accept aceptar close/shut cerrar allow permitir/dejar organize organizar ask preguntar pay pagar believe creer play jugar borrow prestar put poner break romper rain llover bring traer read leer buy comprar reply responder can/be able poder run correr cancel cancelar say decir change cambiar see ver clean limpiar sell vender comb peinar send enviar complain quejarse sign firmar cough toser sing cantar count contar sit sentarse cut cortar sleep dormir dance bailar smoke fumar draw dibujar speak hablar drink beber spell deletrear drive conducir spend gastar eat comer stand ponerse de pie explain explicar start/begin comenzar fall caerse study estudiar fill llenar succeed tener exito find encontrar swim nadar finish terminar take * tomar fit caber talk hablar fix reparar teach enseñar fly volar tell decir forget olvidar think pensar give dar translate traducir go ir travel viajar have * tener try intentar hear oir turn off apagar hurt dañar, herir turn on encender know saber/conocer type escribir a maquina learn aprender understand entender leave * salir/marcharse use utilizar/usar listen escuchar wait esperar live vivir wake up despertar look mirar want querer/desear lose perder watch mirar make/do hacer work trabajar need necesitar worry preocuparse open abrir write escribir

Una lista de palabras útiles en inglés y español

English Spanish / forward slash barra

: two dots dos puntos

@ (at) arroba address book Libreta de direcciones answer questions responder a preguntas attached files archivos adjuntos back (the name of the back button) Atrás, Regresar bandwidth ancho de banda banner banner bold negrita bookmark Favorito, marcador box (a little box on web forms) casilla browser (the programme) navegador, explorador de Web button botón check the box marcar la casilla choose (imperative) elija click (imperative) haga clic (usted) haz clic (tu) credit card tarjeta de crédito cyberspace ciberespacio (m) database base de datos digital signature firma digital dot com punto com download bajar, descargar, hacer un download, bajar archivos, capturar, copiar drag arrastrar drop (as in drag and drop) pegar drop down list, drop down menu, pop-up menu menu desplegable email address dirección de correo electrónico encrypted mail correo cifrado

FAQ (frequently asked questions) preguntas más frecuentes, preguntas formuladas frecuentemente file transfer transferencia de ficheros folder carpeta form formulario

Forward (the name of the forward button) adelante frames: (as in frames pages) marcos guestbook libro de visitas handle (nickname) apodo homepage página principal, página inicial hyperlink hiperenlace icon ícono inbox bandeja de entrada

ISP proveedor de servicios Internet (también ISP) keyboard teclado keyword palabra clave laptop computer equipo portátil link enlace, vínculo loop bucle lurker mirón lurking fisgoneo, mironeo message headings encabezados de mensajes modem módem motor de búsqueda search engine mouse ratón mouse button botón del ratón mouse pad alfombrilla de ráton netiquette etiqueta de la red, etiqueta de Internet network red newsgroup grupo de noticias newsgroup grupo de noticias on-line auctions subastas on-line outbox bandeja de salida outgoing messages mensajes salientes padlock icon - (the little padlock you see on icono de cerradura secure web sites) password contraseña preferences preferencias public domain dominio publico real time chat charla en tiempo real reply to all Responder a todos rough copy borrador run (execute) ejecutar save guardar secure server servidor seguro secure web site sitio Web seguro sent box (in email programme) elementos enviados shopping cart carro de la compra

SPAM (unwanted messages) mensajes no deseados stop (the stop button on the browser) detener store almacenar subject (of an email message) asunto subscribe suscribirse surf navegar template plantilla the clipboard Portapapeles the internet internet (note that they don't use "el" before) the person a message is sent to destinatario the place (where something is kept) la ubicación to attach (to emails) adjuntar to compose/write some text redactar to go back regresar to manage or look after. gestionar toolbar barra de herramientas trash, deleted items (in email programme) elementos eliminados updated, update, an update actualizado, actualizar, una actualización upload (verb) subir, cargar, copiar user name nombre de usuario web page página Web web page address, url dirección de una página web, url web site, site sitio web, sitio word wrap retorno automático de la palabra

face = la cara/el rostro facial features rasgos she has a thin face tiene la/una cara delgada an oval face una cara ovalada a round face una cara redonda clean-shaven bien afeitado a bloated face una cara hinchada/abotagada a cherubic face una cara angelical a chubby face una cara regordete chubby-cheeked mofletudo a chubby/podgy face una cara rechoncha, regordete, gordinflona he had a weather-beaten face tenía un rostro curtido a face lift un lifting, un estiramiento facial she has freckles tiene pecas, es pecosa spots/pimples granos blackheads espinillas moles lunares warts verrugas wrinkles arugas rosy cheeks mejillas sonrosadas acne acne a birthmark un antojo/una mancha de nacimiento a double chin una papada hollow cheeks las mejillas hundidas a dimple un hoyuelo smooth-cheeked/smooth-faced lampiño a deadpan face una cara de póquer/de palo a doleful face una cara compungida a sad face una cara triste a serious face una cara seria a smiling face una cara sonriente a happy face una cara alegre smooth-cheeked/smooth-faced lampiño to go red in the face (with anger/heat) ponerse colorado/rojo to go red/to blush (with embarassment) sonrojarse/ruborizarse he looks worried parece preocupado frightened asustado surprised sorprendido a smile una sonrisa a smirk una sonrisita a frown el ceño fruncido

nose = la nariz a bulbous nose una nariz protuberante a hooked nose una nariz aguileña a big nose una nariz grande a turned-up/snub nose una nariz respingona a pointed nose una nariz puntiaguda a flat nose/a pug nose una nariz chata a lopsided nose una nariz ladeada/torcida a hooter/conk (colloquial Br. Eng.) una napia a schnozzle (colloquial Am. Eng.) to flare your nostrils/to snort resoplar/bufar

eyes = los ojos she has brown eyes tiene los ojos marrones hazel color avellana he has beady eyes tiene los ojos redondos y brillantes como cuentas a black eye un ojo morado red eyes ojos rojizos bloodshot eyes ojos sanguinolentos/injectados de sangre to wink guiñar el ojo to blink pestañear/parpadear she is cross-eyed es bizca a squint una bizquera, un estrabismo she's blind es ciega he's blind in one eye es tuerto to go blind quedarse ciego crow's feet patas de gallo sunken eyes ojos hundidos piggy eyes ojitos redondos y brillantes bulging eyes ojos saltones slit/slanting eyes ojos achinados a stye un orzuelo shifty eyes ojos furtivos

eyebrows = las cejas arched eyebrows cejas arqueadas bushy eyebrows cejas tupidas thick eyebrows cejas pobladas to raise your eyebrows arquear las cejas eyelashes = las pestañas false eyelashes pestañas postizas

mouth harelip labio leporino chapped lips labios agrietados buckteeth dientes de conejo/dientes salidos false teeth dentadura postiza front teeth paletas/dientes de adelante wisdom teeth muelas del juicio to chatter (teeth) castañetear my teeth are chattering me castañetean los dientes

hair = el pelo/cabello she has blond hair tiene el pelo rubio auburn castaño rojizo she has grey hair es canosa, tiene el pelo canoso, tiene canas mousy hair el pelo castaño desvaído she's red-haired/red-headed es pelirrojo a brunette una morena streaks mechones highlights mechitas/reflejos/claritos dyed hair el pelo teñido long hair el pelo largo short hair el pelo corto shoulder-length hair el pelo hasta los hombros curly hair el pelo rizado wavy hair el pelo ondulado frizzy hair el pelo crespo spiky hair el pelo de punta she has permed hair se ha hecho un permanente crimped hair pelo rizado con tenacillas straight hair el pelo liso a fringe un flequillo a parting una raya a pigtail una trenza a ponytail una cola bunches coletas a bun un moño lank hair el pelo lacio dull sin brillo greasy hair el pelo graso/grasoso fine fino she has thick hair tiene mucho pelo/tiene el pelo grueso dry seco shiny hair el pelo brillante split ends las puntas abiertas dandruff la caspa a pageboy un peinado/corte a lo paje a bob una melena a hairdo un peinado a crew cut un pelo cortado al rape sideburns patillas a wig una peluca a toupée un peluquín, un tupé bald calvo a bald patch una calva/una pelada he's balding se está quedando calvo

build = complexión thin delgado she’s got a very good figure tiene una figura estupenda plump (a nicer way of saying fat) gordito slim esbelto fat gordo a beer belly una panza chubby regordete/gordinflón/rellenito strong fuerte weak flojo short bajo tall alto a hunchback un jorobado he walks with a limp cojea medium height de estatura media medium build de talla media he's a large man es un hombre corpulento

Adjetivos para describir la personalidad

General Terms handsome, good-looking, attractive guapo pretty, good-looking, attractive, lovely guapa, bonita, linda, he’s quite a hunk está buenísimo ugly fea/feo beautiful preciosa, guapísima, lindísima, hermosa, bella

Other notes

He looks a bit ______tiene pinta de delincuente: In Spanish "tiene pinta de ____" is very common he looks like a criminal for giving a general idea about the appearance. See examples on the right: tiene pinta de extranjero he looks a bit foreign

He looks sad parece triste Note that when we say how something "seems" or "looks" (probably because we are not certain) we use parecer. a strong- looking man un hombre de apariencia fuerte clean-shaven bien afeitado Hablando sobre la esperanza (hope) en inglés

English Spanish

I hope so! Espero que sí.

I hope not! Espero que no.

I hope to be able to go in June Espero poder ir en junio

I hope you like it Espero que te guste

I hope (that) you are well Espero que te encuentres bien

to be full of hope Estar lleno de ilusión;

I don’t want to raise false hopes no quiero crear falsas expectativas

to give up hope perder la esperanza

I was hoping you’d say that esperaba que dijeras eso

I feel very hopeful about ...... me siento optimista con respecto a ......

on sobre

in dentro de

above encima de over

under debajo de

in front of delante de

behind detrás de

beside al lado de near cerca de next to junto a

between entre

among entre

English Spanish cheerful alegre, jovial; kind amable ambitious ambicioso friendly amigable, simpático, agradable cantankerous cascarrabias cowardly cobarde sympathetic (understanding) comprensivo conservative conservador conventional convencional talkative conversador, hablador flirtatious coqueta polite cortés, educado big-headed creído, engreído cruel cruel open-minded: de actitud abierta, sin prejuicios narrow-minded: de mentalidad cerrada, intolerante; moody de humor cambiante bitchy de mala leche, venenoso; careless descuidado, poco cuidadoso carefree despreocupado trustworthy digno de confianza argumentative, quarrelsome discutidor selfish egoísta charming encantador strict estricto, severo, riguroso two-faced falso reliable: he’s a very reliable person fiable, confiable: es una persona en la que se puede confiar loyal fiel generous generoso honest honesto naive ingenuo, inocentón crazy, nuts loco, chiflado bad-tempered malhumorado naughty (children) malo, travieso (niños) modest modesto proud orgulloso lazy perezoso, vago annoying pesado conceited, full of oneself presumido cautious prudente, cauteloso, cauto; weird raro, extraño self-confident: to be self-confident seguro de sí mismo: tener confianza en sí mismo sensible sensato, prudente; sensitive sensible dull, boring soso, aburrido mean tacaño stubborn terco, testarudo, tozudo hard-working trabajador laid-back tranquilo, relajado shy - introverted tímido, vergonzoso - introvertido brave valiente

120 palabras asocidas con fútbol en inglés e español

away game partido que se juega fuera de casa away team equipo visitante beat derrotar / vencer bench banquillo centre circle círculo central championship campeonato changing rooms vestuarios corner kick saque de esquina. corner cross pase cruzado crossbar travesaño defender defensa draw un empate dropped ball (when restarting play) balón a tierra equaliser la igualada extra time tiempo suplementario extra-time prórroga field markings marcación del terreno field of play terreno de juego first half primer tiempo fit en forma / sano fixture encuentro fixture list programa de encuentros flagposts banderines forward delantero foul falta free kick (direct/indirect) tiro libre (directo/indirecto) friendly game partido amistoso goal / penalty area /the box área de meta goal average promedio de goles goal kick saque de puerta / portería /meta goal line línea de meta. goal scorer goleador goalkeeper portero / guardameta / golero goalpost poste, palo de la portería half time interval intervalo del medio tiempo / descanso halfway line. línea media handball! ¡mano! header cabezazo heads or tails cara o cruz home en casa hooligan gamberro injured player un jugador lesionado injury time descuento kick patada kick dar una patada kick-off saque de salida laws of the game reglas de juego league liga linesman juez de línea local derby enfrentamiento de dos equipos vecinos manager entrenador match partido midfield player centrocampista move jugada national team (la) selección opposing team equipo adversario own goal propia meta pass pasar penalty kick tiro penal / penalti penalty spot punto penal player jugador cup-winners cup recopa red card tarjeta roja referee árbitro replay repetición restart of play reanudación del juego score a hat trick marcar tres goles (en un partido) score draw un empate a cero scoreboard marcador season temporada second half seguno tiempo send a player off expulsar un jugador shinguard canillera/espinillera shorts pantalones cortos side equipo spanish equivalent of F.A cup copa del rey spectator espectador staduim / ground estadio strip los colores del equipo (uniforme?) studs tacos substitute sustituto. supporter hincha / seguidor sweeper líbero / barredor tackle internada tackle ? team equipo terrace grada the ball balón the coach el entrenador the final score el resultado final the highest goal scorer this season el máximo goleador de esta temporada the net la red the pitch el campo throw-in saque de banda ticket tout revendedor de entradas to book a player amonestar un jugador to keep goal jugar de guardameta / de portero to score a goal marcar / meter un gol to shoot at goal tirar a puerta / al arco; disparar touch line línea de banda tournament torneo turnstile torniquete / molinete / puerta underdog el que tiene menos posibilidades unsporting behaviour conducta antideportiva wasting time perdida de tiempo what was the score? ¿cómo terminó el partido? what’s the score? ¿cómo van? / ¿cómo va el marcador? whistle silbato pitido winger extremo world cup mundial yellow card tarjeta amarilla

Glosario de la comida español e inglés achieved - logrado add- añadir almonds - almendras anchovy - anchoa apple - manzana arrange - poner artichoke - alcachofa asparagus - espárrago aubergine - berenjena avocado - aguacate palta (S.Am) bacon - beicón bake - cocer al horno baking powder - levadura (en polvo) banana - plátano barbeque - barbacoa / parrillada basil - albahaca basting - rociando batter - albardilla bayleaf - laurel beans - habas/habichuelas/alubias bechamel sauce - bechamel beef - ternera bitter - agrio/ácido black beans - alubias negras blade of a knife - hoja del cuchillo boil - hervir bone - hueso/espina boned - dehuesado borage - borraja bowls - cuenco brandy - coñac breadcrumbs - migas de pan/pan rallado broad beans - habas brown - dorar brush - cepillar brussel sprouts - coles de Bruselas butter - mantequilla butter - untar con mantequilla cabbage - col can - lata canneloni - canelones capers - alcaparras carrot - zanahoria casserole - estofado cauliflower - coliflor cayenne pepper - pimienta cayena celery - apio cheese - queso chestnut - castaño chicken - pollo chicken breast - pechuga de pollo chill - enfriar chip - patata frita chop - picar chocolate - chocolate cider - sidra clams - almejas cloves of garlic - dientes de ajo coat - rebozar coarse - de grano grueso cod - bacalao combine - combinar confectioner's custard - crema pastelero conger eel - congrio consistency - consistencia cook - cocinar cooked ham - jamón York cornflour - harina de maíz courgette - calabacín cover - cubrir cream - nata crisps - patatas fritas crouton - cuscurro curdle - cuajar cumin - comino dash - chorrito dent - hueco diced - cortar en cuadritos dip - sumergir dish - plato dogfish - cazón dot with - poner trocitos encima dough - masa drain - escurrir dry - secar duck - pato edge - borde egg - huevo egg white - clara de huevo egg yolk - yema de huevo empty - vaciar endives - endibias fennel - hinojo fillets - filetes filling - relleno finely - en trozos menudos fish - pescado flatten - aplastar/aplanar flesh - carne flour - harina foam - espuma fold - doblar fridge - frigorífico frozen - congelado fry - freír fry ... until soft - pochar frying pan - sartén garlic - ajo garnish - guarnición gelatine - gelatina get rid of - quitar gherkins - pepinillo golden - dorado gradually - lentamente grated - rallado grease - grasa greased - engrasado green pepper - pimiento verde green beans - habichuelas ground - molido, pulverizado grill - gratinar grind - machacar hake - merluza halve - dividir en dos ham - jamón handful - puñado hard-boiled egg - huevo duro hare - liebre heat - calentar high heat - fuego fuerte honey - miel ice cream - helado icing sugar - azúcar glace instead of - en vez de jelly - gelatina jugged hare - estofado de liebre juice - jugo/zumo juicy - jugoso junket - leche cuajada junk food - comida basura, porquerías julienne - juliana kidney beans - alubias rojas kitchen tissue - papel de cocina knife - cuchillo knob of butter - nuez de mantequilla ladles - cucharones lamb - cordero layer - capa leaf - hoja leaves - hojas leeks - puerros lettuce - lechuga lid - tapadera light - encender liquidise - triturar liver - higado loaf - barra marrow - calabaza mash - hacer puré mayonnaise - mayonesa medium-sized - de tamaño mediano melt - derretir melted - derretido mince - carne picada minced beef - ternera picada mince pork - cerdo picado mint - menta mix - mezclar monkfish - rape mortar - mortero mushrooms- champiñones mussels - mejillones mustard - mostaza noodles - tallarines nutmeg - nuez moscada oil - aceite oil - engrasar onion - cebolla orange - naranja oregano - orégano oven - horno ovenproof - de horno pan - cazo pancake - crepe paprika - pimentón parsley - perejil pasta - pasta peas - guisantes peel - pelar peeled - pelado pepper - pimienta peppercorns - granos de pimienta pinch - pizca pine kernels - piñones pineapple - piña poached - escalfado pork - cerdo potato peeler - cosa para pelar patatas potato starch - fécula potatoes - patatas pour - verter prawns - gambas pulses - alubias pumpkin - calabaza purée - puré quail - codorniz quartered - cortado en cuatro rabbit - conejo raw - crudo red pepper - pimiento rojo reduce - reducir remove - quitar rest - descansar return - volver ribs - costillas rice - arroz rind - cáscara rinse - limpiar con agua ripe - maduro roast - asado/asar roe - hueva roll - rollito roll out - aplanar rosemary - romero rub - frotar salmon - salmón salt cod - bacalao salado salt - sal salted - salado sardines - sardinas sauce - salsa saucepan - cazo sauté - saltear scald - escaldar sea bream - besugo seal - sellar seasoning - condimento season with salt - sazonar season with salt and pepper - salmpimentar seeds - semillas sieve - tamizar shallot - cebolleta shapes - formas shells - cáscaras sherry - jerez side - lado simmer - cocinar a fuego lento skin - piel/pelar skinned - pelado sliced - en trozos smear - untar soak - remojar spaghetti - espaguetis spare ribs - costillas spicy - picante spinach - espinacas spoon - cucharada spoon - sacar con cuchara sprig - ramita sprinkle - salpicar squeeze - exprimir squid - calamar stale bread - pan duro stalk - tallo steak - bistec steamer - vapor stew - estofado stiff - espeso stir-fry - freír stock - caldo strain - colar strips - tiritas stuff - rellenar sugar - azucar sweet - dulce taste - sabor tender - tierno tepid - tibio thick - grueso, espeso thicken - espesar thickness - espesura, grueso thinly slice - cortar en lonchas finas thoroughly - completamente thyme - tomillo tie - atar tin - lata tinned - en lata toasted - tostado tomatoes - tomates topping - lo que se pone encima de una base transfer - transferir transparent - trickle - chorrear un poco trim - cortar trout - trucha tuna - atún turn - dar la vuelta turn off - apagar vinegar - vinagre veal - ternera (de animal muy joven y de carne pálida) vodka - vodka walnuts - nueces (de california) warm - calentar wash - lavar watercress - berro wedge - pedazo grande whipped cream - nata montada wild boar - jabalí wipe - limpiar con un paño yolks - yemas Yorkshire pudding - masa horneada a base de leche, huevos y harina que se sirve tradicionalmente con el rosbif

