Maglev and Aérotrain: Why and How Europe Killed Its Own High
MAGLEV AND AÉROTRAIN Why and How Europe Killed Its Own High-Speed Transportation Plans by Karel Vereycken Sept. 29—When considering the breathtaking expansion of high-speed rail networks in China—including its am- bitious plans for the con- struction of maglev sys- tems—it may come as a shock to learn that more than forty years ago, it was Europe that was leading the way in the development of these ad- vanced technologies. France, Germany, Italy and Britain were all pushing the enve- Transrapid lope for the creation of a Transrapid 08 maglev train, at the Emsland Test Facility, in Emsland, Germany. Europe-wide, 21st Century transportation system, and were poised for the develop- why European states scrapped the very best of their na- ment and deployment of maglev and related systems. tional research on the new revolutionary technologies Yet almost all of these efforts were systematically shut that were being spun off from the aerospace programs down. Why? of the Kennedy era. A fresh look at the archives—the 1978 Working As I will demonstrate, the archives indicate that this Papers of the Strasbourg-based Parliamentary Assem- was done, top-down, in great secret, in the name of Eu- bly of the Council of Europe1—provides insights into ropean “unity,” demanding that each nation sacrifice its own scientific contribution, however valuable it might be! 1. The Council of Europe (not to be confused with the European Coun- Typical was the sabotage of the Transrapid, the Ger- cil, on which sit the heads of state and heads of government), is a 47- nation international organization (much larger than the European man-developed high-speed monorail train using mag- Union) dedicated to upholding human rights, democracy and the rule of netic levitation, for which planning started in 1969.
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