Information for Members 1

Brindabella Bushwalking Club provides a program of bushwalking and other activities that adults and children can enjoy, and promotes interest in bushwalking, safety and survival in the bush. We encourage minimal-impact bushwalking and preservation of the natural environment. Visitors are welcome, but should contact the leader beforehand. Please read the introduction to the program, particularly ‘Advice to Walkers' and 'Rules for Walkers’.



PRESIDENT Peter Dalton 0414 363255 [email protected]

VICE-PRESIDENT & WALKS OFFICER John Ellis 62412658 [email protected]

TREASURER Lana Burmester 0401 178120 [email protected]

SECRETARY Julie Pettit 62486358 [email protected]

MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY Davinia Wells 62544491 [email protected]

SOCIAL CONVENOR Elaine Atkinson 62883557 [email protected]

TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT OFFICER Bob Chittenden 62310856 [email protected]

FACEBOOK Helen Locke

GENERAL COMMITTEE Peter Ford 0437 110001

PUBLIC OFFICER Julie Pettit 62486358

WALKS SUB-COMMITTEE John Ellis 62412658 Jillian Bellamy 62863766 Robyn Gallagher 0409 891187 Peter Wellman 62885985 Robyn Kelly 62880449 Kathy Handel 62383596 Annabel Agafonoff 62820252

SOCIAL SUB-COMMITTEE Elaine Atkinson 62883557 Julie Pettit 62486358 Colleen Fox 62883153 Terry O’Brien 0437 992550 Peter Boyland 0413 378684 Monty Fox 62883153 Wendy Thompson 0439 026751

EMERGENCY OFFICERS Doug Finlayson 62815810 Colin Boreham 62864342 Both can be contacted at [email protected]

An abridged program is on the Club’s website:

Information for Members 2



The Membership Year is from 1 October to 30 September. The current Application for Membership (form) is at


Meeting times and places The normal departure time is 9.00 am, unless shown otherwise (highlighted with ***). Please arrive 10 minutes before the departure time to allow the leader time to organise the car-pooling. The usual meeting places and their symbols are shown below. Please do not stand on the roadway at the meeting place, obstructing traffic. K: Kambah Village shopping centre car park, corner and Marconi Crescent, opposite the petrol service station

NL: North Lyneham shops, Colville St, off Montford Circuit, off Cossington Smith Crescent Q: Queanbeyan Swimming Pool car park, Campbell Street S: Spotlight Queanbeyan car park, 6-8 Bungendore Rd (aka Kings Highway) W: The Weston Creek Tennis Courts car park, in Dillon Close, which comes off Namatjira Drive directly opposite and north of McDonalds at Cooleman Court.

Cancellation of walks Walks are likely to be cancelled if heavy rain is forecast, or a total fire ban is in force. If warnings are issued or you are unsure about conditions, contact the leader at least a day in advance about possible changes. If there are fewer than four people the walk cannot proceed as an official club activity.

Transport Car sharing is arranged at meeting places. The contribution for each passenger is shown in the walk description. It is currently based on 12 cents per passenger per kilometre, rounded to the nearest dollar. National Park and Nature Reserve entry fees are usually divided equally among all people in the car, and are additional to the 12 cents per passenger per kilometre. Drivers unsure of the route should ask the leader to wait at significant corners. A tail car may be nominated by the leader. Convoys inconvenience other drivers, so please allow plenty of room for overtaking traffic.

Start and finish Day walks usually leave the cars by 10.00 am. The time of return to the cars cannot be guaranteed, but it will usually be by 4.00 pm in winter and 6.00 pm in summer. Some walks may start earlier and end later, and this will be indicated in the walk description. It is our custom to bring a thermos and enjoy a friendly chat after walks before driving home.

Family walks

Family walks are usually on the last Sunday of each month during school terms and are suitable for families with young children. The children in our group are mostly of primary school age, however on some walks strollers will be possible. The pace is slow, with a long stop for morning tea, and attractions for children are often included. Most walks are in bushland and about two hours long. Details of the walks are routinely emailed to members who have indicated their interest in going on the walks. Inquiries to Membership Secretary. 3 Information for Members


Short/Easy Wednesday walks These half-day walks of 10 km or less will be held throughout the year. The club would value your suggestions. If you are interested, come and try some of the walks.

Easy/Medium Wednesday walks

These are a bridge between the Short and the Medium/Hard Wednesday walks and are conducted on the first four Wednesdays of the month, in cooperation with the Canberra Bushwalking Club (CBC) on the same basis as the Medium/Hard Wednesday Walks (see below). They are graded at the upper level of ‘Easy’ or the lower level of ‘Medium’. They will usually take most of the day, but will be easier than the Medium/Hard Wednesday walk to be conducted on that day.

Medium/Hard Wednesday walks These walks are conducted in cooperation with CBC and the National Parks Association (NPA). BBC arranges walks on the first and third Wednesdays of each month, CBC on the second Wednesday. Walks on fourth and fifth Wednesdays are arranged by the NPA. These walks have common features: Medium (grade 8) to the lower end of Hard (grade 12); sometimes difficult or exploratory; and walkers will feel exercised.

Notification of Wednesday Walks. Descriptions of all Wednesday walks are emailed separately to interested walkers a few days before the walk. If you would like to receive these emails, send a request to [email protected] for the Short/Easy walks, or [email protected] for the Easy/Medium and Medium/Hard walks. You should also select the relevant option on the membership form.


Any leader can put a walk on at short notice with the concurrence of the Walks Officer, provided: it doesn’t coincide with any programmed walk (however, a different grade might be approved); or if it is a special occasion; e.g. to a waterfall after heavy rain; or if it is in lieu of a programmed walk that was cancelled due to weather; e.g. 40 degrees on Sunday, but 20 degrees on Monday.


Please direct any enquiries concerning overdue walking parties in the first instance to the club's Emergency Officers – see the front cover for contact details. If they cannot be reached, please contact an Office Bearer of the club. They will advise Police of the situation, if necessary. Upon return, leaders of overdue parties must contact the Emergency Officers as soon as possible.


Bushwalking is an active recreation. The aim of the club is to facilitate enjoyment of the bush, safely and in good company. Each walker must be aware of the hazards and be prepared for them. If in the leader's opinion a walk is not suitable for someone, the leader has a right not to accept that person on the walk. The club expects all members and visitors to diligently follow the advice given below:

• If you have doubts about your ability to undertake bushwalking, please consult your doctor beforehand.

• For your enjoyment and safety, and that of others, it is important that you read the walk descriptions carefully and understand them. If you have any doubts, phone the leader beforehand. Leaders' phone numbers are always given in the program.

• You should select an easy walk for your first walk, unless you are very experienced and the leader approves. Walkers with fitness problems and new members should stay with walks graded 'Very Easy' or 'Easy' until confident of their ability to undertake harder walks.

Information for Members 4

• If walking with children, make sure you choose a walk that they can manage comfortably. Most walks that are under 10 km and over easy terrain are suitable for children of, say, seven years and older. Our family walks usually take 2-3 hours and are intended for families with younger children.

• Most day walks take the party several hours away from car or phone, and pack walks often much further away. All walkers must take their own first aid kits – see the Rules for Walkers for details. The club cannot guarantee that there will be someone in each party with first aid qualifications.

• Bring sunscreen and insect repellent as appropriate. Flies are likely to be a nuisance in summer.

• Visitors are welcome on all walks, but they must discuss the walk and their own experience with the leader before going to the meeting point. If you have doubts about your ability to keep up with the group on a particular walk, do not attempt the walk.

• TICKS – Helpful information for those doing NSW South Coast Walks Adult ticks are at their worst from October to February. Avoid ticks by wearing long pants tucked into socks, long sleeves, a broad- brimmed hat and tropical strength insect repellent. Avoid brushing vegetation if possible. In the evening, check clothes and body before retiring. Be aware of Lyme disease symptoms - see

Removal of ticks. This is the latest advice – Freeze, don't Squeeze. Buy a spray from the chemist that contains either, e.g. “Wart Off” or “Medi Freeze.” Spray the tick (freezes it) and wait about 10 minutes until the tick is dead. You can then just flick it off. Don't use tweezers because they just squeeze the tick and inject more of its toxin into you (note that the NSW Health link below still suggests using tweezers). Seek hospital treatment if there are signs of distress, particularly with very young people and those who may have an allergy to ticks. Http://


• You (including visitors) must register on the Walk Report form, which includes a risk acknowledgement.

• There is a limit of 3 walks as a visitor - after this, visitors must apply for membership.

• Discuss your suitability with the leader beforehand if you plan on participating in a walk of a higher grade than you have done before.