Casi todas las cosas de la casa en español e inglés

ROOMS HABITACIONES * bathroom cuarto de baño * bedroom dormitorio * dining room comedor * hall pasillo *kitchen cocina *living room salón pantry despensa study despacho *toilet aseo BATHROOM CUARTO DE BAÑO * bath bañera bidet bidet * mirror espejo * shower ducha *soap jabón tap grifo towel toalla washbasin lavabo

BEDROOM DORMITORIO alarm clock despertador *bed cama blanket manta bookcase librería carpet alfombra *chair silla *lamp lámpara mattress colchón pillow almohada rug alfombra sheet sábana *shelf repisa *shelves estantería *wardrobe armario

KITCHEN COCINA bleach lejía bowl escudilla broom escoba cloth trapo coffee pot cafetera *cooker cocina corkscrew sacacorchos *cup taza dishwasher lavaplatos *fork tenedor freezer congelador *fridge frigorífico frying pan sartén *glass vaso/copa hob hornillo iron plancha ironing board tabla de planchar *knife cuchillo *microwave microondas mixer batidora mug tazón oven horno *plate plato saucepan cacerola sink fregadero *spoon cuchara *table mesa teapot tetera teaspoon cucharilla tin opener abrelatas toaster tostador tumbledrier secador vacuum cleaner aspirador *washing machine lavadora washing powder detergente washing-up liquid lavajillas

LIVING ROOM SALÓN ashtray cenicero *armchair sillón bookcase librería *clock reloj (pared) *sofa sofá *television televisor *video video

OTHER OTROS *ceiling techo central heating calefacción central *downstairs abajo fireplace chimenea *floor suelo *garage cochera *garden jardín lawn césped light bulb bombilla loft desván *roof tejado *stairs escaleras *upstairs arriba

Apuntes para principiantes verb "to be" pronombres






































to be late llevar retraso to miss the train perder el tren to book reservar to get on subir to get off bajar to reserve reservar don't lean out of the window No asomarse por la ventana to change trains transbordarse embankment terraplén passenger pasajero steam train tren de vapor THE STATION - LA ESTACIÓN

change trains cambiar de tren dining car el coche restaurante from procedente de information office ventanilla de información left luggage lockers la consigna automática left luggage la consigna on time puntual platform andén railway station estación ticket collector el revisor ticket office ventanilla to con destino a track vía waiting room sala de espera departures salidas arrivals llegadas THE TICKETS - BILLETES

booking la reserva first class la primera clase public holidays días festivos reduced rate tarifa reducida reservation la reserva one way ticket billete de ida solamente return ticket billete de ida y vuelta second class segunda clase single ticket billete de ida standard rate tarifa normal timetable horario weekdays días laborables THE TRAIN - EL TREN

coach un vagón express train tren rápido fast train un expreso local train un tren de cercanías luggage rack portaequipaje sleeper un coche-cama do not lean out of the no asomarse por la window ventana



The vocabulary of jobs and professions in English and Spanish. Vocabulario del trabajo y profesiones en inglés y español

ENGLISH SPANISH ENGLISH SPANISH lawyer abogado bookseller librero actor/actress actor/actriz sailor marinero customs officer aduanero doctor médico farmer agricultor mechanic mecánico builder albañil miner minero architect arquitecto model modelo consultant asesor instructor monitor astronaut astronauta monk monje air hostess azafata nun monja dustman basurero nanny niñera fireman bombero labourer obrero waiter/waitress camarero/a office worker oficinista lorry driver camionero baker panadero singer cantante shepherd pastor foreman capataz hairdresser peluquero butcher carnicero journalist periodista postman cartero fisherman pescador scientist científico pilot piloto surgeon cirujano painter pintor cook cocinero politician político driver conductor policeman policía accountant contable caretaker portero servant criado teacher profesor priest cura psychologist psicólogo dentist dentista psychiatrist psiquiatra shop assistant dependiente receptionist recepcionista electrician electricista watchmaker relojero employee empleado reporter reportero bank clerk empleado de banco priest sacerdote nurse enfermero tailor sastre writer escritor secretary secretario student estudiante soldier soldado chemist farmacéutico shorthand typist taquimeca plumber fontanero taxi driver taxista farmer granjero technician técnico engineer ingeniero bullfighter torero gardener jardinero translator traductor jeweller joyero salesman vendedor judge juez vet veterinario shoemaker zapatero

The vocabulary of the human body in English and Spanish. Vocabulario del cuerpo humano en inglés y español Basic Level

ENGLISH SPANISH ENGLISH SPANISH arm brazo hand mano body cuerpo head cabeza ear oreja leg pierna eye ojo mouth boca face cara neck cuello foot/feet pie/s nose nariz finger dedo stomach estómago hair pelo tooth/teeth diente/s More Advanced level

ENGLISH SPANISH ENGLISH SPANISH ankle tobillo heart corazón back espalda hip cadera bladder vejiga jaw mandibula blood sangre kidney riñón bone hueso knee rodilla brain cerebro liver hígado calf pantorrilla lung pulmón cheek mejilla muscle músculo chest pecho shoulder hombro chin barbilla skeleton esqueleto dimple hoyuelo skin piel elbow codo thigh muslo eyebrow ceja thumb pulgar eyelash pestaña throat garganta eyelid párpado tongue lengua features rasgos vein vena fist puño waist cintura forehead frente wisdom tooth diente de juicio freckle peca wrist muñeca


baptize bautizar christen bautizar godfather padrino godson ahijado font pila godmother madrina goddaughter ahijada WEDDINGS / BODAS

aisle nave lateral bridegroom novio ring anillo vows promesas solemnes bride novia bridesmaid dama de honor confetti confeti FUNERALS FÚNEBRES

burial entierro grave tumba hearse coche fúnebre undertaker director de pompas fúnebres tombstone lápida last rites exequias to bury enterrar cemetery cementerio coffin ataúd cremation incineración to mourn lamentarse PEOPLE / PERSONAS

archbishop arzobispo chaplain capellán deacon diácono saint santo nun monja abbot abad disciple discípulo bishop obispo priest cura pope papa monk monje dean deán cardinal cardinal pilgrim peregrino PARTS OF THE CHURCH / PARTES DE LA IGLESIA

chapel capilla aisle nave lateral font pila nave nave steeple campanario pulpit púlpito vestry sacristía bells campanas altar altar pew banco HOLIDAYS / FIESTAS

Christmas Navidad Lent Cuaresma Good Friday Viernes Santa Easter Semana Santa Shrove Tuesday Martes de Carnaval Christmas Eve Nochebuena MISCELANEOUS

a prayer oración apostle apóstol Bible Biblia blasphemy blasfemia bless bendecir carol villancico cassock sotana cathedral catedral catholic católico chalice cáliz charity caridad choir coro confession confesión confirmation confirmación congregation los fieles consecrated wafer hostia convent convento first communion primera comunión God Dios gospel evangelio halo aureola heathen pagano heaven cielo hell infierno heresy herejía heretic hereje holiness santidad holy water agua bendito incense incienso kneel arrodillarse mass misa miracle milagro monastery monasterio offertory ofertorio parable parábola parish parroquia piety piedad pious piadoso preach predicar psalm salmo rosary rosario sermon sermón sin pecado the devil el diablo theology teología to pray rezar worship adorar vestments vestiduras

Table of tenses in English with active and passive

Go to How to change a sentence from active to passive. TENSE ACTIVE PASSIVE SIMPLE Present He takes It is taken Past He took It was taken Present Perfect He has taken It has been taken Past perfect He had taken It had been taken Future He will take It will be taken Future perfect He will have taken It will have been taken Conditional He would take It would be taken Past Conditional He would have taken It would have been taken Modal verbs He may, might, could, It may, might, could, can (etc,) take can (etc,) be taken CONTINUOUS Present He is taking It is being taken Past He was taking It was being taken Present perfect He has been taking * Past perfect He had been taking * Future He will be taking * Future perfect He will have been taking * Conditional He would be taking * Past conditional He would have been taking * OTHERS Infinitive (to) take (to) be taken Perfect infinitive (to) have taken (to) have been taken Gerund taking being taken Imperative Take! be taken!


 anorak - anorak  overall - mono

 belt - cinturón  underpants - calzoncillos

 beret - boina  pyjamas - pijama

 bikini - bikini  raincoat - impermeable

 blouse - blusa  sandals - sandalias  boots - botas  scarf - bufanda

 bowtie - pajarita  shirt -camisa

 bra - sujetador  shoes - zapatos

 braces - tirantes  shorts - pantalones cortos

 button - botón  skirt - falda

 cap - gorra  slippers - zapatillas

 cardigan - rebeca  socks - calcetines

 coat - abrigo  stiletto - tacón de aguja

 dress - vestido  stockings - medias

 laces - cordones  suit - traje

 cufflinks - gemelos  suspender - liguero

 diner jacket - smoking  sweater - jersey

 dress - vestido  sweatshirt - sudadera

 dressing-gown - bata  swimming costume - bañador

 gloves - guantes  "T" shirt - camiseta

 hat - sombrero  tie - corbata

 high heels- tacones altos  tights - panty

 jacket - chaqueta  tracksuit - chandal

 jeans - vaqueros  trousers - pantalones

 jersey - jersey  uniform - uniforme

 jumper - jersey  waistcoat - chaleco

 knickers - bragas  wellingtons - botas de goma

 nightdress - camisón  zip - cremallera

 mini-skirt - mini-falda

Associated Vocabulary  changing room - probador  shoe size - numero de zapatos  get dressed - vestirse  take off - quitar  it fits you - le sienta bien (tamaño)  too tight - demasiado pequeño  it suits you - le sienta bien  try on - probar  match - hacer juego con  undress - desnudarse  naked - desnudo  waist - cintura  put on - poner  wear - llevar puesto  size - talla


A quid - una libra Leave me alone - Déjame en paz A wet blanket - una aguafiestas Let the cat out of the bag - revelar un secreto A hangover - una resaca Let's have one for the road - Tomamos la Better late than never - Más vale tarde que penúltima nunca Make yourself at home -Siéntete como en tu Bless you! - ¡Jesús! (cuando alguien casa estornuda) No wonder - No me extraña Bon apetit. - Qué aproveche. Pissed as a newt- borracho como una cuba By the way - A propósito Pull the other one. - ¡Anda ya! By all means - No faltaría mas/Por supuesto Really! - ¡De verdad! Chat someone up - Ligar con alguien Same here - Yo también Cheer up! - ¡Anímate! Say when - Dime cuanto (para comida o Cheers! - ¡Salud! bebidas) Cross your fingers. - Cruzando los dedos. Talk of the devil - Hablando del rey de Roma Get the sack - ser despedido Ten bob - 50 peniques Help yourself - Sírvete To pay cash - Pagar en efectivo How come ? -¿Cómo es eso? ¿Por qué? To my mind - En mi opinión Hurry up - ¡Date prisa Touch wood. - Tocando madera I must be off. - Tengo que irme. Watch out! - ¡Ten cuidado! I haven't got a clue. - No tengo ni idea Were you born in a field/barn? - Cierra la puerta If only - Ojalá What a rip off. - ¡Qué timo! It serves you right. - Lo mereces. What a mess! - ¡Qué lío! It rings a bell. - Me suena. What a cheek! - ¡Qué cara! It's up to you. - Tú eliges. You're pulling my leg. - Me estás tomando el Keep the change. - Quédate con el cambio. pelo. Keep your hair on! - ¡Cálmate! You're welcome. - De nada. You're kidding. - Estás de broma. TIENDAS Y LUGARES PÚBLICOS SHOPS AND PUBLIC PLACES

SPANISH ENGLISH ENGLISH SPANISH  agencia de viajes  travel agent's  baker's  panadería  banco  bank  bank  banco  cabina de teléfono  telephone box  bookshop  librería  cafeteria  café  bus stop  parada de autobus  carnicería  butcher's  butcher's  carnicería  farmacia  chemist's  café  cafeteria  ferretería  hardware shop  cake shop  pastelería  floristería  florist's  clothes shop  tienda de ropas  frutería  greengrocer's  chemist's  farmacia  hipermercado  hypermarket  dry cleaner's  tintorería  joyería  jeweller's  fish shop  pescadería  lavandería  laundry  florist's  floristería  librería  bookshop  greengrocer's  frutería  óptico  optician's  hairdresser's  peluquería  panadería  baker's  hardware shop  ferretería  papelería  stationer's  hypermarket  hipermercado  parada de autobus  bus stop  jeweller's  joyería  pastelería  cake shop  laundry  lavandería  peluquería  hairdresser's  optician's  óptico  pescadería  fish shop  record shop  tienda de discos  supermercado  supermarket  sports shop  tienda de deportes  tienda de ropas  clothes shop  stationer's  papelería  tienda de discos  record shop  supermarket  supermercado  tienda de deportes  sports shop  telephone box  cabina de teléfono  tintorería  dry cleaner's  travel agent's  agencia de viajes  zapatería  shoe shop  shoe shop  zapatería

66 ESSENTIAL PHRASAL VERBS (INTERMEDIATE) AGREE WITH - estar de acuerdo - "All women are bad drivers." "I don't agree with you." BE ABOUT TO - estar a punto de -I was about to leave the house when my friends arrived. BE BACK - regresar -I'm working late at the office tonight so I won't be back until 10. BE OUT OF - quedarse sin - We're out of eggs so we can't make a tortilla. BE OVER - terminarse - When the football match was over, we went to the pub. BE UP - estar levantado - "Phil isn't up yet: he's still in bed. Phone again in ten minutes." BLOW UP - estallar (una bomba) - The bomb blew up killing six people. BLOW UP - inflar - We blew up at least a hundred balloons for the Christmas party. BREAK DOWN - averiarse - My car broke down on the way to Motril. CALL BACK - volver a llamar - "I'm afraid the manager isn't here at the moment. Could you call back later?" CARRY ON - seguir. Continuar - I'm sorry if I interrupted you. Please carry on. CARRY OUT - cumplir (una promesa) - The President carried out his promise to reduce taxation. CARRY OUT - llevar a cabo - The execution was carried out at seven o'clock in the morning. CLEAR UP - poner en orden - It took four hours to clear up after the party. COME ACROSS - encontrar, dar con - I came across an old friend on the metro in Madrid. COME BACK - regresar - I'm going to England for two weeks. I'm coming back on the fifth. COME IN - entrar - "Good morning. Come in and sit down." COME ON - ¡Vamos!, ¡Date prisa! - Come on. We're going to be late. CUT DOWN ON - consumir menos - You must cut down on cholesterol or you'll have a heart attack. CUT OFF - cortar, desconnectar - When we didn't pay the bill, the electricity was cut off. CUT UP - cortar en pedazos - We cut up the birthday cake and gave everyone a slice. DO UP - abrochar, atar - I was five before I knew how to do up my shoelaces. DO WITH - tener algo que ver con, tener relación con - "What's MS DOS?" "It's got something to do with computers." DO WITHOUT - pasarse sin, prescindir de - The shops are shut so we'll have to do without sugar. Sarah and John 1996 (c) http://www.lingolex.com/espan.htm DRAW UP - pararse - The car drew up at the zebra crossing. GET BACK - volver, regresar - Cinderella had to get back by twelve o'clock. GET IN(TO) - entrar - I lost my keys and so I couldn't get into the house. GET OFF - bajar (de un autobus, tren) - You have to get off the bus at the next stop if you want the station. GET ON - subir (a un autobus, tren, moto) - Quick! Get on the train, it's about to leave. GET UP - levantarse - When I got up this morning it was still dark. GIVE BACK - devolver - If you don't like the dress, the shop will give you your money back. GIVE UP - perder la esperanza, rendirse - If you find phrasal verbs difficult, don't give up. GIVE UP - dejar (de fumar, beber) - You'll get cancer if you don't give up smoking. GO AHEAD - ¡Siga! - "Can I use the telephone?" "Yes, go ahead." GO AWAY - irse, marcharse - Are you going away for Christmas, or are you staying at home. GO BACK - volver, regresar - Although she's forty, she's going back to University to study French. GO DOWN - bajar - The price of fruit goes down in the summer. GO OUT - salir (por la calle) - I always go out and have a few drinks on Saturday night. GO UP - subir - The price of cigarettes went up in January 1992. HANG ON/HOLD ON - esperar - Hold on for a minute as Pablo will be back in five minute. HANG UP - colgar (el teléfono) - My ex-girlfriend hung up when I phoned her. KEEP UP WITH - mantenerse (a la altura de) - I can't keep up with my father when we go cycling as he goes too fast. KNOCK DOWN - derribar, atropear, demoler - My grandfather's old house was knocked down and a bank was built. LEAVE BEHIND - olvidar, dejar - When I got to the airport, I realised I had left my passport behind. LET IN - dejar entrar - She opened the door and let in the cat. LOOK AFTER - cuidar - My mother looks after the children when we go away. LOOK FOR - buscar - I spent two hours looking for my glasses before I found them. LOOK FORWARD TO - esperar con ilusión - I'm looking forward to the Easter holidays. LOOK OUT - tener cuidado, ¡Ojo! Look out! - There's a car coming. JOHN & SARAH 1996 (c) LOOK UP - buscar algo (en un libro, diccionario) - If you don't understand the word, look it up in a dictionary. Sarah and John 1996 (c) http://www.lingolex.com/espan.htm PUT IN - meter, introducir - Put ten pence in the machine and you will get a cup of coffee. PUT ON - encender - Put on the light, it's getting dark. PUT ON - ponerse (la ropa) - Put your coat on or you'll get cold. RUN OUT OF - quedars sin algo We ran out of petrol so we had to get the bus. SET OFF - ponerse en camino - We set off to Madrid at five o'clock to avoid the traffic. TAKE AFTER - parecerse a - Pablo takes after his mother: they are both optimistic. TAKE OFF - despegar - The flight was delayed for two hours and the plane eventually took off at 6 p.m. TAKE OFF - quitarse la ropa - Take off your coat and make yourself comfortable. TAKE OUT - extraer, sacar - He took out a cigarette and lit it. THROW AWAY - tirar (en la basura) - Don't throw these papers away: they're important. TURN DOWN - bajar (el volumen) - Turn down the radio: it's too loud. TURN UP - poner el volumen más fuerte - Turn up the radio. I can't hear it. TURN ON - encender (televisión, luces etc.) - Turn on the television, please, I want to see the news.

