating anomalies in Paci®c SSTs more weakly in¯uence Amazon precip- the tropical eastern Paci®c, Caribbean Sea, and the itation through a Walker cell response to the heating in western equatorial Atlantic. The strongest responses the tropical central and eastern Paci®c, and during aus- occur directly over these oceanic regions, rather than tral spring, also through a response of a stationary Ross- over the South American continent. The eastern Am- by wave train originating from the tropical central Pa- azon is closer and more directly in¯uenced by the ci®c, and especially noticeable in the Southern Hemi- responses centered over the tropical Atlantic than is sphere. The in¯uence of the Paci®c SSTs is presumably the western Amazon. further modi®ed by the in¯uences of the Atlantic SSTs

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FIG. 21. As in Fig. 18, but for Apr and the addition of divergence/convergence at 850 mb. The solid contours in (b) indicate wind divergence at 850 mb, and the dashed contours represent convergence. The vector on the right side beneath diagram (b) indicates the scale for the wind ®eld in both diagrams. The contour interval is 10 Ϫ6 sϪ1. and Africa. Hence, the relationships between the Paci®c South Paci®c to subtropical South America has been SSTs and Amazon rainfall are complex with many fac- shown to enhance the SACZ (e.g., Kalnay et al. 1986; tors involved. Liebmann et al. 1999; Robertson and Mechoso 2000), In contrast to the seasonal variability, changes of the on the intraseasonal scale during summer. This telecon- Paci®c SSTs on interannual timescales, for example, nection appears to simultaneously enhance the upper- ENSO, may contribute more to Amazon variability than level anticyclonic ¯ow over the SACZ area and cyclonic those of the Atlantic because the SST changes in the ¯ow over the eastern Amazon (Fig. 10 in Liebmann et latter are much weaker than those of ENSO. al. 1999), similar to the responses of the upper-level ¯ow to the austral spring distribution of the Paci®c SSTs (Fig. 18) in our numerical experiments. Their summer d. Connection to observed interannual variability results obtained from NCEP and ECMWF reanalyses The observed seasonal cycle of the atmospheric pro- support a possible in¯uence of a Rossby wave train on ®les of thermodynamic properties and their relationship precipitation in the eastern equatorial Amazon. How- to the large-scale atmospheric dynamic ®elds are con- ever, further observational analyses are needed to clarify sistent with a direct circulation response inferred from the existence of such a Rossby wave train response to ATL. In particular, the austral spring rainfall in the equa- seasonality of SSTs over the equatorial Paci®c as sug- torial eastern Amazon is suppressed by a strong inver- gested by the simulations. sion and dryness in the atmospheric PBL (Fu et al. Chiang et al. (2000) have observed that decadal var- 1999). Subsidence warms the atmosphere above the iability of the Atlantic ITCZ and a zonally orientated boundary layer and dries the boundary layer by its en- dipole of precipitation at the equator over the tropical trainment of the overlying stable air. These features are Atlantic are most sensitive to the anomalous heating qualitatively captured, as shown in Figs. 15±17 in which dipole over the equatorial eastern Paci®c during austral changes of the precipitation and atmospheric circulation fall. Saravanan and Chang (2000) have analyzed CCM3 are solely caused by the seasonality of the Atlantic SSTs. experiments that suggest interannual variability of the The propagation of the Rossby wave energy from the Atlantic ITCZ and precipitation in northeastern Brazil

Unauthenticated | Downloaded 10/02/21 07:29 PM UTC 15 OCTOBER 2001 FU ET AL. 4025 result from a circulation responding to the anomalous ern Amazon is decreased despite the anomalous hor- precipitation in the equatorial eastern Paci®c. Their re- izontal wind convergence and rising motion in the sponses are similar to those in our experiments for sea- lower troposphere resulting from a stronger surface sonal variation. heating. 3) Seasonality of the SSTs in the tropical Paci®c also tends to reduce precipitation in the eastern Amazon, 7. Conclusions both during spring and fall. In austral spring, the We have performed four numerical experiments with Paci®c SSTs enhance the subsidence not only different seasonal distributions of tropical SSTs using through zonal direct circulation, but also by a re- CCM3 coupled with BATS to test their in¯uences on sponse of a stationary Rossby wave train ranging the seasonal distribution of precipitation over the equa- from the extratropical South Paci®c to subtropical torial Amazon. The control run (CTR) is forced by an South America. This teleconnection strengthens the observed climatological seasonal cycle of SSTs, the an- SACZ and the upper-level cyclonic ¯ow to its north. nual run (ANN) assumes ®xed annual mean SSTs over The latter reduces precipitation in the eastern Am- global oceans. In the Atlantic (ATL) and Paci®c (PAC) azon. The pattern of the response in the fall suggests runs, SSTs vary seasonally either only in the tropical that a Walker cell response to the anomalous pre- Atlantic or only in the tropical Paci®c. The in¯uences cipitation in the central and eastern Paci®c caused of SSTs globally and in each tropical ocean are ex- by seasonality of the Paci®c SSTs reduces precipi- amined by comparing CTR, ATL, and PAC runs to the tation in the equatorial eastern Amazon. This mech- ANN run. anism has been invoked by Saravanan and Chang The CTR shows a qualitative agreement with satellite- (2000) to explain the in¯uence of ENSO on the At- observed precipitation (GPCP), rain gauges, radiosonde lantic ITCZ during austral fall. pro®les, and ECMWF reanalyses, especially during wet season. In particular, the contrast in duration of the wet Acknowledgments. We are grateful to Dr. Thomas season between the eastern and western Amazon is cap- Dunne for kindly sharing his rain gauge data. We also tured and seasonal changes of the vertical temperature thank Dr. Muhammad Shaikh and Ms. Wenhong Li for strati®cation and humidity are reasonable. The model computational help; Drs. Andrea Hahmann, Michael simulates a dry austral spring and a wet season of about Perdue, and Ronald Miller for constructive discussion, three months in austral fall. However, a spurious shift and two anonymous reviewers for their insightful com- of precipitation from the north-central Amazon to the ments. The radiosonde data and ECMWF reanalyses are Caribbean Sea during austral winter could re¯ect an provided by the NCAR Data Support Center. This work inadequate response to the austral winter seasonal forc- is supported by NOAA Global Of®ce Pan American ing, and may degrade the realism of our experiments. 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