• No person under the age of 18 can participate in a BBC walk unless accompanied by a parent, guardian or other adult who is either a close relative, or authorised by the parent or guardian. This ‘responsible person’ must sign a modified activity sign-in form.

• Dogs and firearms are not allowed.

• Bring lunch and plenty to drink — a minimum of 1 litre per adult and 1.5 litres per child in normal weather, and 2-3 litres for hot weather.

• Dress appropriately and always bring a hat, waterproof jacket or coat, and warm clothing, e.g., polar- fleece, thermals, gloves and warm headgear, for unexpected cold weather.

• Strong footwear with thick treaded soles is recommended. Walking boots with thick socks are best; joggers may be adequate for easy and medium terrain; if in doubt, contact the walk leader.

• Some first aid needs arise more often than others: sunburn, thorn pricks, insect bites, abrasions and bruising from falls, blisters, heat exhaustion through not drinking enough, and sprains and strains from slipping on rock or wet wood. Snake bite is always a possibility. Walkers must carry a first aid kit containing, as the minimum, a wide compression bandage (for snake bites, sprains and breaks), some wide micropore surgical tape (all-purpose), bandaids and pain killers.

• Carry everything in a backpack so that both hands are free.

5 Information for Members

• Keep together. Use the same route as the leader and do not get ahead of or behind the party. Keep the walker in front and behind in sight - call the leader to stop if necessary. If the party is large, a tail person is usually appointed to monitor slower walkers. The most common causes of separation are getting ahead of the leader, stopping to take photos or making a toilet stop without telling anyone. Do not assume you can drop behind and then easily catch up.

• If you do become separated, stop and call out. Do not keep walking. Wait in a visible place even if you have to wait some time. The leader will return for you. Call out at intervals.

• Be aware of fellow walkers – if a problem is apparent, advise the leader.

• Let the leader know if you are having any difficulties.

• If you want to leave the walk for any reason, you must consult the leader first – and abide by the leader's ruling. Do not assume you will get approval.

• The club endorses minimum impact bushwalking. Avoid damaging the bush environment, leave absolutely no litter, and do not burn plastics or aluminium in fires.

• Call for a stop at the first sign of a blister or other injury. The party will gladly stop for a rest while any necessary first aid is given. If you use someone else’s supplies, replace them.

• If the leader is making a head count, assist by standing still.

• Avoid using mobile phones. If you must, then move well away from others.


The standard entry for a day walk should include the following: Day(s); date(s); title; distance; grade; grading score (see below); leader and phone number; description (route, climb if graded above 'very easy', terrain, main interest or special attractions); location of parking place at start of walk; car distance and passenger contribution; map(s); meeting point (and time if non-standard); expected late return; car shuffle or cross -over; any special hazards; and any special instructions. Note: All map references are to 1:25 000 CMA maps unless otherwise indicated.

Some terms used in walk descriptions: Compulsory swim: Unavoidable river or pool crossing too deep for walking.

Fire road, fire trail: Rough vehicle track, usually comfortable for walking.

Foot pad: Narrow track worn by passage of feet. Foot track: Constructed narrow track for walkers. Creek or river crossing: a crossing without a bridge - may mean wet feet or use of stepping stones or logs. Exploratory: Route not fully known to the leader. May be physically demanding, with delays and diversions from the intended route. Fit and experienced walkers only. Rock scrambling: Use of hands on steep, slippery, rocky slope. Rock hopping: Stepping or jumping from rock to rock in or above water. Scrub: Low trees or shrubs, collectively. Light scrub offers little impediment; medium scrub requires some extra effort and use of hands; heavy scrub requires considerable effort and constant use of hands. Climb: Sum of all climbs on the walk, not just the difference between the lowest and highest points. Information for Members 6


Walks are graded by experienced walkers, but a grading will always be somewhat subjective. The difficulty of a walk can be greatly affected by changes in the weather, vegetation and track conditions. Note that the harder walks are carried out faster, with shorter and fewer stops. Walk descriptions include the approximate distance, total climb and notes on the terrain, and are the best guide to the degree of difficulty. These factors are scored in the grading system, and the total score is used to grade each walk – see the tables below. Regular walkers will learn to match their capabilities to them.


Dist. Total (km) Score Climb (m) Score Terrain Score

900 6 21 5 700-899 5 Mostly rough going 5 16-20 4 500-699 4 Moderately rough going 4 11-15 3 300-499 3 Some rough going 3 6-10 2 100-299 2 Mostly road, track or footpad, no rough 2 going

0-5 1 0-99 1 All road, track or footpad, no rough 1 going Note. Rough going includes medium or heavy scrub; rocky, loose or slippery

ground; rock scrambling; and stony creek crossings.

GRADING Total Score Grade Comment Very 15- Hard Strenuous walking. Fit and experienced walkers only. 12-14 Hard Demanding walking. Fit and experienced walkers only. Moderate fitness and bushwalking experience is required. People who 8-11 Medium have not been on a full day's bushwalk before will find these quite difficult.

4-7 Easy At the lower end (Grade 4), these are suitable for people with little or no bushwalking experience. The degree of difficulty increases with the grading score.

Very Distances up to 5 km; urban or nature park rambles; suitable for 3 Easy family groups, including young children needing to be carried.

Note. Total scores are included with the grading in the walk descriptions, e.g. Medium (9) 7 Information for Members


The club wishes to encourage members to improve their skills in navigation, first aid and more advanced bushwalking. The following activities are open to all.

Navigation training and exercises

Members wishing to practise navigation may bring map, compass and GPS on a walk and check their navigation with that of the leader. While leaders will not be able to give you undivided attention, you will find them willing to help and advise, particularly if you have phoned them beforehand. The program includes training courses for those wishing to improve their navigation skills.

First aid courses The club organises first aid courses for walks leaders. The cost of approved courses is paid by the club. You should register your interest at an early date with the Training Officer.

Advanced bushwalking The club offers pack walks of varying difficulty into more rugged terrain over two or more days. Because of the greater safety and fitness requirements, you must ask the leader's permission beforehand. On such walks you will hear lively debate about the best gear. From time to time the program includes special introductory pack walks. You are welcome to call the Secretary or Walks Officer for the name of an experienced wilderness bushwalker if you would like personal advice about gear, routes, etc.


The club needs new leaders and new ideas for walks. If you are interested in leading or in finding out more about it, please feel free to talk to walk leaders, the Walks Officer, or to other Committee members, and come to the next Walks Program Meeting with your ideas. From the Walks Officer you can also obtain a copy of Guidelines for Leaders, which contains detailed advice on what is involved in leading a walk. The club has two Personal Locator Beacons (PLB), and an extensive collection of local maps, that are available for loan to leaders.


The club encourages safe bushwalking practices by asking that all individuals on any walk be aware of the need to look out for the welfare of others in the party, especially the less experienced members of the party. The leader will follow the leader guidelines set down by the club, but there is a mutual obligation on other walkers to raise any concerns they may have about the route, weather, tired walkers, etc. with the leader and fellow walkers. Don't suffer in silence.

Walking in wilderness or remote areas also has its hazards if an emergency occurs. Walk leaders going into wilderness or remote areas may ask the club for the use of a personal locator beacon (PLB). For details contact the Walks Officer. Such an emergency beacon, however, should only be used in life-threatening situations since their activation triggers a national and international rescue procedure and actions by the police and rescue services. Walkers should consider all other options for the safe return of the party before considering the activation of a PLB. Information for Members 8


All members of Brindabella Bushwalking Club are covered for public and product liability insurance through our affiliation with Bushwalking NSW. This insurance cover is negotiated for all bushwalking clubs throughout by Bushwalking Australia. All members sign an acknowledgement of risk form as part of their annual renewal of membership process and each time they attend a club activity. Members are NOT covered for personal accident insurance, which remains the responsibility of individual members. Members may feel it necessary to insure themselves against any personal accident or injury that might occur while undertaking club activities.

Members and visitors participating in club activities are strongly advised that they should have some form of ambulance insurance in case of an accident requiring evacuation by emergency services.


A Walks Program meeting is held about 7 weeks before the end of the current 6 monthly program. Anybody wishing to discuss the upcoming program is invited to attend or, alternatively, email the relevant Walks Sub-Committee member (see below). The details are shown in the program.

A week or two before this, leaders are reminded by email to submit proposals for walks and social activities for the next 6-month period.

Leaders submit their walk proposals to the appropriate Walks Sub-Committee member; i.e.

