SUSSEX M ILLS Windmill Sweeps in Sussex and Kent Alfriston Tower Mill Earnley Mill Isfield Water Mills Duncton Mill Price £4.25 2009 Sussex Industrial History No. 39 • 2009 SUSSE X M ILLS The Sussex Mills Group CONTENTS Page FOREWORD Peter Hill 2 WINDMILL SWEEPS IN SUSSEX AND KENT Michael Yates 3 ALFRISTON TOWER MILL Bob Bonnett 13 EARNLEY (SOMERLEY) WINDMILL Michael J Karn 15 ISFIELD WATER MILLS Bob Bonnett 22 DUNCTON MILL Ron Martin 28 Publications 36 Cover illustration—Earnley Windmill c.1905 (Peter Hill Collection) Compiled by Bob Bonnett Edited by Dr. Brian Austen, with a foreword by Peter Hill, Chairman of the Sussex Mills Group. Design and layout by Alan Durden. The Sussex Mills Group is part of the Sussex Industrial Archaeology Society. This publication is: Number Thirty‐Nine of Sussex Industrial History 2009 The annual subscription to the Sussex Industrial Archaeology Society, including the Sussex Mills Group, is £10 and includes entitlement to Sussex Industrial History and the eight Newsletters. Life membership is available at fifteen times the annual subscription. Membership enquiries to the Hon. Secretary, R.G. Martin, 42 Falmer Avenue, Saltdean, Brighton BN2 8FG (Tel. 01273 271330, email
[email protected]). Hon. Editor: Dr Brian Austen, 1 Mercedes Cottages, St. Johns’ Road, Haywards Heath RH16 4EH (Tel. 01444 413845, email
[email protected]). Website: ISSN 0263 5151 © SIAS on behalf of the contributors 1 Sussex Industrial History No. 39 • 2009 FOREWORD It was in 1998 that the feasibility of the formation of a group of enthusiasts entirely devoted to the study, restoration and preservation of the mills of Sussex was first mooted.