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!"$%&'()*+,%-%.+,.-%&,,/0)'1'0.,+&220' !"!#$% '($)!)*+ ,-,!.,/.$ !) '01 20*0+# 3 4 20*0+# 56 +$++!')7 8'1 /'9+ ,)% *!1.+ !) *1,%$+ 5+#45:#;< =$ '88$1 (1'*1,"+ #;,# ;$.( #' 8'+#$1 , >,"($1?+ ($1+'),. %$-$.'("$)# -!, (,1#!>!(,#!') !) '-$1 @: %!88$1$)# ,>#!-!#!$+< HI=J 1+?? ='1L+;'( K'0)* =1!!#$1 CB A'1 "'1$ !)8'1",#!') 20*0+# C@ 4 >,.. 6::6::4446BC6BC6BC444CBD6CBD6 $",!. A0)E,"(F,'.<>'" GGG<>,"(#,..#!"/$1+<>'" Worry Worry Worry !*-!34!0 E82C>AH)4ONY3TEWARTPLANTSAKISSONTHEBRICKSON3UNDAYAFTERWINNINGHISSECOND)NDIANAPOLIS-OTOR3PEEDWAYRACE • Are you worried or anxious most of the time? • Do others tell you that you worry needlessly or worry too much? • Are you so agitated that you can’t enjoy your life? BcTfPac2adXbTbc^FX]Pc1aXRZhPaS • Are you so on edge that your health is affected? • Do you suffer from shortness of breath, =kbo^kbl]hfbgZmbg` h_a^ZkmZ\a^Zg]hg\^^o^gmak^Zm& dbmmr%dbmmr%Ëa^\Zee^]'ÊA028=6k:_m^kr^Zklh_mhk& bmehhd^Zlr'Lm^pZkme^]ZkZ\^&ab`a kZ\^mkZ\d':_m^kZ[kb^_ob\mhkreZi% which you will receive investigational medication and study-related procedures at no cost. f^gm%MhgrLm^pZkmaZlfZlm^k^] //h_ma^*/)eZil%[nmpZliZll^] a^lmhii^]abl\Zkhgma^RZk]h_ This study is located near the Foggy Bottom Metro station. abl[^eho^]ahf^mhpgmkZ\d' [r+)),pbgg^kD^obgAZkob\dhg ;kb\dl%pZl^f[kZ\^][rabl_Zma^k% Lm^pZkml\hk^]abll^\hg]\Zk^^k Zk^lmZkmpbma+)mh`h' G^elhg%Zg]ablCh^@b[[lKZ\bg` For information, call (202) 994-2273 ob\mhkrZmBg]bZgZiheblFhmhk A^g^o^kiZgb\d^]Zla^\aZl^] \k^p'Ma^m^Zfma^gchbg^]abf Li^^]pZr%]hfbgZmbg`Lng]ZrZm ]hpgAZkob\d%^o^gmZngmbg`abl _hkabl\^e^[kZmhkr_^g\^\ebf[' www.researchGW.com ma^ieZ\^maZm\Znl^]abfZ]^\Z]^ _kb^g]ho^kma^kZ]bh'ÊA^k^%dbmmr% 94==05AH4A0? The George Washington University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Institution EARN while you LEARN collaborating with

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HEY, is that your bag? If you see someone leave something on a bus, in a train or a station, kindly ask them, “Is that your bag?” If they don’t take it, or if you see any unattended item, please report it to a Metro employee or call Metro Transit Police at 202-962-2121.

Keeping Metro safe. Together we can do it. MONDAY 7.30.2007

EXPRESS XX402 5x6 18 <>=30Hk &" ! &k4G?A4BBk (


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Adv. Tix on Sale THE BOURNE ULTIMATUM (PG-13) # Adv. Tix on Sale RUSH HOUR 3 (PG-13) # Adv. Tix on Sale RUSH HOUR 3 (PG-13) # HARRY POTTER & THE ORDER OF THE PHOENIX (PG-13) DIG THE SIMPSONS MOVIE - DIGITAL PROJECTION (PG-13) DIG (1130 1210 110 230 320 420 530) 630 730 830 940 (1145 210 435) 700 925 RESCUE DAWN (PG-13) DIG (1220 330) 720 1020 THE SIMPSONS MOVIE (PG-13) DIG (1215 240 505) 730 955 Adv. Tix on Sale THE BOURNE ULTIMATUM (PG-13) # NO RESERVATIONS (PG) DIG (200 440) 720 1005 SUNSHINE (R) - ID REQ'D DIG (1240 350) 725 1000 SUMMER Adv. Tix on Sale RUSH HOUR 3 (PG-13) # WHO'S YOUR CADDY? (PG-13) DIG (1240 310 540) 810 1040 I KNOW WHO KILLED ME (R) - ID REQ'D DIG (1230 340) 740 1015 NO RESERVATIONS (PG) DIG (130) 415 720 1010 I KNOW WHO KILLED ME (R) - ID REQ'D DIG (150 445) 740 1025 WHO'S YOUR CADDY? (PG-13) (1200 220 440) 745 1010 I KNOW WHO KILLED ME (R) - ID REQ'D DIG (1140 210) 450 725 OC & DA: I NOW PRONOUNCE CHUCK & LARRY (PG-13) DIG RATATOUILLE-DIGITAL PROJECTION (G) DIG (1250 400) 650 930 955 (215) 750 RATATOUILLE (G) (1150 225 510) WHO'S YOUR CADDY? (PG-13) DIG (1150 220) 510 735 1015 I NOW PRONOUNCE YOU CHUCK & LARRY (PG-13) DIG (245 500 EVAN ALMIGHTY (PG) DIG (1140 210 430) 700 920 THE SIMPSONS MOVIE (PG-13) DIG (1130 1200 200 230) 430 500 530) 820 1035 EVENING (PG-13) 750 1030 700 730 930 1000 HAIRSPRAY (PG) DIG (100 130 400 430) 725 755 1020 OC & DA: I NOW PRONOUNCE CHUCK & LARRY (PG-13) DIG TALK TO ME (R) - ID REQ'D DIG (155 455) 800 Free Family Film Festival Tue & Wed 10AM SIZZLER! (1210) 640 HARRY POTTER & THE ORDER OF THE PHOENIX (PG-13) DIG HAIRSPRAY (PG) DIG (1215 130) 330 435 635 740 930 1035 (1225 105 340 420) 655 735 1010 I NOW PRONOUNCE YOU CHUCK & LARRY (PG-13) DIG (140) 340 LICENSE TO WED (PG-13) DIG (1230) PM 440 750 940 1030 TRANSFORMERS (PG-13) DIG (145 515) 830 TALK TO ME (R) - ID REQ'D DIG (100) 400 710 950 RATATOUILLE (G) DIG (1255 355) 645 935 Adv. Tix on Sale THE BOURNE ULTIMATUM (PG-13) # HARRY POTTER & THE ORDER OF THE PHOENIX (PG-13) DIG LIVE FREE OR DIE HARD (PG-13) DIG (1250 405) 710 1015 Adv. Tix on Sale RUSH HOUR 3 (PG-13) # (105) 410 715 1020 1408 (PG-13) DIG (300 545) 840 THE SIMPSONS MOVIE (PG-13) DIG (1200 200 230 430 500) 700 TRANSFORMERS (PG-13) DIG (120) 425 730 1035 730 930 1000 RATATOUILLE (G) DIG (1255) 355 655 935 Free Family Film Festival - Tomorrow 10AM NO RESERVATIONS (PG) DIG (145 420) 715 1000 LIVE FREE OR DIE HARD (PG-13) DIG (1240) 355 705 1005 I KNOW WHO KILLED ME (R) - ID REQ'D DIG (200 445) 745 1040 The Post’s HAIRSPRAY (PG) DIG (100 150 400 450) 700 800 950 1050 I NOW PRONOUNCE YOU CHUCK & LARRY (PG-13) DIG (215 420 515) 815 1030 HOT Adv. Tix on Sale THE BOURNE ULTIMATUM (PG-13) # OC & DA: I NOW PRONOUNCE CHUCK & LARRY (PG-13) DIG I KNOW WHO KILLED ME (R) - ID REQ'D DIG (125 425) 725 1020 Adv. Tix on Sale RUSH HOUR 3 (PG-13) # (120) 730 SUNSHINE (R) - ID REQ'D DIG (135 430) 720 1015 THE SIMPSONS MOVIE - DIGITAL PROJECTION (PG-13) DIG HARRY POTTER & THE ORDER OF THE PHOENIX (PG-13) DIG summer deal – Subscribe HAIRSPRAY (PG) DIG (100 130 410 440) 710 740 1000 1030 (1045 100 330) 610 840 (1245 145 400 500) 715 815 1030 I NOW PRONOUNCE YOU CHUCK & LARRY (PG-13) DIG (120 220 I KNOW WHO KILLED ME (R) - ID REQ'D DIG (1110 210 510) 745 TRANSFORMERS (PG-13) DIG (1215 115 330 430) 645 800 1015 405 505) 650 750 935 1035 1030 RATATOUILLE (G) DIG (1245 345) 645 945 HARRY POTTER & THE ORDER OF THE PHOENIX (PG-13) DIG WHO'S YOUR CADDY? (PG-13) DIG (1140 250 515) 735 1000 LIVE FREE OR DIE HARD (PG-13) DIG (115 445) 745 1045 (1240 110 140 350 420 450) 700 730 800 1010 SUNSHINE (R) - ID REQ'D DIG (1040 125 410) 705 950 TRANSFORMERS (PG-13) DIG (1220 315 345) 640 710 955 1025 NO RESERVATIONS (PG) DIG (150 440) 730 1020 now and SAVE 50% on SICKO (PG-13) DIG (400) 1005 THE SIMPSONS MOVIE (PG-13) DIG (1100 1200 130 230 400 500) OC: EVAN ALMIGHTY (PG) DIG (1250) 705 640 740 910 1010 OC & DA: I NOW PRONOUNCE CHUCK & LARRY (PG-13) DIG Adv. Tix on Sale THE BOURNE ULTIMATUM (PG-13) # (1050) 730 Adv. Tix on Sale RUSH HOUR 3 (PG-13) # HAIRSPRAY (PG) DIG (1120 1220 120 220 320 420 520) 620 720 I KNOW WHO KILLED ME (R) - ID REQ'D DIG (215 515) 815 1045 Adv. Tix on Sale THE BOURNE ULTIMATUM (PG-13) # 820 920 1025 NO RESERVATIONS (PG) DIG (215 515) 745 1035 home delivery! I NOW PRONOUNCE YOU CHUCK & LARRY (PG-13) DIG (1150 THE SIMPSONS MOVIE (PG-13) DIG (1200 230 500) 730 1000 Adv. Tix on Sale RUSH HOUR 3 (PG-13) # THE SIMPSONS MOVIE (PG-13) DIG (1200 1230 230 300 500 530) 140 240 430 530) 830 1025 HAIRSPRAY (PG) DIG (100 145 400 445) 700 745 945 1030 730 800 1000 1030 RESCUE DAWN (PG-13) DIG (105 415) 725 1015 I NOW PRONOUNCE YOU CHUCK & LARRY (PG-13) DIG (115 200 TALK TO ME (R) - ID REQ'D DIG (200 445) 745 1030 HARRY POTTER & THE ORDER OF THE PHOENIX (PG-13) DIG 400 445) 715 800 1000 1045 (1215 115 350 450) 710 810 1030 WHO'S YOUR CADDY? (PG-13) DIG (1205 215 445) 815 1045 TALK TO ME (R) - ID REQ'D DIG (200 500) 800 1040 LICENSE TO WED (PG-13) DIG (1130) 650 NO RESERVATIONS (PG) DIG (1200 230 500) 730 1000 TRANSFORMERS (PG-13) DIG (1210 110 340 440) 700 800 1020 RESCUE DAWN (PG-13) DIG (1200 300) 715 1015 I KNOW WHO KILLED ME (R) - ID REQ'D DIG (1230 300 530) 800 RATATOUILLE (G) DIG (1250 345) 630 900 OC & DA: HARRY POTTER:PHOENIX (PG-13) DIG (115) 730 1035 LIVE FREE OR DIE HARD (PG-13) DIG (1145 310) 635 930 HARRY POTTER & THE ORDER OF THE PHOENIX (PG-13) DIG To order, call: HAIRSPRAY (PG) DIG (100 215 345 515) 645 745 930 1015 1408 (PG-13) DIG (200 425) 940 (1215 345 430) 645 1030 I NOW PRONOUNCE YOU CHUCK & LARRY (PG-13) DIG (130 245 LICENSE TO WED (PG-13) DIG 945 PM 415 515) 645 815 930 1045 TRANSFORMERS (PG-13) DIG (1235 340) 645 1010 HARRY POTTER & THE ORDER OF THE PHOENIX (PG-13) DIG RATATOUILLE (G) DIG (130 415) 700 935 (115 415) 715 1015 LIVE FREE OR DIE HARD (PG-13) DIG (1235 330) 630 930 1-888-562-0095, Ext. 40 TRANSFORMERS (PG-13) DIG (1215 345) 715 1045 RATATOUILLE (G) DIG (115 400) 700 945 Adv. Tix on Sale THE BOURNE ULTIMATUM (PG-13) # LIVE FREE OR DIE HARD (PG-13) DIG (100 400) 700 955 Adv. Tix on Sale RUSH HOUR 3 (PG-13) # OC: EVAN ALMIGHTY (PG) DIG (1200) 815 or visit THE SIMPSONS MOVIE (PG-13) DIG (1200 230 500) 730 1000 Free Family Film Festival Tue & Wed 10AM Adv. Tix on Sale THE BOURNE ULTIMATUM (PG-13) # NO RESERVATIONS (PG) DIG (1215 245 515) 745 1015 THE SIMPSONS MOVIE - DIGITAL PROJECTION (PG-13) DIG Adv. Tix on Sale RUSH HOUR 3 (PG-13) # washingtonpost.com/subscribe THE SIMPSONS MOVIE (PG-13) DIG (1200 230 500) 730 1000 (1130 200 430) 700 930 I KNOW WHO KILLED ME (R) - ID REQ'D DIG (1230 300 530) 800 NO RESERVATIONS (PG) DIG (1140 210 445) 740 1010 Adv. Tix on Sale THE BOURNE ULTIMATUM (PG-13) # 1030 THE SIMPSONS MOVIE - DIGITAL PROJECTION (PG-13) DIG Adv. Tix on Sale RUSH HOUR 3 (PG-13) # HAIRSPRAY (PG) DIG (1100 1135 145 215 425 455) 705 735 945 (1130 200 430) 700 930 NO RESERVATIONS (PG) DIG (1215 245 515) 745 1015 1015 I KNOW WHO KILLED ME (R) - ID REQ'D DIG (100 345) 720 1005 Restrictions may apply. OFFER ENDS 8/31/07 NE S280 2x6 THE SIMPSONS MOVIE (PG-13) DIG (1200 230 500) 730 1000 I NOW PRONOUNCE YOU CHUCK & LARRY (PG-13) DIG (1105 HAIRSPRAY (PG) DIG (1225 105 310 425) 710 745 1005 1025 HAIRSPRAY (PG) DIG (1130 100 215 400 500) 700 745 945 1030 1140 150 220 435 500) 720 750 1005 1035 I NOW PRONOUNCE YOU CHUCK & LARRY (PG-13) DIG (1230 I NOW PRONOUNCE YOU CHUCK & LARRY (PG-13) DIG (100 400) HARRY POTTER & THE ORDER OF THE PHOENIX (PG-13) (100 115 330 420) 650 725 935 1015 715 1000 400) 700 1000 HARRY POTTER & THE ORDER OF THE PHOENIX (PG-13) DIG HARRY POTTER & THE ORDER OF THE PHOENIX (PG-13) DIG HARRY POTTER & THE ORDER OF THE PHOENIX (PG-13) DIG (1220 120 240 325 440) 630 800 945 (1240 140 350 450) 700 800 1010 (140 440) 740 1040 LICENSE TO WED (PG-13) DIG (1150) AM TRANSFORMERS (PG-13) DIG (1130 240) 715 1020 TRANSFORMERS (PG-13) DIG (1245 400) 715 1025 TRANSFORMERS (PG-13) DIG (1125 250) 625 645 940 955 RATATOUILLE (G) DIG (110 350) 645 920 RATATOUILLE (G) DIG (130 410) 650 930 RATATOUILLE (G) DIG (110 355) 705 940 LIVE FREE OR DIE HARD (PG-13) DIG (115 410) 730 1020 LIVE FREE OR DIE HARD (PG-13) DIG (225 520) 1035 LIVE FREE OR DIE HARD (PG-13) DIG (1240 350) 640 945 Times For 7/30/07 ©2007 Get ahead with DC’s only weekend master’s Saturdays. programs for working professionals.