Short Wednesday Walks - Robyn Kelly ([email protected]) Easy/Medium Wednesday Walks - Kathy Handel ([email protected]) Medium/Hard Wednesday Walks - Peter Wellman ([email protected]) Easy Weekend Walks - Jillian Bellamy ([email protected]) Medium Weekend Walks - Robyn Gallagher ([email protected]) All other activities - John Ellis ([email protected])

The Walks Sub-Committee members discuss the proposals and will sometimes have to get back to leaders to find another date for an activity when two or more people want to lead the same grade of walk on a particular date. This also occurs when, for example, two Easy walks might be proposed for one weekend and two Medium walks for the next.

Leaders who require confirmation of attendance by a certain date must notify their Walks Sub- Committee representative, who will ensure this appears as a Deadline in the program.

Once the program is complete, it is perused and proof-read by other club members before being taken to a commercial printer. The aim is to have it distributed at least two weeks before the end of the current program – either by email (preferred) or mail (at additional cost to the member).

If you have any questions about the programming process or about leading walks, please speak with the Walks Officer. 9 Walks and Social Program



Important notice

BBC members and visitors participating in club activities are advised that they should have some form of ambulance insurance in case of an accident requiring evacuation by emergency services.

Book now for these upcoming trips away

Full descriptions of these are in date order in the pages that follow

Fri 4 Jan – Fri 11 Jan – GUNUMA LODGE AT SMIGGINS – Hard/Medium/Easy Leader: Janet D ([email protected])

Mon 4 Feb – Thu 7 Feb – DEPOT BEACH FOUR DAY CAMP – Easy Leader: Jenny H (CBC member). Book as a guest at the CBC website

Sun 24 Feb – Thu 28 Feb – DAY WALKS FROM GUTHEGA – Medium. Leader: John D (62543814) or ([email protected])

Thu 28 Feb – Mon 4 Mar – PERISHER VALLEY – Easy Leader: Judy L ([email protected]) or phone 62515882 or 0400786324 before 1 Jan or after 21 Jan

Mon 4 Mar – Wed 6 Mar – BIG HOLE CAR CAMP – Medium Leader: Prue D ([email protected])

Fri 15 Mar – Sun 17 Mar – BOURNDA NATIONAL PARK CAR CAMP – Easy/Medium Leaders: Lyn and Trevor W ([email protected]) or (62815883)

Sat 27 Apr – Sun 28 Apr – CIRCUIT PACK WALK – 25 km Medium (11) Leader: Diana K (0421851212)

Mon 6 May – Mon 13 May – BRIGHT, VICTORIA – Medium Leader: Peter W (62885985)

Tue 11 Jun – Thu 13 Jun – SOME PLEASANT WALKS IN THE RIVERINA – Easy/Medium Leader: David W (62861573)) or ([email protected])

Please read ‘Information for Members’ on pages 2-8

Walks and Social Program 10

Tue 25 Dec – WALK, SWIM AND LUNCH AT THE COTTER ON CHRISTMAS DAY 2018 – Short and Easy. Leader: Janet D ([email protected]) Wondering what to do on Christmas Day? Please join me and a congenial group in walking around the attractive area at the Cotter Reserve: to the dam viewing platform, up the hill to another lookout where you are able to see the extent of the Cotter Dam and return from there, following the river, to our lunch spot. We can enjoy our Christmas luncheon about 1 pm. Please bring food for yourselves and something to share. You will need to bring a chair, dinner plate, bowl and cutlery as well as a glass and coffee mug. I will bring a lovely plum pudding with custard to share. Drinks are your choice as is a hot thermos for tea, coffee or whatever. Please bring a Christmas decoration too.

If it’s a hot day, remember to bring your swim wear. We walk with our morning tea then return to the cars and settle down for a sumptuous Christmas lunch. Last year we had a great group who thoroughly enjoyed having company and, thanks to Derek we all attempted to play a fun and ridiculous game – a mixture of skittles and boules.

I prefer bookings but it’s ok just to turn up. If you prefer you are most welcome to meet at about 12.30 pm at the Cotter Bend Picnic grounds where we plan to have lunch.

Map: Cotter Dam. Meet at Cooleman Court by 9.30 am or at the Cotter Bend Picnic area by 10.00 am. $5 if you are a passenger. ***

Fri 4 Jan – Fri 11 Jan – GUNUMA LODGE AT SMIGGINS – Hard/Medium/Easy walks Leader: Janet D [email protected] Join a congenial group staying at Gunuma Ski Lodge at Smiggins for a week doing a variety of activities; walks, fishing, coffee at Charlotte Pass or simply enjoy being in the mountains. Walks may include easier walks e.g. Rainbow Lake, Waterfall, Porcupine Rocks, Island Bend and longer walks e.g. Mt Anton from Guthega, The Sentinel, Mt Townsend and beyond.

Self-cater for breakfasts and lunches. For the evening meal people are organised into catering groups of 4+ so you may only need to cook for one evening meal, depending on numbers. Previously this has worked out extremely well and is fun with delicious meals. The kitchen is well equipped with storage space for your food. There are TVs, lounges and a deck to enjoy life! Please check out

Accommodation: Cost is $34 per night, $238 per person for 7 nights. Please book as a member or guest through CBC site and when approved details will be advised with full payment by 10 Dec. I will email information about the Lodge, a walks itinerary and the evening meal roster.

Transport: $120 return trip and pooled where possible. Each car will need a national park pass $17 per day = $102 or buy an annual pass for $190. Day walks will be charged following CBC/BBC rates.

Sun 6 Jan – PINE ISLAND TO POINT HUT AND RETURN, SWIM/WALK – 7 km Easy (5) Leader: Bob C (6231 0856). We start this walk at the southern parking area at Pine Island (closest to Point Hut) and follow the track to Point Hut and cross the road to the swimming spot and morning tea. We return to Pine Island for another swim and lunch. Total climb about 60 m. Maps: Tuggeranong, Williamsdale. Cars: Meet at southern parking area at Pine Island (closest to Point Hut) GR 872775 so that you can swim/party at Pine Island after lunch for as long as you want. Start 9 am.***

Wed 9 Jan – EASY/MEDIUM WEDNESDAY WALK (CBC) – Walks graded at the upper level of ‘Easy’ or the lower level of ‘Medium’. Coordinator: John D (62543814)

Wed 9 Jan – MEDIUM/HARD WEDNESDAY WALK (CBC) – Medium to Hard graded walks. Coordinator: John D (62543814)

Please read ‘Information for Members’ on pages 2-8

11 Walks and Social Program

Sat 12 Jan – Mt TAYLOR RAMBLE – 7 km Easy (5) Leaders: Leigh and Maurice H (62311485 or 0417 147260). A short morning walk exploring Mt Taylor on a mixture of fire trails, track and footpad, and starting early to avoid the heat. Afterwards walk to Maurice and Leigh’s home for morning tea/coffee (provided). Climb: 200 m. Map: . Meet at Leigh and Maurice’s at Kambah (Contact Leigh for address) at 8 am.***

Sat 12 Jan – Deadline for DAY WALKS FROM GUTHEGA from Sun 24 Feb – Thu 28 Feb. Contact John D (62543814) or ([email protected] )

Sat 12 Jan –TBA - MEDIUM WALK Leader: Peter W (62885985). A walk appropriate for the weather will be notified by email

Sun 13 Jan – HELLS HOLE-GOOGONG DAM – 15 km Medium (9) Leader: Bob C (62310856). We start on Bradleys Creek Walk from Googong Dam and continue to Queanbeyan River Fire Trail. About 3 km along this trail we come to an unnamed track to the right leading to Hells Hole. We lunch at Hells Hole and return the same way. Climb: 640 m. Cars: 26 km ($3). Map: Hoskinstown. Meet at Q.

Wed 16 Jan – EASY/MEDIUM WEDNESDAY WALK (BBC) – Walks graded at the upper level of ‘Easy’ or the lower level of ‘Medium’. Leader: Peter F (0437110001)

Wed 16 Jan – MEDIUM/HARD WEDNESDAY WALK (BBC) – Medium to Hard graded walks. Leader: Peter W (62885985)

Sat 19 Jan –TBA - MEDIUM WALK Leader: Eric P (62862128). A walk appropriate for the weather will be notified by email

Sun 20 Jan – PINE ISLAND TO KAMBAH POOL AND RETURN – 16 km Easy (6) Leader: Bob C (62310856). From Pine Island northern car park (top of hill) we follow the track to Kambah Pool for lunch and swim at Kambah Pool. Return via same route, with another opportunity for a swim. All on track. Climb: 100m. Map: Tuggeranong. Start 9.00 am. Meet at Pine Island northern car park (top of hill) GR 864778. ***

Mon 21 Jan – Deadline for DEPOT BEACH FOUR DAY CAMP from Mon 4 Feb to Thu 7 Feb. Book as a guest at the CBC website.