Más de 200 palabras que terminan con -ation

Abbreviation Abreviatura, Abreviación Abdication Abdicación Acclamation Aclamación Accumulation Acumulación Administration Administración Admiration Admiración Adoration Adoración Affirmation Afirmación Agglomeration Aglomeración Agitation Agitación Allegation Alegación Animation Animación Anticipation Anticipación Application Aplicación Assassination *Asesinato Assimilation Asimilación Association Asociación Authentication Autenticación Authorization Autorización Automation Automatización Aviation Aviación Celebration Celebración Cessation Cesación Circulation Circulación Civilization Civilización Classification Clasificación Collaboration Colaboración Combination Combinación Commemoration Conmemoración Commendation Recomendación Communication Comunicación Compensation Compensación Compilation Compilación Concentration Concentración Condemnation Condenación Condensation Condensación Confirmation Confirmación Confiscation Confiscación Confrontation **Enfrentamiento Congratulation Feliciatión Congregation Congregación Consideration Consideración Consolation *Consuelo Constellation Constelación Consternation Consternación Consultation Consultación Contamination Contaminación Contemplation Contemplación Continuation Continuación Conversation Conversación Cooperation Cooperación Coronation Coronación Corporation Corporación Correlation Correlación Corroboration Corroboración Creation Creación Cultivation Cultivo* Declaration Declaración Degeneration Degeneración Degradation Degradación Delegation Delegación Deliberation Deliberación Delineation Delineación Demonstration Demostración Manifestación (protest) Deregulation Dereglamentación Derivation Derivación Derogation Detracción Desecration Desecration Desegregation Desegregation Desolation Desolación Destination Destino Determination Determinación Detestation *Aborrecimiento Detonation Detonación Dictation *Dictado Differentiation Differentiation Discrimination Discriminación Disputation *disputa Dissemination Diseminación Documentation Documentación Domestication Domestication Domination Dominación Donation Donación Duration Duración Education Educación Ejaculation Eyaculación Elaboration Elaboración Elevation Elevación Elimination Eliminación Emancipation Emancipación Emulation Emulación Equation Ecuación Evacuation Evacuación Exaggeration Exageración Examination *Examen Exclamation Exclamación Excommunication *Excomunión Expectation *Expectativa Experimentation Experimentación Explanation Explicación Exploration Exploración Expostulation Expostulation Extermination Exterminio Exultation Exultation Facilitation Facilitación Fascination Fascinación Federation Confederación Fermentation Fermentación Formation Formación Formulation Fórmulación Foundation Fundación Generation Generación Germination Germinación Gratification Gratificación Gravitation Gravitación Hallucination *Alucinación Hesitation Vacilación Hibernation Hibernación Humiliation Humillación Identification Identificación Illumination Iluminación Illustration Ilustración Imagination Imaginación Imitation Imitación Immigration Inmigración Implication Implicación Inclination Inclinación Indentation Indentación Indication Indicación Indignation Indignación Information Información Initiation Iniciación Innovation Innovación Inoculation Inoculación Insinuation Insinuación Inspiration Inspiración Installation Instalación Instigation Provocación Interpretation Interpretación Intimation Intimación Intonation Entonación Inundation Inundación Investigation Investigación (research) Invitation Invitación Invocation Invocación Isolation Aislamiento Justification Justificación Lamentation Lamentación Legislation Legislación Limitation Limitación Litigation Litigación Location Ubicación Maceration Maceración Machination Maquinación Manifestation Manifestación Manipulation Manipulación Mastication Masticación Materialization Materialización Meditation Mediación Mineralisation Mineralisation Moderation Moderación Modification Modificación Mutilation Mutilación Narration Narración Nation Nación Naturalization Naturalización Obligation Obligación Observation Observación Occupation Ocupación Operation Operación Organization Organización Orientation Orientación Ovation Ovación Overpopulation *Superpoblación Participation Participación Penetration Penetración Perspiration *Transpiración Perturbation Perturbación Population *Población Precipitation Precipitación Predestination Predestinación Premeditation Premeditación Preparation Preparación Presentation Presentación Preservation **Conservación Privation Privación Proliferation Proliferación Prolongation Prolongación Pronunciation Pronunciación Propagation Propagación Provocation Provocación Publication Publicación Punctuation Puntuación Qualification **Cualificación Realization Realización Recitation Recitación Reconciliation Conciliación Recreation Recreación Rectification Rectificación Registration Inscripción Regulation Regulación Rehabilitation Rehabilitación Relation Relación Renunciation Renunciación Reorganization Reorganización Representation Representación Reprobation Reprobation Reputation Reputación Respiration Respiración Restoration Restauración Retaliation Retaliación Represalia Revelation Revelación Salutation Salutación Salvation Salvación Segregation Segregación Sensation Sensación Separation Separación Signification Significación Simulation Simulación Situation Situación Sophistication Sofisticación Speculation Especulación Stagnation *Estancación Estancamiento Starvation **Inanición Station Estación Stipulation Estipulación Temptation *Tentación Toleration Tolerancia Transfiguration Transfiguración Transformation Transformación Translation *Traducción Transportation Transportación Tribulation Tribulación Trituration Trituration Vacation Vacación Vegetation Vegetación Veneration Veneración Ventilation Ventilación Verification Verificación Violation Violación (usually means rape in Spanish) Vocation Vocación


A abdom alfalfa aorta en alias area abdomi altar aria nal amateu armada actor r arterial admira amen artificia ble amnesi adobe a adopta l amoral ble asexual anal adorabl astral angora e atlas angular aerosol audio animal agape aura antisoc agenda auto ial album azalea anorexi albino a alcohol B badmin base bingo ton begoni bisexua backga a l mmon bestial boa balancebenefa bolero balsa ctor bonanz banana bicep a bar bidet boutiqu barman bikini e barracu bilaterabridge da l brutal basilicabluff bulimia C cabaret cereal confusi cable cerebraon cactus l conside cadaverceremorable cafe nial consul cafeteri cervica consula a l r calibre chalet contine canal charlat ntal cancer an contralt canon cheque o canton chocol control capital ate contusi capon circula on carbon r convert carcino circum ible ma cision convoy cardina civil convuls l clericalion caries climax coral carnal clitoris cordial cartel club cordon carton coaxial cornea casino cobra corrosi cassettecoloniaon catama l cosmos ran collar cosmop caviar colon olitan Celsius coma crater combu stible crescen combu do stion crimina celestia comparl l able crisis central compatcroquet centuri ible crucial on concertculpabl ina e conduc cultural tor curable conclu cursor sion D detecti daiquirive dean detente decima detesta l ble dispens decisio detract able n or diva debate diabete divan debut s division debuta diagon divisibl nte al e decima dial doctor l dictato doctrin decisio rial al n diesel dogma de digesti domino facto ble doping deficit digital dorsal delta dimens dragon dental ion drama deplora diplom duplex ble a dumpin dermatidirecto g tis r detecto disco r diskett e E eclipse emir excursi editoriaemulsi on l on expansi egoma enigmaon nia Episco experi elector pal mental electro erosionexplosi electro error on n exclusi expulsi elemen on on tal euro extensi elision evasio on exterior elixir n extra embarg execra extracto o ble r eczema F Formic a facial fibrosisformida facsimi film ble le final formula factor flexibl fraterna familia e l r flora fresco fatal floral frontal fauna flotilla frugal fax folio fundam federal folklor ental femur e funeral festival forcepsfunicul feudal formal ar fusion

G genital gaga gigolo granula gala giro r gangsteglacial gratis r glandulgrave gardeni ar gringo a glauco groggy gas ma guano gay global guerrill gene gondol a general a guinea genesis golf guru gradual H habeas corpus handic homose habitab ap xual le hangar horizon habitat hockey tal habitua hobby horror l hepatiti hospital haciends hotel a hernia halitosi hippie s I idea incons insular ideal olable insuper imagin incurabable able le intangi imperc incursi ble eptible on impermindestr eable uctible integral impers interco onal indecis ntinenta impertuion l rbable individ interior implac ual intermi able industr nable imperc ial interper eptible inevita sonal imperiable intestin l inexcu al impers sable intolera onal indecis ble impertuion invasio rbable Inexor n impondable invento erable inexpli r impost cable invisibl or inferiore impreciinferna in vitro sion l invulne impractinflexi rable icable ble irascibl incomp inform e arable al irrefuta inaudib infusio ble le n irregula inaugurinsepar r al able irrepara incalcu insigni ble lable a irresisti inciden inspect ble tal or irrevoc incogni instructable to or irritable incomp instru arable mental J jeep Jacuzzi jersey judicial jade jockey judo jaguar joggin junta jazz g K kayak karate kilo kiwi L larva lector limbo lasagna legal literal laser legible llama lateral legion local latex lesion logo laurel liberal lumbag o lava libido lunar M matern minibar al machet miniser matrim e ie onial machis ministe maxi mo rial mediev Macho miserab al macro le medioc maestr modem re o modula mega mafia r megab magent molecul yte a ar melano magnat monitor ma e mono melodr magnol moral ama ia Mormo melon malaria n memor mandar mortal able in mosquit mening mango o itis mania motel menstr mansio motor ual n multi mental manual multicu menu margin ltural mercur al multilat ial marihu eral metal ana multipl miasm marsup e a ial multira mica martini cial micro mason munici microfi matado pal lm r mural minera mate muscul l materia ar mini l musical minibu mutual s N negro noble neo nomina napalm neuro l nasal neuralgnormal natural ia nostalgi nausea neurosia naval s notable nave neutral nuclear nectar neutro numera n l O oasis operabloregano e oriental opinio original oboe n orname octago oral ntal nal oratori osteopo opera o rosis ordinal oval P penal penins post ula postal pensio pagoda practica n palpabl ble percept e prenatal ible pan prescrib periton panace e itis a present perfum pancrea able e s preside permea panda pretensi ble panel on perpen panora primate dicular ma primord person papa ial al papal princip persuas par al ion paranoi prior pervers a probabl ion paranor e peseta mal profusi piano particul on picnic ar propaga ping- pasta nda pong pastel propuls pizza pastora ion pizzeri l proscri a pastor be placeb paterna protect o l or placent pate proton al patio provinc plasma patron ial plausib peculia provisi le r on playbo pedal provisi y pedesta onal plural l pubis polar pelvis pseudo polio pubis poncho puma popula puzzle r R racial reflect revision radar or revolve region regiona l radial regular r radical religio rifle radio n ritual Ramad renal rival an reparabrobot rayon le rodeo reactor replica romanc recital requie e record m rector rectang residua rotor ular l rugby rector retina rural reduce retro reunio n S sonar sonata sacram soprano ental suave serial saga sub series sake sublimi sermon saliva nal sexual salmon subnor siesta salon mal silicosi sarcom subtotal s a subtrop silo sauna ical similar secular subvers simple sedan ion singula semen suite r semi sultan slalom semibr sumo slogan eve superfic sociabl semi- ial e final superio social sensor r soda sensual superso sofa sentime nic solar ntal supervi solo separab sion soluble le supervi sepia sor suspens ion T Tabasc tendon total o tenor transce tampon termin ndental tandem al transfus tangibl terrible ion e terror triangul tango textual ar tapioca tibia tribunal tarantultilde triceps a timbre trio tarot tombol triple taxi a tropical televisi tornad tuba on o tubercu trans torped losis trauma o tubular tri torso tutor U ultra univers umbilic union al al unisex usual unilater utopia al V variabl e virus vagina verticalvisa Velcro vertigo visible venal veto vista venera video visual ble vigilan vital venial te voltage verbal viola vulgar version violin vulnera vertebr virtual ble a virtuos vulva o

Pronombres Nom. Ejemplos I am a teacher - (yo) soy un profesor I (ái) - Yo I live in Argentina - (yo) vivo en Argentina I work here too- (yo) trabajo aquí también You are not a teacher - (tú) no eres profesor You (iú) - Ud, Tú You don't live in Argentina - (tú) no vives en Argentina You don't work here either - (tú) no trabajas aquí tampoco He is married - (él) está casado He (jí) - Él He has two children - (él) tiene dos hijos He lives in a house - (él) vive en una casa She is not married - (ella) no está casada She (shí) - Ella She doesn't have any children - (ella) no tiene hijos She doesn't live in a house - (ella) no vive en una casa It is late - (referido a la hora) es tarde It (it) - él , ella -objeto- It is cold - (referido a la temperatura) está frío It is not difficult - (referido a algo) no es difícil We (uí) - Nosotros We are here to learn - (nosotros) estamos aquí para aprender We want to learn soon - (nosotros) queremos aprender pronto We don't want to waste time - (nosotros) no queremos perder tiempo You are musicians - (Uds) son músicos You (iú)- Ustedes You play musical instruments - (Uds) tocan instrumentos musicales You have to practice a lot - (Uds) tienen que practicar mucho They live in Italy - (ellos) viven en Italia They (déi) - Ellos, They don't speak English - (ellos) no hablan Inglés Ellas They are going to study English - (ellos) van a estudiar Inglés Pronombres Acusa. Ejemplos She loves me - Ella me ama They take me home - Ellos me llevan a casa me (mi) - me, mí Can you show me the city ? - ¿Puedes mostrarme la ciudad? Dou you have anything for me ? - ¿Tenés algo para mí? They will go with me - Ellos irán conmigo They want to tell you something - Ellos quieren decirte algo I don't understand you -Yo no te endiendo you (iú) - te, tí, tu, Ud She is giving you some details - Ella te está dando algunos detalles This present is for you - Este regalo es para tí We want to work without you - Nosotros queremos trabajar sin tí She doesn't love him anymore- Ella no lo ama más They don't remember him - Ellos no lo recuerdan him (jim) - le, lo, él She is looking at him - Ella lo está mirando Everybody is against him - Todos están en contra de él Nobody wants to be near him - Nadie quiere estar cerca de él I don't know her - No la conozco They will see her tonight - Ellos la verán esta noche her (jer) - le, la, ella Leave her alone! - ¡ Déjala sola ! A crowd is around her - Una multidtud está alrededor de ella There is a letter for her - Hay una carta para ella I have a new car. I have it here - Tengo un auto nuevo. Lo tengo aquí Do you see it ? - ¿Lo ves? It (it) - le, lo, la, ello Don't break it ! - ¡No lo rompas! There is a cat under it - Hay un gato debajo de él And I also see a woman in it - Y también veo una mujer en él He doesn't know us - Él no nos conoce They are telling us something - Ellos nos están diciendo algo Are you insulting us ? - ¿ Nos estás insultando ? us (as) - nos, nosotros Is there any doctor among us ? - ¿ Hay algún médico entre nosotros ? This present is for us - Este regalo es para nosotros you (iú)- les, ustedes They want to tell you something - Ellos quieren decirles algo (a Uds) I don't understand you -Yo no les endiendo (a Uds) She is giving you some details - Ella les está dando algunos detalles This present is for you - Este regalo es para ustedes We want to work without you - Nosotros queremos trabajar sin ustedes --Son los mismos ejemplos que YOU de arriba-- pero cambia el sentido I have two dogs. I have them here - Tengo dos perros. Los tengo aquí. them (dem) - les, los, Do you want to see them ? - ¿Querés verlos? las, ellos, ellos Don't touch them ! - ¡No los toques! Nobody can stay near them - Nadie puede quedarse cerca de ellos I have to keep them inside - Tengo que mantenerlos adentro Pronombres Reflex. Ejemplos I cut myself - Me corté myself (maisélf) I painted the house myself - Pinté la casa yo mismo me , yo mismo I am here by myself - Estoy aquí solo You will hurt yourself with that ax - Te lastimarás con esa hacha yourself (iorsélf) You have not been yourself lately - No has sido tú mismo te, se, tú mismo ultimamente Did you go by yourself ? - ¿Fuiste solo? He looked at himself in the mirror - Se miró en el espejo himself (jimsélf) He himself prepared everything - Él mismo preparó todo se, él mismo He learns English by himself - Él aprende inglés solo She burned herself cooking - Ella se quemó cocinando herself (jersélf) She sees herself as a good mother - Ella se ve como una buena se, ella misma madre She can not do that by herself - Ella no puede hacer eso sola That computer can repair itself - Esa compu se puede reparar sola itself (itsélf) The dog was washing itself - El perro se estaba lavando se The bird threw itself into the water - El pájaro se arrojó al agua We put ourselves in great risk - Nos pusimos en gran riesgo ourselves (oursélvs) Can we do that ourselves ? ¿Podemos hacer eso nosotros mismos? nos, nosotros mismos We ourselves repaired the car - Nosotros mismos reparamos el auto You will hurt yourselves with that - Ustedes se lastimarán con eso yourselves (iorsélvs) You have to wash yourselves now - Ustedes tienen que lavarse se, ustedes mismos ahora You must do that by yourselves - Uds. deben hacer eso solos The boys bought themselves a dog - Los chicos se compraron un themselves (demsélvs) perro se, ellos mismos They decided that by themselves - Ellos solos decidieron eso They will take care of if themselves - Ellos mismos lo van a cuidar Pronombres Reflex. Ejemplos my (mái) I am calling my girlfriend - Estoy llamando a mi novia mi, mis My brothers are working - Mis hermanos están trabajando your (iór) Your problems are not so bad - Tus problemas no son tan malos tu, tus, su, sus What is your name ? - ¿Cuál es tu nombre? his (jis) He is washing his car - Él esta lavando su auto su, sus He wants to sell his house - Él quiere vender su casa. her (jer) She went to her English class - Ella fue a su clase de inglés su, sus Her teachers are very strict - Sus profesores son muy estrictos its (its) The house has a hole in its roof - La casa tiene un hueco en su techo su, sus Its size is big - Su tamaño es grande We are painting our furniture - Estamos pintando nuestros our (áur) muebles nuestro/a, nuestros/as Argentina is our country - Argentina es nuestro país your (iór) You will finish your work soon - Ustedes terminarán su trabajo su, sus, vuestro, pronto vuestros Will you bring your instruments ? - ¿Traerán sus instrumentos? their (dér) They are educating their son - Ellos están educando a su hijo su, sus They love their children- Ellos aman a sus hijos Pronombres Reflex. Ejemplos mine (máin) Your family is with mine - Tu familia está con la mía (el/la/lo/los/las) mío/a His grades are better than mine - Sus notas son mejores que las míos/as mías yours (iórs) My dog is here. Yours is there- Mi perro está aquí. El tuyo está allí (el/la/lo/los/las) tuyo/a That problem is yours - Ese problema es tuyo tuyos/as his (jis) I drive my car and he drives his - Yo manejo mi auto y él el suyo (el/la/lo/los/las) suyo/a Those books are his - Esos libros son suyos (de él) suyos/as My shoes are black. Hers are brown - Mis zapatos son negros. Los hers (jers) de ella son marrones (el/la/lo/los/las) suyo/a My car is faster than hers - Mi auto es más rápido que el suyo (de suyos/as ella) Their city is old. Ours is new - Su ciudad es vieja. La nuestra es ours (áurs) nueva. (el/la/lo/los/las) Their country is bigger than ours - Su país es más grande que el nuestro/a, nuestros/as nuestro yours (iórs) Our language is nice. Yours is practical - Nuestro idioma es lindo. (el/la/lo/los/las) El de Uds. es práctico vuestro/a vuestros/as Our house is next to yours - Nuestra casa está al lado de la de Uds. Our city is as nice as theirs - Nuestra ciudad es tan linda como la theirs (dérs) de ellos (el/la/lo/los/las) suyo/a My appartment is near. Theirs is far. - Mi departamento está suyos/as cerca. El de ellos está lejos