CENTER for 20-month MA’s in: Georgetown PROFESSIONAL Producing for Film and Video UNIVERSITY DEVELOPMENT Interactive Journalism News Media Studies build your IT skills Public Communication at our Arlington site on the Metro Line Learn with a cohort of other professionals. Work with committed full-time faculty. Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) Starts August 10

Come to an information session. MULTI-CERTIFICATE: Starts August 11 Wednesday, August 1, 6:30 p.m. A+/Network+/MCP/CCNA/Security+ On AU’s main campus CISSP Starts August 11 Certified Information System Security Professional

MCSE Starts August 20 SCHOOL OF Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer COMMUNICATION Oracle 10gg Database EO/AA University and Employer Administration Starts October 16 RSVP: 202.885.2040 or [email protected] www.soc.american.edu Call Program Advisor Web Design and Development Starts October 20 at 202.687.4504 or email Advanced Web Advanced Ticketing [email protected] Development and ASP.NET Starts November 27 at MovieWatcher.com

A.M.Cinema - All seats $4, $5, or $6, Digital 3D $7 or $8, before noon on Fri., Sat., Sun., & holidays - denoted by ( ) AMC Select - Special films for select tastes. Call 202-687-4504 AMC HOFFMANN CENTER 22 AMC COLUMBIA MALL 14 AMC TYSONS CORNER 16 http://cpd.georgetown.edu Eisenhower Ave and Telegraph Road in Alexandria 10300 Patuxent Parkway 7850 Tysons Corner Center 703-998-4AMC 410-423-0520 703-998-4262 PRESENTED IN DIGITAL PROJECTION I KNOW WHO KILLED ME (R) 12:30, 3:05, 5:40, 8:20, 11:05 PRESENTED IN DIGITAL PROJECTION RATATOUILLE (G) 1:45, 4:25, 7:10, 10:10 NO RESERVATIONS (PG) 11:30, 2:20, 4:55, 7:30, 10:05 RATATOUILLE (G) 1:25, 4:10, 6:50, 9:35 THE SIMPSONS MOVIE (PG13) 11:35, 12:55, 2:00, 3:20, 4:35, 5:45, I KNOW WHO KILLED ME (R)  1:20, 4:00, 7:00, 9:50 I KNOW WHO KILLED ME (R)  11:25, 2:05, 4:50, 7:40, 10:30 NO RESERVATIONS (PG)  2:20, 5:20, 8:00, 10:30 7:00, 8:10, 9:25, 10:35 GW SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING AND THE SIMPSONS MOVIE (PG13)  12:20, 1:10, 2:00, 2:40, 3:30, WHO’S YOUR CADDY? (PG13) 11:50, 2:30, 5:00, 7:20, 9:40 NO RESERVATIONS (PG)  11:15, 1:55, 4:35, 7:25, 10:10 4:20, 5:00, 5:50, 6:40, 7:20, 8:15, 9:00, 9:40, 10:25 HAIRSPRAY (PG) 12:10, 1:50, 3:10, 4:50, 6:10, 7:40, 9:10, 10:30 THE SIMPSONS MOVIE (PG13)  11:50, 1:05, 2:10, 3:25, 4:30, APPLIED SCIENCE WHO’S YOUR CADDY? (PG13)  12:40, 3:05, 5:35, 8:05, 10:20 I NOW PRONOUNCE YOU CHUCK & LARRY (PG13) 11:20, 5:45, 7:00, 8:10, 9:20, 10:35 HAIRSPRAY (PG) 12:10, 1:50, 3:00, 4:50, 6:00, 7:40, 8:40, 10:30 2:10, 5:10, 8:00, 10:50 HAIRSPRAY (PG) 1:15, 4:20, 7:15, 10:25 I NOW PRONOUNCE YOU CHUCK & LARRY (PG13) 1:40, HARRY POTTER AND THE ORDER OF THE I NOW PRONOUNCE YOU CHUCK & LARRY (PG13) 11:45, 2:30, 4:30, 5:30, 7:30, 8:30, 10:20 1:10, 2:45, 4:15, 5:40, 7:20, 8:40, 10:05 I NOW PRONOUNCE YOU CHUCK & PHOENIX (PG13) 12:20, 1:30, 3:30, 4:40, 6:40, 7:50, 9:50 HARRY POTTER AND THE ORDER OF THE I NOW PRONOUNCE YOU CHUCK & LARRY (PG13) JF 1:40, 4:30, 7:30, 10:20 LARRY (PG13) 1:10, 4:15, 7:20, 10:05 HARRY POTTER AND THE ORDER OF THE PHOENIX (PG13) JF 1:30, 4:40, 7:50 JF Visit us at PHOENIX (PG13) 12:00, 1:30, 2:10, 3:20, 4:40, 5:40, 6:25, 7:50, 9:10, LICENSE TO WED (PG13) 11:00 PM HARRY POTTER AND THE ORDER OF THE PHOENIX (PG13) 11:10, 12:50, 2:20, 3:50, 5:30, 7:05, 8:35, 10:15 10:55 LICENSE TO WED (PG13) F 11:00 PM Engineer Your Tompkins Hall LICENSE TO WED (PG13) 12:25, 2:50 LICENSE TO WED (PG13) 11:30, 5:10, 10:20 TRANSFORMERS (PG13) 1:35, 3:10, 5:15, 6:30, 8:35, 10:00 TRANSFORMERS (PG13) 11:45, 1:05, 3:00, 4:15, 6:20, 7:25, 9:30 TRANSFORMERS (PG13) 12:30, 3:45, 7:10, 8:45, 10:45 725 23rd St.,NW RATATOUILLE (G) 12:30, 3:15, 5:55 RATATOUILLE (G) 1:40, 4:25, 7:10, 9:55 RATATOUILLE (G) 12:00, 2:50, 5:50 LIVE FREE OR DIE HARD (PG13) 2:25, 5:25, 8:25 LIVE FREE OR DIE HARD (PG13) 11:25, 2:15, 5:15, 8:05, 10:55 LIVE FREE OR DIE HARD (PG13) 11:00, 1:55, 4:55, 7:55, 10:55 Career Washington,DC 20052 1408 (PG13) 5:05, 7:30, 9:55 KNOCKED UP (R) 10:40 PM EVAN ALMIGHTY (PG) 12:50, 3:25 EVAN ALMIGHTY (PG) 12:05, 2:40, 5:20 OCEAN’S THIRTEEN (PG13) 9:30 PM AMC SPRINGFIELD MALL 10 OCEAN’S THIRTEEN (PG13) 2:00, 7:30 Metro: Orange or Blue line KNOCKED UP (R) 5:45, 8:55 KNOCKED UP (R) 7:50, 10:50 Full and Part-time Programs ————$AMC SELECT%———— Loisdale and Franconia Road ————$AMC SELECT%———— to Foggy Bottom RESCUE DAWN (PG13)  2:05, 5:10, 8:10 703-971-3991 RESCUE DAWN (PG13)  1:00, 4:10, 7:35, 10:40 SUNSHINE (R)  1:00, 3:40, 6:10, 8:50 SICKO (PG13) 8:45 NO RESERVATIONS (PG)  5:00, 7:35 AMC MAZZA GALLERIE Convenient Afternoon and Apply Now for 2007-08 AMC POTOMAC MILLS 18 THE SIMPSONS MOVIE (PG13)  1:00, 3:15, 5:30, 7:50, 10:15 HAIRSPRAY (PG) 4:20, 7:00 Jenifer and Wisconsin Evening Classes http://seas.gwu.edu/gwu/grad/ 2700 Potomac Mills Circle, Ste 886 I NOW PRONOUNCE YOU CHUCK & LARRY (PG13) 2:00, 202-537-9553 4:50, 7:40, 10:30 703-998-4262 NO RESERVATIONS (PG)  1:50, 4:50, 7:30, 10:00 HARRY POTTER AND THE ORDER OF THE PRESENTED IN DIGITAL PROJECTION PHOENIX (PG13) 12:30, 3:30, 7:00, 10:00 THE SIMPSONS MOVIE (PG13)  1:00, 3:15, 5:30, 7:50, 10:15 Departments of: 202.994.1802 RATATOUILLE (G) 1:10, 4:05, 6:50, 9:30 TRANSFORMERS (PG13) 4:40, 7:15, 8:00 HAIRSPRAY (PG) 1:20, 4:30, 7:20, 10:05 [email protected] I KNOW WHO KILLED ME (R)  2:10, 4:40, 7:30, 10:00 RATATOUILLE (G) 1:30, 4:30, 7:15, 9:55 I NOW PRONOUNCE YOU CHUCK & LARRY (PG13) 1:40, NO RESERVATIONS (PG)  1:45, 4:20, 7:05, 9:45 4:40, 7:40, 10:20 Civil and Environmental Engineering THE SIMPSONS MOVIE (PG13)  12:10, 1:05, 2:30, 3:30, 4:50, LIVE FREE OR DIE HARD (PG13) 4:15, 7:30 TRANSFORMERS (PG13) 12:50, 4:00, 9:50 5:50, 7:15, 8:15, 9:40, 10:30 EVAN ALMIGHTY (PG) 5:15, 7:45 RATATOUILLE (G) 1:30, 4:20, 7:00, 9:40 Computer Science WHO’S YOUR CADDY? (PG13)  12:30, 2:50, 5:25, 7:55, 10:15 HAIRSPRAY (PG) 1:00, 2:05, 3:45, 4:45, 6:35, 7:40, 9:25, 10:20 LOEWS RIO CINEMAS 18 LIVE FREE OR DIE HARD (PG13) 1:10, 4:10, 7:10, 10:10 I NOW PRONOUNCE YOU CHUCK & LARRY (PG13) 12:00, Electrical and Computer Engineering 1:30, 2:35, 4:10, 5:10, 7:00, 7:50, 9:50, 10:30 9811 Washingtonian Boulevard AMC COURTHOUSE PLAZA 8 I NOW PRONOUNCE YOU CHUCK & 301-948-0906 Courthouse and Birch Rd. Engineering Management and LARRY (PG13) JF 1:30, 4:10, 7:00, 9:50 HARRY POTTER AND THE ORDER OF THE PRESENTED IN DIGITAL PROJECTION 703-998-4AMC Systems Engineering PHOENIX (PG13) 12:05, 3:10, 6:10, 7:10, 9:20, 10:20 RATATOUILLE (G) 1:40, 4:25, 7:10, 9:50 NO RESERVATIONS (PG)  12:20, 2:50, 5:10, 7:40, 10:10 LICENSE TO WED (PG13) 12:15, 2:40, 5:00 THE SIMPSONS MOVIE (PG13)  12:10, 1:00, 2:30, 3:30, 4:50, TRANSFORMERS (PG13) 1:50, 5:15, 6:30, 8:30, 9:55 I KNOW WHO KILLED ME (R)  12:45, 3:40, 6:30, 9:10 5:50, 7:15, 8:15, 9:40, 10:40 Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering LIVE FREE OR DIE HARD (PG13) 1:15, 4:15, 7:25, 10:25 NO RESERVATIONS (PG)  1:40, 4:20, 7:00, 9:40 EVAN ALMIGHTY (PG) 1:35, 3:55 RATATOUILLE (G) 12:00, 2:40, 5:20, 8:00, 10:30 THE SIMPSONS MOVIE (PG13)  1:00, 1:50, 3:15, 4:10, 5:30, LIVE FREE OR DIE HARD (PG13) 1:10, 4:10, 7:10, 10:00 ————$AMC SELECT%———— 6:30, 7:50, 9:00, 10:15 TALK TO ME (R)  2:15, 5:05, 7:45, 10:25 OCEAN’S THIRTEEN (PG13) 1:30, 7:30 RESCUE DAWN (PG13)  1:20, 4:25, 7:20, 10:10 WHO’S YOUR CADDY? (PG13)  2:10, 4:30, 7:15, 9:40 KNOCKED UP (R) 4:40, 10:20 Degrees Offered HAIRSPRAY (PG) 12:50, 2:00, 3:25, 4:35, 6:10, 7:20, 8:45, 10:00 SUNSHINE (R)  2:20, 4:55, 7:35, 10:05 ————$AMC SELECT%———— I NOW PRONOUNCE YOU CHUCK & LARRY (PG13) 1:30, LOEWS GEORGETOWN 14 2:20, 4:10, 5:10, 7:00, 7:50, 9:45, 10:30 TALK TO ME (R)  12:05, 2:45, 5:30, 8:10, 10:45 Master of Science RESCUE DAWN (PG13)  1:20, 4:00, 7:00, 9:50 3111 K Street, N.W. I NOW PRONOUNCE YOU CHUCK & Doctor of Science 202-342-6441 LARRY (PG13) JF 2:20, 5:10, 7:50, 10:30 LOEWS DUPONT 5 HARRY POTTER AND THE ORDER OF THE PRESENTED IN DIGITAL PROJECTION PHOENIX (PG13) 1:00, 3:30, 4:15, 6:40, 7:30, 10:00, 10:30 1350 19th St. Professional Degrees RATATOUILLE (G) 1:30, 4:20, 7:10, 10:05 LICENSE TO WED (PG13) 12:50, 2:50 1-800-FANDANGO #711 I KNOW WHO KILLED ME (R)  12:15, 2:50, 5:30, 8:10, 10:40 TRANSFORMERS (PG13) 1:35, 4:40, 6:20, 7:50, 9:30 (Applied Scientist and Engineer) I NOW PRONOUNCE YOU CHUCK & LARRY (PG13) 2:00, NO RESERVATIONS (PG)  2:05, 4:45, 7:30, 10:10 RATATOUILLE (G) 12:45, 3:30 THE SIMPSONS MOVIE (PG13)  12:15, 2:30, 4:50, 7:15, 9:40 5:00, 8:00 Certificate Programs HAIRSPRAY (PG) 1:20, 2:20, 4:10, 5:10, 7:00, 8:00, 9:55, 10:45 LIVE FREE OR DIE HARD (PG13) 1:35, 4:30, 7:35, 10:25 HARRY POTTER AND THE ORDER OF THE I NOW PRONOUNCE YOU CHUCK & LARRY (PG13) 1:50, KNOCKED UP (R) 5:10, 7:55, 10:35 PHOENIX (PG13) 1:00, 4:00, 7:00 4:40, 7:35, 10:25 ————$AMC SELECT%———— KNOCKED UP (R) 7:15 HARRY POTTER AND THE ORDER OF THE RESCUE DAWN (PG13)  1:10, 4:15, 7:05, 10:10 ————$AMC SELECT%———— PHOENIX (PG13) 1:15, 3:30, 4:30, 6:45, 7:45 HARRY POTTER AND THE ORDER OF THE SUNSHINE (R)  1:50, 4:45, 7:45, 10:20 GOYA’S GHOSTS (R) 1:45, 4:45, 7:45 PHOENIX (PG13) F 1:15, 4:30, 7:45 VITUS (PG) 1:30, 4:30, 7:30 TRANSFORMERS (PG13) 12:40, 4:00, 7:20, 10:40 MAGIC JOHNSON CAPITAL CENTRE 12 A MIGHTY HEART (R) 1:15, 4:15 LIVE FREE OR DIE HARD (PG13) 12:45, 3:45, 6:50, 9:50 800 Shopper’s Way, Largo OCEAN’S THIRTEEN (PG13) 12:35 PM LOEWS WHITE FLINT 5 KNOCKED UP (R) 10:00 PM 301-324-4220 ————$AMC SELECT%———— I KNOW WHO KILLED ME (R) 12:05, 2:30, 5:00, 7:25, 10:10 North Bethesda RESCUE DAWN (PG13) 1:25, 4:25, 7:25, 10:20 NO RESERVATIONS (PG) 12:40, 3:10, 5:40, 8:10, 10:40 1-800-FANDANGO #741 SUNSHINE (R)  1:45, 4:25, 7:05, 9:45 SICKO (PG13) 2:00, 4:55, 7:50, 10:45 THE SIMPSONS MOVIE (PG13) 1:00, 3:15, 5:30, 7:50, 10:15 NO RESERVATIONS (PG) 2:10, 4:30, 7:10, 9:35 MONDAY WHO’S YOUR CADDY? (PG13) 12:20, 2:35, 4:45, 7:05, 9:35 THE SIMPSONS MOVIE (PG13) 1:50, 4:10, 7:00, 9:25 LOEWS SHIRLINGTON 7 HAIRSPRAY (PG) 1:40, 4:20, 7:00, 9:45 HAIRSPRAY (PG) 2:30, 5:00, 7:40, 10:15 2772 South Randolph I NOW PRONOUNCE YOU CHUCK & LARRY (PG13) 1:45, I NOW PRONOUNCE YOU CHUCK & LARRY (PG13) 2:00, 703-671-0910 801 4:25, 7:15, 10:05 4:40, 7:30, 10:05 HARRY POTTER AND THE ORDER OF THE HARRY POTTER AND THE ORDER OF THE 7.30.2007 ————$AMC SELECT%———— PHOENIX (PG13) 1:40, 4:25, 7:15, 10:05 RESCUE DAWN (PG13) 1:50, 4:40, 7:10 PHOENIX (PG13) 12:35, 3:35, 6:45, 10:00 SUNSHINE (R) 1:40, 4:20, 7:00 TRANSFORMERS (PG13) 12:45, 4:15, 7:20, 10:25 LOEWS UPTOWN 1 GOYA’S GHOSTS (R) 1:30, 4:10, 7:00 RATATOUILLE (G) 1:30, 4:30, 7:30, 10:30 YOU KILL ME (R) 2:20, 7:40 LIVE FREE OR DIE HARD (PG13) 12:55, 3:55, 6:55, 9:55 3426 Connecticut Avenue N.W. EVENING (PG13) 4:50 1408 (PG13) 12:30, 3:00, 5:20, 8:00, 10:20 EXPRESS SICKO (PG13) 2:10, 4:40, 7:20 1-800-FANDANGO #713 VITUS (PG) 2:00, 4:30, 7:30 ————$AMC SELECT%———— HARRY POTTER AND THE ORDER OF THE www.gwu.edu/gradinfo LA VIE EN ROSE (PG13) 2:00, 5:00, 8:00 TALK TO ME (R) 1:35, 4:35, 7:35, 10:35 PHOENIX (PG13) 12:00, 3:10, 6:30, 9:30 Times for Monday, July 30, 2007 Times for Monday, -SPECIAL ENGAGEMENT THE GEORGE WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY/ No passes or discount coupons F - Closed Captioning · J - Descriptive Video Service 10188 AFFIRMATIVE ACTION INSTITUTION CERTIFIED TO OPERATE IN VA BY SCHEV. 23 !#k4G?A4BBk &" ! &k<>=30H