Wed 23 Jan – EASY/MEDIUM WEDNESDAY WALK (CBC) – Walks graded at the upper level of ‘Easy’ or the lower level of ‘Medium’. Coordinator: John D (62543814)

Wed 23 Jan – MEDIUM/HARD WEDNESDAY WALK (NPA) – Medium to Hard graded walks. Coordinator: Mike S (62862984)

Sat 26 Jan – NURSERY SWAMP CREEK TO RENDEZVOUS CREEK – 12 km Easy (7) Leader: Doug F (62815810). From the Nursery Swamp car park, it’s a steady climb all on track to the saddle, then over the swamp and on to the next saddle. Then downhill to cross Rendezvous Creek. Walk parallel to the creek to a lunch spot near cascades. Return via same route. Climb: 400 m. Cars: 95 km ($11). Map: Rendezvous Creek. Meet at K.

Sun 27 Jan – CUUMBEUN NATURE RESERVE – 12 km Medium (8) Please read ‘Information for Members’ on pages 2-8

Walks and Social Program 12

Leader: Bob C (62310856). A short drive from Queanbeyan to a point 1 km along Captains Flat Road. We head off on foot along a fire trail until we get to a creek which will lead us to a lovely gorge. We follow this gorge for several kilometres for views over Queanbeyan. Climb: 300 m. Cars: 20 km ($3). Map: Bungendore. Meet at Q.

Wed 30 Jan – EASY/MEDIUM WEDNESDAY WALK (CBC) – Walks graded at the upper level of ‘Easy’ or the lower level of ‘Medium’. Coordinator: John D (62543814)

Wed 30 Jan – MEDIUM/HARD WEDNESDAY WALK (NPA) – Medium to Hard graded walks. Coordinator: Mike S (62862984)

Fri 1 Feb – MT AINSLIE SUNSET WALK – 3 km Easy (5) Coordinator: Elaine A (62883557). This is a social event offering drinks and nibbles at the top of Mt Ainslie, timed so that you can enjoy the sunset over the Brindabellas while chatting with friends. Climb: 200 m. Bring a drink receptacle and a torch for the descent at dusk on a deteriorating track - everything else is provided. The event will be cancelled if extreme weather is threatening at 6 pm. Meet at the base of the Mt Ainslie walking track behind the War Memorial at 6.30 pm.***

Sat 2 Feb –TBA - MEDIUM WALK Leader: Eric P (62862128). A walk appropriate for the weather will be notified by email

Sun 3 Feb – VANITYS CROSSING – 12 km Easy (7) Leader: John C (62627504). The walk will start at the locked gate below Hardy Trig, and finish at the old picnic area on Vanitys Crossing track. All on forest roads and tracks, except for crossing the Cotter River, where we will get wet feet. A car will be left at the picnic area and the remainder will go to Pipeline Road. The last 50 m of the dirt road to the start point is steep though not difficult, but some people might decide to go in larger cars. It is not a 4-wheel drive road. Two crossings of the Cotter River, firstly just after Pipeline Road, and later near the end of the walk. Bring sandshoes for the crossings and swimwear may be useful. We do not have to climb up the steep hill because of the car shuffle, and the shortcut we used to use is now possible. Lunch will be at the river. Climb: 200 m. Cars: 50 km ($6). Map: Cotter Dam. Meet at W.

Mon 4 Feb to Thu 7 Feb – DEPOT BEACH FOUR DAY CAMP – Easy Leader: Jenny H CBC member An opportunity to enjoy 4 days camping at the Depot Beach Campground. Activities include walking around to Point Upright along a spectacular wave-cut platform, walking along to Pebbly Beach for snorkelling, short walk in the rainforest, a day spent at North Head, as well as gazing at the stars and doing nothing. Campers need to bring their own tent and the sites will already be booked. Please book your own accommodation if you intend to hire a cabin or powered site for a van. Joint CBC/BBC activity. Accommodation: 3 nights. Powered sites $34 per night, unpowered $24 per night for 2 people. National Parks pass is $8 per car per night. Cabins available. Hot showers $1. Self-cater as there are no shops nearby. campground 02 4478 6582. Book: Please book as a guest at the CBC website by Mon 21 Jan. Transport: $65 each person, including travel to North Beach.

Wed 6 Feb – SHORT WEDNESDAY WALK – Easy Contact: Robyn K (62880449) or Colleen F (62883153) or email [email protected]

Wed 6 Feb – EASY/MEDIUM WEDNESDAY WALK (BBC) – Walks graded at the upper level of ‘Easy’ or the lower level of ‘Medium’. Leader: John E (62412658)

Please read ‘Information for Members’ on pages 2-8

13 Walks and Social Program

Wed 6 Feb – MEDIUM/HARD WEDNESDAY WALK (BBC) – Medium to Hard graded walks. Leader: David W (62861573)

Sat 9 Feb – WEE JASPER – MICALONG CREEK – GOODRADIGBEE RIVER – 8 km Easy (6) Leader: David W (62861573). Two short walks and one swim. From the Fitzpatrick Trackhead near Wee Jasper we will walk along a section of the Hume and Hovell Walking Track for about 4 km with a 150 m climb. Morning tea by Wee Jasper Creek and a return to the Trackhead. We will then drive to the Micalong Creek Reserve and walk along Micalong Creek to the junction with the Goodradigbee River to a nice swimming area for a swim or lazing on the river bank in the shade. Cars: 200 km ($24). Map: Meet at W.

Sun 10 Feb – BULLS FLAT CREEK - GRASSY CREEK CIRCUIT – 12 km Easy (7) Leader: Doug F (62815810). Walk from the locked gate at Naas Creek along the Old Boboyan Road past homestead ruins to Bulls Flat Creek. Follow the creek upstream and cross the saddle to Grassy Creek. Then cross-country to finish at Brayshaws Hut. Car shuffle required. Climb: 170 m. Cars: 120 km ($15). Map: Yaouk. Meet at K.

Wed 13 Feb – EASY/MEDIUM WEDNESDAY WALK (CBC) – Walks graded at the upper level of ‘Easy’ or the lower level of ‘Medium’. Coordinator: John D (62543814)

Wed 13 Feb – MEDIUM/HARD WEDNESDAY WALK (CBC) – Medium to Hard graded walks. Coordinator: John D (62543814)

Sat 16 Feb – Peter W – Medium If the weather is not forecast to be too hot, a walk description will be sent out by email mid-week.

Sun 17 Feb – PARLIAMENT AND SOUTH – MORNING WALK – 9 km Easy (5) Leader: Lyn W (6281 5883). A pleasant walk designed to avoid the heat, through the grounds of Parliament House and the shady streets of old South Canberra. After the walk, those who wish can enjoy a BYO picnic lunch in the Parliamentary Rose Garden. Map: Canberra suburbs. Meet under trees at eastern end of Queen Victoria Terrace at 9 am.***

18 Feb – Deadline for BIG HOLE CAR CAMP from Mon 4 - Wed 6 Mar – Medium Contact the leader: Prue D ([email protected]) by today if you wish to go.

Wed 20 Feb – SHORT WEDNESDAY WALK – Easy Contact: Robyn K (62880449) or Colleen F (62883153) or email [email protected]

Wed 20 Feb – EASY/MEDIUM WEDNESDAY WALK (BBC) – Walks graded at the upper level of ‘Easy’ or the lower level of ‘Medium’. Leader: Robin C (0417238652)

Wed 20 Feb – MEDIUM/HARD WEDNESDAY WALK (BBC) – Medium to Hard graded walks. Leader: Peter W (62885985)

20 Feb – Deadline for Bournda National Park Car Camp from 15 – 17 Mar Easy/Medium Contact the leaders: Lyn and Trevor W ([email protected] or 62815883).

Please read ‘Information for Members’ on pages 2-8

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Sat 23 Feb – THREE LOOKOUTS AT BOOROOMBA ROCKS –10 km Easy (7) Leader: Peter D (0414 363255). There’ll be a short car shuffle to leave cars at the Booroomba Rocks car park. The walk commences from the Honeysuckle Creek camp ground along the Walking Track (AAWT), to Booroomba Rocks car park for morning tea. We then go up the usual steep track and just before the top we turn right along a good, but relatively unknown, track to the eastern lookout. We next retrace our steps back to the central lookout where we’ll probably have lunch. After leaving here we follow another well- marked route across to the large south-western Booroomba slab to enjoy the views from its highest point. From there we return to the main track and go back down to the car park. If the forecast is for a hot day (above 27 deg), we will start the walk from Booroomba Rocks car park, which will mean the climbing (now only 300 m) will be done in the coolest part of the day and the distance reduced to 5 km. Climb: 450 m. Map: Corin Dam. Cars: 76 km ($9). Meet at K, leaving at 8.30 am.***

Sun 24 Feb – Thu 28 Feb – DAY WALKS FROM GUTHEGA – Medium Leader: John D ([email protected] or 62543814). Joint activity with CBC. A number of day walks from Guthega, including Mt Tate, the Rolling Ground, Mt Twynam, either from Guthega or from Charlotte Pass and Spencers Creek. Walks are rated medium, with some possible easy walks, e.g. Mount Blue Cow or Porcupine Rocks. Other options available depending on the group.