WH - QUESTIONS What ? - ¿Qué? ¿Cuál? ¿Cuáles? How often ? - ¿Con qué frecuencia? What else? - ¿Qué más? How long ? - ¿Cuánto tiempo? ¿Qué longitud? Which ? - ¿Qué? ¿Cuál? ¿Cuáles? How long ago? - ¿Hace cuánto tiempo? How ? - ¿Cómo? ¿Cuán? How old ? - ¿Qué edad? ¿Cuán viejo? How else ? - ¿De qué otra manera? How soon ? - ¿Cuán pronto? When ? - ¿Cuándo? How big ? - ¿Qué tamaño? ¿Cuán grande? Where ? - ¿Dónde? ¿Adónde? How far ? - ¿A qué distancia? ¿Cuán lejos? Where else ? - ¿Dónde más? How tall ? - ¿Qué estatura? ¿Cuán alto? Why ? - ¿Por qué? ¿Para qué? How deep ? - ¿Qué profundidad? Who ? - ¿Quién? ¿Quienes? How early ? - ¿Cuán temprano? Who else? - ¿Quién más? How late ? - ¿Cuán tarde? Whom ? - ¿A quién? ¿A quiénes? How heavy ? - ¿Qué peso? ¿Cuán pesado? Whose ? - ¿De quién? ¿De quiénes? How thick ? - ¿Qué espesor? ¿Cuán grueso? How much ? - ¿Cuánto/a? What time ? - ¿Qué hora? ¿A qué hora? Terminaciones Verbos terminados en... Ver Sustantivos Ver Adjetivos ate ize ish ore oy est ess ute ose ede eve ect ase ive ist en fer fy ine rm ort pt it ude end ent ain are ade ume ult ly ict ire use Verbo Sustantivo abominate - (abóminéit) abomination accelerate - (akséleréit) acceleration accomodate - (acómodéit) alojar accomodation accumulate - (akiúmuléit) accumulation activate - (áktivéit) activity adulterate - (adólteréit) adulteration advocate - (ádvokéit) - abogar por advocacy aggravate - (ágravéit) aggravation agitate - (áyitéit) agitation alienate - (éilienéit) alienation allocate - (álokéit) asignar allocation alternate - (ólternéit) alternation amalgamate - (amálgaméit) amalgamation amputate - (ámpiutéit) amputation animate - (ániméit) animation annihilate - (anáieléit) annihilation anticipate - (antícipéit) anticipation appreciate - (aprísiéit) appreciation appropriate - (aprópriéit) appropriation articulate - (artíkiuléit) articulation assassinate - (asésinéit) assassination associate - (asóusiéit) association calculate - (cálkiuléit) calculation celebrate - (célebréit) celebration circulate - (sérkiuléit) circulation commemorate - (comémoréit) commemoration communicate - (comiúnikéit) communication compensate - (cómpenséit) compensation complicate - (cómplikéit) complication concentrate - (cóncentréit) concentration conciliate - (consíliéit) conciliation confiscate - (cónfiskéit) confiscation conglomerate - (conglómeréit) conglomeration congratulate - (congrátiuléit) congratulations congregate - (cóngreguéit) congregation consolidate - (consólidéit) consolidation contaminate - (contáminéit) contamination contemplate - (cóntempléit) contemplation cooperate - (coóperéit) cooperation coordinate - (coórdinéit) coordination correlate - (córreléit) coorelation corroborate - (corróboréit) corroboration create - (criéit) creation culminate - (cólminéit) culmination cultivate - (cóltivéit) cultivation debate - (dibéit) debate decorate - (décoréit) decoration dedicate - (dédicate) dedication deflate - (dífléit) - desinflar deflation degenerate - (deyéneréit) degeneration delegate - (déleguéit) delegation deliberate - (delíberéit) deliberation demonstrate - (démonstréit) demonstration denigrate - (dénigréit) denigration designate - (désignéit) designation deteriorate - (detírioréit) deterioration detonate - (détonéit) detonation devastate - (dévastéit) devastation deviate - (díviéit) - desviarse deviation dictate - (díctéit) dictation differentiate - (diferénshiéit) differentiation discriminate - (discríminéit) discrimination dislocate - (dísloukéit) dislocation disseminate - (diséminéit) dissemination dissipate - (dísipéit) dissipation dissociate - (disóushiéit) dissociation domesticate - (doméstikéit) domestication dominate - (dóminéit) domination donate - (dóunéit) donation duplicate - (dúplikéit) duplication educate - (édchukéit) education elaborate - (eláboréit) elaboration elevate - (élevéit) elevation eliminate - (elíminéit) elimination elongate - (élonguéit) elongation elucidate - (elúcidéit) elucidation emanate - (émanéit) emanation emancipate - (imáncipéit) emancipation emigrate - (émigréit) emigration enunciate - (inónciéit) enunciation equate - (íkuéit) - equiparar equation eradicate - (errádikéit) erradication escalate - (éscaléit) - intensificarse escalation estimate - (éstiméit) estimation evacuate - (ivákiuéit) evacuation evaluate - (eváliuéit) evaluation evaporate - () evaporation exaggerate - () exaggeration exasperate - () exasperation excavate - () excavation execrate - () execration exonerate - () exoneration exterminate - () extermination extortionate - () extortion facilitate - () facilitation fascinate - () fascination fluctuate - () fluctuation formulate - () formulation frustate - () frustration germinate - () germination gesticulate - () gesticulation graduate - () graduation hesitate - () hesitation humiliate - () humiliation illustrate - () illustration imitate - () imitation impersonate - () impersonation implicate - () implication incarnate - () incarnation incinerate - () incineration incorporate - () incorporation incriminate - () incrimination indicate - () indication infiltrate - () infiltration inflate - () inflation initiate - () initiation insinuate - () insinuation instigate - () instigation insulate - () insulation integrate - () integration intimidate - () intimidation intoxicate - () intoxication invalidate - () invalidation investigate - () investigation irrigate - () irrigation isolate - () isolation lacerate laceration legislate legislation liberate liberation liquidate liquidation litigate litigation locate location lubricate lubrication mitigate mitigation moderate moderation motivate motivation mutilate mutilation narrate narration navigate navigation negotiate negotiation nominate nomination obliterate obliteration originate origination oscillate oscillation overestimate overestimation penetrate penetration perforate perforation perpetrate perpetration perpetuate perpetuity placate placation postulate postulation precipitate precipitation predominate predominance procrastinate procrastination radiate radiation refrigerate refrigeration rehabilitate rehabilitation regenerate regeneration regulate regulation relate relation repudiate repudiation retaliate retaliation resuscitate resuscitation reverberate reverberation rotate rotation saturate saturation segregate degregation separate separation speculate speculation stimulate stimulation stipulate stipulation suffocate suffocation tabulate tabulation tolerate toleration translate translation underestimate underestimation urinate urination vegetate vegetation venerate veneration ventilate ventilation vibrate vibration vindicate vindication Situaciones

Common Expressions Expresiones comunes At the Airport En el aeropuerto At the Hotel En el Hotel At the Restaurant En el Restaurante Traveling by Bus (Train) Viajando en Tren Public Transportation Transporte Público Shopping De compras At the Post Office En el correo Speaking on the telephone Hablando por teléfono At the Doctor´s En el consultorio del doctor At the Drugstore En la farmacia At the Bank En el banco Movies - Theater - Concerts Cine y Teatro To Do / To Make

Los verbos to do y to make significan "hacer" pero se utilizan en forma diferente. Aquí hay algunos ejemplos:

Mrs. Jones is a housewife La señora Jones es una ama de casa

She has to do the housework She has to make the beds Ella tiene que hacer el trabajo de la casa Ella tiene que hacer las camas She has to do the cooking She has to make breakfast Ella tiene que cocinar Ella tiene que hacer el desayuno She has to do the washing up She has to make lunch Ella tiene que fregar los platos Ella tiene que hacer el almuerzo She has to do the washing/the laundry She has to make dinner Ella tiene que lavar la ropa sucia Ella tiene que hacer la cena She has to do the shopping She has to make coffee/tea Ella tiene que hacer las compras Ella tiene que hacer café/té She has to do the ironing She has to make a cake Ella tiene que planchar la ropa Ella tiene que hacer un torta She has to make sure that the house is in order She has to do the dusting Ella tiene que asegurarse que la casa esté en Ella tiene que quitar el polvo a las cosas orden

Mr. Jones is a businessman El señor Jones es un empresario

He is doing business with important companies He would like to make a long trip/journey Él está haciendo negocios con firmas Le gustaría hacer un largo viaje importantes He is doing well in his job His employees make fun of him Va bien en su trabajo Sus empleados se burlan de él He does his best to improve his company He has to make a speech for a meeting Hace lo mejor que puede para mejorar su Tiene que hacer un discurso para una reunión empresa He has to make decisions every day

Tiene que tomar desiciones todos los días He is making a lot of money His secretary makes appointments for him Está haciendo un montón de dinero Su secretaria arregla citas para él She also makes telephone calls and He is making a fortune reservations Está haciendo una fortuna También hace llamadas telefónicas y reservas He doesn't like to make mistakes He says that his employees make trouble No le gusta equivocarse Él dice que sus empleados causan problemas Sometimes he makes a fuss when something He also says that women make a lot of noise goes wrong También dice que las mujeres hacen mucho Algunas veces arma un lío cuando algo sale ruido mal He rarely makes jokes He often makes a fool of himself Casi nunca hace chistes A menudo se pone en ridículo He makes use of his authority to threaten He doesn't have much time to make friends people No tiene mucho tiempo para hacer amigos Utiliza su autoridad para amenazar a las personas He is making an effort to increase sales Some of his decisions don't make sense Está haciendo un esfuerzo para aumentar las Algunas de sus decisiones no tienen sentido ventas

Otros Ejemplos John is doing badly at school (he is not doing well) - John no va bien en la escuela He doesn't like to do his homework - No le gusta hacer su tarea The hurricane did a lot of damage in the area - El huracán causó mucho daño en la zona The policeman was doing his duty when he arrested the thief - El policía estaba cumpliendo con su deber cuando arrestó al ladrón Mary did her hair and her face and left for the party - Mary se peinó, se maquilló y salió para la fiesta "Can you do me a favor ?"- ¿Me podés hacer un favor? "I want to make a complaint about the service in this hotel" - Quiero presentar una queja sobre el servicio en este hotel The man and the woman were making love in the back seat of their car - El hombre y la mujer estaban haciendo el amor en el asiento trasero de su auto Johnny made a mess in his room - Johnny hizo un desorden en su cuarto Bill made his way to the university - Bill se dirigió a la universidad Jane made an excuse and left - Jane se disculpó y se marchó "What are you doing here?" - ¿Qué estás haciendo aquí? Let's

El Let's (let us) se usa para hacer una sugerencia en la cuál uno mismo se incluye

Let's Let's not Let's work - Trabajemos Let's not hurry - No nos apuremos Let's make a party - Hagamos una fiesta Let's not do that - No hagamos eso Let's buy some beers - Compremos algunas Let's not waste time - No desperdiciemos tiempo cervezas Let's play basketball - Juguemos al básketbol Let's not wait any more - No esperemos más Let's go to the movies - Vayamos al cine Let's not go so fast - No vayamos tan rápido Let's eat some ice creams - Comamos Let's not drink so much - No tomemos tanto algunos helados Let's take a walk - Tomemos un paseo Let's not talk about that - No hablemos de eso Let's consider this problem - Consideremos Let's not bother them - No los molestemos este problema Let's see what we can do - Veamos que Let's not interrupt - No interrumpamos podemos hacer Let's try to do it - Tratemos de hacerlo Let's not say anything - No digamos nada Let's start with this - Comencemos con esto Let's not argue again - No discutamos de nuevo Let's not be upset about it - No estemos molestos Let's finish that - Terminemos eso por ello Adverbios Se clasifican en adverbios de: TIEMPO LUGAR FRECUENCIA MODO GRADO ASERCIÓN RACIOCINIO After - después Never - nunca Afterwards - después Newly - recién Again - otra vez Next - luego Already - ya No longer - ya no Always - siempre Now - ahora As soon as - tan pronto como Now and then - de vez en cuando At last - al fin Often - a menudo Before - antes Presently - luego Early - temprano Seldom - rara vez Ever - siempre, alguna vez Shortly - en breve Finally - finalmente Since then - desde entonces First - primeramente Sometimes - algunas veces Formerly - anteriormente Soon - pronto Hereafter - después Then - entonces Last - por último Till now - hasta ahora Lastly - finalmente Today - hoy Late - tarde Tomorrow - mañana Lately - últimamente Until now - hasta ahora Latterly - últimamente When - cuando Long - mucho tiempo Yesterday - ayer Meanwhile - entretanto Yet - todavía En forma afirmativa En forma negativa Come here - Ven aquí Don't cross the street ! - ¡No cruces la calle! Go there - Andá allí Don't say that ! - ¡No digas eso! Open the door - Abrí la puerta Don't be so mean ! - ¡No seas tan malo! Leave me alone - Dejáme solo Don't fight ! - ¡No pelées! Turn on the TV - Encendé el televisor Don't drink so much ! - ¡No tomes tanto! Don't invite so many people ! - ¡No invites Turn off the radio - Apagá la radio tantas personas! Be careful - Sé cuidadoso Don't make noise ! - ¡No hagas ruido! Let me see that - Dejáme ver eso Don't interrupt ! - ¡No interrumpas! Don't drive so fast ! -¡No conduzcas tan Call me up - Llamáme por teléfono rápido! Finish that report - Terminá ese informe Don't be late ! - ¡No llegues tarde! Don't come so early ! - ¡No vengas tan Sit down - Sentáte temprano! Don't buy so many things ! - ¡No compres Stand up - Levantáte tantas cosas! Agreement

También (too) (so) --- Tampoco (either) (neither)

Affirmative (too) (so) Negative (either) (neither) I am hungry, and so are you. I am not tired, and neither are my friends. I am hungry, and you are too. I am not tired, and my friends are not either. My sister is not here, and neither are my parents. My wife is a lawyer, and so am I. My sister is not here, and my parents are not My wife is a lawyer, and I am too. either. She was here yesterday, and so was he. They were not working, and neither was she. She was here yesterday, and he was too. They were not working, and she was not either. They were working, and so was I. She was not from Brazil, and neither are they. They were working, and I was too. She was not from Brazil, and they are not either. I can swim, and so can my brother. I can't play chess, and neither can you. I can swim, and my brother can too. I can't play chess, and you can't either. I could finish on time, and so could my colleagues. She couldn't see the film, and neither could I. I could finish on time, and my colleagues She couldn't see the film, and I couldn't either. could too. He might not stay longer, and neither might we. They might go fishing, and so might we. He might not stay longer, and we might not They might go fishing, and we might too. either. We must work hard, and so must he. We must not be late, and neither must you. We must work hard, and he must too. We must not be late, and you must not either. I shouldn't drink so much, and neither should I should study more, and so should you. you. I should study more, and you should too. I shouldn't drink so much, and you shouldn't either. They will go to the movies, and so will I. They won't attend the concert, and neither will I. They will go to the movies, and I will too. They won't attend the concert, and I won't either. We wouldn't work on Sundays, and neither I would earn more, and so would my partner. would she. I would earn more, and my partner would We wouldn't work on Sundays, and she wouldn't too. either. Mary is not going to come, and neither are her Bill is going to rest, and so are his friends. children. Bill is going to rest, and his friends are too. Mary is not going to come, and her children aren't either. Jane studies German, and so do I. Susan doesn't know you, and neither do I. Jane studies German, and I do too. Susan doesn't know you, and I don't either. I don't like novels, and neither does my I like to go fishing, and so does my brother. girlfriend. I like to go fishing, and my brother does too. I don't like novels, and my girlfriend doesn't either. John cleaned the house, and so did his wife. Bill didn't come, and neither did his brother. John cleaned the house, and his wife did too. Bill didn't come, and his brother didn't either. Jack didn't bring anything, and neither did his Jack worked hard, and so did his colleagues. sister. Jack worked hard, and his colleagues did too. Jack didn't bring anything, and his sister didn't either. He has lived in this city for years, and so She has not seen that film yet, and neither has her have we. boyfriend. He has lived in this city for years, and we She has not seen that film yet, and her boyfriend have too. hasn't either. They have gone on vacation, and so has their Billy has not finished his work yet, and neither son. have his companions. They have gone on vacation, and their son Billy has not finished his work yet, and his has too. companions haven't either. I had heard a strange noise, and so had my friend. He hadn't been there, and neither had his family. I had heard a strange noise, and my friend He hadn't been there, and his family hadn't either. had too. They have time, and so do I. They don't have money, and neither do we. They have time, and I do too. They don't have money, and we don't either. There Be (impersonal)

ver + - ?

Conjugaciones Significado Ejemplos THERE IS (singular) HAY There is a house THERE ARE (plural) HAY There are two houses THERE WAS (s) HUBO, HABÍA There was a party last night THERE WERE (p) HUBO, HABÍA There were many people THERE HAS BEEN (s) HA HABIDO There has been a hurricane THERE HAVE BEEN (p) HA HABIDO There have been two hurricanes THERE HAD BEEN HABÍA HABIDO There had been many problems THERE WILL BE HABRÁ There will be a party tonight There is going to be a THERE IS GOING TO BE (s) VA A HABER celebration THERE ARE GOING TO BE There are going to be many VA A HABER (p) guests THERE WAS GOING TO BE There was going to be a party IBA A HABER (s) yesterday THERE WERE GOING TO There were going to be many IBA A HABER BE (p) guests There will have been much THERE WILL HAVE BEEN HABRÁ HABIDO money THERE WOULD BE HABRÍA There would be an orchestra THERE WOULD HAVE There would have been many HABRÍA HABIDO BEEN musicians THERE CAN BE PUEDE HABER There can be a fire PODRÍA/ PUDO There could be many injured THERE COULD BE HABER people THERE MAY BE PUEDE HABER There may be a storm THERE MIGHT BE PODRÍA HABER There might be blackouts THERE SHOULD BE DEBERÍA HABER There should be a warning THERE MUST BE DEBE HABER There must be a way out THERE HAS TO BE (s) TIENE QUE HABER There has to be a solution There have to be several THERE HAVE TO BE (p) TIENE QUE HABER solutions TUVO/ TENÍA QUE THERE HAD TO BE There had to be a cause HABER PODRÍA/PUDO THERE COULD HAVE BEEN There could have been a mistake HABER HABIDO PODRÍA HABER There might have been an THERE MIGHT HAVE BEEN HABIDO explosion THERE SHOULD HAVE DEBERÍA HABER There should have been BEEN HABIDO warnings DEBE HABER THERE MUST HAVE BEEN There must have been an error HABIDO THERE HAS TO HAVE BEEN TIENE QUE HABER There has to have been a reason (s) HABIDO THERE HAVE TO HAVE TIENE QUE HABER There have to have been many BEEN (p) HABIDO reasons THERE HAD TO HAVE TUVO/TENÍA QUE There had to have been a BEEN HABER HABIDO purpose

What happens ? ------¿ Qué pasa

Affirmative------V1 V2 V3 Subject + V1 I go to the office - Voy go went gone a la oficina You come from Brazil come came come - Tu vienes de Brasil She buys everything - buy bought bought Ella compra todo They live in Chicago - live lived lived Ellos viven en Chicago We work here - Nosotros trabajamos work worked worked aquí Negative------Subject + don't/doesn't + V1 I don't sell anything - sell sold sold No vendo nada You don't do that work - Tú no haces do did done ese trabajo He doesn't give the orders - Él no da las give gave given órdenes She doesn't visit anybody - Ella no visit visited visited visita a nadie They don't travel anywhere- Ellos no travel traveled traveled viajan a ninguna parte Interrogative----- Do/does + subject + V1 ? Do I bring the beer ? bring brought brought - ¿ Traigo la cerveza ? Do you take the books ? - ¿ Llevás los take took taken libros ? What does he say ? - say said said ¿ Qué dice él ? Does she accept presents ? ¿ Acepta accept accepted accepted ella regalos ? Do they believe in God ? ¿ Creen ellos en believe believed believed Dios ?