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Accounting Advertising BANKING Customer Service Budget Director Jumpstart your CABLE INSTALLER/TECH Document Technologies DOCUMENTATION SPECIALIST HIRING ON THE SPOT Chemonics seeks a Budget Director. This person will advertising career... Career Fair Works with various departments, vendors and end AMTEC,LLC manage a group of Regional Financial Analysts, de- ...as an Account Executive in Advertising, selling print users to document policies and procedures for Credit August 2 velop and maintain budget-related tools for project and online classified advertising. Seeking ambitious Union operational and training use. Works closely with a COMCAST Contractor 2 p.m.-6 p.m. management and costing proposals, generate corpo- up-and-comer who is bright, fun, focused, and driven the Training Specialist and can conduct training inde- is An Employer of Choice rate financial reports on a monthly basis as well as to exceed goals in an inside sales, inbound call pendently. Responsible for keeping abreast of changes Hiring Today TRIPLE PLAY TECHS annual reports. Qualifications: Master degree or higher to assure documentation is up to date with regard to Document Technologies is America’s fastest environment. Upsell, cross-sell, and use our portfolio Need training? Ask about AMTEC COLLEGE growing document outsourcing company. We in Finance or Accounting, 8-10 years of project and of advertising products to help your clients get positive new product and system features, regulatory changes, management experience, experience with Solomon VI, upgrades, releases, modifications and enhancements. believe that we have achieved this success by results. Positions are part-time, 32 or 26.5 hrs. per wk., JOB FAIR & OPEN HOUSE providing our customers the highest level of knowledge of USAID/government regulations. Send no weekends. If you are eager to get your foot in the Two years of experience in documentation writing, resumes to [email protected]. Include posi- training, member services, and related fields. Position TUES & WED & THURS, quality and service. On the spot interviews door in advertising sales, send resume to: talentsearch@ available. Professional attire required. tion title on subject line. For full job description go to washpost.com. Attn: C2CEX/JT For more info: in Alexandria. 7/31-8/2 10AM-3PM www.chemonics.com. www.washpostco.com. 5016 Lehigh Ave We are currently hiring for: TELLER College Park MD 20740 Mail Room/Copy Operator Accounting Provides a variety of member service operations (443) 867 9055 Receptionist including processing items through various accounts. $40K-$60K earning potential All positions are located in Washington, DC or Chemonics seeks a manager for our financial analysis Ability to perform routine mathematical calculations Company Truck-Fuel & Tools Mclean, VA. and compliance team. Responsibilities include: estab- We are committed to diversity & promote a drug-free and use of an on-line teller terminal. One year bank or lish and maintain uniformity and accuracy in field environment. credit union teller experience required. Position in DC. Med Benefits Dental & 401K avail Location: accounting procedures and ensure adherence to College Park—Bowie—PG County Routes Courtyard Embassy Row Marriott USAID and company policies. Qualifications: Bachelor’s The United States Senate Federal Credit Union offers AMTEC has a career awaiting you! Rhode Island Ave. NW degree in accounting, master’s or MBA degree pre- AFTER SCHOOL LEADERS competitive salaries, bonuses and excellent benefits. [email protected] Washington, DC 20036 ferred or equivalent work experience; minimum two Program needs leaders for recreation/ EOE/AMTEC is a Drug Free workplace dtiglobal.com/careers years of experience with invoicing and USAID or other education. PT, 2:30-6:30pm. Must have exp with FAX cover letter and resume to 703-317-3370 or MAIL government regulations; minimum two years of expe- school agers, police clearance, CTR/1st aide a to: HR, 2750 Eisenhower Ave. Alexandria, VA 22314. Document Technologies, Inc. is an Equal Oppor- rience with auditing, accounts payable, accounts re- plus & $10/hr. Starting August 20th. Email/fax Web address: www.ussfcu.org EOE CARPENTER/FINISH tunity Employer/AA Resid. Well-estab. firm. Own tools, transp. req’d. ceivable, and invoicing; knowledge of accounting resume [email protected] or fax DANCE TEACHERS—to teach Ballet, Tap, Hip Hop & systems such as Solomon, Deltek, and QuickBooks a 202-282-0074 Barbers/Stylists/Braider Competitive pay, vac. & benes. Min 5 yrs remod. Hiring exp staff w/clientele. DC Lic req. exper. T: 240-508-2279; Fax 301-891-0411. Tumbling. All ages/levels. Exper. req’d. Fax resume plus; knowledge of USAID and its operations a plus; to: Body Moves, Ft Washington, MD 301-292-2037 Send submissions to [email protected] by ASSISTANT MANAGER, PT/FT 202-397-4636. August 3, 2007. BEAUTY HAIRSTYLIST Carpentry DANCERS— Wanted for Gentleman’s Club (PG Self-storage facility needs person with great cus- Studio 47, high quality hair salon, with a following. County). $300-$500/night. No exp. needed. tomer service skills. Basic knowledge of computers WOODCRAFTER ADMIN— 2 positions avail. for Job Site Clerks. Min 2 Wine & cheese party on Monday, 6p-8p. Meet the 240-286-3660 or 301-568-8500 yrs exper. in MS Office req’d. Salary+benefits. Fax or helpful. Will be resp. for renting units, posting owner & staff at 4710 Bethesda Ave, Bethesda, MD. The National Gallery of Art is seeking an experienced email resume referencing position sought to: payments & light general maint. Need cheerful Welcome to the Bethesda area to party. Call Woodcrafter to perform all phases of carpentry mainte- phone voice. Reply by fax only: (301) 652-7459. DENTAL ASSISTANT 301-336-6899; [email protected] 301-654-2811 nance and cabinet and furniture fabrication. The indi- FT Assistant, Reston area. Exper. necessary. ADMIN/CLERICAL AUTO BODY TECHNICIAN NEEDED Beauty—Salon needs lic’d Stylists (Braiders). vidual shall have experience with drywall, Plexiglas, Fax/email resume to: 703-648-1600; Call Al Marshall for details. 301-919-9272. plastic laminate, and floor and ceiling tile and must be [email protected] Earn $50K + per year. 703-409-5145 BEAUTY SHAMPOO ASSISTANT able to interpret plans, specifications, and sketches. Dental Billing Clerk/Dental Assistant Call 800-320-9353 x2427 needed for busy salon. Call 301-922-2014 Secure government job, great benefits. Salary range Call 301-559-2000 or Fax: 301-559-4802 ADMINISTRATIVE/ AUTOMOTIVE SALES BUS DRIVERS $22.57-$26.36, hourly. Call Mr. MacFarlane at Dental Receptionist 202-842-6816 for more information. U.S. citizenship is Dental office in Silver Spring looking for receptionist. DATA ENTRY ASSISTANT Indep. school seeks PT/FT Drivers. CDL Class B. required. For application information and instructions CHANGE YOUR LIFE, NOT JUST YOUR JOB Morning and/or eve routes. Daily field trips thru-out Bilingual Spanish/English is a must. Experience Chantilly Law Firm seeks experienced administra- go to http://jobsearch.usajobs.opm.gov/a9nga.asp. preferred. Fax resume to 301-588-6835. tive/ data entry assistant for high volume practice. DC metro area. Fleet maint. exp a +. Capitol Hill Day The vacancy announcement number is #07-62. Appli- Work with us and learn how to make School, 210 SC Ave, SE, WDC 20003. Email interest, DRIVER $—A courier co. in Alexandria, VA needs Successful applicant must be detail oriented, pos- $6K per month. cations will be accepted through 8/10/07. EOE. experienced couriers with cars, vans, PU-truck. sess excellent organizational and multi-tasking exp, current driv. record to: [email protected]. CABINET INSTALLER Certified Nursing Assistants Commission plus gas incentives. Benefits offered by skills and have solid data entry/computer skills. Join us now and receive: The Washington Home is in need of Certified Nursing a 3rd party company. Call Gary 703-684-7836. E-mail resume and salary to [email protected] or fax Millwork co. in search of exper’d. Installer w/tools & Salary plus 25-40% transportation. Call 301-770-9805 x 205. Assistants. You will be responsible for participating Driver (Dump Truck)—3 yrs exp. CDL, call to 847-627-4791 Commission plus bonuses in the delivery of direct resident care & comfort as 202-359-4362. COUNSELORS RESIDENTIAL/HOUSE MANAGER assigned by licensed nursing staff. You must have a Driver ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT • Paid Training CNA DC License, and current CPR. One (1) yr • Full benefits package Staff needed for MR/DC citizens. Will assist with and geriatric rehabiltation exp pref’d. FT & PT all shifts Are you tired of being recognized in the same supervise ADL’s skills, household duties and outings. Dump Truck Driver manner as your average performing co-worker? • Company car allowance available. We offer a benefits package that you CDL & a license. $13.50/hr. Call 301-977-3833 Salary $9/hour for Counselors; $12/hour for House would expect from a leader. Do you enjoy being an Administrative Assistant? Managers. H.S. Diploma or GED required. FT & PT DRIVER — Earn $600-$800/week FT, $9-14/hr PT. Are you looking for exciting challenges? Do you Candidates must: Fax resume to 202-966-2463, or email to • Have a Valid Drivers License hours available. Apply in person Mon-Fri, Driving for TakeOut Taxi, the area’s largest restau- enjoy being part of successful company? We 9am-4:30pm, TOTAL CARE SERVICES, 5780 2nd St., [email protected] rant delivery service. Own vehicle req’d. Call: recognize are employees based on performance • Be at least 24 years of age orvisitusto • Be able to work long and flexible hours NE, Wash, DC 20011. 301-571-0111. and merit. If you have a proven track record of complete an application & competency test at DRIVER 3+ years as an Administrative Assistant, a good You also MUST have: Customer Service 3720 Upton Street NW, Washington, DC 20016 working knowledge of MS Word, type 55+ wpm, M - F,8am - 5pm General Maintenance Position with • A PROFESSIONAL neat appearance Representative CDL Bus Driver License able to prioritize and take ownership of your • Very good communication skills EOE M/F/D/V work then please e-mail your resume along with Full Time and Part Time Foxcroft School, Middleburg, VA is accepting appli- cations for a General Maintenance Position with a salary requirements to [email protected] Call for an interview 301-423-1100 The Washington Post Advertising Dept. is recruiting for CHILDCARE or fax to 301-424-1491. CDL Bus Driver license. The duties for the general high energy Service Representatives who will work in a Clinton/FT Wash., Childcare/Pre-school, PT/FT. maintenance position would include but not limited fast-paced, team-oriented environment. The responsi- Sr. Staff/Aides. Retiree/Senior Citizen wel- to carpentry, plumbing, electrical, painting, grounds, Administrative—Seeking PC tutor for help with bilities include providing support for advertisers and come. Call 301-877-8799 btw 9 & 2pm M-F. faxing, scanning, webcam, etc. Call Jim at etc. The CDL responsibilities would include driving sales representatives, setting up new accounts, & to events, sports games, etc. Current Virginia CDL, 301-420-8285. making & responding to customer inquiries. Childcare—Help needed immed. Exper. Fairfax. TEMPLE HILLS, MD Live in/Live out. 703-401-5679 or 703-978-3976. good driving record and background check re- The successful candidate will possess superior verbal COUNSELORS/YOUTH/RECREATION quired. This position is a full-time year round position with competitive hourly wage and superb AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE TECHS and written communication skills, strong problem Boys & girls group homes. MD/DC. Flex hrs. Fax resolution skills, and the ability to handle multiple resume 301-562-8341. EOE. benefits. No. VA Jiffy Lube is seeking exp’d Techs. Excellent demands while maintaining strict attention to detail. For an application and interview contact Mr. Dale pay & benefits. Apply in person at 1014 West Broad Previous exp. in a sales/customer svc. environment CUST SERV/SALES Stotler, Facilities Manager, at 540-687-4530. St., Falls Ch, 2912 Duke St., Alex. or Landmark Mall. req’d. Lge NoVA co. Great pay plan, training, benes. $40K+. Foxcroft School is an equal opportunity employer. 1-800-288-1947. Bakery Qualified candidates should send resume & cover Executive Chef/Pastry Chef/ DANCE/STEP INSTRUCTOR DRIVERS—Immediate positions avail. No CDL letter to: After school program, Capitol Heights area. M-F, license req’d. Some exp. is a must. Apply in Master Baker 3:30-5p. Call 301-336-0545 person at: 12211 Veirs Mill Rd, Wheaton, MD Needed immediately in Sterling, VA for wholesale Driver 20906 or 2956 Gallows Rd, Falls Church, VA bakery. Must be familiar on all aspects of European 22042 or 10811 Tucker St., Beltsville, MD. automated bakery lines. Min 10 yrs exper. Email Distributor of construction products seeks delivery resume to [email protected] Attn: HR/CSR/CP driver. Please bring copy of driving record. Apply DRIVER Bakery 1150 15th Street, NW inperson at 4280-F Henninger Ct, Chantilly, VA. Seeking individual with clean driving & police re- Washington, DC 20071 cord. 40 hours/week, good benefits. Please contact Experience Mixer Fax - (202) 912-3677 DRIVER/DELIVERY: hiring FT/PT, salary plus David at 301-343-3781. needed immediately in Sterling, VA. Must be able to [email protected] good tips and %. Bring DMV driving record, work a flexible schedule-weekends a must. Email DRIVER, ROUTE We are committed to diversity & promote a drug-free driver’s license & proof of employment eligibility resume to [email protected] to Luigi’s 1132 19th Street between 2 and 5 pm. To service convenience stores. or fax to 703-312-6051. environment. Must have SUV/minivan. Ken, (423) 598-8817 !%k4G?A4BBk &" ! &k<>=30H Classifieds

