Vol. 34, No. 2 June 2005 Journal of the International Planetarium Society Lunar astro- nauts watch a solar eclipse in 2081 The Planetarian (ISN 0090-3213) is published quarterly by the International Planetarium Society. ©2005, Inter- national Planetarium Society, Inc., all rights reserved. June 2005 Vol. 34, No. 2 Opinions expressed by authors are personal opinions and are not necessarily the opinions of the International Planetarium Society, its offi- cers, or agents. Acceptance of advertisements, announcements, or other material does Executive Editor not imply endorsement by the International Planetarium Society, its officers or agents. John Mosley The Editor welcomes items for consideration for publication. Please consult "Guidelines Griffith Observatory for Contributors" at www.GriffithObs.org/IPSGuidelines.html. The Editor reserves the 2800 E. Observatory Road right to edit any manuscript to suit this publication’s needs. Los Angeles, California 90027 USA (1) 323-664-1181 daytime phone Articles (1) 323-663-4323 Griffith fax 6 Screen Media Before Film and the Frontiers of Space . John Plunkett
[email protected] 10 Producing a Nationwide Planetarium Show . Advertising Coordinator . Pierre Chastenay, Alan Dyer, Erik Koelemeyer, Scott Young Chuck Bueter 14 Star Magic . Tom Callen 15893 Ashville Lane 19 What the Heck is a Planetarium Anymore? . Mark Petersen Granger, Indiana 46530 USA 21 John Ebdon, 1923-2005 . Undine Concannon (1) 574-271-3150 22 Explore the Edge at the Adler Planetarium: IPS 2008 . Paul
[email protected] . Knappenberger, Larry Ciupik, JoseFrancisco Salgado, Karen Donnelly http://www.ips-planetarium.org/planetarian/ 25 Invitation to Oakland: IPS 2008 . Alex Barnett ratesheet4.htm Columns Membership 29 Reviews .