Tiobunga Lodge has recently been rebuilt with a large commercial kitchen and all rooms having an ensuite. People can opt for either shared meals or do your own. Basic pantry items available in the lodge.

Guthega is a quaint little village and has remained relatively unchanged in over 50 years, with good views over Guthega Dam and Mounts Tate, Anderson, Anton, etc.

The stay is not suitable for high street shoppers, as there are no retail outlets. Phone/internet reception is poor from some providers, but it is suited to those who like the scenery and quiet, as it is located at the end of the Guthega Road and there is no through traffic.

Map: Mount Kosciusko 1:50,000. Transport around $160 per car, plus park entrance fees. Accommodation $32 per person per night, with some early bookers having their own room. Contact leader ASAP to book.

Wed 27 Feb – EASY/MEDIUM WEDNESDAY WALK (CBC) – Walks graded at the upper level of ‘Easy’ or the lower level of ‘Medium’. Coordinator: John D (62543814)

Wed 27 Feb – MEDIUM/HARD WEDNESDAY WALK (NPA) – Medium to Hard graded walks. Coordinator: Mike S (62862984)

Thu 28 Feb – Mon 4 Mar – PERISHER VALLEY – Easy Leader: Judy L ( [email protected]) or 62515882 or 0400 786324 before 1 Jan or after 21 Jan). Five days staying at the Canberra Alpine Club Lodge. Depending on numbers the cost will be between $130 and $150 per person or $99 for members of CAC. The trip will be geared to Easy Walkers. Walks from around 3 to10 km with optional walks to Mt Kosciuszko on one day, medium 9 or 11. Shared dinners on a roster basis. The temperature is about 10 degrees cooler than in Canberra. Some limit on numbers, so places will be on a first come, first served basis. Couples have own room, singles share (mostly two to a room) same sex. Cars: $60 per person plus share of park entry (free if a pensioner is in the car), plus small contributions to the start of some walks.

Thu 28 Feb – Deadline for MT GUDGENBY walk on Sat 2 Mar Contact leader: Philip G (0401 415446 or [email protected]).

Please read ‘Information for Members’ on pages 2-8

15 Walks and Social Program

Sat 2 Mar — MOLONGLO GORGE MORNING WALK – 7 km Easy (6) Leader: Jllian B (62863766). From the picnic area in the Molonglo Nature Reserve near Queanbeyan we walk up the track with views into the gorge and explore the river area at the Blue Tile Picnic Area. Some easy scrambling. Climb: 150 m. Cars: 10km ($1). Maps: Canberra, Bungendore. Meet at Q.

Sat 2 Mar – MT GUDGENBY – 16 km Hard (12) Leader: Philip G (0401 415446 or [email protected]). From the Yankee Hat car park climb to the saddle south- east of Mount Gudgenby, then on and upwards, crossing rock slabs, to the summit. The return route will be via the mountain’s south-east face. Mostly off-track, patches of thick scrub and rock scrambling. Early start needed. For experienced walkers only. Climb: 800 m. Cars: 100 km ($12). Contact leader by Thursday 28 Feb, preferably by email, for start time and transport arrangements.

Sun 3 Mar – TBA – Medium Leader: Peter W (62885985). A medium walk appropriate for the weather will be notified by email.

Mon 4 Mar – Wed 6 Mar – BIG HOLE CAR CAMP – Medium Leader: Prue D ([email protected]) Day 1. A short walk in the Captains Flat area (probably Harrisons Peak via the Beverley Hills Fire Trail) then drive to the Berlang camping crea (at Big Hole) to set up camp for 2 nights. Day 2. Walk to Big Hole and Marble Arch. Day 3. Drive to the corner of Lowden Road and Coxes Creek Roads. Walks in the Lowden/Serenity Rocks area. Maps: Captains Flat, Kain, Bendoura, Bombay. Please contact the leader by 18 Feb if interested.

Wed 6 Mar – SHORT WEDNESDAY WALK – Easy Contact: Robyn K (62880449) or Colleen F (62883153) or email [email protected]

Wed 6 Mar – EASY/MEDIUM WEDNESDAY WALK (BBC) – Walks graded at the upper level of ‘Easy’ or the lower level of ‘Medium’. Leader: David W (62861573)

Wed 6 Mar – MEDIUM/HARD WEDNESDAY WALK (BBC) – Medium to Hard graded walks. Leader: Prue D (62861573)

Sat 9 Mar – CANBERRA CENTENARY TRAIL – MOUNT AINSLIE CIRCUIT – 10 km Easy (6) Leader: Katarina H (62822601 or 0409 329139). Starting in the Remembrance Nature Park behind the War Memorial, we’ll ascend the trail to the Mount Ainslie lookout, where we can enjoy expansive views of the capital and the lake. We’ll then descend through mostly open woodland on a good track. We will make a slight detour to check out ‘the upside-down’ tree before returning to the starting point along a trail along a lower contour line. Climb: 310 m. Map: Canberra street map or pages 34-39 of Walking & Cycling Canberra’s Centenary Trail. Meet at the trail sign behind the War Memorial at 9.00am***

Sun 10 Mar – THE PINNACLE AND KAMA RESERVES – 13km Medium (8) Leader: Robyn G (0409 891187). The walk starts and ends at the water tanks on Springvale Drive. We do a loop around the north- western end of the Pinnacle Reserve, back over the Pinnacle Hill and into the bit of the Pinnacle excised from the Kama property. This gives us access to the underpass at William Hovell Drive allowing us to cross into Kama Reserve and do the River Walk loop there. We reverse the crossing via the underpass and Kama property to end the day with a climb back to the cars along a track at the eastern end of the Pinnacle Reserve. We have to climb a solid gate (twice) to access the underpass. Total climb: 100 m. Meet at the parking area at the intersection of Springvale Drive and De Salis Street Hawker at 9 am.***

Wed 13 Mar – EASY/MEDIUM WEDNESDAY WALK (CBC) – Walks graded at the upper level of ‘Easy’ or the lower level of ‘Medium’. Coordinator: John D (62543814)

Please read ‘Information for Members’ on pages 2-8

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Wed 13 Mar – MEDIUM/HARD WEDNESDAY WALK (CBC) – Medium to Hard graded walks. Coordinator: John D (62543814)

Fri 15 Mar – Deadline for SOME PLEASANT WALKS IN THE RIVERINA from Tue 11 Jun – Thu 13 Jun. Contact the Leader: David W (62861573) [email protected]

Fri 15 Mar- Sun 17 Mar – BOURNDA NATIONAL PARK CAR CAMP – Easy/Medium Leaders: Lyn and Trevor W (62815883 or email [email protected]). We camp at Hobart Beach campground by the sandy shores of Wallagoot Lake, close to surf beaches and Bournda Lagoon. Arriving in time for lunch on Friday, we have the option of an afternoon walk, then on the Saturday we will do a longer walk along the coastline. There will be opportunities for swimming or simply relaxing in the beautiful surrounds. Camping fees are $12 per person per day. Park entry fees are $8 per vehicle per day, unless you have an annual parks pass. Cars: 240 km. Contact Lyn and Trevor ASAP (deadline 20 Feb), as numbers are limited.