PAINTERS—Exp’d painters needed. 5+ yrs exp req. JOBS LOCKSMITH/ACCESS CONTROL Silver Spring, MD. 540-327-5050 Recruitment SALES Join our great, talented team. We seek Pastry Chef/MasterBaker/Baker/ Advertising Sales Aggressive ENTRY-level tech personnel, no exp nec. Train in Oven Operator DRIVER/ROUTE SALESPERSON Some exper. pre- our state-of-the-art facility, hands-on training at Seeking ambitious up-and-comer who is bright, fun, Acquisition ferred. Call 703-354-6661 full pay on locksmithing, access control & safes. Needed immediately in Sterling, VA. Must be able to focused, and driven to exceed sales goals. Must be Effort DRIVING/LIMO - CDL w/P Must know tools, self-starter, common sense. work flexible schedule and weekends a must. Email coachable, play well with others & work independently. FT. Must be avail. eves & wkends. VA/DC/MD. Fascinating field, always in demand. resume to Sell across our print and online advertising products. Develop prospects for new advertising business and $14/hr. Springfield 703-550-7200 www.fedlock.com $15-$22/hr FT. Fax resume debbie @federalbakers.us Prospect for and close new business. Be welcomed by win new accounts with strong potential. Focusing on & cover letter 703-525-1637 or or fax 703-312-6051. your colleagues, enjoy a supportive management the local VA market, you acquire new business through EDUCATIONAL OUTDOOR INSTRUCTOR [email protected] PENSION PROCESSOR structure, develop your skills, and accelerate your face-to-face outside sales efforts, then transfer your career. Base starting at $34K, earning potential up to leads to an account manager. Short-term emphasis on Pension fund in Rockville, MD looking for responsi- $100K. Top performers can earn $80K in year one. For Adventure program teaching Challenge Course, MAINTENANCE—Apts Complex in Rockville. Sev- ble, motivated, detail-oriented individual to perform research, cold-calling, and pre-qualifying. Long term Rock Climbing, Canoeing with all age groups. eral positions, PT or on call, flex hrs. Independent more information: www.wash postco.com. Send re- emphasis on needs analysis, proposal development multiple tasks, electronic file maintenance, updates sume to: [email protected], Attn: IOEXP/JT Must be at least 18, and pursuing or completed contractors with skills in either plumbing or HVAC or in check processing, and participant communica- and delivery, and closing new accounts. $45,000 base college degree. Exp. in teaching/counseling de- general maintenance. Call 301-948-0087 tion. Excellent benefits & salary. Send resumes to: A. plus sales commission. For more info: www. sired. Will train in tech. skills. Full-time commit- MAINTENANCE Kimmell, 2400 Research Blvd., Ste 500, Rockville, washpostco.com. Send resume to: talentsearch@ ment, starting Aug 19th. Can lead to perm. MD 20850 or Email: [email protected]. washpost.com. Attn: AQUEXP/JT seasonal position. If interested in this opportu- Live-off position. $14.50/hr + benefits. Fax resume EOE. nity, please call 703-478-1078 or email to: 202-362-3909 We are committed to diversity & promote a drug-free [email protected]. GROOMER/TRAINEE environment. Maintenance/Porter needed for a new mobile salon. Currently serving Mt Rainier, MD Grounds, halls, painting & minor FINANCIAL SERVICES private residences and offices inside the beltway. REST/CHEF for Filipino-Themed Rest. Are you a maint. Paid holiday, vacation. Fax resume 202-723-7387 to join our team today! We are committed to diversity & promote a BECOME AN OWNER/ 301-559-3931 or [email protected]. Good Pay. culinary schl/HRM grad w/excel. skills in prep. of Start Part-Time PET KENNEL STAFF trad. Filipino dishes/food costing? Let’s talk! Email drug-free environment. Get paid helping others & begin building a financial Management Involves managing play groups. Inc supervising the res/cvr ltr/sal. req. in Word: [email protected]. service business. You may own, willing to train, high for play & maintaining a safe & clean environ. Restaurant SALES earning potential. Call Ms. Hood 202-744-0612 or Sales Manager Two shifts avail. AM/PM. Note we are not hiring Cook, Cashier, Delivery Driver, and general kitchen 202-636-1686 temp or summer help. Send resume kennelemploy- Getinona Advertising help needed at Lucky’s Grill. 301-336-1551 or groundbreaking internet launch! FITNESS Do you push the envelope? [email protected] 301-996-9426. As a Sales Rep in Loudoun County... you are responsible Gym seeks Fitness Consultants for Alex. loc. $35K- You are a sales leader, driving results, pushing perfor- PLUMBER -FT Restaurant GRILL COOK for acquiring new advertising business for Loudounex- $60K + benefits. 703-360-1400 mance, and making tough decisions. You have credibil- tra.com, a new Washington Post online product. You ity on the sales floor and your team trusts your 5 years exper. Knowledgeable of all aspects of No experience necessary. Temple Hills, MD. plumbing concepts & practices . Ability to repair, Call 301-894-1188. focus on local, small business acquisition in Loudoun HOSPITALITY judgment. You strategically devise ways to realign your county, selling online sponsorships for editorial con- resources and evolve your business. You rework install, modify, & maintain plumbing fixtures in Restaurant EXECUTIVE HOUSEKEEPER heating, water & drainage systems. Excel bene- tent, special online offers, and exclusive online display Private country club. Manage staff of 20 in incentives to drive results. You already have experi- WAITING STAFF products. You spend most of your time in Loudoun ence managing a team of sales reps and your own fit pkg. Email resume to [email protected] banquet set ups, general cleaning, locker rooms, or fax resume to 240-243-0004. PT, weekends. Call 202-285-9205 calling on clients, and 2 days a week working from the and 18 room guest house. Spanish speaking personal business development experience. It’s time DC home office. You have a few years of outside sales to apply your sales management skills in an even skills preferred. Must have hospitality-related Restaurant and business development experience, and are ready mgmt experience. Benefits include (health, greater capacity with our Retail Business Development Printing for your next exciting challenge! For more info: vision, dental, life, 401k, meals, etc.) Advertising team! More info: www.washpostco.com. www.washpostco.com. Send resume to: Send resume & salary requirements to Send resume to [email protected], Attn: FM OPERATORS [email protected], Attn: LOUEXP/JT. BDUEX/JT [email protected] NRI, a leading digital imaging service in Washing- or fax 240-243-0004. EOE ton D.C, is seeking FM Operators with repro- graphics experience to work in the metropolitan Washington D.C. area. This position will be Hotel We’re looking for Sandwich Makers, responsible for all in-house production and Shake Shakers, and Cashiers!! We are committed to diversity & promote a drug-free We are committed to diversity coordination of outgoing work. Also responsible We’re hiring ’em all!! environment. & promote a drug-free environment. for billing, inventory and all other FM related responsibilities. Background in customer ser- JOB FAIRS SALES vice, digital imaging, copying and/or OCE 9800 Market Research Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday operations preferred but will train. Must have 9am to 11am and 3pm to 5pm. Enjoy a Your Opinion Counts! good verbal and written communication skills Three Day Weekend! A striking atmosphere highlighted by our (English). We offer an excellent benefits package Locations: fabulous team with superior service. Give us your input and receive $75 to $175 for (medical, dental, 401K and pension) and career 726 7th Street (Chinatown) Fast-paced, Deadline Driven Environment. As a Sales 1 hour of your time! We are looking for bilingual advancement opportunities for motivated indi- 626 23rd Street (GW and Foggy Bottom) Support Representative you will work closely with our We are currently interviewing for qualified professionals (students & entry-level welcome) viduals. Salary range is from $11 to $13 per hour. 1900 L St (Farrgut West or North) Business Development Sales Representatives and cli- PROPERTY CONTROLLER candidates. The to help us test a website developed by the Dept. Submit resumes to [email protected] or (f) www.potbelly.com ents on placing advertisments, compiling leads and candidate must have at least 5 years experience of State. If you are interested, please contact 202-296-6369. EOE contacts for new business, and generating reports. We preferably in a 200 plus room hotel Jackie Schall at 850-339-8594 or by email: RETAIL are looking for candidates with strong administrative environment. [email protected] SALES ASSOC P/T—for George Washington Univ. skills, high detail orientation, advanced computer profi- Property Managment Hospital Gift Shop. Eves/Wknds Req’d. Sales Bonus! ciency (MS Word, Excel and Access), customer service Send resumes to leila.benitez@ marriott.com MAINTENANCE Apply at: 900 23rd St NW experience, and excellent written & verbal communi- or fax to 703-667-2115. Marketing & Analytics Specialist Needed for Laurel rental community. Must have cation skills. Days/Hours: Tuesday through Friday, 9am to vast experience in HVAC and full knowledge of 6pm. Rockville, Maryland seeks full-time Marketing Sales HOTEL/RESTAURANT all maintenance responsibilities including This position is based in our Washington, DC office and and Analytics Specialist. Must be proficient in plumbing, electrical and apt turnovers. Only Do you sell to major accounts? unlike many Part-time positions we offer an excellent data-mining, internet research, MS Word/Excel, experienced need apply. Fax resume to: (703) benefits package to include tuition reimbursement, Holiday Inn College Park basic HTML. Knowledge of subscriptions data- Advertising Sales 10000 Baltimore Avenue 883-2171. and 401K matching. We are conveniently located near base software preferred. Experienced in cus- the Farragut North and McPherson Square metro College Park, Md 20740 tomer and sales support. Duties span market- Sell industry specific products like Apartments.com and Apartment Living. We are entrusting you with 300 stations. Interested candidates should send a cover ing, reporting & research, customer service, letter and resume to: Is currently seeking individuals who would like fulfillment and database maintenance. Property Management clients and $3 million in client revenue. Spend 80% of to enjoy a Productive and positive working Good benefit package including free parking. your time out in your territory, calling on accounts in atmosphere. We are looking for the following LEASING CONSULTANTS person. Make regular visits to hundreds of apartment positions: Cover letter, resume & salary history to: communities and corporate offices to establish/main- • Bartenders Subscriptions Manager, fax: 301-251-6740; Home Properties is looking for Leasing Consul- tain a positive rapport, determine needs, and present • Servers email: [email protected] tants to join their team in Silver Spring, MD. If solutions. A high volume of face-to-face contact is Attn: HR/SS-PT/CP • Hostess you have previous sales experience and great imperative to your success in this role. Requires 1150 15th Street, NW • Busser’s Marketing customer service skills, we would like to hear experience in outside sales selling to major accounts. If Washington, DC 20071 • Banquet Server’s from you! Email your resume to you’ve sold to or worked in the property management Fax - (202) 912-3677 • AM/PM Cooks MEDIA PLANNER [email protected] industry, even better! More info: www.washpostco. [email protected] • Housekeepers or fax to 585-340-5947. Visit our website at com. Send resume to [email protected], We are committed to diversity & promote a drug-free As a member of our Marketing Research Department, www.homeproperties.com. Attn: PMEX/JT • Housekeeper PM produce industry-specific sales strategy presentations environment. • Housekeeper Inspector and media recommendations that match Washington • Van Driver PT/FT Post Advertising products with client target audiences Sales • Houseman AM/FT and objectives. Requires strong data analysis skills, Candidates must work flexible schedules. Apply ability to communicate media research concepts and Document Technologies in person or fax resume to 301-441-2471 Email: technical data to lay people both graphically and in We are committed to diversity & promote a Career Fair [email protected] NO PHONE CALLS written reports, excellent writing skills, and Bachelor’s drug-free environment. degree. Expertise in Excel and PowerPoint strongly August 2 PLEASE 2 p.m.-6 p.m. preferred. For more info: www.washpostco.com Send a Nurse cover letter and resume to talentsearch@washpost. HVAC com. Subject line: MPEXP/JT Document Technologies is America’s fastest growing document outsourcing company. We A/C Equipment Mechanic believe that we have achieved this success by OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH NURSE MANAGER providing our customers the highest level of We are committed to diversity & promote a drug-free quality and service. On the spot interviews The National Gallery of Art has multiple vacancies for environment. THE WASHINGTON POST A/C Equipment Mechanics responsible for operating, available. Professional attire required. maintaining, and repairing mechanical systems, air MEDICAL RECORDS COORD SPRINGFIELD PLANT handlers, pumps, and compressors, etc. Secure gov- Needed for home health agency. Fax resume to: We are currently hiring for: ernment job, great benefits. Starting wages $47,000. Tri-State, 202-462-5402. Sales Director of Sales Call Mr. John Bixler at 202-842-6350 for more informa- Medical Technologist Dynamic Production Facility is looking for a Leader in the Occupational Health Field. tion. U.S. citizenship is required. For specific applica- Jr. & Sr. Account Executives tion information and instructions go to Exper required. To run lab in busy, internal medicine All positions are located in Washington, DC or http://jobsearch.usajobs.opm.gov/a9nga.asp. The va- office in Alexandria. Fax resume: 703-461-0803. Responsibilities: Mclean, VA. cancy announcement number is #07-17. Applications MOVIE EXTRAS • Develop and deliver nursing service within the scope of the State Nursing Practice Act and will be accepted through 9/28/07. in accordance with established policies and procedures. Location: Earn up to $150/Day • Plan, implement and evaluate numerous Health and safety programs. Courtyard Embassy Row Marriott HVAC—SERVICE TECHS & HELPERS for residential People needed to work in TV and film production. Rhode Island Ave. NW installation & service. Must have CFC, tools & trans. Exper. not req’d. Call: • Monitor and control absenteeism and disability caused by illness or injury through effective Washington, DC 20036 Great pay & benefits. Call 301-982-7346. 1-877-280-7633. case management. dtiglobal.com/careers Nanny • Provide qualified personnel to cover a twenty-four occupational health center. HVAC TECHS Document Technologies, Inc. is an Equal Oppor- Call 202-832-3420 Family w/2 girls, ages 13&8inNWDCseeks tunity Employer/AA or fax : 202-832-3421. nanny/housekeeper. Must be a non smoker, speak Requirements include graduation from an accredited nursing school, Virginia State license, 3 years Legal English, legal, have a car & drivers license, clean, experience in occupational health, emergency room, ICU or school nursing. CPR/AED certified. prepare meals & run errands. Rate $500 per week. Hours: 7am-3pm Monday-Friday. Ready for a challenging and rewarding career, then send resume Sales PT Appellate Counsel Call (301) 587-7600 btw 9:00am to 4:00pm. and cover letter to: CARPET & FLOOR Good research and writing, federal work. Email Good store location. Looking for an exp’d resume to: [email protected] Non-Profit Gov’t Affairs Assoc. Salesperson. Call: 301-203-1404 or Regional Jewish org seeks FT prof for VA lobby- 703-509-9266. Lifeguard ing/community relations. 3yr legis exp. Trvl to Richmond during the session. Contact BEST LIFEGUARDING JOBS! [email protected] No calls SALES LIFEGUARDS WANTED! VA, DC, MD! PT/FT! AUG./ SEPT. or year round positions. Flexible sched- NURSING/CNA’s - MD & DC Cadbury Schweppes Americas Beverages. FT ules. GREAT HOURLY RATES! Discounted training employment opportunity. Seeking entry-level Legacy Home Care seeking caring CNAs for live-in 7171 Wimsatt Rd. outside sales for Washington, DC market area. available. 703-920-1750 or and hrly. work. 1 yr. exp. req’d. Call 301-588-9600 Springfield, VA. 22151 [email protected]. College graduate or those attending local schools P/T Promotional Representative: Marketing firm ATT: Recruitment/OHNM/BL with ability to work FT Mon-Fri. General computer looking for responsible people for promotions in Email: [email protected] knowledge, automobile necesssary. Vienna & Prince William, VA. Thur-Sun daytime hrs. We are committed to diversity in the workplace and promote a drug-free work environment. Call Jim Waldron at 717-528-0011 Call 888-691-1810 or email: [email protected]. for prompt interview <>=30Hk &" ! &k4G?A4BBk!& Classifieds


SALES ASSOCIATE F/T kitchen & bath salesperson/designer, experi- ence in 20/20 & excellent communication/orga- nizational skills needed. Call 703-932-6641.

Sales Internet Sales Consultant Cars.com As part of the Cars.com advertising sales team, you sell packaged online advertising solutions on cars.com to automotive clients in MD through in-person sales presentations. Your uncapped incentive is directly tied with your ability to aggressively grow new revenue in your territory. You are technologically savvy, with strong internet skills and understanding. If you have the hunger and desire to make a name for yourself in sales, send your resume to talentsearch@washpost. com, Attn: CAREX/JT. More info: www.washpostco. com.

We are committed to diversity & promote a drug-free environment.

Security ADMIRAL SECURITY SERVICES ‘The Flagship Of Security‘ Now Hiring Full-Time & Part Time Security Officers Admiral Security Services is recruiting Security Officers for prestigious locations in DC, MD and VA.

Minimum qualifications: must be 21 years of age; able Warehouse to communicate proficiently in English; able to pass medical, psychological, and drug tests; must be 40 New Openings!!! capable of passing a background investigation; must Experienced Order Selectors with Palletjack Experi- possess HS diploma or GED. We offer excellent wages, ence needed immediately in Landover. 1pm - 10pm medical/dental plans, life insurance, 401K, direct shift. $10/hr. Hiring on the spot, Apply 9am -12pm: deposit, holiday pay, vacation pay, free training, free, Steadystaff professionally tailored uniforms, and career 312 Marshall Ave, #106 Become a advancement. Laurel, MD 20707 301-362-3081 Certified Please join us on Saturday, August 4, 2007 Computer Tech 9a.m.-1p.m. in just 8 weeks 4401 East-West Highway, Suite 304 Bethesda, MD 20814 Or call 301-280-4452 to schedule an interview. EEO, M/F/D/V, DCJS #11-1017 SECURITY OFFICER PT on-call Security Officers in DC. Exp’d pref’d. Must (888) 639-6244 be 21 yrs plus. Must be able to obtain a DC security CAREER TRAINING AND license. Apply online at ppssvc.com or fax resume to 202-496-1286. EMPLOYMENT SERVICES SERVICE TECH Appliance Service Tech to repair washers/dryers, refrig, AC, micros, gas/elec stoves. Excellent benefits. Good driving record. Fax resume to 973-965-4353. SERVICE TECHS—Balt/Wash, will train to refinish bath tubs. Exc work ethic & reliable vehicle req’d. Fax resume to 301-490-6063 & call 866-604-9501 for interview. SPEECH AND LANGUAGE PATHOLOGY Come join our team! Outstanding oppty for SLPs to work in private, multi-disciplinary therapeutic day school in Springfield, VA. Individual, small group, & classroom-based models. Average caseload 17 students. Several positions available. ASHA CCC/SLP & Virginia license. CFY candidates considered. FAX resume to: 703-569-5365 or CALL 703-451-8041. TEACHERS Private Elementary school teachers needed in SE DC. Call 202-584-5114 Telemarketer Temple Hills $200-$1000/wk comm. Ken, 301-423-9348 TELEMARKETING Award Winning Marketing Co. looking for enthusiastic sales individuals. Top Full-time rep earned $75,000 last year and Part-time $42,000! Seating is limited, call NOVO 1 (301) 361-1111 located in Laurel - 312 Marshall Ave. Start earning the money you deserve!

Travel CORPORATE AGENTS Strong Sabre, 5 years corporate exp. Downtown law firm on-site. Outstanding opportunity. Apply to: ovationtravel.com/careers EOE Tutor—Ideal for college grads. FT live-in tutor for Potomac family. Has to be fluent in Spanish, strong in Math and Sciences and Latin. Preferred GPA of 3.5 or higher. Send inquiries to [email protected] !'k4G?A4BBk &" ! &k<>=30H Classifieds