Simple Present: To go

Affirmative Negative Interrogative I go I don't go Do I go ? You go You don't go Do you go ? He goes He doesn't go Does he go ? She goes She doesn't go Does she go ? It goes It doesn't go Does it go ? We go We don't go Do we go ? You go You don't go Do you go ? They go They don't go Do they go ? Algunos Verbos Para Reportar tell (tél) decir, contar say (séi) decir ask (ásk) preguntar, pedir

admit (admít) admitir

"OK, OK. Yeah. I broke that window"

He admitted that he had broken the window

agree (agríi) estar de acuerdo

"Yeah, of course. I will give you the money"

He agreed to loan me some money

answer (ánser) responder

"Oh, not now. I am too busy at this moment"

She answered that she was too busy at that moment

invite (inváit) invitar

"Hey guys!. Don't you want to go to the beach with me?"

He invited us to go to beach with him

complain (compléin) quejarse "Oh, no. I have this terrible toothache again!"

He complained of a toothache

offer (ófer) ofrecer

"I could help you with that math problem if you want"

She offered to help me with the math problem

suggest (soyést) sugerir

"It's a nice day. We could go to the country and have a picnic"

Bill suggested that we have a picnic

demand (dimánd) exigir

"I want to see the manager of this company inmediately!"

The man demanded to see the manager of the company

request (rikuést) solicitar

"Excuse me, Madam. Could I use your telephone for a minute?"

He requested permission to use the woman's telephone

remind (rimáind) hacer acordar

"Hey Bill. Don't forget to mail this letter today!"

Jack reminded Bill that he had to mail a letter that day

describe (discráib) describir

"The house is white. It has three bedrooms and a beautiful garden"

He described his house

confess (confés) confesar

"I must tell you something Jane... I love you with all my heart"

He confessed that he loved her

blame (bléim) culpar

"It was your fault that I couldn't arrive on time" The girl blamed the boy for her arriving late

propose (propóus) proponer

"Sir, I think we should have a meeting this afternoon"

He proposed to have a meeting for that afternoon

refuse (rifiús) rehusarse

"I won't do this job any longer"

He refused to continue working

congratulate (congrátchiuléit) felicitar

"Congratulations Jack. Your performance was excellent!"

He congratulated Jack on giving a good performance at the theater

greet (gríit) saludar

"Hi everybody"

Bill greeted everybody as he entered the room

introduce (introdiús) presentar

"This is my mother. Her name is Nancy"

He introduced me to his mother

warn (uórn) advertir

"Don't drink so much or you'll get drunk"

Bill warned Jack not to drink too much

insist (insíst) insistir

"You must take me there!. Come on. I really want to go there!"

She insisted that she wanted to go

insult (insólt) insultar

"You... damned fat cow!. You ate all my cookies!"

She insulted her friend calling her a 'fat cow' apologize (apóloyáis) pedir disculpas

"I am very sorry for having insulted you in that way"

She apologized to her friend for having insulted her

thank (záenk) agradecer

"Thank you so much for your help, Mary"

Jack thanked Mary for her help

protest (protést) protestar

"Come on. It was not my fault. You are accusing the wrong person!"

The girl protested against the unfair accusation

threaten (zréten) amenazar

"If you don't give me the money, I will kill you"

The robber threatened to kill the man

advise (adváis) aconsejar

"If you don't want to have problems with your health, you should stop smoking"

His doctor advised him to stop smoking

inquire (inkuáir) preguntar

"Could you tell me where the main library is?"

She inquired the way to get to the library

praise (préis) elogiar

"I really think that the work you are doing is excellent"

Bill's boss praised him for the work he was doing

deny (dinái) negar

"I don't know what you think, but I didn't break that window"

Billy denied that he had broken the window

assure (ashúur) asegurar "Don't worry. I will finish my work on time"

He assured me that he would finish his work on time

persuade (persuéid) persuadir

"Come on. You'll have a great time a the party. Let's go!"

Jack persuaded Bill to go to the party

convince (convíns) convencer

"Instead of going to France we should go to Brazil on vacation. It's cheaper, nearer and warmer"

She convinced her husband to go to Brazil instead of France

beg (beg) rogar, suplicar

"Oh please, Mom, please, let me go. I promise I'll be back before midnight!"

She begged her mother to let her go the party

dissuade (disuéid) disuadir

"I don't think it is a good idea to fly now. The conditions are dangerous"

The man dissuaded him from flying under those weather conditions

confide (confáid) confiar

"I am terribly afraid of storms"

He confided his fear about storms to his companion

recommend (rékoménd) recomendar

"I think you should take these shoes. They are very nice and have a good quality"

The salesgirl recommended that I buy those shoes

scold (skóuld) regañar

"Look what you have done!. You broke the vase!. You must be more careful with things in the house"

Jack's mother scolded him for breaking the vase order (órder) ordenar


The sergeant ordered the soldiers to fire at the enemy

accuse (akiús) acusar

"I saw you when you stole my money!"

The man accused his colleague of stealing his money

explain (expléin) explicar

"I couldn't call you because there was no phone nearby"

He explained why he couldn't call me

mention (ménshon) mencionar

"By the way, I am a bit tired after this trip"

Bill mentioned that he was tired after the trip

compliment (cómplemént) felicitar, piropear, hacer un cumplido

"Jane.What elegant you are tonight !"

The man complimented Jane on being so elegant that night

encourage (enkáridch) alentar

"Come on. Don't quit now!. You are about to win the game"

Bill's father encouraged him to continue with the game

discourage (diskáridch) desalentar

"It is cold and it is raining. I think you shouldn't go out tonight"

Mary's mother discouraged her from going out that night

console (consóul) consolar

"Don't feel so bad. It is not so terrible to fail an exam. You'll pass it next time!"

Bill's companion tried to console him for having failed at the exam

Tiempos Verbales

Direct Speech Reported Speech Simple Present Simple Past

"I work in Argentina" He said that he worked in Argentina

"I am a teacher" He said that he was a teacher

Simple Past Simple Past Perfect

"We saw a good film on TV" They said that they had seen a good film on TV

"I was tired" He said that he had been tired

Simple Perfect Simple Past Perfect

They said that they had gone to that place "We have gone to that place before" before

"I have been here many times" She said that she had been there many times

Simple Future Simple Conditional

"I will visit my mother" He said that he would visit his mother

"She will be happy to see me" He said that she would be happy to see him

Simple Future perfect Simple Conditional Perfect

"I will have arrived there by 5 pm" He said he would have arrived here by 5 pm

He said that he would have sent all the "I will have sent all the products by tomorrow" products by tomorrow

Present Continuous Past Continuous

"I am doing my job" He said that he was doing his job

"We are living in New York" They said that they were living in New York

Past Continuous Past Perfect Continuous

"I was dancing with Mary" He said that he had been dancing with Mary

"We were talking" They said that they had been talking

Perfect Continuous Past Perfect Continuous

He said that he had been doing that for two "I have been doing this for two years" years They said that they had been trying to phone "We have been trying to phone him" him

Future Continuous Conditional Continuous

"I will be flying to Chicago" He said that he would be flying to Chicago

He said that he would be staying at a good "I will be staying at a good hotel" hotel"

Future Perfect Continuous Conditional Perfect Continuous

He said that he would have been selling books "I will have been selling books for two years" for two years

He said that he would have been having a good "I will have been having a good life" life

Verbos Modales

Direct Speech Reported Speech

can could

"I can stay here until Sunday" He said he could stay there until Sunday

"I can do this alone" He said that he could do that alone

may might

"I may go fishing next weekend" He said he might go fishing next weekend

"We may travel to Europe" They said that they might travel to Europe

will would

"I will stay here" He said that he would stay there

"I will not go away" He said that he wouldn't go away

must had to

"I must work everyday" He said he had to work everyday

"I must not arrive late" He said he didn't have to arrive late

Tiempo y Lugar

Direct Speech Reported Speech now then, at that moment today that day tonight that night last night the previous night, the night before this morning that morning tomorrow the next day, the following day yesterday the previous day, the day before this week that week next week the following week, the week after last year the previous year, the year before next year the following year, the year after here there

Conditional Sentences Type IF clause Main Clause Type I Present will/ can/ may /must + V1 Type II Past would/ could/ might + V1 Type III Past Perfect would/ could/ might + have V3 Habitual Present Present Imperativo Present Imperative Sentence Translation If he is busy now, I will come back Si está ocupado ahora, regresaré mañana tomorrow If I have time, I'll visit my parents this Si tengo tiempo, visitaré a mis padres esta tarde afternoon If it is warm tomorrow, we'll go to the Si está caluroso mañana, iremos a la playa beach If it is cold, you must wear warm clothes Si está frío, debes usar ropa abrigada If he doesn't do his homework, he can not Si él no hace su tarea, no puede ir a la fiesta go to the party If she doesn't call you, you can call her Si ella no te llama, tu puedes llamarla If you work hard, you may become a Si trabajas duro, puede que te conviertas en un millonaire someday millonario algún día If you spend more than you earn, you'll Si gastas más de lo que ganas, te convertirás en become a poor man un hombre pobre If they don't invite you, you must not go Si ellos no te invitan, no debes ir If we don't hurry, we'll miss our bus Si no nos apuramos, perderemos nuestro autobus If you pay now, you'll get a discount Si pagas ahora, obtendrás un descuento If they don't want to go out, they can stay Si no quieren salir, se pueden quedar en casa home If you drink too much, you'll get drunk Si bebes demasiado, te emborracharás If you feel sick, you must stay in bed Si te sientes enfermo, debes quedarte en cama If they don't come here, we'll have to go Si ellos no vienen aquí, tendremos que ir allí there Voz Pasiva Tiempos Simples Tiempos Progresivos Present Past Perfect Present Continuous Past Future Past Continuous Present Perfect Modals Future Continuous Fórmula : Subject + (am/are/is) + V3 Sentence Translation The products are inspected Se inspeccionan los productos Workers are replaced by robots Se reemplazan los obreros por robots Thieves are arrested Se arresta a los ladornes That car is washed very week Se lava ese auto todas las semanas He is asked to be quiet Se le pide que esté callado He is told not to make noise Se le dice que no haga ruido A solution is found Se encuentra una solución Those houses are painted every year Se pintan esas casas todos los años I am given a good advice Se me dá un buen consejo The student is ordered to leave the room Se le ordena al estudiante que salga del aula The kid is told not to cross the street Se le dice al niño que no cruce la calle I am asked to give a speech Se me pide que dé un discurso A million copies are sold every year Se venden un millón de copias todos los años The suspect is investigated Se investiga al sospechoso Bill is asked to pay what he owes Se le pide a Bill que pague lo que debe The murderer is sentenced to death Se sentencia a muerte al asesino Rules are changed Se cambian las reglas A skyscraper is built Se construye un rascacielos Pronunciación

all (óol) todos - ball (bóol) pelota - call (cóol) llamada - fall (fóol) caída - hall (jóol) sala - mall (móol) centro comercial - tall (tóol) alto - wall (uóol) pared - small (smóol) pequeño - stall (stóol) puesto de mercado - recall (ricóol) recordar - squall (skuóol) ráfaga - pitfall (pítfool) riesgo

jaw (yóo) mandíbula - law (lóo) ley - paw (póo) pata - raw (róo) crudo - saw (sóo) sierra - claw (clóo) garra - draw (dróo) empate - flaw (flóo) defecto - gnaw (nóo) roer - thaw (zóo) deshielo - straw (stróo) pajita - bawl (bóol) chillar - dawn (dóon) amanecer - hawk (jóok) halcón - lawn (lóon) césped - pawn (póon) empeñar - yawn (ióon) bostezo - brawl (bróol) pelea - brawn (bróon) fuerza muscular - crawl (cróol) gatear - drawl (dróol) habla lenta y aburrida - shawl (shóol) chal

clause (clóos) cláusula, oración - cause (cóos) cause - gauze (góos) gasa - sauce (sóos) salsa - pause (póos) pausa, interrupción - fauna (fóona) fauna - sauna (sóona) sauna - launch (lóonch) lanzar, lanzamiento - paunch (póonch) panza, barriga - haunch (jóonch) cadera, anca - fraud (fróod) fraude - daub (dóob) embardunar - fault (fóolt) culpa, defecto - vault (vóolt) bóveda, cripta - haul (jóol) tirar, transportar - flaunt (flóont) ostentar, lucir - haunt (jóont) guarida - gaunt (góont) demacrado, flaco - jaunt (yóont) excursión

dine (dáin) cenar - fine (fáin) bien, lindo, multa - line (láin) línea, cola - mine (máin) mina - nine (náin) nueve - pine (páin) pino - wine (uáin) vino - brine (bráin) salmuera - shine (sháin) brillo, lustre - hide (jáid) esconder - ride (ráid) paseo - side (sáid) lado - tide (táid) marea - wide (wuáid) ancho - bride (bráid) novia - guide (gáid) guía - pride (práid) orgullo - knife (náif) cuchillo - life (láif) vida - wife (wáif) esposa - bike (báik) bici - dike (dáik) dique - hike (jáik) caminata - like (láik) gustar - mike (máik) micró(fono - pike (páik) pica - bile (báil) bilis - file (fáil) archivo, lima - mile (máil) milla - pile (páil) montón - tile (táil) azulejo - vile (váil) vil - dice (dáis) dados - lice (láis) piojos - mice (máis) ratones - nice (náis) agradable, amable - rice (ráis) arroz - vice (váis) vicio - price (práis) precio - slice (sláis) tajada, rebanada, rodaja - spice (spáis) especia - dime (dáim) moneda de diez centavos - lime (láim) lima - time (táim) tiempo, vez, época - chime (cháim) campanada - crime (cráim) delito - prime (práim) primero, principal - pipe (páip) tubo, caño, pipa - ripe (ráip) maduro - wipe (wuáip) limpiar - stripe (stráip) raya - dire (dáir) horrible - fire (fáir) fuego, incendio - hire (jáir) contratar - mire (máir) fango, lodo - tire (táir) cansarse - wire (wáir) alambre, cable - bite (báit) morder - kite (káit) cometa - rite (ráit) rito - site (sáit) sitio - trite (tráit) trivial - write (ráit) escribir - dive (dáiv) sumergirse, bucear - five (fáiv) cinco - hive (jáiv) colmena - alive (aláiv) vivo - drive (dráiv) conducir

face (féis) cara - lace (léis) encaje, cordón - mace (méis) maza - pace (péis) paso, ritmo - race (réis) carrera, raza - grace (gréis) gracia - place (pléis) lugar - space (spéis) espacio - trace (tréis) rastro - fade (féid) desteñirse - grade (gréid) grado, curso - shade (shéid) sombra - spade (spéid) pala - trade (tréid) comercio,oficio - safe (séif) seguro, caja fuerte - chafe (chéif) rozar, irritar - cage (kéidch) jaula - page (péidch) página - rage (réidch) rabia, furia - sage (séidch) salvia - wage (wéidch) salario - stage (stéidch) etapa, escena - bake (béik) hornear - cake (kéik) torta - fake (féik) falso - hake (jéik) merluza - lake (léik) lago - make (méik) hacer - rake (réik) rastrillo - take (téik) tomar, llevar - wake (wéik) despertar - brake (bréik) freno - flake (fléik) copo, escama - quake (kuéik) terremoto - shake (shéik) sacudir - snake (snéik) serpiente - stake (stéik) estaca, apuesta - dale (déil) valle - gale (guéil) vendaval - male (méil) masculino, varón - female (fiméil) femenino, hembra - pale (péil) pálido - sale (séil) venta - tale (téil) cuento - scale (skéil) escala, escama - stale (stéil) rancio, pasado - whale (uéil) ballena - fame (féim) fama - game (guéim) juego - lame (léim) rengo - name (néim) nombre - same (séim) mismo - tame (téim) manso - flame (fléim) llama - frame (fréim) marco - shame (shéim) verguenza, lástima - cane (kéin) caña - lane (léin) callejón, carril - mane (méin) crin, melena - pane (péin) cristal - wane (wéin) menguar - crane (kréin) grúa - inane (inéin) necio - plane (pléin) avión, plano - cape (kéip) capa - gape (guéip) mirar boquiabierto - rape (réip) violación - tape (téip) cinta - drape (dréip) cubrir - grape (gréip) uva - shape (shéip) forma - escape (eskéip) fuga - base (béis) base - case (kéis) caso, estuche - vase (véis) florero - chase (chéis) persecusión - erase (iréis) borrar - phase (féis) fase - phrase (fréis) frase - date (déit) fecha, cita - fate (féit) destino - gate (guéit) puerta - hate (jéit) odiar - late (léit) tarde, atrasado - mate (méit) compañero - rate (réit) razón, porcentaje, tarifa - crate (kréit) cajón - grate (gréit) rallar - plate (pléit) plato, placa - skate (skéit) patín - slate (sléit) pizarra - state (stéit) estado , declarar - estate (estéit) propiedad, finca - create (kriéit) crear - cave (kéiv) cueva, caverna - nave (néiv) nave - pave (péiv) pavimentar - rave (réiv) ponerse furioso - save (séiv) salvar, ahorrar, guardar - wave (wéiv) ola, onda - daze (déis) aturdir - gaze (guéis) mirada fija - haze (jéis) neblina - laze (léis) holgazanear - maze (méis) laberinto - raze (réis) arrazar - craze (kréis) manía

going to (gonna)

Affirmative Tradución I am come tomorrow Voy a venir mañana You are go next week Tú vas a ir la próxima semana He is going to bring his sister Él va a traer a su hermana She is take her brother Ella va a llevar a su hermano It is (gonna) be very easy Va a ser muy fácil We are have a party Nosotros vamos a tener una fiesta You are arrive early Ustedes van a llegar temprano They are leave late Ellos se van a ir tarde

Negative Traducción I am not come tomorrow No voy a venir mañana You are not go next week Tú no vas a ir la próxima semana He is not going to bring his sister Él no va a traer a su hermana She is not take her brother Ella no va a llevar a su hermano It is not (gonna) be very easy No va a ser muy fácil We are not have a party No vamos a tener una fiesta You are not arrive early Ustedes no van a llegar temprano They are not leave late Ellos no se van a ir tarde

Interrogative Traducción Am I going to come tomorrow ? ¿Voy a venir mañana? Are you go next week ? ¿Vas a ir la próxima semana? Is he (gonna) bring his sister ? ¿Él va a traer a su hermana? Is she take her brother ? ¿Ella va a llevar a su hermano? Is it be very easy ? ¿Va a ser muy fácil? Are we have a party ? ¿Nosotros vamos a tener una fiesta? Are you arrive early ? ¿Ustedes van a llegar temprano? Are they leave late ? ¿Ellos se van a ir tarde?

