34 bus time schedule & line map

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The 34 bus line (Bilston) has 3 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) Bilston: 6:00 AM - 10:35 PM (2) : 5:30 AM - 7:20 PM (3) : 5:45 AM - 11:05 PM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest 34 bus station near you and nd out when is the next 34 bus arriving.

Direction: Bilston 34 bus Time Schedule 29 stops Bilston Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday 9:25 AM - 10:35 PM

Monday 6:00 AM - 10:35 PM Saddlers Centre, Walsall Bradford Street, Birmingham//Walsall/ Tuesday 6:00 AM - 10:35 PM

Vicarage Place, Caldmore Wednesday 6:00 AM - 10:35 PM

Corporation St, Caldmore Thursday 6:00 AM - 10:35 PM Friday 6:00 AM - 10:35 PM Bescot Crescent, New Mills Saturday 6:00 AM - 10:35 PM Oxford St, New Mills Ford Street, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley

Pleck Rd, New Mills 34 bus Info Gower St, Alumwell Direction: Bilston Stops: 29 Hough Rd, Alumwell Trip Duration: 27 min Hough Road, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley Line Summary: Saddlers Centre, Walsall, Vicarage Place, Caldmore, Corporation St, Caldmore, Bescot James Bridge, Alumwell Crescent, New Mills, Oxford St, New Mills, Pleck Rd, Darlaston Road, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley New Mills, Gower St, Alumwell, Hough Rd, Alumwell, James Bridge, Alumwell, Station St, Fallings Heath, Station St, Fallings Heath Park Lane, Fallings Heath, Salisbury St, Fallings Heath, All Saints Church, Fallings Heath, Gordon St, Park Lane, Fallings Heath Darlaston, Darlaston Asda, Darlaston, New St, Darlaston, St Josephs School, Rough Hay, Willenhall 308 Walsall Road, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley St, Rough Hay, Yardley St, Rough Hay, Khyber Close, Salisbury St, Fallings Heath Rough Hay, Kennedy Crescent, Rough Hay, Rough Hay Rd, Rough Hay, Michael Rd, Herberts Park, Brunel Court, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley Whitehouse Avenue, Herberts Park, Wrenbury Drive, All Saints Church, Fallings Heath the Lunt, Darlaston Lane, the Lunt, St Chads Rd, the Lunt, War Memorial, Bilston, Bilston Bus Station, Bilston Gordon St, Darlaston

Darlaston Asda, Darlaston Wesleys Fold, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley

New St, Darlaston St. Lawrence Way, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley St Josephs School, Rough Hay Cross Street, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley

Willenhall St, Rough Hay Rough Hay Road, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley

Yardley St, Rough Hay Yardley Street, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley

Khyber Close, Rough Hay Khyber Close, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley

Kennedy Crescent, Rough Hay Hall Street East, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley

Rough Hay Rd, Rough Hay

Michael Rd, Herberts Park The Avenue, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley

Whitehouse Avenue, Herberts Park Whitehouse Avenue, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley

Wrenbury Drive, the Lunt

Darlaston Lane, the Lunt

St Chads Rd, the Lunt Lunt Road, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley

War Memorial, Bilston Railway Street, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley

Bilston Bus Station, Bilston Wood Street, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley Direction: Darlaston 34 bus Time Schedule 15 stops Darlaston Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 5:30 AM - 7:20 PM Saddlers Centre, Walsall Bradford Street, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley Tuesday 5:30 AM - 7:20 PM

Vicarage Place, Caldmore Wednesday 5:30 AM - 7:20 PM

Corporation St, Caldmore Thursday 5:30 AM - 7:20 PM Friday 5:30 AM - 7:20 PM Bescot Crescent, New Mills Saturday 5:30 AM - 7:20 PM Oxford St, New Mills Ford Street, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley

Pleck Rd, New Mills 34 bus Info Gower St, Alumwell Direction: Darlaston Stops: 15 Hough Rd, Alumwell Trip Duration: 13 min Hough Road, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley Line Summary: Saddlers Centre, Walsall, Vicarage Place, Caldmore, Corporation St, Caldmore, Bescot James Bridge, Alumwell Crescent, New Mills, Oxford St, New Mills, Pleck Rd, Darlaston Road, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley New Mills, Gower St, Alumwell, Hough Rd, Alumwell, James Bridge, Alumwell, Station St, Fallings Heath, Station St, Fallings Heath Park Lane, Fallings Heath, Salisbury St, Fallings Heath, All Saints Church, Fallings Heath, Gordon St, Park Lane, Fallings Heath Darlaston, Darlaston Asda, Darlaston 308 Walsall Road, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley

Salisbury St, Fallings Heath Brunel Court, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley

All Saints Church, Fallings Heath

Gordon St, Darlaston

Darlaston Asda, Darlaston Wesleys Fold, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley Direction: Walsall 34 bus Time Schedule 27 stops Walsall Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday 9:07 AM - 11:05 PM

Monday 5:45 AM - 11:05 PM Bilston Bus Station, Bilston Wood Street, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley Tuesday 5:45 AM - 11:05 PM

St Chads Rd, the Lunt Wednesday 5:45 AM - 11:05 PM Lunt Road, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley Thursday 5:45 AM - 11:05 PM Darlaston Lane, the Lunt Friday 5:45 AM - 11:05 PM

Whitehouse Avenue, Herberts Park Saturday 5:45 AM - 11:05 PM

Michael Rd, Herberts Park The Avenue, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley

Rough Hay Rd, Rough Hay 34 bus Info Direction: Walsall Kennedy Crescent, Rough Hay Stops: 27 Hall Street East, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley Trip Duration: 27 min Line Summary: Bilston Bus Station, Bilston, St Khyber Close, Rough Hay Chads Rd, the Lunt, Darlaston Lane, the Lunt, Khyber Close, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley Whitehouse Avenue, Herberts Park, Michael Rd, Herberts Park, Rough Hay Rd, Rough Hay, Kennedy Yardley St, Rough Hay Crescent, Rough Hay, Khyber Close, Rough Hay, Yardley Street, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley Yardley St, Rough Hay, Willenhall St, Rough Hay, St Josephs School, Rough Hay, New St, Darlaston, Willenhall St, Rough Hay Darlaston Asda, Darlaston, Gordon St, Darlaston, All Willenhall Street, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley Saints Church, Fallings Heath, Salisbury St, Fallings Heath, Station St, Fallings Heath, James Bridge, St Josephs School, Rough Hay Alumwell, Hough Rd, Alumwell, Gower St, Alumwell, Blockall, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley Pleck Rd, New Mills, Oxford St, New Mills, Bescot Crescent, New Mills, Corporation St, Caldmore, New St, Darlaston Walsall Almshouses, Caldmore, Vicarage Place, St. Lawrence Way, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley Caldmore, Saddlers Centre, Walsall

Darlaston Asda, Darlaston Wesleys Fold, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley

Gordon St, Darlaston

All Saints Church, Fallings Heath Walsall Road, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley

Salisbury St, Fallings Heath

Station St, Fallings Heath

James Bridge, Alumwell

Hough Rd, Alumwell

Gower St, Alumwell

Pleck Rd, New Mills Oxford St, New Mills Wednesbury Road, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley

Bescot Crescent, New Mills

Corporation St, Caldmore

Walsall Almshouses, Caldmore

Vicarage Place, Caldmore

Saddlers Centre, Walsall Bradford Street, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley 34 bus time schedules and route maps are available in an oine PDF at moovitapp.com. Use the Moovit App to see live bus times, train schedule or Check Live Arrival Times subway schedule, and step-by-step directions for all public transit in West Midlands. About Moovit MaaS Solutions Supported Countries Mooviter Community © 2021 Moovit - All Rights Reserved