Join a great career in health care. KITCHEN CABINETS & VANITIES — High end, solid Min Pins—$600.00, 2 M/ 3 F, 301-729-0882. Choc/ CAREER TRAINING AND TRAIN FOR A CAREER IN wood, maple, all sizes. 60% of retail. tan, blk/tan. Vet checked, papers, tails docked, LICENSED PRACTICAL NURSE Call 703-221-2906 declaws removed. EMPLOYMENT SERVICES (LPN) - 12 MOS. HOMELAND SECURITY www.northervirginiacabinets.com Papillon—Adorable powder puffs, small ACA. M/F, Very low tuition. AIIH 703-486-0111 AT EVEREST COLLEGE MATTRESS SALE— lge selec-tion, all szs in plastic, Blk/Wht, Tri, Sable, Shots/Wormed. $500. Your success is guaranteed $80-$280/Basic, Serta & Simmons. Make ofr Credit 301-676-5550. Graduate in less time than you think! cards accepted. Warr. DC/MD/VA Same Day Delivery Parrots—African Greys, Amazons and Eclectus avl. A.J. 301-674-2843 www.mattress4less.biz $1000.00, hand-fed babies. LoneEagleAviarys.com Looking For A Tysons Corner Campus MATTRESS SET $135 plush full size. New in plastic. for more info 703-330-1861 1430 Spring Hill Road, Suite 200 Can deliver. 301-343-8630 Pug—AKC Fawn & Black M-$650, F-$750 Shots & Rewarding Career? McLean, VA 22102 PHYLLOSTACHYS NIGRA (BLACK BAMBOO)—Ma- worming utd. Absolutely Gorgeous! 540-635-7425 chete your own (actually we will do this for you). Puggle—Gorgeous! Rdy Now! $500 www.doodle- Beaut., exotic & rare. $49.99 & up. Call dogpups.com fmly raised, parents onsite. S&W hlth VMT is providing full training scholar- Arlington Campus 410-579-2972 guar 540-729-6365 ships to attend its Allied Health Care 801 N Quincy, Suite 500 PIANO—Kranich & Bach, 5ft 3’’ baby grand, excel ROTTWEILER PUPS—AKC-OFA cert, Germ bldline, School. You must be a DC Resi- Arlington, VA 22203 condition, beautiful walnut, wonderful tone, re- ch stock, ser. inq only, F $450; M $500. Bred for stored, 1920 value far greater asking $3700. temperment. 804-725-0140 dent, have difficulty sustaining your- 703-836-2742 SPRINGER SPANIELS PUPS—AKC, 8 weeks, S/W, self and be at least 22 years of age. CALL: 866-607-1907 PIANO—Steinway B, (6’10’’) studio Grand Piano, VA schools are SCHEV Certified Liver & White, $400. Gd w/ children. 301-898-7923 ’87, Ebony finish, perfect cond. $45K/obo. SUMMER SALE BLOWOUT! Call today for more information! 703-786-1547 AUGUST 1-30 TRAIN FOR A CAREER IN Piano—Story & Clark piano, excellent cond., ap- Huge Savings on Aquariums, Furniture, Equip, and (202) 282-1135 praised for $1650, will take $800 or best offer, buyer More! 65-gallon tank from $89.99. 180-gallon tank CRIMINAL JUSTICE AT will need to p/u from my home. Burke, VA, from $479.99. Red Sea Max Mini Reef System: Net VMT is located at: 4201 Connecticut EVEREST COLLEGE 703-503-3285 Buster Price: $534.99. Plus much, much more. Ave., NW. Washington, DC 20008. PIANO—Yamaha Baby Grand G2,Black.Appraised Complete Details at: www.scales-tfw.com Metro redline Van Ness/UDC No high school diploma or GED? 14300.very good cond.Sacrifise 7300/offer.pics on- We have options! line 703-505-4613 DC’s Aquarium Super Store Redskin Tickets—2007 season for $1800; 2 seats/ SCALES Tropical Fish Warehouse Tysons Corner Campus pking pass; sec. 426, row 19. Call 202-694-7041 day, 301-384-7839 MASSAGE THERAPY 1430 Spring Hill Road, Suite 200 301-552-2587 evening. YORKIE PUPS— All sizes. AKC, Gorgeous! Shots & McLean, VA 22102 SMALL COLLECTOR dewormed. $850 +. Best Prices. Call 703-346-4064. Evening Classes Starting! PAYS CASH FOR COINS/COLLECTIONS YORKSHIRE TERRIERS—Reg, tea-cup M pups w/ CALL TODAY! Call Al, 301-807-3266 hlth guar, shots, declaw & tail removed, teddy bear Arlington Campus TOOLS FOR SALE—plumbing & construction faces, will be 4lbs. Delivery avail. Home raised. Mom (202) 282-0556 801 N Quincy, Suite 500 240-207-3057 5lbs; dad 3½lbs. $1150. 540-860-1500 Arlington, VA 22203 TV—62 in HDTV, matching base, and wall unit VMT Education Center $1,000; 46 in TV, matching base, wall unit $500 An Allied Health School CALL: 866-607-1907 (703)518-5379. RENTALS 4201 Connecticut Av NW, #300 VA schools are SCHEV Certified Woodbridge—07-28-2007, 8:00 AM - 2:00 PM, 3032 Jenny Lane, 703-492-7898, Lrg 2-fam yard sale, Washington, DC 20008 furn, hshld,clothing, media, books, antiques ACCOKEEK—Lrg home, first month free, $2200/mo. Metro redline stop Van Ness/UDC TRAIN TO BECOME A Call 301-717-6965 Adams Morgan Enjoy Rock Creek Park, shopping MEDICAL ASSISTANT SALES & AUCTION and local nightlife. Renovated bldg, spacious flr Prepare for a new life! IN LESS TIME THAN plans and sep. dining rm. On site fitness cntr., bike Make a difference, storage rm.1 bedroom from $1460 rent incl. utils. even with the little ones YOU THINK Open daily for inspection THE CHALFONTE 1601 GRANITE SALE Argonne Place, NW 888-512-4791 as an Ultrasound Technician. Three locations to choose from! www.bernsteinmgmt.com $28 per sq ft Bernstein Mgt. Corp. EHO Train in less time than you think! Everest College Arlington Campus Career services available Fri, Aug 3-Sat, Aug 4th ADAMS MORGAN EHO 801 N Quincy, Suite 500 301-627-7630 Large Eff apts on quiet tree lined street near Zoo. Financial Aid for those who qualify. Arlington, VA 22203 H/W flrs. all util paid. Eff from $1050. Housing choice Vouchers welcome where rental amounts are Training includes an externship! within voucher limits. For a Brochure, Everest College Tysons Campus TICKETS Resident Manager 202-234-3636 call now! 888-771-2433 1430 Spring Hill Road, Suite 200 Affordable Townhomes In Wheaton Avail. Now McLean, VA 22102 REDSKINS SEASON TIX (1)—40 yd line upper 2Br’s from $1,041 3Br’s from $1,198 Sanford-Brown Institute (Section 427), parking.$1130. 202-488-7198. Income restricted. Max. income Everest Institute Silver Spring Campus Requirements: 8401 Corporate Dr. Ste 500 Redskins Season Tix - 2 Club Lvl Prem Seats, under 1 Person - $36,410 2 Person - $41,580 Landover, MD 20785 8757 Georgia Avenue cover. With prem pkng pass. Sec 315, row 19, seats 3 Person - $46,805 4 Person - $51,975 Silver Spring, MD 20910 36-37. Can incl future rights. Face Value $5,541. 5 Person- $56,155 6 Person - $60,280 540-895-0247. 7 Person- $64,460 Quality First Training Center REDSKINS SEASON TICKETS—2 tickets, Sec 421, TheGlenTownhomes.com 877.588.6552 CALL: 866-607-1907 Row 29. $1500. Call 410-526-5048 Classes start soon Call 301-270-5105 VA schools are SCHEV Certified EHO Prof. Mg’d by Bozzuto. PHLEBOTOMY-10 WK PROGRAM ALEX/Bailey’s X-Rds—1 BR hi-rise condo, loc’d nr I-395. Rent $1350 mo. incls. gas & elec. utils. CNA 4 WEEK PROGRAM, CNA to GNA Amenities: garage pkg, balc, pool, Metrobus stop at PROGRAM-72 hrs. CPR-6 HRS. Westwood College door. One yr. lease. Contact Peter 703-599-4142. CONSTRUCTION 6475 New Hampshire Ave, #501 Train for a new and exciting career at ADOPT A /KITTEN ALEX/VAN DORN—Nice 3BR 2BA close to shopg, Hyattsville, MD 20783 Vet checked. Call Feline Foundation. 24-hr sec. Pool. Pkg. $2000. Sec. 8 OK. 703-304-8195 Job Placement Assistance Westwood College. Call 877-852-9712 703-920-8665 www.ffgw.org Alexandria City/Rt 1 MANAGEMENT Day/Eves Classes. Approved by State of Md. Board of today to receive your free Basenji—$700, 10 wks, the barkless , virtually Highrise, Garden Apts & Twnhms Nursing & Md. Higher Ed. Comm. www.qfmi.com Train for a career in Career Success Kit! shed and odor free, rare & loving breed, mst see, 2 Numerous Amenities! Construction Management at www.westwood.edu/locations male - 2 female 410-686-5550 Move in by 8/1/07 Westwood College TERR PUPS—AKC, 1st Shots, Dewormed, SERIOUSLY, MAKE A CHANGE! $400. 540-399-1678 *$175 Move-in Credit Call 877-852-9712 today to receive your Don’t settle for a deadend job BUSINESS AND Bull Terrier puppies—AKC Reg $1500 FREE SHIP- **$400 Move-in Credit free Career Success Kit! Get career training from FINANCIAL OPPORTUNITIES PING 2 males & 1 female, 8 wks old, bullterrierpup- **Move in by 8/1/07 & Dec Free www.westwood.edu/locations TESST College of Technology py.com 757-577-2238/ 654-0630 ***$375 Move-in Credit Call Now! BARBERSHOP & BEAUTY SALON For Sale. Plasma BULLMASTIFF PUPS — AKC regs. $1300. 6Ms, 4Fs, 888-966-4400 Dept #233 TVs, all equipment & furniture included. fawn & brindle. Ready in 3 wks, taking deposits. ***Carydale East 703-751-7576 202-497-8947 Parents on prems. Health guar, 703-470-9684. **Carydale Village 703-780-6244 *Holly Court 703-765-7039 CRIMINAL JUSTICE JANITORIAL NON-Franchise Chihuahua—$600+, m/f, 8 wk+ puppies, S&W, Parents= 3-5 lbs., Health Guar: (see ePetsAndSup- *Rolling Hills 703-780-0161 Train for a career in Criminal Justice at Lifetime Account Guarantee *Washington Ave 703-765-7039 Lowest Investment Guarantee plies.com) 703-989-7513 Westwood College. Call 888-792-5125 FREE Brochure 800-795-0529 CHIHUAHUA PUPPIES—Tiny toy, AKC, Harpers www.carydale.com today to receive your free REAL ESTATE—Unique opportunity in RE investing. Ferry area. $550. 304-876-1414 Earn income while learning to invest. 877-681-0867 CHIHUAHUA PUPS—Long Hair, Teacup, 7wks, F, ALEXANDRIA EHO Career Success Kit! AKC regis., Chmap lines, Parents on site, Blk/Tan. Bren Mar Apartments www.westwood.edu/locations Ready 8/13. 703-861-3782 • Just 1/4 mile to I-395 STUFF COTON DE TULEAR PUPS—French line, health • Newly renovated apts with washer & dryer guar, non shed, non allergenic, Pre spoiled compan- • Fitness center, business center & pool ion 540-349-2527 • Dog Park/pets up to 100 lbs. 8 piece Cherry (new in box) sleighbed set worth Dog Collar—Ruffman Family Heirloom. Will dispose 1BR starts $1170* 2BR starts $1380* $1100 ask $575 301-343-8630 of, if not ‘fetched‘ by 2pm today. Contact: Ken L. Koff SAVE up to $1250 off!* Armoire/Entertain—$800.00, Rockville, MD, 717- at 617-300-2134. BRING IN AD & SAVE $100!* 395-0593Great Condition, two drawers for DVD’s German Sherpard—$0.00, male, 7-9, 1-888-361-3043 BAND SELL OUT— 5 pc Tama Drum set, amplifier 2402103744K-9 Grade needs a quiet home. very MG series 250 DFX 260 Marchall Amp, 12 string & 6 well trained needs a family with patience. Great with Anacostia—$1,415, 2320 Shannon Pl, TH, 2 br string double neck w/hard case, Santana conga & kids and other dogs, very loving. Please come and +den, 1.5 ba, newly ren, dw, wd, patio, 2 blk metro, 1 Timbalis, microphone, cymbals etc & other Musician meet. He is a great dog. blk bus, 301-318-4437 accessories. 301-977-2933; 240-855-6140 GOLDEN RETR. PUP—m, AKC, champ lines, OFA, 8 ANACOSTIA SE/1618 17TH ST. — Fully renov 2BR, BED $150 Queen Double pillowtop mattress set wks, 2 yr hlth guar. 301-754-0027 or 301-776-6353. Apts w/ w/d. $1400 Sec 8 ok. Avail imm. new in plastic Can del. 301-399-7870 GREAT PRYENEES PUPS—F’s, 8 wks, champion 202-468-2184 BED $265 Double pillowtop king mattress set bloodline, OFA, AKC. Call 540-347-5318 ARL, N.—Equipped 2BR 2BA, deck, prkg, pvt entr, nr New in plastic.Can del 301-343-8630 Jack Russell Pups—8weeks, short legs. Smooth bus, N/S, N/P.$1650 incl utils. 703-536-1960 Bristol Nascar Suite—Suite for lease AUG22-25 for coat. Very nice pups. $500.00 301-465--0673 ARL N— Fully furn’d, 2BR, 2BA, deck, prkg, pvt entr., all three races fully catered with food and beer for LAB—AKC PUPS. Yellow, Ready Now, 3 Ms, AKC nr bus, N/S, N/P,$1650 incl utils. 703-536-1960 each race climate controlled 16 person suite con- inspect. Both parents on site. $300. Call Arlington—$1795, 2BR/1Ba, balcony, pool, gym, tact jason@9106385331 703-232-2483 util. 703-981-5935. CONTRACTOR’S EQUIP—Honda generators, I/R LAB—Excellent quality yellow pups, health guar., towable air compressors, power trowels. Check out family socialized. Ms $500; Fs $600. 717 529-3846; Arlington, Pentagon. Eff, 1 & 2 BR apts. Newly our website for specials & used equip at www.wash- 717 529-1295 Renovated. Walking distance to Metro & Shop- air.com or call Bob Robertson 703 928-7662 ping. One Month FREE Rent if move-in by LAB PUPS —AKC, All Colors, shots and wormed, 7/31/07.Call 703-578-7860. EHO COUCH/LOVESEAT microfiber/stain resistant.New health guar., $300+, Conv. loc. to I-95, in cartons $475 301-399-7870 804-994-3171. Arlington/Rosslyn Several Locations District Heights—JULY 28,29,30-2007, 9:00 am - LAB PUPS—AKC, choc m/f, vet checked, 1st s/w, On-Site Parking, Walk Metro 5:OO pm, 2203 Senator Avenue, 301-420-3107Es- $500. Delivery avail. 540-778-2007. Upgraded Apts, 1&2BRs tate Moving sale. everything must go. LAB PUPS—AKC/OFA/cerf, hip & eye guarantee, 703-671-4045 or 703-861-7605 FOR SALE HOME GYM—V-2 MULTI GYM W/ 150# champion line, call 410-452-5722 www.carydale.com STACK $1300 OBO LIKE NEW Annandale 703 941 LAB PUPS—Yellow, Female & Males AKC reg, very ASPEN HILL/Leisure World—2BR, 0562 high quality, show dogs, F $500 M $450 2 BA ground flr condo, 24/7 gated security, all appls, INSTANT CASH FOR GOLD—We buy gold, dia- 412-781-0456 wood flrs. $1450/mo. Call Paul 301-922-3971 monds, watches, estate jewelry. Call 703-407-7380 LAB RETRIEVERS—AKC, Beautiful, black, Males, BETH—Renov carriage apt., 1BR 1 Ofc, All utils Kawai Grand Piano $6200—1981 KG-1 5’1’’ ma- Females, Ready 8/4. Deposit for hold 301-645-2635 except elec, Nr trans. $1500/mo. 301-320-3021 hogany finish, just regulated and tuned, free tuning Labradoodle—Rdy Now! Wavy, curly & cute! www.- after delivery included, excellent condition. Bobby doodledogpups.com F1 & F1b’s blk,crm & chocs! 301 437 3180 $600 & up 540-729-6365 <>=30Hk &" ! &k4G?A4BBk!( Classifieds

BLADENSBURG EHO RENTALS RENTALS 1 BRs start at $798 All Utilities Included PARK PLACE TOWERS • Spacious studios, 1 & 2BRs • Wall-wall carpet • Eat-in kitchen • European style cabinets • Patio/balcony • 24-Hr. emergency maintenance • Garage parking available • Close to Metro • Minutes from BW Pkwy. CALL TODAY! 866-807-0429 5802 Annapolis Road Bladensburg, Md. 20710 www.TheDonaldsonGroup.com Bowie—$2,700, Single Family House, 3 br, 2 ba, 1 Car Garage, dishwasher, washer/dryer, hardwood floors, FLEXIBLE LEASE. 301-404-6773 Bowie—3 lvl TH w/ gar, 3MBR, 2.5BA, Aug 10. $1800/mo. 202-904-5348 BOWIE—renov. SFH, 3BR 2½BA, new carpet/paint, laminate hwd flr in LR & DR, FR w/FP,fin. bsmt., gar., $1895. RIVERDALE 3BR 2BA duplex, fin. bsmt, hwd flrs in LR, DR, renov. kitchen, $1595. 301-774-3620. BOWIE—SFH 5BR 2.5 BA fin bsmt, $2300/mo+sec dep 443-867-3375 BRISTOW - Beaut. 2-yr old, 5BR 3.5BA, SFH w/fully f’nd bsmnt, close to shopping & more. Rent $2,- 000/mo. Sec dep $2,000. $50 proc fee. Pets OK on case by case basis. 9580 Tarvie Circle Coldwell Banker 703-981-5535 BROOKLAND/Cath Univ— Spac 1 BR. Nr Metro. Off-st-prkg, W/D, $970+ elec & cook gas. 202-526-5663 Burke—$1695 TH 3br, 2.5ba, New Washer, Dryer, AC 703-864-0351 CAP HILL —3BR TH. 2.5BAcac. fpl. off street pkg. 2 blks from Metro. $1800. Call 301-779-4384 Capital Heights—Regency Village Apartments Newly Ren $835, 6501 Hil Mar Drive, Apartment-Un- furnished, 701 sf, 1 br, 1 ba, 0 1/2ba, heat, pets allowed, 6 months, hlth Fac, hsi, dw, porch-patio, nr pub transp, newly ren, ww carpet, ac, 301-420-1117 Capital Heights—Regency Square Apartments newly ren $767, 1926 Rochelle Avenue, Apartment- Unfurnished, 640 sf, 1 br, 1 ba, 0 1/2ba, heat, garbage, 6 months, dw, porch-patio, nr pub transp, ww carpet, ac, 301-735-0507

Capitol Hts. EHO ONE MONTH FREE* 1 Bedrooms $795 2 Bedrooms $895 NO APPLICATION FEE* • Less than 2 blocks to Metro Rail • Resident Controlled Access • 24 Hour Maintenance • Active Military Discounts Available HIGHLAND RIDGE APTS. 301.568.0770 *see leasing consultant for details Cardoza Metro—U St. Corridor Spacious Jr 1BR from $1175, 1 bedroom from $1300 Walk to U St. Corridor, Howard U & Adams Morgan. 3 blks to U St / Cardoza Metro. All utils incld. (except gas) Hrdwd flrs, CATV avail. Pls call Castle Manor/Highview Apts, 2505 13th St, NW, 877-566-0460. www.bernsteinmgmt.com Bernstein Mgt. Corp. EHO CATHEDRAL AREA EHO Lg 1 BR apts avail immed from $1450. All utils paid. Call 202-363-8282 for specials. Housing choice Vouchers welcome where rental amounts are within voucher limits. Chevy Chase, DC Spacious Efficiency fr $1189 & 1 bedroom fr $1500. Incld HVAC, all utils. Hrdwd flrs, dining area, great views, sun-deck. CATV & parking avail. Fine dining & shopping @ your door steps. Metro accessible. Livingston Apts., 5437 Conn Ave., NW. 866-581-4739. Or [email protected] By appt only Bernstein Mgt. Corp. EHO Clinton—$5,000/mth w/ option; (Like new) 5 BR, 4BA SFH; call Jai (301) 292-8084. See MLS# PG6477220 Conn Ave @ 3000 (directly across from Zoo) Charming & spacious 1 BR from $1580 & 2 BR from $2475 apartment homes available. Beautiful wood floors, some w/large foyer & closet(s). 3 blks to metro, Conveniently located close to Dupont Circle & Adams Morgan On-site retail amenities & parking. Pls. call 866-761-9048 www.bernsteinapartments.com Bernstein Mgt. Corp. EHO Crofton—$1925.00, 2485 Wentworth Drive, T/H, 1450 sf, 3 br, 2.5 ba, hsi, all appliances, deck, new carpet/custom paint, form dr, gas fp, 1+ yr lease. Mark: 848-218-0730 DALE CITY—3 BR 4 BA TH, frplc, w/d, freshly renov, nice neighborhood, fenced bkyrd, nr 95. $1480/m. 571-225-7486. DC 202-537-8970 WAGGAMAN CORPORATION PRESENTS NW: Military Rd. & 14th St—1BR $850, all incl. 301-503-9738 NW: 6040 14TH St.—Walter Reed area. 1BR $850, all incl. 202-744-5871 NW:1450 Irving St—Columbia Hts. Metro. Eff. $644+e+g. 202-483-0885 NE:330 63rd St —Capital Hts Metro. 2BR $788+e. 202-215-1190 NE:4001 Hayes St —Minnesota Ave. Metro. 1BR $665+e. 202-397-6016 SE: 1454 Smith Place—Bolling AFB. 1BR $750, all util. 202-270-1319. Housing Choice Voucher Welcome Equal Housing Opportunity " k4G?A4BBk &" ! &k<>=30H Classifieds