Más ejemplos:

 I am going to travel to Paris. (voy a viajar a París)

 I am going to visit my grandmother (voy a visitar a mi abuela)

 She is going to make a cake for me (ella va a hacer una torta para mi)

 They are not going to remember that (ellos no se van a acordar de eso)

 We are not going to go anywhere (nosotros no vamos a ir a ninguna parte)

 Who is going to come today ? (¿Quién va a venir hoy?)

 Are you going to buy a new car? (¿Vas comprar un nuevo auto?)

 Are they going to help you ? (¿Ellos te van a ayudar?)

 What are you going to bring ? (¿Qué vas a traer?)

 When is she going to arrive ? (¿Cuándo va a llegar ella?)

Determiners The Definite Article The Demonstratives The Quantifiers& Others The Indefinite Article The Possessives The Numbers The Definite Article: The (de / di) el, la, lo, los, las. The boy - el niño The box - la caja The boys - los niños The boxes - las cajas The girl - la niña The beach - la playa The girls - las niñas The beaches - las playas The bus - el autobús The person - la persona The buses - los autobuses The people - las personas The man - el hombre The factory - la fábrica The men - los hombres The factories - las fábricas The woman - la mujer The foot - el pie The women - las mujeres The feet - los pies Adjetivos Comparativos & Adjetivos & Adjetivos & Adjetivos & Contrastes Superlativos Verbos Adverbios Sustantivos Contrastes Awake - despierto Asleep - dormido Beautiful - hermoso Ugly - feo Big - grande Small - pequeño Bitter - amargo Sweet - dulce Black - negro White - blanco Careful - cuidadoso Careless - descuidado Dark - oscuro Light - claro Dead - muerto Alive - vivo Deep - profundo Shallow - superficial Difficult - difícil Easy - fácil Dirty - sucio Clean - limpio Drunk - borracho Sober - sobrio Expensive - caro Cheap - barato Far - lejano Near - cercano Fast - rápido Slow - lento Fat - gordo Thin - flaco Full - lleno Empty - vacío Glad - contento Sad - triste Good - bueno Bad - malo Happy - feliz Sorry - apenado Hard - duro Soft - blando Healthy - saludable Sick - enfermo Heavy - pesado Light - liviano High - alto Low - bajo Hot - caliente Cold - frío Interesting - interesante Boring - aburrido Late - tarde Early - temprano Long - largo Short - corto New - nuevo Old - viejo On - encendido Off - apagado Past - pasado Future - futuro Polite - cortés, atento Rude - grosero Rich - rico Poor - pobre Right - derecho Left - izquierdo Right - correcto Wrong - equivocado Rough - áspero Smooth - suave, liso Safe - seguro Dangerous - peligroso Same - mismo Different - diferente Simple - simple Complex - complejo Single - soltero Married - casado Straight - derecho Crooked - torcido Strong - fuerte Weak - débil Tall - alto Short - bajo Thick - grueso Thin - delgado True - verdadero False - falso Useful - útil Useless - inútil Warm - cálido Cool - fresco Wet - mojado Dry - seco Wide - ancho Narrow - angosto, estrecho Young - joven Old - viejo Conjunciones

According to - de acuerdo a Namely - a saber After - después que Neither... nor - ni... ni Although - aunque, si bien Nevertheless - sin embargo, no obstante And - y Nor - ni As - cuando, mientras, a medida que, como Notwithstanding - no obstante As if - como si Or - o As long as - mientras, con tal que Or else - sino As soon as - en cuanto Otherwhise - de otra manera, si no As though - como si Provided - siempre que , con tal de que As well as - además de Providing - siempre que , con tal de que Because - porque Since - puesto que, ya que, desde que Because of - debido a So as to - para Before - antes que So as not to - para no Both...and - tanto...como So that - para que But - pero Still - sin embargo, no obstante But - sino Than - que ( en comparaciones ) Either... or - o... o Therefore - por lo tanto Even though - aunque Though - aunque Except - excepto, salvo Unless - a menos que For - porque Until - hasta que Furthermore - además Whenever - cada vez que, cuando However - sin embargo Whereas - siendo que, mientras If - si Whether - si In case of - en caso de Whether... or - si... o In order to - para While - mientrar, mientras que, aunque Moreover - además, por otra parte Yet - sin embargo, no obstante

According to (acórding tchu) - de acuerdo a - Everything was done according to his instructions -- Todo fue hecho de acuerdo a sus instrucciones After (áfter) - después que - He started to eat after he had washed his hands -- Comenzó a comer después de haberse lavado las manos - After he had eaten, he went to bed -- Después de que había comido, se fue a la cama Although (oldóu) - aunque, si bien - (although = though = even though) - Although he was not tall, he was excellent at basketball -- Aunque no era alto, era excelente para el baloncesto - Although she appears to be happy, she is actually very sad -- Anque parece estar feliz, está muy triste en realidad And - y - Bill buys things and sells them at a higher price -- Bill compra cosas y las vende a un precio más alto As - cuando, mientras, a medida que, como - As the two boys walked down the street, they found a wallet -- Mientras los dos chicos caminaban por la calle, encontraron una billetera - As winter approaches, the temperature gets colder and colder -- A medida que se aproxima el invierno, la temperatura se pone cada vés más fría - As she entered the restaurant, she saw us -- Cuando entró al restaurant, ella nos vió - She acted as a crazy woman -- Ella actuaba como una loca - He is not as intelligent as they think -- Él no es tan inteligente como ellos piensan As if - como si - (as if = as though) - He acts as if he were rich -- Él actúa como si fuera rico - They treat me as if they didn't know me -- Me tratan como si no me conocieran - Bill started to shop as if he had won the lottery -- Bill comenzó comprar como si hubiera ganado la lotería - They looked as if they hadn't slept for days -- Se veían como si no hubieran dormido desde hace días As long as (as lóng as) - mientras, siempre que - You can stay here as long as you work hard -- Te puedes quedar aquí mientras trabajes duro - I will live in this city as long as I can -- Viviré en esta ciudad mientras pueda - Nobody will know about this secret as long as you keep mum -- Nadie sabrá de este secreto mientras mantengas la boca cerrada As soon as (as sún as) - en cuanto, tan pronto como -- I will do this work as soon as I can -- Haré con este trabajo tan pronto como pueda -- She started to work as soon as she graduated from the university -- Comenzó a trabajar tan pronto como se graduó de la universidad As though (as dóu) - como si - (as if = as though) Ver " As if " As well as - además de - My sister as well as John will go to the movies tomorrow -- Mi hermana, así como John, irán al cine mañana - She is intelligent as well as kind -- Ella es inteligente además de amable - She works as well as she studies -- Ella trabaja además de estudiar Because (bicós) - porque - I don't want to go out because it is too cold -- No quiero salir porque está demasiado frío Because of - debido a - They stayed in because of the bad weather -- Ellos se quedaron en casa debido al mal tiempo - She can not play sports because of her illness -- Ella no puede practicar deportes debido a su enfermedad Before (bifór) - antes que - Billy washed his hands before he started to eat -- Billy se lavó sus manos antes de empezar a comer - He had trained for years before he decided to box professionally -- Él había entrenado durante años antes de decidirse a boxear profesionalmente Both...and (bóuz...ánd) - tanto...como - He speaks both softly and clearly -- Él habla tanto suavemente como claramente - She plays both the piano and the harp -- Ella toca tanto el piano como el harpa But - pero - He spoke clearly, but I didn't understand him -- Habló claramente pero no lo entendí - She saw me, but she didn't recognize me -- Me vió pero no me reconoció But - sino - She is not from Argentina but from Brazil -- Ella no es de Argentina sino de Brazil - He didn't work but he rested all day -- No trabajó sino que descanzó todo el día Either... or (íder...or) - o... o - Either start to work or quit this business -- O empezás a trajar o dejás este negocio - He must be either very brave or very crazy -- Él debe ser o muy valiente o muy loco - You should either work or study -- Tú deberías, o trabajar, o estudiar Even though (íven dóu) - aunque (although = though = even though) - ver although Except (excépt) - excepto, salvo - They would go to Europe, except they have to go to Japan -- Irían a Europa salvo que tengan que ir a Japón For - porque - We'll have to stay home, for it is raining outside -- Tendremos que quedarnos en casa porque está lloviendo afuera - He didn't greet her, for he was very angry -- Él no la saludó porque estaba muy enojado - She turned on the lights, for she was afraid of the dark -- Encendió las luces porque tenía miedo a la oscuridad Furthermore (féerdermór) - además - (furthermore = moreover) - She doesn't want to study , and furthermore she doesn't want to work either -- Ella no quiere estudiar y, además, tampoco quiere trabajar - He was a bad person, and furthermore he was very proud of that -- Él era una mala persona y, además, estaba muy orgulloso de eso However (jaoéver) - sin embargo - (however = nevertheless = notwithstanding) - They were not having fun, however they stayed all night -- Ellos no se estaban divirtiendo, sin embargo, se quedaron toda la noche - He didn't study much, however he got good grades -- Él no estudiaba mucho, sin embargo, obtenía buenas notas If - si - If you drink too much, you'll get drunk -- Si bebes demasiado, te emborracharás - If you spend more than you earn, you'll become a poor man -- Si gastas más de lo que ganas, te convertirás en un hombre pobre - If he were in my place, he wouldn't do this -- Si él estuviese en mi lugar, no haría esto In case (of) (in kéis ov) - en caso (de) - Break the window in case of emergency -- Romper la ventana en caso de emergencia - Call this number in case you get lost -- Llamá a este número en caso de que te pierdas In order to - para - They left early in order to arrive on time for the movie -- Ellos salieron temprano para llegar a tiempo para la película - We are working harder in order to earn more money -- Estamos trabajando más duro para ganar más dinero Moreover (moróuver) - además, por otra parte - (furthermore = moreover) ver furthermore Namely (néimli) - a saber - There were two people in the house, namely Tom and Mary -- Había dos personas en la casa, a saber Tom y Mary Neither... nor (níder..or) - ni... ni - I want neither to work nor to study -- No quiero ni trabajar ni estudiar - She drinks neither wine nor beer -- Ella no toma ni vino ni cerveza - Neither Susan nor Bill wants to see that film -- Ni Susan ni Bill quieren ver esa película Nevertheless (néverdilés) - sin embargo, no obstante - (however = nevertheless = notwithstanding) - Ver however Nor - ni -- Bill didn't come today, nor will he come tomorrow -- Bill no vino hoy; ni (tampoco) vendrá mañana Notwithstanding (nótwidstánding) - no obstante - Ver however Or - o - He never works. He is always sleeping or watching TV -- Él nunca trabaja. Siempre está durmiendo o mirando TV - With all that money, they could buy a new house or travel around the world -- Con todo ese dinero, ellos podrían comprar una nueva casa o viajar alrededor del mundo Or else (or éls) - sino - You should study harder, or else you will fail the test -- Deberías estudiar más duro, sino reprobarás la prueba - They must leave now, or else they will arrive late -- Ellos deben salir ahora, sino llegarán tarde Otherwhise (óderwáis) - de otra manera, si no - We should finish this now, otherwise we'll have to do it tomorrow -- Deberíamos terminar esto ahora, sino tendremos que hacerlo mañana - Fortunately they left early; otherwise they wouldn't have arrived on time -- Afortunadamente salieron temprano; de otra manera no habrían llegado a tiempo Provided (prováided) - siempre que , con tal de que - (provided = providing) - I will buy the product, provided I can pay for it by credit card - Compraré el producto, siempre que pueda pagarlo con la tarjeta de crédito - They will believe you, provided you swear that it is true - Te creerán, siempre que jures que es verdad Providing (prováiding) - siempre que , con tal de que - (provided = providing) - They will go fishing next weekend, providing it doesn't rain -- Ellos irán a pescar el próximo fin de semana, siempre que no llueva Since (síns) - puesto que, ya que, desde que - He didn't understand a word, since he doesn't speak English -- No entendió ni una palabra puesto que no habla inglés - Since it was too late, they decided to go to sleep, -- Puesto que era demasiado tarde, decidieron irse a dormir - She shouldn't eat so much, since she is a little fat -- No debería comer tanto puesto que está un poco gorda So as to - para - They decided to take a plane so as to travel faster -- Decidieron tomar una avión para viajar más rápido - She paid by cash so as to get a good discount -- Pagó en efectivo para obtener un buen descuento So as not to - para no - He took a short nap so as not to be too tired for the party -- El tomó una breve siesta para no estar demasiado cansado para la fiesta - She wrote down his telephone number so as not to forget it -- Ella anotó su número de teléfono para no olvidarlo So that - para que - You should learn more vocabulary so that you can speak better -- Deberías aprender más vocabulario para que puedas hablar mejor - They decided to save extra money so that they would be able to go on vacation -- Decidieron ahorrar dinero extra para poder ir de vacaciones - He gave her a present so that she would feel better -- Él le dió un regalo para que ella se sienta mejor Still - sin embargo, no obstante - Jack didn't study much for the test; still he managed to pass it -- Jack no estudió mucho para la prueba, no obstante, se las arregló para aprobar - He can not speak very well; still he understands everyting -- No puede hablar bien, sin embargo, entiende todo - They felt very sad; still they forced themselves to smile all the time -- Se sentían muy tristes, no obstante, se obligaban a si mismos a sonreír todo el tiempo Than - que ( en comparaciones ) - They started to have more problems than they expected -- Empezaron a tener más problemas que lo que esperaban - She discovered that learning English is more difficult than she thought -- Ella descubrió que aprender inglés es más dificil que lo que pensó Therefore (dérfór) - por lo tanto - I didn't have enough time to study for the test and therefore I couldn't pass it -- No tuve suficiente tiempo para estudiar para la prueba y, por lo tanto, no pude aprobarla - John left very late and therefore he didn't arrive on time -- John salió muy tarde y, por lo tanto, no llegó a tiempo Though (dóu) - aunque - (although = though = even though) - ver although Unless (anlés) - a menos que - You can not drink alcohol here, unless you are an adult -- No puedes beber alcohol aquí, a menos que seas un adulto - They won't be able to travel to Europe, unless they have their passports -- No podrán viajar a Europa, a menos que tengan sus pasaportes - Unless you can speak English very well, you can not study in an american university -- A menos que puedas hablar inglés muy bien, no puedes estudiar en una universidad americana Until (antíl) - hasta que - They listened in silence until he finished his speech -- Escucharon en silencio hasta que él terminó su discurso - He looked for his keys until he found them -- Buscó sus llaves hasta que las encontró - Bill can not go out to play soccer until he completes his homework -- Bill no puede salir a jugar al fútbol hasta que termine su tarea Whenever (wenéver) - cada vez que, cuando - He goes to the movies whenever he has the time -- Él va al cine siempre cada vez que tiene tiempo - Whenever they have to work, they feel sick -- Cada vez que tienen que trabajar, se sienten enfermos Whereas (uéras) - siendo que, mientras - The weather is very nice here in summer, whereas in winter it is not so good -- El tiempo es muy lindo aquí en verano, mientras que en invierno no es tan bueno Whether (wéder) - si - You must tell me whether you will come -- Debes decirme si vendrás - I don't know whether to buy this computer or not -- No sé si comprar esta computadora o no Whether... or - si... o - I don't know whether to take it or leave it -- No sé si llevarlo o dejarlo - She didn't understand whether she had to go or stay -- Ella no entendió si tenía que ir o quedarse While (wáil) - mientrar, mientras que, aunque - Many things happened here while you were out --Muchas cosas pasaron aquí mientras tú estuviste afuera - While they didn't know her very well, they invited her to their wedding -- Aunque no la conocían bien, la invitaron a su boda Yet (iét) - sin embargo, no obstante - He wanted to reply to that accusation, yet he didn't -- Él quería contestar a esa acusación, sin embargo no lo hizo Preposiciones

About - de, sobre, acerca de Into - en, a, dentro Above - encima de Near - cerca de Across - al otro lado de, a través de Next to - al lado de, junto a After - después de, detrás de, tras Of - de Against - contra Off - de, fuera de Along - a lo largo de On - en, sobre, encima Amid - entre, en medio de Onto - encima de, sobre, en Among - entre, en medio de On top of - sobre, encima de Around - alrededor de Out of - fuera de, sin At - en, a, de Over - sobre, más de, durante, al otro lado de Before - delante de, antes de Per - por Behind - detrás de Round - alrededor de Below - debajo de Since - desde Beneath - debajo de Through - A través de, por Beside - al lado de Throughout - por todo, durante Besides - además de Till - hasta Between - entre (dos) To - a, hasta, hacia Beyond - más allá de Toward - hacia But - menos, salvo, excepto Under - debajo de By - por, de Underneath - debajo de Down - por Until - hasta During - durante Up - arriba de For - por, para Upon - sobre, encima de From - de, desde With - con, de In - en, a, dentro, de Within - dentro de, a menos de In front of - en frente de Without - sin

