April 15, 2019 Dear FOIA Officer, Pursuant to the state open records law, 5 Ill. Comp. Stat. 140/1 to 140/11.5, I write to request access to and a copy of a listing of the following information. 1. Superintendent’s Administrative/Executive Assistant Salary for 2018-19, number of years in the position, and job description. 2. Board Secretary compensation/salary/stipend for 2018-19. Is this position part of the Superintendent’s Administrative/Executive Assistant’s job description? If not, please provide the Board Secretary job description. 3. Board of Education meetings schedule for 2018-19 (including regular and special board meetings). Please provide this information electronically to this email address (
[email protected]). As provided by the open records law, I will expect your response within five (5) working days. See 5 Ill. Comp. Stat. 140/3(c). Thank you for your assistance. Sincerely, Esteban Barraza
[email protected] 630-479-2483 Ellen Crispino Business Manager/CSBO
[email protected] t 847.512.6001 f 847.256.1782 April 18, 2019 Esteban Barraza
[email protected] 630-479-2483 Dear Mr. Barraza: This letter is in reference to your Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request received April 15, 2019. Your request was that the following information be provided for Wilmette Public Schools, District 39: 1. Superintendent’s Administrative/Executive Assistant Salary for 2018-19, number of years in the position, and job description. 2. Board Secretary compensation/salary/stipend for 2018-19. Is this position part of the Superintendent’s Administrative/Executive Assistant’s job description? If not, please provide the Board Secretary job description.