Georgetown , CALL TODAY AND ASK ABOUT OUR SE/Cascade Park Apts, 4236 4th St 132 Unit. SPECIALS! Charming & spacious efficiencies avail- Laurel, Md. NORTHEAST EHO GREAT SPECIALS - LIMITED TIME OFFER! Extensive RENTALS able in a distinctive apartment building. with beauti- renov underway. New Mgmt. Immed occupancy. ful fountain courtyard. Renovated kitchen, all utili- Up To 1 Month’s Free Rent CHOOSE YOUR OWN 4BRs $1395, 3BRs $1295, 2BRs $895, 1BR $650. DENIED AN APT DUE TO CREDIT? ties incl., CATV avail. Near Dupont Circle metro & on 1 Bedroom Apts ACCENT WALL COLOR at! Renov kit, new appls, wood & crptd, ac, on-site MD, DC, VA 301-577-5705 GU. Kew Gardens Apartments 2700 Q St NW, laundry rm, on-site mngmt. Ask about specials www.secondavenueonline.com 1-888-818-5721 FORT CHAPLIN PARK www.novodev.com 202-562-1600 or 202-270-4442 www.bernsteinmgmt.com DIST HGTS/1216 Eastwood Dr, Forestville. — PARKE LAUREL SE/FOREST COVE CONDO—2BR, CAC, W/D, 5BR, 2 FB, bsmt, SFH. $1600 mo. + utils. Tyrone 202 Bernstein Mgt. Corp. EHO Fabulous Upgrades in Progress! Quality Living at a $875. 202-889-9226 276-6988 GERM —4BR 2.5BA. 2 car gar. deck. lg bkyd. $2200. REASONABLE PRICE! SE—LG 2BR apt, Lg lvg rm & dng area, w/w carpet, Dupont Circle - Corporate Efficiency apartment 240-876-3419, RP. CAC, Force gas ht, ready for immed. occup., For Germantown—SUNNY TH FOR RENT: $1700/mo, 3 • Upgraded Landscaping • 5% Discount to all Metro & DC Gov’t. more info call 301-883-9105 available in beautiful historic bldg (incld utils). 3 blks Employees to Metro and restaurants & Adams Morgan. On-site bd/3.5 ba. Near MARC train. 301-424-3878 • Upgraded Hallways SE GLEN-BURNIE—2 BR 2 fl BA condo w/ frplc, nr • One block from Metro parking, CATV & High speed internet avail. • Upgraded Apartments* • Ladscaped courtyards The President Madison Apts., 866-389-2570 shping/695/295/95. Freshly pnted, deck,lots of clos- With new carpet, new appliances, Meadow Green ets/strg, 1485+sec dep. 301-613-2838. • Free off-street parking Bernstein Mgt. Corp. EHO washer/dryer in the apartment, new cabinets, • Window treatments FAIRFAX/CENTREVILLE—New SFH, 4 BR, fin bsmt GREAT FALLS—Spac 10K sft gated estate. 5BR 8BA. new floors, new bathrooms, new open 1&2 BR Apts/3BR Townhomes! Courts 2-car gar, $2300/mo. 703-863-0989 6 ac, Avl now. $8K/mo. Call Shawn 703-850-3209 floorplan 4212 E.Capital St, NE Fairfax City—$1500 incl. utils., beautiful 2 BR, 1 BA, GREENBELT ROAD—Lovely 3-4BR TH, nr Metro/ CALL TODAY 877-263-1143 A great deal in a great location. W/D. Walk to shops. 703-220-2775. No smokers. Bus. Great for roomates. LR. DR. eat-in kit. study. CALL TOLL FREE (877) 269-4216 5% DISCOUNT TO ALL Falls Church—$1500, House, 880 sf, 3 br, 1 ba, $650-$800 ea. Avl 8/1. 202-806-1577. 13178 Larchdale Road Laurel, MD 20708 Housing Choice Vouchers Welcome where METRO & DC GOV’T. EMPLOYEES small pets ok, wd, new appliances, 301-980-7618 rental amounts are within Voucher Program GREENBELT www.thedonaldsongroup.com FOGGY BOTTOM EHO *select apt. homes Limits Spacious two and three bedroom apartment homes Large Eff apts (some with balconies) avail immed. 24 at reasonable prices and includes the heat. hr. desk, pool on roof. H/W floors, util paid. Starting LEESBURG, VA—Looking for full bsmt or lge rm w/ F. NW/754 HARVARD ST. — 4BR, 3BA+ BSMT APT. Convenient to shopping, schools & major highways at $1450. Call Resident Mgr at 202-296-1645. Hous- Willing to pay $700 incl utils. Starting Oct. House in very good condition. Wlk to How. U. $2800. ing Choice Vouchers welcome where rental THE HANOVER Call 202-409-2461. • Dishwasher 703-434-0398 amounts are within voucher limits. • Walk-in Closets LOGAN EAST/Conv Ctr—Newly renov Hist Bldg. Penderbrook—$2100-on golf course. 3 BR & loft, • Wall-to-Wall Carpet FOGGY BOTTOM/GWU EHO Sizzling Summer Specials! Conv Dwtwn, Trans & Shops. Effic. $795/mo. 1BR, 2.5 ba, 4 lvls, gar., gym, pool, Avail Sept 1st, THE ELISE $995/mo. 202-289-4909 301-466-9969 Housing Choice Vouchers Welcome where Large Eff & 1BR apts avail immed. Eff. from $1350. • Newly Renovated RESTON—$1600. 3-lvl TH, 2 MBR, 3 FBA, FP, W/D, rental amounts are within Voucher Program MACOMB STREET/WISC AVE EHO Limits All utilities included! Call 202-333-7711 for Spe- • Washer/dryer in selected apts Large Eff, 1BR & 2BR apts avail immed. Next to 703-309-2070 cials. Housing Choice Vouchers welcome where Open Mon-Fri 9-5 Sat. 10-4 • Sparkling Olympic size pool Shops & restaurants. All utilities included. Call RESTON/HERNDON EHO 3539 A Street, SE rental amounts are within voucher limits. 202-244-4095. Housing Choice Vouchers welcome Fort Washington—$2500, 10609 Heather Glen • Fitness Center Stuart Woods Apartments where rental amounts are within voucher limits. • Just 1 mile to Reston Town Center (202) 582-5250 Way, Townhouse, 4BR, 3VA, newer appl, dw, rear MANASSAS—New End Unit TH, 4BR, 3.5 BA, w/d. deck, w.d, hw flrs. 443-277-7546 • Spacious floor plans • Fitness center, volleyball, tennis & more!! $1880. 703 272-7902. • Dog Park/Pets up to 100 lbs. SE/THE NEW ANACOSTIA Fort Washington—11517 Aquarius Ct. 20744- • Abundant closet space MT. RAINIER—Close to shops & rec. center. 1BR, $3000 —4BR, 3BA, 2 yrs old, lge yd, full gym, 2 car 1BR starts $1270* 2BR starts $1410* $700. 2BR $765. Utils. incl. (A/C xtra) 301-277-6202 Ask how to SAVE up to $2250!!* The Best View garage, move in ready, great nghd, great schools. CALL TODAY! NE/130 Taussig Pl (20011)—3BR 2-lvl apt. $1600, 443-277-7546 BRING IN THIS AD & SAVE $100!* utils incl. 202-550-2249 1-888-748-2858 in the City (866) 580-0965 NE/133 U St.—Newly renov., 3BR, 1½BA, LR, DR, Fort Washington EHO CAC. $1795 nego. Sec 8 ok. Call Sam, 240-475-6186 RESTON—Spac TH delux remod, 1 MONTH FREE RENT* Herndon—$1600- Townhome; 1400-1500 sf; 2 br;2 NE/133 U St.—Newly renov 1BR, 1BA bsmt apt. 3+ BR, 3½ BA, w/d, Nr bus & schl, $2050. 703-620- Over the life of the lease Move in Today ba; 1 1/2ba, 3 Fls, 1 Car Attached gar, small dogs, w/ sep entr. $850 nego. Sec 8 ok. Call Sam, 6280/620-9837 Minutes fr Metro, Va, with $300* ok; hsi, dw, nr pub transp; newly ren, wd, gas fp, 240-475-6186 tennis court/pool nearby. 703-999-5688. RIVERDALE—East Pines Terrace Downtown DC, 395 & Metro 5% DISCOUNT FOR Lg Eff/2BR. ½ off sec dep. nr Metro, hdwd, w2w, HERNDON—Colo, 4BR, 3½BA, 2 car gar, fin w/o NE— 724 Irving Street, $908, 1BR + den brkfst bar, lndry. 301-577-7917 Delwin Realty Military, Teachers, bsmt. Close to Rte 7/Ffx Co Pkwy., Reston Town Ctr., MARBURY PLAZA Firemen, & Police! apartment; 859 51st St, 2-3BR, $1825 SFH excel schl zone. Well maint. $2200. 703-708-7179 NW— 219 R Street, 4-5BR house+English Riverdale EHO Newly renovated bathrooms & kitchens Metrobus at your Herndon—Fox Mill Area - Lovely Colonial 6-BR basement,2.5BA, $1825-$2650; 1652 Trinidad EFF,1 & 2br Apartments avail. in select units. front door 3.5-BA 2Car Gar, Sep DR, FR w/Frpl, Finsh Full Bsmt, Ave, 2BR 1BA, $1200-$1415. 5% DISCOUNT FOR Bring A copy of thie ad to get your Deck, Wooded Backyd. Best Loc & Schls. AVL 9/1. SE—1511 17th St, 2BR, 1BA, $1425; 3209 military, teachers, firemen & police Application Fee Free! $2,850. 703-862-4256 Buena Vista Terr., 3BR, $950+utils; 3016 30th 2300 Good Hope Road SE ROSECROFT HYATTSVILLE—1BR & 2BR fr $750 + A/C. St., 3BR, $1825+utils; 3064 30th St., 3BR, 1BA, MetroBus at your front door 202-678-0700 ext 205 & 206 Nice setting near Nr. Arts District. Off street parking. $1100-$1300. Section 8 welcome. MOVE IN Open Late Tues. & Thurs. 10am-7pm MEWS FREE AUGUST ’07 On-site laundry, Gourmet Kitchens Call TODAY! 301/927-8339 Wall/Wall Carpet, Private Balconies *Must move in by 7/27/07 2428 Corning Ave Hyattsville EHO Affinity Group 202-832-0000 Fort Washington, MD 20744 beaconmanagement.com NE SE —Renov. 1,2 3BRs, w/w $725 up. Sect 8 ok JEFFERSON HALL 202-657-2099 1,2, 3 BRs from $839 5402 Kenilworth Ter SE WASHINGTON NE The McKinnley: 4925 N. Capitol St. 1&2BR Riverdale, MD 20737 apts. Ready for immed. move in. $825 - $1,025 + Move-in & Receive A • Washer/dryer in unit Eff, 1 & 2 BRs starting at $850 • Private Balcony or Patio Elec. CAC, New carpet, Freshly painted, G/D, parking 5 Day/4 Night Cruise for 2! • Wall to wall carpet Summer Hot Specials avail. laundry facility on-site. Please call Andy at CALL TODAY! 1&2Bdrms.startingat$645 • Dishwashers 2BRS FR $769 202-315-1104 to set up appt. Also see www.novodev.com 1-866-906-9224 OPEN HOUSE • Parking Included Open Weekends • PETS WELCOME NEW CARROLLTON—3BR 1.5BA. excel cond, $1500 SATURDAY 10am-4pm • Ceiling Fan • Close to Metro, Bus all uts incl. 301-257-8017 *Limited time only, offer subject to change Hours: Mon-Fri 9-5PM; Sat 10-3PM; CALL TODAY: • Laundry Facilities • Walk to Shopping ctr NW—1BR apt. All utils. incl. $860. 301-316-4590. • New kitchens • Abundant closets • Immediate Occupancy • Abundant closet space 1-866-652-4957 NW—3+ BR, 3 BA, fin. bsmt., owner will pay heat ROCKV/Rochshire $2200/MO • Sparkling Swimming Pool Call 301-277-6610 bill, just remod. Move-in cond. Beautiful! $2600/mo 4BR, 3BA SFH. Fin bsmt., Frpl, Garage, backs to park, • Choice of Garden or Highrise living Hours: M-F 9-5PM Sat 10-3PM + utils & deposit. 410-265-6031 wlk to schls, bus, cmmty pool. 301-948-2607 • Spacious floorplans. Open late Tues & Thurs Hyattsville EHO NW—4BR, 3FBA, hdwd flr, New kit, new BA, excel Rockville—$2900.00, 316 Broadwood Driv e, Single • Gated community cond, $2700 240-593-3735 Family House, 2100+ sf, 4 br, 2 ba, 0 1/2ba, 2 Fls, • Conv. to Anacostia & Southern Ave. Metro. *Limited time only, MOVE IN TODAY WITH $300* NW—5BR, 4½BA, newly renov., hdwd flr., micro- Additional/Optional Garage gar, Flexible, hsi, dw, offer subject to change wave, CAC; 2BR, 1½BA, newly renov., microwave, porch-patio, deck, nr pub transp, newly ren, ww Handicapped Accessible Apts. Avail. ASK ABOUT FREE RENT SPECIAL* Income restrictions may apply FT WASH—$2050/mo. 4BR 3BA det home, Move-in W/D, CAC. Sect. 8 Ok. 240-355-6707 carpet, new carpet, form dr, form lr, wd, fp, Cond, Avl Immed. Call Angela 301-928-8618 5% DISCOUNT FOR 401-859-0136, 3 car driveway and marble IG pool! WINGATE military, teachers Oxon Hill EHO Rockville—$3000.00, Park Road, Single Family FT. WASH - $2,400 - RENT WITH OPTION—Exc cnd, House, 4 br, 3 ba, 4 Car Detached gar, dw, deck, nr TOWERS & GARDEN APTS 5BR/3BA splt foyer. Ready to move-in w/ closing pd firemen & police Summer Specials!* pub transp, wd, hw flrs, fp, 301-838-9480, 202-563-2300 by seller - or rent w/ opt. Prin. only. Rlty Executives 703-403-2975 Main St, 301-952-1100 x118 D. Driver, O/A *See Leasing Consultant for Details MetroBus at your front door ROCKVILLE/GAITHS—Large 1 & 2BR 1mo free/ Ft. Wash— 4/3 SFH-$2000,remod,grnt kit,nw apls,- 5% DISCOUNT FOR On-site laundry, Wall to Wall Carpet military, teachers, gov workers special discounted rates. Furn or unfurn. Corporate/ Shirlington—Fairlington TH - $1800, 4603 30th Rd. 2cr ga,hw,SR,dck,lg fn yd,w/d,AAFB. 240-305-6625 equip kit/balc. Nr Metro, park w/gym/pool, grocery. S., 2 br, 2 ba + FF LL, pets ok, fenced-in patio, nr pub CARLYLE VILLAGE firemen & police Good rates. Uts incl/cable 301-948-0087. transp, wd, hw flrs, - open 7-28 1-4 pm - GAITHERSBURG 5301 Hamilton St. MetroBus at your front door SE—1BR & 2BR $715/mo & up + electricity. No pets. 703-505-3102 Hyattsville, MD 20781 Call 202-265-4814 or 202-889-4083 SIL SPG $1999 GROVE PARK Off of Kenilworth Ave. Minutes from the National Harbor & Fred A. Smith Co. REDUCED —Lge luxury TH. 3BR, 2½BA, FR, LR, DR, 1 & 2 BRs starting at $785 Stadium SE— 2BR, 2BA completely renov, w/d, all appls incl. fin bsmt w/deck, 301-706-6667 Carr Realtors. NEWLY RENOVATED no credit check, negotiable depos. $600/mo. 1/2 MILE FR RTE.270 CALL TODAY! Open House June 20 & 21st! Call 410-878-6528 SIL SPRING EHO 1-888-867-9029 Win 5-30$ OFF Rent per Month SE—3BR 1 BA, laundry room, FIN BSMT, new crpt, 1st & Last Month Free Rent! ceiling fans & appl. No credit check. Negotiable SIZZLING SUMMER SPECIALS *Limited time only, offer subject to change $25 & $250 Moves You In THE OAKS AT PARK SOUTH deposit. $900. 410-878-6528 1BR $962 2BRs from $1116 • Washer and dryer in each apt Hours: Mon-Fri 9-5PM; Sat 10-3PM; 5400 Livingston Terrace SE—4BR 2BA house, w/d, deck, etc. Section 8 ok. 202-360-7670 Maximum Income Restrictions Apply* • Fitness center and clubhouse HYATTSVILLE Near Arts District Oxon Hill, MD 20745 1 Person Home$39,720 2 Person Home$45,360 • Ride-on Bus at property entrance 1,2, 3 BRs starting at $730 SE EHO 3 Person Home$51,060 4 Person Home$56,700 1BR $675; 2BR $775+elec. 5 Person Home$61,260 6 Person Home$65,760 • Swimming pool CALL TODAY! 3/779-1734 CALL TODAY! GARDEN VILLAGE • Add’l renovations coming soon FREE AC’s!!! The Barrington Apartments LANDOVER HILLS/RENT TO OWN—No credit 1-866-906-3836 1720 Trenton Pl., SE 1-888-519-9894 301-587-2761 CALL TODAY 866-441-3309 check, 4BR 3BA, a/c, new TH, garage, $2095/mo. • 1BR Starting at $750 • 2BR Starting at $875 1970 Rosemary Hills Drive 24-hr free rec. msg 800-482-6854 Box 2095 Hours: Mon-Fri 9-5PM; Sat 10-3PM 750 Clopper Rd. Open late Tues & Thurs • Renov. Kit & BAs • Controlled Access Silver Spring, MD 20910 Equal Housing Opportunity LAUREL — Large TH, 3BR, 2½BA, Fpl, large Deck, We are a pet friendly community • Free Metro Shuttle • Close to THEARC se habla espanol *On select apts. fin’d bsmt, great loc. Avail immed. $1925. *Restriction Apply William C Smith www.wcsmith.com 410-428-0890 SILVER SPRING ASHFORD at WOODLAKE 14175 Castle Boulevard Silver Spring, Maryland 20904 1,2 & 3BRs AVAILABLE SECURITY DEPOSIT WAIVED For qualified applicants • 24-hour fitness center • Olympic size pool, lighted tennis courts • Washer/dryer in every apartment • Step-down living room, sunny eat-in breakfast nook • Convenient public transportation CALL TODAY! (877) 678-8539 www. [email protected]

SILVER SPRING/WHITE OAK—4BR, 2.5BA. Nr FDA campus. 10 min from UMd. $2100. Nick 301-526-2486 <>=30Hk &" ! &k4G?A4BBk" Classifieds