About (abáut) - de, sobre, acerca de - We are talking about the film we saw last night -- Estabamos hablando acerca de la película que vimos anoche - What was it about ? -- ¿ De qué se trataba ? Above (abóv) - encima de - There was an UFO above the house -- Había un OVNI encima de la casa Across (acrós) - al otro lado de, a través de - My apartment is across the street from the bank -- Mi departamento está al otro lado de la calle desde el banco - We ran across our neighbor's garden -- Corrimos a través del jardín de nuestro vecino After (áfter) - después de, detrás de, tras - The dog is running after the cat -- El perro está corriendo tras el gato - It is 5 minutes after 4 o'clock -- Es 5 minutos después de las 4 (es las cuatro y cinco minutos) Against (eguénst) - contra, en contra de - The journalist wrote an article against the goverment -- El periodista escribió un artículo en contra del gobierno - The plane crashed against the control tower - El avión se estrelló contra la torre de control - He placed the ladder against the wall -- Él puso la escalera contra la pared Along (alóng) - a lo largo de, por - There are palm trees along the avenue -- Hay palmeras a lo largo de la avenida - Many people walk along this corridor every day -- Muchas personas caminan por este pasillo todos los días Amid (amíd) - entre, en medio de - He was standing amid the crowd -- El estaba parado en medio de la multitud Among (amóng) - entre, en medio de - I parked my car among the others -- Estacioné mi auto en medio de los otros - Jesus divided the bread among his disciples -- Jesús dividió el pan entre sus discípulos - There was a traitor among them -- Había un traidor entre ellos Around (aráund) - alrededor de - He is wearing a chain around his neck -- Él está usando una cadena alrededor de su cuello - A lot of reporters were around the actress -- Muchos reporteros estaban alrededor de la actriz At (át) - en, a - My parents are at work -- Mis padres están en el trabajo - We usually get up at 8 o'clock, but on Sundays we get up at noon -- Generalmente nos levantamos a las 8 pero los domingos nos levantamos al mediodía - She looked at me -- Ella me miró - He is very good at sports -- Él es muy bueno para los deportes - At night -- Por las noche - At times -- a veces - At war -- En guerra Before (bifór) - delante de, antes de - The orator stood before the audience - El orador se paró delante del auditorio - Mary left before everyone else -- Mary se fue antes que todos Behind (bijáind) - detrás de - There is a garden behind the house -- Hay un jardín detrás de la casa - The boxer in white trunks is three points behind the champion -- El boxeador de pantalones blancos está a tres puntos detrás del campeón Below (bilóu) - bajo, debajo de - (under = below = beneath = underneath) - She has an apartment below mine -- Ella tiene un departamento debajo del mío - It is freezing. The temperature is below zero. -- Está helando. La temperatura está bajo cero Beneath (biníz) - bajo, debajo de - (under = below = beneath = underneath) - Johnny hid all his toys beneath his bed -- Johnny escondió todos sus juguetes debajo de su cama - I was sitting beneath my beach umbrella -- Estaba sentado debajo de mi sombrilla de playa Beside (bisáid) - al lado de, junto a - Mary sat beside me -- Mary se sentó junto a mí - There is a garden beside the house -- Hay un jardín al lado de la casa Besides (bisáids) - además de, excepto, aparte de - There were two people at the house besides her -- Había dos personas en la casa además de ella - Besides his reputation, he has nothing else left -- Aparte de su reputación, a él no le queda nada más Between (bituín) - entre (solo referido a dos entidades) - There are no secrets between you and me -- No hay secretos entre vos y yo - I don't eat between meals -- No como entre las comidas - There is a great distance between the two cities -- Hay una gran distacia entre las dos ciudades Beyond (bi ónd) - más allá de, fuera de - There is a river beyond those mountains -- Hay un río más allá de esas montañas - This problem is beyond my capacity. I can not understand it -- Este problema está fuera de mi capacidad. No lo puedo entender - Beyond doubt -- Fuera de toda duda But (bat) - menos, salvo, excepto - They work every day but Sunday -- Ellos trabajan todos los días salvo el domingo - We eat any food but meat -- Comemos cualquier alimento excepto carne - Anyone but her can go -- Cualquiera, excepto ella, puede ir By (bái) - por, de, cerca - This film was directed by Spielberg -- Este film was directed by Spielberg -- I came by (train/car/bus...) -- Vine en (tren/auto/autobús...) - I live by the river -- Vivo cerca del río - They will be here by 5 o'clock PM -- Estarán aquí cerca de las cinco de la tarde - An even number can be divided by two -- Un número par puede dividirse por dos Down (dáun) - por -- I was walking down the street when I saw the accident -- Estaba caminando por la calle cuando ví el accidente During (diúring) - durante - The flowers blossom during the spring -- Las flores florecen durante la primavera - He slept during all the class -- Él durmió durante toda la clase For (for) - por, para, a favor - I have lived here for many years -- He vivido aquí desde hace (por) muchos años - This present is for us -- Es regalo es para nosotros - They left for Chicago -- Ellos salieron para chicago - She went for a walk -- Ella fue por una caminata - Are you for or against that proposal ? -- ¿ Estás a favor o en contra de esa propuesta ? - We walked for five miles that day -- Caminamos 5 millas ese día - What for ? -- ¿ Para qué ? From (from) - de, desde - Where are you from ? -- ¿ De dónde sos ? - I received a letter from my sister -- Recibí una carta de mi hermana - That city is far from here -- Esa ciudad está lejos de aquí - She works from 9 to 5 every day -- Ella trabaja de 9 a 5 todos los días - They think they are different from the rest -- Ellos piensan que son diferentes del resto - I took a bus from Miami to Chicago -- Tomé un autobús desde Miami a Chicago In (in) - en, a, dentro, de - In here - Aquí adentro - In there - Allí adentro -They will be in Miami in summer -- Estarán en Miami en el verano - In the (morning/ afternoon/ evening) -- por la mañana/tarde/noche - I will see you in two weeks -- Te veré en dos semanas In front of (in frónt ov) - en frente de - My house is in front of the bank -- Mi casa está en frente del banco Into (íntchu) - en, a, dentro, hacia adentro - The cook went into the kitchen -- El cocinero fue a la cocina - He put some vegetables into a pot -- Puso algunas verduras dentro de una olla Near (níer) - cerca de - My apartment is near a bank -- Mi departamento está cerca de un banco Next to (néxt tchu) - al lado de, junto a - The bank is next to a police station -- El banco está al lado de una comisaría Of (ov) - de - The cabin is made of wood -- La cabaña está hecha de madera - He is a friend of mine -- Él es un amigo mío Off (of) - de, fuera de (lo contrario de On) - I took a book off the shelf -- Saqué un libro del estante (antes estaba on = sobre the shelf) - He took off his coat -- Él se sacó su saco (antes su saco estaba on = puesto) - The boat is 3 miles off the coast -- El barco está a 3 millas en frente de la costa - They turned off the TV -- Ellos apagaron la TV (antes estaba on = encendido) On - en, sobre, encima - On the bed -- En la cama - On the wall -- En la pared - On foot -- A pie - On the telephone -- Al teléfono - On the left/right -- A la izquierda/derecha - On Monday/Tuesday... -- El lunes/martes... - On the radio. On TV -- En la radio . En la TV - On vacation -- De vacaciones - She put her coat on -- Ella se puso su saco (antes estaba off) - I turned on the lights -- Encendí las luces (antes estaban off) Onto (óntu) - encima de, sobre, en - The soccer players walked onto the field -- Los futbolistas entraron al campo de juego On top of (on tóp ov) - sobre, encima de - He was standing on top of a roof -- Estaba parado en el techo Out of (áut ov) - fuera de, sin - He came out of the bathroom -- Él salió del baño - He took a rabbit out of his hat -- Sacó un conejo de su galera - We are out of money -- Estamos sin dinero Over (óuver) - sobre, más de, durante, al otro lado de - The plane was flying over the city -- El avión estaba volando sobre la ciudad - She is over 30 years old -- Ella tiene más de 30 años - Bill will not work over the next month -- Bill no trabajará durante el mes próximo - The dog jumped over the fence and ran away -- El perro saltó la cerca y huyó Per (per) - por - That model charges 1000 dollars per hour -- Esa modelo cobra 1000 dólares por hora Round (ráund) - alrededor de - The shop is just round the corner -- El negocio está justo a la vuelta de la esquina - The family sat round the table -- La familia se sentó alrededor de la mesa Since (síns) - desde - Susan has been studying since 3 o'clock-- Susan ha estado estudiando desde las 3 - The champion has practiced this sport since he was a little boy -- El campeón ha practicado este deporte desde que era un muchachito Through (zrú) - A través de, por, por medio de - I was able to see a house through the fog -- Pude ver una casa a través de la neblina - They ran through the forest -- Corrieron a través del bosque - I learned about his divorce through the newspaper -- Me enteré de su divorcio por medio del diario Throughout (zru áut) - por todo, durante todo - It was raining throughout the country -- Estaba lloviendo por todo el país - It rained throughout the winter -- Llovió durante todo el invierno Till (til) = hasta = Until (ver until) To (tchu) - a, hasta, hacia - I want to give something to her -- Quiero darle algo a ella - They turned to the left and went straight to the university -- Doblaron a la izquierda y fueron derecho a la universidad Toward (tóuard) - hacia - (también se escribe Towards) - A storm is going toward the city -- Una tormenta está yendo hacia la ciudad - Billy started to run toward his mother -- Biilly comenzó a correr hacia su madre - We were all very hungry toward noon -- Estábamos todos muy habrientos hacia el mediodía Under (ánder) - debajo de - (under = below = beneath = underneath) - The mouse went under the bed -- El ratón se metió debajo de la cama - I have a T-shirt under my sweater -- Tengo una remera debajo de mi suéter - He is working under pressure -- Él está trabajando bajo presión - Everything is under control -- Todo está bajo control Underneath (anderníz) - debajo de - (under = below = beneath = underneath) - There is rust underneath the paint -- Hay óxido debajo de la pintura Until (antíl) - hasta - They played soccer until they got tired -- Jugaron al fútbol hasta que se cansaron - He studied until midnight -- Él estudió hasta la medianoche - The results will not be given until tomorrow -- Los resultados no serán dados hasta mañana Up (ap) - hacia arriba de - He climbed up the mountain -- Él trepó la montaña - They went up the stairs -- Subieron las escaleras - Go up this road until you see a big house -- Andá por este camino hasta que veas un gran casa Upon (apón) - sobre, encima de - He threw himself upon the floor -- Se tiró al piso - She sat upon the bench -- Se sentó en el banco - The engineers put their attention upon the new machine -- Los ingenieros pusieron su atención en la nueva máquina With (widz) - con, de - Will you come with me ? -- ¿Vendrás conmigo? - She went to the party with all her friends -- Se fue a la fiesta con todos sus amigos - The girl with green eyes -- La chica de ojos verdes Within (widín) - dentro de, a menos de - The show will start within an hour -- El show comenzará dentro de una hora - There is a gas station within two miles from here -- Hay una estación de servicio a menos de dos millas de aquí - That is not within our reach -- Eso no está dentro de nuestro alcance Without (widáut) - sin - I want coffee without sugar -- Quiero café sin azúcar - He crossed the street without paying attention -- Cruzó la calle sin poner atención Verbos Modales Can May Will Shall Must Could Might Would Should Ought to p.ej. I can: (puedo/sé) Affirmative: can Negative: can't / cannot Interrogative Can ...? I can drive I cannot read Can you speak Spanish? Puedo/sé conducir No puedo/sé leer ¿Podés/sabés hablar español? You can play chess You can't say that Can you play chess? Tú puedes/sabes jugar al No puedes decir eso ¿Podés/Sabés jugar al ajedrez? ajedrez He can't finish this now He can go if he wants Can we tell you something? Él no puede terminar esto Él puede ir si quiere ¿Podemos decirte algo? ahora She can't read without That can be very difficult Can she go out tonight? glasses Eso puede ser muy difícil ¿Puede ella salir esta noche? Ella no puede leer sin anteojos It can be raining It cannot be so easy Can it fly? Puede estar lloviendo (algo) No puede ser tan fácil (algo)¿Puede volar? We can do that very easily We can't understand this Can we start tomorrow? Podemos hacer eso muy No podemos entender esto ¿Podemos empezar mañana? facilmente Anybody can have bad luck You can't be so crazy Can I be with you? Cualquiera puede tener mala No puedes estar tan loco ¿Puedo estar contigo? suerte The film can be very boring Can they stay with us? They cannot live here El film puede ser muy ¿Pueden ellos quedrse con Ellos no pueden vivir aquí aburrido nosotros?

Affirmative I can go You come He work She live It speak We ... You They

Negative I You go He cannot come She work It can't live We speak You ... They

Interrogative I you go ? he come ? she work ? Can it live ? we speak ? you ... they Verbo To Be Verbo To Have Forma TIEMPOS Forma Afirmativa Forma Negativa Interrogativa Present I am a farmer I have a farm Past You are tired You have to rest Present Perfect He/ She/ It is sick He/ She / It has fever Past Perfect We are musicians We have instruments Future (will) You are shouting You have to shut up Fut (be+going to) They are rich They have money Future Perfect Traducción Conditional Soy un granjero Tengo una granja Past Conditional Estás cansado Tenés que descansar (//) Está enfermo (//) Tiene fiebre Somos músicos Tenemos instrumentos (Uds) están gritando (Uds) tienen que callarse Son ricos Tienen dinero

Simple Present Affirmative Negative long form short form long form short form I: I am I'm I am not I'm not he, she, it: he is he's he is not he isn't or he's not we, you, they: we are we're we are not we aren't or we're not

Simple Past

Affirmative Negative long form short form long form short form I: I was - I was not I wasn't he, she, it: he was - he was not he wasn't we, you, they: we were - we were not we weren't

Present Perfect

Affirmative Negative long form short form long form short form I, we, you, they: I have been I've been I have not been I haven't been he, she, it: he has been he's been he has not been he hasn't been

Past Perfect (The verb be has the same form every time regardless the subject.)

Affirmative Negative long form short form long form short form I had been I'd been I had not been I hadn't been will-future (The verb be has the same form every time regardless the subject.)

Affirmative Negative long form short form long form short form I will be I'll be I will not be I won't be or I'll not be going-to-future

Affirmative Negative long form short form long form short form I: I am going to be I'm going to be I am not going to be I'm not going to be he, she, it: he's not going to be or he is going to be he's going to be he is not going to be he isn't going to be we, you, they: we're not going to be or we are going to be we're going to be we are not going to be we aren't going to be

Conditional I (The verb be has the same form every time regardless the subject.)

Affirmative Negative long form short form long form short form I would be I'd be I would not be I wouldn't be or I'd not be

Conditional II (The verb be has the same form every time regardless the subject.)

Affirmative Negative long form short form long form short form I wouldn't have been or I would have been I'd have been I would not have been I'd not have been

The verb be can be an auxiliary verb or a main verb in English. be as a main verb in the Simple Present (am, are, is)

affirmative negative I: I am from England. I am not from England. he, she, it: He is from England. He is not from England. we, you, they: We are from England. We are not from England.

be as a main verb in the Simple Past (was, were)

affirmative negative I, he, she, it: I was here. I was not here. we, you, they: We were here. We were not here.

be as an auxiliary verb in the Present Progressive (am, are, is)

affirmative negative I: I am reading a book. I am not reading a book. he, she, it: He is reading a book. He is not reading a book. we, you, they: We are reading a book. We are not reading a book.

be as an auxiliary verb in the passive:

Simple Present: A house is built. Simple Past: A house was built. will future: A house will be built. going-to future: A house is going to be built.



Presentamos aquí una lista de verbos para nivel básico. Por cada verbo se incluye:

 el infinitivo

 la forma del Simple Past (Pasado Simple, por ejemplo: I arrived yesterday)  el past participle (Participio pasado, que se utiliza en el tiempo Present Perfect, por ejemplo: I have broken a glass)

 su traducción al español

Los verbos regulares forman el Simple Past y el Past Participle agregando -ed al infinitivo. Los verbos irregulares no siguen esta regla y deberás aprenderlos de memoria (se encuentran marcados con i ). También hemos compilado otras listas de verbos: Verbos para niveles avanzados Verbos irregulares

Infinitive Simple Past Past Participle Spanish

answer answered answered responder

arrive arrived arrived llegar

ask asked asked preguntar

be i was / were been ser

borrow borrowed borrowed tomar prestado

break i broke broken romper

buy i bought bought comprar

catch i caught caught atrapar

clean cleaned cleaned limpiar

climb climbed climbed escalar

collect collected collected colleccionar

come i came come venir

compose composed composed componer

cook cooked cooked cocinar

cut i cut cut cortar

dance danced danced bailar

describe described described describir

discover discovered discovered descubrir do i did done hacer drink i drank drunk beber drive i drove driven conducir

eat i ate eaten comer

enjoy enjoyed enjoyed disfrutar

fall i fell fallen caer

feel i felt felt sentir

find i found found encontrar

fly i flew flown volar forget i forgot forgotten olvidar

give i gave given dar

go i went gone ir happen happened happened suceder

have i had had tener

help helped helped ayudar

hurt i hurt hurt herir, doler invent invented invented inventar

invite invited invited invitar

kill killed killed matar know i knew known saber

lend i lent lent prestar leave i left left dejar

lie i lay lain yacer

like liked liked gustar

live lived lived vivir look looked looked mirar

love loved loved amar

make i made made hacer

meet i met met conocer, encontrar

miss missed missed perder, extrañar

open opened opened abrir

pack packed packed empacar

pay i paid paid pagar

phone phoned phoned llamar por teléfono

play played played jugar

prefer preferred preferred preferir

prepare prepared prepared preparar

push pushed pushed empujar

put i put put poner

rain rained rained llover

read i read read leer remember remembered remembered recordar

rent rented rented alquilar

rescue rescued rescued rescatar

return returned returned volver, devolver

ring i rang rung llamar por teléfono

save saved saved ahorrar

say i said said decir

search searched searched buscar

see i saw seen ver sell i sold sold vender

sit i sat sat sentarse

skate skated skated patinar

ski skied skied esquiar

sleep i slept slept dormir

smell smelled smelled oler

speak i spoke spoken hablar

spend i spent spent gastar

start started started comenzar

stay stayed stayed quedarse

stop stopped stopped detener

study studied studied estudiar

survive survived survived sobrevivir

swim i swam swum nadar

take i took taken tomar

talk talked talked hablar

teach i taught taught enseñar

tell i told told decir

think i thought thought pensar

throw i threw thrown lanzar

touch touched touched tocar

try tried tried intentar understand i understood understood entender

use used used usar

visit visited visited visitar wait waited waited esperar

walk walked walked caminar

want wanted wanted querer

wash washed washed lavar

watch watched watched mirar

wear i wore worn llevar puesto

work worked worked trabajar

write i wrote written escribir

Irregular verbs

infinitive simple past past participle

be was/were been

bear bore borne/born (AE)

beat beat beaten

become became become

begin began begun

bend bent bent

bet* bet bet

bid bid, bade bid, bidden

bind bound bound

bite bit bitten

bleed bled bled

blow blew blown

break broke broken breed bred bred bring brought brought broadcast broadcast broadcast build built built burst* burst burst bust* bust bust buy bought bought cast cast cast catch caught caught choose chose chosen cling clung clung come came come cost cost cost creep crept crept cut cut cut deal dealt dealt dig dug dug dive dived/dove(AE) dived do did done draw drew drawn drink drank drunk drive drove driven eat ate eaten fall fell fallen feed fed fed feel felt felt fight fought fought find found found flee fled fled fling flung flung fly flew flown forbid forbade, forbad forbidden forecast* forecast forecast forget forgot forgotten forsake forsook forsaken freeze froze frozen get got got, gotten (AE) give gave given grind ground ground go went gone grow grew grown hang hung hung have had had hear heard heard hide hid hidden hit hit hit hold held held hurt hurt hurt keep kept kept know knew known lay laid laid lead led led leave left left lend lent lent let let let lie lay lain light* lit lit lose lost lost make made made mean meant meant meet met met pay paid paid prove* proved proven put put put quit* quit quit read read read rid rid rid ride rode ridden ring rang rung rise rose risen run ran run say said said see saw seen seek sought sought sell sold sold send sent sent set set set sew* sewed sewn shake shook shaken shear* sheared shorn shed shed shed shine shone shone shoot shot shot show* showed shown shut shut shut sing sang sung sink sank sunk sit sat sat slay slew slain sleep slept slept slide slid slid sling slung slung slink slunk slunk slit slit slit sow sowed sown speak spoke spoken speed* sped sped spend spent spent spin spun spun spit spat, spit spat, spit split split split spread spread spread spring sprang sprung stand stood stood steal stole stolen stick stuck stuck sting stung stung stink stank, stunk stunk stride strode stridden strike struck struck string strung strung strive strove striven swear swore sworn sweep swept swept swell* swelled swollen swim swam swum swing swung swung take took taken teach taught taught tear tore torn

