990 Diocese of Owensboro (Dioecesis Owensburgensis) Most Reverend WILLIAM F. MEDLEY Bishop of Owensboro; ordained May 22, 1982; ap- pointed Bishop of Owensboro December 15, 2009; ordained February 10, 2010. Mailing Address: 600 Locust St., Owensboro, KY 42301. CREATED DECEMBER 9, 1937. Square Miles 12,502. Erected February 23, 1938. Most Reverend Comprises the following thirty-two Counties in the JOHN J. MCRAITH, D.D. western part of the State of Kentucky: Allen, Ballard, Breckinridge, Butler, Caldwell, Calloway, Carlisle, Chris- Bishop Emeritus of Owensboro; ordained February 21, tian, Crittenden, Daviess, Edmonson, Fulton, Graves, 1960; appointed October 23, 1982; consecrated Decem- Grayson, Hancock, Henderson, Hickman, Hopkins, ber 15, 1982; retired January 5, 2009. Res. & Mailing: Livingston, Logan, Lyon, McCracken, McLean, Mar- 529 Cedar St., Owensboro, KY 42301. shall, Muhlenberg, Ohio, Simpson, Todd, Trigg, Union, Warren and Webster. For legal titles of parishes and diocesan institutions, consult the Catholic Pastoral Center. Catholic Pastoral Center: 600 Locust St., Owensboro, KY 42301. Tel: 270-683-1545; Fax: 270-683-6883. Web: www.rcdok.org Email:
[email protected] STATISTICAL OVERVIEW Personnel Sisters......................... 7 High School Students.............. 751 Bishop. ........................ 1 Lay Ministers................... 71 Elementary Students.............. 2,825 Retired Bishops. ................. 1 Welfare Total Students under Catholic Instruction 7,918 Priests: Diocesan Active in Diocese..... 51 Teachers in the Diocese: Priests: Diocesan Active Outside Diocese 3 Catholic Hospitals. ............... 1 Priests......................... 3 Priests: Retired, Sick or Absent....... 17 Total Assisted................... 291,040 Sisters......................... 15 Number of Diocesan Priests.......... 71 Homes for the Aged................ 2 Lay Teachers.................... 315 Total Assisted................... 217 Religious Priests in Diocese. ........ 19 Vital Statistics Total Priests in Diocese............