SW/Waterfront ALEX—Furnished room, share elec, $401/mo, secu- VIENNA—Near Metro, N.S. M to shr 3BR TH in quiet ATTENTION INVESTORS—investment properties at 1BR. Metro, yard. 118 P St. $650+ 202-256-2205 rity deposit $100. 703-360-4569 nhbrhd. $550 utils included. Pool. 571-214-6989 25% below mkt value w/positive cash flow. RENTALS TAK PK— 2BR apt $895 incl heat. Small brk bldg. ALEX/Kingstown—Lg bsmt apt, pvt ent, FB. Prof. WOODBRIDGE—Bsmt., 1BR, M/F,in shr’d hse, close 877-805-4741 Avail immed. Hdwd flrs. Laundry rm. Secure front N/S F.sh. SFH, w/d. $1200+ utls+ dep 703-971-6361 to shpg ctr., $600 incl utils. Call 703-499-5142 BERKELEY SPRINGS, WV—3BR home on 7.44 Silver Spring—3Br 2.5Ba End-Unit TH. New Carpet, door. 127 Lee Ave. 301-774-3620. ALEX/MT VERNON AREA—Prof. F. N/S shr SFH. wooded acs., scenic. $189,900. 304-258-7905 Large Deck, Pool! Good Schools. $1793 Furn. rm., $600/mo. utils. incl. Dep. req’d. BOWIE—$300,000. 3BR 2FBA TH, fin basement, 240-432-4707 TAKOMA PARK 703-721-2010 CONDOS FOR SALE $10k closing help. Exit First Realty, Daryl Moore. Southeast—3141 BUENA VISTA TERRACE Apart- ALEX—Prof fem. shr lge quiet home. Mins from Old 301-922-9010 ment-Unfurnished, 3 br, 1 ba, water incl, newly ren, BELFORD TOWERS Town, nr shps & transp. Exc nghbrhd. No smkg. No ALEX —1BR, 1BA luxury condo. secure resort like BOWIE, CHURCH RD $760,000 new carpet, wd, ac, $1350 301-593-6500 --Is accessible by bus and rail • in pets. $600/mo. + $400 dep. 703-765-7281 community. Indoor/outdoor pool & tennis, gym, $60,000 equity. 5BR, 3-car gar sideload. 2 acre lot. FSBO. Realtor 3% commission. Southwest—$1975,Walk to New Stadium, TH, 3 br, ALEXANDRIA/MT. VERNON—prof FEMALE to rent shuttle & much more. $255,000. 703-644-4544 walking distance to nearby shop- bsmnt, prvt BA, w/d, n/s, cbl/int., $650. 240-464-9755 2 ba, 1 1/2ba, dw, wd, pets considered, walk to ping ctrs & recreation. ALEX/FALLS CHURCH $239,900 Metro, Jeffrey Charles & Associates, Inc., 571-235-3586. Beaut. renov. 1BR 1BA w/maple/granite/SS kitchen, BOWIE/COVINGTON $359,900 703-924-5900 --Is Just minutes from Washing- ARL—Share apt, MSBR prof. clean & quiet,$550 granite & tile BA, hwd flr & fresh paint thruout, tiled Awesome, like new 3BR, 2½BA, fin bsmt, 1 car gar walk to Ballston Metro. 703-276-7123 aft 7 pm. TH, SS appls. Closing help. 301-203-3402. Re/Max Southwest—$2400, 2 br, 1 1/2 ba, Furnished, ton D.C. I-495 and East-West Hwy. balc. w/nice park view, gar. pkg. Low condo fee. ARLINGTON— Furn’d room in SFH, close to Ballston Mark Richter Re/Max Allegiance 703-403-2425 BOWIE FOR SALE BY OWNER $330,000 Parking, Patio, 3 metro stops, hw flrs, W/D NEWLY RENOVATED UNITS AVAIL Metro & Wash. Blvd. $650 incl utils. 202-674-9993 TH 4BR, 3.5, fully renovated, fin’bsmt, special fin- 202-374-4803 ALEX/WATERGATE— 2BR top floor, renovated. 2BR $950 (select units) Bethesda—$850, 7420 Westlake Terr, Share 2BR/ $329K; 1BR 1BA, lowest price at Watergate. ancng avail. Call 301-464-9128. Spgfld—$3500. Pohick Rd. 5600sf. 5BR, 4FBA/ 2BA, All util inc, smokers OK (301) 867-2304 $239k 571-277-1831 2HBA, 2 car gar. 3 decks. Creek. Call 703-455-6565 3BR start at $1082 BOWIE TOWN CTR SFH gas and water included Bowie—$1200, rms in new SFH, prv bth shr kitch;- Anacostia 202.561.3644 Paid Closing + $5,000 rebate, 4BR + 2 Car gar SPGFLD, Kings Park—SFH on ¼ ac lot, 3BR, 2FBA, near pub trans;must see;4bm 3.5ba, 703-209-2766 Realize Your DREAM! 12850 Holiday Ln 301-996-6077 pvt., nr 495 & 95, grt schls., avail in Aug. $2100. 5% discount to military, government BOWIE — 1 furn’d room avail in SFH, catv, utils incl Absolutely the BEST is how uou will feel about this BROOKLAND/MICHIGAN PARK 202-345-0386 employees and students $550. on bus route. 301-288-7557 or 240-374-3695 unique condo project. You will feel the quality and $0 DOWN/GET CASH BACK STERLING/Courtland of Cascades Con- Call Today 301-270-6747 BOWIE—Share house. 1BR @ $500. Pay 1/4 utilities. affordability with your first visit. Don’t Miss Out - do—2BR+loft, 1 car gar, 2BA, nsmkg, no pets. Gorgeous 3-lvl home, 4BR/3BA, pvt fnced yrd, www.beaconmanagement.com Call 240-338-7222 STOP By TODAY $1550. Immed occup. 703-798-8994. wlk-out fin. bsmt, gar. Seconds to Metro. Own for *must move in by July 28, 2007 BOWIE—Shr 3BR TH. Lge Vacant rm. avail. $550 mo. 1 & 2 Bedrms from $162,900 $2658/mo. 6½% 30-yr. Call 24-hr hotline + $300 sec. dep. + 1/3 utils. 240-432-7168 210 Oakwood St SE 800-869-1490 X151 Realty Execs. www.dcmetro- SUITLAND EHO TAKOMA PARK—Beaut. parklike setting, all util. inc. Centreville—$400.00+util for 1br 13932 Gothic www.savoycourt.com homes.net Long & Foster Realtors $50 to $75 off the Rent Per Mo. 1-BR fr $825. 301-891-2270. Drive,4 br, 3 1/2ba, heat, water, 703-627-9521 BROOKLAND/NE $374,900/Offer TRINIDAD/1144 Oates St—2BR 1BA,Voucher ok, DISTRICT HEIGHTS—3BR Apartment, room for In The Heart of Rosslyn at Riverplace On Certain Unit Types! Spacious 1 BR w/ balc overlooking Iwo Jima Renov 3BR, 2BA TH, A/C, fin bsmt. Nr Metro. $1000. 703-408-3928 rent, $650. 240-478-5418 301-203-3402. Re/Max 5% DISCOUNT Eastern Market—$1125, 322 C St. SE, 1 br avail- mem, only $255K, in the South Building #406. Also for sale spac. studio-same view, only $169K CAP HTS— Gorg spac 3BR, 1½BA colonial w/spac $400 Security Deposit* Tysons Corner EHO able, 1 ba, fire place, cats allowed, jsucher- kit, dw, w/d, new ac unit, lge yd, big shed, across fr Tysons Glen [email protected] & Small 1BR, starting at $199K. Riverplace en- Free Application Fee if you move trance at 1515 Lynn St. N of Rt. 50 (Arl Blvd). Ask Metro Rail. Cls to shopping & much more. Cls Help • FREE metro shuttle, near I-66 & I-495 Fairfax City—Need space? 2 br to 1 nonsmoker on avail. $283K Francine Joel/RE/MAX 301-452-1460. in before July 31st) • Pool & Fitness Center gatehouse for dir. Call Harriet 703-447-3336. fenced 1/3 acre. deck, fp, separate bath, gas heat. Capitol Hill $500000 for military, college students, • Dog Run / Pets up to 100 lbs Near CUE. $1000 + 1/2 util. 703 819-9982. Landmark Realty. teachers, firemen & police 1BR starts $1290* 1BR/Den starts $1315* ARLINGTON $299,900 1152 4th Street NE Fairfax Station—$670,F.roomate,SFH.Lg rm w/priv 2 Blocks from Red line Metro (NY/FL Ave) Renovated Minutes fr Andrews, Metro & Shops 2BR starts $1470* 3BR starts $1715* FBA, NS/Npet incl utls,satTV,HSI,W/D 703-220-3586 Just listed in Arlington Oaks! Spacious 2BR 1BA w/ Townhouse starts $1650* newly remodeled kit & BA, Neutral w/w carpet, 3 br, 2 ba, 2 1/2ba, 2 Car pkg-1 inside garage! PINEWOOD CHASE Call & ask how to SAVE up to $1500!* FALLS CHURCH—Furn rm. $100-200/wk. Beaut Brand new w/d, Top flr unit. Hurry-This will go fast! OPEN SUNDAY 1-3PM NEWLY RENOVATED KITCHEN & BRING IN THIS AD & SAVE $100!* home to shr. Bus/Metro. utils + cbl incl. www.JTPowell.com BATHS AVAIL. ON SELECT UNITS 1-888-688-3580 301-567-4048, lve msg. ALEXANDRIA, Just listed!— Gorg. model cond., CLINTON—4 spacious BR 1½BA, wlk-in clst, sep DR, 5601 Regency Park Court #8 www.TysonsGlenApts.com FALLS CHURCH—Shr. hse. —3 furn. BRs avail. Gd 1BR w/ gourmet kit, balc, hdwd flrs., many up- EIkit, fin bsmt, FR, deck, lg lvl landscaped yd, 1-c grg. loc. nr. Ffx Hosp & Gallows Rd/495. $750 per rm. CALL TODAY! 301-420-7666 grades; 7 min Shuttle bus to Metro! $269,900. Call Bethea, 240-462-6456, UPPER MARLBORO—Lge 4BR, 3FBA, 2 full kits. w/ 703-876-0186 C21 Home Center, 301-552-3000 Open Late Tues/Thurs 10am-7pm FALLS CHURCH/TYSONS—F to shr condo, prvt BA, Great lux 1&2BR condos, walk to Metro from DEANWOOD/NE $299,000 *Must Move in By or before 7/31/Restrictions in-law suites. $2500. Call 202-320-4527 VIENNA METRO $1400/MO prking, on busline, shps. $500 pays all. $175,000; 3-4 BR TH’s from $299,900; detached $10,000 CLOSING PAID apply 703-899-7026. homes from $365,000; 3 BR Col. LR, DR, full bsmt, Deck, CAC. Updtd Kitchen beaconmanagement.com 1BR 1BA condo, Carpeted, Garage parking, W/D, Pool, Gym, Deck. Sec Bldg. Call 301-948-2607 Friendship Heights—$795, 5316 41st Street, 1 br, 1 We’ll Find What You’re Looking For!! The Real Estate Store 301-423-8081 ba, metro convenient contact aaronlloyddc@ya- DISTRICT HEIGHTS 315,000 Suitland NEAR METRO WHITE PLAINS— Rent-to-own. 3 Bed, 2.5 Bath. hoo.com 6525 LACONA ST Under New Management*Gated Access Hardwood floors, upgraded cabinets, 4 levels, fin- Marion Cloud GAITH—Hse to share. Male. Rm, $299 mo. Mstr rm 4BR, 1.5BA, brk ramb w/ fin bsmt, HW flr., fncd bkyd, 2BRs from $925 * 3 BRs from $1150 ished basement with Berber carpet. $2150 per deck, 2 sheds, 2-car drvwy, off Marl Pk, nr AAFB. E-Z All Utilities Included month, any credit OK w/BA $399/mo. nonskmg. Nr Metro. 301-219-1066 703-314-7033 GAITH/KENT—Prof. F to shr 4BR SF house, lg BR www.MarionCloud.com access DC & Metro. $7K closing, hm warr. Jerome A. Regency Court Apts 866-484-1107 Call 301-638-0004. Allen, Rltr., 301-893-1717. Global Rlty Mktg. www.homesjust4u.com 15x14, shr BA, W/D, CAC, $650+1/3 util KELLER WILLIAMS REALTY 301-760-6161 ARLINGTON— 2 BR, 2 BA Condo. Amazing views. FAIRFAX - $799,900 — 4/5BR, 4.5BA Open flr plan, SW EHO WOODBRIDGE —3BR, 2½BA, $1260/mo. Avail Au- formal Din & Liv rms, Fam rm w/cath ceilg, fpl, great gust. Call 703-897-1827, 706-210-4648 O/A GAITH—MBR w/ attached BA, $560; 2nd rm $475. 10th floor. www.move4freerealty.com To sign-up for MAKE US YOUR HOME! 3rd rm $400. All utils incl. 301-343-6934 kitc, huge Mstr ste w/sitting area. WOODBRIDGE—End-unit TH, 3 lvls, 4BR, 3FBA, your free daily list of homes for sale with prices, GEORGIA AV—Hse to shr, Nr Howard Univ.,Grad addresses and descriptions. Call Today. Sarah Santa SPRINGFIELD -$479,000 — Crnr lot home, 4BR, Eagle’s Crossing LR/DR, W/W, fncd, deck, sec sys, $1490. Students Pref, Nice rm, $650/mo Call 240-604-4442 2½BA, hw flrs, formal DR, E-I-Kitc, fin bsmt w/wlk- 703-739-4666 Ana, Move 4 Free Realty, 571-292-5377. GLENARDEN — 2 BR avail for Females, share kitc, BETH/PROMENADE $270,000 out, deck, lrg fncd yd. 8309 Harland Dr. 22152 CHOOSE YOUR OWN WOODBRIDGE —Rent to buy, $1700/mo. Fully re- $500 & $600 incl utils + 1/2 mo security deposit. 2BR Lobby Level Apt. Updated kit & BA, Garage, Lynn Wilson, Keller Williams Rlty, 703-304-9898 ACCENT WALL COLOR! nov 3BR, 2FBA Ramb, wlk-out bsmt, brand new roof, Call 301-641-8992 or 301-853-1415 Pools, Health Club, Tennis, Putting Green & FAIRVIEW BEACH MLS#KG6443518 new paint inside & out, new windows, hdwd flrs. HOWARD U/NR SUBWAY — Furn’d rm to share 3BR MORE!! STEPS TO THE POTOMAC $579,900 ENJOY GREAT VALUE & LOCATION C/571-330-9447, H/703-646-4229. TH, $700/mo incl utls. 202-588-1502, 617-820-6237. Peter 301-493-4149. Beautiful home & views, 5% Discount to all Metro WOODBRIDGE —Sh house, full bsmt avail, nr Metro, Hyattsville—Bsmt apt in brand new townhouse. Fairfax Realty 301-881-9800 540-775-7654 or 540-220-2997 & DC Govt. Employees $650 incl utils. 703-282-4782 Lrg bd liv and din rms, full bath, $650 call (202) 787 BROOKLAND LAST CHANCE! FIXER-UPPERS AND REHAB 8286 ‘Grand & Affordable Living‘ PROPERTIES in VA Call Rick, Apply Today & Your Application Fee Fairfax Realty. 703-217-1571 will be Deducted from the 1st Month’s Rent ROOMMATES HYATTSVILLE—Rooms for rent, 6BR hse. 2615 4th St. N.E. Call Ronald, 202-423-7391 BROOKLAND HOUSE has 6 new condos remaining. FT WASH—2 BR 1 BA upgraded renov kit/BA w/ • 24-Hr. Emergency • Walk-in Closets KENSINGTON - Room for rent in condo, $680, prvt (3) 1BR, $224,500 to $239,500. huge fenced yard, offst prking for 4 to 5 cars + gar, all Maint • Central Laundry 14th & KENNEDY NW—2 rms, Extra lg/medium bath, roof pool, walk to metro, non smoking, sec (3) Studios $179,500-$199,500. offers will be considered. 1 mile to harbor! Taylor • Wall-to-Wall Carpet • Dishwasher size, newly remod/nr Metro. Cable & all utils incl. deposit, util incl 301-946-2583 Features: Ceramic tile, Hdwds granite cntrs, maple Properties, 301-466-3439. 1 AND 2 BEDROOM APTS. Excel Loc. $750/$600/mo. 202-291-3858 LANHAM—1BR, share house. a/c.n/s. $140/week. cabs, SS appls, W/D in ea unit. Wlk to Cath U & FT WASH—SFH $359k, buy w/$500dn. Belinda Call TOLL FREE (866) 416-1325 ACCOKEEK—Small house to shr, quiet atmosphere, Call 240-645-2380 Brookland Metro. Cls help up to 3%, $194 condo fee. Gamble, Re/Max One 301-675-1109, 301-464-0044 furn. rm., $600. 301-651-3942 LARGO—Shr hse, 1 rm $299, Mstr rm $350/mo. Joyce Berkley 202-276-1254 An E&G Community Open Daily/on SUN. 11-3 Matthew Spicer Real Est. LLC 202-832-0800 Gaithersburg $289900 ALEX/FRANCONIA— Male TH owner seeking prof’l, Close to shopping/Metro. Nsmkg. Males. Housing Choice Vouchers Welcome 301-219-4171 CAMP SPRINGS/TEMPLE HILLS—Luxury adj to sale by owner N/S to share TH, pvt room & BA, prkg, nr Metro. $600 parkland. Roman-style BA, pool. $149,000. 18605 Pier Point place, Townhouse, 2 br, 1 ba, SW/Harbour Sq.—Lge 1BR, crnr apt., balc, indr + 1/2 utils. Call 571-236-0088. Laurel—$425, 8102 fenwick ct, 1 br, 1 ba, water, large balcony, remodeled, 1 Car gar, open sat- garbage, pool, dw, wd, 240-543-3914 301-449-3627 pool, exerc fac., Metro/bus. $1550 incl utils. Columbia Hghts 301.664.9702 sun 12-5pm, 240-994-5685 571-332-0733 LAUREL - One master BR and one reg BR, util incl., Contact Gabriel. 240-350-9625. YOU CAN HAVE IT ALL! RENTALS When you call this condo home. A tasteful renova- GERMANTOWN—$432,500, 11508 Dragonfire Dr. SW—Spacious 1BR & 2BR, Newly renov. Sec 8 ok LAUREL—TH to shr, w-w, W/D, D/W Master Bed- Gorg 3 BR 3 BA SF Home, fresh paint, new appli, fin 202-460-4360 tion will make you appreciate your decision. Great room avail $475-$575/mo utils incld 240-475-4072 value will keep your bank account full. Big closets, bsmnt w/ frpl, 2 car gar, home warr. Fncd yrd.Chris- LORTON—TH to share, shr kit, shr. BA, laundry $425 washer-dryers, parking avail and much more! Come tina Koch-Garcia 301-633-8556. CENTURY 21 TR. util+ sec deposit, Call 202-746-1137 BUY TODAY! Manassas—$695.00, Huge, entire lower level. Full Studios from $139,900 GREAT DEAL! bath, Awesome, Private, Professional 703-675-0881 1 Bedrms from $249,900 Buy a home w/ only $500. No down payment. MANASSAS—3 lvl. TH to shr., pvt 2 rms., full BA, 430 Irving St NW Investors welcome. Several available. close to 66 & 234. No pets. $695/mo. includes utils. www.themcmillan.com Kevin, 703-869-5488 703-393-6377, lv msg Long & Foster Real Estate MANASSAS—Shr clean hse. MBR w/pvt BA, double Glover Park from $348,900 GWYNN OAK $238,000 sink & closet. N/S. no pets. $650. Call 703-863-9023 PROJECT CLOSE OUT Lovely 3BR, 1BA, new appls, closing help avail. 1116 NE— Furn rooms. Share baths. Visit our tasteful renovation offering you generous Wilson Ave. Call Inmar Hernandez 240-375-9668 Metro accessible. 240-381-2196 spaces, quality finishes and a location for you to RE/MAX Pros 301-916-1400. NEW CARR—Furn rm avl, $600/mo incl utils. Call enjoy summer in the park plus city amenities too! Hume $654,900 240-351-0435 or 301-918-4059 Bring your pet and move in today! Call or visit us 5.2 Acres! New Construction NW—Lge furn rm in female shared house, utils incl., today! SFH, 4 br, 3 ba, Kathy, 571-230-7082 $500 per mo. Nr. Howard U. Call 202-832-7040 272539thStNW HYATTSVILLE — FSBO, TH end unit, 4BR, 2FBA, sep NW—Shr hse. Lg. furn. rm for rent, pvt bath, pvt kitc, www.thearchbold.com 2BR apt in bsmt, wlk to Metro & shops. $324,000. pvt. entr/a/c, on busline, close to shopping. $995. L&F Realtors 301.664.9702 Make an offer. Call 301-529-6389 301-529-5430 S.E. Naylor Gardens—2BR ex cond, $102,900. NE 1376 BRYANT ST.—4 1BR units, self contained NW—Shr hse., N/S, nr pub transp., prof, all utils incl. John L. Shelton, Inc. w/back porches, walk to Metro. 1 unit vacant, Internet, furn, sec, refs. $600. 202-271-2704 202-562-2000 202-997-0562 $435,000. John L. Shelton, Inc. OXON HILL — M/F to share furnished 4BR, 3BA, cac, 202-562-2000 202-997-0562 SILVER SPRING $219,950 NEED A LOAN? We specialize in commercial, W/D, n/smkg pref’d. $425/mo. Utils incl. Beaut lge 2BR unit, top cond., balc, pools. Zero cash 301-749-9795. residential, and business loans. 301-455-0511 possible. R. K. Ashton Real Estate Northern Neck—$389,500, Weems,Moran CR/Cor- RESTON—SHR SFH, N/SMK, N/PT, MBR $600 Other 301-493-6531 240-401-0874 BRM $500 TO $550 INCL UTL 703-231-6473 rotoman RV .Beautiful ‘RIVAH‘ cottage, power boat ROCKVILLE—1 never been lived in rm, Shr BA, Nr depth at pier. Terri Groh, Select Properties of VA 270 & Mont. College 240-499-8861 or 301-803-0911 804-436-6874 HOUSES FOR SALE NW— 5BR 3BA. formal DR & LR. breakfast area. SIL SPG—M. N/S shr hse, lg rm, nr metro, fridge/mi- hdwd flrs. in-law suite. MBA w/Jacuzzi. fin bsmt. Call crow, w/d, int., cbl, safe $600 mo. Call Mike 240 A FIRST TIME HOMEBUYER? — Low dwn/no dwn, Bethea, 240-462-6456, Century 21 Home Center, 286-5451. 301-552-3000 SIL SPG—Share condo, 1BR. Next to bus, shopping. grants/nongrants avail, MD & DC. Pre-Qual:Appts Only. Steve-Realtor 202-236-8086 Fairfax Rlty Inc NW/Columbia Heights—Ofc Space for rent, 3604 Nr. Metro. All incl. 703-994-3501. 14th St NW, 2nd flr, 3 Blks from Columbia Heights Silver Spring—F to shr lg 3 BR w/prof F & cat. MBR, ALEX $425,000 Cape SFH, 3BR 1BA, Va. Hills. 6311 The Parkway, Metro Stn $1200 202-262-8065 priv BA avail, $725 all util incl, DSL, pool. NW, DC —Brk col/gar, FP,bsmt. 301-949-2049, [email protected]. 22310, off Telegraph, Huntington Metro, I495/I395, Full upgrade, formal LR, DR, + addition.FX6460899, $550K. Hurry!!!. 202-257-0369 SILVER SPRING — Room for rent near subway & bus Map 24A10. www.abundantabodes.com Call Ginger Outer Banks $469,900 stops, near shopping center. Call 301-792-6824. RE/MAX 703-304-5523 Beach Home in OBX SPGFLD—Shr SFH. Cable, Internet, phone. $575. ANNANDALE—$716,500. 7108 Lanier St. 5BR hse. $469,900, Corolla 866-552-6701 Call 571-235-4095 703-642-0453;703-401-8893 Outside Manassas $445,900 TAKOMA PARK—Fine room for rent, F pref,fully ARE YOU TIRED OF RENTING? Do you want to Beautiful Lot, Easy Commute to DC furn, utils incl, quiet nhbrhd, $450/mo. own? Bankruptcies, liens, judgements, foreclosures, 6.19 ac with mature trees on quiet, secluded 301-408-3265 we can help. Call Berna Able at RE/MAX cul-de-sac, 2 creeks, approved 5 bdrm perk, UPR MARL—New renovated bsmnt effec in N/S, 3lvl Allegiance 703-649-0939 214-437-8792 TH. full sized refridgerator, mini kit, large privBA, WIC, priv entr. $750/mo incl utils + caTV. 301-627-6530 "!k4G?A4BBk &" ! &k<>=30H Classifieds

