[Published in Vremya Novostei , Russia, 16/04/04 ; by: Yelena Suponina, Foreign Editor]

The Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has had talks in Ireland with the leading European Union troika. was among the issues discussed. Speaking in Dublin to Vremya Novostei's Yelena Suponina the EU's chief representative for foreign policy and security, Javier Solana, explained the European position.

Q: Russia comes out for an international conference on Iraq. But are you, Mr. Solana, sure that it can help Iraq?

Javier Solana : Considering the grave situation in Iraq, I cannot be sure of anything. But every effort must be made. The idea of the conference is to discuss events in Iraq in the broadest possible format. But one has to bear in mind that such an event needs time to prepare. But we are short of time. We must look for a quick and effective solution. The UN should be involved in the settlement to the greatest possible degree. We should think about the participation of leaders in Iraq and Iraq's neighbors. The UN special representative Lakhdar Brahimi, an Algerian, has held talks in with various forces (previously, Mr. Brahimi was involved in bringing about a settlement in -- VN). He is already on his way to New York and I am sure he has ideas to propose. I know Brahimi well and I am sure he will come up with something.

Q: Many Iraqis do not trust the UN. The Shia spiritual leader Ali Sistani has refused to meet with Brahimi.

Javier Solana : The Iraqis should understand that if it is not Brahimi, who then? Who can do something in Iraq if not the UN? No one. Brahimi was sent there by the international community, this is not his first visit. We hope he will find a constructive solution.

Q: How is it possible to hand over all power to the Iraqis by July 1, as the US promises?

Javier Solana : By that time a group of people must be found in Iraq who could hold power. A power structure must be worked out so that the Sunnis, Shias and the Kurds could take part in running the country.

Q: Is the European community following the fate of the toppled ?

Javier Solana : I must confess that I am not very well informed on that. I only know that he is not being kept in Iraq. I think it is in the interests of the Iraqi people that he get a fair trial.

1 Q: Is the Israeli-Palestinian conflict influencing events in Iraq? And what do you think of the US President's concept of a new Middle East?

Javier Solana : This is not only Bush's idea. Most Arab leaders favor the concept of a new Middle East. This is not to say that life in should become like in the US or Europe. But common democratic values should take root in the region. The history of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and current developments in the region give the Arabs negative feelings and a sense of being lost. This does have an impact. So, it's important to carefully study the new initiatives of the Israeli premier, Sharon. To this end the Quartet should probably hold an early meeting (the Quartet of mediators includes the UN, Russia, Europe and the US -- VN).

Q: You are a Spaniard and on March 11 Madrid saw bloody terrorist acts which were declared by Arab extremists to be acts of vengeance for Spain's participation in the war in Iraq.

Javier Solana : The nearly 200 people killed in the act had nothing to do with the war in Iraq or events in Palestine. They were workers and students. There is no justification to those terrorist acts. One has to be careful thinking about the causes of the tragedy. Or else one might slide down to justification and this should not happen. Yes, some young Arabs are disenchanted with life for many reasons. But this is no justification for killing innocent people.