Sat 16 Mar BILLY BILLY ROCKS FROM THE EAST – 7 km Medium (9) – Leader: Peter D (0414 363255). We park alongside Corin Dam Road near Billy Billy Creek, and head off along a disused road for a while before starting up the spur on the scrub-free route. The climb is not too steep and there is a good morning tea spot after about an hour. Then it is on to the massive Billy Billy Rocks. We will go around to the back, or northern side, and work our way to the top for magnificent views (weather permitting) and lunch. We’ll continue the circumnavigation and return to the cars via the route we came up on. Total climb: 450 m. Cars: 70 km ($8). Map: Corin Dam. Meet at K at 8.30 am.***

Sun 17 Mar – DUNTROON DAIRY & MOUNT PLEASANT – 8 km Easy (5) Leader: Peter B (0413378684). A morning walk through RMC Duntroon, with time to look at the dairy. Up to Mount Pleasant for views and morning tea, then through Campbell bushland and suburb to the lakeshore near Blundells Cottage and back to cars. Participants could bring lunch for the end of the walk. Climb: 120 m. Map: Canberra. Meet at car park near Carillon at 9.00 am.***

Wed 20 Mar – SHORT WEDNESDAY WALK – Easy Contact: Robyn K (62880449) or Colleen F (62883153) or email [email protected]

Wed 20 Mar – EASY/MEDIUM WEDNESDAY WALK (BBC) – Walks graded at the upper level of ‘Easy’ or the lower level of ‘Medium’. Leader: Peter F (0437110001)

Wed 20 Mar – MEDIUM/HARD WEDNESDAY WALK (BBC) – Medium to Hard graded walks. Leader: David W (62861573)

Sat 23 Mar –TBA – Medium Leader: Peter W (62885985). A walk appropriate to the weather will be notified by email.

Wed 27 Mar – EASY/MEDIUM WEDNESDAY WALK (CBC) – Walks graded at the upper level of ‘Easy’ or the lower level of ‘Medium’. Coordinator: John D (62543814)

Wed 27 Mar – MEDIUM/HARD WEDNESDAY WALK (NPA) – Medium to Hard graded walks. Coordinator: Mike S (62862984)

Please read ‘Information for Members’ on pages 2-8

17 Walks and Social Program

Sat 30 Mar – COTTER GAP – 17 km Medium (9) Leader: Bill G (0419 240468). Walk from the Orroral Tracking Station car park along the Cotter Hut Road and Australian Alps Walking Track to Cotter Gap. Lunch at Cotter Gap, with views of Split Rock. Return via the same route, except we'll walk the last bit along the grass in Orroral Valley. Climb: 400 m. Cars: 110 km ($13). Maps: Rendezvous Creek, Corin Dam. Meet at K.

Sun 31 Mar –MULLIGANS FLAT TO FEDERAL HIGHWAY AT KENNY – CENTENARY TRAIL – 11 km Easy (6) Leader: John C (62627504). The walk starts from Mulligans Flat Nature Reserve at the end of the houses in Bonner. We follow the Centenary Trail through Mulligans Flat Nature Reserve and then down Goorooyarroo NR to exit at Horse Park Drive, which we cross. A short track brings us back to the cars. There will be a car shuffle. Climb: 200 m. Cars: 30 km ($4). Map: Canberra Centenary Trail. Meet at NL.

Wed 3 Apr – SHORT WEDNESDAY WALK – Easy Contact: Robyn K (62880449) or Colleen F (62883153) or email [email protected]

Wed 3 Apr – EASY/MEDIUM WEDNESDAY WALK (BBC) – Walks graded at the upper level of ‘Easy’ or the lower level of ‘Medium’. Leader: Leigh H (62311485 or 0417147260)

Wed 3 Apr – MEDIUM/HARD WEDNESDAY WALK (BBC) – Medium to Hard graded walks. Leader: Prue D (62861573)

Sat 6 Apr – MT GINGERA FROM MT GININI – 15 km Medium (8) Leader: Prue D (62861573). We walk from the Mt Ginini car park along the fire trail to the foot of Mt Gingera and then up the track to the summit for lunch with wonderful views. Return the same way. All on fire trail and track. Climb: 400 m. Cars: 140 km ($17). Map: Corin Dam. Meet at K.

Wed 10 Apr – EASY/MEDIUM WEDNESDAY WALK (CBC) – Walks graded at the upper level of ‘Easy’ or the lower level of ‘Medium’. Coordinator: John D (62543814)

Wed 10 Apr – MEDIUM/HARD WEDNESDAY WALK (CBC) – Medium to Hard graded walks. Coordinator: John D (62543814)

Sat 13 Apr – OCTOGENARIAN CELEBRATION – SHORT WALK AND BIRTHDAY LUNCH AT URIARRA – 4 km Easy (3) Leaders: Annabel A (62820252) and Margitta A (62814467). It's now three years since our inaugural Octogenarian Celebration and our ranks are growing. Quite a number of our members are over 80 or will soon reach it. All members of BBC are invited to join our esteemed octogenarians on a short walk around Uriarra (the Uriarra Loop Walk) followed by a celebration lunch in the Uriarra East picnic area. Bring lunch, camp chairs and tables and own glasses. Champagne, juice and cake will be provided. Meet at the Uriarra East picnic area at 10.00 am. To get there, turn left off Uriarra Road at the sign to Uriarra East picnic area, about 1 km before Uriarra Crossing. ***

Sun 14 Apr – SOUTH CANBERRA PEAKS AND RIDGES – 15 km Medium (8) Leader: Lyn W (62815883). A loop walk on the southside taking in Oakey Hill, Mt Taylor, Mt Arawang, Cooleman Ridge, and Narrabundah Hill. Pleasant walking mainly on tracks through suburban bushland with great views over Canberra and the Brindabellas. Short car shuffle. Climb: 450 m. Cars: Nil. Map: Canberra. Meet at W.

Please read ‘Information for Members’ on pages 2-8

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Wed 17 Apr – SHORT WEDNESDAY WALK – Easy Contact: Robyn K (62880449) or Colleen F (62883153) or email [email protected]

Wed 17 Apr – EASY/MEDIUM WEDNESDAY WALK (BBC) – Walks graded at the upper level of ‘Easy’ or the lower level of ‘Medium’. Leader: Eric P (62862128)

Wed 17 Apr – MEDIUM/HARD WEDNESDAY WALK (BBC) – Medium to Hard graded walks. Leader: Peter W (62885985)

Sat 20 Apr – Deadline for MOUNT KOSCIUSZKO CIRCUIT PACK WALK on Sat 27 Apr. Contact Diana K (0421 851212)

Sat 20 Apr – BRANDY FLAT HUT AND COFFEE AT LANYON HOMESTEAD – 11 km Easy (7) Leader: Jillian B (62863766). From Glendale Crossing we follow the fire trail to the hut at picturesque Brandy Flat where we will have lunch. Return by the same route. Possibility of seeing many kangaroos and small birds, such as wrens and flame robins. Climb: 300 m. Cars: 85 km ($10). Map: Michelago. Meet at K.

Sun 21 Apr – TBA – Medium Leader: Peter W (62885985). A walk appropriate to the weather will be notified by email.

Wed 24 Apr – EASY/MEDIUM WEDNESDAY WALK (CBC) – Walks graded at the upper level of ‘Easy’ or the lower level of ‘Medium’. Coordinator: John D (62543814)

Wed 24 Apr – MEDIUM/HARD WEDNESDAY WALK (NPA) – Medium to Hard graded walks. Coordinator: Mike S (62862984)

Fri 26 Apr – Deadline for POTLUCK DINNER. Contact Elaine A (62883557 or 0410154133) to book a place and discuss a contribution

Sat 27 Apr – BULLEN RANGE NORTH – 9 km Easy (7) Leader: Ken H (0417 247065). The walk will begin at Murrays Corner with a steep climb to Bullen Trig. It then follows Bullen Range ridge and finishes at the Cotter. A car shuffle is required. The walk is mainly on fire trails, steep in places, and offers good views of the Murrumbidgee valley as it approaches the Cotter. Climb: 440 m. Cars: 44 km ($5). Map: Cotter Dam. Meet at W.

Sat 27 Apr – Sun 28 APR – MOUNT KOSCIUSZKO CIRCUIT PACK WALK – 25 km Medium (11) Leader: Diana K (0421851212). From Charlotte Pass we follow the old road to the top of Kosciuszko, with lunch at the Snowy River. From the top of Kosciuszko, we head to Muellers Pass and then to Wilkinsons Creek to find a campsite. Distance first day 13 km, climb 400 m. On the second day, we head along the Main Range to Carruthers Peak and Blue Lake (optional walk to the lake), and finally back to Charlotte Pass. Distance second day 10 km, climb 300 m (12 km, 400m with Blue Lake). Lovely walk, all on track, high peaks with lots of views. Could be cold overnight. Cars: 420 km ($42) plus park entry fee. Map: Perisher Valley. Ring to book and arrange meeting place by 20 Apr.

Sun 28 Apr – NURSERY SWAMP TO RENDEZVOUS CREEK – 14 km Medium (8) Leader: Leigh H (62311485, 0417 147260). From the car park, we steadily climb the Nursery Swamp track for about 2.5 km, before heading off to a less well-defined footpad that after crossing Nursery Creek takes us to a saddle before dropping down to Rendezvous Creek. We then follow the track downstream (south-east) for a couple of kilometres to a suitable lunch spot. Return by the same route. Some fallen logs and overhanging branches on the track. Climb: 400 m. Cars: 100 km ($12). Map: Rendezvous Creek. Meet at K. Please read ‘Information for Members’ on pages 2-8

19 Walks and Social Program

Tue 30 Apr – WALKS PROGRAM MEETING at 2.00 pm Please RSVP on 62412658 or [email protected] if you wish to attend to discuss the Jul-Dec program.