MERCEDES 1996 C280 SPORT—4dr Auto, 133K, Insp, All pwr, Snrf, CD, Airbags, AC, Alloys, Excel HOUSES FOR SALE WHEELS Cond. $6500/OBO. Call 301-577-2674 Mitsubishi 2000 Mirage—$2500 obo, good cond, Petworth $480,000 BMW 2003 745—$38990, excellent cond, 52k mi, 140k mi, Green ext, 4 dr, buckets, air dr, automatic, $2,550 Income Producing Property nav,Sport Rims, Power Steering,Titanium Gray ext, cd, 202-459-3757 Rental unit producing $2,550 per month with leases. Basalt Gray/Fl int, Call 240-441-9074 OLDSMOBILE 1994 CUTLASS SUPREME—Auto- 4br, 2.5bath, currently occupied. 703-989-3456 CADILLAC ESCALADE —22 ’’ Rims w/new rubber, matic, 2dr, looks/runs great, V6, $1400. POMFRET—2BR, 1BA rambler on 2acres of land fits 2002-2006 Escalade, $3000. 703-969-6170 202-744-7187 with trailer home, boat & jacuzzi. $290k. Call Lisa Cadillac 1999 Seville—STS Edition, $7995, 84k mi, TOYATA 2000 SIENNA—looks good, runs great, Bell 202-997-6317 Exit Premier Realty 301-560-6700 Pearl White ext, Bose, 4 dr, loaded, 202-577-7673. 100K mi, pwr everything, $6995. 703-989-2470. x1184 Fast, comfortable, quick sale. Toyota 2005 Tundra—$29000, mint cond, 11k mi, SELL YOUR HOUSE IN 10 DAYS OR LESS! —No CADILLAC 1993 Seville SLS—Runs perfect, new Blue ext, grey int, 4 dr, htd seats, mnrf, lthr int, cass, Commissions or Fees! Any Condition/No Equity OK! motor, lthr., chrome whls, Green. $2,400/obo. Call 6 CD, & much more 703-819-8058 Free 24 Hour Recorded Message: 888-880-8379 Ext 301-399-9936 Toyota 1989 Camry—$999.00, fair cond, White ext, 200. Chevrolet 2007 Corvette—Z06 $70,000 obo, mint Blue int, 4 dr, manual, rear win def, sound system, SELL YOUR HOUSE TODAY cond, 4k mi, Red ext, Black int, 2 dr, mem seats, htd 301-322-4240 Ugly,vacant,need repairs, etc. seats, 443-244-3115 TOYOTA 1989 Celica Convert. GT—White, auto- 301-404-0138. [email protected]. Chevrolet 2001 Tahoe—Z71 $15k obo, good cond, matic. AS IS. 1st $900. Call 202-832-7667 getcashforyourhouse.com 102k mi, Pewter ext, Tan int, 4 dr, lthr int, pwr UPHOLSTERY—We will refabric your auto, boat, Shepard Park—1323 Holly Street NW, 4 br, 3 ba evrthng 2024986940 SUV & clot vinyl or lthr. Other svcs incl vinyl tops, new appliances, deck, balc, hw flrs, fp. OPEN HOUSE Chevrolet 1999 Lumina—$3200 obo, runs great, head liners, dr panels, etc. 301-509-0173 7/28, 12pm - 4pm, 301-794-9400 white ext, AC, 4 dr, remote keyless entry, air ps, pwr Volvo 1999 S70—$6,000, good cond, 100k mi, Drk SIL SPG/4 Corners (20901) $384,900—3BR TH, lck, air dr, 301-538-9950 blue ext, Tan lthr int, 4 dr, new tires, just svcd, 2FBA/2HBA, fin. bsmt. New windows/roof/carpet/ CHEVROLET 1995 Impala SS—Maroon Red, very CD/cassette, 202-441-6065 front door/gutters. $5K Closing. FSBO 301-908-0287 good cond., like new 20’’ whls., DVD player, all pwr. Volvo 1996850—Turbo Wgn, 3rd row, cold AC, sqky SPGFLD OPEN SUN $599,000 $9,000. 703-906-9890 new brakes, broken odomtr. Below KBB-NADA at 4BR, 2½BA split w/pool on cul-de-sac. CHEVROLET 1994 CAMARO Z28 — T-Top, auto, a/c, $4750 cash, Chantilly VA, 540-551-5333 star- 6304 Zekan Lane ps, pb, am/fm/cd, 123K mi, good condition., asking [email protected] (ask Billy) C 21 Howell & Associates, 703-941-1300 $3000/obo. 301-367-9920. Volkswagen 1995 Passat—$3500, good cond, 91k Springfield $536000.00 Chrysler 2005 300C—$22,900,Blk w/tan lthr int, mi, Blue ext, Grey leather int, 5 dr, mnrf, abs, alarm, Beautiful Home impec cond, serviced at dlrshp, warr until 2011, fully automatic 202 363 7306 8603 Langport Drive, Single Family Home 4 br, 2.5 loaded incl nav, blutooth, 6 disc chngr, mnrf,etc.40K He could make ba, 2 Fls, Open House 8/12/07, 1:00 pm to 4:00pm, mi, 202-255-7996 large gourmet kitchen with new cabinets and gran- DODGE 1997 Grand Caravan SE—Dbl sliding ite counters, fenced yard, deck, new carpet, hw flrs, doors, Violet, auto, very clean, 129K miles, runs fp in family room, new furnace and AC, great great. $2500. 202-658-5659. commuter location. Ford 2004 Focus—$7,999 obo, NEW BRAKES & some moves Sue Gibson Realtor 703-509-6491 TIRES, clean, 41k mi, Navy ext, Lt Gray int, 4 dr, 240- ReMax Regency 703-656-4570 731-2007 [email protected] STERLING- $489,900 Beaut TH, conv loc nr shps, Ford 2003 Econoline—E-350 XL Super 15 Pass. restnts, FFX Co pkwy, Rt. 8/Rt. 7. Brick feat incl 4 BR, $13375, with tow. like new, 64k grey, all pwr, 3½ BA, 2 car gar, upgraded kit, beaut MBR. Must front/rear air, abs, am/fm 757-356-9300, Leesburg in your old See. 45786 Smoketree Ter. FFX RE. 571-437-5529. FORD 2002 Explorer EB 4WD —111K, Wedgewood TIRED OF RENTING?—Its time to buy. No/good/bad Blue, grt cnd, loaded w/ SR, 3rd row seat, lthr htd credit. Embassy Mortgage. Please call seats. $11,998. 240-393-0407 Olivia Overstreet at 240-593-3735 oliviaoverstreet.com FORD 1998 TAURUS SW—auto, all pwr, a/c, airbag, stereo cass, 3rd seat, good cond, $2800 obo. hockey skates. TOO MUCH DEBT? FORECLOSURE? 301-459-1094 We Can Help. 866 EASY-HOME FORD 1995 F150—Lighting SVT, red, 351C, auto., UPPER MARL/MARLTON—$329,950, Great brkfrnt ps, pb, a/c, looks & runs great. $5500. 703-576-2094 TH w/ 3 BR, 2 fl 2 ½ BA, frplc, fin bsmnt, eat in kit, 2 assigned prking spaces, comm pool, closing help, FORD 1993 Escort—86,500 miles, gas saver, 4 cyl, 4 much more.L Burton. Remax One. 301-335-7687 dr, runs good. $799. 240-604-6350 Sell your stuff in Express. UPPER MARLBORO $795,000 Ford 1991 Ranger—Good condition, 66k mi, auto- OPEN BY APPT matic, $1,750 obo, call 240-606-8822 15910 Bishopstone Terrace (20774) GEO 1996 Metro—2 dr, 4 cyl, auto, 110K miles, A/C, runs good. $1,250. Call 240-604-6350 WE BUY JUNK CARS - $100 Place your Classified ad today. Golf course community. Brand new 4BR, 3½BA, all CALL 240-416-6286 lvls complete. Lot backs to 12th hole. Owner financ- HD 2000 Dyna—for sale to good home $9250 OBO, ing avail. on site. Call for appt. 301-636-6262 excel cond, 9k mi, Silver, garaged, many extras, 202-334-6200. Slow Credit No Problem 202-255-7356 BOATS AND AVIATION UPPER MARLBORO—Gorgeous 4BR/3FBA, lg bkyd, Honda 2005 Accord—$15,500 obo, excellent cond, updates, affordable. $389,900. Westgate Realty 20k mi, Graphite Pearl, 4 Dr LX Sedan, 2.4L I4, Auto, Group, 202-320-4527 ABS, Side Airbag, 703-431-5448 C&C Sloop 1973—$13,000 obo Board & sail away. UPPER MARLBORO $265,000 Honda 2001 CR-V—$13,500, excellent cond, 33k Diesel rebuilt ’04, jibfurl, spin. [email protected] 2BR, 1½BA, Call 301-996-1271 Coldwell Banker, mi, Gold ext, Charcol/tan int, 4 dr, lthr int, alloy com (301)515-0824 Closing Help avail. wheels, 703 385 1966 MAINSHIP 1987 40’ DCMY—T/350 w/ 200 hrs., WALDORF FORECLOSURE—Huge colonial, 4BR HONDA 1995 CIVIC—Manual, Reliable, 4drs, Gas gen/air, hardtop, clean. $89,900. Call John, 3½BA w/3 fin lvls, only 6 yrs young. Almost 3000 SF, saver, All pwr, Clean in & out, AC/Heat, 151k Grey. 410-268-9649 Mid $400’s. Re/Max Colonial Homes 301-749-4077, $2350/obo 240-593-2638 PRO-LINE 1983 CC—88 Johnson motor, new trailer, call Jeff 301-775-8367 Infiniti 2000 Q45—$12500 obo, excellent cond, 69k very good condition, lots of extras. $3,000. Call WALDORF — SFH, 4BR, 2½BA Col. Beautiful home. mi, Black ext, Black leather int, 4 dr, mem seats, 301-474-3819 Owner must sell. Call 240-508-1215, 301-579-2905. premium package, anniversary edition, 202-234-9717 JEEP 1993 Grand Cherokee Limited—Red, V8, WE BUY HOUSES extra clean, lthr, trans slips. $650/obo. Call 301-536-6558. ANY PRICE OR CONDITION JUNK VEHICLES REMOVED FREE CASH PAY FOR SOME 202-714-9835 Do You Need To Sell Quickly? LEXUS 2006 GS 430— 4 dr, black, 16K mi, Naviga- WE BUY HOUSES FAST FOR 19 YEARS tion, sunrf, new $58,814; save big-buy used. Local, 1 Cash, No Contingencies, No Commission, No Fees owner. Call for details. Va Dlr 877 891-4093 or 540 You Save $. Buying in Maryland, DC & Virginia. 607-0557 Brian, Re/Max 2000, 301-996-9695 LEXUS 1998 GS400—Good cond., gold, fully www.ListOrBuyHomes.com loaded. Must see. $8900. 240-304-4099 [email protected] MERCEDES 2003 SL500—24k mi, factory warranty WOODBRIDGE CHEAP 3 lvl TH $599,900 thru ’09. 1 owner, virtually flawless. No dings, dents. www.move4freerealty.com Keyless go, traction control, heat/ac seats. Rare Sarah Santa Ana, Move 4 Free Realty, 571-292-5377 color. Aegean blue/cream. $49,900/obo. 202-446-3113 RESORT PROPERTIES

BUSINESS OF THE FUTURE AVAIL TODAY—Estab’d local business avail in one of America’s fastest growing industries. Estab. Sr. care service business w/solid foundation & favorable position for long term growth avl now. Offers an owner oper a unique oppty w/the world’s leading Sr care franchise busi- ness. Call Home Instead Sr. Care 888-484-5759. REAL ESTATE SERVICES $ELL YOUR HOUSE FAST AS IS CALL 301-370-6823 EXIT REALTY ENTERPRISES Call Chris Carter to obtain rental properties, sales, and leases 240-354-0813 COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE

1629 K St, NW.—Office Intelligently: On demand offices, phone, mail, Internet, incubator, other svcs. A Publication of the GHI Plans $45-$200/mo. Call OSI, 202-508-3896 to learn more. ALEXANDRIA—Commercial Space for rent in large hi-rise apartment complex. FREE PARKING! Just www.readexpress.com minutes from DC. Please call (703) 567-4904. FOR RENT - NW/DOWNTOWN/Conven Ctr — 2-story carriage hse. 1000 sf. Ideal ofc/Studio/ser- vice provider. 202-289-4909 ROCKVILLE—Daily, free pkg, on busline, waiting rm. 301-648-6300 Classified ads appear in Express and The Washington Post. X167c 2x12 <>=30Hk &" ! &k4G?A4BBk""

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¥05::,%3"90!00/#/- myth of slow home sales.” In of real estate experience and BD3>:Dk40BH fact, the Report explains, in can be of substantial value to clear and plain English, how a homeowners, especially those home owner who wants to sell whose homes have been on the can not only count on a sale market unsold for a within 120 days but can be considerable period of time. 5X[[X]cWTQ^gTbb^ 5aXSPh½bB^[dcX^] TPRWa^fR^[d\]P]S guaranteed that the sale will The author emphasizes that occur. although he does not accept "Qh"b`dPaTX]R[dSTb every listing, by following the cWTSXVXcb cWa^dVW( The Report proves its accuracy Report’s procedures he BTTfffbdS^ZdR^\ by quoting specific local accomplishes a sale in every U^ab^[dcX^]cX_bP]S instances in which the instance in which he is the R^\_dcTa_a^VaP\ technique it describes has sold broker of record. homes time after time, quickly, =TTS\^aTBdkS^kZd. efficiently, and at a favorable The secret, says the Report, is &INDANOTHER3UDOKU price. a combination of traits and PUZZLEINTHE#OMICS procedures that consistently SECTIONOFTHE0OST The author of the report, noted result in a successful sale. For EVERY3UNDAYANDINTHE realtor Frank Sanya, has a free copy of the Report, go to 3TYLESECTION-ONDAY made numerous appearances THROUGH3ATURDAY a private but available Web site on both television and radio. – www.WantItSoldNow.com.

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