tell told told

think thought thought

thrive* throve thrived

throw threw thrown

thrust thrust thrust

tread trod trodden, trod

understand understood understood

wake* woke woken

wear wore worn

weave wove woven

weep wept wept

wet* wet wet

win won won

wind wound wound

wring wrung wrung

write wrote written

List of Irregular VERBS

Infinitive Simple Past Past Participle

alight alighted, alit alighted, alit

arise arose arisen

awake awoke, awaked awoken, awaked

be was, were been bear bore borne, born beat beat beaten, beat become became become beget begot begotten begin began begun bend bent bent bereave bereaved, bereft bereaved, bereft beseech besought, beseeched besought, beseeched bet bet, betted bet, betted bid bade, bid bidden, bid, bade bide bade, bided bided bind bound bound bite bit bitten bleed bled bled bless blessed, blest blessed, blest blow blew blown break broke broken breed bred bred bring brought brought broadcast broadcast, broadcasted broadcast, broadcasted build built built burn burnt, burned burnt, burned burst burst burst bust bust, busted bust, busted buy bought bought can could (kein Participle) cast cast cast catch caught caught choose chose chosen cleave cleft, cleaved, clove cleft, cleaved, cloven cling clung clung clothe clothed, clad clothed, clad come came come cost cost cost creep crept crept crow crowed crew, crowed cut cut cut deal dealt dealt dig dug dug do did done draw drew drawn dream dreamt, dreamed dreamt, dreamed drink drank drunk drive drove driven dwell dwelt, dwelled dwelt, dwelled eat ate eaten fall fell fallen feed fed fed feel felt felt fight fought fought find found found flee fled fled fling flung flung fly flew flown forbid forbad, forbade forbid, forbidden forecast forecast, forecasted forecast, forecasted forget forgot forgotten forsake forsook forsaken freeze froze frozen geld gelded, gelt gelded, gelt get got got, gotten gild gilded, gilt gilded, gilt give gave given gnaw gnawed gnawed, gnawn go went gone grind ground ground grip gripped, gript gripped, gript grow grew grown hang hung hung have had had hear heard heard heave heaved, hove heaved, hove hew hewed hewed, hewn hide hid hidden, hid hit hit hit hold held held hurt hurt hurt keep kept kept kneel knelt, kneeled knelt, kneeled knit knitted, knit knitted, knit know knew known lay laid laid lead led led lean leant, leaned leant, leaned leap leapt, leaped leapt, leaped learn learnt, learned learnt, learned leave left left lend lent lent let let let lie lay lain light lit, lighted lit, lighted lose lost lost make made made may might (kein Participle) mean meant meant meet met met melt melted molten, melted mow mowed mown, mowed pay paid paid pen pent, penned pent, penned plead pled, pleaded pled, pleaded prove proved proven, proved put put put quit quit, quitted quit, quitted read read read rid rid, ridded rid, ridded ride rode ridden ring rang rung rise rose risen run ran run saw sawed sawn, sawed say said said see saw seen seek sought sought sell sold sold send sent sent set set set sew sewed sewn, sewed shake shook shaken shall should (kein Participle) shear sheared shorn, sheared shed shed shed shine shone shone shit shit, shitted, shat shit, shitted, shat shoe shod, shoed shod, shoed shoot shot shot show showed shown, showed shred shred, shredded shred, shredded shrink shrank, shrunk shrunk shut shut shut sing sang sung sink sank sunk sit sat sat slay slew slain sleep slept slept slide slid slid sling slung slung slink slunk slunk slit slit slit smell smelt, smelled smelt, smelled smite smote smitten sow sowed sown, sowed speak spoke spoken speed sped, speeded sped, speeded spell spelt, spelled spelt, spelled spend spent spent spill spilt, spilled spilt, spilled spin spun spun spit spat spat split split split spoil spoilt, spoiled spoilt, spoiled spread spread spread spring sprang, sprung sprung stand stood stood steal stole stolen stick stuck stuck sting stung stung stink stank, stunk stunk stride strode stridden strike struck struck string strung strung strive strove striven swear swore sworn sweat sweat, sweated sweat, sweated sweep swept swept swell swelled swollen, swelled swim swam swum swing swung swung take took taken teach taught taught tear tore torn telecast telecast, telecasted telecast, telecasted tell told told think thought thought throw threw thrown thrust thrust thrust tread trod trodden understand understood understood wake woke, waked woken, waked wear wore worn

weave wove woven

wed wed, wedded wed, wedded

weep wept wept

wet wet, wetted wet, wetted

win won won

wind wound wound

wring wrung wrung

write wrote written

verb list

present past past participle meanings

* Could be conjugated as a regular verb

abide (abáid) abode (abóud) abiden (abíden) sufrir, soportar, cumplir

arise (aráis) arose (aróus) arisen (arísen) levantarse, surgir

awake (awéik) awoke (awóuk) awoken (awóuken) despertarse, despertar

bear (ber) bore (bor) born (born) aguantar, soportar, parir

beat (bíit) beat (bíit) beaten (bíiten) golpear, derrotar, batir

Go to examples > become (bikám) became (bikéim) become (bikám) convertirse en, llegar a ser, volverse, ponerse begin (biguín) began (bigáan) begun (bigán) empezar bend (bend) bent (bent) bent (bent) doblar, torcer, inclinarse bet (bet) bet (bet) bet (bet) apostar bid (bid) bid (bid) bid (bid) ofrecer, pujar, licitar

Go to examples > bind (báind) bound (báund) bound (báund) atar, unir, encuadernar bite (báit) bit (bit) bitten (bíten) morder, picar bleed (blíid) bled (bled) bled (bled) sangrar blow (blóu) blew (blú) blown (blown) soplar break (bréik) broke (bróuk) broken (bróuken) romper

Go to examples > breed (bríid) bred (bred) bred (bred) criar, engendrar bring (bring) brought (brot) brought (brot) traer broadcast (brodkást) broadcast* (brodkást) broadcast* (brodkást) transmitir build (bild) built (bilt) built (bilt) construir burn (bern) burnt* (bernt) burnt* (bernt) quemar

Go to examples > burst (berst) burst (berst) burst (berst) explotar, reventar buy (bái) bought (bot) bought (bot) comprar cast (kast) cast (kast) cast (kast) lanzar, echar, emitir catch (kach) caught (kot) caught (kot) atrapar, asir, tomar choose (chúus) chose (chóus) chosen (chóusen) elegir

Go to examples > clap (klap) clapt* (klapt) clapt* (klapt) aplaudir cling (kling) clung (klang) clung (klang) agarrarse, adherirse, aferrarse clothe (klóud) clad* (klad) clad* (klad) vestir, revestir, cubrir come (kam) came (kéim) come (kam) venir cost (kost) cost (kost) cost (kost) costar

Go to examples > creep (kríip) crept (krept) crept (krept) gatear, arrastrarse cut (kat) cut (kat) cut (kat) cortar deal (díil) dealt (delt) dealt (delt) tratar con, repartir, dar dig (dig) dug (dag) dug (dag) cavar dive (dáiv) dove* (dóuv) dived (dáivt) zambullise, sumergirse, bucear

Go to examples > do (du) did (did) done (dan) hacer draw (dróo) drew (dru) drawn (dróon) dibujar, extraer, sacar dream (dríim) dreamt* (dremt) dreamt* (dremt) soñar drink (drink) drank (draank) drunk (drank) beber drive (dráiv) drove (dróuv) driven (dríven) conducir, ir en coche, llevar en coche

Go to examples > dwell (duél) dwelt (duélt) dwelt (duélt) habitar, morar eat (íit) ate (éit) eaten (íiten) comer fall (fol) fell (fel) fallen (fólen) caer, caerse feed (fíid) fed (fed) fed (fed) alimentar/se, dar de comer feel (fíil) felt (felt) felt (felt) sentir/se, palpar, tocar

Go to examples > fight (fáit) fought (fot) fought (fot) pelear, combatir find (fáund) found (fáund) found (fáund) encontrar fit (fit) fit* (fit) fit* (fit) encajar, quedar bien, instalar flee (flíi) fled (fled) fled (fled) huir, huir de fling (fling) flung (flang) flung (flang) echar, arrojar

Go to examples > fly (flái) flew (flu) flown (flóun) volar forbid (forbíd) forbade (forbéid) forbidden (forbíden) prohibir forecast (forkást) forecast* (forkást) forecast* (forkást) pronosticar, preveer foresee (forsíi) foresaw (forsó) foreseen (forsíin) preveer foretell (fortél) foretold (fortóuld) foretold (fortóuld) predecir

Go to examples > forget (forguét) forgot (forgót) forgotten (forgóten) olvidar forgive (forguív) forgave (forguéiv) forgiven (forguíven) perdonar forsake (forséik) forsook (forsúuk) forsaken (forséiken) abandonar, desamparar freeze (fríiss) froze (fróuss) frozen (fróussen) congelar get (get) got (got) got/gotten (goten) conseguir, recibir, ponerse, llegar

Go to examples > give (guív) gave (guéiv) given (guíven) dar go (góu) went (went) gone (góon) ir grind (gráind) ground (gráund) ground (gráund) moler grow (gróu) grew (gru) grown (gróun) crecer, cultivar handwrite (jand-ráit) handwrote (jand-róut) handwritten (jand- escribir a mano ríten)

Go to examples > hang (jáang) hung (jang) hung (jang) colgar have (jáav) had (jáad) had (jáad) tener hear (jíier) heard (jerd) heard (jerd) oír hide (jáid) hid (jid) hidden (jíden) esconder/se hit (jit) hit (jit) hit (jit) golpear, pegar

Go to examples > hold (jóuld) held (jeld) held (jeld) sostener, celebrar, esperar hurt (jert) hurt (jert) hurt (jert) herir, lastimar, doler inlay (inléi) inlaid (inléid) inlaid (inléid) incrustar input (ínput) input* (ínput) input* (ínput) entrar, introducir keep (kíip) kept (kept) kept (kept) mantener, guardar, continuar, criar

Go to examples > kneel (níil) knelt* (nelt) knelt* (nelt) arrodillarse, estar de rodillas knit (nit) knit* (nit) knit* (nit) tejer, tricotar know (nóu) knew (niú) known (nóun) saber, conocer lay (léi) laid (léid) laid (léid) poner, colocar lead (líid) led (led) led (led) guiar, llevar, conducir

Go to examples > lean (líin) leant* (lent) leant* (lent) apoyarse, inclinarse leap (líip) leapt* (lept) leapt* (lept) saltar learn (lern) learnt* (lernt) learnt* (lernt) aprender, enterarse leave (líiv) left (left) left (left) irse, dejar, marcharse lend (lend) lent (lent) lent (lent) prestar

Go to examples > let (let) let (let) let (let) dejar, permitir lie (lái) lay (léi) lain (léin) yacer, echarse, quedar light (láit) lit* (lit) lit* (lit) encender lose (lúus) lost (lost) lost (lost) perder make (méik) made (méid) made (méid) hacer

Go to examples > mean (míin) meant (ment) meant (ment) significar, querer decir, tener la intención de meet (míit) met (met) met (met) encontrarse con, conocer melt (melt) melted (mélted) molten* (móulten) derretir mislead (mislíid) misled (misléd) misled (misléd) engañar, despistar, llevar por mal camino mistake (mistéik) mistook (mistúuk) mistaken (mistéiken) confundir, interpretar mal

Go to examples > misunderstand misunderstood misunderstood entender mal (misanderstánd) (misanderstúud) (misanderstúud) mow (móu) mowed (móud) mown (móun) segar, cortar overhear (ouverjíier) overheard (ouverjérd) overheard (ouverjérd) oír por casualidad, oír sin intención de ello overtake (ouvertéik) overtook (ouvertúuk) overtaken (ouvertéiken) sobrepasar pay (péi) paid (péid) paid (péid) pagar

Go to examples > prove (prúuv) proved (prúuvt) proven* (prúuven) probar, resultar put (put) put (put) put (put) poner quit (kuít) quit (kuít) quit (kuít) abandonar, rendirse, dejar read (ríiid) read (red) read (red) leer rid (rid) rid* (rid) rid* (rid) librar, desembarazar

Go to examples > ride (ráid) rode (róud) ridden (ríden) andar en, pasear en, montar ring (ring) rang (raang) rung (rang) sonar, llamar por teléfono rise (ráis) rose (róus) risen (rísen) levantarse, subir run (ran) ran (raan) run (ran) correr saw (so) sawed (sod) sawn* (sóon) serrar, serruchar

Go to examples > say (séi) said (sed) said (sed) decir see (síi) saw (so) seen (síin) ver seek (síik) sought (sot) sought (sot) buscar sell (sel) sold (sóuld) sold (sóuld) vender send (send) sent (sent) sent (sent) enviar

Go to examples > set (set) set (set) set (set) poner, ambientar sew (sóu) sewed (sóud) sewn* (sóun) coser shake (shéik) shook (shúuk) shaken (shéiken) sacudir, agitar, hacer temblar shave (shéiv) shaved (shéivt) shaven* (shéiven) afeitarse, rasurar shear (shíir) shore* (shor) shorn* (shorn) esquilar, cortar

Go to examples > shed (shed) shed (shed) shed (shed) derramar, mudar, echar shine (sháin) shone (shóun) shone (shóun) brillar, lustrar shoot (shúut) shot (shot) shot (shot) disparar, matar a tiros show (shóu) showed (shóud) shown (shóun) mostrar, exhibir shrink (shrink) shrank (shraank) shrunk (shrank) encoger/se, reducir/se

Go to examples > shut (shat) shut (shat) shut (shat) cerrar sing (sing) sang (saang) sung (sang) cantar sink (sink) sank (saank) sunk (sank) hundir/se sit (sit) sat (sat) sat (sat) sentar/se slay (sléi) slew (slúu) slain (sléin) matar

Go to examples > sleep (slíip) slept (slept) slept (slept) dormir slide (sláid) slid (slid) slid (slíden) deslizar/se, resbalarse sling (sling) slung (slang) slung (slang) tirar, arrojar slink (slink) slunk (slank) slunk (slank) moverse sigilosamente, escabullirse slit (slit) slit (slit) slit (slit) rajar, cortar

Go to examples > smell (smel) smelt* (smelt) smelt* (smelt) oler sneak (sníik) snuck* (snak) snuck* (snak) entrar/salir/pone r a hurtadillas sow (sóu) sowed (sóud) sown (sóun) sembrar speak (spíik) spoke (spóuk) spoken (spóuken) hablar speed (spíid) sped* (sped) sped* (sped) acelerar, ir a toda velocidad

Go to examples > spell (spél) spelt* (spélt) spelt* (spélt) deletrear spend (spend) spent (spent) spent (spent) gastar, pasar spill (spil) spilt* (spilt) spilt* (spilt) derramar, volcar spin (spin) spun (span) spun (span) girar, dar vueltas, hilar, tejer spit (spit) spat (spat) spat (spat) escupir Go to examples > split (split) split (split) splite (split) partir, rajar, dividir spoil (spóil) spoilt* (spóilt) spoilt* (spóilt) estropear, echar a perder, arruinar spread (spred) spread (spred) spread (spred) extender, desplegar, esparcir spring (spring) sprang (spraang) sprung (sprang) saltar stand (stáand) stood (stúud) stood (stúud) estar de pie, pararse, soportar

Go to examples > steal (stíil) stole (stóul) stolen (stóulen) robar stick (stik) stuck (stak) stuck (stak) pegar, clavar, atascarse, asomar sting (sting) stung (stang) stung (stang) picar, arder stink (stink) stank (stáank) stunk (stank) apestar, oler mal stride (stráid) strode* (stróud) stridden (stríden) andar con pasos largos

Go to examples > strike (stráik) struck (strak) struck/stricken golpear, dar (la (stríken) hora) string (string) strung (strang) strung (strang) encordar, ensartar, atar strive (stráiv) strove (stróuv) striven (stríven) luchar, esforzarse swear (suéer) swore (suóor) sworn (suóorn) jurar, decir palabrotas, malcedir sweat (suét) sweat* (suét) sweat* (suét) sudar

Go to examples > sweep (suíip) swept* (suépt) swept* (suépt) barrer, azotar swell (suél) swelled (suéld) swollen (suólen) hincharse, crecer, aumentar swim (suím) swam (suáam) swum (suám) nadar swing (suíng) swung (suáng) swung (suáng) balancear, mecer, colgar take (téik) took (túuk) taken (téiken) tomar, llevar

Go to examples > teach (tíich) taught (tot) taught (tot) enseñar tear (téer) tore (tóor) torn (tóorn) desgarrar, romper, arrancar tell (tel) told (tóuld) told (tóuld) decir, contar think (zink) thought (zot) thought (zot) pensar thrive (zráiv) throve* (zróuv) thriven* (zríven) prosperar, crecer mucho, desarrollarse

Go to examples > throw (zróu) threw (zrú) thrown (zróun) tirar, arrojar thrust (zrast) thrust (zrast) thrust (zrast) empujar con fuerza, clavar tread (tred) trod (trod) trodden (tróden) pisar, andar undergo (andergóu) underwent (anderwént) undergone (anderwént) sufrir, ser sometido a, recibir understand understood understood entender (anderstáand) (anderstúud) (anderstúud)

Go to examples > undertake (andertéik) undertook (andertúuk) undertaken emprender, (andertéiken) acometer upset (apsét) upset (apsét) upset (apsét) enfadar, trastornar wake (uéik) woke (uóuk) woken (uóuken) despertar wear (uéer) wore (uóor) worn (uórn) usar, vestir, gastar weave (uíiv) wove (uóuv) woven (uóuven) tejer

Go to examples > wed (uéd) wed* (uéd) wed* (uéd) casarse, contraer matrimonio weep (uíip) wept (uépt) wept (uépt) llorar wet (uét) wet* (uét) wet* (uét) mojar win (wín) won (wán) won (wán) ganar wind (wáind) wound (wáund) wound (wáund) dar cuerda, serpentear, envolver, enrollar

Go to examples > withdraw (widróo) withdrew (widrú) withdrawn (widróon) retirar, sacar withhold (widjóuld) withheld (widjéld) withheld (widjéld) retener, ocultar, no revelar withstand (widstáand) withstood (widstúud) withstood (widstúud) resistir, aguantar, oponerse wring (ring) wrung (rang) wrung (rang) torcer, retorcer, estrujar, escurrir write (ráit) wrote (róut) written (ríten) escribir