Wed 1 May – SHORT WEDNESDAY WALK – Easy Contact: Robyn K (62880449) or Colleen F (62883153) or email [email protected]

Wed 1 May – EASY/MEDIUM WEDNESDAY WALK (BBC) – Walks graded at the upper level of ‘Easy’ or the lower level of ‘Medium’. Leader: John E (62412658)

Wed 1 May – MEDIUM/HARD WEDNESDAY WALK (BBC) – Medium to Hard graded walks. Leader: Peter W (62885985)

Fri 3 May – POTLUCK DINNER Coordinator: Elaine A (62883557 or 0410154133). All members are welcome to share a great meal of food contributed by participants and enjoy a social time together. There will be entertainment or a guest speaker – details TBA. To enable all interested people to come we will again use the venue at St Margaret's Uniting Church Hall at Hackett on the corner of Antill Street and Phillip Avenue. The grounds are shared with Holy Cross Anglican Church and the entrance to parking is on Antill Street. Meet at 6.30pm for pre-dinner drinks and nibbles followed by dinner at 7.00pm. Please phone Elaine by Fri 26 Apr to book a place and discuss a contribution.

Sat 4 May - BORDER TRACK – CENTENARY TRAIL LOOP – 17 km Medium (9) Leader: Robyn G (0409 891187). We'll walk from the car park on Mulligans Flat Road at the edge of Forde to the start of the Border Track just along Mulligans Flat Road and follow it to where Mulligans Flat Reserve borders Goorooyarroo Reserve. We'll keep following the northern edge of Goorooyarroo to the top of Old Joe Hill. Our return route is via the Centenary Trail, including a section through the corner of Mulligans Flat Sanctuary. The walk is all on tracks or across open grassland, with good views of Canberra on one side and NSW on the other. Climb: 600 m, but this is because of undulations rather than steep climbs. Map: Canberra Centenary Trail. Meet at the car park on Mulligans Flat Road at the outer edge of Forde, at 9 am.***

Sun 5 May – MULLIGANS FLAT CIRCUIT – Easy (7) Leader: Ken H (0417 247065). We first meander through gently undulating open woodland and grassy glades, hopefully catching glimpses of the rich birdlife in the reserve. We then turn off to follow a track along the border of the Woodland Sanctuary which provides an excellent overview of Mulligans Flat from the higher vantage points. At the north-west corner we cross over to rejoin the Centenary Trail on the North Mulligans Circuit. This track closely follows the ridgeline of the ACT-NSW border and provides sweeping views in both directions. All on track. Climb: 270 m. Map: Canberra Centenary Trail. Meet at the Mulligans Flat Woodland Sanctuary - Red Gum Gate car park, off Amy Ackman Street, Forde at 9.00am***

Mon 6 May – Mon 13 May – BRIGHT, VICTORIA – Medium Leader: Peter W ([email protected] or 62885985). Bright is a good base for medium day walks in the lowland, and in the highlands near Hotham and Mt Buffalo. The group will be based in 2-bedroom chalets (for 4 people) costing less than $186 per night for 4 people, at Bright Riverside Holiday Park for seven nights. The group will be limited to 16 walkers with priority given to regular walkers at Medium grade. Contact the leader as soon as possible if you are interested.

Wed 8 May – EASY/MEDIUM WEDNESDAY WALK (CBC) – Walks graded at the upper level of ‘Easy’ or the lower level of ‘Medium’. Coordinator: John D (62543814)

Please read ‘Information for Members’ on pages 2-8

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Wed 8 May – MEDIUM/HARD WEDNESDAY WALK (CBC) – Medium to Hard graded walks. Coordinator: John D (62543814)

Sat 11 May – BIG HOLE AND MARBLE ARCH – 11 km Easy (7) Leader: Doug F (62815810). After fording the upper Shoalhaven River (generally 0.3 m deep), an easy walk of about 2 km leads to the spectacular Big Hole - 120 m deep. A further 3 km along tracks and fire trails takes us to the Marble Arch site (optional). Explore some caves and gorges (slippery). Bring a torch. Total climb: 240 m. Cars: 200 km ($24). Map: Kain. Meet at Q.

Sun 12 May – MT ROB ROY AND ROSE TRIG – 15 km – Medium (9) Leader: Bill G (0419 240468) We start from Orange Thorn Crescent Banks, taking a very steep climb up Banks Steep Track, then Rob Roy Link Track and Eco Track to the Rob Roy summit (1094 m) for morning tea. We continue south taking a short cut across to North Telegraph track, then Snowgum Track to Rose Trig for lunch. We then retrace our steps to North Telegraph Track before taking a loop westward around the hill, and then return to the cars. Mainly fire trails. Climb: 630 m. Cars: $2 Map: Tuggeranong. Meet at K.

Wed 15 May – SHORT WEDNESDAY WALK – Easy Contact: Robyn K (62880449) or Colleen (62883153) or email [email protected]

Wed 15 May – EASY/MEDIUM WEDNESDAY WALK (BBC) – Walks graded at the upper level of ‘Easy’ or the lower level of ‘Medium’. Leader: Eric P (62862128)

Wed 15 May – MEDIUM/HARD WEDNESDAY WALK (BBC) – Medium to Hard graded walks. Leader: Peter D (0414363255)

Sat 18 May – SQUARE ROCK FROM SMOKERS GAP – 9 km Easy (6) Leader: Diana K (62511230). An easy walk on track to Square Rock via the Orroral Valley lookout. Good views from both the lookout and Square Rock. Lunch at Square Rock. The climb is a gradual 270 m. Cars: 70 km ($8). Map: Corin Dam. Meet at K at 9.30 am.***

Sun 19 May– SHERWOOD HOMESTEAD AUTUMN COLOURS – 16 km Medium (8) Leader: Leigh H (62311485, 0417 147260). We leave cars on Mountain Creek Road and walk to Sherwood Homestead site for morning tea and Blue Range Hut for lunch. The return is via Spot Height 755 and Mt Dowling. The walk mostly follows forestry roads with possible short sections on rougher tracks, avoiding blackberries. Highlights are (hopefully) autumn colours at the Homestead site, internment camp history at Blue Range Hut, and views from the two hills. Climb: 400m. Cars: 50 km ($6). Map: Cotter Dam. Meet at W.

Wed 22 May – EASY/MEDIUM WEDNESDAY WALK (CBC) – Walks graded at the upper level of ‘Easy’ or the lower level of ‘Medium’. Coordinator: John D(62543814)

Wed 22 May – MEDIUM/HARD WEDNESDAY WALK (NPA) – Medium to Hard graded walks. Coordinator: Mike S (62862984)

Sat 25 May - BOOROOMBA ROCKS AND GORILLA ROCK – 11 km Medium (10) Leader: Peter D (0414 363255). Commences from the Honeysuckle Creek camp ground along the Australian Alps Walking Track (AAWT), to Booroomba Rocks car park for morning tea. We then go up the short, but steep, track to the lookout and across to the large south-western Booroomba slab for lunch. After lunch we head westerly through scrub for about 2 km to Gorilla Rock. This is slow going, but ‘interesting’. It is then around 1 km south to the AAWT, through fairly light bush, before heading back to Honeysuckle campground. Long pants, gaiters and gloves are recommended. Climb: 300 m. Cars: 70 km ($8). Map: Corin Dam. Meet at K at 8.30 am.***

Please read ‘Information for Members’ on pages 2-8

21 Walks and Social Program

Sun 26 May - MOLONGLO RIVER RESERVE – 12 km Easy (7) Leader: Elaine A (62883557 or 0410 154 133). An interesting, undulating and scenic walk from car park along the river to Butters Bridge, through pine forest and head towards Blewitts Hill and surrounds. Beautiful views. Easy off-track for about 1 km on downhill gravel path (poles useful). Continue through meadow and pine forest on a different route back to starting point. Climb: 300 m. Maps: Canberra, Cotter, Umburra. Meet at Coppins Crossing car park on the Denman Prospect side (southside) at 9.00 am.***

Wed 29 May – SHORT WEDNESDAY WALK – Easy Contact: Robyn K (62880449) or Colleen F (62883153) or email [email protected]

Wed 29 May – EASY/MEDIUM WEDNESDAY WALK (CBC) – Walks graded at the upper level of ‘Easy’ or the lower level of ‘Medium’. Coordinator: John D (62543814)

Wed 29 May – MEDIUM/HARD WEDNESDAY WALK (NPA) – Medium to Hard graded walks. Coordinator: Mike S (62862984)

Sat 1 Jun – NURSERY SWAMP – 9 km Easy (6) Leader: Doug F (62815810). Walk commences from the Nursery Swamp carpark, Orroral Road. We walk along a track through dry and wet forest, see massive granite boulders and a large fen (sedge swamp). First 2 km are steep. Return via the same route. Total climb: 200 m. Cars: 95 km ($10). Maps: Rendezvous Creek. Meet at K.

Sun 2 Jun – HONEYSUCKLE CREEK to LEGOLAND – 14 km Medium (8) Leader: Robyn Gr (0409 891187). Leaving the cars at Honeysuckle Creek campground, we'll walk up Orroral Ridge Road to the Collimation Tower site, (4 km uphill, the only real climb) then along the top of the Ridge to some fantastic boulders and a cave. Return the same way with a downhill finish. Climb: 250 m. Cars: 70 km ($8). Map: Corin Dam. Meet at K.

Wed 5 Jun – SHORT WEDNESDAY WALK – Easy Contact: Robyn K (62880449) or Colleen F (62883153) or email [email protected]

Wed 5 Jun – EASY/MEDIUM WEDNESDAY WALK (BBC) – Walks graded at the upper level of ‘Easy’ or the lower level of ‘Medium’. Leader: Robin C (0417238652)

Wed 5 Jun – MEDIUM/HARD WEDNESDAY WALK (BBC) – Medium to Hard graded walks. Leader: John E (62412658)

Thu 6 Jun – Deadline for MOUNT PAINTER – ARBORETUM AND AFTERNOON TEA on Sat 8 Jun. Contact: Diana K (0421851212)

Sat 8 Jun – MT PAINTER – ARBORETUM AND AFTERNOON TEA – 11 km Easy (7) Leader: Diana K (0421851212). Starting in Mackellar Crescent, Cook we walk to the top of Mt Painter and then down to the Aranda Frost Hollow. From there we walk through the Cork Plantation to the Arboretum where we have lunch at the Himalayan Cedars. A short walk to the ‘Wide Brown Land’ sculpture before returning to Cook for afternoon tea. All on track. Total climb: 200 m. Map: Canberra. Numbers limited. Please contact leader by 6 Jun. Meet at Mackellar Crescent, Cook at 10.00 am.***

Please read ‘Information for Members’ on pages 2-8

Walks and Social Program 22

Sun 9 JUN – CATHEDRAL ROCKS – 11 km Medium (9) Leader: Prue D (62861573, 0487 388 959). Starting from Orroral Campground we climb up a very steep fire trail roughly north for about 2.5 km, and then off-track to peak 1316. We descend to Cathedral Rocks, a major rocky outcrop overlooking the Orroral Tracking Station site. After lunch and time to explore we descend roughly north- west and return to the cars following the river on grassland until we join the Heritage Walking Trail back to the campground. Some difficult scrub and rocky sections - gloves, gaiters/long pants and eye protection recommended. Climb: 450 m. Cars: 80km ($10) Map: Rendezvous Creek. Meet at K.

Tue 11 Jun – Thu 13 Jun – SOME PLEASANT WALKS IN THE RIVERINA Leader: David W (62861573) or ([email protected]). There are a number of short but pleasant walks in the Riverina so we’ll join them together for a few days away. Depart Canberra on Tuesday morning and meet at the Junee Licorice Factory for lunch. We’ll then drive to Narrandera where we’ll walk along the Murrumbidgee Walking Track (7 km easy). Night in Narrandera. On the Wednesday morning we’ll drive to Lockhart for morning tea, followed by a climb up Galore Hill for lunch and an afternoon’s walk. We’ll then drive to The Rock where we’ll stay for the night before a morning start to its two walking tracks for great views out over the plains. Please contact the leader for further information and expressions of interest before 15 Mar (Yes – Mar).

Wed 12 Jun – EASY/MEDIUM WEDNESDAY WALK (CBC) – Walks graded at the upper level of ‘Easy’ or the lower level of ‘Medium’. Coordinator: John D(62543814)

Wed 12 Jun – MEDIUM/HARD WEDNESDAY WALK (CBC) – Medium to Hard graded walks. Coordinator: John D (62543814)

Sat 15 Jun – BILLY RANGE CIRCUIT – 11 km Hard (12) Leader: Peter D (0414 363255). We start at the Glendale Depot car park and follow the Brandy Flat Hut track for about 2.5 km before turning north up the disused Reedy Creek track. After another 2.5 km (approx. GR 833503) we head east uphill onto Billy Range. This climb is the steepest of the walk. There are some interesting rocky outcrops up here and great views. We soon descend to the track, then head north and north- west as we wind our way back and go through a saddle up a spur to a lookout over Half Moon valley. It is then a 300 m descent down a creek line to the cars. Long pants, gaiters and gloves are recommended. Climb: 700 m. Cars: 85 km ($10). Map: Michelago. Meet at K at 8.30 am.***

Sun 16 Jun – TBA – Medium Leader: Mike M (0475 279239). A description of this walk will be provided by email closer to the date.

Wed 19 Jun – SHORT WEDNESDAY WALK – Easy Contact: Robyn K (62880449) or Colleen F (62883153) or email [email protected]

Wed 19 Jun – EASY/MEDIUM WEDNESDAY WALK (BBC) – Walks graded at the upper level of ‘Easy’ or the lower level of ‘Medium’. Leader: Kathy H (62383596)

Wed 19 Jun – MEDIUM/HARD WEDNESDAY WALK (BBC) – Medium to Hard graded walks. Leader: Peter D (0414363255)

Sat 22 Jun – GIBRALTAR ROCKS AND PYRAMID – 9 km Easy (7) Leader: Doug F (Ph 62815810) From the Dalsetta car park in Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve we climb 330 m on a track and fire trail to Gibraltar Peak for morning tea, after which we walk on fire trails to Devils Gap. Then there is an optional 175 m climb through the bush to the Pyramid. We return on the Devils Gap Fire Trail to the road. Short car shuffle. Cars :60 km ($8). Map: Tidbinbilla. Meet at W.

Please read ‘Information for Members’ on pages 2-8

23 Walks and Social Program

Wed 26 Jun – EASY/MEDIUM WEDNESDAY WALK (CBC) – Walks graded at the upper level of ‘Easy’ or the lower level of ‘Medium’. Coordinator: John D (62543814)

Wed 26 Jun – MEDIUM/HARD WEDNESDAY WALK (NPA) – Medium to Hard graded walks. Coordinator: Mike S (62862984)

Sat 29 Jun – PRYORS HUT FROM CORIN DAM – 16 km Medium (10) Leader: Peter D (0414 363255). From Corin Dam we climb the track to Stockyard Spur and then along the ridge to join the Mount Franklin Road beneath Little Ginini Mountain. We follow the road south to Pryors Hut for lunch. Return via the same route. None of the walk is off-track. Walking poles might be helpful for the descent. Climb: 880 m. Cars: 90 km ($11). Map: Corin Dam. Meet at K at 8.30 am.***

Sun 30 Jun – MT MAJURA AND MT AINSLIE – 13 km Easy (7) Leader: Ken H (0412 47065). From Mt Majura car park we climb Mt Majura and then walk to Mt Ainslie, mainly along the ridge. We follow a trail down the west side of Mt Ainslie, pose under the “Arch-de-Tree- Umph”, and return along the fringe of Hackett to the cars. Climb: 480 m. Cars: Nil. Maps: Hall, Canberra. Meet at Mt Majura car park in Antill St, Hackett on the right-hand side just beyond the houses at 9.00am.***

Advance Notices

Jul – WALKING IN THE TATRA MOUNTAINS – Easy and Medium Leader: John C (62627504 or [email protected]). We will be walking in the Tatra mountains which separate southern Poland from northern Slovakia. Seven days at Zakopane in Poland and 7 days around Stary Smokovec in Slovakia. It is only a short bus ride from Zakapane to Stary Smokovic. There are all grades of walks including suicidal, but the latter need local guides and are not on our agenda. In Poland there is a good bus service to get us to and from walks, and also some lifts to get to higher walks. There are also horse drawn buggies to hire on some boring sections. In the Slovakia area there are trains, buses and lifts for transport. Also, a number of walks which don't require lifts. This trip is now fully booked.

Please read ‘Information for Members’ on pages 2-8

Walks and Social Program 24

Please read ‘Information for Members’ on pages 2-8